Giguide ft 2014
Photographs by Ruta Elvikyte, Katie Fiedler, Carrie Guemann, & Sara Tiberio
’Tis almost the season for giving. Haven’t even started? No worries—we’ve done the scouting for you. Browse our selections (from glitzy to goofy to soft and cuddly) by category, and you’ll find something for everyone on your list. Plus, the best brunchthemed gift basket, great ideas for hostess presents, and stocking stuffers galore! What are you waiting for? Turn the page and start shopping!
wrap stars Holiday wrapping 106 / c h a r l e s t o n
paper and ribbon, $4.50-$10. The Scratch Pad, 409 Mill St., Mount Pleasant; (843) 8843433;
n o v e m b e r 2 0 14 / 107