70th Year, Issue No. 49 USPS 248-700
DECEMBER 8-14, 2011 A General Circulation Newspaper Serving The Community Since 1942
Northampton Area School Board Reorganizes; new members take oath By BILL HALBFOERSTER The Home News
Northampton Area School Board held its reorganization meeting, in addition to its regular meeting, on Monday night. David Gogel, who was recently re-elected to another four-year term on the board, was re-elected president. Jane Erdo was named vice president. Prior to the election, all the newly elected members in November’s municipal election received their oath of office. It was administered
by Cory Fenstermaker, a fellow member who served as temporary president for the reorganization. Jean Rundle and Darin Arthofer were also re-elected directors, and new members now serving are Jennifer Miller and Dr. Michael Baird. In other action during the reorganization, the board approved the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. for their meetings, except for the months of May, November and December that are affected by holidays. Cory Fenstermaker and
Robert Koch were appointed to the Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School operating committee for Jan. 1, 2012 to Dec. 31, 2014. Committees were then approved, with directors named for Act 93, contract negotiations, employee benefit trust, facilities, meet and discuss, policy, safe school, technology, PSHA liaison, public library liaison, and Nazareth Area COG liaison. Regular Meeting In regular business that followed: Leaves of absence Continued on page 9
Council reviews 2012 budget; No real estate tax hike seen
STOVE and Christmas ornaments at the David and Cynthia The Home News Bath Borough Council Feather home in East Allen Township. – Home News photo spent considerable time at their monthly meeting on Monday reviewing the 2012 budget. Although it has to receive final approval, no increase in the real estate tax is projected. It will remain at By BILL HALBFOERSTER Floral Judging 12.5 mills. Tentative figures The Home News Topping the list of floral were published in a classified The weather couldn‘t have winners were the Designers’ been any nicer than it was Choice Award for exterior ad two weeks ago. The total budget at this over the weekend as the Gov- that was won by Nazareth ernor Wolf Historical Society Area Garden Club; Design- point is $1,428,546. Bath Condos held its 31st annual Christ- ers’ Choice for interior, Hayes Early in the meeting, Stemas House Tour. Flowers of Bath; and Viewers Friday evening tour-go- Choice Award for overall fa- phen A. Goffredo of Sighters met first at the historic vorite, Nazareth Area Gar- On Inc., present developers for Bath View Apartments Ralston-McKeen House, den Club. condominiums on N. Walnut where they received instrucAnd then the winners in St., discussed completion of tions on how to tour the these categories: phase one, and the sidewalks historic homes in the Bath Amateur Designers that the borough wants them – Lehigh Township – Moore • Most Appropriate to PeTownship area, and after- riod & Style of House (exte- to run along Rt. 512. The original developer wards they enjoyed refresh- rior): 1st, Girl Scouts of Eastments at the Circa 1785 Wolf ern Pa. “Fashion Patrol”; 2nd, built the condos, did all the Academy, and heard who the Nazareth Area Garden Club; excavation for the entire winners were among the flo- 3rd, Valley Herb Guild. rists, amateur designers, stu• Most Appropriate to Pedents, scouts and non-profes- riod & Style of House (intesionals. rior): 1st, Girl Scouts “Fashion Saturday morning and af- Patrol”; 2nd, Nazareth GarApproximately 300 people ternoon were perfect weath- den Club; 3rd, A Little Bit of attended a ribbon cutting cerer-wise and the visitors got to Country, Palmerton. see the exteriors of the homes, • Best Interpretation of emony for the new home of as well as the interiors where Theme, Christmas Ginger- returned Army veteran Spec. homeowners have been me- bread (exterior): 1st, Naza- Rob Kislow this past weekticulous in their chosen décor. reth Garden Club; 2nd, Girl end. They included a group of veterans, bikers, politicians, Photos of some highlights Scouts “Fashion Patrol”. were taken and will be in• Best Interpretation of and family. Kislow, 25, was given the cluded in The Home News Continued on page 4 keys to his new 2,600 square Christmas issue on Dec. 22. foot home in Moore Township on Saturday from Homes for our Troops. An 82nd Airborne Division veteran, Kislow was shot five times in Afghanistan six years ago when his unit was attacked by Taliban fighters. He was hit in the back of the head, twice in the right leg and once in his right arm. His
Perfect weather greets visitors On Gov. Wolf Historical tour
property, underground utilities, etc., but the market fell and the developer ran out of money. As it is, Council was told there is a million and a half dollar debt, and it is not known where the estimated $60,000 would come for the sidewalks. Only 18 of the 42 units have been sold, but the new developer wants the development to move forward. A homeowners association is planned for the phases that are a part of the condominiums, but Councilman Joseph Linsenmann said it would be unfair to expect them to shoulder any of the major costs. Other Matters • An Old Forge resident complained to Council about a small building across the Monocacy Creek from the Bath Republican Association, saying it is a “garbage dump.” There was also mention that it
might be occupied. The resident also reported accumulations of silt and debris in the creek from recent flooding, and wondered how it can be cleared out. The Pa. DEP wouldn’t allow any dredging, but he said the Army Corps of Engineers could overrule them. • Emergency Management Coordinator and Councilman Mark Saginario said there may be some funding available to repair the Keystone Park pavilion from the recent storms. • As part of the budget discussions, repairs to local streets were noted. There is a map of streets in the borough that lists those which could qualify for liquid fuels funds. On road repairs, Linsenmann said the sub base is important, or the surface Continued on page 7
Welcome home, Spec. Kislow
Continued on page 7
Contractor Mike Kemmerer, Amanda Snyder, Rob Kislow and Mario Andretti. - Photos Courtesy of Dee Burritt, Warrior’s Watch Riders.
2 THE HOME NEWS December 8-14, 2011
Office Location: 4685 Lehigh Drive (Rte. 248), Walnutport, PA 18088 Post Office Box 39, Bath, PA 18014 Phone: 610-923-0382 • fax: 610-923-0383 e-mail: Askus@HomeNewsPA.com Paul & Lisa Prass - Publishers William J. Halbfoerster, Jr. - Editor Alice Wanamaker - Associate Publisher Tammy De Long - Operations Manager Candi Moyer - Account Executive Emily Graf, Elaine Leer, Alyse Moyer, Tony Pisco, Melissa Rose, Quynh Vo - Graphic Designers Katie Canize - Graphic Intern Wes Loch - Delivery Driver
The Home News ISSN 1944-7272 (USPS 248-700) is published every Thursday of the year at a local subscription rate of $18.00 annually; 40-cents per copy on newsstands. Periodicals postage paid at Bath PA and additional entry offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: THE HOME NEWS, P.O. BOX 39, BATH, PA 18014
The Home News does not assume responsibility for any advertisements beyond the cost of the ad itself. We cannot be responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right to reject any article or advertisement thought to be offensive or not contributing to the needs of the communities we serve. All opinions expressed by columnists, reporters and feature writers, including letters to the editor, are not necessarily those of this publication, but of the individuals themselves. News items and ads should be submitted no later than noon Monday on the week of publication, or on dates noted ahead of time due to holidays. Office HOurs: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., 4685 Lehigh Drive (Rte 248), Walnutport, PA 18088 Other hours by appointment only
-a general circulation newspaper since 1942 In partnership with:
Principal Reduction There are many seeking to restore a healthy economy to this country who believe that can’t be accomplished unless millions of home mortgages have principal amounts reduced. This will cost banks and others considerably, but many believe if this isn’t done, banks will lose more on foreclosures. It’s estimated that 10 million mortgages in this country (of 55 million) are likely to come to default unless some remedy is found. This huge number of likely defaults is due to the fact that so many homes today are not worth the amount of their mortgage. As the process of homes lost continues, the increasing numbers of homes for sale will glut the market, supply will outstrip demand and depress home prices for years. Avoiding this is the gain to be achieved in lowering the value on homes, when possible, though financial losses by banks and others will be inevitable. The belief among many is that these losses in the housing market will be less painful to the economy than a huge number of defaults among 10 million homes now mortgaged for more than their value.
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Opinion The Marcellus Shale Boom
By Steve Irwin Marcellus Shale is becoming a household name, from discussions around kitchen tables to town halls with (sometimes) angry citizens. Endless media coverage, economic analysis, geological prediction, business maneuvers and political debate encompass this complex topic. Even the experts concede that the breadth of this issue will only be fully understood after gas production continues for many more years. An important effect of natural gas production in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia is simple: jobs. In contrast to America’s chronically high unemployment rate, the Marcellus-generated job activity within these regions can only be described as a gold rush. Thousands of trucks, ranging from semi-tankers to white diesel crew-cab pickups, have flooded the streets and back roads of many towns. While billions of dollars in federal spending have done little to nothing to improve jobs and infrastructure, the dollars invested into these reborn communities, once hurting by economic depression, are all thanks to subsurface layers of dirty black shale. Infrastructure improvements and job creation are not the only byproducts of Marcellus Shale drilling. Land owners are likewise reaping tremendous benefits. Three years ago, some land leased for gas production had a market value of $10 an acre, tops. The driving market force of competition has caused that number to surge, with landowners negotiating payment terms upwards of $3,000 an acre with 15 percent or better royalty rates. That’s cash in hand, checks in the mail, and escrow in the bank. And still, a mere one percent of expected wells have been drilled within the Marcellus-rich region, with a po-
tential of 200,000 wells. The full potential offers a source of American energy that is hard to estimate. The pipeline system needed to transport the hydrocarbons has only begun to be constructed, with boom-centers of crackers and compressors along the way. This could portend an economic viability extending 100 years. This phenomenon can be understood in very basic economic terms. The development of Marcellus Shale could only happen in America. Consider: citizens in this nation have long enjoyed not only the unique freedom to pursue happiness but the liberty to own property. Although other portions of the globe could be cashing in shale—namely China, Canada, and Europe—an individual citizen’s control of land, even to the depths of thousands of feet, is unique to the United States. Furthermore, it is only through private industry and corporations that the efficient technology of hydrofracturing is made available. Companies like Chesapeake Energy, Range Resources, Hess, BP, and Consol are all publicly traded and held liable to their creditors, and thus are making private business decisions for their own sake and profit. Of course, also part of the Continued on page 16
Letters from Blessed Pastor Serving in Bath To the Editor: Over the past few weeks, I have enjoyed reading "Flashback" in the Home News. How often we forget what happened 30 years ago; at my age I'm grateful to remember yesterday. One interesting and heartwarming "news item" was the installation of Rev. J. R. Wetzel as Pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church. Pastor Wetzel has not only been a blessing to his congregation but to the community of Bath and anyone he meets. He has witnessed his loyal congregation grow - in spirit and number. His obvious love of God has been an inspiration to all. He is oblivious to any personal infirmity and continues his mission, and all with his contagious laughter and sense of humor. In my 21 years serving as Mayor, Rev. Wetzel attended all borough functions, is a faithful member of the Bath Lions and once again offered a beautiful prayer at this year's annual Christmas tree lighting service. May God bless him during his next 30 years as Pastor. Rev. J. R. Wetzel - synonymous with one of God's beatitudes: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Betty Fields Bath, PA
Who Knows 116 E. Main St., Bath
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1. Who signed the Yalta Agreement during World War II? 2. When was the U.S. Weather Bureau established? 3. What was the 16th Amendment to the Constitution? 4. What state was the first state to prohibit all alcohol beverages? Answers: 1. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin. 2. In 1870. 3. It provided for a federal income tax in 1913. 4. Kansas, in 1881.
the Fence GabGab OverOver the Fence by Pete G. Ossip by Pete G. Ossip
The shopping malls are busy as folks look for things to give as presents on Christmas Eve. So traffic is heavy on the roads, and mall parking lots are full. It’s too bad we don’t have a downtown shopping district. We had one of sorts in the old days, but that was before all the malls sprang up in the valley. . . .There sure are a lot of Christmas lights going up now on local homes. Reckon people have been taking advantage of the warmer weather we’re having. By the way, I mentioned the stars and snowflakes in the town’s lights last week. There are angels, too, and they all look good. . . . I saw Santa waving to cars as they went past Brown-Daub the other day. . . . The weather was really nice for the historical society’s house tour on Saturday. Homeowners asked folks to put on those little blue booties to keep their floors nice and clean, but there wasn’t any rain or snow to worry about. . . . Christmas cards are coming in the mail, so Elmira and I better get down to business and start sending ours out, especially since the Postal Service there’s going to be slower mail. . . .Nazareth High School lost out in the PIAA quarter-
finals, but they gave it their best, and deserve a big pat on the back for the season they had . . . . We had lots of fog on Monday, and now I hear there’s gonna be rain AGAIN on Tuesday and Wednesday. It just makes us appreciate it more when we see the sun shining. . . . Eagles will have Michael Vick back on Sunday against the Miami Dolphins, but don’t expect them to do any better. It’s just a lost season. . . . I hear Ronnie and Millie Silfies will be up North for a few days visit. Ronnie might just miss the hearts gang at the Legion, but then again, maybe not. . . . Hats off to the firefighters for having a Santa run, taking presents around to families that sign up. It’ll sure bring smiles to the young’uns . . . . Look like the work is done at the West Main Street streetscape project at the park. There’s hay on the ground, where grass will be popping up. . . .Excavation is going on big time down along 512 for that water main and eventual road widening project. . . . Seems to me this is the quietest deer season we’ve ever had. But I did hear that Mark Roth got his buck. . . . If I recollect rightly, there will be a Christmas lighting
SUNDAY DECEMBER 11, 2011 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. $7.00 for Adults $5.00 Children Allen Township Fire Co. No. 1 3530 Howertown Rd., Northampton
Christmas Trees Fresh Cut Locally Each Weekend
Troop 74 Boy Scouts
December 2-4, 9-11, 16-18
Friday 5–9 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Valero Gas Station, Rt. 512, Wind Gap (Just west of Rt. 33)
Large trees (7-10 ft.) only $30. Smaller trees available at $25.
Please support local Boy Scouts and get a beautiful fresh cut tree.
ceremony over at the Kreidersville covered bridge this weekend. Hope the weather’s nice. They usually have a bonfire with it. . . .Gotta do some chores for Elmira while she’s out shopping. See ya next week.
Pennsville center Open December 11 The last Sunday for the historical centre in Pennsville to be open in 2011 is December 11, from 1 to 4 p.m. There are many new items on display, as well as many items available for your holiday shopping. The new DVD video of Lehigh Township is available and a great Christmas gift for that special person, plus scarves, shirts, maps, books, and more. Private tours for families or organizations are available all year long by calling 610-7675989 for an appointment. Just a reminder that the membership dues are due by December 31 for the new year. The next regular monthly
THE HOME NEWS meeting will be held on December 12 at 7 p.m. in the historical centre. For more information, contact 610-7675989. Likely Some statesmen are like
December 8-14, 2011
buttons, popping off at the wrong time. Rugged Rugged individualist: One who can eat chicken with his fingers without making any excuses.
breakfast Bath Legion Post 470
Race Street, Route 329, Bath Sunday, Dec. 11th • 8 a.m. - 11:30 Creamed Chipped Beef, Ham, Eggs, Sausage, French Toast, Pancakes, Homefries, Beverages and more. Adults - $6.00 | Children - $4.00 Under 7 - Free
4 THE HOME NEWS December 8-14, 2011
WOMEN/SOCIAL Dried Plant Material (exterior): 1st, Flower Essence; 2nd, Custom Gift Baskets & Florals; 3r, Hayes Flowers. • Best Use of Fresh and/or Dried Plant Material (interior): 1st, Hayes Flowers; 2nd, Floral Essence; 3rd, Custom Gift Baskets & Florals. • Best Use of Permanent Botanicals (exterior): 1st, Mycalyn Florals.
Visitors to School
Bath 275th Anniversary Store Holiday Hours SERENA RIZZO serves as a guide at the home of her parents David and Suzanne Rizzo in Pennsville. – Home News photo
House Tour Continued from page 1
Theme, Christmas Gingerbread (interior): 1st, Valley Herb Guild; 2nd, Nazareth Garden Club; 3rd, Girl Scouts “Fashion Patrol”. • Best Use of Fresh and/or Dried Plant Material (exterior): 1st, Valley Herb Guild; 2nd, Nazareth Garden Club; 3rd, Girl Scouts “Fashion Patrol”. • Best Use of Fresh and/or Dried Plant material (interior): 1st, Valley Herb Guild; 2nd, Girl Scouts “Fashion Patrol”; 3rd, Nazareth Garden Club. • Best Use of Permanent Botanicals (exterior): 1st, A Little Bit of Country. • Best Use of Permanent
Botanicals (interior): A Little Bit of Country. Professional Designers • Most Appropriate to Period & Style of House (exterior): 1st, Hayes Flowers, Bath; 2nd, Flower Essence, Easton; 3rd, Mycalyn Florals, Nazareth. • Most Appropriate to Period & Style of House (interior): 1st, Flower Essence; 2nd, Mycalyn Florals; 3rd, Custom Gift Baskets & Florals, Bath. • Best Interpretation of Theme, Christmas Gingerbread (exterior): 1st, Hayes Flowers; 2nd, Mycalyn Florals. • Best Interpretation of Theme, Christmas Gingerbread (interior): 1st, Hayes Flowers; 2nd, Mycalyn Florals; 3rd, Flower Essence. • Best Use of Fresh and/or
Amy Pysher’s Child Care Center 885 Point Phillips Road • Bath, Pa.
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Now is the perfect time to come out and finish your holiday shopping at the Bath 275th Anniversary Store. The committee has ordered many items that are perfect for gift giving, t-shirts and sweatshirts, mugs and cups, hats, Christmas balls and so much more! Stop by on Thursday evenings (until Christmas) from 6pm to 8pm and Saturdays, 10am to 2pm to pick up a piece of local history for everyone on your list!
Students of Bethlehem Catholic High School recently returned to their elementary school, Sacred Heart in Bath, to speak to current elementary students about their experiences. From left to right, Shannon Thomas, Joey Young, Kyle Michalski, Alex Schuster, and Mara Blanchard enjoy spending time with students in their former school.
College Corner Pace University - Brittany Beers from Northampton is a junior this fall at Pace University's New York City campus and has decided to major in Communication Sci & Disorders. Savannah College of Art and Design - Arzu Yontar of Nazareth was named to Dean's List at the Savannah College of Art and Design Lehigh Carbon Community College - Tara Poncavage of Coplay, a first year student in the Lehigh Carbon Community College Nursing program, recently received the 2011 Yolanda Geosits Danko Memorial Nursing Award from Tim Herrlinger, Executive Director of the LCCC Foundation and Barbara H. Lupole, RN, MSN, LCCC’s Director of Nursing and Healthcare Sciences. The award, to be given annually, was established this year in memory of the late Yolanda Geosits Danko of North Catasauqua, whose final days were made more tolerable through the care of nurses and nurse’s aides at a
The students of Sacred Heart School were recently blessed with a special visit from a graduate of the school, Sister Agnes Mary, formerly Amy Quartararo of Bath. Sister Agnes Mary, a member of the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne in N.Y., was visiting her family recently and took time to visit and talk to the students of her former elementary school in Bath. Sister Agnes spoke of her vocation and caring for terminally ill cancer patients in New York and invited the children to listen to and follow their own call from God. ~ Photos courtesy of Karen Braun local health care facility. To honor her memory, Yolanda’s children established this award “to honor the contributions of those nurses and nurse’s aides who attended [her]...and to encourage like behavior and sensitivity among future
2nd Annual Holiday Open House All your holiday shopping in one stop! Cash & Carry gifts available for everyone on your list! kMiche kFree gift wrapping kHandmade Jewelry kLongaberger-baskets, pottery, home décor kHandcrafted Dog Collars & Accessories kOriginal Handmade Wine Lights kLive Wreaths & Arrangements kQuilted Items and so much more!!
Saturday December 10th 9AM – 4PM St John’s UCC Mickley’s 2918 MacArthur Road, Whitehall, 18052 (At the Intersection of Eberhart & MacArthur Roads) For more information call 610-502-0602 or email: michefun@yahoo.com
nursing students.” The fund for the award is open to donations from anyone, simply by contacting the LCCC Foundation. The recipient is chosen from recommendations by Nursing faculty.
Donations Accepted Tax time will be here before you know it. Did you know you can claim new or gently used books, DVDs, compact discs, or CD-ROMs that you donate to the Northampton Area Public Library as a charitable donation? It's easy! Just drop the item off at the library, and fill out their new donation form, listing the items, quantity, and their condition. They'll give you an immediate copy of the signed form for your records. For more informaton, contact the library at (610) 2627537.
Natural Perspectives For the Health-Minded Individual DR. GLENN CLEARIE DC www.drclearie.com
Chiropractic Healthcare
Chiropractic healthcare is
simply incredible! The foun-
dation is the adjustment of the spine to relieve nerve interference. Once interference from the brain to the body is removed, the body’s systems, organs, and tissues can work their best. Simple! I can think of nothing more natural in healthcare to date. I have seen incredible healing take place and I suspect I always will. Please understand that the chiropractic adjustment is applied to assist the body’s innate healing intelligence. In other words, chiropractic works with your body to help restore it to proper function. Yet make no mistake about it, chiropractic isn’t just for symptom-based treatment. Regular and consistent chiropractic adjustments help you to live a better life altogether. I believe it will help you to live longer. This idea of getting regular maintenance adjustments just makes sense to me and well, thousands of others. If
only more would understand the potential health impact it could have perhaps our country wouldn’t be in a perpetual health crisis. Yes, your nervous system controls everything. Imagine if your husband’s heart condition, high blood pressure, or irregular heartbeat is due to nerve interference in the upper thoracic spine? What if your chronic gastrointestinal problems are also the result of an undetected spinal misalignment producing nerve interference? I treat patients’ bodies and let their body do the rest. Right now you should be saying “WOW!” Does this seem far-fetched to you? Why would it? Clearly you understand that nerve interference in the neck or back can cause problems in a hand or foot, why shouldn’t it cause problems with breathing, liver function, pancreas health? Do you know what seems farfetched to me? Swallowing a pill to alter the way you sleep,
think, or live. Do you need chiropractic? The answer is absolutely and resoundingly ‘yes’ if you have a spine. Will chiropractic improve your life? Absolutely. “How?”, you ask. That I do not know. For some it may be relieving sciatica, headaches, and arm pain. All of which are worthy of seeking relief for. But equally important is the improved vitality, energy, calmness you enjoy by consistent chiropractic adjustments. A lot of people get this. Some don’t. To each their own yet I won’t stop preaching! If doctors of chiropractic fail to bring this scientifically and clinically validated information to you, who will? Pfizer? Merck? I get adjusted regularly and so do my wife and three children. If you have children or grandchildren you also need to get them adjusted on a regular basis as well. Again, not just for pain and problems but for health, wellness and wholeness. My best to you all. “Natural Perspectives” is a health commentary only and does not claim to diagnose and/or make treatment recommendations. Always seek the advice of your health care professional.
December 8-14, 2011
& Countr n w y To Restaurant
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Gift Certificates Available
2nd Annual Santa Run Boro of Bath Residents Sponsored by: Bath Volunteer Firefighters and Ambulance Corps December 18 & 19 4 pm until finish Drop off times/Dates: Every Monday 6:30p to 9pm @ firehouse 12/12/11 Bath Fire House @ Noon Bath Borough Hall M-F 9a-4p. Drop Off Deadline is December 12th
$5 Donation per household, Max 2 gifts per child
DEC. 26
Make Checks payable to Bath Firefighters For More Info: A.J. Mackarevitz 484-544-1312 or Ashley Donner 610-657-3688
What is a Santa Run? Santa will deliver the gifts to the children throughout the Borough on December 19th. He will be driven by Fire truck so the Reindeer can rest for Christmas Eve!
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6 THE HOME NEWS December 8-14, 2011
Shawn Campbell, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Campbell of East Allen Twsp. took down his first 9 point deer on the opening day of riffle season. Congratulations "Smiley", Love Dad, Mom and Sam. A special thank you to his uncles: Jim C., Jim H. and his cousin Kyle H. – Contributed photo
By Pete Fritchie
In most of the country college football ended November 26th. There were some games after that but most of the climax rivalries took place on the 26th. It’s been suggested both the college season and NFL
seasons be extended for a couple of games. For college play, that would mean the season ended in mid-December, perhaps a week before Christmas holidays. That would increase the already major profits for colleges, which need the money today, and perhaps enable some to lower charges to students. In fact, the extra profits could be designated for that purpose. College football profits are huge at many schools as recent events have pointed out-schools making forty or fifty million dollars on their games and coaches at some making more than a million!
LaSalle interception stops Nazareth rally; they win 41-33 It was a good game, but an interception by LaSalle College High School of a Dan Harding pass from Nazareth at 2:58 of the fourth quarter killed any hopes, and LaSalle won the PIAA Class AAAA
quarter-final on Saturday, 4133. Nazareth’s Blue Eagles have made a habit of lategame rallies this season to win the Lehigh Valley Conference championship, but this
12 oz cans 24 pack 15.99 +Tax Open: Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm. • Fri 9am-9pm. Sat. 8am-9pm • Sun. 12 Noon to 5pm. 59 6 6 N o r- B a t h B l v d . , I m p e r i a l P l a z a • 6 1 0 - 8 3 7 - 8800
time it didn’t work out. Harding passed for 283 yards, including a touchdown to freshman running back Jordan Gray, and also ran for two TD’s himself. Also getting touchdowns for Nazareth were Adam and Andrew Bridgeforth. LaSalle’s Explorer running back, Tim Wade, had 243 yards rushing and receiving as he scored three touchdowns in the game at Bethlehem Area School District Stadium. Matt McGarity threw for 280 yards for LaSalle. Gray’s runs brought his season total up to 1,658 running yards. In that final drive, Harding with 4:28 remaining, started the Blue Eagles on their 29 yard line and drove to LaSalle’s 36, completing an 8-yard pass to Andrew Bridgeforth on 4th and 3 at the Explorer 44-yard line. But Harding tried a deep pass to Andrew against double coverage by LaSalle’s players and it was intercepted. From there, LaSalle ran out the clock. Nazareth ended its season at 12 and 2, while LaSalle with a 12 and 1 record in the Philadelphia Catholic League advanced to play District 1 champion North Penn. LaSalle knocked Easton out of the quarter-finals in two prior years, 2009 and 2010.
Ranger Lake still In first place in Suburban Trap
Ranger Lake is holding on to first place in the Suburban Trap League by a slim margin following competition on Sunday, Dec. 4 at Blue Ridge. COPEECHAN, 125 – Bill Arner, Dale Arner, Bob Bortz, Kelley Huber, Tony Hujsa, all 25’s. EAST BATH, 125 – Ken Braren, William Domitrovitsch, Brian James, Ken Kern, Chris Rader, all 25’s. RANGER LAKE, 124 – Lee Christine, John McCauley, Al Onkotz, John Yarsevich, all 25’s; Dennis Cacciola, Jr., Allan Hunter, Roy Knipe, all 24’s. BLUE RIDGE, 121 – Stanley Royer, 25; Barry Borger, Mike Kresge, Craig Peischler, Jeremy Smith, all 24’s. The next shoot will be on Sunday, Dec. 18, hosted by Ranger Lake. STANDINGS
Ranger Lake Copeechan East Bath Blue Ridge
BATH BOWLING Team 2 Now Leading In Bath Die Hards By a Half Game Team 2 won 4 to 0 and leads by a half game over Team 4 following action on Nov. 30 in the Bath Die Hards League. They were led by Art Bruch, 536; Sam Strouse, 487, and Michelle Tirrell, 465, as they defeated Team 5’s Charles Kosman, 449, and Verna Schuon, 441. Team 4 won 3 to 1 with BobbyLou Snyder, 445, and Polly Kosman, 425. Team 6 lost 1 to 3 despite the big scores of Terry Bartholomew, 626; Kenneth Gr-
ube, 613, and Kathy Grube, 419. Team 1 won 3 to 1 behind Bob Kosman, 564; Joe Bachman, 447, and Maie Harring, 421. Holding up the league is Team 3 with Rick Deily, 627; Jim Stevens, 490, and Dick Deily, 421. STANDINGS Team 2 Team 4 Team 6 Team 1 Team 5 Team 3
W L 34 18 33.5 18.5 27 25 25 27 18.5 33.5 18 34
Continued on page 13
St. Paul’s knocks off Bath Team to hold first in dartball
St. Paul’s UCC of Northampton came to Bath and shut out Christ UCC on Monday in the Suburban Inter-Church Dart Baseball League, downing the locals 8-5, 8-4, and 3-1. Leading the attack were Rich Kern, 6 for 13; Zach Kern, 6 for 14; Jennifer Erkinger, 5 for 12 with a 2-run homer, and Dave Clark, 5 for 13. Bath: Darius DalCin, 7 for 12; Jared Pokorny, 6 for 12; George Gasper, 5 for 12 with a home run, and Ron Wagner, 5 for 14. Bath Lutheran didn’t do much better, but they won one game, 6-4, then lost 6-5 and 3-2 at Farmersville. Bath: Don Miller, 8 for 13; Lee Creyer, 5 for 14, and Dellie Iasiello, a homer. Farmersville; Don Kerbaugh, 8 for 15; Tom George, 6 for 11, and homers
by Ben Kerbaugh and Angel Devaries. Salem UCC, Moorestown, won 5-0 and 7-3, but lost 2-1 at Trinity Lutheran in Bangor. Salem: Bruce Roth, 5 for 10; George Gaugler and Sherry Bush, both 5 for 13, and homers by Fred Toncik and Bill Rinker. Trinity: Jeff Hoffert, 6 for 12; Barbie Ribble, 4 for 10 with a homer, and Tristan Burd, 4 for 11. Salem Lutheran, Bethlehem, won 7-4, lost 9-7, and won 3-2 at Dryland-Trinity, Hecktown, with Scott Williams, 8 for 14; Tim Eichman, 7 for 11, and Walt Hoffert, 6 for 15. Hecktown: Earl Sigley, 8 for 13; Bruce Vollman, 5 for 11; Al Gilbert, 4 for 9 with Continued on page 15
Open Bowling Bowling Open Saturday SaturdayNight and 6:30 P.M. - ? Sunday Night
NEW: SUNDAY NIGHT 6:30 P.M. -? OPEN BOWLING 6:00 p.m. - ?
871 870 867 854
They Do All people are born free and equal, but grow up into a graduated income-tax world.
Monitor 2200 New Monitor 2400
Tuesday Afternoon 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm Friday Morning 10:00 am - Noon
THE HOME NEWS December 8-14, 2011 presents and the fact that the fire fighters are under contract for a new fire truck.
prevent any fires. Demchak also announced the upcoming Santa Run with Christmas
“Come to the Stable” A living nativity
at Covenant United Methodist Church 2715 Mountain View Drive, Bath, Klecknersville December 10 at 2 pm, in the pavilion
Hear the Christmas story, enjoy music and narration. A children’s Christmas party will follow in fellowship hall Singing, storytelling and refreshments. For more information call the church office 610-837-7517.
Premium Quality Sheered Christmas Trees. All trees Pre-cut for your convenience
Grown in Our Greenhouses not from out of state or overseas like the big box stores
15 Colors to choose from Freedom Red Poinsettias 6 1/2” $2 OFF Regular price with ad Limit 12
CONGRESSMAN CHARLIE DENT, Spec. Rob Kislow, fiancee Amanda Snyder, 4-month old Brayden, Mario Andretti and State Representative Marcia Hahn. – Home News photo
Spec. Kislow
Continued from page 1
right leg was eventually amputated. Kislow said, “There are no
words to describe what this will do for me, my family and my future.” He added, “It’s amazing and I’m not going to let it end. There’s a lot of fundraising that needs to be done, and other guys need a
Sunday, December 18, 2011 • 7:00 p.m. Candlelight Service
home.” Kislow was escorted to his new home on Delps Road by veteran race drive Mario Andretti of Nazareth. Andretti said, “You can see here today a stunning example of how beautiful the human spirit can be.” The home, which is wheelchair accessible, was custom built by contractor Mike Kemmerer of the Bath area.
Bath Council Continued from page 1
Christ Church UCC 109 S. Chestnut St., Bath 610-837-0345
of concrete of asphalt won’t hold up. A plan is being developed for 2012. • Changes to the historic district were shown on an engineering plan, much reduced from the earlier version adopted by the state for Bath. The new historic district as proposed is what Council has been looking for. “It’s a lot better than what it was,” Council President Robert Fields said. Councilwoman Carol Bear-Heckman and three other members of the H.A.R.B. discussed the changes. • Fire Chief Ed Demchak had this report for November on man-hours: fire calls, 30; drills, 175; administration, 240; equipment repairs, 25; meetings, 50; work detail, 20; fire police, 5, for a total of 545. He noted that there were 10 dispatches. Demchak also asked property owners who have fire hydrants in front of their homes or businesses to clear snow away from them this winter, to help in any emergency. He also gave this advice to local residents: check your fireplaces, chimneys and wood burners to
Cemetery Logs, Cemetery Blankets & Roping *Also made in the Good Ole USA
$2 off fresh made door wreaths with ad Limit 3 ms To Many Gift Ite ! Gazing Balls Choose From fts For The Make Great Gi er! Home Garden
548 Monocacy Drive, Bath, PA
$2 OFF cemetery logs with ad limit 3 $5 OFF Full size cemetery Blankets with ad limit 2
3.5 Miles North Along 987
610-837-9582 OPEN 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Daily
Ham Raffle and Block SHoot PETERSVILLE ROD & GUN CLUB 550 Club Road, Bath (Moore Twp.) Call 610.261.2210 after 4:00 p.m. Sunday December 11 12:30 - ? Tickets Available $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00
Refreshments Included with cost of ticket $ Kitchen
will Be op
en $
Regular BINGO Every Thursday Doors Open at 5:30 Bingo Starts at 7:00. The more that play the MORE we PAY!
8 THE HOME NEWS December 8-14, 2011
SENIOR CITIZENS Visit and Participate in Senior Center Activities Visit a senior center and check out all the fun things going on there Local centers include: MidCounty Senior Center, 234 S. Walnut St., Bath; Nazareth Senior Center, 15 S. Wood St.; Northampton Senior Center, in Grace UCC Church, 9th St & Lincoln Ave., and Cherryville Senior Center at Hope Lutheran Church, Rt. 248, Lehigh Township. MID COUNTY SENIOR CENTER For meal reservations call: 610-837-1931 Thurs. 12/8: 9:00 Pool/Cards/ Games/Puzzles; 10:15 Sing-aLong; 11:30 Lunch; 12:30 Penny Bingo Fri. 12/9: 9:00 Pool/Cards/ Games/Puzzles; 11:30 Lunch; 12:15 Pinochle Mon. 12/12: 9:00 Pool/Cards/ Games/Puzzles; 11:30 Lunch Tue. 12/13: 9:00 Pool/Cards/ Games/Puzzle; Christmas Dinner – Party! Wed. 12/14: 9:00 Games/ Puzzles & Sewing for Gracedale; 11:30 Lunch; 12:30 Crafts/ Ceramics; Shopping Trip CHERRYVILLE For meal reservations call: 610-767-2977 Thurs. 12/8: 9:00 Puzzles/ Crafts/Cards/Quilts; 11:15 Exercise; Christmas Crafts Fri. 12/9: 10:00 Puzzles; 11:15 Exercise Mon. 12/12: 10:00 Puzzles/ Cards; 11:15 Exercise; 12:30-
2:00 Flu Shots Tue. 12/13: 9:00 Crafts/ Quilts; 10:00 Puzzles/Cards/ Quilts; 12:45 Dinner Mystery Theatre – Speaker Benefits Checkup Wed. 12/14: 10:00 Cards/ Puzzles; 11:00 Exercise; 12:45 Games; Christmas Party NAZARETH For meal reservations call: 610-759-8255 Thurs. 12/8: 9:00 Exercise Group; 9:30 Greeting Card Class Fri. 12/9: Bakery Day; 10:15 Regular Bingo Mon. 12/12: 9:00 Exercise Group; 9:00 Painting Class; 10:00 Council Meeting Tue. 12/13: 10:00 Exercise with Marion; Birthday Cake & Ice Cream Wed. 12/14: Bakery Day; 11:15 Sing-a-Long NORTHAMPTON For meal reservations call: 610-262-4977 Thurs. 12/8: 9:00 Cards/ Puzzles, Rachael-Manor Care at 11:00; Noon Lunch Fri. 12/9: 9:00 Cards/Puzzles; 11:30 Lunch; Bingo After Lunch Mon. 12/12: 9:00 Cards/ Puzzles; Noon Lunch; “National Cocoa Day” Tue. 12/13: 9:00 Cards/Puzzles; Rachael-Manor Care at 11:00 “Eat Smart”; Celebrate December Birthdays!; Noon Lunch Wed. 12/14: 9:00 Cards/ Puzzles; Music w/Tom Vicario 10:30-11:30; Noon Lunch
LUNCHES: Thurs. 12/8: Mac & Cheese; Stewed Tomatoes; Salad ; Bread w/Marg; Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Fri. 12/9: Open-faced Roast Beef Sandwich w/Gravy; Mashed Potatoes; Vegetables; Bread; Rice Krispie Treat Mon. 12/12: Onion Romano Soup; Pork BBQ; Chips; Cucumber Salad; Pineapple Tue. 12/13: Roast Turkey w/ Gravy; Sweet Potatoes; Vegetable Blend; Bread; Birthday Cake Wed. 12/14: Stuffed Cabbage; Mashed Potatoes; Salad; Bread
Meals on Wheels Helps hungry Meals on Wheels of Northampton County has joined forces with Meals on Wheels of America and The Walmart Foundation in support of their "We are Meals on Wheels - So No Senior Goes Hungry" campaign. We are all connected to seniors - they are members of our families, our friends, our neighbors, and part of of our community. As part of a network of 5,000 Meals on Wheels programs across the United States and 1.7 million volunteers strong, we know how important being connected to seniors is. In January 2012, the Walmart Foundation will be issuing a major grant to individual Meals on Wheels organizations who raise awareness of this serious issue. Help
Sat., Dec. 10
support Meals on Wheels of Northampton County by spreading the word in your community. Senior Hunger is a serious problem. We know that it must be stopped. And we know that there is something we can do about it.
Craft Fundraiser for Cancer Society
Craft Show for a Cause & Lunch with Santa will be held at the Main Street Music Hall int the Gin Mill and Grille 1750 Main St., Northampton on Saturday, December 10th from 11 am - 4 pm. There will be various crafters set up for your Holiday shopping pleasure. We will have a Chinese auction of donated crafts and bake sale, along with Christmas caroling by local singer Jerry Allen. Children are welcomed to join this craft show and enjoy a visit with Santa! For a minimal donation of $5 the children will also receive lunch and a craft project with Santa's helpers to make the crafts, too! Lots of fun for adults and children! We hope to see you there! All proceeds from the Lunch with Santa, crafter table fees, Chinese auction and bake sale benefit the American Cancer Society. Patronize Home News Advertisers
9 a.m. to 11 a.m
Open - 5:00, Sat. & Sun. 9:00 - 5:00 OpenFriday Friday1:00 12:00-5:00, Sat. & Sun. 9:00-5:00
Valley View Dr. 3.5 Mi. 5.0 Mi. Rte. 248
DaviD H. Warner,
We Shake andand Bale We Shake Bale Your Tree! Great Your Tree!Machine! Farm Drilling GrPeraict es Drilling Up to 6Machine! Ft. - $21. Farm U-Cut6-8 or Ft. Pre-Cuts - $24.
9 Ft. - 29. 5’–6’........ $23.60 plus tax 6’–8’........ $28.30 $
The Candlelight Carolers will perform 7 pm, Friday, December 9 in Kortz Hall of Moravian Hall Square, 175 W. North St., Nazareth The carolers capture the magic of Christmas with glorious harmonies, dressed for the season in Victorian attire. The program is free and open to the public as part of the Arts & Artists series. Reservations are required by calling 610.746.1000 or online at www.moravian.com.
1 Mi.
Kemmerer’s Tree Farm
On December 10, the Jacobsburg Historical Society will join other Nazareth Area non-profits and merchants in celebrating the season. From 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. visit the 1832 John Joseph Henry House Museum at 401 Henry Road, Nazareth and experience a Victorian Christmas with all the trimmings during Christmas at Boulton. From decorations to holiday treats to Victorian clothing to period music - come immerse yourself in Christmas as the Henry family might have celebrated. Don't miss your chance to see the recently-opened second floor. The Pennsylvania Longrifle Museum and giftshop will be open during the same hours. Admission to both museums is free during Christmas at Boulton as a thank you to our friends and neighbors in the Lehigh Valley for your continued support. Company visiting? Share this local treasure! Directions to Boulton Take the Belfast exit off PA Route 33. Turn West towards the woods. Pass the Boulton Historic Site parking lot and over the William Henry Atherton Bridge. Either turn right into the driveway for 401 Henry Road and follow long drive to parking lot beyond the barns or pass 402 Henry Road and turn left onto Schoeneck Ave, driving past the red-roofed barn complex on the left. Parking is in the pasture beyond the barns.
Carol singing
Kemmerer’s Christmas Tree Farm 3220 Valley View Drive, Bath, PA DOUGLAS FIR TREES - Up to 9’ DOUGLAS, CONCOLOR, CANAAN FIR TREES Rte. 946
Enjoy Christmas At Boulton
9’–11’...... $33.00
+ tax + tax
+ tax
DPM, FaCFaS 198 S. Green St., Nazareth 610-759-4555
Specializing in Diabetic Footcare & Wound Care, Heel Pain
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Most Insurance Accepted
‘Acupuncture and other beneficial methods of healing’ will be the program 10:30 am, Tuesday, December 20 in Kortz Hall of Moravian Hall Square, 175 W. North St., Nazareth. Dr. James Martin of Nazareth Family Practice will be the presenter as part of the Senior Pathways series. The program is free and open to the public. Registration is required by calling 610.746.1000 or online at www.moravian. com.
Microwave Tips One can microwave a few pieces of chicken easily and quickly. Use a paper plate. Brush pieces of chicken with a browning sauce. Cover with wax paper. Four pieces take 6 plus minutes on High, turn at half time.
THE HOME NEWS December 8-14, 2011
Council okays 2012 budget With no realty tax increase
Northampton Borough Council on Thursday approved its 2012 budget, and the real estate tax that will remain unchanged from the 2011 figure, 8.10 mills. Also re-enacted were the earned income tax, local service tax, and the realty transfer tax. Other Matters • Approval was given a request by AARP to use the Recreation Center conference room every Monday from Feb. 7 through April 11 between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., when a group of volunteers will prepare tax returns for senior citizens. • The annual Christmas passes are on sale at the Rec-
School Board Continued from page 1
were approved for Deborah Recker and Trisha Remaley. . . . Termination of Lindsey Makos, spring musical choreographer, was made effective on Dec. 6. . . .Half-year sabbatical for health reasons was approved for Patricia Daubenspeck from Sept. 7, 2011 through Jan. 27, 2012. . . .Resignation of Tammy Fox, cheerleading head coach, effective Nov. 22. Unpaid childbearing/childrearing leave for Jamie Rockwell from Feb. 22 thru April 13, 2012. . .Resignation of Diane Nicrone, in-
Store Hours Mon.-Fri. 7-7 Sat. 7-4
reation Center for $48. There is unlimited use and they are good from Dec. 10, 2011 to Jan. 16, 2012. • It was announced that tickets are on sale for the annual New Year’ Eve gala at the Community Center at a cost of $115 per couple. They can be purchased at either the community center or the recreation center. • In activities of the Public Works Department, they’ve been installing Christmas lights; they are still picking up leaves for another week that are bagged and placed at curbs, and one employee has refurbished the body of a one-ton dump truck with welding, sanding, and fixing broken hinges.
• Anyone who wishes to submit an application for a board or commission in the borough must do so by Dec. 16. • Among Christmas activities in the borough, it was noted that on Dec. 10 at 12 Noon, Santa Claus will be delivering presents that were dropped off at the Northampton Fire Station on Dec. 7, 8 and 9. A Letters to Santa mailbox is next to the community Christmas tree at Main St. & Laubach Ave. • The bi-annual re-organizational meeting of Borough Council will be held on Monday, Jan. 2 at 7:30 p.m. Councilmen taking their seats that night will be Edward Pany and Anthony Lopsonzski, Sr.
structional assistant, effective Dec. 23. Michael Bankes was hired as network analyst, effective Dec. 6. Also approved: Grades 9-12 program of studies for the 2012-13 school year; catalog fixed discount program as awarded by the I.U. 20 Joint Purchasing Board from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2012; and welcomed the donation of an American flag from Mrs. Joyce Raezer.
Tree lighting Ceremony at Covered bridge
They Do
People differ. Some object to a fan dancer, and others to the fan.
The Kreidersville Covered Bridge Association will hold its annual tree lighting ceremony on the grounds surrounding the Kreidersville Covered Bridge on Saturday, Dec. 10, between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. So what’s the big deal, right? How is this tree lighting any different from all others in the Lehigh Valley? This is how: (1) It’s held at the historic and beautiful covered bridge, the last in Northampton County. Continued on page 11
CHILDREN flocked around Santa and Mrs. Claus at the annual Northampton Borough Christmas tree lighting ceremony on Sunday, Nov. 27. Each of the children received a gift of candy from the borough.
Becks’ Yule Tree Farms, Inc.
+ Tax
• Fresh Pre-Cut Individually Priced Trees Until 7 PM Food Stand Op • Live Balled Trees Available en. Santa Claus wi • FREE Coloring Books for Children ll be • FREE Calendar to First 700 Customers here on weekends • Bring Your Own Camera – View Is Awesome! Open Daily 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Weekends 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. 4674 Park Ave., 1 Mile West of Neffs www.beckschristmastreefarm.com 610-767-0719
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Candles can add so much to your home:
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many of us experiencing power outages this past fall, let’s not forget
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that candles give us light! Getting the left-over wax out of a votive doesn’t need to be a problem!
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Phone • 610-767-4313
Spray the inside of the votive with a light coating of cooking spray remaining wax will slip out easily.
Shaking, Wrapping & Drilling Included
More and Larger Trees Than Last Year Cut your own until 5 PM
a calming aroma, a warm glow, shimmering ambiance, and with so
before you put the candle in. After the candle has burned down, the
• Fraser Fir • Douglas Fir • Concolor Fir • Blue Spruce
George, Linda, Louise & Troy
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Need to get the extra wax out from a pre-jarred candle? Pop the jar in the freezer for about 1 hour. The frozen wax will pull away from the glass with a butter knife. Or, place the jar in the sink, and pour boiling water into it. The melted wax will float to the top. Let it sit until it has cooled. The wax will now be sitting on top of the water and can easily be removed.
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Route 329 & Savage Rd., PO Box 311 Northampton, PA 18067-0311 Phone 610-262-4566 Fax 610-262-7847
THE HOME NEWS December 8-14, 2011
Lights and Santa thrill Hundreds in Nazareth By BILL HALBFOERSTER The Home News
Hundreds of men, women and children filled the circle in Nazareth on a cold December night this past Thursday as the annual tree lighting ceremony was held to mark the opening of the Christmas season. Preceding the turning on of the lights by Bella Everett, a brass ensemble from Nazareth Area High School played Christmas songs. Eric Himler, chairman of the event for the Nazareth Area Chamber of Commerce, welcomed the crowd, and introduced the Dream Kids,
who opened the program with the National Anthem. Dan Tierney of the Chamber had opening remarks, invited people to shop local stores, and announced that the organization is selling luminary lights. He introduced The Rev. Donna House, pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church, who brought prayer and blessed the tree and the lights of Christmas, symbolic of Christ’s birth. The Dream Kids continued singing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” and “Silent Night”, and then additional greetings were brought from Megan Everett, who represented Congressman Char-
lie Dent; State Representatives Joe Emerick and Marcia Hahn, and Nazareth Mayor Fred Daugherty. Lights on the tall tree at the sough end of the circle were turned on and then the crowd waited anxiously for Santa Claus. As they listened to more music by the brass ensemble, the sound of sirens from the Vigilance Hose Co. fire engines signaled that Santa was on his way. Santa and Mrs. Claus arrived aboard an aerial ladder truck, and after making their way through the crowd took their place on a portable stand and passageway, where the children came to meet the jolly old gent. Mrs. Claus handed out teddy bears to the children. Meanwhile, elves went through the crowd handing out candy canes. It was a thrilling night for everyone, carrying on a long tradition. Many of the people were warmed by the hot chocolate served in front of Nazareth Moravian Church by volunteers, which was comforting in the cold December air.
BRASS ENSEMBLE from Nazareth High School entertained with lots of Christmas music.
Peace Walk This Saturday
DREAM KIDS sang traditional Christmas songs. – Home News photos
10:30 am, Tuesday, December 20
The 52nd annual Nazareth to Bethlehem Peace Pilgrimmage will be held this Saturday, Dec. 10. Nearly 100 walkers will trek along Rt. 191, leaving Nazareth Moravian Church on the circle at 12:00 Noon. They expect to arrive at Trinity Lutheran Church in Hecktown at 1:30 p.m. for a rest stop, take another rest at First Baptist Church at 2:45 p.m., and arrive at College Hill Moravian Church in Bethlehem at 3:45 where they will light candles. At 4:445, the walkers will gather on the steps to Central Moravian Church in Bethlehem to sing Christmas carols. Their final stop and rally will be held at Christ UCC Church in Bethlehem at 5:30 p.m. Rev. Kelly DentonBorhand, Associate Professor and chair of Religious Studies at Moravian College, will speak on “De-Escalating U.S. War - Culture: A Primer for Peace Advocates.”
Going Down
“Why are you so late?” “I fell down a flight of stairs.” “Well, that shouldn’t have taken you long.”
Reservations required 610.746.1000 or online at www.moravian.com
The new GE Café kitchen. Perfect for preparing a fabulous meal for spur-of-themoment friends. With the range’s two ovens you can bake a soufflé and dessert simultaneously. Let the refrigerator chill your chardonnay in under 20 minutes, just in time for dinner. Use the microwave’s soften feature for ice cream to complete your a la mode dessert. Even cleanup is easier with the Café dishwasher where you load detergent once every 30 cycles. It’s a kitchen that’s so comfortable and easy to use, it does the inviting for you. www.geappliances.com/cafe
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SANTA and MRS. CLAUS greeted long line of youngsters and gave them a gift, courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce.
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Church Directory ADVENT MORAVIAN, (610) 8680477, Bethlehem. Sun 8:30am Worship; 9:30am Sun School; 10:45am Worship ASSUMPTION BVM PARISH, Northampton. 610-262-2559. Sun 8/10:30am Mass; Mon, Tue, Thurs & Fri – 8am Mass; Wed– 7pm Worship; Sat – 4:00 pm BANGOR CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, Bangor. 610-588-6929 Sun 9:30am SS for all ages; 10:40am Worship; Children’s Church Tues. 6 p.m. Young ladies bible study, 7 p.m. young men’s bible study BETHANY WESLEYAN, Cherryville. 610-767-1239. Sun - 9/10:30am Worship BUSHKILL UNITED METHODIST, Clearfield, Bushkill Twp. Sun 9:15 a.m. worship, 10:30 a.m. SS CARPENTER’S COMMUNITY CHURCH, Nazareth, 484-285-0040 Sun 10am Worship CHAPMAN QUARRIES UNITED METHODIST, Bath. 610-837-0935 10am SS, 11am Worship CHRIST U.C.C., S. Bath. Thurs. 7:30 p.m. Mission Church, Sun. Worship 10:15 am w/nursery. SS 9 a.m. Mission Church 2 p.m. CHRIST U.C.C., Allentown. Schoenersville. Sun. Worship 10:15 a.m. CHRIST U.C.C. – LITTLE MOORE, Danielsville. Sun 9am Worship Stewardship Sunday, 10:30 SS CONCORDIA LUTHERAN CHURCH Northampton Sun 9am Worship, 10:30am SS & Bible Class COVENANT UNITED METHODIST, Bath. 610-837-7517. HA Sun. 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Worship, 9:15 a.m. SS, DRYLAND U.C.C., Nazareth. 610759-4444 Sun – 8/10:15 am Worship, 9 am SS – Tue. 2pm Mus/Worship EGYPT COMMUNITY CHURCH, Whitehall (Egypt) 610-262-4961 Sun. – Worship - 10:30 a.m. SS 9:00 a.m., HCA EMMANUEL’S LUTH Bath. Sun – 9:30am Cont. Worship 8/10:45am Trad. Worship S.S. 9:20 a.m Wed – Cont. Worship 7pm FAITH REFORMED, Lehigh Twsp. Sun - Worship 10 am. GOD’S MISSIONARY CHURCH, Northampton. Sun – 9:30am SS (children & adults); 10:30am & 7pm Service; Sunday Evening Youth 6:30pm. GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN, Northampton Sun – 8/10:45 a.m. SS 9:30 a.m. GOSPEL CHAPEL, Northampton
Worship 10 a.m. GRACE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH, Nazareth 610-759-7039 Sun. 9:30 a.m. Worship, SS 10:30, Evening Worship 6 p.m. GRACE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, Pen Argyl Sun –Service, 8:30am & 9:45am HOLY CROSS EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN, Nazareth. Worship 8/9:30/10:30 am, SS 9:15 a.m.. Tues. 6:30 Bible Study HOLY FAMILY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Nazareth Sun – 7am/9am/11am Mass, Tues. 6:30 bible study HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH, Northampton 610-2622668 Sun. – 10:30 a.m. Worship. Communion 1st Sun. of the Month. SS 9:15 a.m. HOLY TRINITY SLOVAK LUTHERAN, Northampton Sun Worship - 9am; SS, 9am HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH, Cherryville Sun– 8:00/9:30 am, W, MOUNT EATON CHURCH Saylorsburg, PA 570-992-7050 Sat. 6:30 pm Worship, Sun. 8/10:30 a.m Worship. 9:30 SS, Wed. 7 p.m. Bible Study, NAZARETH MORAVIAN CHURCH, Nazareth 610-759-3163 Sun- 8:15/10:45 a.m. Worship. 9:30 SS, NORTHAMPTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD, Northampton Sun – 10:45am & 6pm Worship; 9:30am SS; Wed – 7:30pm Worship QUEENSHIP OF MARY CHURCH, Northampton 610-262-2227 Sun. – 7:30/9:30/11:30 a.m. Service. Holy day & Vigil – 6:30, 9 a.m.; Vigil 7 p.m. SACRED HEART CATHOLIC, Bath. Sat Vigil– 4:30pm/6pm Mass, Sun Masses: 6:45/8/9:30/11am; child care during 9:30am Mass; Mon– Thurs 8am Mass; Fri – 8:30am Mass Morning Prayer Mon-Thurs 7:30am Fri. 8:00am. SALEM U.C.C., Bath. SS 9 a.m., Worship 8/10:15 a.m SALEM UNITED METHODIST, Danielsville. Sun – Worship 9:30 a.m. ST. BRIGID’S EPISCOPAL Nazareth Sun –10 a.m., SS 9:45 a.m. ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH, Bath. 610-837-1061 Sun 8am/10:15 a.m. Worship – Communion 1st & 3rd Sun. ST. JOHN’S EV. LUTHERN CHURCH, Nazareth 610-759-3090. Sun. –9 a.m. Sat. 5:30 p.m. No SS in Summer ST. JOHN’S U.C.C., Northampton.
Sun –8/10:15am Worship, 9 am SS ST. JOHN’S U.C.C., Nazareth. 610759-0893 Sun –- 8/10:45 am Worship, 9:15am Christian Ed ST. NICHOLAS CATHOLIC CHURCH, Walnutport. 610-7673107 Sun Masses at 8/9:30/11am and Sat evening at 4:30pm Daily Mass at 8:30am ST. PAUL’S UCC, Northampton, 610-261-2910. HA Sun. 10:15 am Worship, Communion. 1st Sun. of Month. SS 9 a.m. ST. PAUL’S U.C.C., of Indian land, Cherryville. Sun - Adult & youth SS, 9am; Worship, 10:15am ST. PETER’S U.C.C., Northampton .PA Sun- 9:00 am SS, 10:15 Worship VALLEY VIEW BAPTIST, Northampton Sun - Bible study, 9:30am; Morning worship, 10:45am WALNUTPORT SEVENTH-day ADVENTIST, Sat – 9:30am Worship, - 10:45am Sabbath School ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERN CHURCH, Northampton 610-2611812 ZION’S STONE U.C.C., Kreidersville. Sun- 9:00 am SS, 10:15 Worship ZION WESLEYAN, Pt. Phillip. Sun- 9:00 am SS, 10:15 Worship * Please send Church Schedules and activities to editorial@HomeNewsPA.com. Or mail bulletins to PO BOX 39, BATH PA 18014. Church Directory is a free listing of area Churches in alphabetical order and includes: Services, Sunday school and Bible Study regular schedules. Please call the office for directions or more information. *SS – Sunday School, H/A – Handicapped Accessible.
Yule concert at Bethany
The Music Ministry of Bethany Wesleyan Church in Cherryville, under the direction of Kathleen Dieter, will hold its Christmas Concert , “Light Has Come” on December 10 and 11 at 6:00 pm. There will be songs by the Voices of Praise, Youth, Children and Handbell choirs. The admission is FREE and all are welcome. There will be a cookie reception after the program. Christmas Eve Candlelight Services for the whole family will be held at 4:00 and 6:00 pm on December 24. There will be one service at 10:30 am on Christmas Day. It’s not too late to enroll your child in our Upward Sports Basketball & Cheerleading program. Visit our web site and you may register online or print out a registration form to be returned to 8142 Valley View Road • Seemsville, Northampton St. Peter’s U.C.C. the church at 675 Blue Moun610-837-7426 8142 Valley View Rd. tain Drive in Cherryville.
St. Peter’s UCC
Seemsville, Northampton
610-837-7426 9 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Worship
“There Are No Strangers Here,
St. Peter’s U.C.C. 8142 ValleyOnly View Rd. Friends We Haven’t Met!” Seemsville, Northampton 610-837-7426
“There A re No Strangers Here, Only Friends We Haven’t Met!”
Holiday Basket Auction
Worship 10:15 9:00 a.m. p.m.
All Types of Baskets
Give as a Gift or Keep for Yourself
Saturday, December 10, 2011 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
1 Ticket - $1
1335 Old Carriage Road Northampton, PA 18067 610-262-9517
10 Tickets - $5
25 Tickets - $10
Need Not Be Present To Win
Covered Bridge
Continued from page 9
(2) Santa arrives on an Allen Township Fire Co. fire truck and emerges from the the 172-year old KCB bridge to greet the kids, and (3) We hold a bonfire! The bonfire is a big hit probably because they are rarely held these days. But bonfires are ancient rituals which really seem to engage our crowd in a warming and stimulating communal experience. The bonfire lights up and warms a large area but we also have scores of lit candles in glass jars twinkling all around the grounds. The KCB Gazebo is the stage for the tree lighting, pretty white lights twinkle while the crowd sings “O Christmas Tree”. Simple and
December 8-14, 2011
Be Positive to Others “If anyone slaps you on the cheek, turn to him the other also. And if anyone sues you and takes your tunic, give him your cloak also. And if anyone forces you to go o ne mile, go with him two.”-The words of Jesus, Matthew 5:3941 Has someone hurt you recently? Yesterday? Today? A minute ago? People say things or neglect to say things that can hurt us. And the natural response to being hurt is to hurt back. If we’re out in the world among lots of people, we can frequently get hurt. However, Jesus teaches us to resist the temptation to strike back...to respond with hurtful words. So, what can we do instead? Pray: 1. “Lord, forgive me for how I hurt You, today.” 2. “Lord, help me to forgive this person for hurting me.” 3. “Lord, show me how I can respond in grace and love.” Perhaps your gracefilled response will be to send a card, letting the person who hurt you know that you wish them well. Or maybe it’s giving him or her a housewarming gift. Or maybe it’s bringing an extra cup of Starbucks coffee in along with yours that morning. God will show you. And when He does - do it! Follow through with whatever positive idea that comes to mind. Be obedient and then watch for the blessings. tasteful. Northampton Area High School choral groups perform at the gazebo, which is always a highlight, and there are other musical acts, including saxophone duo Sammy “Sax” Leon and Danny Pany, to entertain. There is a little group caroling; singing is optional but people seem comfortable enough to sing along with the other non-musicals in the crowd! Free hot chocolate and cookies are dispensed. A Crayola basket raffle and the sale of KCB merchandise are the “fund-raising” parts of the event but the rest of the festivities are all free to the public. It’s a very low-key yet memorable event. To make a long story short, there’s nothing like having the boss walk in.
Bible Verse
"Cleanse your hands, ye sinners, and purify your heats, ye doubleminded." 1. Name the author of this admonition. 2. What position did he hold in the early church? 3. To whom was he writing? 4. Where may this verse be found? Answers: 1. Probably James, the halfbrother of Jesus. 2. If this James were Jesus' half brother, he was head of the early church in Jerusalem. 3. To "the twelve tribes scattered abroad." 4. The last part of James 4:8.
12 THE HOME NEWS December 8-14, 2011
Obituaries Claude C. Roth
Jan. 7, 1916 – Nov. 26, 2011 Claude C. Roth, 95, of Nazareth died Saturday, Nov. 26 in Gracedale. He was the husband of the late Elizabeth (Walters) Roth, who died Dec. 29, 2010. He worked at Essroc Cement Co. in Nazareth until retiring. Prior to that, he was a mason contractor for Roth & Fogel Co. During World War II he served in the Army. Born Jan. 7, 1916 in Bath, he was a son of the late Milton and Cora (Fritz) Roth. He was of the Lutheran faith. Surviving are a son, Knute, of Nazareth; nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews. Preceding him in death were one sister and nine brothers. Services were private as arranged by the Reichel Funeral Home, Nazareth.
Annabelle M. Clarke
Feb. 26 , 1937 – Nov. 26, 2011 Annabelle M. Clarke, 74, of Walnutport died Saturday, Nov. 26 at home. She was the wife of the late John L. Clarke. She retired from Super Valu Warehouse, where she worked in distribution. Previously, she was employed in knitting mills, Sondra and FabKnit. Born Feb. 26, 1937 in Breinigsville, she was a daughter of the late Edgar Alan and Luella (Eisenhower) Betz. She was affiliated with Bethany Wesleyan Church, Cherryville, and St. Paul’s U.C.C., Indianland. She was an active baker with the women’s group at Bethany. Surviving are two sons, David of Walnutport and Jack; two daughters, Judy Zigenfus of Palmerton and Danette Clarke of Danielsville; a sister, Jeanette Jones, of Florida; two brothers, Leroy Betz of Bethlehem and Clifford Betz of Allentown; seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Preceding her in death
were three brothers, Edgar W., Robert and Charles Betz. Funeral services were on Saturday morning in St. Paul’s U.C.C. Church, Indianland. Arrangements were by the Boyko Funeral Home.
Harold R. Lloyd Harold R. Lloyd, 72, of Northampton died Wednesday, Nov. 23 in the Inpatient Hospice Unit at Lehigh Valley Hospital, Allentown. He was the husband of Theresa (Matto) Lloyd. Before retiring, he was employed at the former Reichert & Coalston Paint Co. in Bethlehem for many years. He also worked for the Bennett Organization as a driver and custodian, and was an Army veteran. Born in Slatedale, he was a son of the late Harold and Joyce (Williams) Lloyd. In addition to his wife, he is survived by a sister, Barbara Eckert, of Slatington, and nieces and nephews. Services were private at the convenience of the family in the Reichel Funeral Home, Northampton. Memorials to the American Cancer Society may go c/o the funeral home at 326 E. 21st St., Northampton, PA 18067.
Fred C. Phillips, Jr.
April 10, 1921 – Nov. 30, 2011 Fred C. Phillips, Jr., 90, of Plainfield Township died Wednesday, Nov. 30 at home. He was the husband of the late Mary (Arndt) Phillips, who died in 1997. A graduate of Nazareth High School and Churchman’s Business College in Easton, he was engaged in farming throughout his life. Along with his wife, he also co-owned and operated Frankenfield Grocery Store, later known as Phillips Service Station, in Plainfield Township for 23 years until the store closed in1988. Fred also drove school bus for 3 years and worked at LaFona Feed Mill in his spare time. Born April 10, 1921 in Palmer Township, he was a son of
Reichel Funeral Home Pre-Need & Cremation Services 220 Washington Park Nazareth PA (610) 759-0160
326 East 21st Street Northampton PA (610) 261-0440
“Understanding, When People Need it the Most”
the late Fred C., Sr. and Anna (Frankenfield) Phillips. He was a member of Lodge #549, F. & A.M., and the Eastern Star, both in Pen Argyl, and was a 32nd Degree Mason of the Scottish Rite of the Lehigh Valley. He was a member of Grace Lutheran Church in Belfast. Surviving are two sons, Fred III of Plainfield Township and Kevin of Bushkill Township, and a grandson. Funeral services were held on Saturday morning in Grace Lutheran Church, Belfast, followed by burial in Plainfield Cemetery. Arrangements were by the Schmidt Funeral Home, Nazareth.
Mary Schuk
May 16, 1920 – Nov. 30, 2011 Mary Schuk, 91, of Northampton died Wednesday, Nov. 30 in Sacred Heart Hospital, Allentown. She was the wife of the late Mykola Schuk, who died Dec. 11, 1986. She was a retired employee of the former Clyde Shirt Co., where she worked for 36 years. Born May 16, 1920 in Ormrod, she was a daughter of the late Metro and Rosie (Pudish) Dytyniak. She was a member of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church, Northampton. Surviving are nieces and nephews, and a sister, Pauline, in Poland. Preceding her in death was a son, Dennis. Divine Liturgy was held on Saturday morning in St. John the Baptist Church, Northampton, followed by burial in the parish cemetery. Arrangements were by the Reichel Funeral Home, Northampton, who contributions may be sent for the church.
William H. Bensing, Sr.
June 4, 1944 – Dec. 2, 2011 William H. “Billy” Bensing, Sr., 67, of Bushkill Township died Friday, Dec. 2 in Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest, Salisbury Township. He was the husband of Sandra J. (Everitt) Bensing. An Army veteran of the Vietnam War, he was a Purple Heart recipient. He worked as an operating engineer for Local #542, Philadelphia. Born June 4, 1944 in Moorestown, he was a son of Gladys (Wambold) Bensing and the late William W. Bensing and
was a lifelong resident of the Moorestown – Clearfield area. He was a member of the Petersville Rod & Gun Club and Camp Moore, Prouty Park. In addition to his wife and mother, he is survived by two sons, William H. “Herb” Bensing of Bath and Bruce Bensing of Bowmanstown; five grandchildren; and a sister, Joanne Hugo, of Moorestown. Funeral services will be private at the convenience of the family. There was no viewing.
Bernadine V. Kunkel
Oct. 26, 1927 – Dec. 2, 2011 Bernadine V. Kunkel, 84, of Bethlehem died Friday, Dec. 2 in Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest. She was the wife of the late Ward W. Kunkel, who died on May 4, 2001. She was a bus driver for the Easton School District for many years, and was a 1945 graduate of Nazareth High School. Born Oct. 26, 1927 in Hecktown, she was a daughter of the late Truman and Anna (Metz) Bittenbender. She was a member of St. Thomas U.C.C. Church, Bethlehem, and also a member of the Femme Rod & Gun Club in Bushkill Township, and bowled at Bar-Don in Palmer Township. Surviving are two daughters, Hope Kunkel, at home, and Sharon Deschler of Bethlehem; two sons, George of Moore Township, and Paul of Mesa, Ariz.; a brother, Truman Bittenbender, of Bethlehem; five grandsons, and a great-granddaughter. Arrangements were by the Reichel Funeral Home, Nazareth, and burial was private. Memorial donations may be made to the Center for Vision Loss, 845 W. Wyoming St., Allentown, PA 18103.
Mary A. “Mitza” Myirski A Memorial Mass of Christian Burial for Mary A. “Mitza” Myirski, who died on Sept. 22, 2011, was held on Friday morning, Dec. 9, 2011 in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, Bath. Interment followed in the parish cemetery in Bath.
Thomas K. Maher, Jr. Thomas K. Maher, Jr., 61, of Nazareth died Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2011 in his home. He was the husband of Debra K. (LaCoursiere) Maher. He was a controller for Sensient Cosmetic Technologies,
S. Plainfield, N.J., the past 17 years. Prior to that he worked for Bucyrus-Erie Mfg., S. Milwaukee and ALCAN Aluminum in Kentucky, both in accounting and finance. In 2003 he was an adjunct professor teaching accounting at DeSales University. He received his Bachelors degree in accounting from Marquette University, Wisconsin, in 1971, then achieved his C.P.A. certification in 1976, and earned his M.B.A. from the University of Evansville in Indiana in 1964. He served in the Army, stationed in Korea during the Vietnam War. Born in Pittsburgh, he was a son of the late Thomas Maher, Sr. and Elizabeth (Hart) Maher. He was a member of Holy Family Catholic Church, Nazareth. Mr. Maher served on the Nazareth Area School Board as a member and treasurer for the last 12 years and was just elected to his fourth term. He was a member of the Nazareth Community Diversity Council, and a former Republican committeeman. In addition to his wife, he is survived by three sons, Thomas K. III of San Francisco, Calif., James P. of Nazareth, and Daniel V. of Bethlehem; three sisters, Elizabeth R. Welter of Oakhurst, N.J., Mary Murphy of Tucson, Ariz., and Margaret Rasch of La Grange, Ill.; and a brother, Patrick T., of Hanover Park, Ill. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated Monday morning in the Holy Family Church with The Rev. Fr. Joseph Tobias officiating. Interment will take place at Ft. Indiantown Gap Cemetery in Annville, Pa., and will be private at the convenience of the family. Arrangements were made by the BartholomewSchisler Funeral Home, Nazareth. Memorial contributions may be made to the Thomas K. Maher Scholarship Fund, c/o the funeral home at 211 E. Center St., Nazareth, PA 18064.
Mary C. McCloskey
Jan. 26, 1937 – Dec. 1, 2011 Mary Claire McCloskey, 74, of Northampton, died Thursday, Dec. 1 at home. She was the wife of Leo McCloskey. She retired from Guardian Life Insurance Company of America in Bethlehem after 20 years as a dental claims supervisor. She graduated from Mt. St. Dominick’s Academy Continued on page 13
Zee R. K. Bartholomew
Supervisor Burials • Cremations • Pre-planning Six Generations of Quality Compassionate Service Since 1853
610-837-6451 243 S. Walnut St., Bath, Pa. 18014
Frances Bensing Funeral Director
John h. simons supervisor
Obituaries Continued from page 12
in West Caldwell, N.J. and attended Misericordia College in Dallas, Pa., where she studied home economics. Born Jan. 26, 1937 in Newark, N.J., she was the daughter of the late Dr. Robert Anderson and Elsie Mae (Parker) Anderson. She was a member of St. Nicholas Catholic Church, Berlinsville, for 38 years. In addition to her husband, she is survived by her children, Tom McCloskey, Mariann Skrapits, Catherine McCloskey, Rosemary McGinley, and Leahanne Anderson; and nine grandchildren. Preceding her in death were a sister, Elsie Holman, and a son, Michael R. McCloskey. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on Monday morning in St. Nicholas Church, with arrangement made by the Reichel Funeral Home, 326 E. 21st St., Northampton, PA 18067, where memorial donations may be sent for the church.
Thelma K. Roberts Thelma K. Roberts, 90, formerly of Lehigh Township, died Thursday, Dec. 1, 2011 in Summit Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, Lehighton. She was the wife of the late Malcolm Roberts, who died in 1987. Born in Treichlers, she was a daughter of the late George R. and Lillie Mae (Nicholas) Knecht. She was a member of Bethany Wesleyan Church, Cherryville, and the Slatington Senior Ladies Group. Surviving are a daughter, Roberta A. Christman, of Roundup, Montana; a son, David M. of Lehighton; three grandchildren, three greatgrandchildren, and a greatgreat-granddaughter. Services were held on Tuesday afternoon in the Schisler Funeral Home, Northampton, followed by interment in the Indianland Cemetery, Lehigh Township. Contributions may be made to the Alzheimers Assn., Pa. Branch, 325 Chestnut St., Phildelphia, PA 19106.
of the Express-times as a delivery person for 52 years in Bushkill Township. She operated a fresh fruit and vegetable stand at the family farm in Bushkill Township for many years. Born May 26, 1928 in Bath, she was a daughter of the late Thomas C. J. and Cora M. (Kale) Yob. In addition to her husband, she is survived by a son, Ricky Johnson, of Bushkill Township; four daughters, Shari Eckhart of Nazareth, Sheila Knauss of Moorestown, Sylvia Brown of Easton, and Sally Tresize of Bethlehem; stepson Rodney Johnson of Wind Gap; step-daughter, Sandi Hawk of Nazareth; 20 grandchildren, 30 great-grandchildren and four great-greatgrandchildren, and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by husbands Russell E. Johnson in 977 and John Kelly; three brothers, Arthur, Paul and Thomas Yob, and a sister, Cora Mae. Services were held on Wednesday in the Geo. G. Bensing Funeral Home, Moorestown, followed by burial in Forks Cemetery, Stockertown.
Bowling Continued from page 6
Daku Still Ahead By Five Games in Commercial League Daku Auto Body lost 1 to 3 in playing vs. Valley Inspection Service, but still has a comfortable five-game lead in the Bath Commercial League in week 12. Even so, Daku had Marc Biechy with a big 255213-247–715, and Al Davidson, 219-202-275–696; Scott Bortz, 200–564; and Bob Daku, 517. Valley: Gerald Bartholomew, 203-231–622; Craig Madtes, 246–571; Lane Rundle, 504. Bath Supply split 2 to 2 with Sunnieside Landscaping,
having Jeff Kerbacher, 202211–617; Frank Yeakel, 226203–616; Harvey Rissmiller, 233–606; Brent Connolly, 562; Lester Steigerwalt, 212–559. Sunnieside: Ryan Flick, 233– 631; Anton Boronski. 217231–612; Chris Hoysan, 220– 556; Tony Holva, 556. Maxx Amusements gained ground with a 3 to 1 victory over Moore Pizza, led by Andy Edelman, 254-211– 653; George Hyde, 242–615; Russell Hank, 220-203–612; Randy Frey, 225–578; Bill Bachman, 519. Pizza: Jerry Eckhart, 211–552, and Rollie Meixsell, 210–523. Rice Family and Old Dairy also split 2 to 2. Rice: Dale Fye, 204–559. Old Dairy: Kurt Morgan, 232-236–640; Ed Bernatovich, 208-200–584; Bill Neidig, 526. STANDINGS Daku Auto Body Bath Supply Maxx Amusements Valley Inspection Old Dairy Moore Pizza Sunnieside Land. Rice Family
W L 34 14 29 19 29 19 25.5 22.5 21.5 26.5 19 29 18 30 16 32
Young Bucks Now On Top by Six in Bath Friday Nighters The Young Bucks won three and the week before runnerup dropped four, so there was a new runner-up as the Bucks held a three-game lead in the Bath Friday Nighters League as of Nov. 25. Those Young Bucks clipped Palmer Snowflakes, led by Kyle Krywonis, 225/634; Allen Smith, 579; Brandon Jacoby, 564; Christian Vazquez, 545, and Ryan Cameron, 512. Snowflakes: Terry Bartholomew, 258–667; Gerald Bartholomew, 223–609; Jerry Fogel, 589; Jim Chillot, 566. Bath Legion jumped to second place by winning three over P C Beverage, with Dave Shaver, 233–623; Bob Adams,
Flora D. Fuller
May 26, 1928 – Dec. 3, 2011 Flora D. Fuller, 83, of Bushkill Township died Saturday, Dec. 3 at home. She was the wife of Frank J. Fuller. Prior to retiring, she worked in the circulation department
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THE HOME NEWS 589; Cory Brown, 559; Don Arndt, 495. P C: Ed Musselman, 257–605; Craig Madtes, 571; Dave Jacoby, 527; Mike Knable, 467; Russ Hertzog, 414. Herman’s Hertzog’s walloped Bensing’s in four games to get a tie for second and drop Bensing’s from second to fourth place. Hermits: Herm Petersen, 256–601; Dan Cortright, 565; Dave Thompson, 556; Pete Curto, 421. Bensing’s: Jared Kocher, 558; Arthur Flegler, 519; Ernie Keller, 418. Team YTTIHS shut out G & L in four games with big scores, led by Brent Bartholomew, 265–760; Ryan Flick, 258–726; Kyle Reaser, 259–683; Jeff Hoysan, 241–608; Jeff Hertzog, 565. G & L: Ed Reynolds, a perfect 300 in a 748 series; Ty Pagotto, 597; Scott Bower, 502; Terry Koch, 450. December 2 Games The Young Bucks increased their lead by six over the runner-up Legion team on Dec. 2, taking four from them, led by Brandon Jacoby, 245–641; Ryan Cameron, 561; Christian Vazquez, 544; Kyle Krywonis, 514, and Allen Smith, 504. Legion: Dave Shaver, 259–666; Bob Adams, 584; Cory Brown, 561; Paul Durnin, 444; Jon Kenezejeski, 390. G & L took three from Her-
December 8-14, 2011
man’s Hermits, but the latter took second place. G & L: Ed Reynolds, 279–662; Ty Pagotto, 247–645; Scott Bower, 504; Mike Bower, 486; Terry Koch, 484. Hermits: Herm Petersen, 244–655; Dan Cortright, 598; Joe Cortright, 523; Dave Thompson, 447; Pete Curto, 425. Palmer Snowflakes won three over P C Beverage, led by Terry Bartholomew, 288– 762; Gerald Bartholomew, 214–622; Jim Chillot, 545; Jerry Fogel, 528. P C: Ed Musselman, 266–608; Craig Madtes, 579; Dave Jacoby, 529; Mike Knable, 442. Team YTTIHS took three from Bensing’s to drop them lower as they had Kyle Reaser, 225–601; Jeff Hoysan, 589; Brent Bartholomew, 582; Ryan Flick, 546.; Jeff Hertzog, 511. Bensing’s: Bill Kocher, 266–724; Art Flegler, 558; Ryan Buss, 508; Jared Kocher, 499; Ernie Keller, 431. STANDINGS The Young Bucks Herman’s Hermits Bath Legion Bensing’s Palmer Snowflakes P C Beverage G&L Team YTTIHS
W 33 27 26 26 24 24 24 24
L 19 25 26 26 28 28 28 28
Continued on page 15
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ATTENTION SLEEP APNEA SUFFERERS with Medicare Get FREE CPAP Replacement Supplies at NO COST, plus FREE home delivery! Best of all, prevent red skin sores and bacterial infection! Call 888-6537635. (12/29) Any laptop repaired just $79 Macs too. REALLY! FREE Fedex shipping! $49 extra for screen or motherboard replacement. CALL Authorized Laptop Repair Specialists 888-8621820. (12/29)
Chainsaws sharpened and new chains by the foot. All types of batteries, factory seconds and first line. Call: 610-262-8703 TN*
Twin Maple Farm, 1 mile South Bath School Rd. Open Daily. TN
services NAZARETH PLATE GLASS CO., INC. 27 Mauch Chunk Street Nazareth, Pa. HARVEY VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS SOLAR ROOMS Storm Windows & Screens Repaired Insulated Glass, Plexiglass, Mirrors, Repairs made at your home. Free Estimates. Call Mike Matula 610-759-3682 Closed Saturdays TN* NOTARY Billings Service Center 154 N. Walnut St., Bath, PA 610837-6291 Titles & Tags M* We Remove Junk! Attic Basements, Cleanouts, Appliances, Furniture, Construction Debris, Backyard Shed Tear-down, Swimming Pools, Old Hot Tubs etc. GO GREEN! Marth’s Disposal 610262-9021 or 610-842-5684. (12/31/11)
Home Improvements HOUSE PLANS
For Rent
Custom Drafting and Blueprinting – I will design your new dream home or home addition to suit your property, lifestyle, budget and you. Full time, quick service since 1980. Free estimates. Call Ron Eberts, Residential Designer: 610-6814613. TN*
CHAPMAN 1/2 Double w/ 3BR, 1BA, 1-Car Garage
POTATOES PADULA Farms 1/2 Mile West of Bath on Route 248. 12/8
No Pets/Smokers $850/mo. + Utilities & Security 610-8370971 (12/8-12/22)
Additions Remodeling Chimney Repairs Ceramic Tile. PA006229. 610-262-6646. (TN)
Office – Business Space available along busy Route 248 in Berlinsville. Will remodel to suit tenant. Reasonable Rent. All utilities included. (610) 7673531 (1/14 – TN)
All types of roofing. Free Estimates. Fully Insured. Randy C. Silfies, owner. PA#036835 610-837-8225 TN*
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PUblic notice-Legal BATH BOROUGH AUTHORITY PUBLIC MEETING CHANGE The December Bath Borough Authority Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday December 13, 2011 at 6:00pm. The meeting will be held at Bath Borough Hall, 215 East Main Street Bath. Please call the office, 610-8370652 with questions. George Gasper, Chairman
PUBLIC NOTICE MOORE TOWNSHIP 2012 PROPOSED BUDGETS The Proposed General Fund Budget, Proposed Liquid fuels Budget, and the Recreation Enterprise Budget for the year 2012 for the TOWNSHIP OF MOORE, County of Northampton, have been prepared and are open for public inspection at the Moore Township Municipal Building, 2491 Community Drive, Bath, Pa. 18014, between the hours of 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Monday to Friday, beginning December 9, 2011. The Final General Fund Budget and Liquid Fuels Budget and Recreation Enterprise Budget for 2012, will be formally adopted at a SPECIAL MEETING of the Moore Township Board of Supervisors which will be held on December 29, 2011 at 7:00 PM, at the Moore Township Municipal Building, 2491 Community Drive, Bath , Pa. 18014. All interested persons are invited to attend. MOORE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Richard K. Gable, Secretary/ Treasurer
Day time -- Full Time position at processing center to direct composting, mulch making operations, driving container vehicle (CDL “B” required with experience), maintenance on heavy equipment, manage employees, assist with clerical activities, budgeting, marketing, work closely with customers, FRCA Board and various other Boards. Company -- First Regional Compost Authority 6701 Weaversville Road, Northampton, PA, 18067{ East Allen Township, Northampton County}. Apply -- In person 6701 Weaversville Road, Northampton PA 18067 {9 a.m. 2 p.m. } Deadline for applications December 19, 2011 {2 p.m.}. 12/8
Please take notice that the Board of Supervisors of East Allen Township will hold a meeting on Wednesday, December 14, 2011, at 7:30 p.m. at the East Allen Township Municipal Building at 5344 Nor-Bath Blvd., Northampton, Pennsylvania. Included among the items to be voted upon, will be the Appointment of a certified public accountant or a firm of certified public accountants to conduct the annual independent audit, as a substitute for the elected auditors, pursuant to 53 P.S. Section 65917, and such other business as is properly brought before the Board. Leeson, Leeson & Leeson, Attorneys at Law Solicitor for East Allen Township 70 East Broad Street P.O. Box 1426 Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18016-1426
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We’re going to bake holiday treats...
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(12/1-12/8) PUBLIC NOTICE Moore Township Board of Supervisors will conduct their annual Re-Organization Meeting on Tuesday, January 3, 2012, 7:00 PM, at which time the Board will appoint individuals to various Township Boards, Commissions, Councils, and Offices for the 2012 year and beyond. The following represents a comprehensive listing of those positions to be filled: Moore Township residency NOT required . . . paid position ZONING OFFICER – One (1) person – one (1) year term. ASSISTANT ZONING OFFICER – One (1) person – one (1) year term. CERTIFIED SEWAGE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER – One (1) person – one (1) year term. CERTIFIED ALTERNATE SEWAGE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER – One (1) person – one (1) year term. Individual or Firm . . . paid position SOLICITOR – One (1) person or firm – one (1) year term. ENGINEER – One (1) person or firm – one (1) year term. Moore Township residency required . . . (** paid per meeting) **ZONING HEARING BOARD – Two (2) persons – five (5) year term. **ALTERNATE ZONING HEARING BOARD – One (1) person – five (5) year term. **PLANNING COMMISSION – Three (3) persons – four (4) year term. RECREATION COMMISSION – One (1) person – five (5) year term. PARK COMMISSION – One (1) person – five (5) year term. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT COMMITTEE – Three (3) persons – one (1) year term. ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL - Three (3) persons – Three (3) year term. FARMLAND PRESERVATION BOARD – Three (3) persons – three (3) year term. VACANCY BOARD – One (1) person – one (1) year term. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR - PartTime One (1) Person - One (1) year term Interested persons may apply by telephone, fax, and a follow up letter stating qualifications and/or any other pertinent information. Letters should be mailed to The Moore Township Board of Supervisors, 2491 Community Drive, Bath, PA 18014. Telephone 610759-9449 - fax 610-759-9448 The Moore Township Board of Supervisors (12/8)
er emb Dec ere! h is
Annimills LLC c 2011 V8-N49
Gift Giving and Singing and Holiday Fun! Ringing Out
Everyone is busy, busy, busy! They are getting ready for the holidays. Each family has its own customs and traditions. What is your family doing? Finish the puzzles on this page to find out what people are doing at this time of year.
Okay, okay the word is out. I love the holidays! I love the hustle and bustle. I’m only half crabby at this time of year.
Festival of Lights
A group is singing and ringing in the neighborhood. Later they will bring some holiday cheer to a Senior Citizens' Center when they sing and ring their bells there. Study the clues to fill in the words missing from the songs they are singing:
Color Key: Y = yellow B = blue W = white This family is taking out a family heirloom. It will help them remember the miracle of Hanukkah. Find your colored pencils and follow the color key to find out what it is. B B
1. Jingle ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
The Gifting of Others
This family earned extra money and bought presents for other families. They wanted to help make everyone’s holidays a little extra special! Follow the dots to see 3 of the presents:
3 2
9 11
5 5 4
10 11 13 14
20 21
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___
5. The (12) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
of Christmas
___ ___ ___ ___
18 19
25 24
My town has a donation box to help make the holidays brighter for people who are going through hard times, who are alone or who just need a little cheering up. We also have a fun community dinner that anyone can attend and bring a treat to, if they wish. Here are some easy, low-cost ideas to join in the giving spirit:
Dishing Out 5 Homespun Gifts! 6
tray plate basket 2
9 10 11
12 13
14 15 21 17 16 22 20 18 19 23 24 25 26 36 27 37 35 38 28 30 34 39 29 31 41 40 33 32
49 1 48 47 46
5 6
3 2
23 Visit our website to print out new puzzles: How Do Animals Get Ready For Winter? Thanksgiving: Family, Fun and Feast! World of Color, What Happens in the Fall? www.readingclubfun.com
1. Put some hot chocolate packets, tea bags or coffee in a ______. 2. Group small surprises (deck of cards, pencil, score pad) in a ______. 3. Put a few paperback books in an attractive ______. 4. Gather some fresh fruit into a ______. 5. Arrange some fancy soaps and small towels in a ______. 6. Bake and decorate cookies. Place them nicely on a ______. 7. Place cheese, crackers and jelly on a ______.
Clear ! ! !
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Check out the free puzzles and reading logs!
Let it Let it Let it
2 16
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
13 16 14
7 8
It Came Upon a
...and bring them to the Senior Center.
bag box mug bowl
Want to sponsor a Future Puzzle? Call us at 484-623-4571 to find out how!
Newspaper Fun! Created by Annimills c 2011
14 THE HOME NEWS December 8-14, 2011
Live Nativity in Bethlehem
Dartball Continued from page 6
a homer; “Butch” Silfies, a home run. Emmanuel EC, Bethlehem, lost 6-1, then won 7-6 and 5-4 at St. Stephen’s Lutheran, Bethlehem. Emmanuel: Ted Kobler, 7 for 13; Bruce Danyluk, 6 for 13; Dick Wesner, 5 for 12, and D-Mike, 4 for 9 with a homer. St. Stephen’s: Don Smith, 6 for 11 with an homer; Josh Buczynski, 6 for 12; Ed Wychuk, 6 flor 13; Travis Beahm, 5 for 15; and Cory Oswale, a home run. Messiah Lutheran, Bethlehem, won 5-3 and 9-2 before losing 3-2 at Ebenezer Bible Fellowship. Messiah: Mike Daly, Sr., 7 for 15 with a homer; Jeff Hasonich, 6 for 13 and a homer; Mike Daly, Jr., 5 for 14; Todd Jones, also 5 for 14 with a homer; and home runs by Dick Miller and Dave Casey. Ebenezer: Kevin Voortman, 6 for 12; Carol Voortman, 5 for 14; and homers by LeRoy Wilcox, Ray Moretz, and Victor Taccohoni.
Misfits Take Half in Legion
Hecktown Firemen Split, But Still Lead In Bath Industrial
Meixsell’s Misfits snuck one game away from Rich’s Renegades despite Kyle Reaser’s 698 series (194,206,289), to clinch the first half of the Bath American Legion Post 470 Sunday League. Flick’s Fighters took three from Matt’s Mulisha to keep their second place spot going into the last week of the half. Weinberg’s Whiners took all four away from Marshal Law to keep a one game lead on them with one week left. Beer Money swept Tony’s Kahonies to stay within one game of them thanks to Glendy’s 684 series (224,225,235), shooting 174 pins over average.
Continued from page 13
Hecktown Fire Co. split 2 to 2 with Harhart’s, but still have a four-game lead in the Bath Industrial League, as of week 12. Firemen: Matt Paulus, 237-208–632; B.J. Doncsesz, 221-204-201–626; Stan Zurowski, 225-221–620. Harhart: Brandon Frey, 239-234– 642; Travis Oplinger, 226–587; “Butch” Holland, Sr., 548; Bob Sipple, 219–534; Tony Holva, 508. G&L Screen Printing pulled into second place by winning four games over Old Dairy, led by Paul Duda, 275– 675; Jason Eberts, 239–588; Gary Gower, Jr., 224–540. Old Dairy: Scott Ackerman, 512. S L Plastic won 3 to 1 over Arndt Construction with Kyle Reaser, 268-23-203–704; Rich Trucksess, 225-222-216–663; Evan Rehrig, 202–551; Gary Reaser, 202–524. Arndt: Bob Adams, 255-244=204–703; Tim Graver, 204–575; Cory Brown, 224–572; Ed Musselman, 506. Scherline & Associates alkso split 2 to 2 with Taylor Honey. Scherline: Andy Edelman, 289-277-236–802; Jeff Kerbacher, 268-221–639; Steve Kerbacher, 234-221–636; Frank Yeakel, 220–517. Taylor: Jack Troxell, 225-215–609; Gary Miller, 545; Ed Taylor, 524; Scott Frielboln, 511. STANDINGS W L Hecktown Fire Co. 32 17 G&L Sign Factory 26 21 Taylor Honey 25 23 Old Dairy 24 24 S L Plastics 23 25 Arndt Construction 22.5 25.5 Harhart’s Svc. 21 27 Scherline & Assoc. 19 29
STANDINGS Meixsell’s Misfits Flick’s Fighters Rich’s Renegades Weinberg’s Whiners
W 38 32 30 26
L 18 24 26 30
Tony’s Kahonies Matt’s Mulisha Beer Money Marshall Law
26 30 25.5 30.5 25 31 21.5 34.5
Top Scores At Bath Legion Week of Nov. 20
MEN, 600 & Higher: Ed Reynolds, 300/748; Brent Bartholomew, 760; Ryan Flick, 655/726; Marc Biechy, 715; Marty Csencsits, 712; Al Davidson, 696; Kyle Reaser, 660/683; Terry Bartholomew, 656/667; Andy Edelman, 653; Kurt Morgan, 640; “Butch” Holland, 643; Tony Boronski, 654; Eddy Jo Marshall, 624; Dave Shaver, 623; Nate Meixsell, 625; Rich Kuehner, 619; Gerry Bartholomew, 622; Jeff Kerbacher, 617; Frank Yeakel, 616; Kyle Krywonis, 634. WOMEN, 500 & Higher: Dawn Mayer, 565; Michelle Moyer, 530; Kathy Grube, 524; Michelle Tirrell, 517; Dee Allogio, 508; Bert Davidson, 505.
W L Pct.
St.. Paul’s, Northampton 25 Salem Luth., Bethlehem 24 Bath Lutheran 24 St. Stephen’s, Bethlehem 23 Dryland/Trin., H’town 22 Messiah, Bethlehem 20 Christ UCC, Bath 16 Farmersville 17 Trinity Luth., Bangor 16 Emmanuel, Bethlehem 13 Salem UCC, M’town 14 Ebenezer, Bethlehem 14
11 .694 12 .667 15 .615 16 .590 17 .564 19 .513 20 .444 22 .436 23 .410 23 .361 25 .359 25 359
SCHEDULE: Dec. 12 – St. Paul’s at Salem UCC, Trinity Luth. at Salem Luth., Dryland at Christ UCC, Bath Luth. at Emmanuel, St. Stephen’s at Messiah, Ebenezer at Farmersville.
Sports Quiz 1. What college football team was No. 1? 2. Why is Urban Meyer in the news? 3. Who is Bubba Watson? 4. Who won the FloridaFSU game (football)? Answers: 1. L.S.U., 12-0. 2. Meyer next Ohio State football coach. 3. Coming U.S. pro golfer. 4. Florida State, 21-7.
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VOLUNTEER CAST of the live Bethlehem Christmas Pageant received instructions last Sunday as they prepared for the annual pageant this Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 10 and 11 from noon to 1 p.m. in the Bethlehem Rose Garden. When that happens, they’ll be dressed as people did during the times of the Baby Jesus, and there will be live camels, horses, and other animals in the story surrounding Jesus’ birth. – Home News photo
December 8-14, 2011
16 THE HOME NEWS December 8-14, 2011
committed to Northampton County Prison in default of $2,000 bail 10%. The charges were forgery and fraudulent prescriptions attempting to obtain a controlled substance.
Police Blotter Colonial Regional Possession of Small Amount of Marijuana
Colonial Regional Police stopped a black Mitsubishi traveling east on E. Northampton St., Bath, for a traffic offense at 1:05 a.m. Nov. 24. Police found the vehicle to be operated by John P. Raffaele, 18, of Blue Jay Drive, Nazareth. During that stop police detected an odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle. The car was impounded and a search warrant was obtained. Police found a small amount of marijuana and drug paraphernalia inside the vehicle during the search.
Retail Theft And False I.D.
Charges of possession of a small amount of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, and a traffic offense will be filed with District Judge John Capobianco’s office.
Arrested for Forgery and Fraudulent Prescriptions
On Nov. 28, John Joseph Bara, 43, of 150 Edwin Lane, Stroudsburg, attempted to obtain 180-count 30 mg Oxycodone using a fraudulent/ forged prescription at the CVS Pharmacy at 4082 Jandy Blvd. in Lower Nazareth Township. After his arrest by Colonial Regional Police, Bara was arraigned before District Judge Joseph Barner on Dec. 1 and
Timothy J. Mandes, 23, of 611 Fehr Rd., Nazareth, was arrested for retail theft after Wal-Mart asset protection saw him concealing merchandise in his coat and attempting to leave the scene without paying for the items on Nov. 19 at 4:02 p.m. During the investigation into the retail theft, Mandes provided police with false identification. Mandes is being charged with the retail theft as well as providing false identification to law enforcement, with charges filed through District Judge Joseph Barner’s office.
Northampton Police Department responded to these incidents between Nov. 28 and Dec. 4 NOVEMBER 28 Male reportedly approached another male at the intersection of 8th and Main Street, while brandishing a knife approximately six inches long, stating that he owed him money. The subject, however, called the male by another name. When suspect was informed of his error, he quickly left the area. Under investigation. NOVEMBER 29 A burglary was reported in the 2300 block of Dewey Avenue. There were no signs of forced entry. Approximately $4,650 worth of items was taken. Under investigation. NOVEMBER 30 A lighted reindeer, made of white wire with white lights, was stolen from the front
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lawn of a residence in the 1300 block of Stewart Street. A snowman of the same type was pushed over, possibly in an attempt to also remove it. DECEMBER 1 A brick was thrown through the front bay window of a residence in the 300 block of Main Street. Resident awoke after hearing a noise and discovered the damage, along with a brick lying on the floor. Police were dispatched to the Wine and Spirits Store on Center Street for report of a retail theft. According to witness and security tape, a male had taken two bottles of vodka, total value of $63.98, and left the store without paying for same. Charges pending. Police and fire departments responded to the 1300 block of Stewart Street for an odor investigation. Resident was awakened by a smell and reportedly felt sick. It was determined that a malfunctioning oil burner was the cause. Family members were transported to the hospital for carbon monoxide evaluation. DECEMBER 2-4 Numerous vehicles were egged throughout the Borough during this time period, including the 1500 block of Laubach Avenue, 600 block of Buckingham Drive, 300 and 500 blocks of Main Street, and from the 900 to 1900 blocks of Washington Avenue. DECEMBER 4 Female, 22, of Northampton, was placed under arrest for DUI after failing field sobriety tests and results of a PBT. She had been observed going through a red light at the intersection of 9th and Main Streets, proceeded on to Laubach Avenue where she struck a parked vehicle, then continued on to her residence on East 20th Street.
Opinion Continued from page 2
American phenomenon is the government’s regulatory role, which plays a crucial role in Marcellus development—or the lack thereof. Look no further than the state of New York, where a moratorium
on natural gas exploration has capped economic activity. Yet, gas producers remain cautiously optimistic. If Governor Rendell were still in office, things might look different. For the time being, Republican Governor Tom Corbett has only proposed an impact fee on natural gas production, of which the tax portion is not expected to survive state legislation. Maybe Governors John Kasich and Earl Ray Tomblin in bordering Ohio and West Virginia will take note. Exploration and production of Marcellus Shale is certainly a sign of the times in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia, exhibited by the boom towns that have been revived from drilling activity. These times are producing the creation of real jobs and money infused into local communities, and this is just the start. No doubt, Marcellus drilling also provides distinct challenges, which are being hotly debated, and which indeed need to be carefully considered. For now, though, the economic benefits in these dire economic times are undeniable.
New security In Pa. driver License cards
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation has deployed a new security hologram that makes it easier to spot fake drivers’ licenses and identification cards. Pennsylvania is the first state in the nation to use this enhanced security feature. “A driver’s license or identification card has always been a trusted source for establishing a person’s true identity,” said PennDOT Secretary Barry J. Schoch. “We are steadfast in our resolve to combat counterfeit forms of identification, which ultimately jeopardize lives and hold great potential for harm to our national security.” The new hologram suppresses the “rainbow" colors normally associated with holographic images. The result is a hologram that appears to switch between white and black as the image is moved. Also, because the new image is of a much higher resolution, it is clearly visible in bright, moderate and even low-light environments.