5 minute read
IDÉ Group supports the right to freedom of association, union rights and other forms of democratically elected worker representation. We shall involve worker representatives and other relevant stakeholders in our work with responsible business conduct.
In dialogue with partners we will consider, if needed, to contribute with capacity building or resources that enable our suppliers to comply with IDÉ Group requirements related to responsible business conduct. This way we lay the foundation for collaboration with suppliers that show the willingness and ability to work on positive development for people, society and the environment in the supply chain.
IDÉ Group, including all employees, shall never offer or receive illegal or inappropriate monetary gifts or other remuneration to achieve private or business benefits in their own interest or in the interest of customers, agents or partners.
Trade Boycott
IDÉ Group, including all our suppliers and partners, shall avoid trading with partners that have activities in countries where a trade boycott is imposed by the UN and/or Norwegian Government authorities.
High Five
5 principles for responsible business conduct.
All employee in IDÉ Group receive training in practicing these 5 principles:
Target Group
What does the customer want to achieve?
Which concept and products are the right ones to choose?
Risk Assessment
Stop and think.
Does the choice of product have a negative impact on people, society or the environment?
How can we stop, prevent and reduce such impact?
Are there any requirements for testing and/or labeling of the product?
Life Cycle
What kind of materials should the product be made of?
Can we use recycled materials?
The product must be of good quality to last a long time. Waste management information.
Can we reuse or upcycle the product?
Does the choice of manufacturer have a negative impact on people society or the environment?
Is the manufacturer a contract partner?
Choice of shipping method
Choice of packaging
Stratecic Goals
In order to live up to our strategy and business idea, we have set strategic goals and an action plan.
Parner Loyalty Goal
We shall, as far as possible, use partners with a written cooperation agreement.
ACTION: Only enter into new agreements where strictly necessary. Maintain long-term relationships with our existing suppliers.
Use CEMAsys ESG survey module to map partners with a cooperation contract.
ACTION: Annual survey. Follow-up meetings improvement measures.
Use CEMAsys ESG survey module to map all new suppliers.
ACTION: Use CEMAsys questionnaire as 1st step to evaluate a potential supplier.
Partner evaluation internal audits. Perform following numbers of on-site inspections
ACTION: IDÉ Group factory visits
Partner evaluation external audits. Perform following numbers of on-site inspections
ACTION: IDÉ Group will arrange BSCI Amfori audits
Supplier evaluation audits. Check following number of suppliers using CEMAsys ESG survey module
ACTION: Use CEMAsys questionnaire on behalf of our Tier 1 suppliers
Risk assessment on following number of top products.
ACTION: Ethical Trade Norway Salient risk tool
Carbon Footprint
Make yearly climate accounting on scope 1 and 2
ACTION: Make yearly climate account verified by CEMAsys
Scope 3
Compare carbon emissions on following number of products to acquire knowledge to help customers make a better environmental choices
ACTION: Subscription to the 2030 calculator to calculate carbon emissions
Only use electric or hybrid cars.
ACTION: Only lease or buy electric or hybrid company cars – will be fulfilled when the lease period on cars come to an end
Buy carbon credits as compensation for our greenhouse gas emissions on scope 1 and 2
ACTION: Compensation by planting mangrove trees in Myanmar. Thor Heyerdahl Climate Park
Carbon Footprint
Freight from Far East by air. Reduce the use of air freight to following percentage of total freight
ACTION: Help customers with good planning of activities and order placement. Prioritize EU production when possible.
Prioritize boat shipping to following percentage of total freight
ACTION: Plan production and delivery time
Increase the use of train where possible to following percentage of total freight
ACTION: Always check with forwarder if it is possible to use train
Increase the use of freight with truck to following percentage of total freight
ACTION: Prioritize the use of our EU based suppliers. Find new suppliers in Europe
Goals that can’t be measured
Sustainability Strategy
GOAL: Measure and follow up.
ACTIONS: Yearly workshop to evaluate and revise IDÉ Group sustainability strategy
Waste Management
GOAL: Give information to customers on how to handle waste management.
ACTIONS: Add QR code on labels or products with link to waste management information. If possible, use standard waste management symbols on label and products. Use our website to give general information on waste management for different materials.
Raw Materials
GOAL: Increase the use of recycled raw materials on special production by following percentage
ACTIONS: Always check alternative materials and present the option to customers.
GOAL: Reduce plastic as packaging
ACTION: Ask our suppliers to track yearly usage and send reports on reduction.
Product Selection
GOAL: Focus and increase display of sustainable products on our web site
ACTION: There is no accepted definition in the industry what to define as a sustainable product. Recycled, upcycled, organic, fair trade and so forth is now available in most product categories.
Product Selection
GOAL: Every time we offer products to a customer, we'll always offer sustainable product alternatives
ACTION: Prioritize suppliers with sustainable focus on products and production. Internal competence development so that sustainable business practices become a natural part of the sales process and communication with customers
Follow Up
Product Selection Customer Webshop
GOAL: Focus and increase display of sustainable products on our website
ACTION: We will suggest and encourage our customers to choose more sustainable products.
GOAL: Reduce travel and choose the best alternative when travel is necessary.
ACTION: All employees have access to digital meetings and webinars. Train is preferred instead of air travel. Arranging product seminars where suppliers can meet all personnel at the same time avoiding each supplier to travel to each IDÉ office
5 Goals To Make A Difference
IDÉ Group contributes to the FNs sustainability goals, the world`s joint action plan for sustainable development. We have chosen to focus on 5 goals, where we believe we can make a difference.
What can we do?
We have chosen to support SOS Children's Villages. We support Thor Heyerdahl Climate Park.
Planting mangrove forests create local jobs both directly through breeding and planting, but also indirectly by strengthening the livelihoods of local communities.
We can keep the number of partners as low as possible to achieve close collaboration, which provides better impact
We can try not to push prices.
We can strive to plan well so that we do not push delivery times, which entails involuntary overtime
We support Thor Heyerdahl Climate Park
We can strive to sell quality instead of quantity. We can label products with correct waste management so that everything that can be reused is recycled. We can strive to include circular economy in the product development phase.
We can challenge our partners to REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE.
We can strive to make products using more sustainable raw materials
We can influence the purchasing process and plan long-term to avoid air freight
We’re making climate accounts and has set goals and reduce our CO² consumption
We’re supporting Thor Heyerdahl Climate Park
We can collaborate with suppliers and manufacturers. We can collaborate with our customers.
We’re member of Ethical Trade Norway and EcoVadis. We collaborate with CEMAsys, which connects sustainability, the environment, risk and business management.
That is why we are a proud sustainability partner of SOS Children's Villages. The world's largest voluntary organization with a focus on supporting children without parental care and families at risk.
Social sustainability is about working to ensure that all people have equal chances to get education, decent work, equality, cultural diversity and a good health service.
Good care is fundamental to all development. SOS Children's Villages' basic idea is that a good upbringing has intrinsic value and builds sustainable societies.