6 minute read
Tile Roof Crowns Mansion Renovation
by IdeaSoil
Metal Wall Panels Renovate City Hall
Interlocking panels produce a tight rainscreen to stand up to weather.
Acomplete exterior and interior renovation of city hall in Durham, NC, used a maintenance-free exterior material to soften the building’s feel while giving the structure a strong presence. The design team selected metal wall panels from Dri-Design, Holland, MI (dri-design.com).
An exterior renovation of city hall in Durham, NC, used metal wall panels to bring the building into the 21st century with a durable product that allowed a variety of design options.
“The desire to have a rainscreen system where the water barrier was behind the metal panel with few caulk joints was important to the design team,” said Rhonda Zack, project manager and designer with Roughton-Nickelson-DeLuca Architects (rndpa.com), Durham. “In addition, the Dri-Design panel, unlike its competitors, had an interior gutter system that kept rainwater off the face of the panels, directing flow through the gutter system to the

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Post-painted aluminum wall panels covering 23,535 sq. ft. were installed. The primary wall color is Dorian Gray with Agreeable Gray and Amazing Gray worked into the panel layout.

bottom of the screenwall. The panels interlocked and made for a tight rainscreen that would stand up over time,” she explained.

The original city hall façade was a cementitious aggregate panel. The weight of the panels caused sagging and open surfaces for water to penetrate the building, leading to leaks and water damage. The openings had been caulked many times, but waterfalls reportedly still occurred inside the building.
After the material was removed, general contractor Balfour Beatty US, Raleigh, NC, and panel installer SPS Apex, NC, determined how to use the building’s original framing for the metal-wall-panel installation. Because of 40 years of leaking and sagging, the framing was out of alignment by as much as 4 in. over three stories in some areas. Framing was worked into the existing framing to create a straight panel installation.
Post-painted aluminum wall panels covering 23,535 sq. ft. were installed. The primary wall color is Dorian Gray, with Agreeable Gray and Amazing Gray worked into the panel layout. Dark Bronze wall panels were selected as an accent to the gray panels.
“Dri-Design panels were invented because of situations like this at the city hall,” noted Brad Zeeff, president, Dri-Design. “[The] panels do not use sealants or gaskets, eliminating maintenance and dirty streaks, and they are not assembled with caulk or tape. They will never delaminate because [the] panels are not made with laminates or

composites—they are 100% metal panels, also making them non-combustible.”
The project has been a hit with locals and visitors. It won the People’s Choice Durham Golden Leaf Award and the Adaptive Re-Use Durham Golden Leaf Award.
Zack said, “The design of the new façade has brought new attention to a building that was neglected for far too long. The design team took the opportunity during this re-design to soften up the brut alist language of the original design and add more pedestrian-friendly areas so the city hall would feel like a building for the people. The metal panels allowed us to bring the look into the 21st century with a durable product that allowed a variety of design options.” CA
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Tile Roof Crowns Mansion Renovation
Nashville’s historic Stone Hall mansion renovation involved installing a tile roof to protect the public-event facility.
Renovating the Stone Hall roof involved completely removing the existing roof, performing structural repairs, and installing 3,400 sq. ft. of a Ludowici French Terra-Cotta tile roof. S tone Hall, a private mansion built in 1918 in Nashville, TN, overlooks the Stones River Greenway. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as an important example of Colonial Revival architecture. The Colonial Revival style can be identified in the stonework, symmetrical façade design, entry with sidelights and transom, tile roof with hip-roof dormers, and multiple large bay windows.
The 100-yr.-old Stone Hall, owned by Metro Nashville Parks and used as a public-event space, was in need of roof and façade renovations. Before beginning renovations, all proposed alterations and additions had to meet the Metro Nashville Historic Zoning Commission’s strict standards.
Stone Hall management called on RSS Roofing Services & Solutions, Nashville (roofingsands.com), to handle the exterior

Left and above. Stone Hall’s Colonial Revival style can be identifi ed in the stonework, symmetrical façade design, entry with sidelights and transom, tile roof with hip-roof dormers, and multiple large bay windows.
renovation. They completely removed the existing roof, performed structural repairs, and installed 3,400 sq. ft. of a Ludowici French Terra-Cotta tile roof with a bright green finish. The tiles are manufactured by Ludowici Roof Tiles, New Lexington, OH (ludowici.com).
The low-profile interlocking clay tile offers an array of benefits for a building. The large size and durable material with deep locks on all four sides, plus two prominent flutes on the surface, provide a dramatic aesthetic and superior drainage. When applied to a roof, these flutes produce a shadow effect for a highly refined, distinctive appearance.
Additionally, RSS custom fabricated and installed extensive lead-coated copper flashings. Also installed were new aluminum half-round gutters with custom-fabricated stainless-steel gutter screens to keep them functioning freely on the heavily wooded grounds. Half-round gutters require relatively low maintenance and match almost any style of architecture.
The existing tongue-and-groove soffit was completely rebuilt to match the original milled lumber that had deteriorated. Finally, scalloped slate shingles were installed for siding on the prominent front dormers. While slate enhances the look of many architectural styles, when it is cut in a scalloped shape and applied as siding, the material compliments Stone Hall’s Colonial Revival style. This subtle architectural dormer detail delivers a historic appearance. CA
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Visit the Stone Hall mansion website.
Learn more about Ludowici roofi ng tiles.
Visit the RSS Roofi ng Services & Solutions website.

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