9 minute read

MCT Cuts Kentucky School Costs

Sustainable, maintenance-free flooring dramatically reduces costs and upkeep for two green Kentucky schools.


Above left. Turkey Foot Middle School uses Marmoleum flooring for a sustainable, maintenance-free environment.

Above right. In addition to covering classroom floors, such as in this science lab, Forbo Marmoleum was also used as wainscoting to protect walls in stairwells, hallways, and gymnasiums. C aywood Elementary School and Turkey Foot Middle School are the newest educational facilities in the Kenton County (KY) School District and are rated nationwide in terms of environmental sustainability. This accomplishment is topped by an even more impressive distinction: both were built for the same price as an average school building in the state. The schools are unique from top to bottom, from a solar roof on one to Hazleton, PA-based Forbo Flooring Systems environmentally friendly Marmoleum floors in the hallways. The schools’ sustainable innovation extends deep beneath the earth with geothermal wells to supply heating and cooling.

BRIGHT AND MAINTENANCE FREE Bright-colored Marmoleum floor coverings enhance the natural light that floods classroom spaces, helping to minimize lighting costs. The floors also lighten the workload of the district’s maintenance staff, which once spent countless hours on floor maintenance. “When I started at Kenton County, we were slaves to the floors,” said Rob Haney, the district’s executive director of support operations. “Our staff was stripping and reapplying seven coats of wax, year in and year out. We were getting practically nothing else done all summer. We even ended up working on the floors during the winter break.” Unlike the vinyl composition tile (VCT) floors that typically occupied Kenton County hallways, the new schools’ Marmoleum flooring was ready for high-traffic use the day after it was installed.

VCT floors were also taxing tight operating budgets with the cost of strippers and floor finishes, which are not necessary with Marmoleum. “We were bringing in stripping agents and floor finish by the semi-truck load. It was a tremendous cost in material as well as labor,” Haney said, adding that the burden was multiplied by the difficulty connected with the safe disposal of spent floorcare chemicals.

The extensive use of the Marmoleum sheet and MCT composition tile was prompted by the designers at PCA Architecture, Covington, KY, who routinely recommend MCT over VCT in their education projects. PCA designed both of the high-performance schools. “In education, striving for the healthiest possible environment is a given,” said Andrew Piaskowy, AIA, PCA Architecture. In addition to Marmoleum’s status as a 100% biobased, completely recyclable material, the firm preferred it for its natural antimicrobial properties. “It’s ideal for use in a setting where the spread of colds, flu, and other infections needs to be kept to a minimum,” Piaskowy added.

BUILDING SOLUTIONS The flooring was one of many innovative building solutions that made Caywood and Turkey Foot exceptional in cost containment and environmental stewardship. Both schools are equipped with geothermal heat pumps. The roof at Turkey Foot

Ten Reasons To Choose MCT Over VCT

Marmoleum composition tile outperforms vinyl composition tile in some notable ways:

1. Cost savings: MCT costs less to own. The advantages continue for decades through signifi cantly lower maintenance costs.

2. Reduced maintenance: MCT is ready for occupancy immediately after installation and eliminates stripping and application of fl oor fi nishes.

3. Anti-static: MCT is naturally resistant to static buildup so dust and dirt won’t linger.

4. Antimicrobial: MCT naturally resists bacterial growth.

5. Repairable: Scratches, stains, gouges, and cuts are removable and repairable in house.

6. No shrinkage: MCT has excellent size stability over decades of use.

7. Quiet: MCT is quieter underfoot than VCT, causing less hallway noise and minimizing the disruption of foot traffi c through public spaces.

8. 100% biobased and recyclable: Created from linseed oil, pine rosin, wood fl our, and other natural ingredients, MCT is naturally biodegradable and safe for landfi lls.

9. Resists indentation: MCT is said to be ten times more indentation resistant than VCT.

10. Healthier for occupants: MCT is free of environmental toxins.

contains solar panels that generate electrical energy for cooling, lighting, and building systems. Walls are equipped with banks of clerestory windows that illuminate the interior without the need for electric lights. The walls at Turkey Foot were crafted of insulated concrete formwork instead of traditional brick, which lowered material costs. Interior walls feature extensive use of ground face block, providing a handsome appearance without the need for painting.

Marmoleum was also used to create wainscots that protect walls in stairwells, hallways, and gymnasiums from marks or stains that might be difficult to remove from painted walls or brick. “It looks as good today as the day when we opened the school, and it will always look good,” Haney said. “It’s an application that we’ll definitely use again.”

The innovations in Kenton County were successful in delivering the outcome that is every school district’s bottom line: the satisfaction of the students, teachers, and parents who use the schools. “I’m an accountant, which means I’m a numbers guy,” added Haney. “I’m excited about all the ways this process has paid off for our district, for the parents, and the kids as well as for the staff and the community.” CBP


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Download a brochure on MCT Marmoleum composition tile.

Download environmental information on the tile.

Download the latest issue of Forbo’s Sustain magazine that deals with healthcare environments.

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Sustainability-initiative carpet

Net Effect modular carpet:

• Addresses global ocean concerns • Recycles nylon fi shing nets into carpet fi ber • Design reminiscent of swirling currents

Net Eff ect modular carpet collection is inspired by the ocean’s power and its plight—marine life and habitats endangered by humans and climate change.  e carpet is a result of Net-Works, a global business and conservation association between the company and the Zoological Society of London.  e eff ort addresses the growing problem of discarded fi shing nets and the problem of fi nding a legitimate waste stream for the company’s post-consumer nylon recycling goals. Working with Aquafi l, an Interface supplier that has refi ned technology to recycle nylon waste into new nylon carpet fi ber, the eff ort is advancing the company’s goal of closed-loop manufacturing.  e Net Eff ect collection provides a visual reminder of the sea with a design reminiscent of swirling currents.  e three 50-cm square tiles evoke the sea with a texture that references the moment when waves wash over land.  e tiles, neutral ground, transition, and textural, can combine to create continuous transitions, borders, and inset area rugs.  ree 25-cm x 1-m skinny-plank styles capture the fl uidity of water and pair with the square tiles.

Interface Inc., LaGrange, GA Circle 50

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Kanafl ex Corp., Vernon Hills, IL Circle 51

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Protect-All Flooring, Oscoda, MI Circle 52

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Milliken, Spartanburg, SC Circle 53

Floor warming Ditra-Heat electric fl oor-warming system uses uncoupling technology to provide heated fl oors that are reportedly not susceptible to cracking. Heating cables are snapped into place on top of an uncoupling mat with no clips or fasteners. Held within the mat, there is no need to use self-leveling compounds to encapsulate the cables. Matting is available in rolls and sheets with heating cables available for 120 and 240 V. A digital thermostat controls fl oor temperature.

Schluter-Systems, Plattsburgh, NY Circle 54

Reclaimed-wood tabletops Reclaimed-wood tabletops in Jakarta Market Blend (indoor and outdoor versions), Douglas-fir beam, gym bleacher, and white oak are available. Available in standard desk, restaurant sizes, and rounds, custom sizes also are available. Tabletops can contribute to LEED credits.

Viridian Reclaimed Wood, Portland, OR Circle 55

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Sakrete Inc., Cincinnati Circle 57

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Altro Floors, Wilmington, MA Circle 58

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Herman Miller Education, Zeeland, MI Circle 56

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