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IDÉ Group takes responsibility beyond our value chain, by investing in the tree planting project “Thor Heyerdahl Climate Park”, which is in Ayeyarwady Region of Myanmar. The project is certified and aligned with the SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals) for societal and environmental enhancement. This moves society in the right direction to reach a low-carbon economy.
We are proud to plant mangrove trees to compensate for our greenhouse gas emissions.
One mangrove tree can bind one tonne of CO₂ in the ground over the course of 25 years. This means that 1 mangrove tree is the same as 1 climate quota.
IDÉ Group burdened the environment with 55 tCO2e on scope 1 and 2 in the year 2022. To compensate for this emission, we have bought 2,500 pc. mangrove trees, which is a compensation equivalent to 80 times our own emissions.

In addition to the climate effect, the project provides work and income to the local population, which supports two of our sustainability goals: goal 4 Quality Education and Goal 8 Decent work and economic growth.
Planting mangrove forests create local jobs both directly through breeding and planting, but also indirectly by strengthening the livelihoods of local communities. Planting new mangrove forests binds CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and thereby contributes to mitigating climate change. One new mangrove tree can bind approximately 1 tCO2 over a twenty-year period.
IDÉ House of Brands AS is a member of Ethical Trade Norway. As a member we commit to actively work with due diligence for responsible business conduct Our annual Ethical Trade Norway report is publicly available
EcoVadis supplies a system that allows companies to evaluate their own and their supply chain's level of social responsibility (CSR).
It covers 21 CSR indicators, across four main themes: environment, ethics, decent working conditions and human rights, as well as sustainable procurement. IDÉ Group has achieved Silver in EcoVadis' assessment of our sustainability performance, which means that we’re in the top 25% of all businesses globally, which participates in this assessment.
IDÉ Group is ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified
The certification means that we set clear, measurable goals for the business. All work routines are described, reviewed and improved continuously This ensures that everyone in the company work towards common goals and follow the same routines

CEMAsys online platform connects sustainability, environment, risk and business management in an intelligent way. CEMAsys is a flexible and user-friendly cloud service platform for sustainability management. IDÉ Group use the modules «carbon emissions» and «ESG Survey» bluesign® works in close collaboration with bluesign® System Partners' management and procurement to exclude materials that are hazardous to health or the environment, in the entire textile production chain from fiber, yarn, dyes and additives to finished fabric and product.

In addition to this, emissions into water, land and air are also minimized and the use of resources such as water and electricity as well as working conditions in the factories in terms of health and safety
IDÉ House of Brands Sweden AB reports to FTI, that is non-profit-driven. FTI are driven by a conviction that Sweden can be best in the world at collection and recycling. Their mission is to collect all packaging waste so it can be recycled into new raw material
IDÉ House of Brands Sweden AB is member of ElKretsen which is a non-profit organization. Their mission is to help producers fulfil their producer responsibility by offering a nationwide collection system
Green Point Norway provides financing for the return schemes for plastic, metal and glass packaging. ÍDÉ House of Brands AS is a member and take responsibility for all types of packaging through return systems approved by the Norwegian Environment Agency.
IDÉ Group has an obligation to establish a community-based whistleblowing channel for social abuse and misconduct guided by the EU Directive and regulated by the Whistleblower Protection Act (1171/2022). It provides a channel for employees to alert companies to their suspicious activities, while protecting the anonymity of the whistleblower.

All notifications of infringements are important and help to keep partners and employees safe, improve our working environment, prevent financial loss and damage to our reputation.
All our partners and employees has a link to our whistleblower channels, which also is open to the public. This gives everybody a fully confidential 24-hour reporting hotline.
IDÉ House of Brands AS and IDÉ House of Brands Sweden AB has an external notification service operated by BDO AS.
IDÉ Group | IDÉ Group | Varslingstjeneste (idegroup.no) https://www.idegroup.se/whistleblower
IDÉ House of Brands Oy use external Greenstep HR.
We are happy to report that we’ve not received any reports or incidents in the reporting year.

Lasse Lauritzen
+47 90 03 55 33
CSR manager
Wenche Moseng
+47 932 00 332 wenche.moseng@idegroup.no
Nina Lauritzen
+47 918 79 493