Fluid Power Journal February 2025

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Publisher’s Note: The information provided in this publication is for informational purposes only. While all efforts have been taken to ensure the technical accuracy of the material enclosed, Fluid Power Journal is not responsible for the availability, accuracy, currency, or reliability of any information, statement, opinion, or advice contained in a third party’s material. Fluid Power Journal will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by reliance on information obtained in this publication.

Diamond Coatings stands as a beacon of excellence in the chrome coating industry. Diamond Coatings provides precision grinding, CNC machining, metal finishing, mandrel production, hard chrome coating, and phosphate coating services. With over six decades of operation, our business is steeped in a rich history of providing superior quality services.

Participating in the PFAS Conversation

» AS A GLOBAL Product Line Director, it’s common knowledge to me that polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) material has been widely used in sealing products for fluid power applications because of its excellent resistance to high temperatures, diverse chemical compatibility, and low friction. Fluoropolymers including PTFE are a class of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) per the definition that all substances containing a fully-fluorinated carbon atom in their structure are considered PFAS. Regulatory and government agencies in both Europe and America are proposing restrictions on the entire group of PFAS chemicals due to serious concerns regarding the toxicity and adverse effects of some PFAS on humans and the environment. Recently, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published an update considering fluoropolymers and sealing applications essential use cases and opened the process for a scientific and socioeconomic analysis that may lead to exemptions from the proposed PFAS restrictions. This is a topic that is of the utmost importance to me, so I’ve detailed some crucial information regarding the overarching PFAS conversation below. These regulations are still in flux but are spurring innovation in sealing solutions for fluid power applications. There are many alternative options to consider when it comes to sealing geometries and materials that can achieve suitable performance. The

best solutions are realized when fluid power original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) collaborate and proactively seek guidance from their sealing partners. Performance simulations, such as finite element analysis (FEA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can be done on the front end of development alongside laboratory testing to narrow down solutions for the entire sealing system. Comprehensive product testing and material recommendations should be a core competency of a reliable sealing system partner. Every step of the way, it’s vital to remember that we are all on this PFAS journey together, so we need to leverage each other’s strengths and collaborate wherever possible.

There are performance advantages that customers might sacrifice with alternatives, including PTFE’s low-friction properties. A different material may cause a product to wear faster, reduce its operating temperature range, or have less material compatibility than its fluoropolymer counterpart. We’ve seen some customers make changes independently without fully considering how they will affect the performance of their product; this yields underwhelming outcomes. They assume that a different material can be used with existing part geometry. However, testing shows that gaining optimal performance can require changing the component design along with the material. That's why OEMs need to engage with their suppliers before making decisions about alternative materials for their application. It’s equally important for the after-sales market to use the right solutions.

OEMs should inquire about how they can work together with suppliers to reduce waste when it comes to PTFE materials. PTFE in a landfill stays there forever. I’ve heard from OEMs that they are interested in reducing waste, but it takes mutual commitment. Trelleborg wants to work with customers to this end and tell them, “We know you have requirements to reduce waste and increase circularity. How can we partner to achieve those objectives?”. In the future, we want to give production residues and end-of-life materials new value during recycling processes.

It's important to consider that new regulations relating to PFAS in fluoropolymers have not been finalized. While the industry as a whole should take steps to proactively identify alternative solutions, PFAS surfactant-free PTFE may continue to be a viable solution in the foreseeable future. Following a public consultation of the ECHA that is responsible for EU REACH restrictions, scientific evidence presented confirms that fluoropolymers are safe and do not result in releases of critical PFAS within their lifecycle. Additionally, simplistic “one size fits all” regulations are problematic in that fluoropolymers’ unique attributes mean that they will not be replaced by a single “magic bullet” material. Alternatives will develop as premier, application-specific solutions. New PFAS regulations need to be differentiated by applications; for some materials in demanding environments, more time will be needed to develop effective new solutions.

A sealing partner focused on sustainability and compliance needs to be committed to finding alternative solutions that continue to meet OEM’s challenging application requirements. For example, Trelleborg continues to evaluate its product and material portfolio to see what performance criteria can be achieved with alternative materials, including the incorporation of recycled content. In addition, our Zurcon® polyurethane (PU) product portfolio is industry-leading in its performance and can cover a broad range of applications. Other Zurcon® non-fluorinated compounds are available for specialty applications in thermoplastic elastomers and high-performance plastics. Regulatory change is being led in Europe, but the conversation is increasing here in the Americas and APAC. If a company is US-based but shipping to Europe, this affects them as well. Industry-leading seal suppliers like Trelleborg have been acting in this space for quite some time. However, we can’t provide a solution if the need is not voiced by customers. High-performing alternatives are out there if OEMs are willing to proactively seek innovative solutions. It's our goal for OEMs to engage in this, to make the PFAS journey a collaborative experience we can all share in.


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NEW PROBLEM Calculate Cylinder Force on Jib Booms


Dimensions are in inches

Dimensions are in inches

» USING A TANDEM cylinder (two pistons on the same rod), calculate the following: Given:

• The rod diameter is 31.75 mm (1-1/4")

• Operating pressure .69 MPa (100 psi)

Calculate what size cylinder is needed to hold the load.

For the solution, see page 25.

Dimensions are in inches

Hydraulic Systems Hydraulic Systems for

Hydrogen-Powered Working Machines Working Machines

With technological advancements such as AI on the rise, along with more research at our fingertips, there is a growing trend toward implementing more efficient solutions in the off-highway industry. In mobile machinery, the conventional diesel engine has maintained a stronghold in the industry. In some segments, fossil fuels are being phased out as industries decrease their pollutant emissions and reassess their operating costs.

Hydrogen has emerged as a promising leader for viable alternatives to fuel cells and battery electric technologies due to its combustion properties. According to a study of energy-efficient machines, hydrogen spark-ignited engines

can achieve brake thermal efficiencies of up to 45% under specific operating conditions.

In heavy-duty on-road engines, the impacts of hydrogen engines on sustainability show a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining cost-effectiveness. Hydrogen can have a very positive impact on greenhouse gas emissions. Adoption of these advanced solutions will require a holistic adaptation of the entire system rather than a simple plug-andplay component replacement; this can seem daunting to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Off-road vehicles including excavators and wheel loaders can be improved by this shift, as proven by research and development initiatives focused on hydrogen integration.

Hydrogen Combustion Engine Application Challenges

Stoichiometric, spark-ignited hydrogen combustion engines have been shown to respond twice as slowly as a conventional diesel engine during torque transients. They also exhibit a 30% lower peak torque. Due to these characteristics, implementing hydrogen engines in off-highway vehicles presents challenges, particularly with their duty cycle's high transient loads. To match the performance of a diesel engine In these applications, a hydrogen combustion engine would need to be significantly larger, yielding a substantial increase in overall system costs. The performance limitations of hydrogen combustion engine technology underscore the need for a comprehensive systems approach; a combination of hydraulics and control systems architectures addresses these challenges effectively.

Fluid Power Architecture as a Key Factor for Emerging Technology Adoptions

Multi Pressure Rail (MPR) system adaptations are another previously studied hydraulic architecture that provides adaptable solutions by controlling the pressure of each rail. The system integrates multiple pressure rails, enabling various components of a hydraulic system to operate at different pressure levels as required. The MPR system employs a pressure control logic to regulate hydraulic functions by connecting pumps and motors to actuators through two pressure rails.

This architecture utilizes proportional valves to minimize pressure differentials, and each rail is equipped with hydraulic accumulators to recover energy during overload conditions, e.g. boom lowering while mitigating power demand transients. This system is optimal for operators seeking to support system efficiency and reduce energy losses such as fuel consumption in machinery.

Considering high, medium, and low-pressure rails, a switching valve can connect the supply line and return line to the defined pressure rails based on commands from the supervisory controller. A metering stage control valve can also control the speed of the actuator. This indicates that different combinations of inlet/outlet pressure levels with

MPR systems can provide multiple output torque and force ranges.

In the MPR, different from a conventional fluid power system, the supply pump is not set to match a commanded flow, but rather to establish a commanded pressure. This difference is a primary advantage of a constant pressure system’s ability to decouple the supply side from actuators, thus facilitating lower engine speeds regardless of current power demands. Additionally, potential and kinetic energy from these actuators can be captured and stored within the pressure rail for later use.

Frequently, the solution lies not in relying on a single component, but rather in adopting a system-level perspective. The challenges associated with hydrogen engines, particularly the high torque demands required for off-highway vehicles, can be addressed by considering the entire hydraulic system in a holistic manner. In this context, an MPR system would be an excellent fit for hydrogen-powered construction equipment and off-highway applications

Finally, an MPR system could be designed to maintain compatibility with existing stateof-the-art machinery. This implementation presents a significant opportunity to address

and meet the demanding torque requirements of wheel loaders, graders, excavators, and other offroad vehicles (ORVs) when paired with a hydrogen combustion engine. Previous studies show that overall efficiency can improve as much as 50% when using MPR systems in a planter application compared to current commercial solutions.

Future Market Opportunities

There is a pressing need for the offroad vehicle industry to develop additional breakthrough technologies that promote sustainability in future vehicles. However, the market has largely favored incremental improvements, as customers tend to be risk-averse in the off-highway vehicles sector. Additionally, industry investments are strained by global challenges, including economic uncertainties and supply chain disruptions.

This skepticism doesn’t come unwarranted when navigating implementation challenges. However, the integration of technologies including hydrogen combustion engine technology and MPR systems may emerge as highly cost-effective strategies. They

could have a clear, significant impact on fleets striving to achieve future emissions reduction goals in offroad vehicles, equipped with mid- and large-sized actuators suitable for forestry machinery, harvesters, graders, and pavers. The first truly viable step in the market for this innovative approach can offer so much to the industry. While hydrogen and natural gas engines offer significant potential for cutting carbon emissions, the MPR system by itself can enhance the efficiency of off-road vehicles’ hydraulics systems or electric-hydraulic hybrids.

OEMs can be hesitant about the fastpaced advancements of technology and the impact of change on their workforce and company. The simplest way to start is to take the first transitional step by trying out one of these advancements at a time rather than adopting multiple new systems all at once. This allows OEMs to gain a clearer understanding of the overall benefits. To see the big picture, OEMs can start with individual innovations and eventually combine systems for an advanced, feasible solution to outdated conventional combustion engines in the off-highway industry.•


An Overview of Quick Connect/Disconnect Couplings

The fluid power industry relies on hydraulics and pneumatics for applications across sectors, ranging from heavy machinery and automotive to construction and general manufacturing. Central to these systems are the connections that keep fluids and gases flowing effectively through hoses and pipes. These are essentially the “veins” within these robust systems.

One crucial component for making, maintaining, and breaking these connections safely and efficiently is the Quick Connect/ Disconnect (QDs) coupling. Designed to work with hydraulics, pneumatics, and other fluid systems, QDs bring significant benefits over traditional coupling solutions, particularly for time-sensitive or high-risk applications.

Quick Disconnect vs. Standard Couplings

At a fundamental level, quick connect/disconnect couplings streamline linking hoses and pipes. While standard couplings typically require specific tools and substantial time to attach or detach, quick disconnects allow for

a much simpler, tool-free connection and disconnection. This is especially valuable in fluid power applications where equipment needs to be reconfigured, repaired, or transported rapidly. Standard couplings can allow oil to leak from the lines during disconnection. Conversely, quick-connect couplings achieve connection or disconnection without tools. They reduce fluid leakage in comparison to traditional couplings. Certain QDs allow connection and disconnection while the system runs under pressure.

How Quick Disconnect Couplings Work

Quick disconnect couplings are designed to operate seamlessly in multiple applications, including high-pressure environments, using an internal valving system. Generally, quick

disconnects feature two main parts: the plug (male end) and the socket (female end). When connected, the valve opens, allowing fluid and gases to flow freely between components. Upon disconnection, an automatic shut-off valve in the socket end immediately closes, preventing fluid and gas from escaping.

Leak prevention is crucial to system reliability and safety in the fluid power industry; these couplings are built with non-spill designs to limit fluid loss during connection and disconnection. While some QD designs allow for the ability to connect and disconnect when systems are under pressure, all QDs prevent fluid in the lines from leaking out.

Key Benefits of Quick Connect/Disconnect Couplings

1 Minimizing Downtime: Quick

connect/disconnect couplings dramatically reduce the time required to configure fluid systems, allowing operators to quickly swap components or connect equipment without

extensive preparations. This advantage is essential in industrial settings, where a few minutes of downtime can translate into significant financial losses. A quick disconnect can expedite maintenance and ensure systems return online as swiftly as possible.

2 Enhancing Safety and Reducing Contamination: The shut-off mechanism inside QDs is designed to prevent fluid spillage during disconnection. Doing so reduces the risk of accidental exposure to potentially hazardous fluids. This design also limits contamination risks in hydraulic and pneumatic systems, maintaining the purity of fluids and gases and extending equipment life.

3 Optimizing Pressure Stability:

Certain quick-disconnect couplings in hydraulic systems are engineered to withstand high pressures without requiring line depressurization. This feature is valuable in mobile equipment or construction applications, where power lines must be broken and reconnected under intense operating pressures. Operators can rely on these couplings during critical operations to maintain system stability and prevent pressure loss.

4 Simplifying Equipment Design and Maintenance: Since quick disconnects eliminate the need for tools, the equipment designed to house these couplings can be smaller, lighter, and more modular. This flexibility allows manufacturers to produce streamlined equipment that is easier to repair and maintain, as the quick disconnect feature simplifies the process of accessing individual components.

Real-World Applications in Fluid Power Systems

The versatility and reliability of quick connect/disconnect couplings have cemented their role in numerous fluid power applications. Here are some notable examples where QDs prove essential:

Construction and Heavy Machinery

In construction, machinery such as excavators, bulldozers, and cranes frequently utilize hydraulic systems to handle high-pressure tasks. Quick disconnect couplings enable these machines to connect to various attachments or power sources without requiring complex disassembly. This flexibility reduces downtime

on busy work sites and minimizes the risk of spillage, which can lead to equipment contamination or environmental hazards.

Agricultural Equipment

Hydraulic systems play a central role in modern agricultural equipment, powering everything from plows to combines. In farming operations, quick disconnects are invaluable for quickly switching between different hydraulic-powered attachments. This ensures smooth operations during the busy harvest season.

Manufacturing and Factory Automation

In factories where hydraulic and pneumatic systems drive many processes, quick disconnects allow for seamless reconfiguration of assembly lines. As products change or equipment undergoes maintenance, quick disconnects streamline the transition. This keeps downtime to a minimum and keeps production on schedule.

Automotive and Aerospace

Both industries rely on precision engineering and fast retooling capabilities, making quick connect/disconnect couplings essential. In automotive assembly, these couplings allow fluid and air systems to be safely connected and disconnected during testing or component changes. As fluid power systems operate in high-pressure aerospace environments, quick disconnects minimize fluid exposure or contamination risks, protecting both the equipment and personnel.

Quick Disconnect Couplings in High-Pressure Applications

A standout feature of certain quick disconnect couplings in hydraulic systems is their ability to connect and disconnect under pressure without issue. This design capability allows couplings to be connected or disconnected even when the system is under pressure. Fluid power operators can utilize certain QDs to perform maintenance or reconfiguration tasks more efficiently without depressurization, which often involves extensive preparation and substantial fluid loss. In pneumatic systems, quick disconnect couplings with the same feature reduce the risk of leaks and spills by providing a secure and leak-proof connection, even at high flow rates. This is crucial in industries that require the precise and reliable transport of gases or fluids, as maintaining system pressure is essential to performance.

Design Features and Benefits of Modern Quick Connect Couplings

To meet the demands of today’s fluid power industry, manufacturers have engineered QDs with specialized features that enhance their performance and reliability. This includes non-spill valves to prevent fluid spillage during connection/disconnection. Use of corrosion-resistant materials enhance durability in harsh environments. High flow rate capacity supports high-speed operations in demanding applications. Furthermore, broad compatibility accommodates various pressure levels and fluid types, making QDs versatile for use within numerous industries.

Choosing the Right Quick Disconnect Coupling for Fluid Power Applications

When selecting quick-disconnect couplings, it's essential to assess the specific requirements of each application. Factors such as operating pressure, flow rate, fluid compatibility, and the potential for contamination should guide the choice of coupling. While QDs offer numerous advantages, understanding the operational environment and the fluid properties ensures optimal performance and safety.

As the demand for efficient, reliable, and safe fluid power systems continues to grow, quick connect/disconnect couplings stand out as a critical component in optimizing the performance of hydraulic and pneumatic equipment. Their ability to connect under pressure in many cases, prevent leaks, and simplify maintenance makes them invaluable for modern fluid power applications across diverse industries.

For companies that prioritize efficiency and durability, investing in high-quality quick disconnects can yield long-term benefits, reducing downtime, safety enhancement, and systems integrity. In the competitive world of fluid power, the correct quick disconnect coupling is more than just a convenience. It’s a strategic asset that drives operational success. •


Manufacturers of mobile hydraulic machines often have big goals, hoping to increase market share and harboring ambitions of becoming the market leader. However, achieving this target can be challenging because key personnel have different agendas. Design engineers, for instance, are encouraged to lower the cost of sale (COS) and at the same time reduce carbon dioxide equivalent emissions (CO2e). Meanwhile, sales and marketing professionals want surefire ways to offer something new to maintain a competitive edge. Additionally, service managers wish to enhance reliability. With so many conflicting interests, the task of reaching end goals for mobile machine OEMs may seem daunting. However, here is a decisive path through the maze using a plan to optimize and maintain hydraulic efficiency.

The process begins by partnering with a reputable manufacturer of hydraulic measurement and control products, a move that will help boost brand image, increase sales, and grow the business. A key piece of advice is to seek out a partner with thousands of users including many of the market’s largest mobile machine OEMs. This indicates trust and dependability.

Such a supplier will likely address a range of goals simultaneously, including downtime reduction, safety improvement, warranty claims reduction, and monitoring machine efficiency. Additional objectives include improving control and monitoring the health of key hydraulic components, such as pumps. To turn the concept into reality, Webtec has a proven three-step plan to assess the best combination of maintenance strategies, select standard or custom tools, and garner lifetime support.


Industry takes advantage of many different maintenance strategies: reactive, proactive, preventative, and predictive. To explain in simple terms the role of each, consider a regular car.

Reactive maintenance is somewhat traditional but still holds value. It involves maintaining a stock level of consumable products such as light bulbs or wiper blades,

replacing each expired item at the next available opportunity. In contrast, proactive maintenance introduces a degree of anticipation by providing an on-the-spot solution, sometimes in-vehicle, by carrying a spare wheel or using a run-flat tire.

Preventative maintenance also leverages the concept of anticipation by replacing a worn part regardless of its actual condition after a predetermined number of running hours or miles. Then there is predictive maintenance, where sensors monitor brake pad wear and tire pressure to ensure timely replacements or adjustments based on actual condition before issues arise.

The reality for the OEM service teams of hydraulic mobile machines is that all of these strategies should be components of planned maintenance regimes. To determine which mix works best for each application, there is a simple decision-making hierarchy. It starts with thinking about proactive maintenance; is there a way to stop the machine, sub-assembly, or component from malfunctioning? Is

there a way to minimize the consequences of a failure? If the answer is yes, then proactive maintenance provides the solution. If the answer is no, predictive maintenance enters the frame: is it possible to assess and repair conditions when necessary? Again, an affirmative response indicates predictive maintenance as the optimal solution. Negating this option means considering preventative maintenance: is there a way to estimate failure and implement a fix before it does? A negative response to this question means the last resort is reactive maintenance and a likely troubleshooting exercise.

Often, the right mix of maintenance strategies depends on the cost of machinery downtime. This is dictated by the type of machine and the industry where it’s used. A hydraulic conveyor belt transporting aggregate away from the rock face of a mine may be critical, and downtime could cost $100,000 per hour. In this case, it makes sense to invest in more proactive and predictive solutions, such as duplicate power packs to provide redundancy, kidney-loop filtration to meet target oil cleanliness levels, and oil flow, pressure, and temperature condition monitoring.

On the other hand, it would be hard to justify adding permanently mounted sensors on a non-critical hydraulic system with a low downtime cost of $1000 per hour. In this case, it may be sufficient to perform visual inspections and periodic equipment checks using a handheld digital pressure gauge, as well as rely on a stock of common spare parts to reactively replace when needed.

What’s important is to assess the cost of inconvenience and machine downtime compared with the initial cost of the maintenance equipment, and decide the appropriate maintenance mix based on assessment findings.


A plethora of tools are available to deliver maintenance strategies. This includes condition monitoring devices for hydraulic flow, temperature, pressure, vibration, and hydraulic usage. Portable testers/multimeters and handheld data loggers are also useful during maintenance operations.

Many standard tools are suitable for everyday hydraulic applications, regardless of the chosen maintenance philosophy. Consider the simple task of checking the flow rate of an excavator pump. Compared with a new pump, the flow rate of a pump showing wear will reduce as pressure increases. It is important to lead a P-Q test by checking the flow of the excavator pump at normal working pressure,

and testing how the volumetric efficiency reduces with load. Here, a device like Webtec’s Digital Hydraulic Tester (DHT) features an integral loading valve to simulate working pressure during normal machine operation.

There is a risk of encountering pump failure before replacement, along with a simultaneous need to avoid replacing the pump unnecessarily. So, under a preventative maintenance strategy, when is the optimal time to perform replacement? Examining previous failure data is a good starting point, assessing the number of failures against running hours. To help build a data map, the Webtec range of HPM hydraulic dataloggers can provide solutions for maintenance professionals on three levels.

First, these devices act as pressure dataloggers for simple applications, plugging into any standard pressure test point. It’s possible to record pressure levels for up to 24 hours, with data available for download via a USB memory stick. On a second level, the HPM series can monitor additional system variables including pressure differential, flow rate, temperature, rpm, and frequency. Users can therefore leverage the datalogger's capabilities for hydraulic system set-up and more intensive fault finding. Again, data is downloadable via USB.

At a higher level, these instruments are suitable for multi-channel CAN bus communication or inputs from analog sensors, providing the capability to monitor multiple parameters in complex mobile and industrial machinery. This is particularly useful for prototype machine assessment activities such as identifying potential issues associated with high-inertia loads.

Adopting a predictive maintenance approach means introducing continuous online monitoring of the excavator pump. By defining the performance benchmark for a new pump, it becomes possible to set an allowable level of performance degradation as running hours increase. Using a Webtec CTA in-line hydraulic flow monitor, maintenance professionals can see when the pump reaches the maximum allowable level of performance degradation and replace it accordingly. This type of flow meter offers permanent installation on the mobile hydraulic machine, from where it transmits data to the cloud to view current system performance. Hydraulic flow is a

critical component of calculating the overall energy efficiency of the pump.

Although a broad spectrum of standard tools is available, recent years have seen inquiries for custom products elevate. The task of customization demands the design and manufacture of a better hydraulic measurement or control solution. This is achieved typically by improving product fit, form, or function to suit a specific application. When it comes to hydraulic measurement and control products, there isn’t always a onesize-fits-all solution available off the shelf. When a specialty solution is necessary, the OEM has little choice but to seek expert suppliers able to provide custom solutions. As many mobile machine developers subsequently discover, there are few companies able to deliver the required levels of innovation, quality, and speed of turnaround to meet the demands of important hydraulic projects. Furthermore, many assume the process will be arduous, with high levels of complexity and long lead times.

Webtec takes a different approach, making the route to product customization straightforward. In many instances by following its Make it BLUE® approach, the company can take the best-fit standard product and apply customization according to requirements. Mobile hydraulic machine OEMs no longer have to compromise on functionality.


After assessing the best combination of maintenance strategies and deciding between standard or custom tools, the third and final step of the process is to get lifetime support. Following product delivery, the potential to receive continuous training and advice is paramount for ongoing success when implementing optimal hydraulic efficiency. With these three steps, design engineers better understand the machine’s requirements. The sales team also becomes confident in its promotion, and service technicians know how to best plan maintenance. Benefits arise for the end-users of mobile hydraulic machines, including lower energy consumption, reduced downtime, and higher output. Highly satisfied end-users typically equate to repeat business and enhanced brand reputation.•


» AN ELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEM can operate at about 96% overall efficiency. One study showed that fluid power operates at about 21% efficiency on average. This raises a question: with the price of energy the pressure to “go green” constantly increasing, why would anyone in his or her right mind choose fluid power?

I was once on a guided tour of a major plastics injection molding facility accompanied by a group of about 20 mechanical engineers. The tour led us to an experimental molding

machine that was entirely electromechanical. There was not so much as a cooling air jet blowing on the equipment. The tour guide proudly announced that the company was looking at this machine in the hope of getting away from fluid power because, he said, as everyone knows, “hydraulics is messy and expensive.” I was a guest, so I quietly and painfully bit my tongue while everyone else nodded in unquestioning agreement.

This is anecdotal, but anecdotes can show a pattern, and enough of them may even

be considered data. The fact is that a substantial group of design engineers currently planning the equipment of tomorrow do not question the idea that it is wise to avoid using fluid power!

Those of us who are passionate about fluid power know that there are many good reasons to consider fluid power to do work. There is the concentration of force, the removal of heat, the flexibility, and the ability to produce both linear and rotary motion from a common power source. It can take very heavy objects

and repeatedly position them within five ten-thousandths of an inch. It can create a vacuum that allows us to safely pick up and move delicate and oddly shaped material. These are all appropriate things to discuss when presenting the case for fluid power, and many of us have successfully done so. However, in this article I want to focus on energy because if fluid power cannot be shown as an efficient alternative to other forms of energy transfer, then we may as well pack up our formulas and find some other line of work. The frustrating fact is that fluid power does not have to be so inefficient.

For years fluid power professionals have complained that they have to give away engineering to be competitive and sell products. This complaint spotlights the irony that we are the ones who designed the inefficient systems

that now haunt us. Fluid power users have come to us professionals asking for solutions

Hydraulics is messy and expensive…

to their power-transfer needs. Some of them would not know a kilowatt from a horse radish or a BTU from a lemon drop. But we do! For us to design their systems, we must calculate the forces, speeds, pressures, and flows required to get the job done.

I once had an opportunity to supply a system in which an upward acting press had a 142 kN (32,000 lb.) platen that had to be lifted at a rate of 0.13 m/sec (5 in/sec) and then moved 0.025 m/sec (1 in/sec), applying a force of 1,335 kN (150 tons). I suggested a system using a 30-kW (40-hp) electric motor. The machine designer was skeptical and told me he did not think it would work. His company had always built similar machines with 45-kW (60-hp) electric motors to drive the hydraulic pumps.

I asked him to do the math with me. The greatest amount of power was consumed in lifting the platen. (The pressing force required relatively little power because of the low speed.) Knowing that 1 kW = 1 kNm/sec (HP = 550 lb/ft/sec), I asked him to tell me how much power would be needed to lift the platen

continued on page 14


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» See improved ROI.


» Higher guaranteed click-through

» Additional traffic to your website

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» Improved analytics

As fluid power professionals, WE ARE PROS at transferring energy.

continued from page 13

at the rated speed. He got out his calculator and worked out 142 x 0.13 = 18.46 kW (about 25 hp). My 30-kW unit was a concession to the system’s inefficiency and the availability of the type of electric motor I planned to use.

When the finished machine arrived at its new home in a manufacturing facility, the plant engineer was skeptical because we had placed a relatively small heat exchanger on the system. He was convinced the power unit would overheat. He had several other machines with 45-kW (60-hp) electric motors, and they all had large heat exchangers. I am pleased to report that the system worked fine, and there was no problem with heat. We had simply designed much of the heat generators out of the system.

The point is this: the users of fluid power have placed themselves at our mercy. When

it comes to fluid power, otherwise competent engineers sometimes lay aside what they know about physics. They want us to handle the “black box” and trust us to provide the best system. In the experience I described above, neither the machine designer nor the plant engineer had done the math to see the actual requirements to move the load. They had left it up to us, the fluid power professionals, to tell them what they needed, and we failed them. We gave them systems that worked and met the stated requirements, but the systems did not represent the best that could be done. The result was that for years machine designers had supplied inefficient systems and manufacturers paid the energy bill for that inefficiency. They accepted the wasted energy as a cost of doing business and an inherent characteristic of fluid power.

As fluid power professionals, we are pros at transferring energy. We need to think of ourselves as energy professionals specializing in fluid power. We need to involve fluid power users in the decision-making process, let them know the cost of inefficiency, then offer the most efficient system available.

We should begin thinking about the entire energy-transfer system, from the combustion engine or electric motor to the work being performed. We need to view every kW wasted, every scfm tossed away, and every BTU removed as an opportunity for improvement.

To do less would be a disservice to our profession and to those who depend on our expertise.•

Fluid Power Industry Growth Trend

» THE LATEST DATA published by the National Fluid Power Association shows October 2024 total fluid power shipments increased 4% from the previous month and were -14% below October 2023’s index. 3/12 and 12/12 rates of change for total fluid power, hydraulic, and pneumatic shipments are negative and trending downward. The data and charts above are from NFPA’s Confidential Shipment Statistics (CSS) program where over 70 manufacturers of fluid power products report their monthly orders and shipments. More market information is available to NFPA members, allowing them to better understand trends and anticipate change in fluid power and the many customer markets it serves. Contact NFPA at 414-778-3344 for more info.



This graph of index data is generated by the total dollar volume reported to NFPA by CSS participants. This graph uses moving averages to smooth out the data and clearly identify trends. (Base Year 2018 = 100).



Each point on this graph represents the most recent 12 months of shipments compared to the previous 12 months of shipments. For example, 7.3% (the August 2023 level of the pneumatic series) indicates that the value of pneumatic shipments from September 2022 to August 2023 were 7.3% higher than the value of pneumatic shipments from September 2021 to August 2022.



Each point on this graph represents the most recent 12 months of orders compared to the previous 12 months of orders. For example, 8.5% (the August 2023 level of the industrial hydraulic series) indicates that the value of industrial hydraulic orders received from September 2022 to August 2023 were 8.5% higher than the value of industrial hydraulic orders received from September 2021 to August 2022.


This table shows various rates of change for the month of September 2023. Interpretation for each rate of change calculation:

M/M %: The percent change between the current month and the previous month.

Y/Y %: The percent change between the current month and the same month one year ago.

3/12 %: The percent change between the three most recent months and those same three months one year ago. 12/12 %: The percent change between the twelve most recent months and those same twelve months one year ago.

*Preliminary data subject to revision.


2024 IFPS Annual Dinner and Hall of Fame Ceremony

» THE INTERNATIONAL FLUID Power Society (IFPS) celebrated the Fluid Power Hall of Fame Ceremony during its 2024 Annual Dinner. This event was a part of the IFPS Annual Meeting, held September 30th - October 3rd virtually and in Kansas City, MO. This marked a transition of leadership and honored key contributors to the fluid power industry.

The event recognized outgoing 2024 President Jeffrey Hodges and board members Scott Sardina, Jim O’Halek, Jon Rhodes, and Ethan Stuart for their service. Attendees welcomed Garret Hoisington as the 2025 President, along with new board members Quest Duperron, Alex Kummer, Tyler Janesek, and Kyler Ridgeway. As per tradition, Mr. Hodges was honored with a commemorative clock for his 2024 contributions, and Mr. Hoisington received a gavel that is symbolic of his incoming presidency.

The evening also featured the Annual Hall of Fame inductees, honoring Bob Sheaf and Constantine (Connie) Kosarzecki for their significant career contributions. This event highlighted the IFPS’s commitment to leadership, industry advancement, and professional recognition as the organization transitions into 2025.

The final registration deadline for the Spring meeting and the Technical Workshop is February 28th.

Secure your spot now at ifps.org/meetings. Let’s make this spring meeting one to remember—see you in Fort Lauderdale!

Newly Certified Professionals NOVEMBER 2024


Matt Hillman, MFP Automation Engineering

Eric LaMorte, MFP Automation Engineering

Olaf Pippel


Savio Alencar, AGCO

Jensen Ballinger, Ballinger Industries, LLC.

LaMar Ballinger, Ballinger Industries, LLC.

Nick Ballinger, Ballinger Industries, LLC.

Bryan Boyd, Ballinger Industries, LLC.

Ryan Butala, Force America Inc

Owen Christenson-Hough

Adam Engeldinger

Brady Enger

Timothy Gidenko, Walvoil Fluid Power Corp.

Tyler Herbruck

Tristan Kline

Grant Larson

Gracie Malon, Beckwood Press

Malachi Martichuski

Ricardo Ortiz

Ricky Petroff, Innotek Efren Rubio

Alessandro Sanchioni, Bondioli & Pavesi

Adam Smith, Beckwood Press

John Leòn Suspes, SEYMA S.A - EVCOL LTDA

Mark Thole Collin Verret

Brendan Wilhelm, WJE


Ryan Hobson, United States Navy



Jason Albiez, Altec Industries, Inc.

Jan Alvarado, SunSource

Mark Anderson, SCE

Emmanuel Castro, Southern Cal Edison

Ricardo Castro Sanchez, SCE

Travis Curnow, SunSource

Armando Felix, Altec Industries, Inc.

Ryan Fuson, AEP

James Isaac, Altec Industries, Inc.

Michael Jones, Alabama Power

Raymond Kwan, SCE

Daniel Maylath, Altec Industries, Inc.

Paul Morrison, AEP

Paul Price, Altec Industries, Inc.

Austin Russum, Altec Industries, Inc.

Nick Siegle, SunSource

David Staggs, Alabama Power

Chris Stanley, AEP

Zachary Tyler, Tampa Electric Co

Anthony Williamson, Alabama Power

James Wilson, Altec Industries, Inc.


David Clarke, Mohawk CollegeMarshall School of Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship

Eric LaMorte, MFP Automation Engineering

Kade Nelson, Gulf Coast Controls

Steven Nelson, Beckwood Press


David Clarke, Mohawk CollegeMarshall School of Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship

Steven Nelson, Beckwood Press

Ricky Petroff , Innotek


Alfredo Andrade, Hydraulex-Detroit

Liam Domenico, OneHydraulics, Inc.

Steven Downey, Hydraulex

Dennis Erdman, Hydraulex-Detroit

Steven Estabrook, Hydraulex-Seattle

Ian Ford, CFC Industrial Training

Michael Hale, Hydraulex-Detroit

Tracey Henderson, Hydraulex-Detroit

Tom Henderson II, Hydraulex-Detroit

Jerry Kolb, Hydraulex-Detroit

Jonell McCullough, Hydraulex-Detroit

Stanley Miller, Hydraulex-Detroit

Paul Orlando, Hydraulex-Detroit

Chase Prouse, Hydraulex-Seattle

Marlon Williams, Hydraulex- Memphis

Register for the IFPS 2024 Spring Meeting!

» THE IFPS SPRING Meeting is just around the corner, taking place March 17–20, 2024, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. This event is your opportunity to join fluid power professionals in shaping the future of the industry through collaborative committee meetings, innovative discussions, and valuable networking opportunities.

In addition to our meeting, we’re excited to host another Technical Workshop, offering hands-on learning and insights into the latest advancements in fluid power technology and best technical practices. Bradley Wagner will lead an engaging workshop focused on troubleshooting techniques from the Mechanic and Specialist certifications.

The final registration deadline for the Spring meeting and the Technical Workshop is February 28th.

Secure your spot now at ifps.org/meetings. Let’s make this spring meeting one to remember—see you in Fort Lauderdale!

Driving Safety Forward


» IFPS IS COMMITTED to upholding the highest safety standards in the fluid power industry. Focused on protecting mechanics, technicians, engineers, and other professionals, IFPS offers cutting-edge safety training and resources to keep workers informed and prepared in an ever-evolving field.

Through collaboration with industry experts, IFPS develops both standard and customized safety programs that are practical and easy to understand. These programs emphasize real-world applications, ensuring workers have the skills and knowledge necessary to create and maintain safe workplaces.

Beyond training, IFPS provides essential safety tools like cards and posters, serving as daily reminders to stay alert in high-risk environments. By fostering a strong safety culture, IFPS helps protect workers while enhancing the integrity and reliability of the fluid power and motion control industry.

Learn more about our safety recourse at ifps.org/safety

Unlock Career and Workforce Excellence with IFPS Membership

» JOINING THE INTERNATIONAL Fluid Power Society (IFPS) offers significant benefits for professionals and companies in the fluid power industry. Individual members gain access to essential educational tools like study manuals and virtual training videos, to enhance their skills or prepare to obtain their certifications such as Hydraulic Specialist and Pneumatic Specialist.

IFPS membership also connects individuals and teams to a global network of fluid power professionals. This community fosters collaboration, knowledge sharing, and staying updated on the latest trends, fueling career and organizational growth. For companies, team memberships provide a powerful way to invest in their workforce. By certifying employees and granting access to exclusive IFPS resources, organizations can enhance team skills, improve productivity, and ensure industry best practices are met. This investment supports a more knowledgeable, efficient, and competitive workforce

Additional perks include exclusive discounts on certification exams, access to industry events, and subscriptions to publications like the Fluid Power Journal. These benefits ensure professionals and companies remain informed about the latest innovations and best practices. Joining IFPS is a strategic move for anyone—individuals or organizations—looking to enhance knowledge, skills, and success in the fluid power industry. Learn more at ifps.org/memberships

Individuals wishing to take any IFPS written certification tests can select from convenient locations across the United States and Canada. IFPS is able to offer these locations through its affiliation with the Consortium of College Testing Centers provided by National College Testing Association. Contact Kyle Pollander at Kpollander@ifps.org if you do not see a location near you. Every effort will be made to accommodate your needs.

Written Certification Test Locations

Alabama Auburn, AL Birmingham, AL Calera, AL Decatur, AL Huntsville, AL Jacksonville, AL Mobile, AL Montgomery, AL Normal, AL Tuscaloosa, AL Alaska Anchorage, AK Fairbanks, AK

Arizona Flagstaff, AZ Glendale, AZ Mesa, AZ Phoenix, AZ Prescott, AZ Scottsdale, AZ Sierra Vista, AZ Tempe, AZ Thatcher, AZ Tucson, AZ Yuma, AZ

Arkansas Bentonville, AR Hot Springs, AR Little Rock, AR



Tuesday 2/4 • Thursday 2/20

MARCH 2025

Tuesday 3/4 • Thursday 3/27

APRIL 2025

Tuesday 4/8 • Thursday 4/24

MAY 2025

Tuesday 5/6 • Thursday 5/22

California Aptos, CA Arcata, CA Bakersfield, CA Dixon, CA Encinitas, CA Fresno, CA Irvine, CA Marysville, CA Riverside, CA Salinas, CA San Diego, CA San Jose, CA San Luis Obispo, CA Santa Ana, CA Santa Maria, CA Santa Rosa, CA Tustin, CA Yucaipa, CA Colorado Aurora, CO Boulder, CO Springs, CO Denver, CO

Durango, CO Ft. Collins, CO Greeley, CO Lakewood, CO Littleton, CO Pueblo, CO


Albany, GA

Athens, GA

Atlanta, GA

Carrollton, GA

Columbus, GA

Dahlonega, GA

Dublin, GA

Dunwoody, GA

Forest Park, GA

Lawrenceville, GA

Morrow, GA

Oakwood, GA

Savannah, GA

Statesboro, GA

Tifton, GA

Valdosta, GA

Hawaii Laie, HI


Boise, ID

Coeur d ‘Alene, ID

Idaho Falls, ID

Lewiston, ID

Moscow, ID

Nampa, ID

Rexburg, ID

Twin Falls, ID


Carbondale, IL

Carterville, IL

Champaign, IL

Decatur, IL

Edwardsville, IL

Glen Ellyn, IL

Joliet, IL

Malta, IL

Normal, IL

Peoria, IL

Schaumburg, IL

Springfield, IL

University Park, IL


Bloomington, IN

Columbus, IN

Evansville, IN

Fort Wayne, IN

Gary, IN

Indianapolis, IN

Kokomo, IN

Lafayette, IN

Lawrenceburg, IN

Madison, IN

Muncie, IN

New Albany, IN

Richmond, IN

Sellersburg, IN

South Bend, IN

Terre Haute, IN


Ames, IA


Arizona California Colorado Florida Georgia

Maine Michigan Minnesota Montana New Jersey Nova Scotia Pennsylvania Texas Washington Wyoming Western Australia

Delaware Dover, DE Georgetown, DE Newark, DE


Avon Park, FL

Boca Raton, FL Cocoa, FL Davie, FL

Daytona Beach, FL

Fort Pierce, FL Ft. Myers, FL Gainesville, FL Jacksonville, FL Miami Gardens, FL Milton, FL

New Port Richey, FL Ocala, FL Orlando, FL Panama City, FL

Pembroke Pines, FL

Pensacola, FL

Plant City, FL

Riviera Beach, FL Sanford, FL

Tallahassee, FL

Tampa, FL

West Palm Beach, FL

Wildwood, FL

Winter Haven, FL


Arnold, MD

Bel Air, MD

College Park, MD

Frederick, MD

Hagerstown, MD

La Plata, MD

Westminster, MD

Woodlawn, MD

Wye Mills, MD


Boston, MA

Bridgewater, MA

Danvers, MA

Haverhill, MA

Holyoke, MA

Shrewsbury, MA


Ann Arbor, MI

Big Rapids, MI

Chesterfield, MI

Dearborn, MI

Dowagiac, MI

East Lansing, MI

Flint, MI

Grand Rapids, MI

Kalamazoo, MI

Lansing, MI

Livonia, MI

Mount Pleasant, MI

Sault Ste. Marie, M

Troy, MI

University Center, MI

Warren, MI


Alexandria, MN

Brooklyn Park, MN

Duluth, MN

Eden Prairie, MN

Granite Falls, MN

Mankato, MN

Mississippi Goodman, MS

Jackson, MS

Mississippi State, MS

Raymond, MS

University, MS


Berkley, MO

Cape Girardeau, MO

Columbia, MO

Cottleville, MO

Joplin, MO

Kansas City, MO

Kirksville, MO

Park Hills, MO

Poplar Bluff, MO

Rolla, MO

Sedalia, MO

Springfield, MO

St. Joseph, MO

Cedar Rapids, IA

Iowa City, IA

Ottumwa, IA

Sioux City, IA

Waterloo, IA


Kansas City, KS

Lawrence, KS

Manhattan, KS

Wichita, KS


Ashland, KY

Bowling Green, KY

Erlanger, KY

Highland Heights, KY

Louisville, KY

Morehead, KY


Bossier City, LA

Lafayette, LA

Monroe, LA

Natchitoches, LA

New Orleans, LA

Shreveport, LA

Thibodaux, LA

New Mexico

Albuquerque, NM

Clovis, NM

Farmington, NM

Portales, NM

Santa Fe, NM

New York

Alfred, NY

Brooklyn, NY

Buffalo, NY

Garden City, NY

New York, NY

Rochester, NY

Syracuse, NY

North Carolina

Apex, NC

Asheville, NC

Boone, NC

Charlotte, NC

China Grove, NC

Durham, NC

Fayetteville, NC

Greenville, NC

Jamestown, NC

Misenheimer, NC

Mount Airy, NC

Pembroke, NC

Raleigh, NC

Wilmington, NC

North Dakota

Bismarck, ND


Akron, OH

Cincinnati, OH

Cleveland, OH

Columbus, OH

Fairfield, OH

Findlay, OH

Kirtland, OH

Lima, OH

Maumee, OH

Newark, OH

North Royalton, OH

Rio Grande, OH

Toledo, OH

Warren, OH

Youngstown, OH


Altus, OK

Bethany, OK

Edmond, OK Norman, OK

Oklahoma City, OK

Tonkawa, OK Tulsa, OK

Oregon Bend, OR Coos Bay, OR Eugene, OR

Gresham, OR

Klamath Falls, OR

St. Louis, MO

Warrensburg, MO

Montana Bozeman, MT

Missoula, MT

Nebraska Lincoln, NE

North Platte, NE

Omaha, NE

Nevada Henderson, NV

Las Vegas, NV

North Las Vegas, NV

Winnemucca, NV

New Jersey

Branchburg, NJ

Cherry Hill, NJ

Lincroft, NJ

Sewell, NJ

Toms River, NJ

West Windsor, NJ

Medford, OR

Oregon City, OR Portland, OR

White City, OR

Pennsylvania Bloomsburg, PA Blue Bell, PA

Gettysburg, PA

Harrisburg, PA Lancaster, PA

Newtown, PA

Philadelphia, PA

Pittsburgh, PA

Wilkes-Barre, PA York, PA

South Carolina

Beaufort, SC

Charleston, SC

Columbia, SC

Conway, SC

Graniteville, SC

Greenville, SC

Greenwood, SC Orangeburg, SC

Rock Hill, SC

Spartanburg, SC

Tennessee Blountville, TN

Clarksville, TN

Collegedale, TN

Gallatin, TN

Johnson City, TN

Knoxville, TN

Memphis, TN

Morristown, TN

Murfreesboro, TN

Nashville, TN


Abilene, TX

Arlington, TX

Austin, TX

Beaumont, TX

Brownsville, TX Commerce, TX

Corpus Christi, TX

Dallas, TX

Denison, TX

El Paso, TX

Houston, TX

Huntsville, TX

Laredo, TX

Lubbock, TX

Lufkin, TX

Mesquite, TX

San Antonio, TX

Victoria, TX

Waxahachie, TX

Weatherford, TX

Wichita Falls, TX

Utah Cedar City, UT

Kaysville, UT

Logan, UT

Ogden, UT

Orem, UT

Salt Lake City, UT


Daleville, VA

Fredericksburg, VA

Lynchburg, VA

Manassas, VA

Norfolk, VA

Roanoke, VA

Salem, VA

Staunton, VA

Suffolk, VA

Virginia Beach, VA

Wytheville, VA


Auburn, WA

Bellingham, WA

Bremerton, WA

Ellensburg, WA

Ephrata, WA

Olympia, WA

Pasco, WA

Rockingham, WA

Seattle, WA

Shoreline, WA

Spokane, WA

West Virginia Ona, WV


La Crosse, WI Milwaukee, WI

Mukwonago, WI


Casper, WY

Laramie, WY

Torrington, WY



Calgary, AB

Edmonton, AB

Fort McMurray, AB

Lethbridge, AB

Lloydminster, AB Olds, AB Red Deer, AB

British Columbia Abbotsford, BC

Burnaby, BC

Castlegar, BC

Delta, BC

Kamloops, BC

Nanaimo, BC

Prince George, BC Richmond, BC

Surrey, BC

Vancouver, BC Victoria, BC

Manitoba Brandon, MB

Winnipeg, MB

New Brunswick

Bathurst, NB Moncton, NB

Newfoundland and Labrador

St. John’s, NL

Nova Scotia Halifax, NS


Brockville, ON Hamilton, ON London, ON Milton, ON Mississauga, ON Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON

North Bay, ON North York, ON Ottawa, ON Toronto, ON Welland, ON Windsor, ON


Côte Saint-Luc, QB Montreal, QB


Melfort, SK Moose Jaw, SK

Nipawin, SK Prince Albert, SK Saskatoon, SK

Yukon Territory Whitehorse, YU


Elgin, UK


Kingdom of Bahrain, GHA

Thomasville, GHA






Certified Fluid Power Accredited Instructor


Certified Fluid Power Authorized Job Performance Proctor


Certified Fluid Power Authorized Job Performance Proctor Connector & Conductor


Certified Fluid Power Engineer


Certified Fluid Power Specialist (Must Obtain CFPHS & CFPPS)


Certified Fluid Power Hydraulic Specialist


Certified Fluid Power Pneumatic Specialist


Certified Fluid Power

Electronic Controls Specialist


Certified Fluid Power Master Technician (Must Obtain CFPIHT, CFPMHT, & CFPPT)


Certified Fluid Power

Industrial Hydraulic Technician


Certified Fluid Power

Mobile Hydraulic Technician


Certified Fluid Power Pneumatic Technician


Certified Fluid Power Master Mechanic



Certified Fluid Power

Industrial Hydraulic Mechanic


Certified Fluid Power

Mobile Hydraulic Mechanic


Certified Fluid Power

Pneumatic Mechanic


Certified Fluid Power

Master of Industrial Hydraulics



Certified Fluid Power

Master of Mobile Hydraulics (Must Obtain CFPMHM, CFPMHT, & CFPCC)


Certified Fluid Power

Master of Industrial Pneumatics (Must Obtain CFPPM, CFPPT, & CFPCC)


Certified Fluid Power Connector & Conductor


Fluid Power System Designer

Tentative Certification Review Training

IFPS offers onsite review training for small groups of at least 10 persons. An IFPS accredited instructor visits your company to conduct the review. Contact kpollander@ifps.org for details of the scheduled onsite reviews listed below.


» CFC Industrial Training – Fairfield, Ohio | May 5–8, 2025 | December 1–4, 2025


For custom IFPS training inquiries, please contact Bj Wagner (bwagner@ifps.org)

» CFC Industrial Training – Fairfield, Ohio | May 19–23, 2025 | October 20–24, 2025


For custom IFPS training inquiries, please contact Bj Wagner (bwagner@ifps.org).

» CFC Industrial Training – Fairfield, Ohio | February 10–14, 2025


For custom IFPS training inquiries, please contact Bj Wagner (bwagner@ifps.org)

» CFC Industrial Training – Fairfield, Ohio | August 4–8, 2025


For custom IFPS training inquiries, please contact Bj Wagner (bwagner@ifps.org).

» CFC Industrial Training – Fairfield, Ohio | July 15–17, 2025


For custom training IFPS inquiries, please contact Bj Wagner (bwagner@ifps.org)

Online Mobile Hydraulic Mechanic certification review for written test is offered through CFC Industrial Training. This course surveys the MHM Study Manual (6.5 hours) and every outcome to prepare you for the written test. Members may e-mail for a 20% coupon code off the list price. Test fees are not included.

» CFC Industrial Training – Fairfield, Ohio | June 23–27, 2025 | October 13–17, 2025


For custom IFPS training inquiries, please contact Bj Wagner (bwagner@ifps.org).

» CFC Industrial Training – Fairfield, Ohio | June 2–6, 2025


For custom IFPS training inquiries, please contact Bj Wagner (bwagner@ifps.org).

» For dates, call CFC Industrial Training at (513) 874-3225 or visit www.cfcindustrialtraining.com.


For custom IFPS training inquiries, please contact Bj Wagner (bwagner@ifps.org).


For custom IFPS training inquiries, please contact Bj Wagner (bwagner@ifps.org).

» For dates, call CFC Industrial Training at (513) 874-3225 or visit www.cfcindustrialtraining.com.


Hydraulic components are illustrated using both simplified and detailed symbols. Simplified symbols show the function of the component, whereas detailed symbols show internal connections and how the component operates. If two or more functions are enclosed within one component, for example a pressure relief valve with a reverse flow check valve, both functions are drawn within an enclosure. Enclosures can be identified by a thin line around the component, interrupted by a dash (Refer to Fig. 10-6B).

We specialize in complex custom solutions. When you need high-quality hydraulic solutions to perform in harsh environments, trust us to provide expertly crafted manifolds & valves.

Figure 10-6A illustrates the simplified and Fig. 10-6B the detailed symbols for a compound (pilot operated) pressure relief valve. The simplified symbol indicates that pilot pressure acts against the piston or spool element to open the valve when the force overcomes the bias spring and connects the pressure port to drain. The detailed symbol shows how the valve operates internally. The balanced main spool is on the left, the pilot valve is on the right. System pressure acts

on the main spool against the bias spring and, at the same time, through the orifice against the adjustable pilot valve. When pressure is sufficient to unseat the pilot valve, it vents the balanced spool and the valve opens. The valve is “balanced” in that pilot pressure acts on both sides of the balanced spool, preventing it from shifting until the pilot valve directs the vent signal from the bias spring side to drain.•

● Forged Shells, no welds

● Long lasting, No Seam, Pleated Bladders

● We stock ⅕ pint to 15 gallons in Chicago

● Sizes available to 40 gallons

Fig. 10-6A. Simplified Symbol
Fig. 10-6B. Detailed Symbol


n the advancing world of construction, agricultural, and mining equipment, the demands on hydraulic valve technology are shifting significantly. Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and distribution partners are voicing clear priorities for shaping the future of valve design and functionality.

Automation is becoming an essential feature across industries. Equipment that was once manually operated is now increasingly automated, whether through driver assistance systems or fully autonomous functionality. To support this evolution, hydraulic valves must be designed to seamlessly integrate with computerized systems. Traditional manual valves, often used for stabilizing or positioning, are no longer sufficient in automated machines. Electrification of even simple functions, such as outrigger control, is becoming necessary.

As equipment transitions to battery-powered systems, every kilogram counts. OEMs are demanding smaller and lighter hydraulic valves to reduce overall weight without compromising performance. This shift not only improves energy efficiency but also aligns with the industry's push toward sustainability. Additionally, compact designs simplify assembly, addressing labor shortages and the need for skilled workers. With the move to smaller cylinders, hydraulic systems must operate at higher pressures to deliver the same force. This trend demands valves capable of handling these increased pressures reliably, ensuring consistent performance under demanding conditions.

Cost remains a critical factor. Manufacturers are focused on reducing costs while maintaining high-quality standards to stay competitive in a challenging market. Innovative designs and materials are key to achieving this balance. This enables the production of valves that meet performance requirements without inflating costs. A method to achieve this innovation within cost constraints is to develop valves using existing parts or expand on existing valve platforms.

The push for electrification isn’t limited to high-end boom functions. OEMs are now looking to electrify even basic functions like outriggers, doors, locks, or setup functions, ensuring that every aspect of a machine aligns with automated workflows. By replacing manual valves with electric solutions, manufacturers can create systems that are fully compatible with automation, enhancing both functionality and efficiency.

To meet these industry demands, HAWE Hydraulik has designed and patented the new MICK Valve. It is a combination of the proven proportional directional spool valve PSL, and specially designed 8/3-way diverter valves flanged-mounted on the PSL sections. Always prevalent supply chain disruptions exposed significant vulnerabilities in the availability of critical components, including wiring harnesses. For example, wiring harnesses are often viewed as a high-risk component due to their high cost, long lead times, and inherent complexity. In response to these challenges, innovative solutions like the MICK have emerged, designed to streamline wiring for hydraulic valve systems.

Traditional wiring harnesses often involve multiple connectors and intricate wiring schemes, making them not only difficult to source but also challenging to assemble and maintain. The MICK addresses this issue by simplifying the system to a single four-pin Deutsche connector. This connector integrates CAN-high, CAN-low, power, and ground, drastically reducing the complexity of the wiring infrastructure.

Whether a system requires a single section or scales up to 12 sections, the MICK ties all sections together internally. This modular approach eliminates the need for additional wiring or connectors, streamlining the assembly process and reducing potential points of failure. By consolidating wiring into one robust connector, the MICK not only reduces lead times and costs but also enhances system reliability. The simplified design minimizes wiring errors during installation and maintenance,

ensuring consistent performance across all sections of the hydraulic system.

The PSL sections proportionally control the flow rate while integrated MICK diverter valves distribute it to the individual actuators. Up to three dual-acting actuators can thus be supplied with one valve section. The PSL base valve can also be equipped with integrated CAN bus amplifiers, which internalize wiring, close the loop on the spool position, and hide the daisy-chain wiring under a patented connection system. This prevents damage to the connections with an IP 67 rating.

When the MICK selectors are off, the fixed or variable displacement pump waits efficiently in standby. From there, one of the three MICK selector solenoids can be powered, driving all diverters in the valve bank into one of three positions. An example of three functional groups that work independently is boom, drives, and outriggers (stabilizers).

An additional patent on the solution is the diverter integrated safety circuit. This a load-sensing line of-sorts, where a hydraulic signal confirms that all diverters in the bank reach the same function group before any oil can be supplied from the pump to power any functions. Mechanical assembly time and electrical wiring time, as well as space on the machine, is greatly reduced because the coils are internally wired and three valve banks are combined into one.

The PSL CAN and MICK meet the evolving demands of modern hydraulic systems. By incorporating the latest technological advancements, the MICK provides a cost-effective solution that aligns with market expectations while delivering superior functionality. This combination of expertise and innovation elevates hydraulic systems to a new level of efficiency and performance. Both the PSL CAN and MICK are designed to meet the demands of today’s hydraulic applications, where efficiency, cost, and performance are paramount. By streamlining manufacturing and leveraging advanced technology, these solutions deliver exceptional value without compromising quality or functionality. By addressing key challenges such as cost, complexity, and functionality, these innovations empower manufacturers to create systems that are not only efficient and reliable but also aligned with the demands of modern applications.•

Metric Solution

» HERE IS THE SOLUTION TO AIR TEASER ON PAGE 05 The correct answer to Test Your Skills on page 23 is 1C.

1. Calculate the cylinder force on all three jib booms using a moment equation. Note: There are no units of measure (mm or in) given for the perpendicular distances to the pivot points. This is because it is the ratio that is needed. The units do not matter.

Boom “A” has a 2201.96 N load.

2201.96 N x 83.1 / 27.6 = 6,642 N

Boom “B” has a 2201.96 N load.

2201.96 N x 96 / 23.2 = 9128 N

Boom “C” has a 2201.96 N load.

2201.96 N x 83.1 / 16.9 = 10,847 N

(Heaviest Load)

2. Load on cylinder / MPa = 10,847 N / .69 = 15,699.69 mm²

3. Calculate area of rod: A = D² x .7854; 31.75² x .7854 = 791.73 mm²

4. Because the piston area required is the area of two pistons minus the area of the rod, you should use this equation. Total piston areas = 2A - 791.73 mm².

5. Total area 15,699.69 mm² = 2A – 791.73 mm².

16,491.43 mm² = 2A

A = 8,245.71 mm²

6. Diameter = sqrt (A / 0.7854). sqrt (8,245.71 / 0.7854) = 102.46

US Customary

1. Calculate the cylinder force on all three jib booms using a moment equation. cc is the perpendicular distance to the pivot points. The force is 495 pounds.

Boom “A” has a 495 pound load.

495 x 83.1 / 27.6 = 1,490.38 pounds

Boom “B” has a 495 pound load.

495 x 96 / 23.2 = 2,048.28 pounds

Boom “C” has a 495 pound load.

495 x 83.1 / 16.9 = 2,433.99 pounds

(Heaviest Load)

2. Load on cylinder / psi = Area 2,433.99 / 100 = 24.34 in²

3. Calculate area or the rod.

A = D²x .7854; 1.25² x .7854 = 1.23 in²

4. Because the piston area required is the area of two pistons minus the area of the rod, you should use this equation. Total piston areas = 2A – 1.23 in².

5. Total area 24.34 in² = 2A – 1.23 in².

25.57 in² = 2A

A = 12.78 in²

6. Diameter =sqrt (A / 0.7854). sqrt (12.78 / 0.7854) = 4.03

Checking our math 102.46 mm / 25.4 = 4.03 in


1 A Total Safety

P.O. Box 100088

Pittsburgh, PA 15233

P: 412-262-3950

F: 412-262-4055

E: sales@1atotalsafety.com

W: 1atotalsafety.com

6K Products

1006 143rd Avenue SE Tenino, WA 98589

P: 360-264-2141

F: 360-264-5105

E: sales@6kproducts.com

W: 6Kproducts.com

80/20 Inc.

1701 S. 400 E. Columbia City, IN 46725

P: 219-248-8030

F: 219-248-8029

E: dwood@8020.net

W: 8020.net

ABZ, Incorporated

4451 Brookfield Corporate Drive

Chantilly, VA 20151

P: 703-631-7401

F: 703-631-5282

E: dfs@abzinc.com

W: abzinc.com

A. V. Detroit

41144 Vincenti Court, Suite A Novi, MI 48375-1922

P: 248-442-3320

F: 248-442-2304

W: avdetroit.com

A. W. Chesterton

860 Salem Street

Groveland, MA 01834

P: 978-469-6446

W: Chesterton.com

AAA Products International

7114 Harry Hines Blvd. Dallas, TX 75235

P: 214-357-3851

F: 214-357-7223

E: info@aaaproducts.com

W: aaaproducts.com

Aalborg® Instruments 20 Corporate Drive Orangeburg, NY 10962

P: 914-398-3160

Toll free: 800-866-3837

F: 914-398-3165

E: info@aalborg.com

W: aalborg.com

Accumulators, Inc.

1175 Brittmoore Road

Houston, TX 77043-5003

P: 713-465-0202

F: 713-468-1618

E: info@accumulators.com

W: accumulators.com

ACE Controls Inc.

23435 Industrial Park Drive

Farmington Hills, MI 48335

P: 1-800-521-3320

E: shocks@acecontrols.com

W: acecontrols.com

Action Automation & Controls, Inc.

P.O. Box 2540

North Attleboro, MA 02763

P: 508-699-7411

F: 508-699-2060

E: actauto@actionauto.com

W: actionauto.com

Activant 19 West College Avenue Yardley, PA 19067

P: 215-493-8900

F: 215-369-4277

E: info@p21.com W: p21.com

ADACONN 538 Township Line Road Blue Bell, PA 19422

P: 215-643-1900

F: 215-643-4017

E: sales@adaconn.com W: adaconn.com

Adams Air & Hydraulics, Inc. 7209 E. Adamo Drive Tampa, FL 33619

P: 813-626-4128

F: 813-626-7808

E: info@adamsair.com W: adamsair.com

Adsens Tech. Inc. 18310 Bedford Cir Industry, CA 91744

P: 626-854-2773

F: 626-854-8183

E: sales@adsens.net W: adsens.net

Advance Hydraulics 3073 S. Chase Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53207

P: 414-481-1545

F: 414-744-1667

E: mail@advancehydraulics.com

W: advancehydraulics.com

Advanced Control Technology 7050 E. County Road 101 Shakopee, MN 55437

P: 952-882-0000

F: 952-890-3644

E: kawalsh@actsensors.com W: actsensors.com

Advanced Cylinders, LLC

8966 Benson Ave. STE C Montclair, CA 91763

P: 909-920-6437

E: sales@advancedcylindersllc. com

W: advancedcylindersllc.com

Advanced Fluid Systems, Inc. 245 Campbell Road York, PA 17402

P: 717-757-1068

F: 717-757-4915

E: sales@advancedfluidsystems. com

W: advancedfluidsystems.com

Advanced Industrial Products 9901 Industrial Parkway Plain City, OH 43064

P: 614-873-4602

F: 614-873-3030

E: mikejoyce@earthlink.net

W: aipoh.com

Affiliated Control Equipment Co., Inc.

640 Wheat Lane Wood Dale, IL 60191

P: 630-595-4680

F: 630-595-6151

E: rsorrentino@affiliatedcontrol. com

W: affiliatedcontrol.com

AFP Industries, Inc.

P.O. Box 490 Chesterfield, VA 23832

P: 804-275-1436

F: 804-275-6379

E: fkish@appliedfp.com

W: appliedfp.com

Aggressive Hydraulics

18800 Ulysses Street N.E. East Bethel, MN 55011

P: 866-406-4100

F: 763-792-4400

E: sales@AggressiveHydraulics. com

W: AggressiveHydraulics.com

Aignep USA

7121 Loblolly Pine Blvd Fairview, TN 37062

P: 615-771-6650

F: 615-771-0926

E: service@aignepusa.com

W: aignepusa.com

Air Automation Engineering

230 Commerce Circle South Fridley, MN 55432

P: 763-571-4970

F: 763-571-4923

W: airautomation.com

Air Draulics 4250 Pilot Drive Memphis, TN 38118

P: 901-794-4300

F: 901-795-5841

E: info@airdraulic.com

W: airdraulics.com

Air Engineering and Supply Co. Inc. 7521 Commerce Lane NE Fridley, MN 55432

P: 612-332-4181

F: 612-332-4184

E: info@airengr.com

W: airengr.com

Air Hydraulic Systems, Inc. 1104 Glenwood Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55405

P: 612-377-2342

F: 612-377-8143

E: rweiser@mbcgroup.net

W: mbcgroup.net

Air Hydro Power, Inc.

P.O. Box 34170

Louisville, KY 40233

P: 502-451-1000

F: 502-456-2837

E: tmcguire@airhydropower.com

W: airhydropower.com

Air Incorporated

9 Forge Park Franklin, MA 02038-3135

P: 508-528-3020

F: 508-528-7050

E: airlink102@aol.com

W: airinc1.com

Air Logic 5102 Douglas Ave. Racine, WI 53402

P: 262-639-9035

F: 262-639-5996

E: airlogic@air-logic.com

W: air-logic.com

Air Sentry

930 Whitmore Dr. Rockwall, TX 75087

P: 972-771-1000

F: 972-772-4561

E: sales@airsentry.com

W: airsentry.com

Air Specialists, Inc. 27 Hollenberg Court Bridgeton, MO 63044-2454

P: 314-298-7400

F: 314-298-0440

E: info@airspec.com

W: airspec.com

Air Tac International Group 4F., No. 129, Sec. 3 Minsheng E. Road Taipei, Taiwan

Air-Draulics, Inc. 1275 Waterville-Monclova Road Waterville, OH 43566-1067

P: 419-878-9647

F: 419-878-6739

E: sales@airdraulics.net

W: airdraulics.net

Air-Hydraulic Systems, Inc. 6055 Nathan Lane Minneapolis, MN 55442

P: 763-519-2100

F: 763-519-2101

E: dyugo@airhydraulicsystems. com

W: airhydraulicsystems.com

Airline Hydraulics 3557 Progress Drive Bensalem, PA 19020

P: 215-638-4700

F: 215-638-1707

E: sales@airlinehyd.com

W: airlinehyd.com

Airmo, Inc. Pressure Technologies 9445 Evergreen Blvd. NW Minneapolis, MN 55433

P: 800-394-0016

F: 763-786-4622

E: airmo@airmo.com

W: airmo.com

Air-Oil Products Corporation 301 30th Street NE, Suite 112 Auburn, WA 98002

P: 253-735-5449

F: 253-735-5496

W: air-oil.com

Air-Oil Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 195 Mainland, PA 19451-0195

P: 215-721-9595

F: 215-721-7666

E: sales@airoil.com

W: airoil.com

Airoyal Company P.O. Box 129 Maplewood, NJ 07040-0129

P: 973-761-4150 F: 973-761-5731

E: sales@airoyal.biz

W: airoyal.biz

Airtec Pneumatics, Inc. 730 Racquet Club Dr. Addison, IL 60101

P: 630-543-0265 F: 630-543-4420

E: airtec@airtec-usa.com W: airtec-usa.com

Air-Way Manufacturing Company 586 N. Main Street Olivet, MI 49076

P: 800-253-1036

F: 269-749-2046

E: sales@air-way.com W: air-way.com

AKG Thermal Systems, Inc. 809 Mattress Factory Road

Mebane, NC 27302

P: 919-563-4871

F: 919-640-2233

E: sales@akgts.com W: akgts.com

Alfa Laval 8201 - 104th St. P.O. Box 581909

Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158

P: 262-947-3713

F: 262-947-4728

W: alfalaval.com

Alkon Corporation 728 Graham Drive Fremont, OH 43420

P: 419-333-7000

F: 419-355-9211

E: sales@alkoncorp.com W: alkoncorp.com

All Air Incorporated 3116 Expressway Drive South Islandia, NY 11749

P: 1-800-4-ALLAIR

F: 914-347-3975

E: sales@allair.com W: allair.com

Allen Orton LLC 3180 Reps Miller Rd. #200 Norcross, GA 30071

P: 770-986-9999

F: 770-986-9990

E: sales@allen-orton.com

W: allen-orton.com

Allenair Corporation 255 East Second Street Mineola, NY 11501

P: 516-747-5450

F: 516-747-5481

E: info@allenair.com W: allenair.com

Alliance Plastics 3123 Station Road Erie, PA 16507

P: 800-551-2052

F: 814-898-1638

E: sales@allianceplastics.com W: allianceplastics.com

Allied Automation, Inc. 5220 E. 64th Street Indianapolis, IN 46220

P: 317-253-5900

F: 317-253-5901

E: aai@allied-automation.com W: allied-automation.com

Allied Fluid Conditioners 536 Township Line Road Blue Bell, PA 19422

P: 215-643-0966

F: 215-643-4017

E: sales@alliedfluidconditioners. com W: alliedfluidconditioners.com

Alloys & Components, SW 2525 Sea Harbor Rd. Dallas, TX 75212

P: 800-441-1994

F: 214-637-9303

E: jc@alloysandcomponents.com W: alloysandcomponents.com

Almo Manifold & Tool Co.

PO Box 112 East Tawas, MI 48730

P: 989-984-0800

F: 989-984-0830

E: sales@almomanifold.com

W: almomanifold.com

Alpha Technologies, LLC

320 Premier Court, #222 Franklin, TN 37064

P: 615-771-6650

F: 615-771-0926

E: service@alphafittings.com

W: alphafittings.com

Alumi-Tec, Inc.

P.O. Box 753 Grand Haven, MI 49417

P: 800-327-7558

F: 616-846-1984

W: alumitecmanifolds.com

American Centrifugal 1501 31st Ave. N Birmingham, AL 35207

P: 800-326-7717

F: 205-325-8193

E: mstap@acipco.com

W: acipco.com

American Chemical Technologies, Inc.

485 E. Van Riper Rd. Fowlerville, MI 48836

P: 800-938-0101

F: 517-223-1703

E: Rdirmeyer@americanchemtech. com

W: americanchemtech.com

American Cylinder Co., Inc.

481 S. Governors Hwy. Peotone, IL 60468

P: 708-258-3935

F: 708-258-3980

E: amcyl@americancylinder.com

W: americancylinder.com

American Grippers Inc. AGI 171 Spring Hill Road Trumbull, CT 06611

P: 203-459-8345

F: 203-452-5943

E: info@agi-automation.com

W: agi-automation.com

AMETEK Automation of Process Technologies 1080 N. Crooks Road Clawson, MI 48017

P: 248-435-0700

F: 248-435-8120

E: apt.sales@ametek.com

W: ametekapt.com

AMETEK Chemical Products 42 Mountain Avenue Nesquehoning, PA 18240

P: 302-456-4400

F: 302-456-4444

W: ametekhaveg.com

AMETEK Factory Automation

1080 N. Crooks Road Clawson, MI 48017

P: 248-435-0700

F: 248-435-8120

E: gemco@ametek.com W: ametekapt.com

AMETEK Vehicular Instrumentation Systems 287 27 Road Grand Junction, CO 81503

P: 970-242-8863

F: 970-245-6267 W: ametekvis.com

Anchor Fluid Power 5553 Murray Rd Cincinnati, OH 45227

P: 513-527-4444

F: 513-527-4449

E: sales@anchorfluidpower.com W: anchorfluidpower.com

Anchor Lamina Inc. 38505 Country Club Drive

Farmington Hills, MI 48331

P: 248-489-9122

F: 248-533-6842

E: sales@lamina.com W: anchorlamina.com

Anderson Fittings 4325 Frontage Rd. Oak Forest, IL 60452

P: 800-323-5284

F: 708-535-9038

E: dchristensen@andersonfittings. com W: andersonfittings.com

Anderson Metals Corporation, Inc. P.O. Box 34200

Kansas City, MO 64120

P: 800-821-5672

F: 816-472-8700

E: info@andersonmetals.com W: andersonmetals.com

Anfield Industries Inc. 375 International Park, Suite 300 Newnan, GA 30265

P: 404-530-3804

F: 404-530-3805

E: info@anfieldind.com W: anfieldind.com

Anver Corp. 36 Parmenter Rd. Hudson, MA 01749

P: 978-568-0221

F: 978-568-1570

E: info@anver.com W: anver.com

AOP Technologies P.O. Box 30567 Portland, OR 97294-3567

P: 503-234-0866

F: 503-232-2615

E: automation@air-oil.com W: air-oil.com

API Heat Transfer 2777 Walden Avenue Buffalo, NY 14225

P: 716-684-6700

F: 716-684-2129

E: sales@apiheattransfer.com W: apiheattransfer.com

Appalachian Fluid Power, Inc. 3364 State Route 31 Acme, PA 15610

P: 724-593-8333

F: 724-593-8334

E: salesdesk.afp@gmail.com

W: appalachianfluidpower.com

Applied Assembly Services 4641 Ratliff Lane Addison, TX 75001

P: 214-647-8452

F: 214-647-8453

Applied Automation Controls Inc. P.O. Box 2640 Liverpool, NY 13089

P: 315-453-5670

F: 315-453-5681

E: tswenton@appliedautomation. com

W: appliedautomation.com

Applied Energy Company, LLC. 2650 Merritt Road Sachse, TX 75048

P: 214-355-4200

F: 214-355-4201

E: mark.scott@appliedengergyco. com W: appliedenergyco.com

Applied Fluid Power Inc.

P.O. Box 490 Chesterfield, VA 23832

P: 804-275-1436

F: 804-275-6379

Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc.

1 Applied Plaza Cleveland, OH 44115

P: 1-800-655-6552 W: applied.com

Argo-Hytos Inc.

1835 N. Research Drive

P.O. Box 28 Bowling Green, OH 43402

P: 419-353-6070

F: 419-354-3496

E: info.us@argo-hytos.com

W: argo-hytos.com

Ark-Plas Products, Inc.

165 Industry Lane Flippin, AR 72634

P: 870-453-2343

F: 870-453-2567

E: info@ark-plas.com

W: ark-plas.com

Arrow Pneumatics, Inc. 2111 W. 21st St. Broadview, IL 60155

P: 708-343-9595

F: 708-343-1907

E: jbrown@arrowpneumatics.com

W: arrowpneumatics.com

ASA Hydraulik of America 160 Meister Avenue #20A Somerville, NJ 08876

P: 800-473-9400

F: 908-541-1550

E: sales@US@asahydraulik.com

W: asahydraulik.com

ASCO Valve, Inc.

50 Hanover Road Florham Park, NJ 07932

P: 973-966-2200

F: 973-966-2448

E: info-valve@asco.com

W: ascovalve.com

Ashcroft Inc.

250 East Main Street Stratford, CT 06614-5145

P: 203-378-8281

F: 203-385-0408

E: info@ashcroft.com

W: ashcroft.com

ASI, Inc. PO Box 1340 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

P: 877-650-5160

F: 717-249-5542

E: info@asi-ez.com

W: asi-ez.com

Assured Automation 263 Cox St Roselle, NJ 07203

P: 800-899-0553

F: 732-381-2328

E: sales@assuredautomation.com

W: assuredautomation.com

Atlantic Industrial Technologies 90 Precision Drive Shirley, NY 11967

P: 1-800-254-3131

F: 631-234-3283

E: sales@aitzone.com

W: aitzone.com

Atlas Copco Compressors Inc. 161 Lower Westfield Rd. Holyoke, MA 01040

P: 413-536-0600

F: 413-536-0091

E: info@atlascopco.compressorsusa.com

W: atlascopco.com

Atlas Fluid Components, Inc. P.O. Box 4050 Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223

P: 330-923-4853

F: 330-923-5760

E: info@atlasfluidcomponents. com

W: atlasfluid.com

Atos Systems, Inc. 44-C W. Ferris St. East Brunswick, NJ 08816

P: 732-390-4504

F: 732-254-9121

E: atos@atosusa.com

W: atos.com

Attica Hydraulic Exchange Corp. 48175 Gratiot Ave. Chesterfield, MI 48051

P: 586-949-4240

F: 586-949-5309

E: sales@ahx1.com

W: ahx1.com

Automation, Inc.

100-83rd Ave. N.E., Suite 105

Minneapolis, MN 55432

P: 763-571-3336

F: 763-571-4405

E: automationinc@landoflakes. com

W: automationinc.net

Automation Engineering Co. P.O. Box 15431

Baton Rouge, LA 70895

P: 225-927-4972

F: 225-923-3530

E: aechyd@worldnet.att.net

W: automationeng.com

Automation Supply, Inc. 1111 Flint Road, Unit 16

Toronto, Ontario Canada M3J 3C7

P: 416-736-4972

F: 416-736-1909

E: rfurneaux@ptmindustries.com

W: automationsupply.ca

Automation Systems Interconnect

P.O. Box 1340

Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

P: 877-650-5160

F: 717-249-5542

E: info@asi-ez.com

W: asi-ez.com

Automation Technology

P.O. Box 348 Concord, NC 28026-0348

P: 704-784-8101

F: 704-784-8105

E: cftmw@ctc.net

W: industry.net/cft


3505 Hutchinson Road Cumming, GA 30040

P: 800-633-0405

F: 770-889-7876

E: sales@automationdirect.com

W: Automationdirect.com

Aventics Corporation 1953 Mercer Road Lexington, KY 40511

P: 859-254-8031

F: 859-489-4188

E: info.us@aventics.com

W: aventics.com/us

AW-Lake Company 8809 Industrial Drive Franksville, WI 53126

P: 800-850-6110

F: 262-884-9810

E: mreiff@aw-lake.com

W: aw-lake.com

Axiomatic Technologies Corporation 5915 Wallace St. Mississauga, ONT CANADA L4Z 1Z8 B

B&B Fluid Power 440 S. Golden State Blvd. Turlock, CA 95380

P: 209-632-0616

F: 209-632-9546

E: bbfluidpower@calis.com

B&D Industrial P.O. Box 82392 Hapeville, GA 30354

P: 404-209-6955 F: 404-766-4301

E: info@bearingsdrives.com

W: bdindustrial.com

B&R Industries, Inc. 12 Commerical Blvd. Medford, NY 11763

P: 631-736-2275 F: 631-736-2725 W: manifoldcenter.com

B. W. Rogers Co. P.O. Box 1030 Akron, OH 44309-1030

P: 330-315-3100 F: 330-762-5505 E: rrogers@bwrogers.com W: bwrogers.com

Babson Fluid Power P.O. Box 509 Huron, OH 44839-0509

P: 800-589-9358 F: 419-433-5629

E: bfppower@aol.com W: babsonfluidpower.com

Bailey International, LLC 2527 Westcott Boulevard Knoxville, TN 37931

P: 800-800-1810 F: 800-800-1811

E: marketing@baileyhydraulics. com W: baileyhydraulics.com

Bal Seal Engineering, Inc. 19650 Pauling Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 P: 949-460-2100 F: 949-460-2300 E: sales@balseal.com W: balseal.com

Baldwin Filters 4400 East Highway 30 Kearney, NE 68847 P: 308-234-1951 F: 800-828-4453 E: info@baldwinfilter.com W: baldwinfilter.com

Balluff, Inc. 8125 Holton Drive Florence, KY 41042

P: 859-727-2200 F: 859-727-4823

E: balluff@balluff.com W: balluff.com

Bar Hydraulics 4506 Main St. Buffalo, NY 14226

P: 716-824-1788

F: 716-839-2341

E: info@barhydraulics.com W: barhydraulics.com

Barker Air & Hydraulics Inc. P.O. Box 186 Mauldin, SC 29662

P: 864-288-3537 F: 864-288-2962 E: barker@barkerair.com W: barkerair.com

Barksdale, Inc. 3211 E. Fruitland Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90058 P: 323-589-6181 F: 323-583-6276

E: idodd@barksdale.com W: barksdale.com

Barrington Automation 9116 Virginia Road Lake in the Hills, IL 60156 P: 847-458-0900 F: 847-458-0934

E: cs@barringtonautomation.com W: barringtonautomation.com

Bay Advanced Technologies, LLC 8100 Central Avenue Newark, CA 94560 P: 510-857-0900 F: 510-857-1400 E: info@bayat.com W: bayat.com

Bay Seal Company P.O. Box 6145 Hayward, CA 94540 P: 510-732-7000 F: 510-782-2651 E: info@bayseal.com W: bayseal.com

BDI 8000 Hub Parkway Cleveland, OH 44125 P: 216-642-9100 F: 216-642-9573

E: msiktberg@bdi-usa.com W: bdi-usa.com

Beach Filter Products, Inc 555 Centennial Ave., PO BOX 505 Hanover, PA 17331 P: 717-698-1403

F: 717-698-1610

E: sales@beachfilters.com W: beachfilters.com, sta-dri.com

Bearing Headquarters Co.

9939 Express Drive

Highland, IN 46322

P: 219-922-7100

E: info@bearingheadquarters.com

W: headco.com

Bearing Service & Supply, Inc.

1327 North Market Street

Shreveport, LA 71107

P: 318-424-1447

F: 318-424-4737

E: sales@bearserco.com

W: bearserco.com

Bearings & Drives Inc.

P.O. Box 82392

Hapeville, GA 30354

P: 404-209-6955

F: 404-766-4301

E: info@bearingsdrives.com

W: bdindustrial.com


1666 E. Lincoln Ave.

Madison Heights, MI 48071

P: 888-882-3426

F: 586-755-5464

E: sales@behco.com

W: behco.com

Behringer Corporation 17 Ridge Road

Branchville, NJ 07826

P: 973-948-0226

F: 973-948-2562

E: sales@behringersystems.com

W: behringersystems.com

Bell & Gossett

8200 N. Austin Ave. Morton Grove, IL 60053

P: 847-966-3700

F: 847-965-8379

E: monika.laivinieks@itt.com

W: bellgossett.com

BellowsTech, a MW Industries Company

1289 N. US Highway 1, Ste. #1 Ormond Beach, FL 32174

P: 386-672-2558

E: info@bellowstech.com

W: bellowstech.com

Beswick Engineering Co., Inc.

284 Ocean Rd. Greenland, NH 03840-2442

P: 800-354-5014

F: 603-433-3313

E: besales@beswick.com

W: beswick.com


4388 Broadway Depew, NY 14043

P: 800-569-0810

F: 716-681-0881

E: bfo@qmctechnologies.com

W: buyfittingsonline.com

Bijur Lubricating Corporation

50 Kocher Drive Bennington, VT 05201

P: 802-447-2174

F: 802-447-1365

E: bijur@worldnet.att.net

W: bijur.com

Bimba Manufacturing Company 25150 S. Governors Highway University Park, IL 60484

P: 708-534-8544

F: 708-235-2014

E: cs@bimba.com

W: bimba.com

Binkelman Corporation 2601 Hill Avenue Toledo, OH 43607

P: 419-537-9333

F: 419-537-0041

E: dan.kazmierczak@binkelman. com

W: binkelman.com

Birmingham Hydraulics Inc. 1675 East Maple Road Troy, MI 48083

P: 248-689-2400

F: 248-689-2403

E: sales@birmingham-hydraulics. com

W: birmingham-hydraulics.com

Boker’s, Inc. 3104 Snelling Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55406

P: 612-729-9365

F: 612-729-8910

E: rfq@bokers.com W: bokers.com

Bond Fluidaire, Inc. 5506 36th Street SE Grand Rapids, MI 49512

P: 616-942-1060

F: 616-942-5464

E: info@bondfluidaire.com

W: bondfluidaire.com

Bondioli & Pavesi, Inc. 10252 Sycamore Drive Ashland, VA 23005

P: 804-550-2224

F: 804-550-2837

E: bpus.info@bondioli-pavesi.com

W: bondioli-pavesi.com

Bosch Rexroth 14001 S Lakes Dr. Charlotte, NC 28273

P: 1-800-739-7684

E: info@boschrexroth-us.com

W: boschrexroth-us.com

Bosch Rexroth, HydraulicsIndustrial and Mobile 2315 City Line Road Bethlehem, PA 18017-2131

P: 610-694-8298

F: 610-694-8339

E: info@boschrexroth-us.com

W: boschrexroth-us.com

Braas Company 7970 Wallace Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344-2232

P: 952-937-8902

F: 952-937-8944

E: davew@brassco.com

W: braasco.com

Brand Hydraulics 2332 S. 25th St Omaha, NE 68105

P: 402-344-4434

F: 402-341-5419

E: sales@brand-hyd.com W: brand-hyd.com

Bray Controls, Division of Bray Int’l, Inc.

13333 Westland East Blvd. Houston, TX 77041

P: 281-894-5454

F: 281-894-0077

E: bloem@bray.com W: braycontrols.com

Brennan Industries Inc. 6701 Cochran Road Solon, OH 44139

P: 440-248-1880

F: 440-248-7282

E: sales@brennaninc.com W: brennaninc.com


14141 W. Brevini Dr. Yorktown, IN 47396

P: 765-759-2300

F: 765-759-2301

E: T.Sample@breviniusa.com W: breviniusa.com

Brickmann SA P.O. Box 98 Strasbourg, France 67024

E: jcbrickmann@brickmann.com W: brickmann.com

Bridgestone HosePower

50 Industrial Loop N. Orange Park, FL 32073

P: 904-264-1267

F: 904-264-3288

E: marketing@hosepower.com

W: hosepower.com

Briggs Company, The 3 Bellecor Drive New Castle, DE 19720

P: 302-328-9471

F: 302-322-7707

E: rjnewman@briggsco.net

W: briggsco.net

BSF, Inc.

8895 N. Dixie Dr. Dayton, OH 45414

P: 937-890-6121

E: sales@bsfinc.net

W: bsfinc.net

Bucher Hydraulics Inc. 2545 Northwest Parkway Elgin, IL 60124

P: 847-429-0700

F: 847-429-0777

E: info.us@bucherhydraulics.com W: bucherhydraulics.com

Buckeye Rubber & Packing Co. 23940 Mercantile Rd. Cleveland, OH 44122-5910

P: 216-464-8900

F: 216-831-0254

E: sales@buckeyerubber.com

W: buckeyerubber.com

Buhler Technologies LLC 1030 West Hamlin Rd. Rochester Hills, MI 48309

P: 248-652-1546 F: 248-652-1598

E: rick@buhlertech.com W: buhler-technologies.com

Burkert Fluid Control Systems 2572 White Road Irvine, CA 92614

P: 949-223-3100

F: 949-223-3198

E: marketing-usa@burkert.com W: burkert-usa.com

CC. Arthur Weaver Co., Inc.

P.O. Box 31600 Richmond, VA 23294

P: 804-672-6501

F: 804-672-2258

E: Richmond@weavercompany. com W: weavercompany.com

C.F.T., Inc.

P.O. Box 348 Concord, NC 28026-0348

P: 704-784-8101

F: 704-784-8105

E: cftmw@ctc.net W: industry.net/cft

C.F. Wheelock & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 10491 Birmingham, AL 35202

P: 205-595-1172

F: 205-591-2839

E: info@cfwheelock.com W: cfwheelock.com

Calkins Fluid Power, Inc. 5417 E. Broadway Spokane, WA 99212

P: 509-536-7642

F: 509-534-7310

E: cfpspokane@calkinsmfg.com W: calkinsmfg.com

Camozzi Automation 2160 Redbud Blvd., Suite 101 McKinney, TX 75069

P: 972-548-8885

F: 972-548-2110

E: sales@camozzi-usa.com

W: camozzi-usa.com

Canfield Connector 8510 Foxwood Court Youngstown, OH 44514

P: 330-758-8229

E: customerservice@ canfieldconnector.com W: canfieldconnector.com

Canimex Inc. 285, St-Georges Street Drummondville, Quebec J2C 4H3 CANADA P: 819-477-1335 F: 819-477-2908

E: lavoier@canimex.com W: canimex.com

Caplugs 2150 Elmwood Ave. Buffalo, NY 14207 P: 716-876-9855 F: 716-874-1680 E: melody.napierala@caplugs.com W: caplugs.com

Carolina Fluid Components 9309 Stockport Place Charlotte, NC 28273 P: 704-588-6101 F: 704-588-6115

E: mmcdonald@cfcsite.com W: cfcsite.com

Casappa Corp. 1390 Pierson Drive Batavia, IL 60510 P: 630-761-0041 F: 630-761-0048 E: byeager@usa-casappa.com W: casappa.com

Cat Pumps 1681 94th Lane Minneapolis, MN 55449 P: 763-780-5440 F: 763-780-2958

E: techsupport@catpumps.com W: catpumps.com

Catching FluidPower Inc. 881 Remington Blvd. Bolingbrook, IL 60440 P: 630-771-3800 F: 630-771-3801

E: rguminski@catching.com W: catching.com

Caulfield Industrial Ltd. 1475A East Thorndale Ave. Itasca, IL 60143-1409 P: 630-250-0425 F: 630-250-0426

E: ecaulfield@caulfieldindustrial. com

C-Change, Inc. 11675 Monte Flat Court Gold River, CA 95670 P: 916-752-2984 E: sales@c-changeinc.com W: c-changeinc.com

CEJN Industrial Corporation 212 Ambrogio Drive Gurnee, IL 60031

P: 847-263-7200 F: 847-263-9406

E: customer.service@cejnusa.com W: cejn.com

CIM-TEK Filtration (Central Illinois Mfg. Co.)

201 N. Champaign St. Bement, IL 61813 P: 217-693-6555 F: 217-693-6673

E: info@cim-tek.com W: cim-tek.com

Certified Power, Inc. 970 Campus Drive Mundelein, IL 60060 P: 847-573-3818 F: 847-573-3836

E: cpi_il@certifiedpower.com W: certifiedpower.com

CFC Industrial Training 7042 Fairfield Business Drive Fairfield, OH 45014-5480

P: +1 513-874-3225

F: +1 513-874-3229

E: info@cfcindustrialtraining.com W: cfcindustrialtraining.com

CFC-Solar, Inc. 7060 Fairfield Business Drive Fairfield, OH 45014-5480

P: 513-874-3225

F: 513-874-3229

E: info@cfc-solar.com W: cfc-solar.com

Checker Industrial LTD. 3845 Wyandotte Street East Windsor, ONT Canada N

P: 519-258-2022

F: 519-258-2832

E: checker@checkerindustrial.com W: checkerindustrial.com

Checkfluid 4070 Eastgate Cres London, ON N6L 1B2 CANADA

P: 519-652-6373 F: 519-652-0392

E: sales@checkfluid.com W: checkfluid.com

Chicago Fittings Corporation 756 Landmark Drive Belvidere, IL 61008

P: 815-547-5471

F: 815-547-5492

E: info@chicagofittings.com

W: ww.chicagofittings.com

Clarkson Power Flow, Inc. P.O. Box 411897 Kansas City, MO 64141-1897

P: 816-221-2268

F: 816-221-1437

E: cfp@planetkc.com

Clayton Controls Co. 2925 College Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92626

P: 714-566-9446

F: 714-241-9203

E: ccinfo@claycon.com W: claycon.com

CLEAN FILTRATION USA 1601 W. 25th St. Houston, TX 77008

P: 888-861-8058

F: 713-461-9631

E: service@cleanfiltrationusa.com

W: cleanfiltrationusa.com

Cleveland Research Company Suite 600 Cleveland, OH 44114

P: 216-649-7206

F: 216-649-7251

E: mkoznarek@cleveland-research. com

W: cleveland-research.com

Clippard Instrument Lab., Inc. 7390 Colerain Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45239

P: 877-245-6247

E: sales@clippard.com W: clippard.com

CMC Marine, Inc.

3920 S. 13th Street

Duncan, OK 73533

P: 800-654-3697

F: 580-252-2970

E: rpresley@cook-mfg.com

W: cmcmarineproducts.com

CMS Custom Manifold Systems

59 Industrial Drive

New Britain, PA 18901

P: 215-230-4260

E: sales@cmschant.com

W: cmschant.com

Coastal Hydraulics, Inc.

2251 Technical Parkway North Charleston, SC 29406

P: 843-572-5714

F: 843-572-7615

E: jeff.kenney@coastalhydraulics. net

Colder Products Company

1001 Westgate Drive

St. Paul, MN 55114

P: 651-645-0091

F: 651-603-2635

E: info@colder.com

W: colder.com

Colonial Seal Company

1114 Crown Point Road Westville, NJ 08093

P: 856-432-0012

F: 856-845-0660

E: marketing@colonialseal.com

W: colonialseal.com

Comatrol 1407 Pelzer Hwy. Easley, SC 29642

P: 864-644-0055

E: marketing@comatrol.com

W: comatrol.com

Command Controls Corp. 1455 Davis Rd. Elgin, IL 60123

P: 847-429-0700

F: 847-429-0777

E: sales@commandcontrols.com

W: commandcontrols.com

Comoso the Hose Authority

1320 S. Priest Drive Tempe, AZ 85281

P: 602-437-8799

F: 602-437-8591

E: Ibuy@comoso.com

W: comoso.com

Concentric Rockford Inc. 2222 15th Street Rockford, IL 61104

P: 815-398-4400

F: 815-398-5977

E: info.usro@concentricAB.com

W: concentricAB.com

Concept Systems Inc.

1957 Fescue Street SE Albany, OR 97322-7021

P: 541-791-8140

F: 541-791-8130

E: info@conceptsystemsinc.com

W: conceptsystemsinc.com

Connector Specialists Inc.

175 James Dr. East

James Business Park St. Rose, LA 70087

P: 504-469-1659

F: 504-469-8545

E: csino@bellsouth.net

W: connectorspecialists.com

Continental Contitech

703 S. Cleveland-Massillon Road Fairlawn, OH 44333

P: 800-235-4632

F: 330-664-7145

E: industrailhose@veyance.com

W: contitech.us

Continental Hydraulics / Hydreco 4895 12th Avenue East Shakopee, MN 55379

P: 952-894-6400

F: 952-895-6444

E: sales@conthyd.com

W: continentalhydraulics.com

Control & Power, Inc.

P.O. Box 59288 Birmingham, AL 35259

P: 205-870-0274

F: 205-868-0811

E: psw@controlandpower.com W: controlandpower.com

Control Enterprises, Inc. (CEI) 40124 Highway 49 Oakhurst, CA 93644

P: 559-683-2044

F: 559-683-8666

E: ceiinc-ken@sti.net W: ceivalve.com

ControlAir Inc. 8 Columbia Drive Amherst, NH 3031

P: 603-886-9400

F: 603-889-1844

E: sales@controlair.com W: controlair.com

Controlled Fluids, Inc. 7725 South Major Drive Beaumont, TX 77705

P: 800-722-2630

E: isales@confluids.com W: confluids.com

Controlled Motion, Inc. #101-7562 Progress Way Delta, BC Canada V4G 1E9

P: 604-940-8770

F: 604-940-8733

E: info@controlledmotion.com W: controlledmotion.com

Controlled Motion Solutions 911 N. Poinsettia Street Santa Ana, CA 92701

P: 800-696-6165 F: 714-541-2266

E: sales@comoso.com W: comoso.com

Controls for Automation, Inc. P.O. Box 4126 Dedham, MA 02027-4126

P: 781-251-9228

F: 781-461-9453

E: dmochi@msn.com

W: gocfa.com

Cooper Instruments & Systems POB 3048 Warrenton, VA 20188

P: 540-349-4746

F: 540-347-4755

E: sales@cooperinstruments.com

W: cooperinstruments.com

Copper State Fluid Power LLC 4195 S Contractors Way Tucson, AZ 85714

P: 520-777-3867

F: 520-777-4647

E: sales@copperstatefluidpwr.com W: copperstatefluidpwr.com


5865 South Ash Avenue Tempe, AZ 85283

P: 800-269-7335

F: 480-820-5132

E: info@coxreels.com W: coxreels.com

CPI Automation Ltd. 5155 Timberlea Blvd. Mississauga, Ontario Canada L4W 2S3

P: 905-625-4805

F: 905-629-8409

E: admin@cpiautomation.com W: cpiautomation.com

CPV Manufacturing, Inc. 851 N. Preston St. Philadelphia, PA 19104

P: 215-386-6508

F: 215-387-9043

E: sales@cpvmfg.com

W: cpvmfg.com

Crest Rubber Company P.O. Box 312 Ravenna, OH 44266

P: 330-296-4015

F: 330-296-4684 W: crestrubber.com

Cross Fluid Power 4400 Piedmont Parkway

Greensboro, NC 27410

P: 336-856-6000

F: 336-856-6975

E: info@crossco.com W: crossco.com

Cross Manufacturing Inc.

100 James H. Cross Blvd. Lewis, KS 67552

P: 620-324-5525

F: 620-324-5737

E: info@crossmfg.com W: crossmfg.com

CRS Service, Inc.

1986 Rochester Industrial Drive Rochester Hills, MI 48309

P: 800-277-8830

F: 248-652-9946

E: customerservice@crsservice. com W: crsservice.com

CS Unitec, Inc. 22 Harbor Ave. Norwalk, CT 06850

P: 203-853-9522

F: 203-853-9921

E: info@csunitec.com

W: csunitec.com

Cunningham Fluid Power, Inc. 4020 SE 45th Ct. Ocala, FL 34480

P: 352-624-9333

F: 352-624-3755

E: sales@slypig.com

W: slypig.com

Curtiss-Wright Sprague 10195 Brecksville Rd. Brecksville, OH 44141

P: 440-838-7690

F: 440-838-7528

W: cw-industrial.com

Custom Control Sensors, Inc. 21111 Plummer St. Chatsworth, CA 91311

P: 818-341-4610 x134

F: 818-709-0426

W: ccsdualsnap.com

Custom Hoists, Inc.

P.O. Box 98 Hayesville, OH 44838-0098

P: 419-368-4721

F: 419-368-4209

E: STajbakhsh@ccsdualsnap.com

W: customhoists.com

Cyber-Tech, Inc.

7943 S.W. Cirrus Dr. Beaverton, OR 97008

P: 503-620-2285

F: 503-968-8882

E: sales@cyber-tech.net

W: cyber-tech.net

D&S Repair Service, Inc. 20 S. Dove Street Alexandria, VA 22314-4603

P: 703-683-0009

F: 703-683-6719

E: dshydrep@aol.com

Dakota Fluid Power 3409 N. Lewis Avenue

Sioux Falls, SD 57104

P: 605-338-9982

F: 605-332-0988

E: sales@dakotafluidpower.com

W: dakotafluidpower.com

Dalton Electric Heating Co., Inc. 28 Hayward St. Ipswich, MA 01938

P: 978-356-9844

F: 978-356-9840

E: Dalton@daltonelectric.com

W: daltonelectric.com

Daman Products Company, Inc 1811 N. Home Street Mishawaka, IN 46545

P: 574-970-1322

E: shelley@insightsc.com W: daman.com

Danfoss Power Solutions 2800 E. 13th Street Ames, IA 50010

P: 515-239-6000

F: 515-239-6318

W: powersolutions.danfoss.com

Data Panel Corporation

181 Cheshire Lane North, Suite 300 Plymouth, MN 55441

P: 952-941-3511

F: 952-941-3931

E: sales@datapanel.com

W: datapanel.com

Datum-A-Industries, Inc.

P.O. Box 218, 1410 County Rd. 90 Maple Plain, MN 55359

P: 763-479-1133

F: 763-479-3667

E: info@datum-manifolds.com

W: datum-manifolds.com

Deetag Ltd. 66 Firestone Blvd. London, Ont Canada N5W 5L4

P: 519-659-4673

F: 519-659-4677

E: sales@deetag.com

W: deetag.com

Del Equipment Limited 139 Laird Drive Toronto, ONT M4G 3V6 CANADA

P: 416-421-5851

F: 416-421-7663

E: jmenezes@delequipment.com

W: delequipment.com

Del Hydraulics, Inc. 571 Howard Street Buffalo, NY 14206

P: 716-853-7996

F: 716-853-8003

E: markzawadzki@delhydraulics. com

W: delhydraulics.com

Delta Computer Systems, Inc. 1818 SE 17th Street Battle Ground, WA 98604

P: 360-254-8688

F: 360-254-5435

E: technicalsales@deltamotion. com

W: deltamotion.com

Delta Q Ltd. 14233 West Road Houston, TX 77041

P: 281-807-1840

F: 281-807-4457

E: info@deltaq.com W: deltaq.com

Deltrol Fluid Products 3001 Grant Ave. Bellwood, IL 60491

P: 708-547-0500

E: info@deltrolfluid.com

W: deltrolfluid.com

Denison Hydraulics Inc. 14249 Industrial Parkway Marysville, OH 43040

P: 937-644-3915

F: 937-642-3738

E: denison@denisonhydraulics. com

W: denisonhydraulics.com

Depatie Fluid Power Co., Inc. P.O. Box 2499 Kalamazoo, MI 49003 P: 269-324-2850 F: 269-324-2870

E: sales@depatie.com

Des-Case Corporation 3045 Union Rd. White House, TN 37188 P: 615-672-8800 F: 615-672-0701 E: sales@des-case.com W: des-case.com

Deschner Corporation 3211 West Harvard St. Santa Ana, CA 92704 P: 714-557-1261 F: 714-557-4762 E: info@deschner.com W: deschner.com

De-Sta-Co Industries/Dover Co. 31791 Sherman Dr. Madison Heights, MI 48071 P: 248-397-6700 F: 248-397-6734 E: dperetz@destaco.com W: destaco.com

Deublin Company 2050 Norman Dr. W Waukegan, IL 60085 P: 847-689-8600 F: 847-689-8690 E: info@deublin.com W: deublin.com

Devine Hydraulics Inc. 179 Gallivan Lane Uncasville, CT 06382 P: 860-859-1650 F: 860-859-3711 E: sales@dhict.com W: dhict.com

Diamond Hydraulics, Inc. 6776 FM 2004 Hitchcock, TX 77563 P: 409-986-3957 F: 409-986-7437

E: sales@diamondhydraulicsinc. com W: diamondhydraulics.com

Differential Pressure Plus, Inc. 67 North Branford Road Branford, CT 06405 P: 203-481-2545 F: 203-483-7169

E: info@dpgaugeusa.com W: differentialpressure.com

Diffley-Wright Corporation 1891 Porter Lake Drive, Suite 106 Sarasota, FL 34240

P: 941-343-9750 F: 941-343-0590

E: airbrains@aol.com W: diffley-wright.com


3776 Commerce Ct Wheatfield, NY 14120

P: 800-248-3642 F: 716-743-4370

E: sales@dmic.com W: dmic.com

Doering Company LLC

6343 River Road SE Clear Lake, MN 55319

P: 320-743-2276

E: customerservice@doering.com

W: doering.com

Doig Corporation

7400 Quail Court Cedarburg, WI 53012

P: 262-376-3644

F: 262-376-3640

E: bob.doig@doigcorp.com

W: doigcorp.com

Domnick Hunter, inc.

5900-B Northwoods Parkway Charlotte, NC 28269

P: 800-345-8462

F: 704-921-1960

E: jane.sexton@domnickhunter. com

W: domnickhunter.com

Donald Engineering Co., Inc.

3891 Clay Avenue S.W. Grand Rapids, MI 49548

P: 616-538-8340

F: 616-543-8834

E: sales@donaldengineering.com

W: donaldengineering.com

Donaldson Company, Inc.

Industrial Hydraulics PO Box 1299 Minneapolis, MN 55440

P: 800-846-1846

F: 952-703-4652

E: grphydfilters@donaldson.com

W: donaldson.com/en/ih


P.O. Box 7010 Charlotte, NC 28241

P: 704-588-0510

F: 704-588-9884

W: duff-norton.thomasregister. com

Duncan Co.

425 Hoover Street, N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55413

P: 612-331-1776

F: 612-331-4735

E: bstephenson@duncanco.com

W: duncanco.com

Duplomatic Hydraulics

9337 Ravenna Road, Unit G Twinsburg, OH 44087

P: 330-405-1800

F: 330-405-1801

E: sales@uhiltd.com

W: uhiltd.com

DuraValve Inc.

2331 Eastern Ave. Elk Grove, IL 60007

P: 847-616-0430

F: 847-616-0432

E: duravalve@ameritech.net W: duravalve.com

Durex Industries

190 Detroit St. Cary, IL 60013

P: 847-639-5600

F: 847-639-2199

E: sales@durexindustries.com W: durexindustries.com

Dynex/Rivett Inc.

770 Capitol Drive

Pewaukee, WI 53072

P: 262-691-2222

F: 262-691-0312

E: sales@dynexhydraulics.com W: dynexhydraulics.com

E.F.P.S., Inc.

10801 Hammerly Suite 216 Houston, TX 77043

P: 713-973-1144

F: 713-973-9211

E: efps@flash.net W: efluidpower.com

Eagle Hydraulic 12055 Rue Arthur Sicard Mirabel, Quebec J7J0E9


P: 1-450-433-2800

F: 1-450-433-3004

Duryea Technologies Inc. 1060 Old Bernville Road Suite 300 Reading, PA 19605

P: 484-277-7137 duryatechnologies.com

DTS Fluid Power 3560 Busch Drive Grandville, MI 49418 P: 616-538-3759 F: 616-538-3798 E: mwilde@dtsfluidpower.com W: dtsfluidpower.com

Dwyer Instruments P.O. Box 373 Mich City, IN 46361

P: 219-879-8868 F: 219-879-8000

E: lit@dwyer-inst.com W: dwyer-inst.com

Dygert-Peck Company

P.O. Box 99 Marion, IA 52302 P: 319-373-0373 F: 319-373-2450 E: dmorrow@dygertpeck.com

Dylix Corporation 347 Lang Blvd. Grand Island, NY 14072

P: 716-773-2985 F: 716-773-2786

E: tglynn@dylixcorp.com W: dylixcorp.com

Dynacom, Inc. P.O. Box 467 Cedarburg, WI 53012

P: 262-377-9200 F: 262-377-7702 E: dyacom@execpc.com W: dynacomproducts.com

Dynamco P.O. Box 269 Commerce, GA 30529

P: 706-336-3430 F: 706-335-5490

E: sales@dynamco.com W: dynamco.com

Dynamic Fluid Components, Inc. 2810 Blue Ridge Blvd. P.O. Box 100 West Union, SC 29696

P: 864-638-5544

F: 864-638-0005

E: vj@dynamicfc.com W: dynamicfc.com

Dynamic Sealing Technologies Inc. 13829 Jay Street NW Andover, MN 55304

P: 763-786-3758

F: 763-786-9674

E: info@dynamicsealing.com W: dynamicsealing.com

Dynaquip Controls, Inc. 10 Harris Industrial Park St. Clair, MO 63077-1078

P: 636-629-3700

F: 636-629-5528 W: dynaquip.com

Elect / Air

11897 Cabernet Dr., Suite C Fontana, CA 92337

P: 951-685-1675

F: 951-361-4271

E: rstrasbaugh@electair.com W: electair.com

Electro Hydraulic Machinery Co. 2501 John P. Lyons Lane Pembroke Park, FL 33009

P: 954-981-0023

F: 954-981-4022

E: info@ehmcompany.com W: ehcompany.com

Electro-Sensors, Inc. 6111 Blue Circle Drive Minnetonka, MN 55343

P: 952-930-0100 F: 952-930-0130

E: sales@electro-sensors.com W: electro-sensors.com

E: sales@eagle-hydraulic.com W: eagle-hydraulic.com

Eagle Stainless Tube & Fabrication 10 Discovery Way Franklin, MA 02038

P: 508-528-8650

E: info@eagletube.com W: eagletube.com

EAO Corporation

One Parrott Drive Shelton, CT 06484

P: 203-951-4600

F: 203-951-4601

E: sales.eus@eao.com W: eao.com

Eastern Hydraulic and Power Transmission P.O. Box 552

Rocky Mount, NC 27802

P: 252-985-1616

F: 252-985-2184

E: centless2@aol.com W: easternhydraulic.com

Eaton Hydraulics

14615 Lone Oak Road

Eden Prairie, MN 55344

P: 888-258-0222

F: 952-937-7105

W: eaton.com

Eaton Hydraulics Training 1785 Indian Wood Circle Maumee, OH 43537

P: 419-887-6506

F: 952-906-3731

E: hydraulicstraining@eaton.com

W: hydraulicsliteraturestore.com

Eaton’s Filtration Division 44 Apple Street Tinton Falls, NJ 07724

P: 800-859-9212

F: filtration@eaton.com

W: eaton.com/fitration

Echo Engineering and Production Supplies, Inc. 5406 W. 78th Street Indianapolis, IN 46268

E: info@echosupply.com W: echosupply.com

Edco USA 1671 Larkin Williams Road Fenton, MO 63026

P: 636-349-2632

F: 636-349-2619

E: sales@edcousa.com W: edcousa.net

Edraulics Direct

300 International Pkwy. Sunrise, FL 33325

P: 954-315-5185

E: custserv@edraulicsdirect.com W: edraulicsdirect.com


7734 East 11th Street Tulsa, OK 74112

P: 918-838-1170

F: 918-835-3334

E: sales@efdyn.com W: efdyn.com

Enidine Incorporated

7 Centre Drive

Orchard Park, NY 14127

P: 716-662-1900 F: 716-662-0406

E: Gregory.herman@itt.com W: enidine.com

Entwistle Co., Kenett Hydraulic Distribution Division 6 Bigelow St. Hudson, MA 01749

P: 508-481-4000 F: 508-481-4004

E: jkendall@entwistleco.com W: entwistleco.com

EPCO Products P.O. Box 9250 Fort Wayne, IN 46809 P: 260-747-8888 F: 260-747-6699 W: zeroleak.com

Electroswitch 180 King Avenue Weymouth, MA 02188

P: 781-335-5200 F: 781-335-4253 E: info@electroswitch.com W: electroswitch.com

Ellison Sensors 6560 W. Rogers Circle #22 Boca Raton, FL 33487 P: 561-989-8540 F: 561-989-8816 E: marketing@suco.tech.com W: esi-transducer.com

EMMEGI Heat Exchangers, Inc. 3606 E. Southern Ave. #2 Phoenix, AZ 85040 P: 602-438-7101 F: 602-438-7127


Endress & Hauser Inc. 2350 Endress Place Greenwood, IN 46143 P: 317-535-1304 F: 317-535-2171

E: inquiry@us.endress.com W: us.endress.com

EnerSys 2366 Bernville Rd. Reading, PA 19612 P: 800-538-3627 F: 610-372-8628 W: enersys.com

Enertrols 23435 Industrial Park Dr. Farmington Hills, MI 48335 P: 734-595-4500 F: 734-595-6410

E: customerservice@enertrols. com W: enertrols.com

Enfield Technologies 35 Nutmeg Drive Trumbull, CT 06611 P: 800-504-3334 F: 203-286-2414 E: info@enfieldtech.com W: enfieldtech.com

Engineered Inserts & Systems, Inc. 200 D Cascade Blvd Milford, CT 06460 P: 203-301-3334

E: sales@eisinserts.com W: eisinserts.com

Engineered Sales 18 Progress Pkwy. Maryland Hts., MO 63043

P: 314-878-4500 F: 314-878-7022

E: bkroupa@engineeredsales.com W: engineeredsales.com

Engineered Specialty Products 3295 Cobb International Blvd. Kennesaw, GA 30152

P: 800-367-1377

F: 770-429-0795

E: sales@espgauges.com W: espgauges.com

EPE Industrial Filters, Inc. 22272 Pepper Road, Unit E Barrington, IL 60010-1902

P: 847-381-0860 F: 847-381-0918

E: epesmitter@csi.com W: eppensteiner.de

Equiposyahn, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Boulevard Miguel Aleman Valdez No. 17-1, Col Reforma San Mateo Atenco, Mexico 052100 P: 722-208-2712

F: 722-208-2719

E: equiposvtas@mexis.com

W: equiposyahn.com

Eriks USA 14837 Trinity Blvd Ft. Worth, TX 76155

P: 817-267-8837

F: 817-571-4700

E: sales.southwest@eriksusa.com W: eriksusa.com

Ernst Fluid Power Co., Inc. PO Box 13267 Dayton, OH 45413

P: 937-890-5600

F: 937-890-5200

E: admin@ernstfluidpower.com W: ernstfluidpower.com

Eskridge 1900 E. Kansas City Rd. P.O. Box 875

Olathe, KS 66051

P: 913-782-1238

F: 913-782-4206

E: sales@eskridgeinc.com W: eskridgeinc.com

Essentra Components 3123 Station Road Erie, PA 16510

P: 800-847-0486

F: 866-561-6617

E: sales@essentracomponents. com W: essentracomponents.com

Eurotech 1150 Ponce de Leon Boulevard Brooksville, FL 34601

P: 352-799-5253

F: 352-799-4662

E: info@eurotechelite.com W: eurotechelite.com

EVCO Sealing Systems 2165 Sunnydale Blvd., Suite B Clearwater, FL 33765

P: 727-442-1178

F: 727-442-2247

E: evco@evcosss.com W: evco.fr

Exact-Stroke, Inc. P.O. Box 2577 Warminster, PA 18974

P: 215-355-6795

F: 215-355-7941

E: mail@exactstroke.com W: exactstroke.com

Exair Corporation

11510 Goldcoast Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45249-1621

P: 513-671-3322

F: 513-671-3363

E: techelp@exair.com

W: exair.com

Exotic Automation & Supply

34700 Grand River Avenue

Farmington Hills, MI 48335

P: 248-477-2122

F: 248-477-5956

E: info@exoticautomation.com

W: exoticautomation.com

ExpresSeal, Div. of Apple Rubber 204 Cemetery Road Lancaster, NY 14086

P: 716-684-7649

F: 716-684-1678

E: info@expresseal.com

W: expresseal.com

Fabco-Air Inc.

3716 NE 49th Ave.

Gainesville, FL 32609-1699

P: 352-373-3578

F: 352-375-8024

E: service@fabco-air.com

W: fabco-air.com

Fairview Fittings Inc.

3777 Commerce Court Wheatfield, NY 14120

P: 716-614-0320

F: 716-614-0327

E: ussales@fairviewfittings.com

W: fairviewfittings.com

Famic Technologies Inc. 9999 Cavendish Blvd., Suite 350

St. Laurent, Quebec


P:+1 514-748-8050

F: +1 514-748-7169

E: sales@famictech.com

W: automationstudio.com

Fastest, Inc.

1646 Terrace Drive Roseville, MN 55113

P: 800-444-2373

F: 651-645-7390

E: fastsales@fastestinc.com

W: fastestinc.com

FCI Automation

3720 Hagen Drive SE

Grand Rapids, MI 49548

P: 616-456-7222

F: 616-456-1306

E: sales@fluidconnections.com

W: fluidconnections.com

Federal Fluid Power, Inc.

1145 Starkweather Plymouth, MI 48170

P: 734-455-1722

F: 734-455-0222

E: sales@federalfp.com

Feroy Company, Inc.

3220 B St. SE Auburn, WA 98002

P: 253-939-1363

F: 253-939-0810

E: glenn@feroy.com

W: feroy.com

Ferry Inc.

3179 Walden Ave. Depew, NY 14043

P: 716-684-1703

F: 716-684-1706

E: sales@ferryinc.com

W: ferryinc.com

Festo Corporation

1377 Motor Pkwy. Ste. 310 Islandia, NY 11749

P: 631-435-0800

E: customer.service.us@festo.com

W: festo.com

Fiero Fluid Power Inc.

5280 Ward Road Arvada, CO 80002

P: 303-431-3600

F: 303-431-3611

E: mbrooks@fierofp.com

W: fierofp.com

Filtration Products Corporation (FPC)

18151 Territorial Road

Dayton, MN 55369

P: 763-428-6415

F: 763-428-8659

E: sales@filtrationproducts.com

W: filtrationproducts.com

Filtrec North America Box 1222

Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783

P: 705-256-6622

F: 705-256-6064

E: information@filtrec.net

W: filtrec.net

Filtroil Inc. 1147 River Road Charlottesville, VA 22901

P: 434-293-3100

F: 434-971-8401

E: jleahman@filtroil.com W: filtroil.com

Finch Automation 7264 Georgetown Road Indianapolis, IN 46268-4125

P: 317-328-5777

F: 317-328-5778

E: bwhitman@finchautomation. com W: finchautomation.com

FlangeLock, LLC 57 Old Post Road #2 Greenwich, CT 06830

P: 203-861-9400

F: 203-622-1238

E: sales@flangelock.com W: flangelock.com

Flaretite Inc. 2284 Golden Pond Ct. Fenton, MI 48430

P: 810-750-4140

F: 810-629-4988

E: sales@flaretite.com W: flaretite.com

Flender Corp. 950 Tollgate Rd. Elgin, IL 60123

P: 847-931-1990

F: 847-931-0711

E: flender@flenderusa.com W: flenderusa.com

Flint Hydraulics, Inc. 4099 B. F. Goodrich Blvd. Memphis, TN 38118

P: 901-794-4884

F: 901-794-1618

E: sales@flinthyd.com W: flinthyd.com

Flint Hydrostatics, Inc. 4084 E. Shelby Drive Memphis, TN 38118

P: 800-238-0155

E: sales@flinthydrostatics.com W: flinthydrostatics.com

Flo Draulic Inc.

330-1790 Corporate Drive Norcross, GA 30019

P: 770-925-8935 F: 770-925-4207

E: info@flodraulic.com W: flodraulic.com

Flodraulic Group 45 Sinclair Avenue Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4X4


P: 905-702-9456 F: 905-702-9457

E: info@flodraulic.com W: flodraulic.com

Flodyne Controls, Inc. 48 Commerce Drive Murray Hill, NJ 07974-1142

P: 908-464-6200

F: 908-464-1553

E: sales@flodynecontrols.com

W: flodynecontrols.com

Flodyne/Hydradyne, Inc. 1000 Muirfield Drive Hanover Park, IL 60103-5468

P: 630-563-3600

F: 630-563-3850

E: robsheperd@hydradyne.com W: flodyne.com

Flo-Products Co.

2305 Millpark Drive

Maryland Heights, MO 63043

P: 314-428-4000

F: 314-428-4097

E: customerservice@flo-products. com

W: flo-products.com

Flo-Tork Inc.

P.O. Box 68 Orrville, OH 44667-0068

P: 330-682-0010

F: 330-683-6857

W: flo-tork.com

Flotronics, Inc. 10435 Ortonville Road Clarkston, MI 48348

P: 248-625-8890

F: 248-625-8818

E: flotronics@flotronicsinc.com

Flow Dynamics and Automation 1024 11th Court West Birmingham, AL 35204

P: 205-581-1200

F: 205-581-1222

E: sales@flowdynamics.net

W: flowdynamics.net

Flow Ezy Filters, Inc.

P.O. Box 1749 Ann Arbor, MI 48106

P: 734-665-8777

F: 734-665-4332

E: flowezy@flowezyfilters.com

W: flowezyfilters.com

Flow Products, Inc. 2626 W. Addison Street Chicago, IL 60618-5905

P: 773-528-2000

F: 773-528-6474

W: flowprod.com

Flowmetrics, Inc.

9201 Independence Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311

P: 818-407-3420

F: 818-700-1901

E: sales@flowmetrics.com

W: flowmetrics.com

Flow-Tek Inc, A Subsidiary of BRAY Int’l Inc.

8323 N. Eldridge Pkwy #100 Houston, TX 77041

P: 832-912-2300

F: 832-912-2301

E: stevejohnston@flow-tek.com

W: flow-tek.com

Fluid Design Products, Inc. 3516 E. Main Spokane, WA 99202

P: 509-533-0479

F: 509-534-2998

E: steves@fluiddesignproducts. com

W: fluiddesignproducts.com

Fluid Dynamics Midwest Inc. 229 Wrightwood Avenue Elmhurst, IL 60126-1112

P: 630-530-5500

F: 630-530-5513

E: dgreen@fluiddynamicsinc.com

Fluid Gear Products, Inc 115 Market Street Marcus Hook, PA 19061

P: 610-200-6045

F: 610-200-6046

E: sales@fluidgearproducts.com W: fluidgearproducts.com

Fluid Line Products, Inc.

P.O. Box 1000 Willoughby, OH 44094

P: 440-946-9470

F: 440-946-9472

Fluid Motion Sales, Inc. 11220 Grader St., Suite 700 Dallas, TX 75238

P: 972-437-1333

F: 972-437-6288

E: sales@FluidMotionSales.com W: FluidMotionSales.com

Protecting your entire hydraulic hose assembly with Essentraʼs complete line of protection products.

Samples and CAD Drawings www.essentracomponents.com

P: 717-840-7814

F: 717-840-7396

E: info@fluidpowerassociates.com

W: fluidpowerassociates.com

Fluid Power Connections

P.O. Box 475 Englishtown, NJ 07726

P: 732-792-0411

E: info@usa-4u.com

W: fluidpowerconnections.com

Fluid Power Engineering Co., Inc. 110 Gordon Elk Grove, IL 60007

P: 847-364-7455

F: 847-364-7797

E: fpeinfo@fpeinc.com

W: fpeinc.com

Fluid Power Inc. 534 Township Line Road Blue Bell, PA 19422

P: 215-643-0350

F: 215-643-4017

E: sales@fluidpowerinc.com

W: fluidpowerinc.com

Fluid Power Products, Inc. 1251 Georgetown Road, Suite F Lexington, KY 40511-1067

P: 859-231-8882

F: 859-254-8333

E: info@fppincorporated.com W: fppincorporated.com

Fluid Power Products, Inc. 302 Turnpike Road Southborough, MA 01772

P: 508-481-8881

F: 508-485-4346

E: info@fppinc.com

W: fppinc.com

Fluid Power Sales, Inc. 8257 Loop Road Baldwinsville, NY 13027

P: 315-638-7111

F: 315-638-7117

E: info@fluidpowersales.com

W: fluidpowersales.com

Fluid Power Sales, Inc. 314 Lakeside Road Syracuse, NY 13209-9729

P: 315-487-7111

F: 315-487-7822

E: info@fluidpowersales.com

W: fluidpowersales.com

Fluid Power SME 5252 Westchester St. Suite 112 Houston, TX 77005

P: 281-888-6460

F: 281-248-8887

E: info@fluidpowersme.com

W: FluidPowerSME.com

Fluid Power Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 310219 Birmingham, AL 35231-0219

P: 205-798-9440

F: 205-798-3532

E: fpsbhm@hiwaay.net

W: fluidpowersystems.com

Fluid Power Tech, Inc. P.O. Box 29399 Thornton, CO 80229 P: 303-650-1500 F: 303-650-9154

E: info@fptinc.com W: fptinc.com

Fluid Power Technologies, Inc. P.O. Box 18622 Memphis, TN 38181 P: 901-365-8767 F: 901-366-9077

Fluid Systems & Components, Inc. P.O. Box 4713 Overland Park, KS 66204 P: 913-642-0111 F: 913-642-0500

Fluid Systems & Components, Inc. 4210 E. 142nd Street Grandview, MO 64030 P: 816-777-1273 F: 816-777-1280 W: fluidsystemskc.com

Fluid Systems Engineering, Inc. 18855 - 14 Mile Road Clinton Twp., MI 48035-3901 P: 586-790-8880 F: 586-790-8881 W: fluidsystemseng.com

Fluidaire Co. 3600 Chamberlain Lane, Suite #608 Louisville, KY 40241 P: 502-339-8700 F: 502-339-1080 E: fluidaire@worldnet.att.net

FluidTech, LLC 10940 Eicher Dr. Lenexa, KS 66219 P: 913-307-2921 F: 913-894-4218 E: dwatson@fluidtech.net W: fluidtech.net

Fluidtechnik USA, Inc. PO Box 715 Uwchland, PA 19480 P: 610-321-2407 F: 610-321-2409 E: sales@fluidtechnikusa.com W: fluidtechnikusa.com

FluiDyne Fluid Power 31915 Groesbeck Hwy. Fraser, MI 48026

P: 586-296-7200 E: sales@fluidynefp.com W: fluidynefp.com

FORCE America 501 East Cliff Road Burnsville, MN 55337

P: 952-707-1300 E: marketing@forceamerica.com W: forceamerica.com

Foster Manufacturing Co., Inc. 2324 West Battlefield Rd. Springfield, MO 65807-4098

P: 417-881-6600 F: 417-881-3645 E: foster@couplers.com W: couplers.com

FPS Technologies, Inc.

P.O. Box 310219

Birmingham, AL 35231-0219

P: 205-798-9440

F: 205-798-3532

E: fpsbhm@hiwaay.net

W: fpstechnologies.com

Fraleigh Company, The 3919 N. Crutcher St.

North Little Rock, AR 72118

P: 501-758-6331

F: 501-758-6814

E: fralco@worldnet.att.net

W: fraleighco.com

Franklin Electrofluid Co., Inc.

3854 Watman Avenue

Memphis, TN 38118-6043

P: 901-362-7504

F: 901-362-0343

E: info@frankelectro.com

W: frankelectro.com

Freelin-Wade Co.

1730 NE Miller Street

McMinnville, OR 97128

P: 503-434-5561

F: 503-472-1989

E: tube@freelin-wade.com

W: freelin-wade.com

Freudenberg-Nok Scaling Technologies

47690 E. Ancor Ct. Plymouth, MI 48170

P: 734-354-5373

F: 734-451-1445

W: fnst.com

Fusion, Inc.

4500 Wilson Avenue SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

P: 319-373-0373

F: 319-373-2450

E: dmorrow@fusioninc.com

W: fusioninc.com

GGallagher Fluid Seals, Inc.

P.O. Box 61367

King of Prussia, PA 19406

P: 610-277-8200

F: 610-277-3850

E: info@gallagherseals.com

W: gallagherseals.com

Galland Henning Nopak Inc.

10179 S. 57th St. Franklin, WI 53132

P: 414-645-6000

F: 414-645-6048

E: info@nopak.com

W: Nopak.com

Gast Manufacturing, Inc.

P.O. Box 97

Benton Harbor, MI 49023

P: 616-926-6171

F: 616-927-0808

Gates Corporation

P.O. Box 5887

Denver, CO 80217

P: 303-744-1911

F: 303-744-4540

E: gatesmail@salessupport.com

W: gates.com/fluidpower


1506 S. Fulton Drive Corinth, MS 38834

P: 662-286-2252

F: 662-287-6580

E: haisales@geartek.com

W: geartek.com

Gefran, Inc.

400 Willow St North Andover, NH 01845

P: 888-888-4474

E: sales.us@gefran.com

W: gefran.com


35 Watterson St. Dayton, OH 45417

P: 1-630-422-3119

E: northamerica@gemels.com W: gemels.com

Gems Sensors & Controls

One Cowles Road

Plainville, CT 06062

P: 800-378-1600

F: 860-747-4244

E: info@gemssensors.com W: gemssensors.com

Gemu Valves, Inc. 3800 Camp Creek Pkwy. Bldg. 2600, Ste. 120 Atlanta, GA 30331

P: 678-553-3400

F: 404-344-9350

E: info@gemu.com W: gemu.com

George T. White Co., Ltd. 1665 Turner Road Windsor, ON N8W 3J8 CANADA

P: 519-256-2331

F: 519-256-6311

E: info@geotwhite.com W: geotwhite.com

Gibson Engineering Company, Inc. P.O. Box 561 Norwood, MA 02062-0561

P: 781-769-3600

F: 781-769-8455

E: sales@gibsonengineering.com

W: gibsonengineering.com

Gir Del Hydraulic Service 16638 110 Avenue

Edmonton, AB


P: 780-483-1060

F: 780-489-3015

GO Switch

3300 Fern Valley Road Louisville, KY 40213

P: 502-969-8000

F: 502-969-8107

E: info@topworx.com

W: goswitch.com

GPM Controls 1607 Industrial Dr. Carlisle, PA 17013

P: 717-218-6565

E: info@gpmcontrols.com

W: gpmcontrols.com

Grand River Sales Ltd.

P.O. Box 570 Guelph, ON Canada N1H 6L2

P: 519-824-6550

F: 519-824-6553

E: mail@grsales.on.ca

W: grandriversales.com

Granzow Inc.

2300 Crownpoint Executive Dr. Charlotte, NC 28227

P: 704-845-2300

F: 704-845-2301

E: sales@granzow.com

W: granzow.com

Great Lakes Fluid Power 4170 36th Street SE Grand Rapids, MI 49512

P: 619-975-5223

F: 616-949-6598

E: glh@glhydraulic.com

W: glhydraulics.com

Green Hydraulic Power 15401 Assembly Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649

P: 714-333-7367

F: 714-895-3561

E: srasmussen@ greenhydraulicpower.com

W: greenhydraulicpower.com

Greenco Corporation

5688 West Crenshaw St. Tampa, FL 33634

P: 813-882-4400

F: 813-888-6688

E: sales@greencocylinders.com

W: sales@greencocylinders.com

GS Global Resources 926 Perkins Dr. Mukwonago, WI 53149

P: 262-378-5200

F: 262-378-5400

E: sales@gsgr.com

W: gsglobalresources.com

GS-Hydro 16405 Air Center Blvd., Suite 400

Houston, TX 77032

P: 281-209-1000

F: 281-209-2905

E: sales@gshydro.us W: gshydro.us

Guardian Ind., Inc.

300 Indiana Hwy. 212 Michigan City, IN 46360

P: 219-874-5248

F: 219-879-6643

E: sales@guardiancouplings.com W: guardiancouplings.com

Gulf Controls Company, LLC

P.O. Box 15100 Tampa, FL 33684-5100

P: 813-884-0471

F: 813-888-5680

E: gcc@gulfcontrols.com W: gulfcontrols.com

H. G. Schaevitz LLC dba Alliance Sensors Group 102 Commerce Dr. Unit 8 Moorestown, NJ 08057

P: 856-727-0250

F: 856-727-0251

E: sales@alliancesensors.com W: alliancesensors.com

H. H. Barnum Company 7915 Lochlin Drive Brighton, MI 48116

P: 248-486-7300

E: roger.domka@hhbarnum.com W: hhbarnum.com

H.R. Textron

25200 W. Rye Canyon Road Valencia, CA 91355

P: 661-702-5734

F: 661-702-5624

E: mtandy@hrtextron.textron.com W: hrtextron.com

Hallite Seals Americas, Inc. USA 50777 Varsity Court Wixom, MI 48393

P: 248-668-5200

F: 248-668-5210

E: sales@hallite.us W: hallite.com

Hallite Seals International 130 Oldfield Rd. Hampton, Middlesex TW12 2HT


P: +44 (0) 20 8941 2244

F: +44 (0) 20 8783 1669 E: sales@hallite.com W: hallite.com

Hampton Controls PO Box 187 Wendel, PA 15691

P: 724-861-0150

F: 724-861-0160

E: sales@hamptoncontrols.com W: hamptoncontrols.com

Hankison International 1000 Philadelphia St. Canonsburg, PA 15317

P: 724-746-4240

F: 724-745-6040

E: inquiry@hankisonintl.com W: hankisonintl.com

Hannon Hydraulics, Inc. 625 N. Loop 12 Irving, TX 75061

P: 800-333-4266

F: 972-554-4047

E: info@hannonhydraulics.com W: hannonhydraulics.com

Harris Equipment/Mercury Pneumatic Company 2010 N. Ruby St. Melrose Park, IL 60160

P: 708-343-0866

F: 708-343-0995

E: harrisequipment@ harrisequipment.com W: harrisequipment.com

Harrison Hose and Tubing Inc.

P.O. Box 9386 Trenton, NJ 08650

P: 609-631-8804

F: 609-631-8796

E: sales@harrisonhose.com W: harrisonhose.com

Harrison Hydraulic Solutions 14233 West Road Houston, TX 77041

P: 281-807-4420

F: 281-807-4815

E: fluidpower@harrisonhydragen. org W: harrisonhydragen.com

The Hartfiel Company 8117 Wallace Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344

P: 952-974-2500 F: 952-974-2600 E: hartfiel@hartfiel.com W: hartfiel.com

Hartmann Controls, Inc. 604 Progress Drive Hartland, WI 53029

P: 262-367-4299 F: 262-367-5645

E: sales@hartmanncontrols.com W: hartmanncontrols.com

Harvard Corporation 505 Union Street Evansville, WI 53536

P: 608-882-6330 F: 608-882-5127 W: harvardcorp.com

Haskel International Inc. 100 East Graham Place Burbank, CA 91502-2027

P: 800-743-2720 F: 818-841-4291 E: sales@haskel.com W: haskel.com


1325 Evans City Rd. Evans City, PA 16033 P: 724-789-7050 F: 724-789-7056

E: info@hauhinco.com W: hauhinco.com

HAWE Hydraulik 13020 Jamesburg Drive, Suite A Huntersville, NC 28078 P: 704-509-1599 F: 704-509-6302 E: info@HAWEusa.com W: HAWE.com

Haydon Switch & Instrument, Inc. 1500 Meriden Rd. Waterbury, CT 06705 P: 203-756-7441 F: 203-756-8724 E: info@hsi-inc.com W: hsi-inc.com

HBC-Radiomatic, Inc. 1017 Petersburg Road Hebron, KY 41048 P: 859-689-6400 F: 866-266-7227 E: sales@hbc-usa.com W: hbc-usa.com

Heartland Hydraulics, Inc. P.O. Box 1274 Mt. Vernon, OH 43050-1274 P: 740-392-4673 F: 740-392-7611 E: heahyd@aol.com W: heartlandhydraulics.com

Heavy Motions Inc. 2134 S Green Privado Ontario, CA 91761 P: 866-865-8889 F: 909-498-0468 E: lisavu@heavymotions.com W: heavymotions.com

Heco, Inc. P.O. Box 1388 West Sacramento, CA 95691 P: 916-372-5411 F: 916-373-0952 E: info@hecogear.com W: hecogear.com

HED Inc. 2120 Constitution Ave. Hartford, WI 53027

P: 800-398-2224


Hedland Flow Meters 8635 Washington Ave. Racine, WI 53406-3738

P: 262-639-6770

F: 262-639-2267

E: hedlandinfo@racinefed.com W: hedland.com

Heeren Company 513 31st Avenue Rock Island, IL 61201-2000

P: 309-794-1111 F: 309-794-1811

E: info@heeren.com W: heeren.com

Heinrichs USA LLC 1895 Airport Exchange Blvd., Suite 200 Erlanger, KY 41018

P: 859-371-4999

F: 859-371-4899

E: mail@heinrichs-usa.com W: heinrichs-usa.com

Hei-Tek Automation 21602 N. 2nd Avenue, Suite 4 Phoenix, AZ 85027

P: 602-269-7931

F: 602-269-8937

E: info@heitek.biz

Henry M. Wood Co. 9774 Windisch Road West Chester, OH 45069

P: 513-755-4060 F: 513-755-4067

E: bob@henrymwood.com W: henrymwood.com

Hercules Sealing Products 420 Park Place Blvd Suite 100 Clearwater, FL 33759 P: 727-796-1300 F: 727-797-8849

E: sales@herculesus.com W: herculesus.com

Heypac, Inc. 1029 John-R Rd. Rochester Hills, MI 48307 P: 248-652-3500 F: 248-652-1717

E: answers@heypac.com W: heypac.com

HFI Fluid Power Products 1210 Washington Ave. Racine, WI 53403 P: 262-634-5534 F: 262-634-2127 E: sales@hfi.biz W: hfi.biz

Higginson Equipment Sales P.O. Box 5011 Burlington, ON L7R 3Z4 CANADA P: 905-335-2211 F: 905-335-8756

E: info@higginson.ca W: higginson.ca

High Pressure Equipment 2955 West 17th Street Erie, PA 16505 P: 800-289-7447 F: 814-838-6075

E: sales@highpressure.com W: highpressure.com

HL Hydraulic, Inc. P.O. Box 450 Seneca, PA 16346 P: 814-677-4086 F: 814-677-4087

E: kkirk@hlhydraulic.com W: hlhydraulic.com

HMF Innovations, Inc. 2214 Franklin St. Manitowoc, WI 54220 P: 920-684-7165

F: 920-684-6004

E: jherrmann@hmf.com W: hmf.com

Hoerbiger-Origa Corporation

100 West Lake Drive

Glendale Heights, IL 60139

P: 630-871-8300

F: 630-871-1515

W: hoerbigeroriga.com

Hoffer Flow Controls

107 Kitty Hawk Lane

Elizabeth City, NC 27906

P: 252-331-1997

F: 252-331-2886

E: info@hofferflow.com

W: hofferflow.com

Holmbury Inc.

33801 Curtis Blvd., Ste. 104 Eastlake, OH 44095

P: 866-465-6287

F: 440-578-1073

E: couplings@holmburyusa.com

W: holmburyusa.com

Honor Gear Pumps Corp.

222 S. Navigation Blvd. Corpus Christi, TX 78405

P: 800-984-9727

F: 713-461-9631

E: service@honorpumps.com

W: honorpumps.com

Hope Group, The P.O. Box 840 Northboro, MA 01532

P: 508-393-7660

F: 508-393-8203

E: crhoten@thehopegroup.com

W: thehopegroup.com

Horton Fluid Power, Inc.

6776 W. Victory Rd. Boise, ID 83709

P: 208-343-0251

F: 208-331-9897

E: sales@hortonfluidpower.com

W: hortonfluidpower.com

Hose & Fittings, Etc. 1811 Enterprise Blvd. West Sacramento, CA U.S.A. 95691-3423

P: 916-372-3888

F: 916-371-5777

E: hfe@2xtreme.net

Houghton International P.O. Box 930 Valley Forge, PA 19482

P: 610-666-4095

F: 610-879-1463

E: tnoblit@houghtonintl.com

W: houghtonintl.com

Houston Hydraulic Sales and Service, Inc.

P.O. Box 8586 Houston, TX 77249-8586

P: 713-692-4421

F: 713-692-0259

E: info@houstonhydraulic.com

W: houstonhydraulic.com

Howell Laboratories, Inc.

Rte. 117, Harrison Road. Bridgton, ME 04009

P: 207-647-3327

F: 207-647-8273

E: contracts@howelllabs.com

W: hfi.biz

HPE Automation

1020 N.W. 6th Street Building E. Deerfield Beach, FL 33442

P: 954-429-9560

F: 954-429-0858

E: info@hpeco.com

W: hpeco.com

HTE Technologies 436 Anglum Road Hazelwood, MO 63042-2449

P: 314-731-4444

F: 314-731-4424

E: HTE63042@aol.com


1152 Marsh Street, Suite D Valparaiso, IN 46385

P: 219-548-2211

F: 219462-0774

E: info@huade-usa.com

W: huade-usa.com

Hudson Extrusions, Inc. 1255 Norton Rd., P.O. Box 255

Hudson, OH 44236-0255

P: 330-653-6015

F: 330-653-6551

W: hudsonextrusions.com

Hughes-Hitech, Inc. 9685 Main Street Clarence, NY 14031-2036

P: 800-759-8374

F: 716-759-8289

E: hiphitec@buffnet.net

W: hughesind.com

Humphrey Automation Inc. 570 Alden Road Unit #10 Markham, ON L3R 8N5


P: 905-479-3633

F: 905-479-3755

E: humphrey@pneumation.ca W: pneumation.ca

Humphrey Products Company P.O. Box 2008 Kalamazoo, MI 49003

P: 616-381-5500

F: 616-381-4113

E: sscott@humphrey-products. com

W: humphrey-products.com

Hunger Hydraulics, C.C. Ltd. 63 Dixie Highway Rossford, OH 43460

P: 1-800-248-9232

F: 1-419-666-9834

E: k.hunger@hunger-hydraulics. com

W: hunger-hyrdraulics.com

Hy Quip LLC 1811 Dolphin Dr. Waukesha, WI 53186

P: 262-521-2170

F: 262-521-2723

E: eric.jensen@hyquip.net

W: hyquip.net

HYDAC Technology Corp. 2260 City Line Rd. Bethlehem, PA 18017

P: 610-266-0100

F: 610-264-7529

E: sales@hydacusa.com W: hydacusa.com

Hyde Industrial Blade Solutions 54 Eastford Road Southbridge, MA 01550

P: 1-800-872-4933

F: 1-508-764-8172

E: sales@hydeblades.com W: hydeblades.com

Hydra Technology Corporation 179 Grider St. Buffalo, NY 14215

P: 800-965-6250

F: 716-896-4629

E: info@ hydratechnologycorp.com W: hydratechnologycorp. com or hydra-tek.com

Hydradyne, LLC

15050 FAA Blvd. Fort Worth, TX 76155

P: 817-391-1547

F: 817-391-1589

E: ssmith@rfallc.com W: hydradynellc.com

Hydra-Fab Fluid Power, Inc.

3585 Laird Road, Unit #5 Mississauga, ON Canada

L5L 5Z8

P: 905-569-1819

F: 905-569-7801

E: rgores@hydrafab.com W: hydrafab.com

Hydra-Fab Technologies, Inc.

P.O. Box 60090

Boisbriand, Quebec Canada

J7H 1N1

P: 450-419-9411

F: 450-419-9408

E: service@hft.ca

Hydraforce, Inc.

500 Barclay Blvd.

Lincolnshire, IL 60069

P: 847-793-2300

F: 847-793-0086

E: info@hydraforce.com W: hydraforce.com

Hydra-Hose & Supply Co.

5017 Cleveland Street Virginia Beach, VA 23462

P: 757-497-8704

F: 747-490-5930

E: info@hydrahose.net

W: hydrahose.net

Hydramation, Inc. 9329 Ravenna Rd. Twinsburg, OH 44087

P: 330-405-5544

F: 330-405-5552

E: sales@hydramation.com W: hydramation.com

Hydra-Power Systems, Inc. 5445 NE 122nd Ave. Portland, OR 97294

P: 800-777-5047

F: 503-775-6447

E: lstuart@hpsx.com

W: hydrapowersystems.com

Hydraquip Corporation P.O. Box 925009 Houston, TX 77292-5009

P: 713-680-1951

F: 713-680-9799

E: hydraq@ix.netcom.com W: hydraquip.com

Hydraquip Distribution, Inc. 3906 Hwy. 90 East Broussard, LA 70518

P: 337-837-4114

F: 337-837-4116

E: bboyle@hydraquip.com

W: hydraquip.com

Hydraquip Distribution, Inc. 4130 S. 70th East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74145

P: 918-663-3661

F: 918-622-2435

E: bboyle@hydraquip.com

W: hydraquip.com

Hydraquip Distribution, Inc. 4723 Pinemont Drive Houston, TX 77092

P: 713-680-1951

F: 713-680-9799

E: bboyle@hydraquip.com

W: hydraquip.com

Hydrasoft Corporation 608 S. Main Ave. Kankakee, IL 60901

P: 815-933-8840

F: 815-933-8861

E: dlpersson@aol.com

Hydraulex 47995 Gratiot Ave Chesterfield, MI 48051

P: 1-800-422-4279

F: 586-949-5342

E: sales@hydraulex.com W: hydraulex.com

Hydraulic & Pneumatic Sales, Inc. P.O. Box 410587 Charlotte, NC 28241 P: 704-588-3234 F: 704-588-1569

E: info@hpsalesinc.com W: hpsalesinc.com

Hydraulic Components Co., Inc. 13406 SE 32nd Street Bellevue, WA 98005 P: 425-747-0927 F: 425-747-0940 W: hydrauliccomponents.com

Hydraulic Parts Source 41350 Production Drive

Harrison Township, MI 48045

P: 586-463-3166 F: 586-463-3398

E: sales@hydparts.com W: hydparts.com

Hydraulic Pneumatic Mart 2416 W. Campus Drive Tempe, AZ 85040

P: 602-437-8799 F: 602-437-8597 E: fluidcp@dancris.com W: hydraulicpneumaticmart.com

Hydraulic Repair and Design, Corp. 701 North Levee Road Puyallup, WA 98371 P: 253-604-0400 F: 253-604-0408 Toll Free: 1-800-323-8416 E: sales@h-r-d.com W: h-r-d.com

Hydraulic Resources, Inc. 567 Pine Hill Rd. White, PA 15490 P: 724-455-6060 F: 724-455-6344 E: sales@hydraulicresourcesinc. com W: hydraulicresourcesinc.com

Hydraulic Specialty Inc. 1131 72nd Ave. NE Fridley, MN 55432 P: 763-571-3072 F: 763-571-2330 E: sales@hydraulicspecialty.com W: hydraulicspecialty.com

Hydraulic Supply Company 300 International Parkway Sunrise, FL 33325 P: 800-507-9651 F: 954-845-9113 E: sales@hydraulic-supply.com W: hydraulic-supply.com

Hydraulic Warehouse, Inc.

0121 9th Street

Lewiston, ID 83501

P: 208-743-7058

F: 208-746-5518

E: ed@hydwarehouse.com

W: Hydwarehouse.com

Hydraulics, Inc.

2935 St. Louis Avenue

Fort Worth, TX 76110

P: 817-923-1965

F: 817-927-8002

E: sales@hydraulicsinc.com

W: hydraulicsinc.com

Hydraulics International, Inc.

20961 Knapp Street

Chatsworth, CA 91311

P: 818-407-3400

F: 818-407-3428

E: lturner@hiipumps.com

W: hiipumps.com

Hydra-Zorb Company

2450 Commercial Drive

Auburn Hills, MI 48371

P: 248-373-5151

F: 248-373-0711

E: sales@hydra-zorb.com

W: hydra-zorb.com

Hydro Air LLC.

243 State Street North Haven, CT 06473

P: 203-248-8863

F: 203-248-8867

E: croser@hydroair.net

W: hydroair.net

Hydro/Power, Inc.

540 Carson Rd. Birmingham, AL 35217

P: 205-520-1220

F: 205-520-1176

E: jerry_mcvay@hydropower1.com

W: hydropower1.com

Hydro-Craft Inc.

1821 Rochester Industrial Dr. Rochester Hills, MI 48309

P: 248-652-8100

F: 248-652-0343

E: clamps@aol.com

W: hydro-craft.com

Hydromotion, Inc.

85 E. Bridge St. Spring City, PA 19475

P: 610-948-4150

F: 610-948-6733

E: hydro@hydromotion.com

W: hydromotion.com

Hydronic Corp.

32613 Folsom Farmington Hills, MI 48336

P: 248-477-2288

F: 248-893-3689

E: sales@hydroniccorp.com

W: hydroniccorp.com

Hydrotech, Inc.

10052 Commerce Park Drive Cincinnati, OH 45246-1338

P: 513-881-7000

F: 513-881-7010

E: sales@hydrotech.com

W: hydrotech.com

Hyflow-Controls Inc.

2134 S Green Privado Ontario, CA 91761

P: 909-628-9866

F: 909-614-7233

E: sales@hyflow-controls.com

W: hyflow-controls.com

Hy-Pro Corporation

12955 Ford Dr. Fishers, IN 46038

P: 317-849-3535

F: 317-849-9201

E: info@hyprofiltration.com

W: hyprofiltration.com

Hyspeco, Inc.

1445 S. Sierra Drive Wichita, KS 67209

P: 800-234-1041

F: 888-673-0701

E: quotes@hyspeco.com

W: hyspeco.com

IBT-Fluid Power Group, Division of IBT, Inc.

P.O. Box 2982

Shawnee Mission, KS 66201-9133

P: 913-677-3151

F: 913-342-1529

E: ibtinfo@ibtinc.com W: ibtinc.com

IC-Fluid Power, Inc. 63 Dixie Highway Rossford, OH 43460

P: 419-661-8811

F: 419-661-8844

E: us@icfluid.com W: icfluid.com


100 Foxborough Blvd. Foxborough, MA 02035

P: 508-543-5800 F: 508-543-1503 E: info@iconics.com W: iconics.com

ID Industries

5245 Bell Court Chino, CA 91760

P: 909-591-9597 F: 909-590-7052

IDAS Engineering 4799 Leins Mill Rd. East Troy, WI 53120

P: 262-642-7021

F: 262-642-7025

E: idaseng@aol.com

IFH Group, The 3300 East Rock Falls Road Rock Falls, IL 61071 P: 800-435-7003 F: 815-626-1438

E: tanks@ifhgroup.com W: ifhgroup.com

IHD, Inc.

6830 North Eldridge Parkway, Unit 102 Houston, TX 77041

P: 713-849-2949 F: 713-849-5638 E: info@ihd-usa.com W: ihd-usa.com

IMO USA Corp. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405

P: 843-695-6200 F: 843-695-6204

E: Americas@imo.us W: imo.us

IMPCO, Inc. 27 Dexter Road East Providence, RI 02914

P: 401-521-2490 F: 401-521-5690

E: mail@impco-inc.com W: impco-inc.com

Independent Hydraulics Inc.

#3-7201 72nd Street Delta, BC Canada V46 1M5

P: 604-940-1336

F: 604-940-9692

E: sales@independenthydraulics. com W: independenthydraulics.com

Indesco Inc. 426 Crompton Street Charlotte, NC 28273

P: 704-588-5114

F: 704-588-7811

E: info@indescoinc.com W: indescoinc.com

Indiana Fluid Power Inc.

3911 Merchant Road Fort Wayne, IN 46818

P: 260-489-4575

F: 260-489-1087

E: sales@indianafluidpower.com

W: indianafluidpower.com

Indumo, Inc.

7307 Henri-Bourassa Ouest

St. Laurent, PQ Canada H4S 2E2

P: 514-331-5550

F: 514-331-5209

E: g.toundijan@indumo.com

W: indumo.com

Industrial Design & Supply Inc.

P.O. Box 33 Toledo, OH 43697

P: 419-666-8784

F: 419-666-8236

E: jjstak@earthlink.net

Industrial Hydraulic Services 1027 Industrial Pkwy. Medina, OH 44256

P: 330-722-2685

F: 330-722-2775 W: ihsmedina.com

Industrial Nut Corp. 1425 Tiffin Ave. Sandusky, OH 44870

P: 419-625-8543

F: 419-625-5517

E: sales@industrialnut.com

W: industrialnut.com

Industrial Servo Hydraulics, Inc. 17650 Malyn Blvd. Fraser, MI 48026

P: 586-296-0960

F: 586-296-0375

E: klamberti@indservo.com

W: indservo.com

Industrial Specialties, LLC

P.O. Box 94190 Oklahoma City, OK 73143

P: 405-672-1221

F: 405-677-8659

E: dcollins@isfluidpower.com

W: isfluidpower.com

Industrial Specialties Mfg., Inc.

4091 S. Eliot St. Englewood, CO 80110

P: 303-781-8486

F: 303-761-7939

E: sales@industrialspec.com

W: industrialspec.com

Industrial Training Zone

333 S. 520 W., Ste. 360 Lindon, UT 84042

P: 801-932-6480

F: 801-847-0130

E: all@industrialtrainingzone.com

Innotek Corporation

9140 Zachary Lane North Maple Grove, MN 55369

P: 763-488-9910

F: 763-493-2809

E: lhughes@innotek-ep.com

W: innotek-ep.com

Innovative Hydraulic Designs 1773 Westborough Drive Katy, TX 77448

P: 713-849-2949

F: 713-849-5638

E: info@ihd-usa.com W: IHD-USA.com


538 Township Line Road Blue Bell, PA 19422

P: 215-643-0192

F: 215-643-4017

E: sales@inserta.com W: inserta.com

Integrated Hydraulics, Inc. 7047 Spinach Drive Mentor, OH 44060

P: 440-974-3171

F: 440-974-3170

E: sales@inthyd.com W: integratedhydraulics.com

Integrated Tecnologies, Inc. 6950 Spinach Drive Mentor, OH 44060-4958

P: 440-255-9712

F: 440-255-9711

W: integrated-tech.com

Interface Solutions, Inc. 216 Wohlsen Way Lancaster, PA 17603-4048

P: 717-207-6000

F: 717-207-6080

E: vkburriss@sealinfo.com

W: sealinfo.com

International Fluid Power of America

43123 Business Park Drive

Temecula, CA 92590

P: 951-676-2155

F: 951-676-2156

E: info@intlfpa.com

W: intlfpa.com

Interstate Hydraulics Inc. 4272 W. Nike Drive West Jordan, UT 84088

P: 801-566-4333

F: 801-566-7040

E: office@interhydra.com

W: interhydra.com

Intertech Development Company 7401 North Linder Avenue Skokie, IL 60077

P: 847-679-3377

F: 847-679-3391

E: info@intertechdevelopment. com W: intertechdevelopment.com

Inventive Resources, Inc. 5038 Salida Blvd., PO Box 1316 Salida, CA 95368

P: 209-545-1663

E: info@OilN2.com W: OilN2.com

Iowa Fluid Power P.O. Box 10107

Cedar Rapids, IA 52410

P: 319-395-7000

F: 319-395-7027

E: sales@ifpusa.com

W: ifpusa.com

Isaacs Fluid Power Equipment Company 6091 Commerce Court Mason, OH 45040

P: 513-336-8500 F: 513-336-8502 E: sales.cincinnati@ isaacsfluidpower.com W: isaacsfluidpower.com

Isotech, Inc. 2299 Amber Dr. Suite 120 Hatfield PA 19440

P: 800-314-3332 P: 267-663-5555 F: 215-631-9148 W: IsotechInc.com

E: info@isotechinc.com

Itech Automation Solutions, Inc. 11436 Rojas Drive, Ste. B-11 El Paso, TX 79936 P: 915-599-3022 F: 915-595-4952 E: bwilliams@kopar.com.mx

Iteco Overseas-S.A. P.O. Box 75050 Kallithea Athens, Greece 176 10 E: itecogr@hol.gr

ITW Devcon 30 Endicott Street Danvers, MA 01923 P: 978-777-1100 F: 978-774-0516 E: info@devcon.com W: devcon.com

ITW Vortec 10125 Carver Road Cincinnati, OH 45242 P: 800-441-7475 F: 513-891-4092 E: techsupport@vortec.com W: itwvortec.com

JJ.E.M. Fluid Power, Inc. 2182 S. Dam Road West Branch, MI 48661 P: 989-345-1180 F: 989-345-1193 E: jem@jemfp.com W: jemfp.com

J. E. Myles, Inc. 310 Executive Dr. Troy, MI 48083 P: 248-583-1020 F: 248-583-6998 E: sales@jem-cp-r.com W: mylesgroupcompanies.com

J. H. Bennett & Company, Inc. P.O. Box 8028

Novi, MI 48376-8028 P: 248-596-5100 F: 248-476-3380

E: rblashill@jhbennett.com W: jhbennett.com

J. M. Grimstad, Inc. S. 84 W18887 Enterprise Drive Muskego, WI 53150 P: 414-258-5200 F: 414-258-3414 E: e.grimstad@grimstad.com W: grimstad.com

J. R. Merritt Controls, Inc. 55 Sperry Avenue Stratford, CT 06615 P: 203-381-0100 F: 203-381-0400 E: info@jrmerritt.com W: jrmerritt.com

James H. Laas Co. Inc. 3535 Utica Ridge Road Bettendorf, IA 52722 P: 563-359-4487 F: 563-359-3766 E: mjlaas@ix.netcom.com W: jhlass.com

Jason Industrial 221 South Westgate Drive Carol Stream, IL 60188 P: 630-752-0600 F: 630-752-0962 E: miguel.velazquez@ammega. com W: Jasonindustrial.com

Jarp Industries, Inc. P.O. Box 923 Wausau, WI 54402 P: 715-359-4241 F: 715-355-4960 E: ernieb@jarpind.com W: jarpind.com

JEM Technical 550 North Old Crystal Bay Orono, MN 55356 P: 952-473-5012 F: 952-259-4141

E: info@jemtechnical.com W: jemtechnical.com

John Guest USA, Inc. P.O. Box 625 Pine Brook, NJ 07058 P: 973-808-5600 F: 973-808-5036 E: info@jgusa.com W: johnguest.com

John Henry Foster Company of St. Louis, Inc P.O. Box 5820 St. Louis, MO 63134 P: 314-427-0600 F: 314-593-1203 E: sales@jhf.com W: jhf.com

John Henry Foster Minnesota, Inc. 3103 Mike Collins Drive Eagan, MN 55121 P: 651-452-8452 F: 651-681-9368 E: solutions@jhfoster.com W: jhfoster.com

John Henry Foster MN, Inc. 3103 Mike Collins Drive Eagan, MN 55121 P: 651-452-8452 F: 651-681-9368 E: solutions@jhfoster.com W: jhfoster.com

J T Hydraulics & Services Co. 1601 W. 25th Street Houston, TX 77008 P: 713-984-9727 F: 713-861-2250 E: roger@jthydraulics.com W: jthydraulics.com

JWF Technologies 6820 Fairfield Dr. Fairfield, OH 45014 P: 513-769-9611 F: 513-769-0109 E: info@jwftechnologies.com W: jwftech.com

K. R. West Co., Inc.

P.O. Box 468

Kaukauna, WI 54130

P: 920-766-0113

F: 920-766-0679

E: dw@krwest.com

W: krwest.com

K2 Co., Inc.

770 County Rd. A Ashland, NE 68003

P: 402-944-2767

F: 402-944-2402

E: sales@k2co.com

W: k2co.com

KabelSchlepp America

7100 W. Marcia Road

Milwaukee, WI 53223

P: 414-354-1994

F: 414-354-1900

E: info@kabelschlepp.com

W: kabelschlepp.com

Kaeser Compressors, Inc.

P.O. Box 946

Fredericksburg, VA 22404

P: 540-898-5500

F: 540-898-5520

E: info.usa@kaeser.com

W: kaeser.com

Kaman Industrial Technologies Corp.

1 Waterside Crossing Windsor, CT 06095

P: 860-687-5185

F: 860-687-5170

E: dhm-kit@kaman.com

W: kamandirect.com

Kavlico Corporation 14501 Princeton Ace. Moorpark, CA 93021

P: 805-523-2000

F: 805-523-7125

E: sales@kavlico.com

W: kavlico.com

Kawasaki Precision Machinery of America

3838 Broadmoor Ave.

Grand Rapids, MI 49512

P: 616-975-3100

F: 616-975-3103

E: customer@kpm-usa.com

W: kpm-usa.com

K-D Supply Corporation

P. O. Box 549

N. Tonawanda, NY 14120

P: 716-693-7600

F: 716-695-9082

E: info@kdsupply.com

W: kdsupply.com

Keller America Inc.

813 Diligence Drive Suite 120 Newport News, VA 23606

P: 757-596-6680

F: 757-596-6659

E: sales@kelleramerica.com

W: kelleramerica.com

Kenakore Solutions

487 J. St. Perrysburg, OH 43551

P: 419-661-1233

F: 419-661-1251

Kent Fluid Power

19308 68th Ave S Kent, WA 98032

P: 253-872-0214

F: 253-395-7372

E: dthom@applied.com

W: kentfluidpower.com

Kentak Products Company

1308 Railroad Street East Liverpool, OH 43920

P: 800-831-6790

E: sales@kentak.com

W: kentak.com

Kepner Products Company

995 North Ellsworth Avenue Villa Park, IL 60181

P: 630-279-1550

F: 630-279-9669

E: kepner@kepner.com

W: kepner.com

Keystone Fluid Power, Inc. 120 Unico Drive, Valmont

Industrial Park

Hazleton, PA 18202

P: 570-454-9759

F: 570-454-9789

E: neilc@keystonefluidpower.com

W: keystonefluidpower.com

Kiser Controls Co. 7045 High Grove Boulevard Burr Ridge, IL 60527

P: 630-920-9171

F: 630-920-9524

E: kkiser@ameritech.net W: kisercontrols.com

Knotts Company, The 350 Snyder Ave. Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922

P: 908-464-4800

F: 908-464-7747

E: khowe@knottsco.com W: knottsco.com

KOBOLD Instruments Inc. 1801 Parkway View Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15205

P: 412-788-2830

F: 412-788-4890

E: info@kobddusa.com W: koboldusa.com

Kocsis Technologies, Inc. 11755 S. Austin Avenue Alsip, IL 60803

P: 708-597-4177

F: 708-371-6560

E: service@kocsistech.com W: kocsistech.com

Kopar, S.A. DE C.V. 410 E, Hillside #293 Laredo, TX 78041

P: 956-218-9669

E: kopar@kopar.com.mx W: kopar.com.mx

Kraft Fluid Systems, Inc. 14300 Foltz Parkway Cleveland, OH 44149

P: 800-257-1155

F: 440-238-5266

E: csdept@kraftfluid.com W: kraftfluid.com

Kriha Fluid Power Co. Inc. 2133 Cornhusker Hwy. Lincoln, NE 68521

P: 402-438-8303 F: 402-438-8304

E: sales@krihafp.com W: krihafp.com

KTR Corporation 122 Anchor Road Michigan City, IN 46360 P: 219-872-9100 F: 219-872-9150 E: ktr-us@ktr.com W: ktr.com

Kundinger Controls 1771 Harmon Rd. Auburn Hills, MI 48326 P: 248-391-6100 F: 248-391-6900 E: sales@kundinger.com W: kundinger.com

Kuriyama of America Inc 360 E. State Parkway Schaumburg, IL 60173-5335

P: 847-755-0360 F: 847-885-0996 E: sales@kuriyama.com W: kuriyama.com

Kurt Manufacturing, Hydraulics Div. 5280 Main Street NE Minneapolis, MN 55421

P: 866-257-7995

E: kurthyd@aol.com W: kurthydraulics.com

Kurt Manufacturing, Hydraulics Div. 302 Jeffers Avenue Lyman, NE 69352

P: 866-257-7995

E: kurthyd@aol.com W: kurthydraulics.com

Kurz Instruments, Inc.

2411 Garden Rd. Monterey, CA 93940

P: 831-646-5911

F: 831-646-8901

E: sales@kurzinstruments.com W: kurzinstruments.com

KV Pneumatics – Ultraline 1140 McDermott Drive, Suite 104 West Chester, PA 19380

P: 610-945-9000

F: 610-946-9001

E: neil.winterbottom@ kvpneumatics.com W: kvglobal.com

KYB America LLC

140 N Mitchell Ct. Addison, IL 60101

P: 630-620-5555

F: 630-620-8137

E: corey@kyb.com W: kyb.com

KZCO, inc.

770 County Rd. A Ashland, NE 68003-1166

P: 402-944-2767

F: 402-944-2402

E: KZValve.com

W: KZCO.com

Lake Monitors

8809 Industrial Drive Franksville, WI 53126

P: 800-850-6110

F: 414-671-5253

E: info@lakemonitors.com

W: lakemonitors.com

LA-MAN Corporation PO Box 328 Mazeppa, MN 55956

P: 507-843-4800

F: 888-905-2626

E: kurt@laman.com

W: laman.com

Lamb Services, Inc.

2801 S.E. Evangeline Thruway Lafayette, LA 70508

P: 337-704-9100

F: 337-704-9101

W: lambservices.com

Lanier Engineering Sales Inc. 4703 Ritchie Highway Baltimore, MD 21225-3036

P: 410-789-6800

F: 410-789-6866

The Lee Company 2 Pettipaug Road Westbrook, CT 06405

P: 860-399-6281

E: inquiry@theleeco.com

W: theleeco.com

Lee Industries, Inc.

P.O. Box 688 Philipsburg, PA 16866

P: 814-342-0470

F: 814-342-5660

E: sales@leeind.com

W: leeind.com

Legris, Inc.

7205 E. Hampton Avenue Mesa, AZ 85208-3301

P: 480-830-0216

F: 480-830-7556

E: marketing@legris-usa.com W: legris.com

Lehigh Fluid Power Inc. 1413 RT. 179 Lambertville, NJ 08530-0248

P: 800-257-9515

F: 609-397-0932

E: sales@lehighfluidpower.com

W: lehighfluidpower.com

Lenz Inc.

P.O. Box 1044 Dayton, OH 45401

P: 937-277-9364

F: 937-277-6516

E: rwagner@lenzinc.com W: lenzinc.com

Lexair, Inc. 2025 Mercer Road

Lexington, KY 40511

P: 859-255-5001

F: 859-255-6656

E: jjennings@lexairinc.com

W: lexairinc.com

Lift –Systems, INC. 1505 7th Street East Moline, IL 61244

P: 309-764-9842

F: 309-764-9848

E: info@lift-systems.com

W: lift-systems.com

Lillbacka USA, Inc. 619 Estes Ave. Schaumburg, IL 60193

P: 847-301-1300

F: 847-301-2562

E: sales@lillbackausa.com

W: lillbackausa.com

Lindco, Inc. 24 Saint Martin Drive Marlboro, MA 01752

P: 508-485-8882

F: 508-485-9919

E: info@lindcoinc.com

W: lindcoinc.com

Linde Hydraulics Corporation 5089 W. Western Reserve Rd. Canfield, OH 44406-9112

P: 330-533-6801

F: 330-533-1989

E: info@linde-hydraulics.co

W: linde-hydraulics.us

Liquid Controls – A Unit of IDEX Corporation 105 Albrecht Drive Lake Bluff, IL 60044

P: 847-295-1050

F: 847-295-1057

W: lcmeter.com

Livingston & Haven, Inc. P.O. Box 7207 Charlotte, NC 28241-7207

P: 704-588-3670

F: 704-588-5622

E: cbv4@lhtech.com

W: lhtech.com

Logic Hydraulic Controls, Inc 6616 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405

P: 910-791-9293

F: 910-392-5621

E: mikejr@logichyd.com

W: logichyd.com

Lovejoy Hydraulics 2655 Wisconsin Ave. Downers Grove, IL 60515

P: 630-852-0500

F: 630-851-2120

E: hydraulicsinfo@lovejoy-inc.com

W: lovejoyhydraulics.com

Lubrication Engineers, Inc. 1919 E. Tulsa St. Wichita, KS 67216

P: 800-537-7683

E: info@le-inc.com W: LElubricants.com

LUDECA INC. 1425 NW 88th Ave. Doral, FL 33172

P: 305-591-8935

F: 305-591-1537

E: info@ludeca.com W: ludeca.com

Lumberg, Inc. 14121 Justice Road Midlothian, VA 23113

P: 804-379-2010

F: 804-379-3232

E: info@lumbergusa.com W: lumbergusa.com

Lydey Air Controls 6900 Miller Road Brecksville, OH 44141

P: 440-546-1009

F: 440-546-9319

E: danlydey@lydeyaircontrols.com W: Lydeyaircontrols.com

Lynch Fluid Controls Inc. 1799 Argentia Road

Mississauga, Ontario L5M 3A9


P: 1 – 888-626-4365

F: 1-800-263-5807

E: info@lynch.ca W: lynch.ca

M&M Rogness Equipment Co. 1941 West County Rd. C-2 Roseville, MN 55113

P: 651-633-0550 F: 651-633-6797

E: sales@mmrogness.com W: mmrogness.com

Machinery Service and Design W232 N2960 Roundy Circle West Pewaukee, WI 53186 P: 262-513-8040 F: 262-513-8044 E: sales@ms-d.com W: ms-d.com

MacMillin Hydraulic Engineering Corporation P.O. Box 6 Skokie, IL 60076-0006 P: 847-676-2910 F: 847-676-0365 E: sales@macmhydraulic.com W: macmhydraulic.com

Madison Company 27 Business Park Drive Branford, CT 06405 P: 203-488-4477 F: 203-481-5036

E: info@madisonco.com W: madisonco.com

Magnatech International, L.P. 17 East Meadow Ave. Robesonia, PA 19551 P: 610-693-8866 F: 610-695-8816

E: info@magnatech-int.com W: magnatech-int.com

Magnetek N49 W13650 Campbell Drive Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 P: 262-783-3500 F: 262-783-3510

E: sales1@magnetek.com W: magnetekmobilehydraulic.com

Main MFG 3181 Tri-Park Dr. Grand Blanc, MI 48439 P: 800-521-7918 F: 810-953-1385

E: info@mainmfg.com W: MAINmfg.com

Manuli Hydraulics 410 Keystone Drive, Ste. 420 Warrendale, PA 15086 P: 724-778-3380 F: 724-778-3381

E: sales@manuli-hydraulics.us W: manuli-hydraulics.com

Maradyne Corp. 4540 W. 160th St. Cleveland, OH 44135 P: 216-362-0755 F: 216-362-0799

E: mwalsh@maradyne.com W: maradyne.com

Marco Fluid Power, Inc. 7902 Hopi Place Tampa, FL 33634

P: 813-889-8989 F: 813-889-8988 W: marcofluidpower.com

Marion Mfg. Div. of Maradyne 4540 W. 160th Street Cleveland, OH 44135

P: 216-362-0755 F: 216-362-0799

E: mwalsh@maradyne.com W: maradyne.com


www.mpfiltriusa.com sales@mpfiltriusa.com

Mark Hydraulic Company, Inc.

4771 G Street Omaha, NE 68117-1493

P: 402-734-6734

F: 402-734-0227

E: mhc4321@aol.com

W: markhydraulic.com

Marmon/Keystone LLC PO Box 992 Butler, PA 16003

P: 724-283-3000

F: 724-283-0558

E: sales@MarmonKeystone.com

W: marmonkeystone.com

Marsh-McBirney Inc.

4539 Metropolitan Court Frederick, MD 21704-9452

P: 800-368-2723

F: 240-358-0243

E: Mkinley@marsh-mcbirney.com

W: marsh-mcbirney.com

Martin Fluid Power

84 Minnesota Troy, MI 48083

P: 248-585-8170

F: 248-585-4398

E: mike.k@mfpseals.com

W: mfpseals.com

Marzocchi Pumps USA 905 Albion Schaumburg, IL 60193

P: 847-923-9910

P: 800-924-5404

F: 847-923-9937

E: pumps@marzocchiusa.com

W: marzocchipumpsusa.com

Master Pneumatic-Detroit, Inc. 6701 Eighteen Mile Road Sterling Heights, MI 48314

P: 586-254-1000

F: 586-254-6055

E: mp@masterpneumatic.com

W: masterpneumatic.com

Matzka Inc.

25255 Mound Road Warren, MI 48091-1593

P: 586-755-6363

F: 586-755-6385

E: sales@matzka.com

W: matzka.com

Max Machinery, Inc.

33A Healdsburg Ave. Healdsburg, CA 95448

P: 707-433-2662

F: 707-433-1818

W: maxmachinery.com

Mazzer Indutries Inc.

700 Mile Crossing Blvd., Suite #4 Rochester, NY 14624

P: 716-247-0311

F: 716-247-0864

E: mazzerind@aol.com

W: mazzerplastics.com

McCoy Sales Corporation

426 S. Arthur Avenue Louisville, CO 80027

P: 303-926-8330 F: 303-666-2215

E: jniemi@mccoysales.com

W: mccoysales.com

Metaris Corp. 1519 Hwy. 35 North Forest, MS 39074

P: 601-469-1987

F: 601-469-2120

Toll Free: 1-800-962-2703

E: sales@metarisusa.com

W: metaris.com

Metaris Inc. 101 Canarctic Drive Toronto, Ont Canada M3J 2N7

P: 416-638-6000

F: 416-638-9365

Toll Free: 1-888-477-2737

E: sales@metaris.com

W: metaris.com

Metro Machine and Engineering Corp. 8001 Wallace Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344

McElroy Fluid Power P.O. Box 580550 Tulsa, OK 74158-0550

P: 918-836-9055 F: 918-831-9300

E: dtanner@mcelroymfg.com

MCS Fluid Power 10528A Tanner Rd. Houston, TX 77041

P: 713-849-5110 F: 713-849-3457 E: mstone@mcsfp.com

Mead Fluid Dynamics Inc. 4114 N. Knox Avenue Chicago, IL 60641-1902

P: 773-685-6800 F: 773-685-7002

E: info@mead-usa.com W: mead-usa.com

Measurement Specialties, Inc. 1000 Lucas Way Hampton, VA 23666

P: 800-745-8008

F: 757-766-4297

E: publicrelations@simongroup. com

W: meas-spec.com

MED-KAS Hydraulics, Inc. 1419 John R Troy, MI 48083

P: 248-585-3220

F: 248-585-0646

E: TLMedici@Med-Kas.com W: Med-Kas.com

MEDER Electronic, Inc. 766 Falmouth Rd. Mashpee, MA 02649

P: 508-539-0002

F: 508-539-4088

E: salesusa@meder.com

W: meder.com

Medo USA Inc. 4525 Turnberry Drive Hanover Park, IL 60103

P: 630-924-8811

F: 630-924-0808

E: info@medousa.com

W: medousa.com

Meredith Air Controls, Inc. 57 Willow Street Nashville, TN 37210

P: 615-256-1888

F: 615-256-2758

E: info@meredithaircontrols.com W: meredithaircontrols.com

Metal-Matic, Inc. 629 2nd St. S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55343

P: 612-378-0411

F: 612-392-3399

E: sales@metal-matic.com

W: metal-matic.com

Metal Work Pneumatic USA Inc.

1120 Eden Road, Ste. 106 Arlington, TX 76001

P: 817-701-4000

F: 817-701-4004

E: psaunders@metalwork.org

W: metalwork.it

Midwest Machine Tool Supply, Inc.

P.O. Box 32307

Minneapolis, MN 55432

P: 763-571-3550

F: 763-571-3790

E: wayne@midwestmachinetool. com

W: midwestmachinetool.com

Miller-Leaman, Inc.

800 Orange Avenue

Daytona Beach, FL 32114

P: 386-248-0500

F: 386-248-3033

E: sales@millerleaman.com

W: millerleaman.com

Milwaukee Cylinder 5877 South Pennsylvania Ave. Cudahy, WI 53110-6108

P: 414-769-9700

F: 414-769-0157

E: bill.wotherspoon@pwrsysa.com

P: 952-937-2800

F: 952-937-2374

W: metromachine.com

MFP Seals (A Division of Martin Fluid Power) 84 Minnesota Troy, MI 48083

P: 248-585-8170

F: 248-585-4398

E: sales@mfpseals.com W: mfpseals.com

Michigan Fluid Power, Inc.

4556 Spartan Industrial Drive

Grandville, MI 49418

P: 616-538-5700

F: 616-538-0888

E: Admin@mifp.com

Mico, Inc.

1911 Lee Blvd.

North Mankato, MN 56003-2507

P: 507-625-6426

F: 507-625-3212

E: micomail@mico.com

W: mico.com

Micromatic LLC

525 Berne Street

Berne, IN 46711

P: 260-589-2136

F: 260-589-8966

E: CustomerService@ Micromaticllc.com

W: micromaticllc.com

Micro-Mini Hydraulics

536 Township Line Road

Blue Bell, PA 19422

P: 215-542-2198

F: 215-643-4017

E: sales@microminihydraulics. com

W: microminihydraulics.com

Mid-America Fittings, Inc.

7604 Wedd Street Overland Park, KS 66204

P: 913-962-7277

F: 913-962-6886

E: denniss@midamericafittings. com

W: midamericafittings.com

Midland Industries 3145 Oak Street

Kansas City, MO 64111

P: 800-821-5725

F: 800-877-5391

E: sales@midlandindustries.com

W: midlandindustries.com

Midland Metal Mfg. 1219 Lydia Avenue

Kansas City, MO 64106

P: 888-821-5725

F: 888-877-5391

E: brett@midlandindustrial.com

W: midlandindustrial.com

Mid-State Sales, Inc.

1101 Gahanna Parkway

Columbus, OH 43230

P: 614-864-1811

F: 614-864-0435

E: ed.graves@midstate-sales.com

Mid-States Equipment, Inc.

611 Jensen Drive

Medford, WI 54451-1666

P: 715-748-5565

F: 715-748-4042

E: midstatesequip@mail.tds.net

Mosier Fluid Power of Ohio

2475 Technical Drive

Miamisburg, OH 45342

P: 937-847-9846

F: 937-847-3569

E: mosier@ibm.net W: mosierohio.com

Motion Industries, Inc. 1605 Alton Road Birmingham, AL 35210

P: 205-951-1154

F: 205-957-5290

E: mimarketing@motionindustries. com W: motionindustries.com

Motivair Corp. 25 John Glen, Suite 104 Amherst, NY 14228

P: 716-689-0222

F: 716-689-0073

E: info@motivaircorp.com

W: milwaukeecylinder.com

Mitten Fluid Power Incorporated 5960 Court Street Road Syracuse, NY 13206

P: 315-437-7563

F: 315-437-0849

E: ggibbons@mitten.com W: mitten.com

MK Automation, Inc. 105 Highland Park Drive Bloomfield, CT 06002

P: 860-769-5500

F: 860-769-5505

E: sales@mkprofiles.com W: mkprofiles.com

Mobile Hose & Hydraulic Supply 911 N. Poinsettia St. Santa Ana, CA 92701

P: 800-696-6165

F: 714-541-2266

E: sales@comoso.com

W: comoso.com


409 Parkway Drive Park Hills, MO 63601

P: 800-633-6775 F: 314-543-4111

E: sales@mocap.com W: mocap.com

Monarch Instrument 15 Columbia Drive Amherst, NH 03031

P: 603-883-3390 F: 603-886-3300 W: monarchinstrument.com

Monnier Inc.

P.O. Box 409, 2034 Fruit St. Algonac, MI 48001

P: 810-794-4935 F: 810-794-9451

E: pnichols@monnier.com W: monnier.com

Moog Inc. 300 Jamison Road East Aurora, NY 14052

P: 716-652-2000

F: 716-687-4989

E: jmarsh@moog.com

W: moog.com/industrial Morrell Incorporated 3333 Bald Mountain Rd. Auburn Hills, MI 48326

P: 248-373-1600

F: 248-373-0612

E: Stallman@morrellinc.com

W: morrellinc.com

Mosier Fluid Power of Kentucky, Inc. 10933 Electron Drive Louisville, KY 40299-3823

P: 502-266-8880

F: 502-266-8818

E: mosier_fluid@ntr.net

W: mosier-fluid.com

Motoman Inc. 805 Liberty Lane West Carrollton, OH 45449

P: 937-847-6200

F: 937-847-3288

E: info@motoman.com W: motoman.com

MP Filtri USA 1181 Richland Commerce Drive Quakertown, PA 18951

P: 215-529-1300

E: sales@mpfiltriusa.com W: mpfiltriusa.com

MP Pumps INC. 34800 Bennett Fraser, MI 48026

P: 586-293-8240

F: 586-293-8469

E: dlewandowski@mppumps.com W: mppumps.com

MRM Incorporated 22660 Heslip Novi, MI 48375

P: 248-348-6900

F: 248-348-8490

E: Kevinm@mrm-inc.com W: mrm-inc.com

MSP Seals, Inc. 2831 N. Catherwood Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219-1059

P: 317-541-9980 F: 317-541-9981

E: sales@mspseals.com W: mspseals.com

MTS Sensors 3001 Sheldon Dr. Cary, NC 27513

P: 919-677-0100 F: 919-677-0200

E: info@mts.com W: mtssensors.com

MTS Systems Corporation 14000 Technology Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344-2290

P: 952-937-4000 F: 952-937-4515

E: info@mts.com W: mts.com

Muncie Power Products 201 E. Jackson Street Muncie, IN 47305

P: 800-784-9254

E: adawson@munciepower.com W: munciepower.com

Murrelektronik, Inc. 1327 Northbrook Pkwy Suite 460 Suwanee, GA 30024

P: 770-497-9292

F: 770-497-9391

E: 2info@murrinc.com W: murrinc.com

MVI, Inc. 12951 Gravois Road Ste. 100 Sunset Hills, MO 63127

P: 314-842-5335

F: 314-842-8777

E: frontdesk@mviinc.com W: mviinc.com

Myron L. Company

2450 Impala Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92010

P: 760-438-2021

F: 760-931-9189

E: info@myronl.com

W: myronl.com


Nachi America, Inc, Hydraulics

Group 570 ‘B’ Phoneser Road

Lake Zurich, IL 60047

P: 800-622-4410

F: 847-726-9458

W: nachi.com

Nachi America, Inc. Hydraulics

Group 17500 23 Mile Road Macomb, MI 48044

P: 800-622-4410

F: 586-226-5289

E: general@nachi-ind.com

W: nachiamerica.com

Nass Controls 51509 Birch Street

New Baltimore, MI 48047

P: 586-725-6610

F: 586-725-5802

E: sales@nasscontrols.com

W: nasscontrols.com

National Technical Systems 24007 Ventura Blvd. #200 Calabasas, CA 91302

P: 818-591-0776

F: 818-591-0899

E: info@ntscorp.com

W: ntscorp.com

National Tube Supply 925 Central Avenue

University Park, IL 60466

P: 800-229-6872

W: nationaltubesupply.com

NC Servo Technology 38422 Webb Drive Westland, MI 48185

P: 734-326-6666

F: 734-326-6669

E: sales@ncservo.com

W: ncservo.com

Neff Engineering Co., Inc.

P.O. Box 8604

Ft. Wayne, IN 46898

P: 219-489-6007

F: 219-489-6204

E: neffw@aol.com

W: neffengineering.com

Neff Engineering of WI, Inc. 12250 N. Corporate Parkway

Mequon, WI 53092

P: 262-834-6300

F: 262-834-6338

E: neffeng@execpc.com

W: neffengineering.com

Neff Power Inc.

6500 Page Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63133-1606

P: 314-727-6200

F: 314-727-0314

E: info@neffpower.com

W: neffpower.com

Nelson-Dunn, Inc.

17707 Valley View Avenue Cerritos, CA 90703

P: 714-249-7700

F: 714-523-9192

E: marketing1@nelsondunn.com

W: nelsondunn.com

New England Fluid Power, Inc.

P.O. Box 642

Douglas, MA 1516

P: 508-476-9280

F: 508-476-9271

E: andersong@charter.net

W: nefluidpower.com

New Pig

One Pork Avenue

Tipton, PA 16684

P: 814.684.0101

F: 814.684.7690

E: hothogs@newpig.com

W: newpig.com

NewAge® Industries Inc.

145 James Way Southampton, PA 18966

P: 215-526-2300

F: 215-526-2190

E: info@newageindustries.com W: newageindustries.com

Newton Manufacturing Company 4249 Delemere Blvd. Royal Oak, MI 48073-1804

P: 248-549-9600

F: 248-549-9137

E: ncook@delphi.com

W: newtonmfgco.com

Nimmo Fluid Power 4426 Mt. Carmel Tobasco Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45244

P: 513-528-7272

F: 513-528-1777

E: nfp@one.net W: nimmofluidpower.com

Nor-Cal Controls, Inc. 1400 Coleman Avenue H12 Santa Clara, CA 95050-4361

P: 408-727-5756

F: 408-988-3046

E: ncc4air@pacbell.net W: norcal4air.com

Norgren - KIP Fluid Controls 72 Spring Lane Farmington, CT 06032

P: 860-677-0272

F: 860-677-4999 E: sales@kipinc.com W: kipinc.com

Normont Hydraulic Sales & Service, Inc. 43250 Business Park Drive 101 Foothill Business Park Temecula, CA 92590

P: 909-676-2155

F: 909-676-2154

Normont Sales & Service, Inc. 9 Echo Place Williston, VT 5495

P: 802-863-1381

F: 802-864-0318

Norstat, Inc. 300 Roundhill Dr. Rockaway, NJ 07866

P: 973-586-2500

F: 973-586-1590

E: info@norstat.com W: norstat.com

North American Hydraulics Inc (NAHI, LLC) 11549 Sunbelt Ct Baton Rouge, LA 70809

P: 225-485-8530

E: dwayne.persac@nahi. com

W: nahi.com

Northman Fluid Power 739 Kimberly Drive Carol Stream, IL 60188

P: 630-588-8488 F: 630-588-8487

E: sales@northmanfp.com W: northmanfp.com

Northwest Pneumatics, Inc. 7190 S.W. Sandburg Street Portland, OR 97223-8080

P: 503-620-5670

F: 503-684-5445

E: sales@nwpneu.com W: northwestpneumatics. com

Noshok, Inc. 1010 West Bagley Rd. Berea, OH 44017

P: 440-243-0888

F: 440-243-3472

E: jscott@noshok.com W: noshok.com

Nott Company 4480 Round Lake Road W Arden Hills, MN 55112

P: 1-800-634-3301

F: 651-415-3632

E: nottfp@nottco.com W: nottco.com

NRP Jones, LLC

302 Philadelphia Street

LaPorte, IN 46350

P: 800-348-8868

F: 219-324-0815

E: sales@nrpjones.com

W: nrpjones.com

Nuair Fluid Power Inc.

P.O. Box 157 Walled Lake, MI 48390

P: 248-669-6560

F: 248-669-5480 W: nuairfluidpower.com

Nycoil Co. 164 Pointe South Drive Randleman, NC 27317

P: 866-322-6644

F: 336-495-9520

E: nycoil@nycoil.com W: nycoil.com

OEM Controls, Inc.

P.O. Box 894, 10 Controls Dr. Shelton, CT 06484

P: 203-929-8431

F: 203-929-3867

E: kfried@oemcontrols.com W: oemcontrols.com

Oetiker, Inc. 6317 Euclid Street Marlette, MI 48453

P: 989-635-3621

F: 989-635-2157

E: info@us.oetiker.com

W: oetiker.com

Ohio Fabricators Company 111 North 14th St Coshocton, OH 43812

P: 888-354-0291

E: info@ohfab.com W: ohfab.com

Ohio Power Systems LLC 1706 Eastview Drive Findlay, OH 45840

P: 419-294-4985

F: 419-294-9380

E: info@ohiopowersys.com

W: ohiopowersys.com

Ohio Transmission Corp. 1900 Jetway Blvd. Columbus, OH 43219

P: 614-342-6123

F: 614-342-6441

E: pderrow@otpnet.com

W: otpnet.com

Ohlheiser Corporation P.O. Box 330249 West Hartford, CT 06133

P: 860-953-7632

F: 860-953-9234

E: rpellettier@ohlheiser.com

W: ohlheiser.com

Oil Air Hydraulics, Inc. 11505 West Little York Houston, TX 77041

P: 713-937-8900

F: 713-937-0438

E: dpayton@oilairhydraulics.com

W: fluidpower.com

Oil-Air Products, Inc. P.O. Box 129 Hamel, MN 55340

P: 763-478-8744

F: 763-478-8747

E: oilair.com

W: oilair.com

The Oilgear Company 1424 International Drive Traverse City, MI 49686

P: 231-929-1660

E: ussales@oilgear.com

W: oilgear.com

Oil-Rite Corporation

P.O. Box 1207

4325 Clipper Drive Manitowoc, WI 54221-1207

P: 920-682-6173

F: 920-682-7699

E: sales@oilrite.com

W: oilrite.com

Oil Safe 930 Whitmore Drive Rockwall, TX 75087

P: 972-772-4561

E: sales@oilsafe.com W: whitmores.com/oilsafe

O’Keefe Controls Company P.O. Box 316 Monroe, CT 06468

P: 203-261-6711 F: 203-261-8331 E: info@okeefecontrols.com W:okeefecontrols.com

Omega Engineering 800 Connecticut Avenue Norwalk, CT Suite 5N01 P: 203-359-1660 F: 203-359-7700 E: sales@omega.com W: omega.com

Omnex Control Systems, Inc. 74-1833 Coast Meridian Rd. Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 6G5 P: 604-944-9247 F: 604-944-9267 E: sales@omnexcontrols.com W: omnexcontrols.com

Ono Sokki Technology, Inc. 2171 Executive Drive #400 Addison, IL 60101 P: 630-627-9700 F: 630-627-0004

E: info@onosokki.net W: onosokki.net

Open Loop Energy

1722 N. 8th Ave

Safford, AZ 85546

P: 928-348-9200

E: info@openloop.net

W: openloop.net

Orange Research, Inc.

140 Cascade Blvd. Milford, CT 06460

P: 203-877-5657

F: 203-783-9546

E: info@orangeresearch.com

W: orangeresearch.com

Orlando Hose & Fluid Power, Inc.

5627 Commerce Drive Orlando, FL 32839

P: 407-851-3536

F: 407-859-6821

E: sales@orlandohose.com

W: orlandohose.com

Ortman Fluid Power Inc.

1400 N. 30th St. Suite 20 Quincy, IL 62301

P: 217-277-0321

F: 217-222-1773

E: sales@ortmanfp.com

W: ortmanfluidpower.com

Orton Industries

4264 Winters Chapel Road, Building A Doraville, GA 30360-3151

P: 770-986-9999

F: 770-986-9990

E: jalexander@ortondirect.com

W: ortondirect.com

OTTO Controls

2 East Main St. Carpentersville, IL 60118

P: 847-428-7171

E: info@ottoexcellence.com

W: otto-controls.com

Ozark Fluid Power, Inc. 10801 Otter Creek E. Blvd. Mabelvale, AR 72103

P: 501-455-1052

F: 501-455-1060

E: sales@ozarkfluidpower.com

W: ozarkfluidpower.com

PPabco Fluid Power Inc.

5750 Hillside Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45233-1508

P: 513-941-6200

F: 513-941-6452

E: pabco.cincinnati@cwixmail.com

W: pabcofluidpower.com

Pacific Powertch, LLC

18977 NE Portal Way Portland, OR 97230

P: 503-667-9222

F: 503-972-1506

W: pacificpowertech.com

Pamark, Inc.

1730-B Olson, N.E. Grand Rapids, MI 49503

P: 616-456-6043

F: 616-456-6043

W: pamarkinc.com

Paquin Company, The 9286 Mercantile Dr. Mentor, OH 44060

P: 216-261-5700

F: 216-261-5705

E: paquin@paquin.com

W: paquin.com

Parker Domnick Hunter

5900B Northwoods Pkwy. Charlotte, NC 28269

P: 800-345-8462

F: 704-921-1960

E: industrialusa@domnickhunter. com

W: domnickhunter.com

Parker Hannifin Corporation

500 Glaspie St. Oxford, MI 48371

P: 248-628-6400

F: 248-628-1850

E: finitefilter@parker.com

Parker Hannifin Corporation 6035 Parkland Blvd. Cleveland, OH 44124


E-mail: c-parker@parker.com

W: parker.com

Parker Hannifin Corp./ Motion Systems Group 6035 Parkland Blvd. Cleveland, OH 44124

P: 216-896-3000

W: parker.com

Parker Hannifin Corporation, Hydraulic Filter Division 16810 Fulton Co. Rd. #2 Metamora, OH 43540

P: 419-644-4311

F: 419-644-6205

W: parker.com/hydraulicfilter

Parker Hannifin Corporation, Hydraulic Valve Division 520 Ternes Avenue Elyria, OH 44035

P: 440-366-5200

F: 440-366-5253

W: parker/hydraulicvalve

Parker Hannifin Corporation, Parflex Division 1300 N. Freedom Ravenna, OH 44266

P: 330-296-2871

F: 330-296-1829 W: parker.com

Parker Hannifin Seal Group 14300 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92618

P: 800-272-7537

F: 440-266-7400

E: c-parker@parker.com W: parkerseals.com

Parker Legris Inc.

7205 E. Hampton Avenue Mesa, AZ 85209

P: 480-830-0216

F: 480-830-7556

E: customerservice@legris.com W: legris.com

ParkerStore & Zemarc Fluid Power

2960 Los Olivos Oxnard, CA 94544

P: 805-973-5900

F: 805-973-5919

E: sales@zemarc.com

W: zemarc.com

PCA – Pneumatic Control & Automation

300 International Parkway Sunrise, FL 33325

P: 800-507-9648

F: 954-845-2594

E: sales@pneumaticca.com

W: pneumaticca.com

PCB Piezotronics, Inc. 3425 Walden Ave. Depew, NY 14043

P: 716-684-0001

F: 716-684-0987

E: info@pcb.com W: pcb.com

Pearse-Bertram, LLC 22 Tobey Road Bloomfield, CT 06002

P: 860-242-7777

F: 860-242-2673

E: jpearse@pearse-bertram.com W: pearse-bertram.com

Peerless Engineering Sales Ltd.

4015 E. 1st Avenue Burnaby, BC Canada V5C 3W5

P: 604-659-4100

F: 604-659-4121

E: info@peerlessengineering.com

W: peerlessengineering.com

Peninsular Cylinder Company

27650 Groesbeck Hwy. Roseville, MI 48066

P: 586-775-7211

F: 586-775-4545

E: sales@peninsularcylinders.com W: peninsularcylinders.com

Penn-Air & Hydraulics Corp.

1750 Industrial Highway York, PA 17402

P: 717-840-8100

F: 717-840-4321

E: info@pennair.com

W: pennair.com

Pennsylvania Controls Company, Inc. 250 Meadowlands Blvd. Washington, PA 15301

P: 800-247-9425

F: 724-746-3220

E: pacco@Phoneerame.com

PHD, Inc.

9009 Clubridge Drive Fort Wayne, IN 46809

P: 800-624-8511

E: phdinfo@phdinc.com

W: phdinc.com

Phenix Automation Inc. 873 West Avenue Rochester, NY 14611

P: 585-436-0140

F: 585-436-2994

E: sales@phenixautomation.com W: phenixautomation.com

Photofabrication Eng. Inc.

500 Fortune Dr. Milford, MA 01757

P: 508-478-2025

F: 508-478-3582

E: pei@photofabrication.com

W: photofabrication.com

Piab North America

65 Sharp Street Hingham, MA 02043

P: 800-321-7422

F: 781-337-6864

E: info@piab.com

W: piab.com

Pinnacle Systems, Inc.

P.O. Box 100088 Pittsburgh, PA 15233

P: 412-262-3950

F: 412-262-4055

E: sales@pinnaclesystems.com

W: pinnaclesystems.com

Pisco USA, Inc.

2228 Landmeier Road

Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

P: 847-427-1314

F: 847-427-1317

Plecix (Formerly Acushnet Rubber Company)

744 Belleville Avenue New Bedford, MA 02745

P: 508-998-4000

F: 508-998-4100

E: sales@plecixinc.com W: plecixinc.com

Plymouth Tube Co. 29W150 Warrenville Rd. Warrenville, IL 60555

P: 630-393-3550

F: 630-393-3551

E: sales@plymouth.com W: plymouth.com

PMC A&E, Inc

3435 Wilshire Blvd. STE 2370 Los Angeles, CA 90010

P: 213-221-4556

F: 213-221-4557

E: info@pmcane.com W: pmcane.com

Pneumadyne Inc.

14425 23rd Avenue N Plymouth, MN 55447

P: 888-559-0177

F: 763-559-0547

E: sales@pneumadyne.com W: pneumadyne.com

Pneumatech LLC

4909 70th Ave.

Kenosha, WI 53144

P: 262-658-4300

F: 262-658-1945 W: pneumatech.com

Pneumatic and Hydraulic 105 Lafferty Drive

Broussard, LA 70518

P: 337-839-1999

F: 337-839-1070

E: markm@ pneumaticandhydraulic.com

Pneumatic Concepts, Inc. DBA Air Concepts & Controls 30993 Huntwood Avenue, Suite 203 Hayward, CA 94544

P: 510-471-4470

F: 510-471-4460

E: sales@airconcepts.net

Pneumatic Industrial Equipment Company, Ltd. 5035 Timberlea Blvd., Units 8 Mississauga, ON L4W 2W9 CANADA

P: 905-624-7410

F: 905-624-9344

E: info@pieco-int.com W: pieco-int.com

Pneumatics Unlimited, Inc. 2343 W. Yale Avenue Englewood, CO 80110

P: 303-922-8151 F: 303-922-0522

E: pui@envisionet.net W: pneumaticsunlimited.net

Pneu-Motion Inc. 10062 Flanders Ct. Blaine, MN 55449

P: 763-786-4239

F: 763-786-4729

E: pneumotion@aol.com

Poclain Hydraulics, Inc. 1300 Grandview Parkway Sturtevant, WI 53177

P: 262-321-0676

F: 262-321-0703

E: Lindsey.hansen@poclainhydraulics.com W: poclain-hydraulics.com

Polygon Composites Technology 103 Industrial Park Drive Walkerton, IN 46574

P: 574-586-3145

E: sales@polygoncompany.com W: polygoncomposites.com

Polymer Molding 1655 West 20th Street Erie, PA 16502-2192

P: 814-455-8085 F: 814-453-4381 E: cvinson@polymermolding.com W: polymermolding.com

Posi Lock Puller, Inc. 805 Sunflower Avenue Cooperstown, ND 58425

P: 701-797-2600

F: 701-797-2706 E: t.somerville@posilock.com W: posilock.com

Power & Rubber Supply, Inc. P.O. Box 1537 Tuscaloosa, AL 35403 P: 205-759-5156 F: 205-759-2236 E: sdavis@powerandrubber.com W: powerandrubber.com

Power Drives Inc. P.O. Box 10 Buffalo, NY 14220-0010 P: 716-822-3600 F: 716-822-1714

E: solution@powerdrives.com W: powerdrives.com

Power Dynamics Inc. 117 Wheeling Road Wheeling, IL 60090-4807

P: 847-520-1178

F: 847-520-1745

E: powerdynamics@aol.com

Power Systems 8325 Commerce Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317

Power Systems Inc. of Georgia 805 McFarland Road

Alpharetta, GA 30004-3397

P: 770-475-1680 F: 770-442-5522 W: powersystemsinc.com

Power Transmission Products 2750 N.W. 31st Avenue Portland, OR 97210

P: 503-227-1271

F: 503-227-1246

E: sPhonelarexec@msn.com

Power Valve U.S.A. 222 S. Navigation Blvd. Corpus Christi, TX 78405

P: 713-869-1064

F: 713-461-9631

E: service@powervalveusa.com W: powervalveusa.com

Poweram, Inc. 150 N 18th St. Barron, WI 54812-0153

P: 715-537-9050

F: 715-537-5655

E: bill@poweram.com W: poweram.com

Powerflow Systems Inc. P.O. Box 29133 Shawnee Mission, KS 66201

P: 913-342-7024

F: 913-342-1529

E: powerflowUSA@aol.com

Powermotion, Inc. 90 Robert Jemison Road Birmingham, AL 35209-3607

P: 205-945-1931

F: 205-945-1938

E: info@powermotion.net W: powermotion.net

PRC Industrial Supply, Inc. 337 Perry Road Bangor, ME 4401

P: 207-947-4772

F: 207-990-5865

W: prcindustrial.com

Precision Industries 4220 South 102nd Street Omaha, NE 68127

P: 402-827-5289

F: 402-537-8730

E: jila@precisionind.com

W: precisionind.com

Precision Instrument Company 3295 Cobb International Blvd. Kennesaw, GA 30152

P: 888-650-6923

F: 770-429-0795

E: sales@picgauges.com W: picgauges.com

Precision Metals Services Rt. 309 and Advance Lane Colmar, PA 18915

P: 215-822-0131

F: 215-822-6697

E: pmsinc@erols.com

Pressroom Electronics P.O. Box 99875

Pittsburgh, PA 15233

P: 412-262-1115

F: 412-262-1197

E: sales@pressroomelectronics. com

W: pressroomelectronics.com

Pressure Components Inc. 5101 Naiman Pkwy. Solon, OH 44139

P: 440-349-4020

F: 440-349-3653

E: sales@pressurecomponents. com

W: pressurecomponents.com

Pressure Connections Corp. 610 Claycraft Road Columbus, OH 43230

P: 614-863-6930

F: 614-864-1327

P: 952-361-6800 F: 952-361-6801

E: order.desk@ pressureconnections.com W: pressureconnections.com

W: finitefilter.com

E: dthun@powersystems-mn.com W: powersystems-mn.com

Pressure Systems, Inc.

34 Research Dr. Hampton, VA 23666

P: 757-865-1243

F: 757-865-8744

E: denise.topping@ pressuresystems.com

W: pressuresystems.com

Price Engineering Co., Inc.

1175 Cottonwood Avenue Hartland, WI 53029

P: 262-369-3700

F: 262-369-3711

E: sales@priceeng.com

W: priceeng.com

Primet Fluid Power Company, Inc.

7917 New Jersey Avenue Hammond, IN 46323

P: 219-844-4224

F: 219-844-4284

E: info@primetfluidpower.com

W: primetfluidpower.com


4140 Perimeter Drive Columbus, OH 43228

P: 614-276-8141

F: 614-274-6766

Prince Manufacturing Corp.

612 North Darby Lane North Sioux City, SD 57049

P: 605-235-1220

F: 605-235-1082

E: info@princehyd.com

W: princehyd.com

Pro-Active Fluid Power, Inc.

44383 Reynolds Drive

Clinton Twp., MI 48036

P: 586-465-6708

F: 586-465-6709

E: insidesales@ proactivefluidpower.com

W: proactivefluidpower.com

Progressive Hydraulics, Inc.

280 N. Midland Avenue Saddle Brook, NJ 07663

P: 800-447-4409

F: 201-791-3582

E: sales@phionline.com

W: phionline.com

ProSoft Technology 1675 Chester Avenue, 4th Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301

P: 661-716-5100

F: 661-716-5101

E: prosoft@prosoft-technology. com

W: prosoft-technology.com

PSI Fluid Power Ltd. 1611 Valmont Way Vancouver, BC Canada V6V 1Y3

P: 604-278-4481

F: 866-746-3794

E: parkerl@psifluidpower.com

PSI Industries, Inc.

P.O. Box 70127 Memphis, TN 38107-0127

P: 901-525-0422

F: 901-526-4901

E: info@psiindustries.com

W: psiindustries.com

PTI Technologies, Inc.

501 Del Norte Blvd. Oxnard, CA 93030

P: 805-604-3700

F: 805-604-3917

E: filtersl@ptitechnologies.com

W: ptitechnologies.com

Pulsafeeder, Inc.

2883 Brighton-Henrietta Town Line Rd. Rochester, NY 14623

P: 585-292-8000

F: 585-424-5619

E: Pulsa@idexcorp.com

W: pulsafeeder.com

Pulsafeeder, Inc.

27101 Airport Road

Punta Gorda, FL 33982

P: 800-333-6677

F: 941-575-4085

E: pulsaspo.cs@idexcorp.com

W: pulsafeeder.com

Purolator 8439 Triad Dr. Greensboro, NC 27409-9018

P: 336-668-4444

F: 336-668-4452

E: filterguy@comcast.net

W: purolator-facet.com


Quality Hydraulics & Pneumatics, Inc. 1415 Wilhelm Road Mundelein, IL 60060-4479

P: 847-680-8400

F: 847-680-5325

E: acc@qualityhydraulics.com

W: qualityhydraulics.com

Quincy Ortman Cylinders 3501 Wismann Lane Quincy, IL 62305-3116

P: 217-222-7766

F: 217-222-1773

E: sales@ortmanfluidpower.com W: quincyortmancylinders.com

R&R Rubber Molding, Inc. P.O. Box 3533 2444 Loma Avenue South El Monte, CA 91733

P: 626-575-8105 F: 626-575-3756

E: rpn@rrrubber.com W: rrrubber.com

R.M. Wright Company, Inc. 23910 Freeway Park Drive Farmington Hills, MI 48335

P: 248-476-9800

F: 248-476-9809 E: rmw102@earthlink.net W: rmwrightco.com

R.R. Floody Co., Inc. 5065 27th Avenue Rockford, IL 61109-1710

P: 815-399-1931

F: 815-399-0074

E: sales@rrfloody.com W: rrfloody.com

RAL Associates 1800 SE St. Lucie Blvd., Suite #B3-208 Stuart, FL 34996

P: 722-288-3220

F: 722-220-6075

E: ralmcl@aol.com

Ralph A. Hiller Company, Inc. 6005 Enterprise Drive Export, PA 15632

P: 724-325-1200

F: 724-733-1825

E: sales@rahiller.com W: rahiller.com

Ralph W. Earl Co., Inc. P.O. Box 2369 Syracuse, NY 13220-2369

P: 315-454-4431

F: 315-454-0977

E: rwearl@rwearl.com W: rwearl.com

RAM Industries 33 York Rd. East, P.O. Box 5007 Yorkton, SK Canada S3N 3Z4

P: 306-786-2677

F: 306-786-2651

E: marketing@ramindustries.com W: ramindustries.com

Rankin Automation Co.

P.O. Box 190 Broomall, PA 19008-0190

P: 610-544-6800

F: 610-328-6594

E: rware@rankinautomation.com W: rankinautomation.com

RB Royal Industries, Inc. 1350 S. Hickory Street Fond du Lac, WI 54935

P: 800-892-1550

F: 920-921-4713

E: sales@rbroyal.com W: rbroyal.com

Rectus-Tema Corp.

34 Wilson Dr. Sparta, NJ 07871-3400

P: 973-383-0095

F: 973-579-5485

E: information@rectus-tema.com

W: rectus-tema.com

Rectus-Tema Corporation 164 Pointe South Drive Randleman, NC 27317

P: 336-495-0014

F: 336-495-0024

E: information@rectus-tema.com

W: rectus-tema.com

Reece Fluid Power Co. 5245 Secor Road, Unit 1 Toledo, OH 43623

P: 419-473-2428

F: 419-473-8769

E: reecejohn@hotmail.com

W: reecefluidpower.com

Reelcraft Industries, Inc. 2842 East Business Hwy. 30 Columbia City, IN 46725

P: 260-248-8188

F: 260-248-2605

E: reelcraft@reelcraft.com W: reelcraft.com

Rego Cryo-Flow Products 3181 Lear Drive Burlington, NC 27215

P: 336-226-3244

F: 336-227-6294

E: cflow@regoproducts.com

W: regoproducts.com

RG Group 650 North State Street York, PA 17403

P: 1-800-340-0854

E: customer.service@rg-group. com W: rg-group.com

RHEINTACHO Messtechnik GmbH Waltershofener Str. 1 Freiburg, Germany 79111

P: +49(0) 761 45130

F: +49(0) 761 445274

E: info@rheintacho.de

W: rheintacho.com

RHM Fluid Power, Inc. 375 Manufacturers Drive Westland, MI 48186-4038

P: 734-326-5400

F: 734-326-0339

E: btulloch@rhmfp.com

W: rhmfluidpower.com

Rietschle Inc. 7222 Parkway Drive Hanover, MD 21076

P: 410-712-4100

F: 410-712-4148

E: fkiska@rtpumps.com W: rtpumps.com

Ritepro, Inc.

A Subsidiary of BRAY Int’l, Inc. 12200 Albert Hudon Blvd. Montreal, Quebec H1G 3K7 CANADA

P: 514-324-8900

F: 514-324-9525

E: strudel@bray.qc.ca

W: ritepro.com

RL Miller LLC 705 Mansfield Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15205

P: 412-722-1600

F: 412-722-1660

E: sales@rlmillerllc.com

W: rlmillerllc.com

Robbins & Bohr, Inc.

P.O. Box 4046 Chattanooga, TN 37405

P: 423-756-4430

F: 423-756-4439

E: robbins@cdc.net W: robbinsbohr.com

Robeck Fluid Power Co. 350 Lena Drive Aurora, OH 44202

P: 330-562-1140 F: 330-562-1141

E: sales@robeckfluidpower.com W: robeckfluidpower.com

Roessel & Company, Inc.

199 LaGrange Ave.

Rochester, NY 14613-1593

P: 585-458-5560

F: 585-458-6074

E: flaitenberger@roessel.com

W: roessel.com

Ross Controls 1250 Stephenson Hwy. Troy, MI 48083

P: 248-764-1802

F: 248-764-1850

E: sales.info@rosscontrols.com

W: rosscontrols.com

Rota-Cyl Corporation 136 Stauffer Road BechPhonesville, PA 19505

P: 610-845-8001

F: 610-845-8178

E: sales@rotacyl.com W: rotacyl.com

Rota Engineering Limited Wellington Street Bury, Manchester United Kingdom, BL8 2BD

P: 0044-161-764-0424

F: 0161-762-9729

E: info@rota-eng.com W: rota-eng.com

Rotary Systems, Inc. 14440 Azurite Street NW Minneapolis, MN 55303

P: 763-323-1514

F: 763-323-1622

E: info@rotarysystems.com

W: rotarysystems.com

Rotomation, INC. 11 Sunshine BLVD. Ormond Beach, FL 32174

P: 386-676-6377

F: 386-676-6379

E: sales@rotomation.com

W: rotomation.com

Rotor Clip Company, Inc. 187 Davidson Avenue Somerset, NJ 08873

P: 732-469-7333

F: 732-469-7898

E: sales@rotorclip.com

W: rotorclip.com

Rotork-Hiller 6005 Enterprise Drive Export, PA 15632

P: 724-325-1200

F: 724-733-1825

E: sales@rahiller.com

W: rahiller.com

RR-TCI USA, Inc. 8 Creek Parkway Boothwyn, PA 19061

P: 610-497-0154 F: 610-497-6085

E: kwagner@rr-tciusainc.com


8 Creek Parkway Boothwyn, PA 19061

P: 610-497-0154

F: 610-497-6085

E: azanellotti@rrusainc.com

W: rrusainc.com

RT Dygert 12121 Nicollet Avenue South Burnsville, MN 55337

P: 952-835-1700

F: 952-835-1701

E: sales@rtdygert.com

W: rtdygert.com

Rubber Tree Systems, LLC 2601 Hill Avenue Toledo, OH 43607

P: 419-346-5151

F: 419-537-0041

E: eesystems.net

W: rubbertreesystems.net

RYCO Hydraulics 1616 Greens Road Houston, TX 77032

P: 281-821-4100

F: 281-821-4300

E: sales@ryco.us W: ryco.com.au


S. G. Morris Co.

699 Miner Road Cleveland, OH 44143

P: 866-746-6774 F: 866-746-2556

E: sgmmail@sgmorris.com W: sgmorris.com

S. Himmelstein and Company 2490 Pembroke Ave. Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

P: 847-843-3300 F: 847-843-8488 E: sales@himmelstein.com W: himmelstein.com

Safeway Hydraulics, Inc. 4040 Norex Dr. Chaska, MN 55318 P: 952-466-6220 F: 952-466-6219 E: mail@safewayhyd.com W: safewayhyd.com

Santest Co.Ltd/Exsenco LLC P.O. Box 271348 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 P: 361-510-3264 E: exsenco@gmail.com W: exsenco.com

Saylor-Beall Mfg. 400 N. Kibbee St. St. Johns, MI 48879 P: 989-224-2371 F: 989-224-8788 W: saylor-beall.com

Scenery Hydraulic, Inc. 1939 S. Lake Pl. Ontario, CA 91761

P: 909-930-9586 F: 909-354-3181 E: sam@sceneryhydraulic.com W: sceneryhydraulic.com

Schmalz, Inc. Raleigh, NC 27609 P: 919-713-0880 F: 919-713-0883 E: info@schmalz.us W: schmalz.com

Schroeder Industries 580 W. Park Road Leetsdale, PA 15056 P: 800-722-4810 F: 724-318-1200 E: sisales@schroederindustries. com W: schroederindustries.com/ Schunk 211 Kitty Hawk Drive Morrisville, NC 27560 P: 919-572-2705 F: 919-572-2818

E: info@us.schunk.com W: schunk.com

Scott Equipment Co, Inc. P.O. Box 670 Huntersville, NC 28070-9005 P: 704-875-1611 F: 704-875-0625

E: webmaster@scotteq.com W: scotteq.com

Scott Industrial Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 1387 Dayton, OH 45401 P: 937-233-8146 F: 937-233-1819

E: cgrudich@scottindustrial.com

Seal Master Corporation 368 Martinel Drive Kent, OH 44240

P: 330-673-8410

F: 330-673-3233

E: info@sealmaster.com W: sealmaster.com

Sentinel Fluid Controls, LLC

5702 Opportunity Drive Toledo, OH 43612 P: 419-478-9086 F: 419-478-4839

E: info@sentinelfc.com W: sentinelfc.com

Sepa, Inc.

5241 New Peachtree Road, Suite H

Atlanta, GA 30341

P: 770-274-0000

F: 770-274-0001

E: billn@sepaautomation.com

W: sepaautomation.com


2900 MacArthur Blvd.

Northbrook, IL 60062

P: 847-509-2900

F: 847-559-1995

E: sales@serfilco.com

W: serfilco.com

Service Hydraulics

222 S. Navigation BLVD.

Corpus Christi, TX 78405

P: 361-883-3891

F: 361-883-3893

E: aaron@servicehyd.com

W: servicehyd.com

ServoCon Alpha 167 Expo Road Fisherville, VA 22939

P: 1-800-447-7747

F: 540-337-4901

E: Lab@servoconalpha.com

W: servoconalpha.com


501 Little Falls Road

Cedar Grove, NJ 07009

P: 973-785-4630

F: 973-785-0756

E: info@servometer.com

W: servometer.com

Servo-Tek Products Co. Inc. 1086 Goffle Road Hawthorne, NJ 07506

P: 973-427-3100

F: 973-427-4249

E: sales@servotek.com

W: servotek.com

Seven Ocean Hydraulic Industrial CO., LTD.

24F., No. 789, Zhonguing S. Rd. South District

Taichung City, Taiwan 602

P: 886-422-658680

F: 886-422-600158

E: service@seven-ocean.com.tw W: tocean.com

Seventy-Three Mfg. Co. Inc. 136 Stauffer Rd., PO Box 269 BechPhonesville, PA 19505 P: 610-845-7823 F: 610-845-7824

SFC KOENIG LLC 73 Defco Park Road North Haven, CT 06473

P: 203-245-1100 F: 203-245-3072 E: info-us@sfckoenig.com W: sfckoenig.com

Sharp Controls Inc. P.O. Box 668408 Charlotte, NC 28266

P: 704-394-1395 F: 704-392-5521 E: don@sharpcontrols.com W: sharpcontrols.com

Shelco Filters 100 Bradley Street Middletown, CT 06457

P: 860-854-6121

F: 860-854-6120

E: info@shelco.com W: shelco.com

Sherex Fastening Solutions 400 Riverwalk Pkwy, Suite 600 Tonawanda, NY 14150

P: 866.474.3739

E: info@sherex.com W: sherex.com


Have there been changes to your business’s name, address, phone or fax number, email address or web address? Let us know as soon as possible to ensure a correct listing in the next directory.

SICK, Inc.

6900 W. 110th St. Minneapolis, MN 55438

P: 800-325-7425

F: 952-941-9287

E: info@sick.com W: sickusa.com

Sidener Engineering Company, Inc. P.O. Box 1476

Noblesville, IN 46061

P: 317-773-8119

F: 317-773-2158

E: dwebster@sidenereng.com W: sidenereng.com

Sierra Instruments, Inc. 5 Harris Court, Bldg. L Monterey, CA 93940

P: 831-373-0200

F: 831-373-4402

E: info@sierrainstruments.com W: sierrainstruments.com


1500 Sylvania Avenue, Suite 111 Sturtevant, WI 53177

P: 262-886-2695

F: 262-898-0101

E: info@sika-usa.com W: sika-usa.com

Simerics, Inc. 1750 112th Ave. NE, Ste. 250 Bellevue, WA 98004

P: 425-502-9978

F: 256-489-1460

E: contact@simerics.com

W: simerics.com

Simrit – A Division of FreudenbergNOK 47690 E. Anchor Court Plymouth, MI 48170

P: 866-274-6748

F: 734-354-5500

E: information@simrit.us

W: simritna.com

Siwi P.O. Box 1415 Glendora, CA 91741

P: 626-963-7643

F: 626-963-3612

Skarda Equipment Co. Inc.

P.O. Box 3568 Omaha, NE 68103-3568

P: 402-422-0430

F: 402-345-1567

E: skarda@skarda.com

W: skarda.com

Skeans Compressed Air Products

1900 Brigantine Drive Coquitlam, BC


P: 604-777-4247

F: 604-777-1900

E: skeans@skeans.com

W: skeans.com

Skeans Group 1475 Howe Street Vancouver, BC


P: 604-688-6757

F: 604-683-4573

E: skeans@skeans.com

W: skeans.com

Smalley Steel Ring Co. 555 Oakwood Rd. Lake Zurich, IL 60047

P: 847-719-5900

F: 847-719-5999

E: info@smalley.com

W: smalley.com

SNO-Motion Solutions

2500 Decker Lke Blvd. #23B

Salt Lake City, UT 84119

P: 385-227-8381

E: sales@sno-motion.com W: sno-motion.com

Source Fluid Power 331 Lake Hazeltine Drive Chaska, MN 55318

P: 952-368-3866 F: 952-448-3392 W: sourcefp.com

Southern Fluidpower, Inc. P.O. Box 16849 Chattanooga, TN 37416 P: 423-510-0205 F: 423-899-1821 E: ddavidson@southernfp.com W: southernfp.com

Southwestern Controls 6720 Sands Point Suite 201 Houston, TX 77074-3702

P: 713-777-2626

F: 713-988-1521

E: grchurch@swcontrols.com W: swcontrols.com

Spartan Scientific 230 McClurg Rd Youngstown, OH 44512 P: 330-758-8446 E: customerservice@ spartanscientific.com W: spartanscientific.com

SPC USA Corp. 377 Van Ness Way #1206 Torrance, CA 90501 P: 310-212-5568 F: 310-212-5583 E: sales@spctrade.com W: spctrade.com

Spectroline Industrial 956 Brush Hollow Road Westbury, NY 11590 P: 516-333-4840 F: 516-333-4859 E: info@spectroline.com W: spectroline.com

Spectrum Industrial Products 15151 York Road North Royalton, OH 44133 P: 440-877-3100 F: 440-877-3101 E: sales@spectrumip.net W: spectrumip.net

Spencer Fluid Power 19308 68th Ave. South Kent, WA 98032 P: 253-872-0214 F: 253-395-7372 E: ljohnson@spencerfluidpower. com W: spencerfluidpower.com

SPhonemi America Inc. 1601 Brooks Drive Marshall, MI 49068 P: 269-781-6222 F: 269-781-7723 E: info@sPhonemiamerica.com W: sPhonemiamerica.com

SPIR STAR, Inc. 1002 Sam Houston Center Drive Houston, TX 77064

P: 281-664-7800 F: 281-664-7850 E: info@spirstar.com W: spirstar.com

SPX Hydraulic Technologies/ Power Team

5885 11th Street

Rockford, IL 61109

P: 800-541-1418

F: 800-288-7031

E: info@powerteam.com W: powerteam.com

SSP Fittings Corp.

8250 Boyle Parkway

Twinsburg, OH 44087-2200

P: 330-425-4250

F: 330-425-8106

E: sales@sspfittings.com W: sspfittings.com

Stacey Supply Corporation DBA HUFCO P.O. Box 40489

Houston, TX 77040

P: 713-460-0810

F: 713-460-1073

E: hufco@onramp.net W: hufco.com

Stafford Manufacturing Corp. 256 Andover St. Wilmington, MA 01887 P: 800-695-5551 F: 978-657-4731

E: sales@staffordmfg.com W: staffordmfg.com

Stainless Hose Fittings, Ltd. 8103 Red Bluff Rd. Pasadena, TX 77507

P: 832-456-2000 F: 832-456-2005

E: accounting@shfltd.com W: shfltd.com

Stanley M. Proctor Company P.O. Box 446 2016 Midway Drive Twinsburg, OH 44087

P: 330-425-7814

F: 330-425-3222

E: proctor@stanleyprocter.com W: stanleyproctor.com

Stauff Corporation 7 Wm. Demarest Place Waldwick, NJ 07463

P: 201-444-7800

F: 201-444-7852

E: sales@stauffusa.com W: stauff.com

Stewart Huntz 8 Garfield Circle Burlington, MA 1803

P: 781-272-4411

F: 781-272-5172

Struble Fluid Power 2301 South Platte River Dr. Denver, CO 80223

P: 303-935-3866

F: 303-935-3868

E: sales@strublefluidpower.com W: strublefluidpower.com

Sturgis Equipment Company of Kansas City 11860 W. 91st Street Overland Park, KS 66214

P: 913-492-2444

F: 913-492-2997

E: sturgiskc@aol.com W: sturgisequipment.com

SUCO ESI North America 6560 W. Rogers Cir. # 22 Boca Raton, FL 33487 P: 561-989-8499 F: 561-989-8816

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Smartflow by Burger & Brown Engineering, Inc. 4500 E 142nd St Grandview, MO 64030

P: 816-878-6675

E: sales@smartflow-usa.com W: smartflow-usa.com

SMC Corporation of America 10100 SMC Boulevard Noblesville, IN 46060

P: 800-762-7621

F: 317-899-3102

W: smcusa.com

Sponsler, Inc. A unit of IDEX Corp. 2363 Sandifer Blvd. Westminster, SC 29693 P: 864-647-2065 F: 864-647-1255 E: sales@sponsler.com W: sponsler.com

Sprague Air Controls, Inc. 75 Research Road Hingham, MA 02043-4311 P: 781-740-3500 F: 781-740-2283 W: spragueair.com

E: marketing@sucoesi.com W: sucoesi.com

SUHNER Manufacturing, Inc. 43 Anderson Rd. SW Rome, GA 30161

P: 706-235-8046

F: 706-235-8045

E: sumacosales.usa@suhner.com W: suhner-transmission-expert. com/en/contact

SUHNER Industrial Products, LLC 43 Anderson Rd. SW Rome, GA 30161

P: 706-235-8046 F: 706-235-8045

E: sales.usa@suhner.com

W: suhner-abrasive-expert.com/ en/contact

Sun Hydraulics Corporation

1500 West University Parkway Sarasota, FL 34243

P: 941-362-1200

F: 941-355-4497

E: suninfo@sunhydraulics.com

W: sunhydraulics.com

Sunfab Hydraulics Inc.

6426 Hendry Road, Suite A Charlotte, NC 28269

P: 704-509-6435

E: sunfab-us@sunfab.com

W: sunfab.com/us


2301 Windsor Ct Addison, IL 60101

P: 630-317-2700

F: 630-317-1001

E: info@sunsrce.com

W: sun-source.com

Super Swivels

7917 Beech St. NE Minneapolis, MN 55432

P: 763-784-5531

F: 763-784-7423

E: sales@superswivels.com

W: superswivels.com

SVF Flow Controls, Inc.

13560 Larwin Circle

Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670

P: 800-783-7836

F: 562-802-3114

E: sales@svf.net W: SVF.net

Swanson Industries

2608 Smithtown Road Morgantown, WV 26508

P: 800-327-6203


E: industrial sales@ swansonindustries.com

W: swansonindustries.com

Swift-Cor Precision, Inc.

344 W. 157th Street Gardena, CA 90248

P: 310-354-1200

F: 310-323-2029

E: jlaib@swiftcor.com

W: swiftcor.com

Switching Solutions Inc.

380 Four Valley Drive Concord, Ontario L4K 5Z1


P: 905-303-8700

F: 905-303-7130

E: aleung@switchingssi.com

W: switchingssi.com

SymCom, Inc.

2880 N. Plaza Drive Rapid City, SD 57702

P: 605-348-5580

F: 605-348-5685

E: sales@symcominc.com W: symcom.com

System Seals Inc. 24202 Aurora Road Cleveland, OH 44146

P: 216-676-9934

F: 216-676-9935

W: systemseals.com T

Taylor Devices, Inc.

90 Taylor Drive North Tonawanda, NY 14120

P: 716-694-0800

F: 716-695-6015

E: taylordevi@aol.com W: taylordevices.com

TECO Pneumatic, Inc. 1069 Serpentine Lane Pleasanton, CA 94566

P: 925-426-8500

F: 925-426-9539

E: karl@tecopneumatic.com W: tecopneumatic.com

Teknocraft, Inc.

425 West Dr. Melbourne, FL 32904

P: 321-729-9634

F: 321-768-8732

E: tomo@teknocraft.com W: teknocraft.com

Tele Radio 14895 NE 20th Ave North Miami Miami, FL 14895

P: 1-866-629-0780

E: info@teleradio.com W: tele-radio.com

Temposonics, LLC

3001 Sheldon Dr. Cary, NC 27513

P: 919-677-0100

F: 919-677-2343

E: info.us@temposonics.com W: temposonics.com

Tennco, Inc. P.O. Box 298 Middletown, PA 17057

P: 717-731-1880

F: 717-731-1879

E: sales@tenncoinc.com W: tenncoinc.com

Terrell Manufacturing, Inc. 19444 Progress Dr. Strongsville, OH 44149

P: 440-238-5445

F: 440-238-4249

E: tmfg@sblglobal.net W: terrellmfg.com

Texacone Company 4111 Forney Avenue Dallas, TX 75149

P: 972-288-4404

F: 972-289-6285

E: J.Wheeler@texacone.com W: texacone.com


7330 W. Sam Houston Parkway North Houston, TX 77040-3191

P: 713-937-8111

F: 713-937-0436

E: texadrau@onramp.net W: texadraulics.com

Texas Hydraulics, Inc. 3410 Range Road Temple, TX 76504

P: 254-770-4701

F: 254-774-9940

E: inquiry@texashyd.com W: texashydraulics.com

Texcel 4444 Homestead Road Houston, TX 77028

P: 800-231-7116

F: 800-759-4673

E: sales@texcelrubber.com

W: texcelrubber.com

The Paquin Company 9286 Mercantile Drive Mentor, OH 44060

P: 800-260-5664

F: 216-261-5705

E: paquin@paquin.com W: paquin.com

Thermal Dynamics Corp. 4850 Airport Drive Ontario, CA 91761

P: 909-390-3944

F: 909-923-9797

W: thermaldynamics.com

Themal Spray Solutions, Inc. 1105 International Plaza, Suite B Chesapeake, VA 23323

P: 757-673-2468

F: 757-673-3128

E: info@themalsprayusa.com W: thermalsprayusa.com

Thermal Transfer Products

5215 21st St. Racine, WI 53406

P: 262-554-8330

F: 262-554-8536

E: ttpsales@thermasys.com W: thermaltransfer.com

Thomas Magnete USA, LLC

4465 N. 124th Street, Unit F Brookfield, WI 53005

P: 262-781-2900

F: 262-783-6845

W: thomas-magnete.com

Thomas Products LTD

987 West St. Southington, CT 06489

P: 860-621-9101

F: 860-621-1470

E: vendors@thomasprod.com

W: thomasprod.com

Tiger Seal & Supply Co.

2301 Albany St. Kenner, LA 70062

P: 504-464-0031

F: 504-471-0092

E: TigerMfgCo@aol.com

W: tigerseal&supply.com

Titan, Inc.

9900 Durand Ave. Sturtevant, WI 53177

P: 262-884-2890

F: 262-884-8070

E: tevans@titansystems.com W: titansystems.com

T-Lon Products Inc. 1110 Richards Road Hartland, WI 53029

P: 262-367-2333

F: 262-367-8159

E: bolson@t-lon.com

W: t-lon.com

Tobul Accumulator, Inc.

61 Innovation Drive Bamberg, SC 29003

P: 803-245-2400

F: 803-245-2636

E: sales@tobul.com

W: tobul.com

Tolomatic Inc.

3800 County RD 116 Hamel, MN 55340

P: 763-478-8000

F: 763-478-8080

E: help@tolomatic.com

W: tolomatic.com

Top Worx

3300 Fern Valley Rd. Louisville, KY 10213

P: 502-969-8000

F: 502-969-5911

W: topworx.com

TPC Pneumatics

12411 McCann Dr. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670

P: 800-347-3954

F: 562-944-3785

E: Eyaw@tanhay.com

W: tpcpage.com

Tracer Products 956 Brush Hollow Road Westbury, NY 11590

P: 800-274-8888

F: 800-491-6868

E: info@tracerline.com

W: tracerline.com

Travaini Pumps USA

200 Newsome Drive Yorktown, VA 23692

P: 757-988-3930

F: 757-988-3978

E: customerservice@travaini.com W: travaini.com

Trelleborg Sealing Solutions 2531 Bremer Rd. Fort Wayne, IN 46803

P: 260-749-9631

F: 260-749-4844

E: tssusa@trelleborg.com

W: trelleborg.com/en/seals

Trent Tube 2015 Energy Drive East Troy, WI 53120

P: 262-642-7321

F: 262-642-9571

E: sales@trent-tube.com

W: trent-tube.com

Triad Technologies, LLC

985 Falls Creek Dr. Vandalia, OH 45377

P: 800-420-8575

F: 800-420-4324

E: sales@triadtechnologies.com W: triadtechnologies.com

Tribute, Inc. 1696-F Georgetown Road Hudson, OH 44236

P: 330-656-3006

F: 330-656-3464

E: nbaker@tribute.com

W: tribute.com

Trico Corp. 1235 Hickory Street Pewaukee, WI 53072

P: 262-691-9336

F: 262-691-2576

E: cservice@tricocorp.com

W: tricocorp.com

Tri-Line Automation 250 Summit Point Drive Henrietta, NY 14467

P: 585-321-9620

F: 585-321-9628

E: trilineton@aol.com

W: trilineautomation.com

Triple R Oil Cleaner

2700 Dufferin St. Unit 86 Toronto, ONT M6B 4J3


P: 416-413-9202

Toll free: 800-668-8671

F: 416-413-9387

E: dmurray@triple-rrr.com

W: triple-rrr.com

TSI Solutions 2220 Centre Park Court Stone Mountain, GA 30087

P: 770-879-3500

F: 770-879-3511

E: mail@4tsi.com

W: 4tsi.com

TTI – Todd Technologies Inc. 11080 Irma Dr. Northglenn, CO 80233

P: 1-303-585-0132

E: Sales@toddtechinc.com

W: toddtechinc.com

Tubes N’ Hoses 820 N. Dallas Ave Lancaster, TX 75146

P: 972-923-0766

F: 972-332-4119

E: sales@tubesnhoses.com

W: tubesnhoses.com


105 Commerce Way Westminster, SC 29693

P: 864-647-9521

F: 864-647-9574

E: CAP_CustomerService@itt.com

W: turn-act.com

Turner Hydraulics, Inc. P.O. Box 728 Carlisle, PA 17013-0728

P: 717-243-3329 F: 717-243-8865

E: custserv@turnerhydraulics.com W: turnerhydraulics.com

Tuthill Coupling Group - Hansen Couplings 1000 West Bagley Rd. Berea, OH 44017-0805

P: 440-826-1115

F: 440-826-0115

E: hansencoupling@tuthill.com W: tuthill.com

Tuxco Corp. 4300 Grove Ave. Gurnee, IL 60031

P: 847-244-2220 F: 847-244-7335

E: moreinfo@tuxco.com W: tuxco.com U

UE Systems, Inc. 14 Hayes St. Elmsford, NY 10523

P: 914-592-1220

F: 914-347-2181

E: info@uesystems.com W: uesystems.com

UFI Hydraulic Filters Division 9337 Ravenna Rd., Unit G Twinsburg, OH 44087

P: 330-405-1800 F: 330-405-1801

E: sales@uhiltd.com W: uhiltd.com

Global Leader in Contamination Control

Ultra Clean Technologies Corp. 1274 Highway 77 Bridgeton, NJ 08302

P: 800-791-9111 F: 856-453-4975

E: sales@ultracleantech.com W: ultracleantech.com

Ultraflo Corporation, A Subsidiary of BRAY Int’l Inc. #8 Trautman Industrial Drive Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670 P: 800-950-1762 F: 573-883-8882 E: ultraflo@ultraflovalve.com W: ultraflovalve.com

Unique Automation LLC 612 East Main Street Palmyra, NY 14522 P: 315-597-4900 F: 315-597-4952

E: C.schaofelberger@ uniqueautomation.com W: uniqueautomation.com

United Electric Controls 180 Dexter Ave. Watertown, MA 02478 P: 617-926-1000 F: 617-926-4354 E: marketing@ueonline.com W: ueonline.com

Universal Flow Monitors, Inc. 1755 E. Nine Mile Rd. Hazel Park, MI 48030 P: 248-542-9635 F: 248-398-4274 E: ufm@flowmeters.com W: flowmeters.com

Universal Grinding Corporation 1234 West 78th Street Cleveland, OH 44102-1914 P: 216-631-9410 F: 216-631-5264 E: monica@universalgrinding.com W: universalgrinding.com

Universal Hydraulics International LTD 9337 Ravenna Road, Unit G Twinsburg, OH 44087 P: 330-405-1800 F: 330-405-1801 E: sales@uhiltd.com W: uhiltd.com

Universal Hydraulik USA, Corp. Fort Meigs Business Center 25651 Fort Meigs Road Suite A Perrysburg, OH 43551

P: +1-419-873-6340 F: +1-419-873-6341 E: info@universalhydraulik.com W: universalhydraulik-usa.com V

Vaccon Company 9 Industrial Park Rd. Medway, MA 02053

P: 508-359-7200 F: 508-359-0177

E: pkellogg@vaccon.com W: vaccon.com

Vacuforce, Inc.

5789 Coopers Avenue Mississauga, Ontario Canada L4Z 3S6 P: 866-280-3766 F: 866-280-4829 E: info@vacuforce.com W: vacuforce.com

Valley Hydraulics and Air Inc.

6313 Winside Dr. Bethlehem, PA 18017

P: 610-837-2768

F: 610-837-2784

E: valhyd@aol.com

W: valleyhydraulicsandair.com

Van Air Systems

2950 Mechanic St. Lake City, PA 16423

P: 814-774-2631

F: 814-774-0778

E: info@vanairsystems.com

W: vanairsystems.com

Van Hydraulics, Inc.

643 Sayre Ave.

Perth Amboy, NJ 08861

P: 732-442-5500

F: 732-442-5443

E: SteveR1@mycomcast.com

Veljan Hydrair Pvt. Ltd.


Hyderabad, A.P. (India) 500 037

P: +91 40 3770128

F: +91 40 3773963

E: info@veljan.com

W: veljan.in

Ventura Hydraulic & Machine Works, Inc.

1555 Callens Rd. Ventura, CA 93003

P: 805-656-1760

F: 805-644-3800

E: Katherine@venturahydraulics. com

W: venturahydraulics.com

Vermatic Products, Inc.

2385 So. 179th St. New Berlin, WI 53146

P: 262-782-4380

F: 262-782-7491

E: info@vermatic.com

W: vermatic.com

Versa Products Company, Inc.

22 Spring Valley Rd. Paramus, NJ 07652-4347

P: 201-843-2400

F: 201-843-2931

E: sales@versa-valves.com

W: versa-valves.com

Vescor Corporation

50 North River Street South Elgin, IL 60177

P: 847-742-7270

F: 847-742-2905

E: sales@vescor.com

W: vescor.com

VEST, Inc.

3250 W. Big Beaver Rd., Suite 440 Troy, MI 48084

P: 248-649-9550

F: 248-649-9560

E: sales@vestusa.com

W: vestusa.com

Veyance Technologies, Inc.

703 S. Cleveland-Massillon Road Fairlawn, OH 44333

P: 800-235-4632

F: 330-664-7145

E: Hydraulics@veyance.com

W: veyance.com


199 Fire Tower Drive Tonawanda, NY 14150

P: 716-629-3800

F: 716-693-9162

E: solutions@viatran.com

W: viatran.com

Vickers-Warnick Ltd.

342 Dewitt Road North Stoney Creek, PQ Canada L8E 2T2

P: 905-662-7737

F: 905-662-9424

E: stoney@vickers-warnick.com

W: vickers-warnick.com

Victaulic 4901 Kesslersville Road

Easton, PA 18040

P: 610-559-3300

F: 610-250-8817

E: victaulic@victaulic.com

Vindum Engineering Inc.

1 Woodview Court San Ramon, CA 94582

P: 925-275-0633 F: 925-275-9697

E: info@vindum.com W: vindum.com

Voelker Controls Co P.O. Box 487 Franklin, OH 45005

P: 937-433-8128 F: 937-433-6076

Voith Turbo, Inc. 25 Winship Road York, PA 17406

P: 717-767-3200 F: 717-767-3210

E: VTI-Information@voith.com W: usa.voithturbo.com

Vonberg Valve, Inc. 1380 Norwood Avenue Itasca, Illinois 60143 P: 847-259-3800 F: 1-847-259-3997

E: sales@vonberg.com W: vonberg.com W

W.P. Associates 211 Hickory Point Buckhead, GA 30625 P: 706-991-9946 E: wpassociates@plantationcable. net

Wainbee Limited 5789 Coopers Avenue Mississauga, ON Canada L4Z 3S6 P: 905-568-1700 F: 905-568-0083 E: rrodger@wainbee.com W: wainbee.ca

Walvoil Fluid Power 4111 N Garnett Rd Tulsa, OK 74116 P: 918-858-7100 F: 918-858-7150 E: info@walvoil.com W: walvoil.com

Wandfluh of America, Inc. 909 High Street Mundelem, IL 60060

P: 847-566-5700

F: 847-566-5733

E: sales@wandfluh-us.com W: wandfluh-us.com

Warden Fluid Dynamics P.O. Box 31879 Seattle, WA 98103-8610 P: 206-633-0382 F: 206-633-2980

E: info@wfdonline.com

Warehousetwo P.O. Box 1567 Palo Alto, CA 94302

P: 650-329-1592 F: 650-618-0391 E: info@warehousetwo.com W: warehousetwo.com

Warren Electric Corp. 36 Franklin St. PO Box 86 Warren, RI 02885

P: 401-245-3700 F: 401-245-9331 E: wec@warrene.com W: warrene.com

Waterclock Engineering

342 N Water Street, #600 Milwaukee, WI 53202

P: 888-902-2297

E: info@waterclockeng.com

W: waterclockeng.com

Webtec LLC 1290 E. Waterford Ave

St. Francis, WI 53235

P: +1-800-932-8378

E: sales-us@webtec.com

WEH Technologies, Inc.

24903 Laguna Edge Drive

Katy, TX 77494

P: 832-331-0021

F: 281-712-2664

E: sales@weh.us W: weh.us

West Coast Fluid Power

5370 S. Watt Ave., Ste. 300 Sacramento, CA 95826

P: 800-532-8837

F: 800-370-0447

E: sales@comoso.com W: comoso.com

Western Hydrostatics, Inc. 1956 Keats Dr. Riverside, CA 92501

P: 951-784-2133

F: 951-784-8423

E: pjmaluso@weshyd.com W: weshyd.com

Western Integrated Technologies 13406 SE 32nd Street Bellevue, WA 98005

P: 425-747-0927

F: 425-747-0940

E: sales@westernintech.com W: westernintech.com

Western Starr Hydraulics 5500 East Nine Mile Road Warren, MI 48091

P: 800-842-5377

F: 810-754-1665

White Oak Controls, Inc.

1105 Derek Lincoln Drive West Burlington, IA 52655

P: 319-752-4093

F: 877-469-9815

E: info@whiteoakcontrols.com W: whiteoakcontrols.com

WHM FluidPower, Inc. 862 Lennox Kalamazoo, MI 49002

P: 616-327-7011

F: 616-327-5999

E: dgruss@wmh.com

WIKA Instrument Corp. 1000 Wiegand Blvd. Lawrenceville, GA 30043

P: 770-513-8200

F: 770-338-5118

E: info@wika.com W: wika.com

Wilkes and McLean

600 Estes Ave. Schaumburg, IL 60193

P: 847-534-2000

F: 847-534-2016

E: info@wilkesandmclean.com W: wilkesandmclean.com

William H. Nash Co., Inc. 4202 E. Pioneer Drive Commerce Twp., MI 48390

P: 248-363-5400

F: 248-363-5700

E: sales@whnash.com W: whnash.com

Wilson Company 16301 Addison Road Addison, TX 75001

P: 972-931-8666

F: 972-248-7472

W: wilson-company.com

Winco Fluid Power Inc. 100 Railroad Drive Ivyland, PA 18974

P: 888-946-8626

F: 215-657-4680

E: info@wincofp.com

W: wincofp.com

Winters Instruments 600 Ensminger Rd. Buffalo, NY 14150

P: 716-874-8700

F: 716-874-8800

E: usasales@winters.com W: winters.com

Winters Instruments 121 Railside Road Toronto, ON M3A 1B2 CANADA

P: 1-800-Winters F: 416-444-8979

E: sales@winters.com W: winters.com

Wistech Controls Co. 4810 S. 36th Street Phoenix, AZ 85040-2995

P: 602-243-4361

F: 602-243-0125

E: wistech@ix.netcom.com

W: wistech.com

Wojanis Supply Company, Inc.

1001 Montour West Industrial Park Coraopolis, PA 15108-9308

P: 724-695-1415

F: 724-695-3742

E: sales@wojanis.com

W: wojanis.com

Womack Machine Supply Company

13835 Senlac Drive Farmers Branch, TX 75234

P: 800-569-9800

F: 214-350-9322

E: sales@womack-machine.com

W: womackmachine.com/systems

World Wide Fittings, Inc.

600 Corporate Woods Parkway Vernon Hills, IL 60061

P: 847-588-2200

F: 847-588-2212

E: sales@worldwidefittings.com

W: worldwidefittings.com

World Wide Metric 37 Readington Rd. Branchburg, NJ 08876

P: 732-247-2300

F: 732-247-7258

E: sales@worldwidemetric.com

W: worldwidemetric.com

Worldwide Electric Corporation 3540 Winton Place Rochester, NY 14623

P: 800-808-2131

F: 800-711-1616

E: sales@worldwideelectric.net

W: worldwideelectric.net

Wyatt Sales Corporation P.O. Box 360350 Strongsville, OH 44136

P: 440-572-4888

F: 440-572-4811

Yates Industries, Inc. 23050 East Industrial Drive St. Clair Shores, MI 48080-1177 P: 586-778-7680 F: 586-778-6565

E: sales@yatesind.com W: yatesind.com

Youli-America, a Division of RanFam, LLC 222 S. Navigation Blvd. Corpus Christi, TX 78405

P: 888-330-8041

F: 713-461-9631

E: service@youli-america.com W: youli-america.com

Young Powertech Inc 3060 Plaza DR. Garnet Valley, PA 19060

P: 610-558-0760 F: 610-558-0762

E: info@youngpowertech.com W: youngpowertech.com

Yuken/ALA Industries Limited 1150 Southpoint Circle, Suite D

Valparaiso, IN 46385

P: 877-419-8536

F: 219-477-4194

E: alaindustries@yuken-usa.com W: yuken-usa.com


Zander Inc.

5900-B Northwoods Pkwy

Charlotte, NC 28269

P: 800-543-0851

F: 678-924-1111

E: zanderusa@zanderusa.com W: zanderusa.com

Zatkoff Seals & Packings 23230 Industrial Park Drive

Farmington Hills, MI 48335 P: 248-478-2400 F: 248-478-3392

E: info@zatkoff.com W: zatkoff.com

Zeks Compressed Air Solutions 1302 Goshen Parkway West Chester, PA 19380 P: 610-692-9100 F: 610-692-9192

E: zeks@zeks.com W: zeks.com

Zemarc Engineering 6431 Flotilla Street Los Angeles, CA 90040

P: 323-721-5598

F: 323-722-2220

E: sales@zemarc.com W: zemarc.com/engineering

Zemarc Fluid Power 1801 Addison Way Hayward, CA 94544

P: 510-783-3964

F: 510-783-1443

E: sales@zemarc.com W: zemarc.com

Zemarc Fluid Power – Authorized Service Center 3510 E. Church Avenue Fresno, CA 93725

P: 559-264-2009

F: 559-268-2361

E: sales@zemarc.com W: zemarc.com/service

Zemarc Fluid Power & Ventura ParkerStore 2960 Los Olivos Oxnard, CA 94544

P: 805-973-5900

F: 805-973-5919

E: sales@zemarc.com W: zemarc.com

Zero-Max, Inc. 13200 Sixth Ave. North Plymouth, MN 55441

P: 800-531-1731

F: 763-546-8260

E: sales@zero-max.com W: zero-max.com

Zinga Industries, A Filtration Group Company 2400 Zinga Drive Reedsburg, WI 53959

P: 608-524-4200

F: 608-524-4220

E: zinga@zinga.com W: zinga.com

ZMC Corporation 1255 Stone Drive San Marcos, CA 92078

P: 760-471-0440

F: 760-471-0902

E: sales@zmccorporation.com W: zmccorporation.com

ZSI 42550 Executive Drive Canton, MI 48188

P: 800-323-7053

F: 734-844-0066 W: ZSI-Inc.com

Young Touchstone 2825 Four Mile Rd. Racine, WI 53404

W: victaulic.com

W: webtec.com

P: 262-639-1010 F: 262-504-2001 W: youngtouchstone.com

• 32mm to 50mm

• Offers greater stability

• Control the load speed in case of hydraulic hose failure

• Suitable for safe and stable load handling

• Available with or without Inline Cavity Block



Adaconn + Inserta 33 1-215-643-0192 inserta.com

Almo Manifold 43 989-984-0800 almomanifold.com

Automated Wire Products OBC 262-250-1480 automatedwire.com

BSF Incorporated 3, 28 937-890-6121 bsfinc.net

Diamond Hydraulics 3, 29 409-986-3957 diamondhydraulics.com

Doering Company 22, 30 320-743-2276 doering.com

Essentra Components 19, 31 1-800-847-0486 essentracomponents.com

FluiDyne Fluid Power 15, 43 586-296-7200 fluidynefp.com



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