windows & doors
The 21,000-sq.-ft. Sea-Tac Delta Sky Club houses 400 customers across two levels and features 7,500 sq. ft. of View smart glass, which provides an unobstructed view of Mount Rainier.
Smart Glass Delivers Airport Comfort Implementing dynamic glass in airport spaces improves passenger comfort, increases retail revenue, and saves energy.
n airports, windows shape customer experience more
space, airport administrators who prioritize comfort are
desire to be anywhere but there is exacerbated by the fact
than in most places. Whether it’s waiting for a con-
experiencing a competitive and economic edge. Smart
that they tend to be busy and stressful places.
nection after hours on a cramped plane or about to
glass is rising to the top of airport lists of technologies
Today, with airports shifting their focus toward
depart for a destination, passengers wish to feel as if they
that can replace conventional blinds and motorized
non-aeronautical revenue sources, creating conditions
are in an open and secure environment. For some, being
shades and improve the passenger experience by provid-
that encourage commerce is more important than ever.
able to see the plane they are about to board can pro-
ing increased comfort. The technology also improves
With many airports originally built as little more than
vide a level of comfort that allows them to overcome any
environmental outcomes for airports by improving ener-
big boxes with artificial lighting, the lack of a natural
butterflies about flying. In the language of biophilia, it’s
gy efficiency.
aesthetic contributes to passenger discomfort. When
called “prospect and refuge.”
passengers are uncomfortable, they are less likely to COMFORTING PASSENGERS
spend money at on-site businesses such as shops and
ognizing the key role natural light can play in creating a
Few people really want to be at an airport. They tolerate
restaurants. In fact, there is a major business opportunity
positive passenger experience. In such a challenging
them to get from point A to point B. On top of that, the
for airports that prioritize comfort. According to one
Increasingly, airport designers and managers are rec-