6 minute read
Summer CAMP
LGBT Center
Discovery Day Camp
Dates: July 17-21
Age Range: 12-17
What Campers Learn:
Discovery Day Camp will focus on identity and leadership development for youth ages 12-17, providing the space and freedom to explore, connect, express and learn in a setting with like-minded people. The focus of camp this year is clear, effective communication.

640 Centre Avenue, Reading 484.513.3170
Camp Lily
Berks Day Camp
Dates: July 3-Aug. 11
Age Range: 8-young adult
What Campers Learn:
Camp Lily, a day camp for children and young adults with disabilities, offers activities that build skills, promote friendships and increase independence. Campers enjoy swimming, games, cooking, arts & crafts, gardening, music, special guests and a variety of other activities that engage, entertain and educate. Offered in a series of one-week sessions, campers attend for one or more weeks. Located at our campground on Mount Penn at the intersection of Angora & List roads. COVID precautions will be in place.
Easterseals Eastern PA 610.775.1431, ext. 209 easterseals.com/esep
Camp Manatawny
Dates: see specific camp dates online Age Range: those completing grades 1-12
What Campers Learn: Camp Manatawny provides elementary to high school students the opportunity to explore camp activities such as swimming, archery and crafts with a Bible-based influence. Campers will participate in both small and large group Bible studies as well. Both day and overnight sessions are available.
33 Camp Rd., Douglassville 610.707.3822 | manatawny.org
Manor Golf Club
Golf Camp for All
First Tee/Sticks Fore Fun Kids
Golf Camp
Dates: Sticks Fore Lil Kids: May 9-11, 16-18; June 14-16, July 5-7 & 25-27
Sticks Fore Kids: June 27-29 & July 18-20
Age Range: Sticks Fore Little Kids, ages 4-7; Sticks Fore Kids, ages 8-15
What Campers Learn: https://forms.gle/n2Eqb3kDQ13qzkvr7 A
Manor Golf Club has been a First Tee Lehigh & Berks Chapter host site for more than 12 years and is excited to offer a summer program for ages 7-11. The weekly program, led by First Teecertified Instructor Ryan McGovern, will empower kids and teens with valuable life skills via the game of golf in a fun, safe, team-oriented program. We have clubs to borrow; no clubs needed. For the First Tee Program for ages 12 and up, Manor Golf is proud to partner with Sitler Golf.
153 Bran Rd. Sinking Spring
June 15-June 19
June 12– June 16
July 6-July 10
July 10 – July 14
August - please inquire (8/3 or 8/10 are possible)
(tentative; inquire if interested)
August 7 – August 11
LINDA foxtalefarm.com

Montessori Country Day School
Summer Camp Program
Dates: June 19-Aug. 11
Age Range: 1-12
What Campers Learn:
Over a span of seven weeks, multiple sessions and rates are offered to provide children with a summer of fun. Each week has a unique theme around which a variety of games, projects and activities are centered. These programs will allow attendees to learn and interact with each other through both indoor and outdoor activities in line with the Montessori philosophy. Flexible half-day and full-day programs are available, plus flexible days per week options. Before and after care available: 8am-5pm.
53 Vermont Rd.
Sinking Spring | 610.777.3080 info@MCDSberks.org
Olivet Boys & Girls Club Summer Camp

Dates: June 12-Aug. 11
Age Range: 6-14
What Campers Learn:
The Olivet team is excited for the 2023 summer camp, where we can provide fun, engaging, educational and safe programming for youth. Some of the daily activities will include sports, swimming, arts and crafts, in addition to educational programming such as reading enrichment and STEM. The Center for the Arts Club will also offer its award-winning theater camp for youth!
Various sites throughout Reading and Berks County 610.373.1314 | olivetbgc.org
Reading Musical Foundaton
Berks Summer Band Institute & Berks Summer String Institute
Dates: Band: Thursday evenings
String: Tuesday evenings
Age Range: Band: grade 4-adult
String: grades 3-8

What Campers Learn
The Berks Summer Band & String Institutes were founded to provide a free opportunity for young musicians in Berks County to continue to play their instruments over the summer months with a weekly program that concludes with a final concert.
Band location: Muhlenberg High School
String location: Governor Mifflin Intermediate School 610.375.3395 | berkstrings.org berkssummerbandinstitute.org
Reading Public Museum
Museum Discovery Camp
Age Range: those entering grades 1-5
Dates: June 12-Aug. 18 (topics change weekly)
*no camp July 3-7
What Campers Learn:
Join the Reading Public Museum for a summer of fun with nine weeks of themed summer camps. Each week will incorporate different disciplines, such as art and science. Expose your child to topics involving archaeology, space and even engineering. Children will leave with knowledge and having experienced fun experiments and projects. Registration fees vary. Call or email rebeka.birch@readingpublicmuseum.org for more info.
500 Museum Rd., Reading 610.371.5850, ext. 258 readingpublicmuseum.org
Bachelor’s and master’s degree programs
K-12 summer and after school programs
Dual enrollment for HS students
Rock Hollow Woods Environmental Learning Center
Dates: June 19-Aug. 11
Age Range: toddlers with guardians, Kindergarten & grade 1, grades 2-7
What Campers Learn:
We offer a variety of camps including Outdoor Survival Adventures, Enchanted Forest, Outdoor STEM, Wetland Investigations and many more. Each camp specializes in a certain area and all of our camps include: free play and discovery, guided exploration, immersion into topics, hikes that unfold surprises in nature, and magical moments that inspire special conversations.
615 Rock Hollow Rd., Birdsboro 610.582.0415 | rockhollowwoods.org
Shady Hollow Assisted Riding
Summer Equestrian
Full-Day Camp
Age Range: 6-11
Dates: July 18-20
Each camp week explores a new topic in Art, History, Science, and more!

Museum Discovery Camp is for children entering grades 1 – 5 in the fall of 2023. Camp days are from 9am –4pm.

For more details, please visit: readingpublicmuseum.org/discovery-camp
What Campers Learn:
These riding camps are geared to those with beginner to intermediate horse experience. Activities include riding lessons, leading, lunging, round pen, grooming, tacking, bathing, stall maintenance, health and wellness. Games, crafts and interactive learning activities are also included. On the last day of camp, attendees can enjoy a Hot Dog Roast.
959 E. Main St., Birdsboro | 610.858.7937 | hugahorse.com
Total Experience Learning®
Summer Program at Albright College

Dates: June 27-July 27
Age Range: Rising 5th to 12th grade students
What Campers Learn:
The Total Experience Learning ® summer program is a unique learning environment with inventive STEAM-based processes across all disciplines. Named one of the top four STEM programs in the USA, TExpL facilitators will introduce cutting-edge topics while assisting individual students in personalized IDEA incubation and development in each student’s interest area.
1621 N. 13th St., Reading albright.edu/academic/total-experience-learning
Valley Mist Farm
Summer Horse Camp
Dates: Mini Camp: June 7-9, July 26-28
Regular Camp: June 12-16, July 10-14, Aug. 14-18
Age Range: 3-15
What Campers Learn:
Campers will ride horses, of course! Mini camps are offered for children ages 3 to 5, introducing them to ponies, and regular camps are designed for ages 5 to 15, with no experience necessary. When campers aren’t riding, they will learn grooming and safety, enjoy demonstrations by vets and advanced riders, make arts and crafts and much more.
125 Boyer Rd., Oley | 484.824.1110 | valleymistfarm.com
Windswept Acres
Riding Camp
Dates: Week 1: June 12-16 Week 2: July 10-14
Week 3: July 31-Aug. 4
Age Range: 6 and older
What Campers Learn:
Calling all riders and horse lovers alike! All experience levels welcome. Groups are formed according to experience. No experience? No problem! Campers will learn riding and general horsemanship skills, make crafts, swim and more!

472 Manatawny Rd., Boyertown 610.413.1447 | windsweptacrespa.com
YMCA of Reading and Berks County
Summer Adventure Camps

Dates: All summer
Age Range: Students entering grades 1-7
What Campers Learn:
The Y is jam-packed with engaging ways to learn and play, including STEAM activities, interactive games, sports and more. Serving a variety of locations across Berks and Lancaster counties, there’s no better place to play this summer than the YMCA of Reading and Berks County!
Sinking Spring YMCA | 610.678.0484
Mifflin Area YMCA | 610.750.5036
Reading YMCA | 610.378.4732
Tri Valley YMCA | 610.944.6515 ymcarbc.org
The Yocum Institute for Arts Education
Dates: weekly programs beginning in June, running through August
Age Range: 2-15
What Campers Learn:
The Yocum Institute offers innovative preschool, multi-arts, specialty and theater camps led by experienced teaching artists in a professional studio environment. Each week offers a new unique theme, encouraging campers to explore, create, innovate and problem solve while growing critical thinking skills and making new friends!
3000 Penn Avenue, West Lawn 610.376.1576 | yocuminstitute.org
Youth Volunteer Corps of Reading
Summer of Service Learning Institute #1
Dates: June 20, 22, 27 & 29
Age Range: 11-18
What Campers Learn:
Youth will spend their time visiting organizations within the community, participating in acts of service, learning about the needs of the community and making a difference all the while having fun and making new friends! Issue areas include: animals, homelessness and hunger.

484.706.9362 | voiceupberks.org/yvc
Youth Volunteer Corps of Reading
Summer of Service Learning Institute #2
Dates: July 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, 26 & 31
Age Range: 11-18
What Campers Learn: Youth will spend their time visiting organizations within the community, participating in acts of service, learning about the needs of the community and making a difference all the while having fun and making new friends! Issue areas include but are not limited to: the environment, mental health, senior citizens and education.
484.706.9362 | voiceupberks.org/yvc
Summer Camp Camp
1950’s Ice Cream Parlor
3365 Main St Birdsboro, PA 610-582-5259
Take a step back in time, and experience over 40 flavors of homemade premium ice cream! scoupedeville.com