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Legal Highs, Ethnobotanicals & Research Chemicals - IDMU Surveys 1997-2011

Legal Highs, Ethnobotanicals & Research Chemicals - Incidence and usage of less-common (write-in) psychoactive substances reported by IDMU Survey respondents 1997-2011 Matthew J Atha & Simon T Davis Independent Drug Monitoring Unit - November 2011 1.

Introduction & Methodology


The annual IDMU drug-user surveys list the most commonly-found drugs in order to monitor consumption patterns, attitudes and prices. In addition respondents are asked to name any other drugs or psychoactive substances they have taken as ‘write-in; options using anonymous paper or web-based questionnaires. This report highlights the substances most frequently listed by survey respondents, or substances which may be of particular interest to researchers. Substances include ‘traditional’ drugs, ethnobotanicals, legal highs and ‘research chemicals’.


Recording methods have varied with limited data available for many of the years, with drug name/ratings being the only ever-present variables. Where data is available it includes prices at different market levels (1-100 doses, gram/ounce), user ratings (marks out of 10), age at first use, frequency of use, weekly use, monthly spending, and methods of use.


A shift is the survey design from entirely paper based to entirely web-based has occurred gradually between 2004 and 2011, the web forms allow more specific questions to be asked, and also tend to attract a higher proportion of users than in samples recruited at pop-festival stalls. As a result the proportions of respondents reporting ‘write-in’ drugs has nearly quadrupled from 7% between 1997 and 2006 to 27% between 2007 and 2011 (table 1)

Table 1 – Survey Sizes and Incidence of Write-In Drug Reports Period Total Festivals Web Write-Ins % 1997-2001 7495 7495 0 566 7.6% 2002-2006 14107 12781 1326 930 6.5% 2007-2011* 5456 1222 4234 1454 26.6% Total 27058 21498 5560 2950 10.9% * Jan-June 2011 Interim Data


The data excludes results for named drugs, which include: Cannabis (all types) Amphetamines – street. ‘base’ and methamphetamine Cocaine & Crack Heroin, Opium, Opiate painkillers, Methadone LSD, Magic Mushrooms, Ecstasy Tablets & MDMA powder Ketamine, GHB, Mephedrone, Tranquillisers, Solvents Caffeine, Alcohol, Tobacco


Where a drug has proven particularly common it may be added to the list of named drugs for the following year’s survey.

Atha MJ & Davis ST

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© IDMU Ltd 11-11-11

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