Flying saucers visit the desert

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Flying Saucers Visit the Desert Jane Pojawa Morongo Basin Historical Society: January 26, 2014

Let’s take a trip back in time!

Ka-Boom Atomic bomb explosions over Hiroshima, Japan, 6 August 1945 (left) and over Nagasaki, Japan, 9 August 1945

Cold War

There were some compelling reasons for this… Like this guy…

And any of his associates…


But in the meantime‌ 1882 flying car concept art

1957 flying car design for 1977

Invaders from other worlds 1929 – visitors from other star systems

1906 - HG Wells’ War of the Worlds

The Avrocar A real “flying” saucer

The Avrocar in action

The Avrocar in 1959

1947 – Kenneth Arnold Kenneth Arnold

1948 Fate Magazine

Secret Alien Tunnels

Military Bases

Coming to DHS! 1949 – Fate Magazine

1959 – Forbidden Worlds

The Van Tassels Eva and George

Portia Yerxa and Eva

1951 – The Day The Earth Stood Still

Keep your guard up! Marvin the Martian, 1948

Invasion of the Saucer Men , 1957

Alien Contact! George Adamsi and Orthon

George Van Tassel and Ashtar

Humanity Needs to Straighten Up! Nordic-looking human?

Exposed brain and buggy eyes?

Cabot’s Old Indian Pueblo Museum c. 1950

Local Events in 1954 Daniel Fry

Truman Bethram’s gal pal, Aura Rhanes

Local events are taking off! Mrs. Dana Howard

The Integratron under construction

Actual FBI Complaint • Subject: flying saucer meetings at Giant Rock Airport in Twenty-nine Palms, CRDC security matter C. June 1, 1954 Complainant telephoned, advised that she and her husband visited friends in Hemet over the weekend and the friends that heard there was to be a flying saucer meeting at Giant Rock Airport at 8 PM Saturday, May 30, 1954. She said they decided to go see what was going on. She advised that they did not arrive until after 9 PM. She said that there were approximately 150 people present, but there were no lights and no fires and therefore persons could not be distinguished. She said that when they arrived everybody was singing “Long, Long Trail,” “Home on the Range,” etc. - community singing. After the singing, a man got up and spoke for about five minutes about flying saucers and then everyone began to chant in unison “Peace, Love, Harmony.” Complainant advised that she does not know if the group was led by subversives, but wanted to report it for whatever value it might have. She said that the Giant Rock Airport is off the road leading to Victorville which branches off to the left from the road leading to 29 palms.

Second Convention March 14, 1955 No A-War flying Saucers Believers Told . Twenty-nine Palms California: 1000 persons who believe in flying saucers were told over the weekend that there is no danger of an atomic war. They were given assurance by series of speakers who addressed the Second Annual Flying Saucer Convention. The speakers asserted that there will be no atomic war because the people from Mars ,Venus, Saturn and other places in the heavens won't permit it. Richard Miller, the flying saucer exponent from Prescott, Arizona, said the Earth is now moving into a huge cloud of deadly cosmic rays but is being screened from the radiation by 3,560,000 spaceships. He added that if the screening fails to prove effective, the Martians are prepared to evacuate the entire Earth to save the people from destruction. Miller said Sol-Tec, the commander of a Martian spaceship, 150 feet in diameter, disclosed the plan when he was picked up by the spaceship near Detroit and made a 12-hour voyage in it.

Another speaker, Mrs. Dana Howard of Desert Hot Springs, reported she made a trip to Venus in a spaceship and had a beautiful romance there with the Venetian named Lelando. She said she returned the earth to bring a Venusion message of a greater way of life.

Of the speakers Explained that the creatures from the other world all speak English because they learned it over the radio.

1955 LA Examiner


Pasadena – UFO Church

Interplanetary Space Convention, 1966

Interplanetary Space Conventions

Thanks for nothing!

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