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Fixtures Wash Out Light Puddles

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1/10/18 2:49 PM


Outdoor table, seating The Carousel collection of outdoor furniture includes a table with attached seating. Additions to the collection include a lounge seat, two new table heights, a 30-in. tabletop, and a wood-top option.

Landscape Forms, Kalamazoo, MI Circle 51 landscapeforms.com


Resin-bound paving system

Flame-retardant polyiso insulation VersiCore MP-H NH and SecurShield NH polyiso insulations provide the same performance characteristics as standard polyiso products but contain no halogenated flame retardants. Performance characteristics include the Living Building Challenge “Red List Free” with Declare label and product database listing, contributing to LEED v4, and compliance with California Department of Public Health VOC emissions.

Versico Roofing Systems, Carlisle, PA Circle 52 versico.com

Thermoplastic roofing system UltraPly Platinum TPO thermoplastic roofing system has an 80-mil-thick scrim-reinforced membrane. It can be mechanically fastened and fully adhered to a wide variety of deck substrates and meets Energy Star and LEED standards for cool roofs.

Firestone Building Products, Nashville, TN Circle 53 firestonebpco.com


Resin-bound paving system Decorative, natural looking Permeable

Terradec is a resin-bound paving system that provides a decorative and natural-looking permeable surface for outdoor projects. Available in a wide range of natural aggregates, it provides a seamless, low-maintenance surface that can be applied to a variety of substrates including concrete, asphalt, and soil.

Quartz Carpet, Las Vegas Circle 50 quartzcarpet.com

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