1.0 Why IDÉ Brand Store?
The purpose of an internal webshop is efficiency in everyday life for all offices in the Nordic region, as well as the purchasing and marketing department. We will make sure to release the right products with approved logo use, smarter purchasing from top 5 partners, and efficiency and better cost efficiency.
- Ensures correct logo use
- Right products/giveaways
- More cost-effective
- Easy booking for all offices in the Nordics
- Easy management for the marketing department
- More control
2.0 Routines for all branch offices in the Nordic region
2.1 Login
One employee per office has a login to the online store and takes responsibility for ordering. It is up to the head of department whether he or she wants this himself, or to give this task to an employee in the office. The person responsible is given a login with a username and then chooses a password. All orders must be approved by the department manager before the order is placed.
2.2 Costs
The department is billed for cost of what is ordered. This is entered against a budget belonging to the department in question.
2.3 How often can we order?
Orders are made as needed. All orders must be approved by the department manager before the order is placed.
3.0 Routines for the marketing department
3.1 Purchase
When ordering, the responsible person receives an email with the order confirmation from the webshop. Orders must be executed the same day or the next day at the latest.
3.2 Warehouse
The warehouse receives the order and sends it to the desired date. When borrowed products are returned, the warehouse notifies the person responsible for the online store.
3.3 Costs
If it is products such as gifts and giveaways, the department will be invoiced for food of what is ordered. This is entered against a budget belonging to the department in question. If there are products for loan or other things in stock, it will only be invoiced for shipping.
The website is divided into six categories:
- Office supplies – Office supplies are products that are in stock in Drøbak. These are typically napkins, pens and the like. Office supplies that are in stock can be ordered free of charge.
- Giveaways – The category of giveaways are products that can be handed out to customers, for example at trade fairs. In the assortment as of today, there are, for example, drinking bottles, shopping bags and umbrellas. In this category, the standard order is 50 or 100 pieces.
- Customer gifts – Customer gifts are more expensive gifts for special occasions. In this assortment, there are, for example, backpacks, laser meters, charging cables and selected products from the iwear collection. In this category, the standard order is 5 or 10 pieces per order.
- Uniform – In this category, a uniform order will be made.
- Trade show equipment for loan – This category contains trade show equipment that can be borrowed free of charge. These are, for example, banners, flags and tents. These products are in stock in Drøbak. There is a shipping cost.
- Outlet – Discontinued/previous models.
It is important that borrowed products are returned to stock as soon as possible after use.
Product range and quantity
The products in IDÉ Brand Store have been selected in collaboration with our partners. They should reflect us and what we want to convey in a good way. Therefore, sustainability has been taken into account, among other things, in the materials.
The design of the products is set, where illustration is located on each product in the online store. You will be sent a proof for approval. If there are your own wishes, this can be adapted. The price will be adjusted accordingly. The prices in the webshop include 1-color printing and initial cost excluding shipping.
For giveaways, the standard order quantity is 50 or 100pcs of each product. As for VIP gifts, the number is set at 5 or 10 pieces per order.
On made-to-order items, there is a deadline to order no later than 14 days before you need the products, unless otherwise stated. Products that are in stock for loan, such as exhibition walls, flags and banners, should be ordered no later than one week before they are to be used.
For made-to-order items, each office will be invoiced for shipping at cost.
How to order?
1. Enter the online store
2. Log in with your user
3. Select the desired category and add the products to the shopping cart.
4. Click on the shopping cart in the right corner and select "Proceed to checkout"
5. Fill in information about office, delivery address, phone number and so on (NB! Oslo and Drøbak: Remember to mark where you want the order sent)
6. Select "Place order"
Any questions related to IDÉ Brand Store or your order can be sent to
1.0 Hvorfor IDÉ Brand Store?
Hensikten med en intern webshop er effektivitet i hverdagen for alle kontorer i Norden, samt innkjøp og markedsavdelingen. Vi skal sørge for å gi ut de rette produktene med godkjent logobruk, smartere innkjøp fra topp 5 partnere, og effektivisering samt bedre kostnadseffektivitet.
- Sikrer rett logobruk
- Rett produkter/giveaways
- Mer kostnadseffektivt
- Enkel bestilling for alle kontorer i Norden
- Enkel håndtering for markedsavdelingen
- Mer kontroll
2.0 Rutiner for alle avdelingskontor i Norden
2.1 Login
En ansatt pr kontor har login til nettbutikken og tar ansvar for bestilling. Det er opp til avdelingsleder om vedkommende ønsker dette selv, eller å gi denne oppgaven til en ansatt på kontoret. Den ansvarlige får innlogging med brukernavn og velger deretter passord. Alle bestillinger skal godkjennes av avdelingsleder før bestilling settes.
2.2 Kostnader
Avdelingen faktureres for kost av det som bestilles. Dette føres mot et budsjett tilhørende den aktuelle avdelingen.
2.3 Hvor ofte kan vi bestille?
Bestilling foretas etter behov. Alle bestillinger skal godkjennes av avdelingsleder før bestilling settes.