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Imagine what you could do if your fundraising machine was Always On

Written by Lori Finch Senior Vice President, Fundraising Services, iDonate

Marketers and development officers, some of the most creative and amazing people in the nonprofit industry, are tasked with increased fundraising objectives year after year. Organizations are expected to serve more, do more, and deliver more good. Awesome in concept, stressful starting at zero every Q1. It’s exhausting!


At iDonate, we think organizations should be raising money while they sleep.

A good digital marketing and fundraising strategy is the key to making that dream a reality. Wondering how to do that? We’ve partnered with a best-of-breed marketing agency to bring you Always On Fundraising Services.

Always On Fundraising couples digital marketing strategies and media spend with a giving system that meets donors where they are – online. As our adaptive technologies gain donor intelligence, they inform our digital marketing strategies. This ultimately creates a sophisticated, customized donor engagement that maximizes your return on investment. The benefit of digital marketing programs aligned with your digital fundraising system helps address the biggest challenge in the market – donor retention.

Here’s why it works…

Digital media and digital giving systems have made it much easier to reach old and new audiences by delivering the right message, at the right time, and in the right place. By connecting in meaningful ways to new audiences, we move them from awareness to engagement. By connecting with current donors in meaningful ways, we cultivate long-term relationships.

The best part about Always On Fundraising – we’ve made it easy to pilot and launch. Always On Fundraising is proven to work.

We live in a digital world. Today’s donors are today’s consumers and accustomed to digital engagement. Covid-19 has accelerated the adoption of technology and all ages and types of donors are now accustomed to engaging with organizations online. This is good news for you. This means that you have a chance every day to build awareness, cultivate new people, and engage them with your organization.

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