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Building Technology Products
by IdeaSoil
E xtended-coverage sidewall sprinkler
Horizontal sidewall sprinkler Extended coverage Conceals within wall
e Tyco RFIII extended-coverage horizontal sidewall sprinkler is an 8.0 K-factor unit rated for light hazard occupancies. e sprinkler covers areas to 16 ft. x 24 ft. and 18 ft. x 22 ft. e device has a fl at cover that conceals the sprinkler within the wall, providing a clean look for architecturally sensitive applications. e fl at profi le aids in preventing damage and interruption from accidental activations. e cover-plate assembly is available in a variety of standard colors or custom colors. e push-on closure allows a 1/2-in. adjustment.
Johnson Controls, Milwaukee Circle 79 tyco-fi re.com
Fire-resistant wall box The PWB-FR-450 is a large capacity wall box with fi re-resistant intumescent material within the door and its mounting frame for as much as 60 min. of protection. The box is code compliant and eliminates the need for constructing double walls. When closed, the unit’s cover is fl ush to the wall enabling displays to be mounted as close as possible, but also allowing ample room for other in-wall connections. The cover design has two large openings, one top and one bottom, that provide convection cooling of active components and cable exits for multiple connections to the display.
FSR, Woodland Park, NJ Circle 80 fsrinc.com
WhiteWalls ® Magnetic Whiteboard Steel Wall Panels
Turn your room, office, or hallway into a creative hot-spot. WhiteWalls ® provide the vital avenue your team needs to:
See the big picture Show what's happening Work through complex problems