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New Oxford
Fiddlestix Mercantile

Just around the corner, pick up souvenirs from your day in New Oxford at Fiddlestix Mercantile, a boutique that works with local makers to sell everything from jewelry and candles, to food items and fresh flowers. They also host artistic workshops—in topics like stained glass, wreath making, and chunky blanket knitting—so be sure to check their Facebook page to register ahead of your visit.
2 Carlisle St, New Oxford, PA facebook.com/fiddlestixmercantilenewox
The Christmas Haus

The yuletide spirit is in great supply year round at The Christmas Haus, an authentic German Christmas shop. Three separate buildings are filled with countless glass ornaments (with designs ranging from traditional to quirky and modern), nutcrackers, nativities, and more. With holiday music playing over the speakers and aisles of artisanal decor to discover, you’ll find yourself in a festive spirit no matter what time of year you visit.
110 Lincoln Way West, New Oxford, PA thechristmashaus.com
Brookmere Winery Tasting Room
End your day in New Oxford with a wine tasting at Brookmere Winery, back in the town square. This small, family-owned winery uses only Pennsylvania-grown grapes and fruits to produce their wine. All tastings are free. Once you decide on a variety you love, their team encourages you to purchase a bottle and settle in to listen to some live music (on select Friday evenings) and enjoy something to eat (outside food is permitted, as they do not have an in-house restaurant).

2 Lincoln Way East, New Oxford, PA brookmerewine.com
If you’ve worked up an appetite from your time in town, locals recommend C&D Bar and Grill for lunch. The restaurant is family-owned and focused on using fresh, local ingredients in all of their offerings, including daily lunch and dinner specials.

6465 York Rd, New Oxford, PA cdbargrill.com