With regards to the current situation, the desired development is aligned with strategic lines which, in terms of technological infrastructures, are marked by the 2006-2009 IT and Telecommunications Plan:
New ICT definitions
Develop and update the network technology, towards services networks
Support new services on the networks: IP telephony / VoIP / videoconferencing / telepresence / streaming and content distribution, etc. Implant initiatives related to mobility and universal access Promote the use of extranets and neutral points (interoperability with other agents) Improve security levels (access, authentication, encryption, etc.)
Based on the current situation and the lines marked within the IT and telecommunications plan, as well as input from the network users and external users (other administrations) the services which the future network should support were established (requirements). At the same time, the technological solutions offered by the service providers were studied, as well as those of technology providers. The implementation of these solutions in other administrative networks was also studied. Different scenarios for development with regards to the technological and organizational model were presented based on the analysis of this information. The best scenarios for each of the three networks were decided based on strategic alignments and technical and economic criteria. The strategic plans were then developed based on theses scenarios. The plans were established into projects, with an estimated deadline of 3 to 5 years. The necessary human, technical and economic resources were assigned to these projects, as well as estimated scheduling to complete them. Finally, IDOM provided Technical Assistance to the Basque Government for the development of the strategic plans defined.