Ecoterrorism: From Environmental Justice Advocate to Terrorist: Who are the people who take their passion for the environment too far? Jane Pojawa California State Polytechnic University, Pomona The biggest security threat facing the United States is not international war but terrorism, including both radical Islamic attacks and violent domestic extremism. Until recently, a sub-type of special interest terrorism, ecoterrorism, dominated headlines but it has almost disappeared in the last decade. Expanded legislation, broad investigations and aggressive sentencing have all but eliminated ecoterrorism from public consciousness. But is it due for a resurgence? By examining the definitions, origins and methods employed by ecoterrorists, we may discover what motivates and how to diffuse this form of ecologically-motivated fanaticism.
riving down a country road flanked with artichoke and strawberry fields in Watsonville, California, John Hanna became the victim of a chemical attack. A crop duster came up from behind and, flying only 15 feet above him, sprayed Parathion on his car and in through the open windows. Parathion is an organophosphate poison that was developed by Nazi scientist Gerhard Schrader in the 1940s as an insecticide. Schrader went on to invent Sarin, among other chemical weapons. Parathion has been banned in several countries and the Environmental Protection Agency considers it a Toxicity Category I pesticide – the most dangerous classification. (Tucker, 2006) Hanna, feeling like he was “jumping out of his skin” from the neurotoxin, reported the incident to the agricultural commissioner’s office. “Nothing ever came of it,” he said. “The incident served as a catalyst.
The ELF was born.” The “ELF” was the “Environmental Life Force,” now the “Earth (or Environmental) Liberation Front,” and the time of its birth was in the mid-1970s. (Interview, 2001) Hanna, a veteran with strong anti-war and pro-environmental leanings felt a calling to save the Earth and its people. The Environmental Life Force/Environmental Liberation Front is considered the oldest and most influential ecoterrorist organization in the country and its genesis can be traced to the radicalization of John Hanna. (Cecil-Cockwell, 2008)
Defining EcoTerrorism Eco-terrorism is defined by the FBI as “the use or threatened use of violence of a criminal nature against people or property by an environmentally-oriented, subnational group for environmental-political
Created by Jane Pojawa, Department of Political Science, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona for her terroriam class final. Correspondence concerning this research paper should be addressed to Jane Pojawa, Department of Political Science, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, (909) 263-6730. Email: Undergraduate Journal of Political Science, Vol. 2, No. 1, Spring 2017. Pp. 107–131.
©2017, Political Science Department, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.