Short Paper Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances in Robotic, Mechanical Engineering and Design 2011
Dynamic Lateral Loading of Cylindrical tubes_ A FE Analysis Reza emami1*, Epkoorapati Eshwara Prasad2, Elahe Sadat Alavi Moghadam3 1
departmant of mechanical engineering, JNTU, Hyderabad, India Email: 2 departmant of mechanical engineering, JNTU, Hyderabad, India Email: 3 Faculty of engineering, Bu Ali Sina, Hamedan, Iran Email: quasi static. The behavior of tubes with lateral and axial loads together is neglected in most researches. In this research the effects of the axial load on the lateral dent and also the effects of the lateral dents on the reduction of the axial load carrying capacity is investigated.
Abstract_ Here the effects of lateral dynamic and static loads on steel tubes are investigated with finite elements analysis using LS DYNA, which is an implicit, explicit finite element package. The effects of some parameters such as thickness, boundary conditions and axial pre loads on the residual strength are studied. The residual strength is predicted and the results are compared with results of previous methods. The finite element results are validated by comparing the results with previously published experimental results.
II. FINITE ELEMENT MODELING The finite element analysis is done using the finite elements package LS DYNA. Here a cylindrical tube is modeled with 20, 500 and 3500 mm, thickness, diameter and length respectively. These values are convenient for the sea structures, since tubes that are used have the ratio of diameter to thickness less than 300 and the ratio of length to diameter that is 7 to 15. Shell elements with Belytschko Tsay formulation are used and for more accurate analysis the mesh size is smaller at the places that the load is applied. The material model for this analysis is linear elastic with linear hardening with the material specifications shown in Table I. The concentrated lateral load for the nonlinear analysis is applied to the model in several stages in the mid span of the tube. The load displacement diagram is plotted and the results are compared with experimental results from the literature [4] in Fig. 2. Table II shows the load and dimensions for the FE and experimental analysis
Index terms_ steel tubes, axial pre loads, residual strength
I. INTRODUCTION Tubular metallic structures are widely used in industry because of their load carrying capacity. The application of these structures varies from energy absorbers in automotive and locomotive industry to off shore structures as load carrying devices. In off shore structures since they are sometimes subjected to lateral static and dynamic impact loads and also they can be simultaneous with axial loads they should be analyzed to predict the collapse of these structures. Reference [1] represents a solution to estimate the axial strength regarding the geometry of the dents using the equilibrium equations. Reference [2] represents another method for estimating the lateral ultimate load for simple or constrained supports. Reference [3] suggests replacing an ideal condition that contains a model with the dent to do the estimations with minimum data that is the depth of dent. Rickles, Hamport and Gillum [4] represented a model to estimate the residual strength of the tubes with dents that were subjected to bending moment and axial loads that relied on the experimental results. They tried to find the relation between the moment, axial load and rotation for steel tubes with dent that were used as beams. Zeinoddini, Harding and Parke [5] studied the behavior of tubes with axial preloading under lateral dynamic loads. In most of the conducted researchers the loads are considered as quasi static and in a few ones the dynamic effects of loads are considered. Also in most of the researches the local behavior of the structure is investigated but the effects of this distortion is not investigated for its effect on the reduction in the load carrying capacity. References [6, 7] represent some researches about the final deflection of the tubes that contain helpful information but these researches rely on the nonlinear behavior of tubes under lateral loading that is considered as Š 2011 AMAE DOI: 02.ARMED.2011.01.514
As it is seen in Fig. 1 the FE results and experimental results have the same trends and the difference can be because of the difference between the material properties and geometry. It should be noted that these values are for the conditions with constrained ends. 33