Fluid Power Journal April 2023

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CHOOSING THE RIGHT PNEUMATIC CYLINDER Notable Words Eric Alström Air Teaser PUSHING HYDRAULIC FLUIDS FORWARD ANNUAL Of-Highway DIRECTORY APRIL 2023 fluidpowerjournal.com Nonprofit Organization US Postage PAID Bolingbrook, IL Permit #323 Innovative Designs & Publishing • 3245 Freemansburg Avenue • Palmer, PA 18045-7118
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April 2023



6 Cover Story Choosing the Right Pneumatic Cylinder

Undersizing can mean it won’t perform a task, while oversizing wastes resources for the unrequired capacity.

10 Cool Applications Need Cool Filters

Lubricating oil must deliver effective wear protection for compressors in food and beverage plants, cold storage facilities, chemical mills, and ice arenas.

12 A New Generation of Double Pumps

Hengli’s HP21VG series meets the demands of frequent shock and other harsh working conditions.

14 Pushing Hydraulic Fluids Forward Additive chemistry can elevate fluid performance in new, unconventional ways.

16 Test Your Skills

Hydraulilc Components in Circuits: Mobile Valves

Publisher’s Note: The information provided in this publication is for informational purposes only. While all efforts have been taken to ensure the technical accuracy of the material enclosed, Fluid Power Journal is not responsible for the availability, accuracy, currency, or reliability of any information, statement, opinion, or advice contained in a third party’s material. Fluid Power Journal will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by reliance on information obtained in this publication.

14 6 Departments 4 Notable Words 5 Air Teaser 20 IFPS Update 26 Off-Highway Directory 39 Classifieds 10

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inspiring the Next Generation of Engineers


near graduation, their thoughts turn from coursework to career. With various occupations and industries to consider, engineering graduates are often excited about solving complex electrical or mechanical challenges and having a positive impact on the planet. Many look to the automotive, aerospace, and other industries that have a technology-forward image and align with their ambitions to contribute to a better world. Often, the company names are well-known consumer product manufacturers.

Rarely, however, do graduates discover the hydraulics industry and the many opportunities it offers. Fluid power companies need to work hard to attract engineers, usually because of the old-fashioned image that oil hydraulic products represent. However, that image couldn’t be further from reality. We need to both familiarize and excite aspiring engineers with the cool things that characterize our products today.

We also need to raise awareness of the substantial technical developments required to serve the next generation of sustainable development in our industry. As president of one of the world’s leading hydraulics suppliers, I call this “opening the Danfoss box.” Virtually no hydraulic applications can run today without software, microcontrollers, sensors, and electrically actuated hydraulic pumps, motors, and valves. This presents a fascinating multidisciplinary mechatronics problem that should excite the most technically interested engineers. In fact, electronics and software are so important that about half of our 1,800 engineers are developing software and connected products.

The potential to lower emissions and improve productivity through better technology is significant. Hydraulic systems generate many of the energy losses that occur in a diesel-powered machine. The more efficient we make the hydraulic system, the greater the overall machine efficiency. But for many customers, that isn’t enough. Productivity is

just as or perhaps more important than efficiency. This is where control systems, software, and intelligent products come into play. They are tools to solve the challenging design problems of machines. Once engineers understand the contribution of these technologies to optimizing fuel efficiency, productivity, and even the circularity of products – particularly as the ESG (environmental, social, and governance) movement rapidly grows in importance – they tend to raise hydraulics on their list of potential industries in which to work.

When engineers learn they can develop green solutions that enable us to produce more with less, they quickly become interested in working for us.

Electrification also increases the attractiveness of our industry to young engineers. Many of our solutions today are electrohydraulic, meaning electronic controls and/or electric motive power driving hydraulic systems. Their positive impact on productivity and efficiency is significant. Some cases have shown over 30% improvement in productivity while operating emission free and using less energy. The benefit to society is tangible and exciting. When engineers learn they can develop green solutions that enable us to produce more with less, they quickly become interested in working for us.

Solutions is another keyword that attracts engineers to our business. Many OEMs are outsourcing hydraulic and system design to suppliers like Danfoss. Our impact on overall machine performance grows as we are given more of the system to control. In fact, from a hydraulics standpoint, we sometimes understand the applications better than our customers, as we interact directly with end users to better understand their needs. Gaining this in-depth application know-how and experience in systems engineering appeals to young engineers. For many people in the field, engineering an entire system is a dream; in hydraulics, it is often reality. However, all of these fascinating facets of hydraulics only become interesting to a young engineer when we “open the box.” It is no small challenge, and we need to be close to the emerging technical talent at universities to make it happen. As an industry, we need to commit to supporting education by investing time and money. We can offer internships and provide equipment for labs and classrooms. Equally important, we can be present in classrooms and cocurricular activities, serving as role models for tomorrow’s engineers. After all, collaboration moves us all forward together.


p UB li SHE r

Innovative Designs & Publishing, Inc.

3245 Freemansburg Avenue, Palmer, PA 18045-7118

Tel: 800-730-5904 or 610-923-0380

Fax: 610-923-0390 • Email: Art@FluidPowerJournal.com www.FluidPowerJournal.com

Founders: Paul and Lisa Prass

Associate Publisher: Bob McKinney

Editor: Michael Degan

Technical Editor: Dan Helgerson, CFPAI/AJPP, CFPS, CFPECS, CFPSD, CFPMT, CFPCC

Marketing and

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i NTE r NAT i ONA l F l U i D p OWE r SOC i ETY

1930 East Marlton Pike, Suite A-2, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003-2141 Tel: 856-424-8998 • Fax: 856-424-9248

Email: AskUs@ifps.org • Web: www.ifps.org

2023 BOA r D OF D ir ECTO r S

President: Scott Sardina, PE, CFPAI, CFPHSWaterclock Engineering

Immediate Past President: Denis Poirier Jr., CFPAI/AJPP, CFPHS, CFPIHM, CFPCCDanfoss Power Solutions

First Vice President: Jeff Hodges, CFPAI/AJPP, CFPMHM- Altec Industries

Treasurer: Lisa DeBenedetto, CFPSGS Global Resources

Vice President Certification: James O’Halek, CFPAI/AJPP, CFPMIP, CMPMM - The Boeing Company

Vice President Marketing: Chauntelle Baughman, CFPHS - OneHydraulics

Vice President Education: Daniel Fernandes, CFPECS, CFPSSun Hydraulics

Vice President Membership: Garrett Hoisington, CFPAI/AJPP, CFPS, CFPMHM - Open Loop Energy

D ir ECTO r S-AT-l A r GE

Stephen Blazer, CFPE, CFPS, CFPMHM, CFPIHT, CFPMHTAltec Industries

Cary Boozer, PE, CFPE - Motion Industries

Bruce Bowe, CFPAI/AJPP - Altec Industries

Bradlee Dittmer, CFPPS - Norgren/IMI Precision Engineering

Brian Kenoyer, CFPHS - Cemen Tech

Wade Lowe, CFPS - Hydraquip Distribution

Jon Rhodes, CFPAI, CFPS, CFPECS - CFC Industrial Training

Mohaned Shahin, CFPS - Parker Hannifin

Randy Smith, CFPHS - Northrop Grumman

Ethan Stuart, CFPS, CFPECS - Quadrogen

Bradley Wagner, CFPAI/AJPP - Manitowoc Crane Group

Brian Wheeler, CFPAI/AJPP, CFPMM, CFPMIPThe Boeing Company


Donna Pollander, ACA

HONO r A rY D ir ECTO r (EX-OFF i C i O)

Ernie Parker, CFPAI/AJPP - Hydra Tech i F p S STAFF

Chief Executive Officer: Donna Pollander, ACA

Communications Coordinator: Victoria Piro

Technical Director: Thomas Blansett, CFPS, CFPAI

Assistant Director: Jenna Mort

Certification Logistics Manager: Kyle Pollander

Bookkeeper: Diane McMahon

Administrative Assistant: Beth Borodziuk

Instructional Designer and Layout: Chalie Clair

Fluid Power Journal (ISSN# 1073-7898) is the official publication of the International Fluid Power Society published monthly with four supplemental issues, including a Systems Integrator Directory, Off-Highway Suppliers Directory, Tech Directory, and Manufacturers Directory, by Innovative Designs & Publishing, Inc., 3245 Freemansburg Avenue, Palmer, PA 18045-7118.

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part of any material in this publication is acceptable with credit. Publishers assume no liability for any information published. We reserve the right to accept or reject all advertising material and will

New Problem

How Fast Can a pig Travel?

»A GAS PIPELINE was updated in my home area. The work included installing a line under the Minnesota River that runs to the residental area. In the final stages of the work, after checking for leaks or other problems, they ran a “pig” through the entire line to clean it before running natural gas through it. A pig is a plug that rubs the edges for cleaning. Normally a pig goes through at 0.2 MPa (30 psi) but may take as high as 0.55 MPa (80 psi). The pressure in the pipeline will be 1.724 MPa (250 psi) but proof tested to 2.75 MPa (400 psi). Using the followings specifications, how long would it take for the pig to travel the total distance at 0.2 MPa (30 psi ) and at 0.55 MPa (80 psi)?


Diameter: 607 mm (24 in)

Length: 2,134 m (7,000 ft)

Pressure required to move the pig: 0.2 MPa (30 psi) and at 0.55 MPa (80 psi)

Air compressor: 45,312 Nlm (1,600 scfm) screw compressor driven by a large diesel engine

psi = MPa x 145

For the solution, see page 38.

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not guarantee the return or safety of unsolicited art, photographs, or manuscripts. AIR TEASER
It’s our turn.


Todaythere are more sizes, styles, and shapes of pneumatic cylinders than ever, which complicates the task of choosing the right one for your application. Of the various decisions to make, specifying the right size cylinder is especially critical. An undersized cylinder could mean you won’t be able to perform the required task, while oversizing a cylinder wastes resources by using more air than is necessary and costs more for additional capacity that is not required.

Other considerations affecting size and model selected

Beyond calculating how much force you’ll need for your operation, other considerations when sizing a pneumatic cylinder include:

Stroke length. The length of your stroke could be as short as 1/16 of an inch to 100 or more inches. Many cylinders can be ordered in exactly the stroke needed for a particular application. Some cylinder offerings are produced in finite stroke lengths that are sometimes stocked by the manufacturer for immediate delivery.

Space limitations. The physical space available for the cylinder in the application is an important consideration. Cylinders are offered in various industry standard envelope sizes defining the physical size and shape of the cylinder. ISO and NFPA publish standards that manufacturers follow. Some cylinder lines are unique to a manufacturer and not defined by a standards organization.

There are multiple considerations when determining the best cylinder size. The most critical is the force required to perform the task. The cylinder extension force can be calculated by multiplying the effective surface area of the cylinder’s piston by the air pressure supplied to the cylinder. When retracting a double-acting cylinder, the piston rod takes a portion of the effective surface area, and you need to subtract the area of the piston rod from the area of the piston. After determining the amount of force needed, it’s important to add in a safety factor. With a plant full of machines running at the same time, total air pressure demands in the plant may exceed availability, creating an occasional drop in air pressure. That’s one of the reasons why a safety factor is suggested, typically about 25% above the amount of force you anticipate needing. This ensures you have the force you need even if air pressure fluctuates within the plant. The additional capacity also allows for changes in the application.

Speed. How fast does your cylinder need to extend or retract? At high speeds, choosing a cylinder with adjustable end-of-stroke cushioning allows for higher speeds than without cushioning. Cylinders are limited in their kinetic energy absorption ability. A cylinder used beyond those sustainable limits will likely lead to premature failure of the cylinder. That’s why many cylinder manufacturers, like Parker, publish kinetic energy rating charts to allow machine designers to confirm this important aspect of cylinder selection. The greater the moving mass and speed, the more energy absorption capability that is necessary. The mass includes not only the piston rod assembly but anything attached to the end of the piston rod.

Noise. Cylinders with end-of-stroke bumpers are quieter. Many cylinder manufacturers offer bumpers for the extend and retract strokes. Bumpers are generally in the form of a rubber stop. Principally they reduce noise and offer end-of-stroke cushioning. Government agencies and other groups routinely express concerns over hearing loss in plant operators from exposure to industrial noise. Bumpers may help reduce noise levels in the plant in compliance with local regulations.

Available air pressure. Most plants typically have between 80 and 120 psi (5 and 8 bar) air pressure available. It’s important to match the rating of the

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cylinder with the amount of air pressure available. Typically, cylinders are rated for use up to 150 psi (10 bar), although some standard cylinders are rated to 250 psi (17 bar).

Considerations beyond size

Once you’ve chosen the right cylinder size, you can turn your attention to the myriad options available today. Most cylinders on the market today are aluminum with chromeplated steel piston rods that resist corrosion. There are also heavy-duty steel cylinders appropriate for applications that may require additional durability, like for use in steel manufacturing and other harsh environments. Here are a few other choices:

Compact cylinders. These are ideal for applications that require less force and have limited space available. Parker recently introduced its P1P Series, a complete range of compact cylinders for these types of applications.

Single-acting cylinders. Although most cylinders are double-acting, meaning the power stroke is in both directions, single-acting cylinders are ideal when thrust is needed in only one direction. The inactive end is vented to the atmosphere through a breather or filter. Spring force or gravity returns the cylinder. This can simplify and lower the cost and complexity of control valves and logic. Cylinders can be ordered with spring extend or spring retract depending on the application requirement. The spring is internal to the cylinder and will require additional cylinder body length to accommodate the spring components. The spring component design and configuration generally limits stroke length to about 6 inches.

Double-rod cylinders. Double-rod cylinders are used when equal displacement is needed on both sides of the piston or when it is mechanically beneficial to couple a load to each end. The extra end can be used to mount cams for operating limit switches, and so forth.

Guided cylinders. Tools that need a specific orientation require a cylinder that prevents rotation. Guided cylinders are mounted in a housing that has guide rods and a tool plate. They are in widespread use in applications involving lifting, pressing, pulling, separating, controlling product flow, and many other applications. Guided cylinders can tolerate the catalog-defined side load rating, whereas a standard cylinder, not mounted in a guide unit, can withstand little to no side load.

Rod locking cylinders. Safety is always a priority. Rod locking cylinders can be used to increase safety in the case of compressed air supply failure. For static applications, they can activate to provide emergency holding strength during a power outage or accidental disconnection of the air supply. These cylinders lock in place when air pressure drops, minimizing potential injury to operators and possible harm

to equipment. Some manufacturers also offer dynamic rod locks that slow and stop the piston rod when a safety interlock is triggered. Due to their unique design, these types of cylinders require additional pneumatic controls, and more space and length.

Rodless cylinders. Designed to maximize stroke length in relation to overall cylinder length, rodless cylinders are compact to effectively save space. Instead of using

Continued on page 8

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Modular system components are simply clamped on.
® TM O

an extending piston rod to move loads, they have a carriage directly coupled to the piston. The carriage moves in parallel with the piston and the same force is generated in both directions. Without a piston rod there is no subtraction of the piston area due to the piston rod diameter. It has the same effective piston working area in both directions. Benefits of rodless cylinders include:

• High load and moment capability.

• Load and moment capability that can be easily increased with guides on the cylinder.

• Various integrated brake options.

• Ability to be used for multi-axis pick and place.

• Smooth operation with low noise levels.

Sizing other components

Size matters when optimizing the performance of a pneumatic system. Valve sizing, for example, is greatly influenced by the flow requirement. How quickly the cylinder extends and retracts greatly influences the flow requirement. A larger cylinder with a longer stroke requires more air flow, which means a larger valve with a greater flow rating will be necessary. The number of cycles per minute (determined by output rate) also affects air flow which, in turn, affects hose and valve selection, and air preparation requirements for filters and point-of-use regulators. Proper air filtration will ensure a longer, more efficient life of the pneumatic cylinders.

Since the sizing of multiple components within a standard pneumatic system is so critical and complex, Parker created its Virtual Engineer online tool, which aids in the selection of the right products. As previously mentioned, the correct component size impacts the overall performance

and cost of a pneumatic system. While sizing is often a consideration when building a new line, many plants could benefit from an audit that could determine, among other things, if downsizing is an option when components need to be replaced. Don’t simply assume you need the same size cylinder, valve, or filter, especially after changes in the line. •

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Continued from page 7
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Cool Applications Need

Lubricating oil must deliver effective wear protection for compressors in food and beverage plants, cold storage facilities, chemical mills, and ice arenas.

Properlubrication of refrigeration compressors is critical, making effective filtration vital to smooth-running systems. The lubricating oil must deliver effective wear protection for reciprocating, vane, and screw compressors in industrial refrigeration systems. These systems are commonly found in food and beverage plants, cold storage facilities, chemical mills, and ice arenas.

Particles in the lubricant increase compressor wear and reduce the life of mechanical components. Excellent filtration systems are therefore necessary to maximize compressor life and prevent costly downtime. Oil degeneration or aging causes the buildup of damaging compounds leading to premature wear of moving parts. This reduces compressor efficiency and reliability, resulting in higher energy and maintenance costs.

The life of a lubricant is not easy

Many circulating oils developed for industrial refrigeration compressors are designed to operate in ammonia refrigeration systems. Ammonia refrigeration compressors tend to be highly efficient and reliable with proper care. The oil must be able to lubricate surfaces under demanding conditions without carrying the ammonia with it or permitting wear.

There are two main types of filters in refrigeration compressor lube systems. The first provides particulate screening in the oil; the second separates ammonia from the oil. To ensure maximum efficiency, the amount of ammonia that dissolves in the oil must be minimized.

It is imperative to consider the quality of the filtration solution as commercial refrigeration applications face different challenges compared to standard industrial filtration needs. The element must filter oil slightly contaminated with refrigerant. The filter housing meanwhile must be durable for the often-demanding conditions of the environment in which it is installed.

Filter efficiency is expressed as a beta ratio (ẞ) produced by the multipass filter performance test (ISO 16889). Results are reported as a ratio comparing the number of particles greater than a designated size (ẞx) upstream versus downstream of the filter during testing.

When selecting a filter for use in a refrigeration compressor lubrication system, a minimum beta ratio of ẞx>= 200 (99.5% of contaminant particles size “x” or larger are filtered) should be selected. Filter fineness recommendations vary by compressor manufacturer but generally fall within the 3µm to 10µm range.

Also critical is the dirt-holding capacity, pressure drop characteristics (delta p) and beta stability of the filter. Beta stability is the ability of a filter element to perform well in a dynamic refrigeration compressor system and not simply in a laboratory.

Today’s most innovative filter elements use multiple layers of synthetic media to maximize performance in all areas. Each filter layer provides a certain function that supports filtration performance, dirt-holding capacity, or beta stability.

Filters for cooling applications

Eaton has developed a standard approach to industrial compressor filtration using special NH3-resistant filter elements protected by carbon steel or stainless steel housings. These filter elements are specifically designed for compressors working with oil and ammonia mixtures (the most used refrigerant) or with other common refrigerants (typically CO2, N2 or halogenated hydrocarbons).

The combination of high-integrity pressure containment vessels and NH3-resistant filter elements effectively cleans lubricating oils and guards against the ingress of environmental contaminants. These filter elements are specifically suitable because they are resistant to ammonia that is often contained in compressor lubricating oils (NH3 up to 10% gases). These filters are equipped with ammonia-resistant support fleece and adhesives that withstand a maximum temperature of 194°F (90°C) to help ensure refrigerant compressors can continue to operate reliably.

The combination of industrial pressure filters and special NH3-resistant filter elements helps to ensure oil integrity and protects downstream components from contamination levels per the recommended cleanliness target. Most low-pressure filter arrangements (simplex or duplex) are suitable for working pressures up to 913 psi (63 bar). Associated filter elements having

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in which refrigeration compressors are found. Also consider that a component can only work well if it harmonizes with the overall system.

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harvardcorp.com/mining Call: 608.882.6330 • Most effective method of removing water & particle contamination from oil • Reduces oil waste/use • Reduces equipment downtime • Increases equipment life • Cost effective & environmentally friendly Same used oil as above under the microscope after just 48 hours of Harvard’s depth media filtration solution Used oil under the microscope Used Extensively In the Following Industries Hydraulics Construction & Heavy Equipment Mining Trucking Agriculture Marine Industrial Power Plants Power Transmission Cement Industry Metal Working & Tooling Steel & Aluminum Mills Paper & Lumber Mills Canning Industry Refrigeration Industry Packing Industry Oil & Gas Industry Refining Compressor Wind, Steam, & Gas Turbines Military OEM– Bulk Storage Inside wire mesh Inside protective layer Filtration media layer Outside protective layer Outside wire mesh


Hengli’s HP21VG series of axial piston variable double pumps boast high performance, compact design, and high power density that can meet a customer’s application requirements of high pressure, high speed, frequent shock, and other harsh working conditions.

Overall, these pumps feature a concise, high-performance design that uses fewer parts than previous hydrostatic products. The more compact design gives design engineers more freedom and flexibility in system design.

The HP21VG’s variable pump working circuit is closed circuit with pressure of 42-45 MPa (6,091-6,526 psi). Hydraulic, electric, and mechanical servo controls can be developed according to customers’ needs, and DA or emergency brake valves can be integrated as well. The pump is spline shaft driven, with working oil port A/B on the same side of the casing, with direct acting high pressure relief valve, without bypass and charge pump.

Features and advantages

High efficiency. Control of hydraulic flow rate and direction by an electrohydraulic integrated servo system ensures extremely low servo pressure and superior high power density. The extremely high operating efficiency allows the HP21VG series pumps to reduce the total cost of ownership.

Compactness. The low number of total components and the compact arrangement of the oil ports and control valves substantially shorten the overall pump length and facilitate installation in tight spaces. The compact design coupled with the high-pressure and speed ratings gives it a higher power density ratio.

Better design. Using a low-noise casing while optimizing the structure of the flow distribution plate helps meet the low noise requirements of the whole machine for hydraulic components. Strengthened shaft and bearing parts ensure the rotary accuracy of the pump and make it operate reliably ultrahigh pressure.

Control options

Hydraulic control, electric proportional control (voltage 12V DC and 24V DC), mechanical servo control, and other control options are available to meet the needs of multi-industry applications.

Multifunctional combination. The pump can be integrated with DA or emergency brake valve to obtain newer and better functions. For example, when the DA valve is integrated, the HP21VG closed double pump can be given a special control method to achieve stepless adjustment of hydraulic pump displacement.

In practical applications, the HP21VG series closed double pump can be used with any existing Hengli motor to form a hydraulic drive system to realize fluid transmission and control. As described above, it can also be used with DA valve to realize functions such as automatic driving and hydraulic DA of the vehicle, which is a good helper for hydrostatic travel system.

For example, in the actual application of skid steer loader, the main pump uses the HP21VG45 axial piston variable closed double pump, and HRP series radial piston motor to form a strong, efficient, automated, low fuel-consumption hydrostatic closed travel system that can meet the traveling condition under full load and the traction condition when shoveling. Moreover, smooth transitions while starting, stopping, or turning results in a more comfortable driving experience.

Based on the development of electrification, the HP21VG closed double pump is easily compatible with Hengli’s HLEC6448A series or HL-C series controller to enhance the functional adaptability of the whole machine. •

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CFCINDUSTRIALTRAINING.com 7042 Fairfield Business Drive Fairfield, Ohio 45014 +1 513.874.3225 info@cfcindustrialtraining.com UPSKILL YOUR WORKFORCE! ONSITE TRAINING CFC provides direct, Industry and/or Machine-specific training to companies the world over. Electrical Techs & Engineers Hydraulic Techs & Engineers Pneumatic Techs & Engineers Our Hands-On Training Equipment is mobilized directly to your facility with Certified Instructors traveling on-site. This turnkey approach includes all books, materials, equipment, and travel arrangements. We have the capability to upskill your entire workforce NOW! Multicraft Techs & Engineers See the complete range of valves at: We Make Valve Automation Easy! Automated Valves from Stock Built, Tested, Shipped - Same Day For Lower Pressure Water, Oil, Gas, and Steam Compact On/O Valves High-Cycle Ball Valves OEM’s, integrators, and factories all over the world are turning to Assured Automation’s compact on/o valves and high-cycle ball valves to improve machine reliability and increase productivity. /FPJ


Today’s hydraulic machines have undergone significant design modifications in recent years, but their importance in modern industry is unchanged. The overall growth of the global hydraulic equipment market, including in Asia Pacific, Europe, and the Americas, shows no signs of slowing. It is expected to continue expanding at a compound annual growth rate of 4.13% through 2024.

Indeed, hydraulic systems are responsible for reliable operation in countless critical applications, and it’s important that they perform to the best of their abilities throughout their lifetimes. And as hydraulic systems themselves continue to evolve, so too must one of their most essential components for optimal operation: hydraulic fluids. This article walks through the necessary performance characteristics required in modern hydraulic fluids, and it explores the greater potential for new improvements that can be made with advanced performance polymer technology.

Operational conditions

Today’s hydraulic fluids must contend with increasingly harsh operating conditions, as OEMs continue to iterate system designs to maximize machine efficiency while controlling costs. Achieving both goals simultaneously can create new challenges for fluids to contend with. For example, hydraulic fluid sumps have been a primary target of downsizing, which has been an effective weight-and-materials reduction strategy for OEMs. But it necessitates that smaller volumes of hydraulic fluids perform the same amount of work throughout the hydraulic system. As a result, the fluid necessarily operates at higher temperatures and, because there is less time for fluid to cool within the sump between work cycles, it remains at elevated temperatures for extended periods of time. These conditions have detrimental results on a hydraulic fluid’s ability to provide its essential functionality. Consider that one of the most important characteristics of a high-performing fluid is its ability to retain its designed viscosity throughout use. Sustained higher temperatures elevate a fluid’s potential to lose viscosity and become thinner and thinner. As the fluid loses viscosity, its protective film layers are compromised.

Those layers are critical, particularly in strenuous high-speed applications in which maintaining film thickness is critical. If a fluid loses its film thickness at such speeds, the fluid will not be able to deliver the expected protection, and parts can become worn prematurely throughout operation. For end-user operators, worn parts can lead to compromised machine performance and even machine failure. Either situation can become detrimental to an organization’s bottom line, as the resulting repair costs and production losses due to downtime add up.

This all makes viscosity retention a critical performance characteristic in modern hydraulic fluid formulations. The deployment of high-performance additives and performance polymers in the contemporary formulations can help significantly. To demonstrate these capabilities, Lubrizol’s testing team recently compared several experimental ISO 46 hydraulic fluid formulations to validate the potential of a new ethylene-propylene copolymer (OCP) that can enhance viscosity retention. The testing compared a multigrade fluid formulated with OCP (PP1) and versions of a multigrade fluid with a more conventional polymer, poly alkyl methacrylate (PP2).

First, both formulations were subjected to OEM pump testing. The data was clear: PP1, containing the new technology, exhibited low viscosity loss and retained viscosity well across many hours of service. This leads, of course, to greater retention of protective film thickness.

Second, in order to demonstrate the polymer’s applicability to realworld environments, we subjected each formulation to many hours of testing in tough field environments. The application was a hydraulic telehandler. Depending on the attachment mounted to the end of its boom, a telehandler can be used as an all-terrain forklift, crane, aerial work platform, or even an excavator – each of which represents a challenging duty cycle with high shear potential for an applicable hydraulic fluid.

In our testing, we found that PP1 once again delivered exceptional viscosity retention across thousands of hours of work. While PP2 also demonstrated strong shear stability, the elevated performance of PP1 can make a significant difference for end users over time. A fluid’s ability

Apr IL 2023

to maintain its viscosity over extended periods of time can allow end users to extend a hydraulic drain interval, lessening maintenance burdens and allowing operations to continue uninterrupted.

Advancements in efficiency

Viscosity retention was not the only performance characteristic Lubrizol’s testing team sought to validate in evaluating OCP’s potential impact on modern hydraulic fluid formulations. Because the need for greater energy efficiency has been the primary driver of design changes we have seen in hydraulic systems, we sought to demonstrate a performance polymer’s ability to contribute directly to new efficiency gains that can improve an end user’s bottom line.

To evaluate potential efficiency gains, we introduced a conventional monograde fluid with no performance polymer as a baseline to our testing. The three experimental formulations were tested via controlled experiments within Lubrizol facilities and in off-site, climate-controlled laboratory settings, across a range of common hydraulic work cycles.

In each, PP1 demonstrated clear efficiency gains versus PP2 and the conventional monograde fluid. Testing was performed at consistent flows and pressures, and across numerous different pressure and flow combinations, in order to validate efficiency gains in a range of applications.

The OCP technology used in our PP1 fluid improves the fluid’s secondary flow properties, which helps create efficiency gains that are realized throughout the hydraulic system, outside of the pump. Secondary flow is where the hydraulic fluid is moving in a different direction to primary flow within an application. Secondary flow typically occurs when flow is constricted or changes direction within the hydraulic system. Secondary flow can thereby prevent the fluid from moving as effectively and efficiently as possible— OCP helps to mitigate this issue, thus directly contributing to improved efficiency. The efficiency benefits of the OCP polymer only grow in more complex systems, where more secondary flow events are likely to occur.

High-performance fluids matter

Modern hydraulic equipment has created new demands of hydraulic fluids, and it’s critical that such fluids remain up to the task. As demonstrated by Lubrizol’s testing, new additive and polymer chemistry has the potential to improve the essential protective characteristics of today’s fluids while providing new efficiency benefits.

For fluid formulators, it is worth exploring ways these technologies can improve formulations to best protect hydraulic equipment. For end users, selecting high-performance hydraulic fluids can deliver real-world benefits, helping to maximize the useful life of hydraulic equipment while minimizing maintenance requirements when such equipment is in service. Hydraulic equipment continues to play a critical role in the modern world, and maximizing its potential with the right fluids stands to benefit everyone. •


Apr IL 2023 15
Viscosity Loss (%) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 OEM 1 OEM 2 OEM 3 PP1 KV100 PP1 KV40 PP2 KV100 PP2 KV40 Viscosity Retention in Field Testing 10 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 KV40 (cSt) 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 KV 1 00 (cSt) Hours on Test PP1 KV100 PP1 KV40 PP2 KV100 PP2 KV40 Efficiency (%) Efficiency at One Pressure and Flow Rate 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Temperature (ºC) With PP2 With PP1 Monograde Average Efficiency Over 21 Pressure-Flow-Temperature Combinations Efficiency (%) 55 54.5 54 53.5 53 52.5 52 With PP1 Monograde With PP2 WWW.IF p S.O r G • WWW.FLUID p OWE r JOU r NAL.COM
Viscosity Retention in

Hydraulic Components in Circuits Mobile Valves


valves are designed to be used with a load-sensing pump.

The valves typically have spools with metering notches allowing proportional control of the affective orifice caused by the spool movement, both to the A and B ports. A shuttle valve usually allows the signal from the port with the higher pressure to be sensed by the pump control. Bernoulli taught us that there would be a discrete flow rate for a given pressure drop across an orifice. If the load-sensing compensator at the pump is set for a 17 bar (246 psi) differential, then any spool position will have a constant flow rate, regardless of variations in load pressure. This is particularly useful in mobile equipment when the valve is manually operated, and the only feedback is from the operator. However, if more than one function is being operated, the function with the greatest pressure-demand will be load-sensing. Other functions will no longer have a steady flow for a given spool position.

can be added to the circuit, usually within the main valve body of each valve section. There are two types of these compensator arrangements: precompensation, in which the additional valve element is placed in the fluid stream before it has passed by the control orifice (usually the main valve spool); and postcompensation, in which the additional valve element is placed in the fluid stream after it has passed by the control orifice. Both types of compensators sense core pressure and when required add restrictions to ensure a constant pressure drop across each control orifice regardless of load pressure differences.

In the first arrangement, the normally open precompensator valve element senses the load pressure, and if the pressure from the pump is higher than the compensator spring setting, nominally 17 bar (246 psi) above the load pressure, the compensator valve element restricts the flow and reduces the pressure across the control orifice to 17 bar (246 psi) above load pressure. The compensator is similar to a pressure reducing valve set at 17 bar (246 psi) with its spring chamber vented to the working port. The working port pressure is added to the spring setting of the valve. The result is a relatively consistent pressure drop related to the spring force and consequent flow rate for a given spool position, regardless of pump pressure or working port load pressure changes. This mitigates against the interaction of functions as long as there is enough pump flow to satisfy all activated work functions. The precompensator arrangement is best suited for accurate flow regulation circuits.

For example, in the precompensation circuit shown in figure 2a, pump flow maximum is 45 lpm (11.9 gpm). Note: The load-sense differential setting of the pump is 20 bar (290 psi). Function 1 maximum is 30 lpm (7.9 gpm), 100 bar (1,450 psi). Function 2 maximum is 25 lpm (6.6 gpm), 210 bar (3,045 psi).

Load-sensing valves with compensation. A load-sensing system that operates only one actuator at a time will supply the proper flow and pressure to that function because there is a consistent pressure drop across the control orifice. However, when there are multiple functions that need to be controlled at the same time, the function with the highest pressure requirement determines the core system pressure. Circuit sections that need lower pressure will receive an increase in flow due to this increase in core pressure. To overcome this problem, flow control compensators

16 Apr IL 2023 WWW.FLUID p OWE r JOU r NAL.COM • WWW.IF p S.O r G
Figure 1: Load sense schematic.
Load pressure = 100 bar Load pressure on spring side of compensator Intermediate modulating pressure load + spring pressure = 117 bar Load pressure to pump load sense pilot port Pump outlet pressure LS pilot + pump differential presssure 100 + 20 bar = 120 bar Pump differential setting = 20 bar Valve compensator pressure drop = 3 bar Valve spool pressure drop = 17 bar A B A B T
Figure 2a: Precompensation, one valve actuated.

Figure 2a shows the operation of one function. If function 1 is operating at 1/2 flow, 15 lpm (4 gpm), and maximum pressure, the load-sense pressure signal to the pump will be the load pressure. The pump outlet pressure will be the differential setting plus the load pressure: 100 + 20 = 120 bar (1,450 + 290 = 1,740 psi). The valve compensator will maintain a 17 bar (246 psi) pressure drop across the spool valve, and the remaining 3 bar (44 psi) pressure drop will be across the compensator.

As shown in figure 2b, if function 2 is actuated and operates at full load pressure while function 1 is still at 50%, the load-sense pressure signal to the pump will now be 210 bar (3,045 psi). The pressure at the inlet of the function 1 compensator will increase by 110 bar (1,595 psi); 230-120 bar (3,335-1,740 psi). The higher pressure will result in an increased pressure drop across the function 1 compensator, but the flow will remain essentially the same. The pressure drop across the valve 2 compensator will be 3 bar (44 psi), and the pressure drop across the valve 2 spool will be 17 bar (246 psi).

As long as demand does not exceed the pump supply, both functions operate at their desired speeds, and the load-sense signal will be the highest load pressure value. Each valve section compensator will continually adjust to maintain a constant pressure drop across the spool it is sensing.

Figure 2c shows excessive flow demand. Hypothetically, if both functions are commanded to 100% simultaneously, both functions 1 and 2 require more flow than the pump can supply. As long as it has a lower load pressure, function 1 will get the full required 30 lpm (7.9 gpm), and function 2 will get the remaining 15 lpm (4 gpm). If function 1 flow command is reduced, function 2 will increase in speed. If function 1 is commanded to less than 20 lpm (5.3 gpm), function 2 will operate at full speed. In practice, since the function pressure may change based on the supplied flow, the function speeds may not be consistent at full command.

Continued on page 18

WWW.IF p S.O r G • WWW.FLUID p OWE r JOU r NAL.COM Apr IL 2023 17 www. coxreels .com AIR / WATER | HYDRAULIC | PNEUMATIC | VACUUM | WELDING SOLUTIONS FOR: AND MORE quality matters. every time. HOSE, CORD, & CABLE PRO GRADE REELS DURABLE. RELIABLE. www.rheintacho.com
Flow = 15 lpm Load pressure = 100 bar Load pressure on spring side of compensator Intermediate modulating pressure load + spring pressure = 117 bar Load pressure to pump load sense pilot port 210 bar Pump outlet pressure LS pilot + pump differential presssure 210 + 20 bar = 230 bar Pump differential setting = 20 bar Valve compensator pressure drop = 3 bar Valve spool pressure drop = 17 bar Flow = 25 lpm Load pressure = 210 bar Intermediate modulating pressure load + spring pressure = 227 bar Valve compensator pressure drop = 113 bar Higher pressure drop across valve 1 compensator will result in more flow A B A B T
Figure 2b: Precompensation, both valves actuated.
Load pressure = 100 bar Intermediate modulating pressure load + spring pressure = 117 bar Load pressure to pump load sense pilot port = 210 bar Pump outlet pressure LS pilot + pump differential presssure 210 + 20 bar = 230 bar Pump differential setting = 20 bar Valve compensator pressure drop = 17 bar Valve spool pressure drop = 17 bar Load pressure = 210 bar Intermediate modulating pressure load + spring pressure = 227 Valve compensator pressure drop = 113 bar Section 1 load flow = 30 lpm Pump flow = 45 lpm Valve spool pressure drop = 17 bar Section 2 load flow = 15 lpm A B A B T
Figure 2c: Precompensation, both valves actuated, but inadequate flow.

In postcompensation, the compensator is a normally closed valve that opens when the pressurized fluid coming from the main spool pilots it open against a spring. The spring chamber is vented to the load-sensing line, which sees the highest load pressure. The pressure to open the compensator equals the spring pressure plus the highest load pressure. The net result is a consistent pressure drop across the main spool. Because the valve spool pressure drops are all the same, this arrangement has the advantage of restricting the flow to all work ports if the flow demand exceeds the capacity of the pump. All functions will slow down proportionally. The postcompensator arrangement is best suited for multiple working function applications requiring limited pump flow. It is not capable of accurate flow regulation due to the dependency on the pump's load-sense differential pressure setting, also commonly referred to as margin pressure.

In the postcompensation circuit shown in figure 2d, using the same values as the precompensator examples: pump flow maximum is 45 lpm (11.9 gpm). Note: The load-sense differential setting of the pump is 20 bar (290 psi). Function 1 maximum is 30 lpm (7.9 gpm), 100 bar (1,450 psi). Function 2 maximum is 25 lpm (6.6 gpm), 210 bar (3,045 psi). Function 1 is commanded to 50% flow, which is 15 lpm (4.0 gpm). Since the pump can provide more flow than needed, both valve sections will receive the correct flow. The compensator sections are sensing pressure upstream

and downstream of the spool valve. The pressure drop across each valve spool is the same. The load pressure does not affect the compensator modulation. The highest load pressure is being sensed at the pump. As long as the valves do not require more flow than the pump can provide, the performance will be the same as the pre-compensated valve.

18 Apr IL 2023 WWW.FLUID p OWE r JOU r NAL.COM • WWW.IF p S.O r G
Flow = 15 lpm Load pressure = 100 bar Flow = 25 lpm Load pressure = 210 bar Pump differential setting = 20 bar Pump outlet pressure LS pilot + pump differential presssure 210+20 bar = 230 bar Load sense pilot pressure highest of valves = 210 bar Intermediate presure = load sense pressure + differential from spring = 210 + 17 = 227. Valve compensator differential = 227 - 100 =127 bar Both valve spools have the same pressure drop. Supply pressure - intermediate pressure = 230 - 227 = 3 bar Valve compensator differential = 227 - 210 = 17 bar Pump ow = 40 lpm A B A B P T
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from page 17
Figure 2d: Postcompensation, example 1.

In the postcompensation circuit shown in figure 2e, if both valves are commanded to 100%, the flow demand exceeds the pump output. Because the individual compensator sections maintain the same pressure drop across the valve spools, the flow will be proportionally reduced, so the functions of both sections will have reduced speed. When using

compensated valves with load-sense pumps, it is recommended to set the pump load-sense differential pressure setting higher than the valve compensator setting. In the examples shown, load-sense differential pressure setting was 20 bar (290 psi), and the valve compensator was 17 bar (246 psi). •

WWW.IF p S.O r G • WWW.FLUID p OWE r JOU r NAL.COM Apr IL 2023 19 Learn all about the new S1 Pressure Transducer for OEM applications. Download the guide now! High Performance Built to Last Get reliable measurements with the economical Ashcroft ® S1 OEM pressure transducer for demanding OEM applications. • High-quality, cost-effective, quick lead times • Field proven, all stainless-steel thin film pressure CVD-based sensor technology for exceptional cycle life and repeatability • Outstanding shock and vibration resistance, IP65 and/or IP67 levels of ingress protection • Wide range of connections, outputs, ranges and materials to meet your needs Contact Ashcroft for all your pressure and temperature measurement needs: 1-800-328-8258 | ashcroft.com ©2023 Ashcroft Inc. FPJ-Apr2023-47611 TEST YOUR SKILLS See page 38 for the solution. 1. A mobile valve: a. is not suited for industrial applications. b. is not limited to mobile applications. c. has a high leakage rate. d. must be used with load sensing. e. has a low pressure rating. Pump differential setting = 20 bar Pump outlet pressure LS pilot + pump differential presssure 210 + 20 bar = 230 bar Load sense pilot pressure highest of valves = 210 bar Intermediate presure = load sense pressure + differential from spring = 210 + 17 = 227. Valve compensator differential = 227 - 100 = 127 bar Both valve spools have the same pressure drop. Supply pressure - intermediate pressure = 230 -227 = 3 bar Valve compensator differential = 227 - 210 = 17 bar Section 1 flow = 24.5 lpm Load pressure = 100 bar Section 2 flow = 20.5 lpm Load pressure = 210 bar If both valves are commanded to 100% flow, because they have the same pressure drop, the flow will divide equally. Pump flow = 45 lpm A B A B P T
Figure 2e: Postcompensation example 2.

Membership vs. Certification FAQs

»MANY PEOPLE ASK about the difference between certification and IFPS membership. Here are answers to that question and others we are frequently asked.

Q: What is the difference between renewing my membership and my certification?

A: Membership and certification are two different entities. When you renew your membership, you are not renewing your certification. Recertification requires an online application. IFPS membership is not mandatory, but it is highly encouraged.

Q: I took my certification test. Why do I need to recertify?

A: Because technology changes all the time and IFPS wants to make sure you are up to date with industry information. You wouldn’t want your doctor operating or making a diagnosis if they didn’t continue to stay current in their fields, would you? Therefore, the Fluid Power Certification Board requires ongoing experience, education, and training in the fluid power industry. The recertification process works on a system of professional development points, which can be earned in a number of ways:

• Work in fluid power field a minimum of three years.

• IFPS membership.

• Participate in fluid power committees/subcommittees.

• Participate in other fluid power organizations, such as FPDA, NFPA, NAHAD, SAE, and NAFA.

• Hold volunteer positions in fluid power organizations.

• Attend industry-related meetings.

• Attend vendor workshops, seminars, webinars, and in-house training.

• Present at a vendor workshop, seminar, webinar, or in-house training.

• Earn or teach industry-related college credits.

• Submit articles or technical papers to Fluid Power Journal.

• Submit a sample test question with required references and appropriate graphics and/or schematics to IFPS headquarters.

Q: How do I recertify?

A: Log in to your IFPS account, visit https://www.ifps.org/certifications and follow the instructions.

Q: What if I forget to recertify?

A: An IFPS certification is valid for five years, then it must be renewed. IFPS sends recertification reminders in emails, letters, and postcards; however, it is your responsibility to submit the required paperwork by the deadline. Please be sure to update your contact information by updating your account on our website. If you do not submit the paperwork by the expiration date, you may be required to retake the test, and you may no longer use the certification designation after your name. If you’re not sure if your certification has expired, check your profile on the IFPS website or email info@ifps.org.

The Certification Committee chair is James O'Halek, CFPAI/ AJPP, CFPMM, CFPMIP, CFPCC, of The Boeing Company. Vice chair is Steve Bogush, CFPAI/AJPP, CFPHS, CFPIHM, of Poclain Hydraulics. For more information, visit www.ifps.org.


releases Mechanic Training Modules

»THIS ONLINE AT-YOUR-OWN-PACE training module takes the IHM and MHM study manuals and brings them to life! The mechanic training modules heavily emphasize maintaining, repairing, and troubleshooting hydraulic systems. These modules also include the basic principles of fluid power and the operation and construction of the most common hydraulic components found in the system.

These modules are a great tool for someone preparing for an IHM or MHM certification tests, someone looking to boost their skills, and even makes an excellent onboarding tool for entry-level mechanics!

Our IHM and MHM certification study manuals were transformed from traditional black/white print into a full color, animated, interactive online learning platform!

• Schematics are color coded and animated

• Contains ISO 1219 symbology

• Full-color graphics

• Chapter review questions - interactive (you’ll know immediately if you’ve grasped the chapter information)

• Voice-over for text for auditory learners

• Three additional online pre-tests

• Safety and Energy Tips throughout Cost is $349. Multiple-user pricing for five or more! E-mail sales@ifps.org for details.

iFpS releases Math Training Modules

»A RECENT STUDY found that more than 68% of participants cited a lack of confidence as the biggest stumbling block to a student’s ability to succeed in math. If math is a stumbling block for you, or if you are preparing to take a certification test, this online at-your-own-pace training module transforms the IFPS math book into an interactive learning tool!

Dan Helgerson, CFPAI, will teach fundamental fluid power math skills and build on that foundation to explain the calculation of more complicated formulas. Each section includes step-by-step video instructions on how to solve complex fluid power math problems.

1. Welcome to the Fluid Power Math Workshop

2. Understanding the Order of Operations –PEMDAS

3. Units used in IFPS Fluid Power Math Equations

4. Math Basics

5. Circles

6. Various Math Equations

7. Fluid Power Formulae

8. Calculating, Volumetric, Mechanical and Overall Efficiency

9. How to Size and Select a Fluid Power Cylinder


10. Calculating Fluid Velocity

11. Detailed Explanation and the Importance Triangles in Fluid Power

12. Understanding Reaction Forces

13. Jib Boom Calculations

14. Understanding Toggles

15. Misc. Reservoir Equations

16. Understanding Compressed Air

17. Coefficient of Velocity

18. Sizing Accumulators

19. Coefficient of Friction

20. Understanding Cartridge Elements

21. Electric Formulae - Ohm's Cost is $199. Multiple-user pricing for five or more!

E-mail sales@ifps.org for details.

20 Apr IL 2023 WWW.FLUID p OWE r JOU r NAL.COM • WWW.IF p S.O r G

Newly Certified Professionals

January 2023


David Rowe, Altec Industries


Jim McLean, The Boeing Company

Ian Skovajsa, The Boeing Company

Josh Burch

Ryan Murphy, The Boeing Company

Zachariah Zielke, The Boeing Company

Zachary Kelley, The Boeing Company


Andrew Patience

Elizabeth Walker


Ryan Bumgarner, SMC Corporation of America


Andrew Smith, Parker Hannifin

Benjamin Fister, Parker Hannifin

William Hartman, D.N.C Hydraulics

Brian Burns, Parker Hannifin

Carter Jett, Parker Hannifin

Daniel Wojanis, Triad Tech

Jason Miller, Parker Hannifin

Jay Gronbach

Jeff Petack, Parker Hannifin

Joe Galmarini, Parker Hannifin

Luis Achata, Hydraulic Supply Company

Matt Chiancone, Parker Hannifin

Nicholas Merchant, Parker Hannifin

Muhammad Nazar


Alex Reutman, Altec Industries

David Siefert, Altec Industries

Josh Ryan, ComEd

Kyle Collins, Altec Industries

Caleb Shell, Dominion Energy

Rodney Leer, Altec Industries

Ryan Newsham, Altec Industries

Sean Belcher, Dominion Energy

Sean Miller, Altec Industries

Shawn Russell, Altec Industries

Timothy Girard, Altec Industries


Jason Brown, Altec Industries


Johnathan Summers, The Boeing Company

Nicholas Walker, The Boeing Company

Travis Medberry, The Boeing Company


Amado Duran Garcia, Lightning Bay



Andrew Smith, Parker Hannifin

Amado Duran Garcia, Lightning Bay


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CFpAi Certified Fluid Power Accredited Instructor


Tentative Certification Review Training

IFPS offers onsite review training for small groups of at least 10 persons. An IFPS accredited instructor visits your company to conduct the review. Contact kpollander@ifps.org for details of the scheduled onsite reviews listed below.


May 1-3, Mukwonago, WI, MSOE. Written test: May 4.

May 8-11, Fairfield, OH, CFC Industrial Training, Written test: May 12.

CFpE Certified Fluid Power Engineer

CFpS Certified Fluid Power Specialist (Must Obtain CFPHS & CFPPS)

CFpHS Certified Fluid Power Hydraulic Specialist

CFppS Certified Fluid Power Pneumatic Specialist

CFpECS Certified Fluid Power

Electronic Controls Specialist

CFpMT Certified Fluid Power Master Technician


CFpiHT Certified Fluid Power Industrial Hydraulic Technician

CFpMHT Certified Fluid Power Mobile Hydraulic Technician


Certified Fluid Power

Pneumatic Technician


Certified Fluid Power Master Mechanic



Certified Fluid Power

Industrial Hydraulic Mechanic


Certified Fluid Power Mobile Hydraulic Mechanic


Certified Fluid Power

Pneumatic Mechanic


Certified Fluid Power

Master of Industrial Hydraulics



Certified Fluid Power

Master of Mobile Hydraulics



Certified Fluid Power Master of Industrial Pneumatics

(Must Obtain CFPPM, CFPPT, & CFPCC)


Certified Fluid Power Connector & Conductor


Fluid Power System Designer

Aug. 14-17, Fairfield, OH, CFC Industrial Training, Written test: Aug. 18.

Dec. 4-7, 2023, Fairfield, OH, CFC Industrial Training. Written test: Dec. 8, 2023.


July 24-27, Fairfield, OH, CFC Industrial Training. Written test: July 27.


June 19-22, Fairfield, OH, CFC Industrial Training. Written test: June 23.

Nov. 13-16, Fairfield, OH, CFC Industrial Training. Written test: Nov. 17.


May 23-24, Fairfield, OH, CFC Industrial Training. Written and JP test: May 25.

Nov. 15-16, Fairfield, OH, CFC Industrial Training. Written and JP test: Nov. 17.


June 26-29, Fairfield, OH, CFC Industrial Training. Written and JP test: June 31.

Oct. 23-26, Fairfield, OH, CFC Industrial Training. Written and JP test: Oct. 27.

Online Mobile Hydraulic Mechanic certification review for written test is offered through CFC Industrial Training. This course surveys the MHM Study Manual (6.5 hours) and every outcome to prepare you for the written test. Members may e-mail for a 20% coupon code off the list price. Test fees are not included.


June 5-8, Fairfield, OH, CFC Industrial Training. Written and JP test: June 9.


April 17-20, Fairfield, OH, CFC Industrial Training. Written and JP test: April 21.


Sept. 18-21, Fairfield, OH, CFC Industrial Training. Written and JP test: Sept. 22. pNEUMATiC TECHNiCiAN and pNEUMATiC MECHANiC

For dates, call CFC Industrial Training at (513)874-3225 or visit www.cfcindustrialtraining.com/.


CFC Industrial Training offers an online Job Performance Review that includes stations 1-6 of the mechanic and technician Job Performance tests. Members may e-mail IFPS for a 20% coupon code off the list price. Test fees are not included. CFC also offers live distance learning Job Performance Station Reviews. To register or purchase, contact CFC Industrial Training at (513) 874-3225 or visit www.cfcindustrialtraining.com/.

HS Test Available in Spanish

»IFPS RECENTLY RELEASED a Spanish-language version of the Hydraulic Specialist certification test.

The new version was developed to provide greater accessibility to the certification program and to ensure a more equitable opportunity for Spanish-speaking professionals to obtain certification.

For more information or to take the test, visit www.ifps.org/hydraulic-specialist-3.

Mark Your Calendar


Fluid Power Basics

When: April 27, 12-1 p.m. [ET]

Valve Manifold Design

When: May 4, 12-1 p.m. [ET]

For more information, visit www.ifps.org/web-seminars.

WWW.IF p S.O r G • WWW.FLUID p OWE r JOU r NAL.COM Apr IL 2023 23
Certified Fluid Power Authorized Job Performance Proctor CFpAJppCC Certified Fluid Power Authorized Job Performance Proctor Connector & Conductor
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1A Total Safety P.O. Box 100088 Pittsburgh, PA 15233

P: 412-262-3950

F: 412-262-4055

E: sales@1atotalsafety.com

W: 1atotalsafety.com

6K Products 1006 143rd Ave SE Tenino, WA 98589

P: 360-264-2141

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E: sales@6kproducts.com

W: 6kproducts.com

A1 Manifold Supply PO Box 18 Spring Lake, MI 49456

P: 616-296-9165

W: a1manifolds.com

AAA Products International 7114 Harry Hines Blvd. Dallas, TX 75235

P: 214-357-3851

F: 214-357-7223

E: info@aaaproducts.com

W: aaaproducts.com

Aalborg Instruments 20 Corporate Drive Orangeburg, NY 10962

P: 845-770-3000

F: 845-770-3010

E: info@aalborg.com

W: aalborg.com

Aberdeen Dynamics 17717 East Admiral Place Tulsa, OK 74158

P: 918-437-8000

F: 918-437-8420

E: sales@aberdeendynamics.com

W: aberdeendynamics.com

Ace Pump Corporation

1650 Channel Avenue PO Box 13187 Memphis, TN 38113

P: 901-948-8514

E: sales@acepumps.com

W: acepumps.com


538 Township Line Rd. Blue Bell, PA 19422

P: 215-643-1900

F: 215-643-4017

E: sales@adaconn.com

W: adaconn.com

Adsens Tech, Inc.

18310 Bedford Cir. Industry, CA 91744

P: 626-854-2772

F: 626-854-8183

E: sales@adsens.net

W: adsens.net

Advance Hydraulics

3073 S. Chase Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207

P: 414-481-1545

F: 414-744-1667

E: mail@advancehydraulics.com

W: advancehydraulics.com

Advanced Cylinders, LLC

8966 Benson Ave. Ste C Montclair, CA 91763

P: 909-920-6437

F: 909-498-3712

E: sam@advancedcylindersllc.com

W: advancedcylindersllc.com

Advanced Fluid Systems, Inc. 245 Campbell Rd York, PA 17402

P: 717-757-1068

F: 717-757-4915

E: sales@advancedfluidsytems.com

W: advancedfluidsystems.com

Advanced Machine and Engineering 2500 Latham St. Rockford, IL 61103

P: 815-962-6076

F: 815-962-6483

E: info@ame.com

W: ame.com

Aggressive Hydraulics Inc. 18800 Ulysses St N.E.

P.O. Box 187 Cedar, MN 55011

P: 763-792-4000

F: 763-792-4400

E: sales@aggressivehydraulics.com

W: aggressivehydraulics.com

Aignep USA 7121 Loblolly Pine Blvd Fairview, TN 37062

P: 615-771-6650

F: 615-771-0926

E: service@aignepusa.com

W: aignepusa.com

Air and Hydraulic Equip 821 E 11th Street Chattanooga, TN 37404

P: 800-277-4466

F: 423-756-2084

E: airandhydraulicequipment@ aheinfo.com

W: aheinfo.com

Airline Hydraulics 3557 Progress Dr. Bensalem, PA 19020

P: 215-638-4700

F: 215-638-1707

E: sales@airlinehyd.com

W: airlinehyd.com

Airmo Inc. Pressure Technologies 9445 Evergreen Blvd. NW

Minneapolis, MN 55433

P: 1-763-786-0000

F: 1-763-786-4622

E: airmo@airmo.com

W: airmo.com


2747 Route 20 E.

Cazenovia, NY 13035

P: 315-655-8476

F: 315-655-3862

E: info@pelcocaz.com

W: airotronics.com

Airoyal Div. of Delta Sales

1355 Route 23

Butler, NJ 07405

P: 973-838-0371

F: 973-838-2638

E: info@airoyal.com

W: airoyal.net

Air-Way Manufacturing Company 586 N. Main St. Olivet, MI 49076

P: 800-253-1036

F: 269-749-2025

E: sales@air-way.com

W: air-way.com

Aitech Defense Systems

19756 Prairie Street Chatsworth, CA 91311

P: 888-248-3248

F: 818-718-9787

E: dpatterson@rugged.com

W: rugged.com

AKG Thermal Systems

809 Mattress Factory Road Mebane, NC 27302

P: 919-563-4871

F: 910-640-2233

E: sales@akgts.com

W: akgts.com

ALA Industries Limited (Yuken/Settima/Vivoil/Fluid Press)

1150 Southpoint Circle, Suite D Valparaiso, IN 46385

P: 877-419-8536

F: 219-477-4194

E: info@alaindustrieslimited.com

W: alaindustrieslimited.com

Alemite LLC

5148 North Hanley Rd. St. Louis, MO 63134

P: 866-4-alemite

F: 800-648-3917

E: feedback@alemite.com

W: alemite.com

Allenair Corporation

255 East Second Street Mineola, NY 11501

P: 516-747-5450

F: 516-747-5481

E: steves@allenair.com

W: allenair.com

Allied Electronics, Inc.

7151 Jack Newell Blvd. S. Fort Worth, TX 76118

P: 800-433-5700

F: 817-595-6444

E: quotes@alliedelec.com

W: thinkallied.com

Allied Fluid Conditioners

536 Township Line Road Blue Bell, PA 19422

P: 215-643-0966

F: 215-643-4017

E: sales@alliedfluidconditioners.com

W: alliedfluidconditioners.com

Allied Metrics Seals and Fasteners, Inc.

2 Wilson Drive Sparta, NJ 07871

P: 973-383-2487

F: 973-383-3329

E: alliedmetrics@nac.net

W: alliedmetrics.com

Alloys & Components, SW

2525 Sea Harbor Rd. Dallas, TX 75212

P: 214-637-9301

F: 214-637-9303

E: sales@alloysandcomponents.com

W: alloysandcomponents.com

Almo Manifold & Tool Co. 777 Aulerich PO Box 112 East Tawas, MI 48730

P: 989-984-0800

F: 989-984-0830

E: sales@almomanifold.com

W: almomanifold.com

Alumi-Tec Inc. PO Box 753 Grand Haven, MI 49417

P: 800-327-7558

F: 616-846-1984

E: Service@alumitecmanifolds.com

W: alumitecmanifolds.com

American Chemical Technologies, Inc. 485 E. Van Riper Rd. Fowlerville, MI 48836

P: 800-938-0101

F: 517-223-1703

E: sales@americanchemtech.com

W: americanchemtech.com

American Cylinder Co., Inc. 481 S. Governors Hwy. Peotone, IL 60468-9116

P: 708-258-3935

F: 708-258-3980

E: amcyl@americancylinder.com

W: americancylinder.com

American Sensor Technologies, Inc. (AST) 450 Clark Drive Mount Olive, NJ 07828

P: 973-448-1901

F: 973-448-1905

E: sales@astsensors.com

W: astsensors.com

Ametek Factory Automation

1080 N. Crooks Rd. Clawson, MI 48017

P: 248-435-0700

F: 248-435-8120

E: gemco@ametek.com

W: ametekfactoryautomation.com

Ametek US Gauge

820 Pennsylvania Blvd. Feasterville, PA 19053

P: 215-355-6900

F: 215-354-1802

W: ametekusg.com

AMETEK Vehicular Instrumentation Systems (VIS)

287 27 Road Grand Junction, CO 81503

P: 970-242-8863

F: 970-245-6267

E: info.dixson@ametek.com

W: ametekvis.com

Amphenol Industrial Operations

40-60 Delaware Ave. Sidney, NY 13838

P: 607-563-5088

F: 607-563-5157

E: mhartman@amphenol-aio.com

W: amphenol-industrial.com

Anchor Coupling Inc.

5520 13th St. Menominee, MI 49858

P: 906-864-1117

F: 906-863-3242

E: clark_gail_r@anchorcoupling.com

W: anchorcoupling.com

Anchor Fluid Power 5553 Murray Road Cincinnati, OH 45227

P: 513-527-4444

F: 513-527-4449

E: Sales@Anchorfluidpower.com

W: AnchorFluidPower.com

Anderson Fittings

4325 Frontage Rd. Oak Forest, IL 60452

P: 800-323-5284

F: 708-535-9083

E: dchristensen@andersonfittings. com

W: andersonfittings.com

Anderson Metals Corporation, Inc.

P.O. Box 34200 Kansas City, MO 64120

P: 800-821-5672

F: 816-472-8700

E: info@andersonmetals.com

W: andersonmetals.com

APEM, Inc.

970 Park Center Vista, CA 92081

P: 760-598-2518

E: info@apem.com/us/

W: apem.com/us

Apex Hydraulic & Machine, Inc.

2859 Philipsburg Bigler Highway Philipsburg, PA 16866

P: 814-342-1010

F: 814-342-9732

E: apexhyd5@gmail.com

API Heat Transfer 2777 Walden Ave. Buffalo, NY 14225

P: 716-684-6700

F: 716-684-2155

W: apiheattransfer.com

API Heat Transfer – Airtech Division 91 North Street Arcade, NY 14009

P: 585-496-5755

F: 585-496-5776

E: froy@apiheattransfer.com

W: apiheattransfer.com

APM HEXSEAL 44 Honeck Street Englewood, NJ 07631

P: 201-567-5700

F: 201-567-4106

E: info@apmhexseal.com

W: apmhexseal.com

Apple Rubber Products Inc. 310 Erie Street Lancaster, NY 14086

P: 716-684-6560

F: 716-684-8302

W: applerubber.com

Application Equipment W209N17341 Industrial Drive Jackson, WI 53037

P: 262-238-9900

F: 262-674-1682

E: apemeq@appequip.com

W: appequip.com

Applied Energy Company, LLC.

1205 Venture Court Suite #100 Carrolton, TX 75006

P: 214-355-4200

F: 214-355-4201

E: mark.scott@appliedenergyco.com

W: appliedenergyco.com

Applied Industrial Corporate Headquarters One Applied Plaza Cleveland, OH 44115

P: 877-279-2799

W: applied.com

ARGO-HYTOS Inc. 1835 N. Research Dr., PO Box 28 Bowling Green, OH 43402

P: 419-353-6070

F: 419-354-3496

E: info.us@argo-hytos.com

W: argo-hytos.com

2023 D ir ECTO rY Check out the online matrix at www.fluidpowerjournal.com 26 Apr IL 2023 WWW.FLUID p OWE r JOU r NAL.COM • WWW.IF p S.O r G #

Eskridge 1900 East Kansas City Rd.

Olathe, KS 66051

P: 913-782-1238

F: 913-782-4206

E: sales@eskridgeinc.com

W: eskridgeinc.com

European Industrial Products, Inc. 5785 Advantage Cove Memphis, TN 38141

P: 901-375-0011

F: 901-375-4002

E: info@eip.us.com

W: eip.us.com

Evonik 723 Electronic Drive Horsham, PA 19044

P: 215-706-5800

F: 215-706-5801

E: oil-additives@evonik.com

W: dynavis.com

Exair Corporation 1250 Century Circle N Cincinnati, OH 45246

P: 513-671-3322

F: 513-671-3363

E: techelp@exair.com

W: exair.com

ExpresSeal Div. of Apple Rubber 204 Cemetery Road Lancaster, NY 14086

P: 716-684-6560

F: 716-684-1678

E: exinfo@expresseal.com

W: expresseal.com

Fabco-Air, Inc. 3716 NE 49th Ave. Gainesville, FL 32609-1699

P: 352-373-3578

F: 352-375-8024

E: service@fabco-air.com

W: fabco-air.com

Fairfield Manufacturing Company, Inc.

P.O. Box 7940 Lafayette, IN 47903

P: 765-772-4000

F: 765-772-4010

E: sales@fairfieldmfg.com

W: fairfieldmfg.com

Fairview Fittings and Manufacturing

3777 Commerce Court

Wheatfield, NY 14120

P: 800-688-4088

F: 716-614-0329

E: ussales@fairviewfittings.com

W: fairviewfittings.com

Famic Technologies Inc. 9999 Cavendish Blvd., Suite 350 St. Laurent, QC


P: +1 514-748-8050

F: +1 514-748-7169

E: sales@famictech.com

W: automationstudio.com

FasTest, Inc.

1646 Terrace Drive Roseville, MN 55113

P: 800-444-2373

F: 651-645-7390

E: fastsales@fastestinc.com

W: fastestinc.com

FEMA Corporation 1716 Vanderbilt Avenue Portage, MI 49024

P: 269-323-1369

F: 269-323-0108

E: sales@fema-corp.com

W: fema-corp.com

Feroy Company, Inc. 3220 B Street SE Auburn, WA 98002

P: 253-939-1363

F: 255-939-0810

E: glenn@feroy.com

W: feroy.com

Ferry, Inc.

3179 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043

P: 716-684-1703

F: 716-684-1706

E: sales@ferryinc.com

W: ferryinc.com

FHI – Sioux City 623 W. 7th St. Sioux City, IA 51103

P: 712-279-8086

F: 712-279-8071

E: dharder@fhi.siouxcity.com

Filtration Products Corporation 18151 Territorial Road

Dayton, MN 55369

P: 763-428-6418

F: 763-428-8659

E: sales@filtrationproducts.com

W: filtrationproducts.com

Filtrec North America PO Box 1222 Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783

P: 888-345-8732

F: 705-256-6064

E: information@filtrec.net

W: filtrec.net

Fisher Gold Star 603 Highway 10 West, Box 164 Laurens, IA 50554

P: 712-845-2634

F: 712-845-2571

W: fishergoldstar.com

FlangeLock, LLC

57 Old Post Road #2

Greenwich, CT 06830

P: 203-861-9400

F: 203-622-1238

E: sales@flangelock.com

W: flangelock.com

Flaretite Inc.

4036 Shadow Oak Fenton, MI 48430

P: 810-750-4140

E: sales@flaretite.com

W: flaretite.com

Flint Hydraulics, Inc. 4099 B.F. Goodrich Blvd.

Memphis, TN 38118

P: 901-794-4884

F: 901-794-1618

E: sales@flinthyd.com

W: flinthyd.com

Flint Hydrostatics, Inc. 4084 E. Shelby Drive Memphis, TN 38118

P: 800-238-0155

E: sales@flinthydrostatics.com

W: flinthydrostatics.com

Flodraulic Group 45 Sinclair Ave. Georgetown, ON CANADA L7G 4X4

P: 905-702-9456

F: 905-702-9457

E: flodraulic@flodraulic.com

W: flodraulic.com

Flodyne Controls, Inc.

48 Commerce Drive Murray Hill, NJ 07974-1142

P: 908-464-6200

F: 908-464-1553

E: sales@flodynecontrols.com

W: flodynecontrols.com


A Division of Racine Federated, Inc.

2200 South St., P.O. Box 1404 Racine, WI 53404

P: 800-433-5263

F: 800-245-3569

W: hedland.com

Flow Ezy Filters Inc.

P.O. Box 1749 Ann Arbor, MI 48106

P: 734-665-8777

F: 734-665-4332

E: flowezy@flowezyfilters.com

W: flowezyfilters.com

Flow Technology 8930 S. Beck Avenue, Ste. 107 Tempe, AZ 85284

P: 480-240-3400

F: 480-240-3401

E: ftimarket@ftimeters.com

W: ftimeters.com

Flow-Tek, Inc., A Subsidiary

Of Bray Int’l. Inc.

8323 N. Eldridge Pkwy #100 Houston, TX 77041

P: 832-912-2300

F: 832-912-2301

E: steve.johnston@flow-tek.com

W: flow-tek.com

Fluid Design Products, Inc.

3516 E. Main Spokane, WA 99202

P: 509-533-0479

F: 509-534-2998

E: steves@fluiddesignproducts.com

W: fluiddesignproducts.com

Fluid Energy Controls

6431 Flotilla Street Los Angeles, CA 90040

P: 323-721-0588

F: 323-721-8368

E: JC@fecintl.com

W: fecintl.com

Fluidtechnik USA, Inc. PO Box 715 Uwchland, PA 19480

P: 610-321-2407

F: 610-321-2409

E: sales@fluidtechnikusa.com

W: fluidtechnikusa.com

Geartek 1506 S. Fulton Drive PO Box 2160 Corinth, MS 38834

P: 662-286-2252

F: 662-287-6580

E: haisales@geartek.com

W: geartek.com

Gefran, Inc. 8 Lowell Avenue Winchester, MA 01890

P: 888-888-4474

F: 781-729-1468

Fluid Gear Products, Inc.

115 Market Street

Marcus Hook, PA 19061

P: 610-200-6045

F: 610-200-6046

E: sales@fluidgearproducts.com

W: fluidgearproducts.com

Fluid Line Products, Inc.

P.O. Box 1000 Willoughby, OH 44096

P: 440-946-9470

F: 440-946-9472

E: flp@fluidline.com

W: fluidline.com

Fluid Power Connections

P.O. Box 475 Englishtown, NJ 07726

P: 732-792-0411

E: info@usa-4u.com

W: fluidpowerconnections.com

Fluid Power Inc.

534 Township Line Road Blue Bell, PA 19422

P: 215-643-0350

F: 215-643-4017

E: sales@fluidpowerinc.com

W: fluidpowerinc.com

Fluid Power Service Corp.

4474 Walden Ave. Lancaster, NY 14086

P: 716-681-8474

F: 716-681-8514

E: kjirak@airlinehyd.com

W: fluidpowerservice.com

Fluid Power Training Institute

2170 South 3140 West Suite B

West Valley City, UT 84119

P: 1-888-222-3421

F: 801-908-5734

W: fpti.org

FluiDyne Fluid Power 31915 Groesbeck Hwy Fraser, MI 48026

P: 586-296-7200

E: sales@fluidynefp.com

W: fluidynefp.com

FORCE America 501 East Cliff Road Burnsville, MN 55337

P: 952-707-1300

E: marketing@forceamerica.com

W: forceamerica.com

Freelin-Wade 1730 NE Miller St. McMinnville, OR 97128

P: 503-434-5561

F: 503-472-1989

E: sales@freelin-wade.com

W: freelin-wade.com

Galland Henning Nopak, Inc. 10179 S. 57 Street Franklin, WI 53132

P: 414-645-6000

F: 414-645-6048

E: info@nopak.com

W: nopak.com

Garrod Hydraulics 1050 Locust Point Road York, PA 17406

P: 717-767-6429

F: 717-764-4490

E: Brian@Garrod.com

W: garrod.com

Gates Corporation PO Box 5887 Denver, CO 80217

P: 303-744-1911

F: 303-744-4540

E: gatesmail@salessupport.com

W: gates.com/fluidpower

Gator Hose 12327 E. 1st St.

Tulsa, OK 74128

P: 918-794-2550

F: 918-794-2560

E: info@gatorhose.com

W: gatorhose.com

E: info.us@gefran.com

W: gefran.com/en/us

Gemels North America, Inc. 775 Dillon Drive Wood Dale, IL 60191

E: northamerica@gemels.com

W: gemels.com

Gems Sensors & Controls One Cowles Road Plainville, CT 06062

P: 800-378-1600

F: 860-793-4531

E: info@gemssensors.com

W: gemssensors.com

Global Servo Hydraulics, Inc. 609 Corry A Edwards Drive Kennedale, TX 76060

P: 800-673-4745

F: 817-478-4958

E: servovalve@yahoo.com

W: globalservo.com

Goodway Technologies Corp. 420 West Avenue Stamford, CT 06902

P: 203-359-4708

F: 203-359-9601

E: goodway@goodway.com

W: goodway.com

Goodyear Engineered Products 703 S. Cleveland-Massillon Road Fairlawn, OH 44333

P: 330-664-7091

F: 330-664-7145

E: randy-kish@veyance.com

W: goodyearep.com

GPM Controls 1607 Industrial Dr. Carlisle, PA 17013

P: 717-218-6565

E: info@gpmcontrols.com

W: gpmcontrols.com

OFF-H i GHWAY 2023 D ir ECTO r Y WWW.IF p S.O r G • WWW.FLUID p OWE r JOU r NAL.COM Apr IL 2023 29

Hyvair Corp. 31341 Friendship Drive

Magnolia, TX 77355

P: 866-449-8247

F: 281-259-7249

E: svairin@hyvair.com

W: hyvair.com

IC-Fluid Power, Inc 63 Dixie Hwy. Rossford, OH 43460

P: 419-661-8811

E: ben@icfluid.com

W: icfluid.com

IFH Group, Inc., The 3300 East Rte. 30 Rock Falls, IL 61071

P: 800-435-7003

F: 815-626-1438

E: info@ifhgroup.com

W: ifhgroup.com

igus Inc. PO Box 14349 East Providence, RI 02914

P: 401-438-2200

Toll free: 1-800-521-2747

F: 401-438-7270

E: sales@igus.com

W: igus.com

IHD, Inc.

6830 N. Eldridge Pkwy, Unit 102 Houston, TX 77041

P: 713-849-2949

F: 713-849-5638

E: info@ihd-usa.com

W: ihd-usa.com


4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405

P: 843-813-4219

E: americas@imo.us

W: imo.us

Industrial Hardchrome, Ltd. 501 Fluid Power Dr. Geneva, IL 60134

P: 630-208-7000

F: 630-208-7035

W: industrialhardchrome.com

Industrial Nut Corp.

1425 Tiffin Ave. Sandusky, OH 44870

P: 419-625-8543

F: 419-625-5517

E: sales@industrialnut.com

W: industrialnut.com

Industrial Servo Hydraulics, Inc.

17650 Malyn Blvd. Fraser, MI 48026

P: 586-296-0960

F: 586-296-0375

E: klamberti@indservo.com

W: indservo.com

Industrial Specialties Mfg. 4091 S. Eliot St. Englewood, CO 80110

P: 303-781-8486

F: 303-761-7939

E: sales@industrialspec.com

W: industrialspec.com

Innovative Hydraulics LLC

305 S. 84th Avenue Wausau, WI 54401

P: 715-803-2600

E: sales@innovativehyd.com

W: innovativehyd.com

Inserta Products

538 Township Line Rd. Blue Bell, PA 19422

P: 215-643-0192

F: 215-643-4017

E: sales@inserta.com

W: inserta.com

Integrated Hydraulics, Inc.

7047 Spinach Dr. Mentor, OH 44060

P: 440-974-3171

F: 440-974-3170

E: usinfo@inthyd.com

W: intergratedhydraulics.com

Interface Sealing Solutions, North American Sales Office

22260 Hagerty Road

Northville, MI 48167

P: 248-596-2810

F: 248-596-2880

E: vkburriss@sealinfo.com

W: interfacesealingsolutions.com

International FPA (Fluid Power of America)

43123 Business Park Drive

Temecula, CA 92590

P: 951-676-2155

F: 951-676-2154, 2156

E: info@intlfpa.com

W: intlfpa.com

Inventive Resources, Inc.

5038 Salida Blvd PO Box 1316

Salida, CA 95368

P: 209-545-1663

E: info@jpce.com

W: sealndry.com

IQ Valves 425 West Drive Melbourne, FL 32904

P: 321-729-9634

F: 321-768-8732

E: sales@IQValves.com

W: IQValves.com

J.R. Merritt Controls Inc.

55 Sperry Ave. Stratford, CT 06615

P: 203-296-2272

F: 203-381-0400

E: jgurliacci@jrmerritt.com

W: jrmerritt.com

Janatics USA, Inc.

2654A Lehigh Street Whitehall, PA 18052

P: 610-443-2400

F: 610-530-8439

E: seshb@janaticsusa.com

W: janatics.com

JARP Industries

1051 Pine Street Schofield, WI 54476

P: 715-359-4241

F: 715-355-4960

E: sales@jarpind.com

W: jarpind.com

Jason Industrial 221 South Westgate Drive Canul Stream, IL 60188

P: 630-752-0600

F: 630-752-0662

E: Miguel.valazquez@ammega.com

W: jasonindustrial.com

Jem Technical Marketing 550 N Old Crystal Bay Road Orono, MN 55356

P: 952-473-5012

F: 952-473-6930

E: sales@jemtechnical.com

W: jemtechnical.com

JH Technology Inc. 4233 Clark Road, Unit 9 Sarasota, FL 34233

P: 941-927-0300

F: 941-925-8774

E: jhtek@jhtechnology.com

W: jhtechnology.com

John Deere Cylinder Division

909 River Dr. Moline, IL 61265

P: 309-765-7596

F: 309-765-7379

JWF Technologies 6820 Fairfield Dr. Fairfield, OH 45014

P: 513-769-9611

F: 513-769-0109

E: info@jwftechnologies.com

W: jwftech.com

Kaeser Compressors, Inc.

P.O. Box 946

Fredericksburg, VA 22404

P: 540-898-5500

F: 540-898-5520

E: info.usa@kaeser.com

W: kaeser.com

Kaiser Aluminum Fabricated Products, LLC

27422 Portola Pkwy. #200 Foothill Ranch, CA 92610

P: 562-754-1677

W: kaiseraluminum.com

Kavlico 14401 Princeton Ave. Moorpark, CA 93021

P: 805-523-2000

F: 805-523-7125

E: sales@kavlico.com

W: kavlico.com

Kawasaki Precision Machinery (USA)

3838 Broadmoor Ave. SE Grand Rapids, MI 49512

P: 616-975-3100

F: 616-975-3103

E: rachelle.kaltak@kmp-usa.com

W: kpm-usa.com

Kee Safety Inc

100 Stradtman St Buffalo, NY 14206

P: 716-896-4949

F: 716-896-5696

E: info@keesafety.com

W: keesafety.com

Keller America Inc.

351 Bell King Road

Newport News, VA 23606

P: 877-253-5537

F: 757-596-6659

E: sales@kelleramerica.com

W: kelleramerica.com

Kepner Products Company

995 North Ellsworth Ave. Villa Park, IL 60181

P: 630-279-1550

F: 630-279-9669

E: wkokum@kepner.com

W: kepner.com

Keystone Fluid Power

120 Unico Drive – Valmont Industrial Park West Hazelton, PA 18202

P: 570-454-9759

F: 570-454-9789

E: neilc@keystonefluidpower.com

W: keystonefluidpower.com

Kocsis Technologies, Inc.

11755 South Austin Ave. Alsip, IL 60803

P: 708-597-4177

F: 708-371-6560

E: service@kocsistech.com

W: kocsistech.com

Kracht Corp.

6552 Weatherfield Court

Maumee, OH 43537

P: 419-874-1000

E: s.zahn@krachtcorp.com

W: krachtcorp.com

Kraft Fluid Systems, Inc.

14300 Foltz Parkway Cleveland, OH 44149

P: 800-257-1155

F: 440-238-5266

E: csdept@kraftfluid.com

W: kraftfluid.com

KTR Corporation 122 Anchor Rd. Michigan City, IN 46360

P: 219-872-9100

F: 219-872-9150

E: j.krueger@ktr.com

W: ktr.com

Kuriyama of America Inc.

360 E. State Parkway Schaumburg, IL 60173

P: 847-755-0360

F: 847-885-0996

E: sales@kuriyama.com

W: kuriyama.com

Kurt Hydraulics

5280 Main St. NE Minneapolis, MN 55421

P: 866-257-7995

E: kurthyd@aol.com

W: kurthydraulics.com

KYB Americas Corporation 140 N. Mitchell Court

Addison, IL 60101

P: 630-620-5555

F: 630-620-8133

E: hyd@kyb.com

W: kybfluidpower.com

La-Man Corp.

P.O. Box 328

Mazeppa, MN 55956

P: 507-843-4413

F: 507-843-4953

E: sales@laman.com

W: laman.com

Lee Company, The 2 Pettipaug Rd.

Westbrook, CT 06498

P: 860-399-6281

F: 860-399-2270

E: inquiry@theleeco.com

W: theleeco.com

Lehigh Fluid Power, Inc.

Rte. 179, P.O. Box 76214

Lambertville, NJ 08530

P: 800-257-9515

F: 609-397-0932

E: sales@lehighfluidpower.com

W: lehighfluidpower.com

Lenz Inc.

P.O. Box 1044

Dayton, OH 45401-1044

P: 937-277-9364

F: 937-277-6516

E: rwagner@lenzinc.com

W: lenzinc.com

Lexair, Inc. 2025 Mercer Road

Lexington, KY 40511

P: 859-255-5001

F: 859-255-6656

E: jjennings@lexairinc.com

W: lexairinc.com

Lillbacka USA Inc. 619 Estes Ave.

Schaumburg, IL 60193

P: 847-301-1300

F: 847-301-2562

E: sales@lillbackausa.com

W: lillbackausa.com

Linde Hydraulics Corporation 5089 W. Western Reserve Rd. Canfield, OH 44406-9112

P: 330-533-6801

F: 330-286-0741

E: info@linde-hydraulics.co

W: linde-hydraulics.us

Liquid Controls 105 Albrecht Drive Lake Bluff, IL 60044

P: 847-295-1050

F: 847-295-1057

E: lc-info.lcmeter@idexcorp.com

W: lcmeter.com

LNA Solutions 3924 A Varsity Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48108

P: 734-677-2305

F: 734-671-2339

E: inquiries@lnasolutions.com

W: lnasolutions.com

Logic Hydraulic Controls, Inc. 6616 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405

P: 910-791-9293

F: 910-392-5621


W: logichyd.com

Lynch Fluid Controls Inc.

1799 Argentia Road

Mississauga, ON CANADA L5N 3A2

P: 1-905-363-2400

F: 1-905-363-1191

E: sales@lynch.ca

W: lynch.ca M

M & M Rogness Equipment Co.

1941 W. County Road C-2 Roseville, MN 55113

P: 651-633-0550

F: 651-633-6797

E: sales@mmrogness.com

W: mmrogness.com

Machinery Service and Design

W232 N 2960 Roundy Circle Dr. Pewaukee, WI 53072

P: 262-513-8040

F: 262-513-8044

E: les@ms-d.com

W: ms-d.com

Mack Corporation 3695 E. Industrial Drive Flagstaff, AZ 86004

P: 928-526-1120

F: 928-526-0473

E: info@mackcorp.com

W: mackcorp.com

Macro Sensors

7300 U.S. Route 130 N., Bldg. 22 Pennsauken, NJ 08110

P: 856-662-8000

F: 856-317-1005

E: positionsensors@macrosensors. com

W: macrosensors.com

Macrotech Polyseal Inc. (MPI) 1754 West 500 South Salt Lake City, UT 84104

P: 801-973-9171

F: 801-973-918

Madison Company 27 Business Park Drive Branford, CT 06405

P: 203-488-4477

F: 203-481-5036

E: info@madisonco.com

W: madisonco.com

Magister Hydraulics 175 Christie Street Newark, NJ 07105

P: 973-344-5313

F: 973-344-5167

E: info@magisterhyd.com

W: magisterhyd.com

Magnetek N49 W13650 Campbell Drive Menomonee Falls, WI 53051

P: 262-783-3500

E: radio.sales@magnetek.com

W: columbusmckinnon.com/ magnetek

Main Filter, Inc. 188 Industrial Park Cres. Sault Ste Marie, ON P6B5P2

P: 800-465-6246

F: 705-949-9431

E: information@mainfilter.com

W: mainfilter.com

Lubrication Engineers, Inc.

1919 E. Tulsa St. Wichita, KS 67216

P: 800-537-7683

E: info@le-inc.com

W: lelubricants.com

Lubriplate Lubricants Co.

129 Lockwood Street Newark, NJ 07105

P: 800-733-4755

F: 800-347-5329

E: lubexpert@lubriplate.com

W: lubriplate.com

Lydall Filtration (Filter Media)

PO Box 1960

Rochester, NH 03866-1960

P: 603-332-4600

F: 603-332-9602

E: info@lydall.com

W: lydallfiltration.com

Main Mfg. Products, Inc. 3181 Tri-Park Dr. Grand Blanc, MI 48439

P: 800-521-7918

F: 810-953-1385

E: info@mainmfg.com

W: mainmfg.com

Manifold Center, The 12 Commercial Blvd. Medford, NY 11763

P: 631-736-2275 X1

E: kathya@manifoldcenter.com

W: manifoldcenter.com

Maradyne Corp. 4540 W. 160th St. Cleveland, OH 44135

P: 216-362-0755

F: 216-362-0799

E: mwalsh@maradyne.com

W: maradyne.com

OFF-H i GHWAY 2023 D ir ECTO r Y WWW.IF p S.O r G • WWW.FLUID p OWE r JOU r NAL.COM Apr IL 2023 31

Marco Rubber & Plastic

35 Woodworkers Way

Seabrook NH 03874

P: 603-468-3600

F: 603-468-3490

E: sales@marcorubber.com

W: marcorubber.com

Marion Mfg.

Div. of Maradyne Corp.

4540 W. 160th St. Cleveland, OH 44135

P: 216-362-0755

F: 216-362-0799

E: walsh55@sbcglobal.net

W: maradyne.com

Marken Manufacturing / Uniflex of America

2081 E. Center Circle Plymouth, MN 55441

P: 763-577-0111

F: 763-577-0112

E: info@markenmfg.com

W: markenmfg.com

Marmon/Keystone LLC

P.O. Box 992 Butler, PA 16003

P: 724-283-3000

F: 724-283-0558

E: jevans@marmonkeystone.com

W: marmonkeystone.com

Marmon/Keystone LLC

225 East Cunningham Street Butler, PA 16001

P: 724-283-3000

F: 724-283-0558

E: sales@marmonkeystone.com

W: marmonkeystone.com

Mars Labs, LLC

29 C Street

Laurel, MO 20707

P: 301-470-3278

F: 301-470-4749

E: mars.sales@marslabs.com

W: marslabs.com

Marzocchi Pumps 905 Albion Ave. Schaumburg, IL 60193

P: 1-800-924-5404

F: 847-923-9937

W: marzocchipumpsusa.com

Email: pumps@marzocchipumpsusa. com

Max Machinery, Inc.

33A Healdsburg Ave.

Healdsburg, CA 95448

P: 707-433-2662

F: 707-433-1818

E: info@maxmachinery.com

W: maxmachinery.com

MB Dynamics, Inc.

25865 Richmond Road Cleveland, OH 44146

P: 1-216-292-5850

F: 1-216-292-5614

E: sales@mbdynamics.com

W: mbdynamics.com

Men Micro Inc.

24 North Main St. Ambler, PA 19002

P: 215-542-9575

F: 215-542-9577

E: Stephen.cunha@menmicro.com

W: menmicro.com



(215) 529-1300 sales@mpfiltriusa.com

Metal-Matic, Inc.

629 2nd Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55414

P: 612-378-0411

F: 612-392-3399

E: sales@metal-matic.com

W: metal-matic.com

Metaris Corp. 1519 Hwy. 35 North Forest, MS 39074

P: 601-469-1987

F: 601-469-2120

Toll Free: 1-800-962-2703

E: sales@metarisusa.com

W: metaris.com

Metaris Inc. 101 Canarctic Dr. Toronto, Ontario CANADA M3J 2N7

P: 416-638-6000

F: 416-638-9365

Toll Free: 1-888-477-2737

E: sales@metaris.com

W: metaris.com

Metro Machine and Engineering 8001 Wallace Rd. Eden Prairie, MN 55344

P: 952-937-2800

F: 952-937-2374

E: gpautsch@ metromachine.com

W: metromachine.com

MFP Seals (A Division of Martin Fluid Power) 84 Minnesota Troy, MI 48083

P: 248-585-8170

F: 248-585-4398

E: sales@MFPseals.com

W: MFPseals.com

Micheller and Son Hydraulics, Inc. 534 West First Ave. Roselle, NJ 07203

P: 908-687-1545

F: 908-241-0934

E: michellersonhyd@aol.com

W: michellerandsonhydraulics.com

MICO, Inc. 1911 Lee Blvd. North Mankato, MN 56003

P: 507-625-6426

F: 507-625-3212

E: micomail@mico.com

W: mico.com

Micro Mini Hydraulic 536 Township Line Road Blue Bell, PA 19422

P: 215-542-2198

F: 215-643-4017

E: sales@microminihydraulics.com

W: microminihydraulics.com

Midland Industries 3145 Oak St. Kansas City, MO 64111

P: 800-821-5725

F: 800-888-5391

E: sales@midlandindustries.com

W: midlandindustries.com

Milton Roy Company 201 Ivyland Road Ivyland, PA 18974

P: 215-441-0800

F: 215-441-8620

E: info@miltonroy.com

W: miltonroy-americas.com

Milwaukee Cylinder 5877 S. Pennsylvania Ave. Cudahy, WI 53110

P: 414-769-9700

F: 414-769-0157

E: sales@milwaukeecylinder.com

W: milwaukeecylinder.com

Milwaukee School of Engineering

Fluid Power Institute™ 1025 N. Broadway

Milwaukee, WI 53202

P: 414-277-7191

F: 414-277-7470

E: wanke@msoe.edu

W: msoe.edu/fpi


409 Parkway Drive Park Hills, MO 63601

P: 800-633-6775

F: 314-543-4111

E: sales@mocap.com

W: mocap.com


300 Jamison Road East Aurora, NY 14052

P: 716-652-2000

F: 716-687-4989

E: jmarsh@moog.com

W: moog.com/industrial

Morris, S. G. 699 Miner Road Cleveland, OH 44143

P: 866-746-6774

F: 866-746-2556

E: SGMMail@SGMorris.com

W: sgmorris.com

Motion Industries Inc.

1605 Alton Road Birmingham, AL 35210

Toll free P: 800-526-9328

F: 1-205-957-5290

E: mimarketing@motionindustries. com

W: motionindustries.com

Nachi America Inc. – Hydraulics Div.

17500 Twenty-three Mile Rd. Macomb, MI 48044

P: 800-622-4410

F: 800-383-8665

E: hydraulics@nachiamerica.com

W: nachihydraulics.com

Napoleon Engineering Services 1601 Johnson Street

Olean, NY 14760

P: 877-870-3200

F: 716-372-1448

E: sales@nesbearings.com

W: nesbearings.com

Nass Controls LP 51509 Birch Street New Baltimore, MI 48047

P: 586-725-6610

F: 586-725-5802

E: jim.rosenbury@nasscontrols.com

W: nasscontrols.com

NRP Jones, LLC 302 Philadelphia Street

LaPorte, IN 46350

P: 800-348-8868

F: 800-207-2221

E: sales@nrpjones.com

W: nrpjones.com

Nutron Motor Co., Inc. 102 Dow Hwy., P.O. Box 370

Eliot, ME 03903

P: 207-439-5272

F: 207-439-8611

W: nutronmotors.com

OEM Controls, Inc. 10 Controls Drive

Shelton, CT 06484

P: 203-929-8431

F: 203-929-3867

E: ContactUS@OEMControls.com

W: OEMControls.com

Oerlikon Fairfield US 525

Lafayette, IN 47903

P: 765-772-4200

F: 765-772-4001

E: gmoreland@fairfieldmfg.com

W: fairfieldmfg.com

National Tube Supply 925 Central Avenue University Park, IL 60484

P: 800-229-6872

E: sales@nationaltubesupply.com

W: nationaltubesupply.com

NC Servo Technology

38422 Webb Dr. Westland, MI 48185

P: 734-326-6666

F: 734-326-6669

E: sales@ncservo.com

W: ncservo.com

New Pig One Pork Avenue

Tipton, PA 16684-0304

P: 814-684-0101

F: 814-684-7690

E: hothogs@newpig.com

W: newpig.com

MP Filtri Inc.

380 Four Valley Drive Concord, Ontario Canada L4K 5Z1

P: 905-303-1369

F: 905-303-7256

W: mpfiltricanada.com

MP Filtri USA Inc.

1181 Richland Commerce Dr Quakertown, PA 18951

P: 215-529-1300

F: 215-529-1902

E: sales@mpfiltriusa.com

W: mpfiltriusa.com

MTE Hydraulics

4701 Kishwaukee Street Rockford, IL 61109

P: 815-397-4701

F: 815-399-5528

E: sales@mtehydraulics.com

W: mtehydraulics.com

MTS Systems

3001 Sheldon Drive Cary, NC 27513

P: 919-677-0100

F: 919-677-2343

E: sensorsinfo@mts.com

W: mtssensors.com

Muncie Power Products

201 East Jackson Street Muncie, IN 47305

P: 800-367-7867

F: 765-284-6991

E: rmiddleton@munciepower.com

W: munciepower.com

Murrelektronik, Inc.

1400 Northbrook Parkway, Ste. 300 Suwanee, GA 30024

P: 770-497-9292

F: 770-497-9391

E: ahenry@murrinc.com

W: murrinc.com

Myron L Company

2450 Impala Dr Carlsbad, CA 92010

P: 760-438-2021

F: 760-931-9189

E: info@myronl.com

W: myronl.com

NewAge Industries Inc. 145 James Way Southampton, PA 18966

P: 215-526-2300

F: 215-526-2191

E: info@newageindustries.com

W: newageindustries.com

Nike Hydraulics Inc.

3980 West Albany, Unit #1

McHenry, IL 60050

P: 815-385-7777

F: 815-385-7776

E: info@nikehydraulics.com

W: nikehydraulics.com

Norman Filter Company 9850 S. Industrial Drive

Bridgeview, IL 60455

P: 708-233-5521

F: 708-430-5961

E: sales@normanfilters.com

W: normanfilters.com

North Coast Seal, Inc.

5273 West 137th St. Brook Park, OH 44142-1810

P: 216-898-5000

F: 800-435-5533

W: northcoastseal.com

Noshok, Inc.

1010 West Bagley Rd. Berea, OH 44017

P: 440-243-0880

F: 440-243-3472

E: jscott@noshok.com

W: noshok.com

Nott Company 4480 Round Lake Road W Arden Hills, MN 55112

P: 800-634-3301

F: 651-415-3632

E: nottfp@nottco.com

W: nottco.com

Novotechnik U.S., Inc. 155 Northboro Road

Southborough, MA 01772

P: 508-485-2244

F: 508-485-2430

E: info@novotechnik.com

W: novotechnik.com

Oetiker, Inc. 6317 Euclid Street Marlette, MI 48453

P: 989-635-3621

F: 989-635-2157

E: info@us.oetiker.com

W: oetiker.com

Ogura Industrial Corporation 100 Randolph Road Somerset, NJ 08873

P: 732-271-7361

F: 732-271-7580

E: jandes@ogura-clutch.com

W: ogura-clutch.com

Ohio Fabricators Company 111 North 14th Street Coshocton, OH 43812

P: 888-354-0291

E: info@ohfab.com

W: ohfab.com

Oilair Hydraulics, Inc. 11505 West Little York Houston, TX 77041

P: 713-937-8900

F: 713-937-0438

E: sales@oilairhydraulics.com

W: oilairhydraulics.com

Oilgear Company 2300 S. 51st Street Milwaukee, WI 53234

P: 414-327-1700

F: 414-327-0532

E: sales@oilgear.com

W: oilgear.com

Oil-Rite Corporation

P.O. Box 1207 Manitowoc, WI 54221-1207

P: 920-682-6173

F: 920-682-7699

E: sales@oilrite.com

W: oilrite.com

O’Keefe Controls Company P.O. Box 316 Monroe, CT 06468

P: 203-261-6711

F: 203-261-8331

E: info@okeefecontrols.com

W: okeefecontrols.com

Olsen Manufacturing Company, Inc. 4353 Delemere Blvd. Royal Oak, MI 48073

P: 248-549-4200

F: 248-549-4250

E: olsenmfg@aol.com

W: olsenmfg.com

Omega Engineering 800 Connecticut Avenue Norwalk, CT Suite 5N01

P: 203-359-1660

F: 203-359-7700

E: sales@omega.com

W: omega.com

OFF-H i GHWAY 2023 D ir ECTO r Y 32 Apr IL 2023 WWW.FLUID p OWE r JOU r NAL.COM • WWW.IF p S.O r G

Omnex Control Systems Inc.

74-1833 Coast Meridian Rd.

Port Coquitlam, BC Canada V3C 6G5

P: 604-944-9247

F: 604-944-9267

E: sales@omnexcontrols.com

W: omnexcontrols.com

Ono Sokki Technology, Inc.

2171 Executive Dr. # 400 Addison, IL 60101

P: 630-627-9700

F: 630-627-0004

E: info@onosokki.net

W: onosokki.net

Orange Research 140 Cascade Boulevard. Milford, CT 06460

P: 203-877-5657

F: 203-783-9546

E: jgill@orangeresearch.com

W: orangeresearch.com

OTTO 2 East Main Street

Carpentersville, IL 60110

P: 847-428-7171

E: info@ottoexcellence.com

W: otto-controls.com

Pace Mfg., Div. of Atlas Hydraulics Inc. 600 S. Sioux Brandon, SD 57005

P: 605-582-7221

F: 605-582-7222

W: pacemfg.com

Pamark, Inc.

1730-B Olson N.E. Grand Rapids, MI 49503

P: 616-456-6043

F: 616-456-8849

Panagon Systems, Inc. 51375 Regency Center Macomb, MI 48042

P: 586-786-3920

F: 586-786-7331

E: sales@panagonsystems.com

W: panagonsystems.com

Parker Fluid Control Division 95 Edgewood Ave. New Britain, CT 06051

P: 860-827-2300

F: 860-827-2384

E: skinnervalve@parker.com

W: parker.com/fcd

Parker Hannifin Accumulator and Cooler Division 6035 Parkland Blvd. Cleveland, OH 44124

P: 800-272-7537

F: 216-896-4410

E: c-parker@parker.com

W: parker.com

Parker Hannifin Hydraulic Filter Division 16810 Fulton County Road # 2 Metamora, OH 43540

P: 419-644-4311

F: 419-644-6205

W: parker.com/hydraulicfilter

Parker Hannifin, Racor Division 3400 Finch Road Modesto, CA 95353

P: 800-344-3286

F: 209-529-3278

E: racor@parker.com

W: parker.com/racor

Parker Sterling Hydraulics 850 Arthur Ave. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

P: 847-690-1333

F: 847-690-1334

E: shi@sterling-hyd.com

W: sterling-hydraulics.com

Peninsular Cylinder Co.

27650 Groesbeck Hwy. Roseville, MI 48066

P: 586-775-7211

F: 586-775-4545

E: stevev@peninsularcylinders.com

W: peninsularcylinders.com

Pepperl+Fuchs 1600 Enterprise Parkway Twinsburg, OH 44087

P: 330-425-3555

F: 330-425-4607

E: sales@us.pepperl-fuchs.com

W: pepperl-fuchs.com

Peter Paul Electronics Co., Inc.

480 John Downey Drive New Britain, CT 06051

P: 860-229-4884

F: 860-223-1734

E: info@peterpaul.com

W: peterpaul.com

PHD, Inc. 9009 Clubridge Drive

Fort Wayne, IN 46809

P: 800-624-8511

E: phdinfo@phdinc.com

W: phdinc.com

Piher International Corporation 1640 Northwind Blvd.

Libertyville, IL 60048

P: 847-918-9300

F: 847-918-9433

E: paul.cain@meggitt.com

W: piher.net

Pinnacle Systems, Inc. PO Box 100088 Pittsburgh, PA 15233

P: 412-262-3950

F: 412-262-4055

E: sales@pinnaclesystems.com

W: pinnaclesystems.com

Pirtek USA 501 Haverty Ct. Rockledge, FL 32955

P: 321-504-4422

F: 321-504-4433

W: ownapirtek.com

Pisco USA Inc. 100 Leland Ct., Unit A

Bensenville, IL 60106

P: 630-521-9920

F: 630-521-9927

E: inquiry@pisco.com

W: pisco.com

Plymouth Tube Co. 29 W. 150 Warrenville Rd.

Warrenville, IL 60555

P: 630-393-3550

F: 630-393-3551

W: plymouth.com

Pneumadyne Inc. 14425 23rd Ave. N Plymouth, MN 55447

P: 888-559-0177

F: 763-559-0547

E: sales@pneumadyne.com

W: pneumadyne.com

Poclain Hydraulics 1300 Grandview Parkway PO Box 801 Sturtevant, WI 53177

P: 262-321-0676

F: 262-321-0703

E: info-america@poclain-hydraulics.com

W: poclain-hydraulics.com

Polymer Molding, Inc.

1655 West 20th St. Erie, PA 16502

P: 800-344-7584

F: 888-257-5566

E: pmi@polymermolding.com

W: polymermolding.com

Power Drives Inc.

133 Hopkins Street Buffalo, NY 14220

P: 800-888-1373

F: 716-824-4817

E: solution@powerdrives.com

W: powerdrives.com

Power Drives Inc. 3003 Pittsburgh Ave.

Erie, PA 16508

P: 812-344-4351

F: 716-822-1714

E: e.knechPhone@powerdrives.com

W: powerdrives.com

Power Systems AHS, LLC 8325 Commerce Drive

Chanhassen, MN 55317

P: 952-361-6800

F: 952-361-6801

E: sales@powersystems-mn.com

W: powersystems-mn.com

Power Valve USA 222 S. Navigation Blvd. Corpus Christi, TX 78405

P: 713-869-1064

F: 361-883-3893

E: service@powervalveusa.com

W: powervalveusa.com

Poweram, Inc.

150 North 18th St. Barron, WI 54812-0153

P: 715-537-9050

W: poweram.com

PowerTech Hydraulics

305 Island Avenue Mahwah, NJ 07430

P: 201-934-9354

F: 201-934-9480

E: customer.service@p-Tech.com

W: p-Tech.com

Precision Filtration Products PO Box 218

Pennsburg, PA 19087

P: 215-679-6645

F: 215-679-6648

W: precisionfiltration.com

Precision Instrument Corporation

3295 Cobb International Blvd. Kennesaw, GA 30152

P: 888-650-6923

F: 770-429-0795

E: sales@picgauges.com

W: picgauges.com

Precix, Inc.

744 Belleville Ave. New Bedford, MA 02745

P: 508-998-4030

F: 508-998-4100

E: sales@precixinc.com

W: precixinc.com

Premier Thermal Solutions

209 W. Mt Hope Ave. Lansing, MI 48910

P: 517-485-5090

E: sales@premierthermal.com

W: premierthermal.com

Preso Flow Metering Equipment

8635 Washington Ave. Racine, WI 53406

P: 800-632-7337

F: 262-639-2267

E: info@preso.com

W: preso.com

Pressroom Electronics

PO Box 99875

Pittsburgh, PA 15233

P: 412-262-1115

F: 412-262-1197

E: sales@pressroomelectronics.com

W: pressroomelectronics.com

Pressure Components Inc.

5101 Naiman Parkway Solon, OH 44139

P: 440-349-4020

F: 440-349-3653

E: sales@pressurecomponents.com

W: pressurecomponents.com

Pressure Connections Corp.

610 Claycraft Road Columbus, OH 43230

P: 614-863-6930

F: 614-864-1327

W: pressureconnections.com

Pressure Systems Inc.

34 Research Dr. Hampton, VA 23666

P: 757-865-1243

F: 757-865-8744

E: denise.topping@pressuresystems. com

W: pressuresystems.com

Prince Mfg. Corp.

612 North Derby Lane P.O. 7000

N. Sioux City, SD 57049

P: 605-235-1220

F: 605-235-1082

W: princehyd.com

Proportion-Air, Inc.

8250 N. 600 West McCordsville, IN 46055

P: 317-335-2602

F: 317-335-3853

E: wwhite@proportionair.com

W: proportionair.com

PTI Technologies, Inc.

501 Del Norte Blvd. Oxnard, CA 93030

P: 805-604-3700

E: filters@ptitechnologies.com

W: ptitechnologies.com

PVS Sensors Inc.

2816 Blue Ridge Blvd. West Union, SC 29696

P: 800-831-8217

F: 864-653-1047

E: sales@pvssensors.com

W: pvssensors.com

PWM Controls Inc

185-911 Yates St Victoria, BC V8V4Y9

P: 866-719-2561

E: info@pwmcontrols.com

W: pwmcontrols.com


Quaker Chemical Corporation One Quaker Park 901 Hector St. Conshohocken, PA 19428

P: 610-832-4173

F: 610-832-8652

E: zinkm@quakerchem.com

W: quakerchem.com

RAM Industries Inc.

33 York Road E, PO Box 5007 Yorkton, SK Canada S3N 3Z4

P: 1-877-799-1005

E: estimating@RAMindustries.com

W: ramindustries.com

RAMCO Innovations

1207 Maple St. West Des Moines, IA 50265

P: 515-225-6933

F: 515-225-0063

W: ramcoinnovations.com

RB Royal Industries, Inc.

1350 S. Hickory Street Fond du Lac, WI 54937

P: 800-892-1550

F: 920-921-4713

E: sales@rbroyal.com

W: rbroyal.com

Reed Switch Developments Corp.

2524 Norwood Court

Racine, WI 53403

P: 262-883-9060

E: marketing@ reedswitchdevelopments.com

W: reedswitchdevelopments.com

Reelcraft Industries, Inc.

2842 East Business Hwy. 30 Columbia City, IN 46725

P: 260-248-8188

F: 260-248-2605

E: reelcraft@reelcraft.com

W: reelcraft.com

Rehobot, Inc.

3980 W. Albany St., Unit #1

McHenry, IL 60050

P: 815-385-7777

F: 815-385-7776

E: info@rehobot.us

W: rehobot.us

Reid Tool Supply Company

2265 Black Creek Rd. Muskegon, MI 49444

P: 800-253-0421

F: 800-438-1145

W: reidtool.com

Reidville Hydraulics & Mfg., Inc. 175 Industrial Lane Torrington, CT 06790

P: 860-496-1133

F: 860-496-1166

E: info@reidvillehydraulics.com

W: wwwlreidvillehydraulics.com

Reverso Pumps, Inc. 201 SW 20th St. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315

P: 954-522-0882

F: 954-522-0456

E: contact@reversopumps.com

W: reversopumps.com

RHEINTACHO Messtechnik GmbH

Waltershofener Str. 1 Freiburg, Germany 79111

P: +49(0) 761 4513 0

F: +49(0) 761 445 274

E: info@rheintacho.de

W: rheintacho.com

Ritepro, Inc., A Subsidiary of BRAY Int’l, Inc. 12200 Albert Hudon Blvd. Montreal, Quebec Canada H1G 3K7

P: 514-324-8900

F: 514-324-9525

E: strudel@bray.qc.ca

W: ritepro.com

R J Hydraulic Inc. 967 New Castle Road Butler, PA 16001

P: 724-865-9883

F: 724-865-2501

RL Hudson & Company 2000 W Tacoma Broken Arrow, OK 74012

P: 918-259-6600

F: 918-259-6700

E: info@rlhudson.com

W: rlhudson.com

Rockwell Automation, Inc. 1201 South Second St. Milwaukee, WI 53204-2496

P: 1-414-382-2000


F: 1-414-382-4444

E: webmaster@rockwellautomation.com

W: rockwellautomation.com

Rosedale Products, Inc.

3730 W. Liberty Ann Arbor, MI 48103

P: 734-665-8201

F: 734-665-2214

E: filters@rosedaleproducts.com

W: rosedaleproducts.com

OFF-H i GHWAY 2023 D ir ECTO r Y WWW.IF p S.O r G • WWW.FLUID p OWE r JOU r NAL.COM Apr IL 2023 33
Grips ∙ Joysticks ∙ Pushbuttons ∙ Switches Controls Solutions www.otto-controls.com

Rota Engineering Ltd. Wellington Street

Bury, Manchester GB BL8 2BD

P: 972-359-1041

E: info@rota-eng.com

W: rota-eng.com

Rota-Cyl Corporation

136 Stauffer Rd.

P. O. Box 269

BechPhonesville, PA 19505

P: 610-845-8001

F: 610-845-8178

E: sales@rotacyl.com

W: rotacyl.com

Rotary Power Inc.

6009 West 41st Street, Suite 1A Sioux Falls, SD 57106

P: 1-605-361-5155

F: 1-605-362-1949

E: info@rotarypower.com

W: rotarypower.com

Rotor Clip Company, Inc.

187 Davidson Avenue Somerset, NJ 08873

P: 732-469-7333

F: 732-469-7898

E: sales@rotorclip.com

W: rotorclip.com


8 Creek Parkway Boothwyn, PA 19061

P: 610-497-0154

F: 610-497-6085

E: azanellotti@rrusainc.com

W: rrusainc.com

RT Dygert 12121 Nicollet Avenue South Burnville, MN 55337

P: 952-835-1700

F: 952-835-1701

E: sales@rtdygert.com

W: rtdygert.com

Rupe’s Hydraulics Sales and Service 725 N Twin Oaks Valley Rd. San Marcos, CA 92069

P: 760-744-9350

F: 760-744-7859

E: sales@rupeshydraulics.com

W: rupeshydrualics.com

RYCO Hydraulics 1616 Greens Road Houston, TX 77032

P: 281-821-4100

F: 281-821-4300

E: sales@ryco.us

W: ryco.com.au S

S.G. Morris Co., LLC 699 Miner Road Cleveland, OH 44143

P: 866-746-6774

F: 866-746-2556

E: sgmmail@sgmorris.com

W: sgmorris.com

SafeWay Hydraulics, Inc. 4040 Norex Drive Chaska, MN 55318

P: 952-466-6220

F: 952-466-6219

E: info@safewayhyd.com

W: safewayhyd.com

Scenery Hydraulic, Inc.

1939 S. Lake Pl. Ontario, CA 91761

P: 909-930-9586

F: 909-354-3181

E: kai@sceneryhydraulic.com

W: sceneryhydraulic.com

Schmalz, Inc.

5200 Atlantic Avenue Raleigh, NC 27616

P: 919-713-0880

F: 919-713-0883

E: schmalz@schmalz.com

W: schmalz.com

Schroeder Industries 580 W. Park Road

Leetsdale, PA 15056

P: 724-318-1100

F: 724-318-1200

E: sisales@schroederindustries.com

W: schroederindustries.com

Schunk Inc. 241 Kitty Hawk Dr. Morrisville, NC 27560

P: 919-572-2705

F: 919-572-2818

E: info@us.schunk.com

W: schunk.com

Scorpion Technologies Ltd. #953 Laval Cr. Kamloops, BC Canada V2C 5P4

P: 250-377-4399

F: 250-377-4036

E: bill@controlgrips.com

W: controlgrips.com

Seal Master Corporation 368 Martinel Dr. Kent, OH 44240

P: 330-673-8410

F: 330-673-8242

E: info@sealmaster.com

W: sealmaster.com

Sensor Data Technologies

50207 Hayes Road Shelby Township, MI 48375

P: 586-739-4254

F: 586-739-5689

E: sales@sensordata.com

W: sensordata.com

Sensor Systems LLC

2800 Anvil Street North St. Petersburg, FL 33710

P: 727-347-2181

F: 727-347-7520

E: sales@vsensors.com

W: vsensors.com

Sensotec Inc.

2080 Arlingate Ln. Columbus, OH 43228

P: 800-848-6564

F: 614-850-1111

W: sensotec.com


2900 MacArthur Blvd. Northbrook, IL 60062

P: 847-509-2900

F: 847-559-1995

E: sales@serfilco.com

W: serfilco.com

Service Hydraulics, LLC.

222 S. Navigation Blvd. Corpus Christi, TX 78405

P: 361-883-3891

F: 361-883-3893

E: info@servicehyd.com

Servi Fluid Power Inc.

22240 Merchants Way, Suite #100 Katy, TX 77449

P: 281-347-8080

E: info@sfphyd.com

W: sfphyd.com

ServoTek Products, Inc.

8019 Ohio Riser Boulevard Newell, WV 26050

P: 304-387-1200

F: 304-387-1212

E: customerRFQ@marshbellofram. com

W: servotek.com

Seventy-Three Mfg. Co. Inc.

136 Stauffer Road, PO Box 269 BechPhonesville, PA 19505

P: 610-845-7823

F: 610-845-7824

E: sales@seventythreemfg.com


73 Defco Park Road North Haven CT 06473

P: 203-245-1100

F: 203-245-3072

E: info-us@sfckoenig.com

W: sfckoenig.com

Sierra Instruments, Inc.

5 Harris Ct, Bldg. L Monterey, CA 93940

P: 831-373-0200

F: 831-373-4402

E: info@sierrainstruments.com

W: sierrainstruments.com

SIKO Products, Inc.

2155 Bishop Circle East Dexter, MI 48130

P: 734-426-3476

E: sales.us@siko-global.com

W: siko-global.com

Silicon Designs, Inc.

13905 NE 128th Street

Kirkland, WA 98034

E: sales@silicondesigns.com

W: silicondesigns.com

Simerics, Inc. 303 Williams Ave., Suite 123 Huntsville, AL 35801

P: 256-489-1480

F: 256-489-1460

E: contact@simerics.com

W: simerics.com

Simonds Inc. 248 Elm St. Southbridge, MA 01550

P: 866-764-3235

F: 508-765-5125

E: sales@simonds-inc.com

W: simonds-inc.com


2250 Point Blvd., Ste. 230 Elgin, IL 60123

P: 866-274-6748

F: 847-783-6519

E: information@simrit.us

W: simritna.com

SIWI, Inc.

P.O. Box 1415

Glendora, CA 91740

P: 626-963-7643

F: 626-963-3612

SKF/Lincoln Lubrication Systems

5148 N. Hanley Road St. Louis, MO 63134

P: 800-435-9599

F: 800-424-5359

E: brenda.hendricks@skf.com

W: lincolnindustrial.com

Smalley Steel Ring Company 555 Oakwood Road Lake Zurich, IL 60047

P: 847-719-5900

F: 847-719-5999

E: info@smalley.com

W: smalley.com

Snap-tite Quick Disconnect & Valve Div. 201 Titusville Road Union City, PA 16438

P: 814-438-3821

F: 814-438-3069

E: qdv_sales@snap-tite.com

W: Snap-titeQuickDisconnects.com

Solenoid Solutions, Inc

2251 Manchester Road

Erie, PA 16506

P: 814-838-3190

E: tmartin@solenoidsolutionsinc. com

W: solenoidsolutionsinc.com

Sonic Hydraulics/Sonic Tractor Parts

1780 NW 93rd Ave.

Doral, FL 33172

P: 305-594-0777

F: 305-594-7798

E: sales@stpusa.com

W: stpusa.net

Source Fluid Power 331 Lake Hazeltine Drive

Chaska, MN 55318

P: 952-368-3866

F: 952-448-3392

W: sourcefp.com

Spartan Scientific 8510 Foxwood Court

Youngstown, OH 44514

P: 330-758-8446

F: 330-758-3314

E: ptbyce@spartanscientific.com

W: spartanscientific.com

Specialty Fittings Incorporated

18151 Territorial Road

Dayton, MN 55369

P: 763-428-7137

F: 763-428-6487

E: sales@specialtyfittings.com

W: specialtyfittings.com

Spectroline Industrial 956 Brush Hollow Road Westbury, NY 11590

P: 516-333-4840

F: 516-333-4859

E: info@spectroline.com

W: spectroline.com

Spencer Fluid Power 19308 68th Ave. South Kent, WA 98032

P: 253-796-1100

F: 253-796-1101

W: spencerfluidpower.com

Spencer Fluid Power 2700 N. Hwy. 14-16 Gillette, WY 82716

P: 307-682-5858

F: 307-687-2040

W: spencerfluidpower.com

SPhonemi America Inc.

1601 Brooks Dr. Marshall, MI 49068

P: 269-781-6222

F: 269-781-7723

E: info@sPhonemiamerica.com

W: sPhonemiamerica.com

SPIR STAR, Ltd. 10002 Sam Houston Center Dr. Houston, TX 77064

P: 800-890-7827

F: 888-893-1255

E: sales@spirstar.com

W: spirstar.com

Sponsler, Inc. 2363 Sandifer Blvd. Westminster, SC 29693

P: 864-647-2065

F: 864-647-1255

E: dbourgeois@idexcorp.com

W: sponsler.com

Sprague Products 10195 Brecksville Rd. Brecksville, OH 44141

P: 440-838-7690

F: 440-838-7528

E: Sprague@curtisswright.com

W: sprague.cwfc.com

Stafford Manufacturing Corp.

P.O. Box 2370

Woburn, MA 01888

P: 800-695-5651

F: 800-649-5101

E: sales@staffordmfg.com

W: staffordmfg.com

Stanley M. Proctor Company

2016 Midway Dr. Twinsburg, OH 44087

P: 330-425-7814

F: 330-425-3222

W: stanleyproctor.com

Stauff Corporation

7 Wm Demarest Place Waldwick, NJ 07463

P: 201-444-7800

E: sales@stauffusa.com

W: stauff.com

Steelhead Composites 500 Corporate Circle, Suite 0 Golden, CO 83440

P: 720-524-3360

E: sales@steelheadcomposites.com

W: steelheadcomposites.com

Steffen Inc. 621 West 7th Street Sioux City, IA 51103

P: 712-279-8030

F: 712-279-8071

W: steffenhydro.com

Sterling Hydraulics, Inc. 850 Arthur Ave. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

P: 847-690-1333

F: 847-690-1334

E: shi@sterling-hyd.com

W: sterling-hyd.com

Stiebel Drive Technology Inc.

319 Garlington Road, Unit B-11 Greenville, SC 29615

P: 864-286-7152

E: t.ruiz@stiebel-drives.com

W: stiebeldrivetechnology.com

Strong Forge & Fabrication, LLC 20 Liberty Street Batavia, NY 14020

P: 585-343-5251

F: 585-343-5829

E: info@strongforge.com

W: StrongForge.com

SUCO ESI North America 6560 W. Rogers Circle, Suite 22 Boca Raton, FL 33487

P: 561-989-8499

E: sales@sucoesi.com

W: sucoesi.com

OFF-H i GHWAY 2023 D ir ECTO r Y 34 Apr IL 2023 WWW.FLUID p OWE r JOU r NAL.COM • WWW.IF p S.O r G

Sun Hydraulics Corporation

1500 University Parkway

Sarasota, FL 34233

P: 941-362-1200

F: 941-355-4497

E: stevetberlin@sunhydraulics.com

W: sunhydraulics.com

Sunfab Hydraulics Inc.

6426 Hendry Road, Suite A

Charlotte, NC 28269

P: 704-509-6435

E: sunfab-us@sunfab.com

W: sunfab.com/us


12800 Hwy 13 South #100 Savage, MN 55378

P: 952-563-1700

E: mecsolutions@sunsrce.com

W: sun-source.com

Super Swivels 7917 Beech St. NE Minneapolis, MN 55432

P: 763-784-5531

F: 763-784-7423

E: sales@superswivels.com

W: superswivels.com

SVF Flow Controls, Inc.

13560 Larwin Circle Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670

P: 562-802-2255

F: 562-802-3114

E: Jeanette@svf.net

W: svf.net

Swanson Industries

2608 Smithtown Road

Morgantown, WV 26508

P: 800-327-6203

F: 304-292-8151

E: industrialsales@ swansonindustries.com

W: swansonindustries.com

Switches Unlimited 34-11 56th Street Woodside, NY 11377

P: 800-221-0487

F: 718-672-6370

E: info@switchesunlimited.com

W: switchesunlimited.com

Switching Solutions Inc.

380 Four Valley Drive Concord, ON Canada L4K 5Z1

P: 905-303-8700

F: 905-303-7256

E: sales@switchingssi.com

W: switchingssi.com

Sync-Lok, Inc. 407 Newburg Avenue Catonsville, MD 21228

P: 410-869-3480

F: 410-869-3482

E: info@sync-lok.com

W: sync-lok.com

System Seals, Inc. 24202 Aurora Rd. Cleveland, OH 44146

P: 440-735-0200

F: 440-735-0288

E: info@systemseals.com

W: systemseals.com

Tahoma Engineered Solutions

532 County Road 1600 Ashland, OH 44805

P: 419-496-0964 x203

E: sales@ tahomaengineeredsolutions.com

W: tahomaengineeredsolutions.com

Taiwan PU Corporation

760 Oak Grove Dr. San Jose, CA 95129

P: 408-839-2919

E: sales@taiwanpu.com

W: TaiwanPU.com

Tapeswitch Corporation 100 Schmitt Blvd. Farmingdale, NY 11735

P: 631-630-0442

F: 631-630-0454

E: marketing@tapeswitch.com

W: tapeswitch.com

TE Connectivity 1050 Westlakes Drive

Berwyn, PA 19312

P: 610-893-9800

E: mary.manzo-ritchie@te.com

W: te.com

Terex Utilities, Inc.

3400 NE 37th Place

Wildwood, FL 34785

P: 352-330-4044

F: 352-330-4047

E: mike.shannon@terexutilities.com

W: terex.com


4111 Forney Ave. Mesquite, TX 75149

P: 800-235-2727

F: 972-289-6285

E: information@texacone.com

W: texacone.com

Texas Hydraulics, Inc.

3410 Range Road Temple, TX 76504

P: 254-778-4701

F: 254-774-9940

E: sales@texashyd.com

W: texashydraulics.com

Texcel Rubber 4444 Homestead Rd. Houston, TX 77028

P: 800-231-7116

F: 800-759-4673

E: sales@texcelrubber.com

W: texcelrubber.com

The FPDA – Motion + Control Network 105 Eastern Avenue, Suite 104 Annapolis, MD 21403

P: 410-940-6347

F: 410-263-1659

E: aluckado@fpda.org

W: fdpa.org

Thermal Transfer Products 5215 21st St. Racine, WI 53406

P: 800-394-8330

F: 262-554-8536

E: thermal_transfer_sales@ thermasys.com

W: thermasys.com

Thomas Magnete USA, LLC

3225 Gateway Rd, Suite 350 Brookfield, WI 53045

P: 262-781-2900

E: heinz.strickler@thomas-magnete. com

W: thomas-magnete.com

Thomas Products

987 West Street Southington, CT 06489

P: 800-666-9101

F: 860-621-1470

E: thomsales@aol.com

W: thomasprod.com

Titan Inc.

9900 Durand Ave. Sturtevant, WI 53177

P: 262-884-2890

F: 262-884-8072

E: tevans@titansystems.com

W: titansystems.com

T-Lon Products, Inc. 1110 Richards Road

Hartland, WI 53029

P: 262-367-2333

F: 262-367-8159

E: dolson@t-lon.com

W: t-lon.com

Tobeyco Mfg. Co., Inc. Federal Brass Division 165 Cedar St. Corning, NY 14830

P: 607-962-6054

F: 607-962-8871

Tobul Accumulator, Inc.

61 Innovation Drive

Bamberg, SC 29003

P: 803-245-2400

F: 803-245-2636

E: sales@tobul.com

W: tobul.com

TR Engineering Inc. 1350 Green Hills Rd. #10 Scotts Valley, CA 95066

P: 831-430-9920

F: 831-430-9989

E: rromero@trengineering.com

W: trengineering.com

Transcom Inc.

3451 W. Burnsville Pkwy. Burnsville, MN 55337

P: 800-328-2840

F: 952-894-1588

Trelleborg Sealing Solutions

2531 Bremer Road Fort Wayne, IN 46803

P: 260-749-9631

F: 260-749-4844

E: tssusa@trelleborg.com

W: trelleborg.com/en/seals/yourindustry/fluid-power

Triad Technologies, LLC

985 Falls Creek Dr. Vandalia, OH 45377

P: 800-420-8575

F: 800-420-4324

E: sales@triadtechnologies.com

W: triadtechnologies.com


408 Defiance Ave. Hicksville, OH 43526

P: 419-542-7721

F: 419-542-8717

E: trident@ tridentconnection.com

W: tridentconnection.com

Triple R America

60/040 Industrial Pkwy. Cheektowaga, NY 14227

P: 800-668-8671

F: 416-413-9387

E: sales@triple-rrr.com

W: triple-rrr.com

Tubes n’ Hoses 820 N. Dallas Ave Lancaster, TX 75146

P: 972-923-0766

F: 972-332-4119

E: sales@tubesnhoses.com

W: tubesnhoses.com

Turck Inc.

3000 Campus Drive

Minneapolis, MN 55441

P: 800-544-7769

F: 763-509-7797

E: turckusa@turck.com

W: turck.us

Tuthill Coupling Group

1000 West Bagley Rd. Berea, OH 44017

P: 440-826-1115

F: 440-826-0115

E: hansencoupling@tuthill.com

W: tuthill.com

Tuthill Pump Group, Concord Operator

5143 Port Chicago Hwy. Concord, CA 94520

P: 925-676-8000

F: 925-676-8151

E: concord@tuthill.com

W: pumptales.com

Tuxco Corporation 4300 Grove Ave. Gurnee, IL 60031

P: 800-613-6979

F: 847-244-7335

E: moreinfo@tuxco.com

W: tuxco.com

UFI - Hydraulic Filter Division 9337 Ravenna Rd., Unit G

Twinsburg, OH 44087

P: 330-405-1800

F: 330-405-1801

E: sales@uhiltd.com

W: uhiltd.com


9337 Ravenna Rd. #G Twinsburg, OH 44087

P: 330-405-1800

F: 330-405-1801

E: sales@uhiltd.com

W: uhiltd.com

United Electric Controls 180 Dexter Ave. Watertown, MA 02478

P: 617-926-1000

F: 617-926-4354

E: marketing@ueonline.com

W: ueonline.com

Universal Grinding Corporation 1234 West 78th Street Cleveland, OH 44102

P: 216-631-9410

F: 216-631-5264

E: monica@universalgrinding.com

W: universalgrinding.com

Universal Hydraulics Intl., Ltd. 9337 Ravenna Rd. Unit G Twinsburg, OH 44087

P: 330-405-1800

F: 330-405-1801

E: sales@uhiltd.com

W: uhiltd.com

Universal Hydraulik USA Corp. Fort Meigs Business Center 25651 Ft. Meigs Rd., Suite A Perrysburg, OH 43551

P: 1-419-873-6340

F: 1-419-873-6341

E: info@universalhydraulik.com

W: universalhydraulik-usa.com


V & P Hydraulic Products 1162 Peachblow Rd. Lewis Center, OH 43035

P: 740-548-5181

F: 740-548-6206

E: mikeueber@vphyd.com

Ultra Clean Technologies Corp. 1274 Highway 77 Bridgeton, NJ 08302

P: 856-451-2176

F: 856-453-4975

E: briley@ultracleantech.com

W: ultracleantech.com

Ultraflo Corporation, A subsidiary of BRAY International, Inc. #8 Trautman Industrial Drive

Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670

P: 800-950-1762

F: 573-883-8882

E: ultraflo@ultraflovalve.com

W: ultraflovalve.com

Unique Automation LLC 612 East Main Street Palmyra, NY 14522

P: 315-597-4900

F: 315-597-4953

E: C.Schaufelberger@ uniqueautomation.com

W: uniqueautomation.com

W: vphyd.com

Validyne Engineering 8626 Wilbur Ave. Northridge, CA 91324

P: 818-886-2057

F: 818-886-6512

E: sales@validyne.com

W: validyne.com

Van Air Inc. 2950 Mechanic St. Erie, PA 16506

P: 814-774-2636

F: 814-774-0778

E: info@vanairsystems.com

W: vanairsystems.com

Veethree Electronics & Marine LLC 2420 Trailmate Drive Sarasota, FL 34243

P: 941-538-7775

F: 941-755-1222

E: sales@veethree.com

W: v3instruments.com

OFF-H i GHWAY 2023 D ir ECTO r Y WWW.IF p S.O r G • WWW.FLUID p OWE r JOU r NAL.COM Apr IL 2023 35

Ventura Hydraulic and Machine Works, Inc.

1555 Callens Rd. Ventura, CA 93003

P: 805-656-1760

F: 805-525-2739

W: venturahydraulics.com

Vescor Corp. 50 North River St. South Elgin, IL 60177

P: 847-742-7270

F: 847-742-5187

E: sales@vescor.com

W: vescor.com

Vonberg Valve, inc. 3800 Industrial Ave. Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-1085

P: 847-259-3800 x227

F: 847-259-3997

E: dhenrich@vonberg.com

W: vonberg.com

Wainbee Ltd. 5789 Coopers Avenue Mississauga ONT Canada L4Z 3S6

P: 905-568-1700

F: 905-568-0083

E: marketing@wainbee.com

W: wainbee.com

Wandfluh of America, Inc. 909 High St. Mundelein, IL 60060

P: 847-566-5700

VEST, Inc.

3250 W. Big Beaver Rd., #440 Troy, MI 48084

P: 248-649-9550

F: 248-649-9560

E: sales@vestusa.com

W: vestusa.com

Viatran 199 Fire Tower Drive Tonawanda, NY 14150

P: 1-800-688-0030

F: 716-693-9162

E: solutions@viatran.com

W: viatran.com

Vogelsang Fastener Solutions 1790 Swarthmore Ave., Suite 1 Lakewood, NJ 08701

P: 732-364-4422

F: 732-364-8111

E: bpappas@vogelsangfastner.com

W: vogelsangfastner.com

Voith Turbo 25 Winship Road York, PA 17406

P: 717-767-3200

F: 717-767-3210

E: bob.snopek@voith.com

W: voith.com

Von Ruden Mfg., Inc.

100B First St. NE Buffalo, MN 55313

P: 763-682-3122

F: 763-682-3954

E: sales@vonruden.com

W: vonruden.com

F: 847-566-5733

E: sales@wandfluh-us.com

W: wandfluh-us.com

Warner Electric 449 Gardner St. So. Beloit, IL 61080

P: 815-389-3771

F: 815-389-2582

E: info@warnerelectric.com

W: warnerelectric.com

Warren Electric Corporation. 36 Franklin St., P.O. Box 86 Warren, RI 02885

P: 401-245-3700

F: 401-245-9331

E: luann@warrene.com

W: warrene.com

Waterclock Engineering 342 N. Water St. #600 Milwaukee, WI 53202

P: 888-902-2297

E: info@waterclockeng.com

W: waterclockeng.com

Weiss Instruments, Inc. 905 Waverly Ave. Holtsville, NY 11742

P: 631-207-1200

F: 631-207-0900

E: sales@weissinstruments.com

W: weissintsuments.com

Wen Technology, Inc. 8411 Garvey Drive, Suite 117 Raleigh, NC 27616

P: 919-954-1004

F: 919-954-1009

E: wentec@wentec.com

W: wentec.com

Wessel-Hydraulik GmbH

2144 Burbank Dr. Mississauga, Ontario CANADA L5L 2T8

P: 905-828-5579

F: 905-828-8189

E: wesselhydraulics@ rogers.com

W: wessel-hydraulik.de

West Coast Fluid Power 5370 S. Watt Ave. Suite 300 Sacramento, CA 95826

P: 800-532-8837

F: 800-370-0447

E: info@comoso.com

W: comoso.com

Western Hydrostatics, Inc.

1956 Keats Dr. Riverside, CA 92501

P: 951-784-2133

F: 951-784-8423

E: pjmaluso@weshyd.com

W: weshyd.com

Western Integrated Technologies, Inc.

13406 SE 32nd St Bellevue, WA 98005

P: 425-747-0927

F: 425-747-0940

E: jjohnston@westernintech.com

W: westernintech.com

Wetherell Mfg Co., Inc.

407 W. Grace St. Cleghorn, IA 51014

P: 712-436-2266

F: 712-436-2672

E: info@wetherellmfg.com

W: wetherellmfg.com

White Drive Products, Inc.

P.O. Box 1127

110 Bill Bryan Blvd. Hopkinsville, KY 42241

P: 270-885-1110

F: 270-886-8462

E: info@whitedriveproducts.com

W: whitedriveproducts.com

Whitman Controls Corp. 201 Dolphin Rd. Bristol, CT 06010

P: 860-583-1847

F: 860-583-5293

E: info@whitmancontrols.com

W: whitmancontrols.com

WIKA Instrument Corp. 1000 Wiegand Blvd. Lawrenceville, GA 30043

P: 770-513-8200

F: 770-338-5118

Wilkes & McLean 600 Estes Ave. Schaumburg, IL 60193

P: 847-534-2000

F: 847-534-2016

E: info@wilkesandmclean.com

W: wilkesandmclean.com

Wilson Company 16301 Addison Road Addison, TX 75001

P: 972-931-8666

F: 972-248-7472

W: wilson-company.com

Winters Instruments

Airport Commerce Park 455 Cayuga Rd., Suite 650 Buffalo, NY 14225

P: 716-874-8700

F: 716-874-8800

E: usasales@winters.com

W: winters.com

Wojanis Supply Company 1001 Montour West Industrial Park

Coraopolis, PA 15108

P: 724-695-1415

F: 724-695-1203

E: sales@wojanis.com

W: wojanis.com

Womack Machine Supply Company 13835 Senlac Drive

Farmers Branch, TX 75234

P: 800-569-9800

F: 214-350-9322

E: sales@womack-machine.com

W: womackmachine.com

York Precision Machining & Hydraulics 706 Willow Springs Lane York, PA 17406

P: 717-764-8855

E: mbaker@yorkpmh.com

W: yorkPMH.com

Youli-America 222 S. Navigation Blvd. Corpus Christi, TX 78405

P: 713-861-8041

F: 361-883-3893

E: service@youli-america.com

W: youli-america.com

Young Engineering and Mfg. Inc. 560 W Terrace Dr. San Dimas, CA 91773

P: 909-394-3225

F: 909-394-3006

E: sales@youngeng.com

W: youngeng.com

Young Powertech 3060 Plaza Drive #107 Garnet Valley, PA 19060

P: 610-558-0760

F: 610-558-0762

E: info@youngpowertech.com

W: youngpowertech.com

Yuken/ALA Industries Limited (North American Distributor) 1150 Southpoint Circle, Suite D Valparaiso, IN 46385

P: 877-419-8536

F: 219-477-4194

E: alaindustries@yuken-usa.com

W: yuken-usa.com

Zatkoff Seals & Packings 23230 Industrial Park Dr. Farmington Hills, MI 48335

P: 800-96-SEALS

F: 298-428-3392

E: info@zatkoff.com

W: zatkoff.com

World Wide Fittings, Inc. 600 Corporate Woods Parkway Vernon Hills, IL 60061

P: 847-588-2200

F: 847-588-2212

E: sales@worldwidefittings.com

W: worldwidefittings.com

World Wide Metric 37 Readington Road Branchburg, NJ 08876

P: 732-247-2300

F: 732-247-7258

E: sales@worldwidemetric.com

W: worldwidemetric.com

Worthington AG Parts 122 St. George Lane Sikeston, MO 63801

P: 800-637-5165

E: dbell@worthingtonagparts.com

W: worthingtonagparts.com

Zemarc Corporation 6431 Flotilla Street Los Angeles, CA 90040

P: 323-721-5598

F: 323-722-2220

E: sales@zemarc.com

W: zemarc.com

Zinga, A Filtration Group Company 2400 Zinga Drive Reedsburg, WI 53959

P: 608-524-4200

F: 608-524-4220

E: zinga@zinga.com

W: filtrationgroup/brands/zingaindustries-inc

ZMC Corporation 6431 Flotilla Street Los Angeles, CA 90040

P: 323-767-2212

E: caguirre@zmccorp.com

W: zmccorporation.com

ZSI 42550 Executive Drive Canton, MI 48188

P: 800-323-7053

F: 734-844-0066

Webtec LLC 1290 E. Waterford Ave. St. Francis, WI 53235

P: 1-800-932-8378

E: sales-us@webtec.com

W: webtec.com

E: info@wika.com

W: wika.com

Yates Industries Inc. 23050 East Industrial Drive St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

P: 586-778-7680

F: 586-778-6565

E: sales@yatesind.com

W: yatesind.com

E: twright@zsi-inc.com

W: zsi-inc.com

OFF-H i GHWAY 2023 D ir ECTO r Y 36 Apr IL 2023 WWW.FLUID p OWE r JOU r NAL.COM • WWW.IF p S.O r G

Here is the solution to Air Teaser on page 5.



1. Find area of pipe: 609.6²x 0.7854 = 291,864.19 mm² = 0.29 m²

2. Find volume of pipe: 0.29 m² x 2,134 m = 618.86 m3 x 1,000 = 622,840 liters

3. Calculate lpm: Find compression ratio: (0.2 MPa + 0.101) / 0.1 = 3:1 C.R. 45,312 Nlpm / 3 C.R. = 15,104 lpm

4. Volume of pipe/lpm = 622,840/15,104 = 41.24 minutes

5. Calculate for 0.55 MPa:

C.R. = (0.55 + 0.101) /0 .1 = 6.51:1 C.R.

45,312 Nlpm / 6.51 = 6,960.37 lpm.

622,840 / 6,960.37 minutes = 89.5 minutes


1. Find area of pipe: 24² x .7854 = 452 square inches. Divide by 144 = 3.14 square feet.

2. Find the volume of air required to move the pig 7,000 feet: 3.14 x 7,000 = 21,991.2 cubic feet.

3. Calculate cfm: Find compression ratio (C.R.): (30 psi + 14.7) / 14.7 = 3:1 C.R. 1,600 scfm / 3 = 533.33 cfm

4. Volume of pipe/cfm = time in minutes 21,991.2 / 533.33 = 41.23 minutes

5. Calculate for 80 psi: C.R. = (80 + 14.7)/14.7 = 6.44 C.R. 1,600/6.44 = 248.36 cfm 21,991.2 / 248.36 = 88.54 minutes

» FINAL ANSWERS = 41.23 minutes at 0.2 MPa (30 psi) and 89 minutes at 0.55 MPa (80 psi).

For previous Air Teaser problems, visit www.fluidpowerjournal.com/air-teaser/.

The correct answer to Test Your Skills on page 19 is b.

38 Apr IL 2023 WWW.FLUID p OWE r JOU r NAL.COM • WWW.IF p S.O r G Call or email our sales team today to discuss your needs • info@ohfab.com • 888.354.0291 • ohfab.com/special-custom-products Proudly Made in the USA ISO 9001:2015 Compliant CUSTOM FILTRATION PRODUCTS BUILT TO YOUR SPECS Square peg into a round hole? No problem for OFCO engineers! Since 1945, OFCO has developed custom solutions for our clients-large and small. Replacing an overpriced product? Need a new, unique design? We’re here. With over 75 years of industry expertise, Ohio Fabricators Company provides the best service, highest quality, and fastest delivery in the industry.
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Company ................................................................................... Page .............................................................Phone .................................................................................................. Web Advanced Cylinders, LLC 21 909-920-6437 advancedcylindersllc.com Almo Manifold 39 989-984-0800 almomanifold.com Ashcroft Inc 19, 27 1-800-328-8258 ashcroft.com Assured Automation 13 1-800-899-0553 assuredautomation.com/fpj Canfield Connector 13 1-800-554-5071 canfieldconnector.com CFC-Solar 13 513-874-3225 cfcindustrialtraining.com Clippard Instruments Lab Inc 39, OBC 877-245-6247 clippard.com Continental Hydraulics/Hydreco 9 952-894-6400 continentalhydraulics.com COXREELS 17 1-800-269-7335 coxreels.com Delta ^Q 25 1-800-650-3110 deltaq.com EUFMC 9 eufmc.com FluiDyne Fluid Power  29, 39 586-296-7200 fluidynefp.com Harvard Corporation 11 608-882-6330 harvardcorp.com/mining HED Inc 18, 30 1-800-398-2224 hedcontrols.com Heinrichs 5 1-859-371-4999 heinrichs-usa.com HydraForce IFC 847-793-2300 hydraforce.com Lubrication Engineers, Inc 24 1-800-537-7683 lelubricants.com Main Manufacturing Products 25, 39 1-800-521-7918 mainmfg.com MP Filtri USA Inc 32 215-529-1300 mpfiltriusa.com National Tube Supply 1 1-800-229-6872 nationaltubesupply.com Ohio Fabricators Company 38 888-354-0291 ohfab.com Otto Controls 24, 33 1-847-428-7171 otto-controls.com Parker Hannifin Corp IBC 419-644-4311 parker.com/electrification Rheintacho Messtechnik GmbH 17 rheintacho.com Ryco Hydraulics 8, 34 1-866-821-7926 ryco.com.au Stiebel Drive Technology 34 864-286-7152 stiebeldrivetechnology.com Super Swivels 25 763-784-5531 superswivels.com TEXCEL 3, 35 1-800-231-7116 texcelrubber.com Ultra Clean Technologies 21 1-800-791-9111 ultracleantech.com VEST Inc 7 248-649-9550 vestusa.com Wilkes & McLean Ltd 9 877-534-6445 wilkesandmclean.com Young Powertech, Inc 36, 37 610-558-0760 youngpowertech.com

Some Shipments Dropped in December

The latest shipments data from the National Fluid Power Association shows decreases in pneumatic and mobile hydraulic shipments while industrial hydraulic shipments slightly increased in December when compared to November, according to raw index data. The year-to-date % change for total fluid power shipments in December was 16.6%, down from 16.9% in November. The data shows the 12-month moving average of shipments for pneumatics, hydraulics, and total fluid power continues to grow. Mobile hydraulic orders received from January to December 2022 are currently 103.4% of the orders received from January to December 2021. The charts are drawn from NFPA’s Confidential Shipment Statistics (CSS) program.

Hydraulic and Pneumatic Shipments

Raw Index Data, Index: 2018=100

Shipments – Cumulative year‐to‐date % change (2022 vs. 2021)

This graph of raw index data is generated by the total dollar volume reported to NFPA by CSS participants and compared to the average monthly dollar volume in 2018. For example, the December 2022 total dollar volume for pneumatic shipments is 106.7% of the average monthly dollar volume in 2018. (Base Year 2018 = 100)

The table above is expressed in terms of cumulative percent changes. These changes refer to the percent difference between the relevant cumulative total for 2022 and the total for the same months in 2021. For example, December 2022 pneumatic shipments figure of 8.5 means that for the calendar year through December 2022, pneumatic shipments increased 8.5% compared to the same time-period in 2021.

Pneumatic, Mobile, and Industrial Hydraulic Orders 12/12 Ratio

Each point on this graph represents the most recent 12 months of orders compared to the previous 12 months of orders. Each point can be read as a percentage. For example, 117.3 (the December 2022 level of the industrial hydraulic series) indicates that industrial hydraulic orders received from January 2022 to December 2022 were 117.3% of the orders received from January 2021 to December 2021. (Base Year 2018 = 100)

Total - Hydraulic and Pneumatic Shipments 12 Month Moving Average

This graph of 12-month moving averages shows that in December 2022, total fluid power, total pneumatic, and total hydraulic all increased. (Base Year 2018 = 100)

40 Apr IL 2023 WWW.FLUID p OWE r JOU r NAL.COM • WWW.IF p S.O r G
SH ip MENTS MONTH TOTA l F l U i D p OWE r TOTA l HYD. TOTA l p NEU. Oct 2022 17.6 20.4 8.5 Nov 2022 16.9 20.5 8.3 Dec 2022* 16.6 20.1 8.5 *Preliminary data subject to revision.

• Resolution ≤5 mV

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• Virtually silent

• No integral bleed required

• Multiple pressure ranges from vacuum to 150 psig

• 2.7 to 65 l/min flow control

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Precise, Linear Digital Pressure Control

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