2 minute read
» Ode to Boxing
Dear boxing, Thank you for making me mentally smarter and physically stronger. Even when my body is tired and wants to give up, you give me the mental strength to push myself to keep going. Although my opponent tries to bring me down, I will never give up. I will always strive to rise to the top like a helium-filled balloon reaching for the clouds.
Oh, boxing, Thank you for the harsh lesson of showing me that not everything will go as planned. Thanks to you, I now know that sometimes, things won’t always go the way I think they will. I will try to learn a lesson when this happens. Both while I’m in the boxing ring and also in my everyday life. Because of you, I’ve been given a chance to know how it feels to be proud of myself. After a tough match, I pant to catch my breath, and my heart pounds to the same rhythm. I smile with each inhale and exhale, knowing that I am better than the match before.
Oh, boxing, Thank you for making me feel confident about myself and my abilities. You make me brave when I have to make quick decisions. Because of you, I know that it will benefit me to get to know my enemy. There is no comparison to how it feels to win something that I’ve worked so hard for. That is when I know it is all worth it. You empower me. Thank you, boxing.
age 11, from IL
Dear Leslie,
Your poem Ode to Boxing was written so well. I want to hang it above my desk. As a former Mixed Martial Arts fighter and a current publishing professional, I could relate closely with the words that you wrote to express your relationship with boxing, I could also relate to the benefits that this difficult yet rewarding sport has gifted you. I specially appreciate the themes of strength, adaptability, confidence, and bravery that you articulate in your work.
Just as you wrote, in my experiences too, the more I tested and pushed myself in my training and competition, the more prepared I was for other challenges in life, school, and work. Every lesson I learned in the ring applied to other areas of my life and helped me improve, grow, and live with more confidence. I encourage you to keep writing about your experiences in boxing and life—I am confident that you’ll inspire others if you are willing to share the lessons you are learning! ~Bethany Marshall, publishing director and retired MMA fighter