Updates on
resort And spa, parks and Sanctuary status
During the Feb. 11 Lehigh Township Board of Supervisors meeting, Matthew Pennoni of Pennoni Associates was in attendance to answer supervisors’ questions in regard to taking over the current project of editing township zoning ordinances. After their questions were answered, supervisors agreed to accept the contact with Pennoni.
Following, the board heard from representatives of various subdivision plans in the township. Carl and Linda Becker requested the approval of their subdivision plan. Township Engineer Michael Muffley explained that the planning commission had discussed the Becker plan during their Feb. 10 meeting and saw no problems with it, so the board granted conditional approval. Three other subdivision plans were also discussed and approved by the planning commission, and supervisors therefore granted extensions of time for plan approval to Tyler and Emily Landis, Keith and Karen Hantz and Billy Carter.
Next, Lehigh Township Municipal Authority requested an extension of time for plan recording in regard to the booster station being constructed in Pennsville. They are currently awaiting the plans from the design engineer. The extension was granted until the end of the year.
Nicole Gallio, representing the Jaindl corporation, appeared be-
fore the board to provide an update on the Lehigh Valley Resort and Spa. They have had some difficulty coordinating design efforts between different consultants, but expect to be bringing an updated plan submission to Muffley before the August deadline. They are also working with various contractors to ensure there are no issues.
Muffley reported that the Riverview Drive self-storage plan was discussed at the planning commission meeting. A plan will be presented to supervisors in March, and once zoning ordinance updates have been made, a public hearing will be advertised to make those updates known.
Under recreation, Sandra Hopkins reported that Northern Lehigh will hopefully be holding their first baseball game of the season on March 18 at Bryfogle Park. St. Nicholas Church will be using Delps Park on June 7 for a stargazing event. The board discussed possibly hiring a parks consultant but came to no consensus. The wall being constructed at Bryfogle Park is nearly finished. Supervisors then authorized Muffley to meet with members of the recreation board and review the water problem regarding the tennis courts at Danielsville Park.
Under public works, Public Works Director Frank Zamadics was not present, but submitted a
Continued on page 7
East Allen supervisors look for ways To prevent tractor-trailer queuing on Residential streets
Following an altercation between a township resident and a tractor-trailer driver that turned physical, East Allen Township supervisors are asking their experts to prepare an updated ordinance to ban tractor-trailer parking on residential roads.
An ordinance from 1974 already bans commercial vehicles from parking on township streets; however, Township Manager Brent Green said during the Feb. 13 Board of Supervisors meeting that he wants more modern lan-
guage that will hold commercial businesses responsible for an increasing number of violations.
Recently, tractor-trailers have been queuing in front of neighborhood homes instead of inside their warehouse developments. In some cases, residents have been blocked from leaving their driveways. Green reported that one resident was struck in a recent altercation with a truck driver parked outside their property.
Numerous violations have been reported on Silver Crest Road and Chrisphalt Drive; however, the
issue of tractor-trailer standing is township-wide. A parking study needs to be conducted before the ordinance can be updated.
Supervisors hope the parking study and updated language will be ready for a March vote. With these updates, Green hopes the township can issue violations directly to the companies generating the traffic and not just the drivers themselves.
Tractor-trailer parking is also causing headaches for residents of
Allen Township residents report ‘Heavier, noisier’ tractor-trailer traffic
During the Feb. 11 Allen Township Board of Supervisors meeting, Kreidersville Road resident Larry Hiestand asked supervisors what steps could be taken to alleviate increased truck traffic on the residential road.
Hiestand has counted as many as 400 tractor-trailer trips per day passing his house, from as early as 5 a.m. until the late evening hours. He said the heavy traffic rattles windows, shakes houses and poses safety risks for him and his neighbors.
“It is really difficult to get out in the street and cross the street to the mailboxes,” he told supervisors. “Just being out front is a little scary sometimes.”
Kreidersville Road is a state road, which means it falls under PennDOT’s supervision. However, Hiestand says he has contacted
the state agency several times over the last year. Those calls have gone unanswered.
“They’re not here, so they don’t care,” he said.
“I think the township officials need to get together with the generating companies and put together a plan,” he continued.
Supervisors have also noticed increased truck traffic in the area, with Supervisor Dale Hassler suggesting that the reopening of the Howertown Road bridge is the main driver. Kreidersville Road offers drivers a shorter route than Seemsville Road, saving them time and gas.
Township Manager Ilene Eckhart said the township will contact the companies in the area.
Other township safety concerns discussed during the meeting include the replacement of an old guardrail on the Snow Hill
March 27
Road Bridge. Engineer Michael Schwartz said the existing guardrail is “pretty deficient” compared to current standards. The rail must be at least 87.5 feet long, with posts every 3.5 feet. The current rail has posts every 12 feet and is “significantly shorter” than the minimum requirement.
Schwartz estimated that updating the guardrail would cost around $150,000.
“I don’t think anyone is going to force your hand to [update] it,” he told supervisors, “but it seems

Home Improvement
Tackling DIY home improvement projects can make your home look better, be more functional, and can even increase the value of the home, making it a better investment for when you eventually sell.
However, there are some DIY projects that actually lead to lower buyer interest and decreased home value.
Garage Conversions
lawn equipment and tools, which is why when you convert a garage to an extra bedroom, a bar or a recreation room, it can actually lower the value of the home, since most prospective buyers are more interested in properties with functional garage spaces.
projects are most likely to yield a return on your investment, ensuring that your DIY efforts don’t backfire."
Removing Closets
Home Improvement
cramped, then stage them in such a way that makes the rooms attractive to potential buyers, like setting up a neat, organized home office or a kids' playroom.
sional to maintain their lawn and garden.
In-Ground Pool Installation
Garages offer extra parking space and a secure area to store
le almost any home improve-

improvement ideas for fall
ment project: you are well-rested after your summer holiday, the weather is pleasant and, with the summer heat waves over, you
"If you’re thinking about major renovations, take the time to consult with a real estate professional or contractor," says Luke Whittle, Senior Real Estate Advisor at Elegran | Forbes Global. "They can offer advice on which

Getting rid of excess closet space can help increase the living area in the bedrooms and other common areas of the home, but just because you aren't using the closet space doesn't mean a potential buyer would feel the same.
8 am to 4 pm www.nazarethplateglass.com

can finally get organized. More importantly, there are some home improvement projects that should be done during fall. Read on to find the must-do list that any homeowner must check off before the winter chill sets in.
Removing closet space in bedrooms and common areas of the home reduces the amount of places where new homeowners would naturally store linens, outerwear or even tools.
Combining Rooms
Get your mind in the gutter
One of the main determining factors of a home's value is the number of rooms, so while combining rooms may seem like a good way to create a more open concept space, this can actually result in a lower appraised value and less interest in the property.
Any type of addition to the home that requires extensive ongoing maintenance and maintenance costs, like an in-ground pool, will typically decrease the value of the home. The average home buyer isn't looking to take on extra costs while managing an unfamiliar system, especially if the home is located in a colder area of the country and the pool will be unusable for a significant part of the year.
lead to water damage to your roof and exterior of your home in addition to flooding your basement. So, the first home improvement project to tackle this fall should be cleaning your gutters and installing gutter guards to protect them from additional debris, ensuring there will be less work to do next year.
A quick windows check-up always contains:
Making sure the locks are functioning properly
Instead, you could plant a tree or put in attractive flowers that are relatively easy to care for, allowing you to improve the appearance of the home, without creating high maintenance expectations.
Dedicated Hobby Spaces
Inspecting the weather stripping – start with the sides of your window sash and check if the stripping is intact in the place where the frame meets the sash. Next, tilt the sash and check the weather stripping on its inside. If they are both intact, you’re good to go!
Cleaning your gutters may not be the most pleasant thing to do, but it is a necessity. Gutters divert hundreds of gallons of water away from your home. With the increased volume of leaves coming down in fall, gutters are at real risk of clogging, and this can
"Simple cosmetic upgrades like fresh paint in neutral colors, new hardware for cabinets, or updated light fixtures can give a space a modern feel without a huge investment," Whittle says.
Inspect your roof
Extensive Carpeting and Wallpaper
It's better to renovate the existing rooms, even if they are a bit

Make sure your home stays warm and dry during winter with a solid roof. Stay ahead of any roof trouble and inspect it thoroughly or, better yet, hire a professional to do it. Check that your roof has not sprung any leaks during the past year, and replace any shingles that are cracked, missing or curling. Regular inspections and maintenance of your roof will help prolong its life. If your roof does need major repairs or replacements, consider gathering multiple estimates from reputable contractors.
At one point, carpeted floors and wallpapered walls were commonplace in homes across the country, but that trend has long since been replaced by hardwood floors and painted walls. While you can have some carpeting and wallpaper, it isn't a good idea to fill the home from top to bottom with this outdated decor.
"Several DIY projects can unintentionally decrease the value of a home, particularly when they are poorly executed or not thought through," Whittle says.
Give your windows a thorough check-up
Complex Landscaping
Heat leakage from windows can have a severe impact on your energy bills during the cooler seasons. It is no wonder that savvy home owners always make it a point to check on their windows during fall, before the cold weather kicks in.
Due to the extra work involved, complex landscaping will inevitably lead to a decrease in home value since the average homeowner will not want to put out a lot of effort or pay a profes-
While installing a home theater, gym, sewing room, recording studio or wine storage room can be an attractive choice for a small niche of homebuyers, the average individual will see these areas as wasted space they will need to convert back into common rooms, which can decrease interest in the property and lower the property value.
Checking the sealant or caulk to make sure it doesn’t need to be touched up.
"Certain designs that are too personalized or overly trendy might not appeal to a broad range of potential buyers, making the property harder to sell," Whittle says.
Prepare your deck and patio for winter

Any Poorly Executed DIY Project
Generally, even the most wellintentioned home improvement projects will decrease the value of the home if they are poorly executed or clearly do not match the existing aesthetic of the home.
Clean your patio furniture thoroughly before putting it away for the winter. Empty the dirt in any decorative clay or ceramic pots – otherwise it can freeze and crack the pots. More importantly, check for any cracks or dents in your deck or patio. If there are any, you should fix them as a matter of priority. Any small problem you have now will grow bigger during the cold season, especially if water gets into the cracks and freezes.
"Some of the most common offenders include botched bathroom or kitchen remodels, faulty electrical or plumbing work, unpermitted additions and overpersonalized or trendy design choices," Whittle says.
Inspect your heating system and chimneys Whatever heating system you are using, now is the perfect time to get it checked. Take the opportunity to also inspect any smoke and fire detectors, carbon monoxide detectors.
If you plan to use your fireplace, the chimney must be inspected by a professional. You
Tell them you saw it in The Home News Thank you for supporting our advertisers!

Getting Out!
4th Annual Veterans Outreach Day- Saturday, May 3 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Hungarian Hall, 1300 Stewart St., Northampton. Open to all veterans, their families and caretakers. FMI call 610-969-2082.
8th Annual Nazareth Adult Soapbox Derby- Saturday, June 7 at noon on West Prospect Street in Nazareth. Visit nasbra.com for more info. 16th Annual Paw Prints on the Canal- Sunday, June 8 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Canal Street Park in Northampton.
Bath Area Fish Committee’s Annual Kids Fishing Contest- Begins Saturday, April 26 at 8 a.m., ends Sunday, April 27 at 3 p.m. at the Monocacy Creek in Bath. Fish stocking Friday, April 25 around 3:30 p.m.
Bath Area Food Bank- Distributes food second Tuesday of each month, starting around 9:30 a.m. on lower level of St. John's Lutheran Church in Bath, 206 E. Main St. Please do not arrive prior to 9:30 a.m. due to safety reasons.
Bath Museum- Open third Saturday Jan-Nov. and first Saturday in Dec., from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 121 S. Walnut St., Bath. Volunteers needed, email bathmuseum@gmail.com or message Bath Museum on Facebook. Community Dinner at The Table- First and third Tuesdays of the month at 5:30 p.m. at 1769 Newport Ave., Northampton. All are welcome. Dementia Support Group- Held third Thursday every month from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., 2801 Emrick Blvd., Bethlehem. Designed for families and caregivers of dementia patients.
East Allen Township Fire Dept. Town Hall- An informative session on the current and future operations of the fire dept., Wednesday, Feb. 26 at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. at East Allen Twp. Municipal Building, 5344 Nor-Bath Blvd., Northampton.
East Allen Township Historical Society- Meets third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at 5344 Nor-Bath Blvd., Northampton. East Allen Township Open Space and Farmland Preservation Committee- Meets third Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at 5344 Nor-Bath Blvd., Northampton. New committee members welcome. Easton Winter Market- Every Saturday through April from 10 a.m. to noon outside the Easton Public Market, 323 Northampton St., Easton. EBT accepted.
Gov. Wolf Hist. Society- Tours of historic buildings, grounds and new museum on third Saturday April-Nov. from 1 to 3 p.m. 6600 Jacksonville Road, Bath.
Helping Homeless Veterans- Weave mats for homeless vets every second and fourth Wednesday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Prepping for weaving every first and third Wednesday noon to 3 p.m., Mountain View Wesleyan Church, 1001 Deemer Road, Bath. Call 610-837-1190 FMI. Leave message.
Iglesia Pentecostal Church Food Bank- Open to the public every first and third Monday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 2459 E. Scenic Drive, Bath. Moore Twp. Assoc. for Families in Need- Meets second Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. at Covenant United Methodist Church, 2715 Mountain View Drive, Bath.
Morningstar Memory Cafe by Senior Solutions- An opportunity for people with dementia and their care partners to gather for fun, socialization and refreshments; meets second and fourth Thursday from 10 a.m. to noon at Advent Moravian Church, 3730 Jacksonville Road, Bethlehem. For registration, call 610-258-0700.
Nazareth Winter Farmers Market- Held the third Saturday of the month through April from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Nazareth Center for the Arts, 30 Belvidere St.
Northampton Area Food Bank- Food distribution first three Thursdays from 5 to 7 p.m. and second and third Saturday 9 to 11:30 a.m. 1601 Canal St.
Northampton Borough Crime Watch Meeting- Typically held second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Northampton Borough Fire Dept. Spuds & Spurs Festival- Saturday, June 21 from 1-6 p.m. on South Chestnut Street (between Main and Northampton streets).

East Allen
Continued from page 1
Regency at Creekside Meadows. President of Regency at Creekside Meadows, David Forti, said tractor-trailers are parking along the development’s Route 512 frontage, ruining the grass and causing safety concerns for residents.
He said the HOA would pay for No Parking signs if the township would install them.
Because Route 512 is a state road, a traffic study is required. The township could conduct the traffic study for roughly $1,500 and submit it to PennDOT, or PennDOT can conduct the study itself. The latter option, warned Engineer James Milot, could take some time.
Supervisor Mark Schwartz motioned that PennDOT conduct the study. The motion failed 3-1. Supervisor Christopher Cruz then motioned that the township conduct the study at a cost of no more than $2,000. This motion passed 3-1.
Schwartz, while in favor of the idea of the study, said he does not think it is fair that the entire township pay the cost of the study intended for only one community.
If PennDOT approves the study, the state agency will decide where to install the No Parking signs.
Also during the Feb. 13 meeting, supervisors approved a new volunteer tax credit program for the East Allen Township Volunteer Fire Department. Eligible volunteers who reside within the township may receive a full rebate of their township tax bill. However, they must meet the following criteria: Volunteers must volunteer for 10% of annual calls, participate in 10% of training and drills, and perform administrative duties like fundraising. They must also have resided in the township for at least six months.
Previously, volunteers only received a 20% rebate; however, the State of Pennsylvania has ruled that 100% is allowable to incentivize more volunteers.
Finally, supervisors agreed to increase the township tax collector's base salary from $10,000 to $15,000. This is the position's first salary increase in over a decade.
The next East Allen Township Board of Supervisors workshop meeting will be on Thursday, Feb. 27 at 7 p.m. The township and the volunteer fire department will also hold a joint town hall on Wednesday, Feb. 26 at 10 a.m. and again at 7 p.m. in the municipal building, located at 5344 Nor-Bath Blvd., Northampton.

Northampton County Senior Centers
For more information and additional senior centers in Northampton County, visit www.northamptoncounty.org.
Cherryville- Open Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., 4131 Lehigh Dr., Cherryville. FMI call 610-767-2977.
Lower Nazareth- Open Monday-Friday 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., 306 Butztown Rd., Bethlehem. FMI call 610-297-3464.
Nazareth- Open Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., 15 S. Wood St., Nazareth. FMI call 610-759-8255.
Northampton- Open Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., 902 Lincoln Ave., Northampton. FMI call 610-262-4977.

Northampton County Executive Lamont G. McClure announced

SATURDAY, FEB. 22 @9:00 AM
Palisades Regional Fire & Rescue Banquet Hall 3010 Route 212 * Springtown, Bucks Co., PA 18081 (severe bad weather date: Sun., Feb. 23 @10:00 AM)
Sat., April 20 @9:00 AM: Springtown Volunteer Fire Co. Banquet Hall, 3010 Route 212, Springtown, PA 18081: Antiques, Country Collect., Roy Rogers Collectibles, Coors Beer neon sign, Bucks Co. Lard Tin, ant. wdn carpenter’s tool chest, vint. Donald Duck pull toy, Burma Shave still banks, Hull art pottery vases, post card albums, prim. water benches & cabinets, Stylized & other furn., flat screen TVs, Troy Bilt lawn tractor, Woods Model 1855 Zero turn lawn mower (unrestored cond.) Craftsman rototiller, Husqvarna chain saws, lg. selection of power equip., power tools & hand tools, 6 station silk/line screen printer, Lawson Omni dryer, small infrared dryer, pressure steam sterilizer, Echo ceramic kiln, etc.
Saturday, July 12, 2014 @ 9:00 AM Klecknersville Rangers Volunteer Fire Company 2718 Mountain View Drive Bath, Northampton Co., PA 18014
FULL AUCTION * Collection of Art Glass paperweights, other Art Glass, Costume, Gold & Sterling Silver Jewelry; General Antiques, Collectibles, Selection of Christian Statuary, Crosses, Triptych; Furniture, Ext. Collection/vintage Books, Paper, Ephemera, Photographs, Agricultural Pamphlets, Postcards, older Greeting Cards, Victorian Calling Cards, vintage cigar bands, cigarette cards, felt flag pieces, series of late 19th/earlier 20th letters w/covers, Much More ** **Some Items in the Auction have been deaccessioned from the collections of the Bucks County Historical Society’s Mercer Museum and the Mercer-Fonthill Trust. The items were deemed duplicate, out-of-scope, irrelevant to the organization’s mission, or in poor condition. All proceeds from the sale of these items will be placed into the organization’s collections care fund and used only for new acquisitions or direct care and conservation of existing collections.
Full Auction * Multiple Auctioneers Selling * to include: (2) cherry DR sets, Vict. & Oak Furn; flat screen TV, Smalls & Country Collect.; vint. magazines, Steiff animals, older tin friction & mech. Toys, Barbie dolls & related items; J.Deere Lawn Tractor; Wdworking Mach., Sm. Pwr & Hand Tools; Terms: 13% Buyer’s Prem * CC Accptd * 3% Discount w/Cash or Apprd. Check * Details @auctionzip or websites * More Arriving - Check It Out *

* Selected Tools, Equip. & Other Items will be offered live/online beginning @10:00 AM * Terms On Site Bidding: 13% Buyer’s Prem*CC Accpt*3% Discount w/Cash or Apprd. Check; Terms/Info forOn Line Bidding for Selected Items ONLY @www.auctionzip.com (online bidding begins @10 AM) Robert H. Clinton & Company, Inc. Auctioneers & Appraisers * AY-000093-L 610-847-5432 * Email: rhclintonauction@hotmail.com NEW website: www.rhclintonauction.com
during the recent County Council meeting, dedicated to the replacement of the Government Center parking deck, expanding P25 radio infrastructure and refinancing existing debt.
"This is a significant step forward for our community's safety and infrastructure,” said McClure. “The passage of this bond will enable us to finally confront the long-standing issues surrounding our crumbling parking deck, which is now over 50 years old and has exceeded its expected lifespan by more than a decade. Not only will this project enhance safety and security, but it will also improve accessibility for our residents and visitors.”
The parking deck has undergone multiple repairs in recent years, but an investigation in 2008 recommended immediate action to design and construct a new facility. With reports from four engineering firms confirming ongoing deterioration, a sudden closure of the parking deck could disrupt daily operations and impact ADA accessibility.
“Delaying this project any longer would jeopardize not only the safety of our facilities but also the convenience of our employees and visitors,” McClure added.
Additionally, the bond will fund vital upgrades to the P25 Radio System for Emergency management, ensuring that public safety communications remain robust and adaptable to new technologies.
“We are excited about the future of Northampton County and committed to investing in the safety and well-being of our community. Thank you to everyone who supported this initiative,” McClure concluded. For additional information about the bond ordinance and its impact on Northampton County, please contact Deputy Director of Administration and Public Information Officer Jessica Berger at 610-829-6250.
St. Luke’s Takes steps
flu cases And prepare For future Developments
Submitted by SAM KENNEDY
In response to avian influenza (aka “avian flu” or “bird flu”), St. Luke’s is preparing its lab for surveillance and opened an email “helpline” to answer basic questions from the public.
“While we have not had any known human cases of avian influenza in our local area, Pennsylvania or New Jersey, we have learned from past novel infectious diseases that it is prudent to be proactive in our approach,” said Jeffrey Jahre, MD, St. Luke’s Senior Vice President of Medical & Academic Affairs and Section Chief Emeritus of Infectious Diseases.
Robert H. Clinton & Company, Inc. Hahn Auction Company Auctioneers & Appraisers 610-837-7140 * AY-000130-L 610-847-5432 * AY-000093-L www.hahnauction.com www.rhclintonauction.com www.auctionzip.com #1886 www.auctionzip.com #1888
Terms: 13% Buyer’s Prem * 3% Discount w/Cash or Apprd Check *
Robert H. Clinton & Company, Inc. Auctioneers & Appraisers email: rhclintonauction@hotmail.com 610-847-5432 * AY000093-L

“The safety of our residents is paramount, and these upgrades will provide our emergency services with the infrastructure they need to operate effectively,” McClure stated. The portion of the bond allocated for the P25 system will be repaid through 911 funds collected by the Commonwealth.

“We are proud of our leadership role and continue to take our responsibility to our community very seriously,” Jahre said. “We learned during Covid that we cannot wait for government agencies to ride in and save the day.”
St. Luke’s is working closely with the Network’s lab and clinical providers to ensure prompt diagnosis and treatment should there be local cases of human infection of avian influenza.
In addition, the Network’s Occupational Medicine department has proactively shared information with and offered assistance to the region’s extensive poultry industry.
To educate the public– always a critical step in fighting infectious diseases– the Network is sharing the FAQs below. It has also established an email “helpline” to which Lehigh Valley-area residents can direct questions: birdfluquestions@sluhn.org.

“At this point, there is no cause for alarm,” Jahre said. “But taking some preliminary steps now will help us to assess our current situation and prepare for possible future developments.”
What is avian influenza?
Avian influenza (i.e., “avian flu” or “bird flu”) is a type of influenza that primarily infects birds but can sometimes cause infection in mammals like cows, and rarely
Continued from page 4
How widespread is avian flu?
Wild Birds
Avian flu has been found worldwide in wild birds including waterfowl, gulls and shorebirds since 2022. There has been an uptick in the number of wild birds infected in both the Lehigh Valley and New Jersey in the past month.
Poultry and Cattle
Avian flu has also been causing outbreaks in domestic poultry and dairy cattle in some areas of the U.S. Pennsylvania had its first case of avian flu in a commercial chicken flock in Lehigh County this month. So far, there have been no cases of avian flu in cattle in Pennsylvania, and no cases in poultry or cattle in New Jersey.
Since 2024, dozens of cats have also contracted avian flu, including barn and feral cats, indoor cats, and big cats in zoos and in the wild (e.g., mountain lions, tigers, leopards and bobcats). Infection is thought to be largely related to exposure to unpasteurized milk and raw or undercooked meat in food.
There have been 67 confirmed human cases of avian flu in the U.S. since 2024, including one death. There have been no reported human cases of avian flu in New Jersey or Pennsylvania. Ninety-six percent of cases in the U.S. have been linked to animal exposures. There have been no documented cases of human-tohuman spread.
What are the symptoms of avian flu?
Most human cases of avian flu in the U.S. have been mild. Symptoms have included eye redness and irritation (this has been the predominant symptom), mild fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches and fatigue. How is avian flu spread?
Almost all cases of avian flu in humans have been caused by close contact with infected live or dead birds. There have been rare cases of spread to humans from infected mammals like cows. So

far, there has been no known human-to-human spread of avian flu. The avian flu virus has also been detected in unpasteurized (raw) cow’s milk. While there have been no cases of human avian flu directly linked to raw milk, it could still be a potential source of infection.
What is the incubation period of avian flu?
The time from when a person is exposed to avian flu to when they develop symptoms is about three days but can range from two to seven days. Eye symptoms such as redness and irritation can be one of the earliest symptoms, occurring one to two days after exposure.
How do we test for avian flu?
Patients with avian flu will test positive for influenza with our current PCR tests. Further specialized testing could then be performed to confirm the avian flu strain in people with risk factors for exposure.
How is avian flu treated?
Our current medications for influenza (i.e., Tamiflu) have activity against avian flu. Does the annual influenza vaccine protect against avian flu?
No, but there is an approved avian flu vaccine for humans that is being held in the national stockpile in case it would be needed.
How can individuals avoid becoming infected with avian flu?
• The most important prevention measure is to avoid direct contact with sick or dead wild birds, poultry and other animals, or anything that may have been contaminated by them.
• Hunters who handle wild birds should dress game birds in the field when possible and wear appropriate protection including gloves, an N95 or surgical mask and eye protection.
• Backyard poultry and livestock owners should take measures to avoid avian flu infection in their animals following USDA guidelines. They should also follow good hand hygiene and wear appropriate protection when caring for their animals.
• Visitors to livestock fairs and
Continued on page 8

FMI call 610-390-3276 or email ddh1@ptd.net Saturday, March 1 from 10 am to 3 pm

Northampton Area Middle School Marking Period 2
Submitted by ANNE GORDON
Grade 6:
Distinguished Honors: Adalyn Joyce Arnold, Bethany Kay Arnold, Myiah Elizabeth Azar, Elizabella Eileen Baclawski, Samantha Quinn Ball, Zena Rose Bartholomew, Juliana Marie Bastidas, Aislyn Trang Beck, Michael Charles Berger, Ainsley Arlene Berklite, Madelyn Christine Bloszinsky, Cole Peter Bodnar, Layla Marie Borger, Alexis Diane Bowser, Kieran Michael Brown, Nathan Lester Bunda, Emma Juliette Bunting, Camryn Jaime Cavuoto, Michael Charles Chromey, Brayden Joseph Cowitch, Aubrey Rose Cser, Ryan Christopher Dearden, Richard DeBellis, Brailyn AJ Dempsey, Chase Christopher Dotta, Nevaeh Maria Dreisbach, Autumn Wren Dritt, Harrison David Eastwick, Kenzi Yustina Eberhart, Trinity Jolis Eberhart, Jonas Hunter Edelman, Mehki Damani Ellington, Jack Edward Evanczik, Colton Zachary Fehnel, Layne Douglas Fenstermaker, Violet Jane Fetchko, Logan Spencer Figura, Abrianna May Frantz, Cooper Anthony Frear, Noah Carter Fulmer, Avery Elizabeth Fulton, Kaitlyn Michelle Gensits, Anthony Ronan Giron, Noelle Lisa Marie Gotto, Christina Varvara Gougoustamos, Lena Noelle Grube, Quinn Xavier Hackett, Joshua Aidan Hammond, Cooper Justin Haupt, Cole Matthew Hoffman, Amelia Marie Holencik, Lucia Adelyn Holmes, Hakan Eymen Horuz, Samuel Patrick Howells, Jace Justin Jaquillard, Kaiden Jeffery Jennings, Carson Chase Jones, Madeline Marie Jones, Amelia Erin Kelly, Kaitlyn Justine Knoblach, Jaxon Alexander LaForgia, Kinley Serendipity Lichtenwalner, Angela Ellen Manning, Andre Michael McDermott, Bianca Josephine McHugh, Carter James McHugh, Kendra Skye McLoughlin, Maci Annabella
Honor Roll
Monek, Katelynn May Moyer, Jack Joseph Musser, Lilly Jane Nikisher, Leslie Elena Poole, Jacob Michael Powell, Brady Jay Rauch, Tyler Jaxson Reeves, Penni Marian Reichl, Jacey Eleanor-Rose Reppert, Jonathan Thomas Rich, Anjelia Gisselle Robles, Brooke Marie Rutzmos-
er, Maria Asaad Saloum, Liam Jose Santana, Colton James Saylor, Aubrey Lynn Schaffer, Charlotte Leigh Schaffer, Natalie Katherine Schutts, Lyla Elizabeth Scott, Garrett Michael Smith, Thomas Paul Sny-


Rep. Mako announces fire and EMS Grants awarded
Rep. Zach Mako (R-Lehigh/ Northampton) recently announced that 17 fire companies and emergency medical service companies serving the 183rd Legislative District were awarded almost $240,000 in fire company and EMS grants.
The grant money comes from state gaming proceeds as required under state law. It was first initiated in 2000 and is open to volunteer and career fire companies, emergency medical services and rescue squads in Pennsylvania. Grant awards can be used for construction or repair of facilities, purchase or repair of equipment, debt reduction and training. The funding amounts are contingent on the recipients filing their grant agreements with the Office of the State Fire Commissioner.
“This grant program provides vital funds for smaller projects that assist fire and ambulance ser-
vice personnel care for members of our community,” Mako said. “It helps reduce the fundraising burden, and lets our emergency responders focus more on coming to our aid in an emergency. I strongly support our first responders and will continue to advocate for their needs.”
Fire and emergency medical services companies that serve the 183rd District were awarded the following amounts:
• Allen Township Fire Company No. 1 – $13,094
• Bath Volunteer Firefighters and Ambulance Corps – $14,170
• Charotin Hose Company No. 1 – $13,094
• Community Fire Company No. 2 of North Whitehall Township – $12,449
• Community Fire Company of New Tripoli – $15,461
• Diamond Fire Company –$15,246
• East Allen Township Fire Department – $12,879
Sunday, March 9
Doors open 11:30 a.m. • Bingo starts 1:00 p.m.
Proceeds benefit Moore Twp. Community Days
• Klecknersville Rangers Volunteer Fire Company – $12,018
• Klecknersville Rangers Volunteer Fire Company EMS –$15,000
• Laurys Station Volunteer Fire Company – $13,955
• Lehigh Township Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 – $16,322
• Neffs Volunteer Fire Company – $14,600
• Northampton Fire Department – $13,955
• Northampton Regional Emergency Medical Services Inc. – $15,000
• Northern Valley Emergency Medical Services Inc. – $15,000
• Slatington Volunteer Fire Department – $13,955
• Tri Clover Fire Company –$13,525
Traffic stop in the 900 block and the 1000 block of Main St., Main St. and Lerchenmiller Dr., and the 2000 block of Canal St. Traffic stops were conducted.
FEB. 2
EMS ambulance assist in the unit block of W. 21st St. Officers assist EMS with the transport of a male.
Fire call in the 2400 block of Main St. Officers assist the Northampton Fire Department.
Check person/welfare in the 500 block of E. 4th St. Request to check the welfare of a female.
DUI, Main St. and Station Alley. Report of a suspected DUI.
FEB. 3
a male.
Juvenile problem in the 2200 block of Siegfried Ave. Report of a juvenile issue.
EMS ambulance assist in the 200 block of W. 26th St., and the 2300 block of Washington Ave. Officers assist EMS with the transports of females.
Agency assist in the 1400 block of Canal St. Request to assist Northampton County SPCA.
Theft from vehicle in the 600 block of E. 8th St., the 400 block of E. 11th St., the 1100 block of Northampton Ave., Atlas Ln., the 600 block of Banks St., and the 600 block of Walker Dr. Numerous unlocked vehicles entered and rummaged through.

The 183rd District includes Lowhill and North Whitehall townships and Slatington Borough in Lehigh County. It also consists of Allen, East Allen, Lehigh and Moore (part) townships, and Bath, North Catasauqua, Northampton and Walnutport boroughs in Northampton County.
Klecknersville Rangers Fire Co. 2718 Mt. View Dr., Bath
Tickets $30 For tickets call 610-759-9449 ext. 5 Or 610-704-5629
Kitchen Open • BYOB
Northampton Borough Police Report
FEB. 1
Neighbor complaint in the 1600 block of Main St. Report of a neighbor issue.
Civil matter in the 1700 block of Laubach Ave. Report of a civil issue.
EMS ambulance assist in the 300 block of E. 19th St., the 600 block of E. 21st St., and the 2000 block of Main St. Officers assist EMS with the transports of females.
Find this week’s icon on four of our advertisers’ ads and write them below. Complete this form and mail it to: P.O. Box A, Walnutport, PA 18088 for your chance to win a gift cert. from this week’s sponsor
EMS ambulance assist in the 100 block of Held Dr. Officers assist EMS with the transport of a male.
Unwanted person in the 1200 block of Main St. Report of an unwanted male.
EMS ambulance assist in the 200 block of W. 14th St. Officers assist EMS with the transport of a female.
Assist person in the 100 block of Cedar Alley, and the 2100 block of Cross Country Rd. Officers assist males.
Juvenile problem in the 300 block of Main St. Report of a juvenile issue.
Disturbance in the 2100 block of Cross Country Rd. Report of a disturbance.
Check person/welfare in the 200 block of W. 14th St. Request to check the welfare of a female.
FEB. 4
EMS ambulance assist in the 100 block of W. 17th St. Officers assist EMS with the transport of

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Non-reportable accident in the 2000 block of Center St. involving two vehicles.
Fraud in the 300 block of E. 11th St. Report of computer fraud.
Suspicious person in the 1400 block of Cedar St. Report of a suspicious male and two females.
Check person/welfare in the 1400 block of Canal St. Request to check the welfare of a female.
Reportable accident in the 1000 block of Main St. involving one vehicle.
Disturbance in the 2100 block of Main St. Report of a disturbance.
Animal case in the 100 block of Frank Dr. Report of a barking dog.
Assist person in the 1800 block of Lincoln Ave. Officers assist a female.
Traffic stop, E. 11th St. and Northampton Ave. A traffic stop was conducted.
FEB. 5
Suspicious person in the 1500 block of Canal St. Report of a suspicious male.
EMS ambulance assist in the 1600 block of Newport Ave., and the 1700 block of Main St. Officers assist EMS with the transports of males.
Assist person in the unit block of W. 21st St. Officers assist a male.
EMS ambulance assist in the 1300 block of Stewart St., the 1800 block of Lincoln Ave., and Canal St. and W. 14th St. Officers assist EMS with the transports of females.
Non-reportable accident in the 2400 block of Main St. involving two vehicles.
Lehigh Twp.
Continued from page 1
written report to the board. He gave Township Manager Alice Rehrig a list of the roads he would like to submit for improvements. The heavy duty lift apparatus, which had been discussed at a prior meeting, will soon be available for bid from Macungie and he hopes to get it.
Under zoning, Zoning Officer Elizabeth Amato received 24 new permit applications in January, 21 of which were issued, along with six new complaints. The auditor from the Department of Labor and Industry has promised to send her their written report soon, but they are currently behind schedule on municipality letters.
Next, Police Chief Scott Fogel discussed how, with the department’s current sergeant transitioning into the detective position, he has researched the process for potentially promoting another officer to sergeant. The board approved his request to order the tests and study guides needed for a sergeant’s exam.
In other news, Fire Commissioner Richard Hildebrand and several members of the fire com-
pany attended a meeting in January about the Blue Mountain fire and received a lot of positive feedback from the DCNR representatives. They were still impressed by the “unprecedented” community response. The firefighters will be able to use what they learned in the meeting to help other fire companies better understand how to respond to such an event.
Rehrig then gave an update on the new maintenance building, reporting that the engineers have completed calculations for the tank heaters. They will be ordering new, larger thermometer rods, which will keep the readings more accurate. Rehrig will have a further update at the next meeting. She also prepared an updated draft of an advertisement for a parks consultant, but as the recreation board could not reach a consensus about the subject, the issue was tabled until a further meeting.
A payment request and a change order request were received from Pine Run Construction for their work on the fuel island. Muffley had denied the change order previously, as he felt they did not provide enough information. The board agreed with his recommendation to pay

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the remaining balance due from their original contract, in the amount of $22,150, but not to grant the change order because they made the changes without his knowledge or approval. The work, in his estimation, is also not acceptable, as it was not done as expected and they have not provided the information he requested about the cost.
Board member Cynthia Miller spoke with someone in Senator Mackenzie’s office in regard to the sanctuary county discussion held during the previous meeting. They confirmed that the township will lose federal funding if President Trump decides to take it from Northampton County due to its sanctuary status. Township Solicitor David Backenstoe added that Lehigh County, contrary to what was stated at the prior meeting, is not a sanctuary county and has even lost a lawsuit brought about by their cooperation with ICE.
Next, Backenstoe outlined for supervisors the exact process they will need to follow to create a referendum for the preservation of farmland and/or open space. It would begin with residents voting to increase the earned income tax in order to fund the purchase of land to preserve. The matter will be placed on the agenda for the next board meeting, so those who wish to talk to the board about it can give a presentation.
The board then adjourned for an executive session, noting that no action would be taken.
The next supervisors meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 25 in the municipal building, located at 1069 Municipal Road, Walnutport.
The Northampton Fire Department responded to the following incidents in Northampton Borough during the week of Feb. 16.
Station 42- Northampton Borough
Station 45- Allen Twp.
Station 50- Coplay Borough
Station 46- East Allen Twp.
Station 48- Moore Twp.
Station 40- Bath Borough
Stations 42, 45: 1600 block Lincoln Avenue. Automatic fire alarm.
Station 42: 400 block East 11th Street. Ambulance assist.
Station 42: 300 block East 11th Street. Ambulance assist.
Stations 42, 45, 46, 48, 40: 700 block Smith Lane. Nonemergency response to wet-down smoldering debris.
FEB. 12
Station 42: Unit block West
4th Street. Ambulance assist.
Stations 42, 45, 5: 1800 block Main Street. Automatic fire alarm.
FEB. 13
Station 42: 100 block Jeffrey Lane. Ambulance assist.
FEB. 14
Station 42: 1700 block Washington Avenue. Ambulance assist.
Station 42: 100 block West 28th Street. Ambulance assist.
Station 42: Unit block East 13th Street. Smoke/Odor investigation.
Station 42: 1700 block Main Street. Ambulance assist.
Borough Police
Continued from page 6
Assist person in the 600 block of Walker Dr. Officers assist a female.
Traffic stop, W. 9th St., Laubach Ave. and Washington Ave., the unit block of W. 21st St., Cherryville Rd. and W. 28th St., Canal St. and Stewart St., and Main St. and Bridge St. Traffic stops were conducted.
Suspicious person in the 900 block of Main St. Report of two suspicious males.
Fraud in the 900 block of Main
St. Report of credit cards fraud.
FEB. 6
Check person/welfare in the 200 block of W. 14th St. Request to check the welfare of a female.
Traffic stop, E. 21st St. and Laubach Ave., Washington Ave. and E. 21st St., E. 10th St. and Lincon Ave., and the 500 block of E. 21st St. Traffic stops were conducted.
Check person/welfare in the 2400 block of Main St., and the 2300 block of Washington Ave. Requests to check the welfare of males.
Assist person in the 100 block of Held Dr. Officers assist a male.
Juvenile problem in the 700 block of Washington Ave. Report of a juvenile issue.
Death, attended/unattended in the 600 block of E. 21st St. Report of an unattended death.
FEB. 7
EMS ambulance assist in the 300 block of Anthoy Dr., and the 1700 block of Washington Ave. Officers assist EMS with the transports of males.
Traffic stop, Main St. and E. 16th St., and the 1600 block of Laubach Ave. Traffic stops were conducted.
Check person/welfare in the 1900 block of Main St. Request

Free classes to be offered This spring to obtain ham Radio license
Submitted by HEIDI BUTLER
The Delaware Lehigh Amateur Club, Inc. will offer free classes this spring for people who would like to obtain an amateur license. The class will run for 10 weeks and will prepare students to take the Federal Communications Commission’s Amateur basic license examination.
Ham radio has played an important role in communications for more than 100 years and continues to do so. It is part of many emergency management plans because it can be used to com-
municate if landline telephone lines, cell towers and/or electric grids fail. It also is a fun hobby for people who enjoy talking with amateur operators locally and around the world, participating in contests and field days, and even making contact with the International Space Station.
According to the American Relay League, the nationally recognized organization for operators, there are more than 700,000 amateur license holders in the United States and more than 3 million worldwide.
Based in Nazareth, the Delaware Lehigh Amateur Club has more than 100 members. It is a non-profit 501(C)(3) charitable organization. Classes are offered as a community service.
The next session will begin on Tuesday, March 4. Classes will be held weekly on Tuesdays from 7-9 p.m. at the Northampton County 911 Center. For details or to register, contact ke3aw@arrl.netnew or call 610419-9286.
Memorial Library of Nazareth And Vicinity announces Dr. Seuss' Birthday Bash
Submitted by JILL SILVIUS
Come to the Memorial Library of Nazareth and Vicinity at 295 E. Center St. in Nazareth on Monday, March 3 from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. for MLNV’s Third Annual Birthday Bash in honor of Dr. Seuss. This special program is part of our PA Forward basic and civic and social literacy programming.
Kicking off at 10 a.m., the celebration will feature a three-hour marathon story time with guest readers from the community. The readings will be interspersed with songs, movement activities, games and other fun literacybased activities for children. Visitors can grab a take-home craft and join in on storytimes.
The Birthday Bash for Dr. Seuss will include readings by nearly a dozen community volunteers including Nazareth Mayor Lance Colondo, Nazareth Crossing Guard Bob Frings, Library Board Members Chris Crook and Nancy Teague, Fidelity Bank Nazareth Branch Manager Davene Perruso, Upper Nazareth Township Supervisor Brian Sayago, Nazareth Borough Councilwoman Kayla Green, retired MLNV librarian Catherine Stewart, and retired educators and library volunteers Sharon Bonner and Mary Ann Liberatore.
The grand finale for the day’s festivities will be at 12:30 p.m., when cast members from the Nazareth Area High School Theatre Troup’s

production of “Seussical the Musical” join the celebration. The young actors will read to the children, perform a song or two, and then lead a procession upstairs to the Children’s Room. At 1 p.m., guests will be offered birthday cupcakes to cap off the day.
“One of the most meaningful gifts we can offer our children is a lifelong love of reading,” said MLNV Executive Director Holly Bennett.
“We appreciate the generosity of community members who will give their time and talents on March 3, and every day, to help inspire a new generation of book lovers.”
Starting in 1988, the National Education Association declared Dr. Seuss’ birthday “Read Across America Day.”
Since then, libraries and schools across the United States have recognized this day by planning fun and inspiring events designed to nurture a love of reading in children.
The Memorial Library of Nazareth and Vicinity’s Birthday Bash in honor of Dr. Seuss is free and open to the public, but registration is recommended. To register, locate the event via the library calendar on the library website. Select “Sign Up” or “Register” and fill in the necessary fields. That's it! (Patrons without computer or smartphone access can call or stop in the library to have staff complete the online registration for them.)
For more information

about this celebration, or any of the library’s programs, please call 610-759-4932 or visit www.nazarethlibrary.org.
Bird Flu
Continued from page 5
shows should follow good hand hygiene and wear appropriate protection when in close contact with animals or consider avoiding these events altogether.
• Pet owners should avoid feeding unpasteurized milk or raw meat to their pets and should always wash their hands thoroughly after handling any pet food.
Visit the CDC website for further information about maintaining your safety around potentially infected domestic animals and wildlife: https://www.cdc.gov/ bird-flu/groups/index.html.
Is it safe to eat chicken and eggs?
It is safe to eat chicken and eggs if they are thoroughly cooked. Hands and surfaces that come in contact with raw chicken or eggs should be thoroughly cleaned.
Is it safe to consume raw milk?
Avian flu has been detected in unpasteurized (raw) milk. While there have been no cases of human avian flu directly linked to raw milk or raw milk products like soft cheese, ice cream and yogurt, they can still pose a risk for avian flu as well as other serious infections. Pasteurization is the safest way to kill bacteria and viruses like avian flu in milk.
Overall, how concerned should I be about avian flu?
The risk from avian flu to the general public at this point remains low, but public health and agricultural officials continue to monitor the situation. We will continue to provide updates as we learn more information.

The Classifieds
fieds start at $10 for the first 25 words. Advertise for 3 weeks and get the fourth week free with mention of this ad. Call 610-923-0382 or email AskUs@ HomeNewsPA.com to get started. (TN)
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With Home News classifieds for as little as $10/week. Call 610-923-0382 or place your ad online at www.homenewspa. com. Mention this ad to receive $1 off. (TN)

Northampton, PA
*Coal* Wood Pellets
Rock Salt* Ice Melt
*Snow Shovels *Snowblowers
M-F: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sun: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 610-262-4566. (2/20)
27 Mauch Chunk St., Nazareth, Pa. Harvey vinyl replacement windows, storm windows & screens repaired, insulated glass, shower doors, plexiglass, mirrors, repairs made at your home. Free estimates. Commercial customers welcome. Call 610-759-3682. Closed Saturdays. (2/20)
TED’S ROOFING New Roofs & Repairs • ReRoofing
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• Siding • Fascia & Soffit
• No Streaking Shingle. Free Estimates & Fully Insured. Where Service & Quality Counts! PA#089829. 610-837-7508. (2/20)
Calling all businesses- The Home News is currently seeking sponsors for our popular Find N Seek contest. Want your logo in the paper and customers walking through your door, for free? Contact us today! Call 610-923-0382 or email cstroh@ homenewspa.com. (2/20)
The Home News is seeking photos for the February photo of the month contest. The theme is “Winter.” Email your wintry photos to cstroh@homenewspa.com along with your name, description of photo, date and location taken. Deadline is Monday, Feb. 24. The winner will be featured in the Feb. 27 issue of The Home News. (2/20)
GUTMAN, MATHIAS., dec’d. Late of Allentown, Lehigh County, PA
Executors: John R. Gutman and William T. Bleiler, c/o Joshua T. Knafo, Esquire, KNAFO LAW OFFICES, LLC, 2400 Schoenersville Rd, Bethlehem, PA 18017
Attorney: Joshua T. Knafo, Esquire, KNAFO LAW OFFICES, LLC, 2400 Schoenersville Rd, Bethlehem, PA 18017 (2/6-2/20)
HOBAUGH, ELIZABETH B., dec’d. Late of Allentown, Lehigh County, PA
Executor: Robert T. Britton c/o Joshua T. Knafo, Esq., KNAFO LAW OFFICES, LLC, 2400 Schoenersville Road, Bethlehem, PA 18017
Attorney: Joshua T. Knafo, Esq., KNAFO LAW OFFICES, LLC, 2400 Schoenersville Road, Bethlehem, PA 18017 (2/6-2/20)
DeJESUS, MIGUEL A., a/k/a MIGUEL ANGEL DeJESUS, a/k/a MIGUEL DeJESUS, dec’d., Late of Allentown, Lehigh County, PA
Executor: Maria Milagros Garcia c/o Jerry R. Knafo, Esq., KNAFO LAW OFFICES, LLC, 2400 Schoenersville Road, Bethlehem, PA 18017
Attorney: Jerry R. Knafo, Esq., KNAFO LAW OFFICES, LLC, 2400 Schoenersville Road, Bethlehem, PA 18017 (2/13-2/27)
GLEN VELEZ, a/k/a GLEN LEON VELIZ, dec’d., Late of Reading, Berks County, PA
Executor: Carlos LeonVeliz, c/o Jerry R. Knafo, Esq., KNAFO LAW OFFICES, LLC, 2400 Schoenersville Road, Bethlehem, PA 18017
Attorney: Jerry R. Knafo, Esq., KNAFO LAW OFFICES, LLC, 2400 Schoenersville Road, Bethlehem, PA 18017 (2/13-2/27)
ESTATE OF Dwight Dwain Ernst, of the Borough of Hellertown, County of Northampton and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
WHEREAS, Letters Testamentary have been granted
to Noah J. Ernst, Executor, all persons being indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims or demands against said Estate are requested to make them known immediately to:
David M. Backenstoe, Esquire
Attorney for the Estate 148 Main Street Hellertown, PA 18055 (2/13-2/27)
Estate of Edith M. Brodt, late of the Borough of Nazareth, County of Northampton and State of Pennsylvania, deceased
WHEREAS, Letters Testamentary in the above-named estate have been granted to Bruce L. Christman, Executor of the Estate of Edith M. Brodt. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to
Bruce L. Christman
℅ Alfred S. Pierce, Esquire
124 Belvidere Street
Nazareth, Pennsylvania, 18064
Alfred S. Pierce, Esquire
Pierce & Steirer, LLC
124 Belvidere Street
Nazareth, PA 18064
I.D. No. 21445 (2/13-2/27)
The regular meeting of the Moore Township Zoning Hearing Board will be held on Wednesday, March 5 at 7:00 PM. The meeting will be held at the Moore Twp. Municipal Building, 2491 Community Dr. Bath, PA 18014. Members of the public are welcome to participate. The specific agenda for the meeting is as follows:
The applicant(s), Leonard and Felicia Jones, applicant of the property located at 960 Seneca St. Bath, PA 18014 request the following relief: A special exception and/or variance to demolish an existing structure and then reconstruct a new nonconforming structure in same location. The section(s) cited for the property are as follows: Section(s) 300-33C1(a) Nonconforming Buildings, Alteration or Extension, 300-17FG RA Zoning District Setbacks and Building coverage, as well as any other section of the Moore Twp. Zoning Ordinance in which relief may be needed. The property, County PIN#’s G5SE3-7-1 and 1A contains a total of .85 acres and is zoned RA- Rural Agricultural.
Jason L. Harhart
Zoning Officer Moore Township (2/20 & 2/27)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of Supervisors of Plainfield Township will hold a public hearing on the 12th day of March, 2025, at 6:00PM, at the Plainfield Township Municipal Building located at 6292 Sullivan Trail, Nazareth, PA 18064 for the purpose of enacting the following Ordinance which is summarized below. Copies of the complete text of the Ordi-
nance are available at the Plainfield Township Municipal Building, the Northampton County Law Library and The Home News and may be examined during regular business hours.
All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances inconsistent with the act shall be repealed.
David M. Backenstoe, Esquire
Solicitor, Plainfield Township 148 Main Street Hellertown, PA 18055 (2/20 & 2/27)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of Supervisors of Plainfield Township will hold a public hearing on the 12th day of March, 2025, at 6:00PM, at the Plainfield Township Municipal Building located at 6292 Sullivan Trail, Nazareth, PA 18064 for the purpose of enacting the following Ordinance which is summarized below. Copies of the complete text of the Ordinance are available at the Plainfield Township Municipal Building, the Northampton County Law Library and The Home News and may be examined during regular business hours.
All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances inconsistent with the act shall be repealed.
David M. Backenstoe, Esquire
Solicitor, Plainfield Township 148 Main Street Hellertown, PA 18055 (2/20 & 2/27)
Notice is hereby given that D.T. Davis Realty, Inc., a Pennsylvania professional corporation, having its principal office at 2261 Woodlark Circle, Bethlehem, PA 18017, intends to file Articles of Dissolution with the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the Pennsylvania Business Corporation Law of 1988, as amended, and that the said corporation is winding up its affairs in the manner prescribed by said law, so that its corporate existence shall be terminated upon the filing of the Articles of Dissolution with the Department of State.
Two City Center 645 West Hamilton Street, Suite 800
Allentown, PA 18101 (2/20)
Allen Twp.
Continued from page 1 pretty deficient by today’s standards.”
Supervisors approved a design quote for the project.
Supervisors also discussed safety improvements to East Bullshead Road. The township and its engineers have explored adding a median to the road to prevent truck traffic. Plans were sent to Northampton County for feedback.
Finally, supervisors discussed upcoming municipal building renovations. The township has a $53,700 credit it wishes to use toward a free-standing
garage. Eckhart presented two possible plans, including one for a 30-foot-by60-foot pole barn with four bays and three overhead garage doors.
This garage will hold administrative vehicles, equipment like snow blowers, tools needed for the municipal building and extra recycling containers for residents.
Supervisors liked the suggestion, opting for the larger-sized plan to prevent any future renovations or additions.
The next Allen Township Board of Supervisors meeting will be Tuesday, Feb. 25 at 6 p.m. in the municipal building, located at 4714 Indian Trail Road, Northampton.

Team Won Lost
Carfara’s Paint
& Wall Covering 21 11
Alvin H Butz 19 13
& Wall Covering (0)
Ty Pagotto 610 (216-225)
Ed Musselman 581 (204)
Terry Bartholomew 565 (205)
Terry Pagotto 538 (212)
Daku Auto Body (4)
Keith Wagner 682 (256-212-214)
Marc Beichey679 (267-204-208)
Scott Shiner 583 (217)
Al Davidson 579 (200)
Bob Faustner 513
Bath Supply (4)
Steve Kerbacher 668 (236-200-232)
Brent Connolly 656 (216-233-207)
Frank Yeakel 647 (222-229)
Frank Donchez 598 (224)
Broken Tackle (0)
Ed Zupko 671 (227-235-209)
Butch Riddle 650 (231-220)
Shannon Quick 638 (245)
Shawn Carraghan 597 (204-202)
Paul Berkowitz 525
Vince Bauer
Fiberglass Repair (3)
Wyatt Davidson 659 (236-212-211)
Maxx Amusements (1)
Earl Holland Jr 640 (212-213-215)
Rice Family (3)
Jake Rice 572 (200)
Chris Reeser 568 (233)
Alvin H Butz (1)
Bob Davidson Jr 673 (234-215-224)
Lee Hilbert 634 (207-234)
Bob Davidson III 607 (246-202)
Carfara’s Paint

1st Half ChampionD&R Precision
Gary Gower 482
Don Schoeffling 336(b)
Mike Reese 604(214,201)
Doug Fehnel 640(209,235)
Jason Eberts 648(211,237)
Shafer Landscaping - 1
Don Shafer 546(193)
Mark Flamisch 495
Jeff Lear 550(223)
Marty Csencsits 466
Matt Paulus 702(237,240)
WTF - 0
James Mandarino 430
Shawn Kulick 569(221)
Robert Kulick 415
Adam Wetzel 518(184)
Mike Klement 616(216,212)
Would on Stump Pub - 4
Ed Musselman 580(225)
Michael Fritz 679(226,245)
David Betz 580(225)
Chris Benner 677(289,202)
Terry Heckman 694(269,225)
Palmer Trophy - 1
Joey Mandarino 564(204)
Joey Mandarino 564(204)
Butch Holland Sr. 500(186)
Chris Hoops 591(219)
Jim Bendekovitz 532(200)
Brian Dilley 682(219,257)
Dave Roman 587(200)
Rick Dilley 495(b)
Travis Remaly 634(215,225)
Butch Post Jr 520(182)
Color Rite - 4
Don Arndt 582(215)
Adam Schisler 376
Steve Glesias 629(235,211)
Paul Durnin 513(195)
Noah Durnin 631(213,237)
Moore Powersports - 0
Ed Taylor 539(204)
Jordan Meixsell 567(212)
Scott Friebolin 581(205)
Brad Stuckey 494
Milt Kelly 581(212)
Honor Roll
Continued from page 5
der, Cason James Souders, Grace Lillian Spirk, Cora James Barrett
Toole, Sophia Jaynaeliz Torres, Savannah Marie Torres-Lucas, Alexandria Lynn Trapp, Brogan
Leroy Trapp, Domonic Arthur Troxell, Joseph Charles Vajda, Jesse Gene Walsh, Madison Grace Wasilewski, Shane Colton Weiner, Jamie Marie Wells, Kenzie Mae Williamson
High Honors: Naya Iyad Alkhoury, Logan Michael Altif, Gavin James Barthol, Emma Sophia Bauman, Ava Grace Beidleman, Lilli Ann Benner, Makenna
Rose Benner, Rylie Payton Berger, Elionna Rose Berutti, Magdalen Grace Bonnie Bing, Reese Elizabeth Bittner, Elijah Xavier Bonito, Kyler Aiden Boyer, Andrew Rock Bucko, Ethan Rocco Busfield, Cassidy Alicea Camaho, Arya Elizabeth Cambra, Kendall Rose Cassium, Tyler Jeremiah Clarke, Mason Christopher Clinton, Nyla Nicole Cotton, Madison Skyy Cruz, Mi'Kayla Faith Dennis, Arianna Jailea Dynak, Thayer Ames Ebert, Ryder Robert Evans, Kaydence Marie Falk, Houston Jerome Falwell, Amberlyn Sky Fehr, Trevor James Ford, Landon Jacob Fulmer, Alexis Marie Furry, Cameron Thomas Furs, Jackson Alexander Griffin, Rebecca Ann Griffin, Ronan Matthew Grube, Charlotte Haines, Caleb Joseph Harlacher, Reese Elizabeth Hayduscko, Parker David Jones, Scarlet Grace Kubilius, Patricia Winter Kuhns, Gabriella Lena Licini, Charlotte Elizabeth Longley, Arianna Aurora Lopez, Lia Jade Lorantas, Ava Lucille Mara, Annalise Pamela McWilliams, Hadley Rae Miller, Roman Nicolas Montes, Lilyana Mae Montiel, Ashton Alexander Moore, Mikaly Moreno, Lexie Grace Murphy, Anthony Michael Natale, Phoebe Ella Naylor, Holly Victoria Nyce, Layla Starr O'Toole-O'Heren, Jade Amerie Ortiz-Luciano, Dionisia Jalyn Perez, Lucas Leon Benjamin Pinto Astorga, Mason David Rabenold, Jonathan Thomas Raub, Zoey Willow Rey, Keiyenna Kristine Rodriquez, Preston Jay Romanishan, Kylie Ava Ryan, Bryce Michael Sabol, Ana Yamilex Santos Paulino, Lillian Stacey Schmidt, Evan Charles Seidick, Elena Marilyn Smith, Elizabeth Sarah Smith, Daniel Chance Spaeth, Stella Rose Spagnoletti, Eleanor Grace Sparrow, Gianna Margaret SullyRice, Jayden Bentley Swanger, Madisyn Elizabeth Swinger, Kamden Michael Szoke, Tess Marie Szoke, Haiden Mae Thorne, Jeramiah Kedie Ubiles, Braxton Pius Uhnak, Caleb Joseph Urban, Kylie Alexia Vasquez, Jax Richard Werkheiser, Xander Blaze Whittaker, Cameron William Yeakel, Levi Harvey Young Honors: Leah Marie Christine Alvarez, Adam Elias Antiga, Brayden John Bell, Amber Lee Bickert, Evangeline Jora Betty Bing, Cameron Blake Calixto, Arianny De La Cruz, Alexander Wesly Doresca, Giselle Mia Estrada, Bryon Douglas Flamisch, Alexandra Judith Gianatiempo, Michael Jerry Goldberg, Izabella Rose Greenawalt, Emma Faye Hollenbach, Louis Douglas Horvath, Sydney Susan Jones, Judith Kristin Kemmerer, Rory Michele Kline, Jacob Ryan Knechel, Kayla Marie Kressly, Seana Rose Lacey, Brielle Grace Lerch, Chase James Magee, Zakiah Jean Manns-Atkinson, Kylee Ann Marcinkowski, Reis Phillip Martz, Anthony James Noti, Ava Rose Petko, Lilian Ruby Reichel, Kaylee Rickard,
Adam Awni Shabayek, Lily Jane Shipwash, Matthew Daniel Silfies, Aiden James Skorinko, Nathan Lee Sousa, Jenesis Sari Sutphin, Jack Dylan Tripp, Vivian Ann Wertman, Evan Christian Winger, Mya Hanneh Younes Grade 7:
Distinguished Honors: Keira Michelle Barthol, Zander James Bartholomew, Landon Kenneth Bauer, Noah Ronald Beers, Alexis Blayn Cadiz, Aubriana Lee Cattano, Derek Benjamin Cole, Elsie Lyn Conrad, Macyn Bryn Davidick, Caylee Grace Dearden, Olivia Faye Demyan, Georgia Caroline Derhammer, Colin Mathew Dorward, Norah Anne Edelman, Courtney Jean Edwards, Josephine Carroll Ehasz, Baylor Liam Ettinger, Stella Marie Fallenstein, Kaitlyn Rose Fertal, Kirsten Grace Gabovitz, Kassidy Rose Galarza, Mikena Cattleya Galarza, Yeralis Garcia Valenzuela, Emma Grace Hachtman, Nathan James Hahn, Sarah Jane Harding, Allyson Rose Hayes, Leah Ashlynn Hayes, Gabriel John Haymaker, Trenen James Heffner, Natalie Lynn Hepner, Lucian Tyler Ionita, Liam Robert Israel, Bhavneet Kaur, Benjamin Martin Matika, Ella Lou Matto, McKennah Mengel, Madison Taylor Mitchell, Jordan Lee Myer, Taylor Paige Paukovits, Cole Anthony Pizzolatto, Emma Grace Rey, Cameron Lee Rinker, Juliette Marie Robles, Ty Christopher Scheid, Alina Marie Scott, Chase Eric Spadt, Liam Roy Stasak, Lee Anthony Stephens, Zoey Elizabeth Strouse, Cassie Jo Tampier, Enzo Manuel Tapia, Natalye Kadeydra Cruz Walker, Autumn Rose Yost High Honors: Vincent James Andrew, Emma Christine Angle, Emma Nicole Bartek, Gavin Paul Bealer, Jaimie Lee Bermudez-Ortiz, Ashlee Anna Boandl, Wyatt Scott Breidinger, Nathan John Bumback, Gabriel Logan Clayton, Preston Skyler Cochran, Sawyer Ash Correa, Zachary James Costello, Yvannalise Trinity Cruz, Noah Dante Davis, Isabella Rose Deutsch, Brayden Thomas DiGiacomo, Autumn Mackenzy Dochat, Laila Grace Dolak, Kristen Elizabeth Egan, Matteo Christofer
Honor Roll
Continued from page 10

Feidler, Steven Allen Fogel, Avery Lee Ford, Taylor Molloy Frack, Hope Kendra Fritz, Annalyse Yasmin Galarza, Cayden Daniel Guilliams, William Michael Guranich, Lukas Matthew Hafner, Ava Elizabeth Hartzell, Carson Raylan Hersch, Madison Paige Hilbert, Jacob Landon Hlatky, Iylah Vie Jaeger, Norah Elizabeth Johnson, Arielis Angelik Juarbe, Cameron Lex Khuu, Sophia Grace Kish, Ethan James Klingenbeck, Ethan Douglas Koehler, Paige Elizabeth Lancon, Emma Noel Mankos, Alydia Jean Martinez, Mariiabella Martinez, Skyelynn Precious Martinez, Masyn Carter Maurice, Logan Kevin Meister, Cole Bradley Meixsell, Nathan Thomas Mercadante, Haley Marie Milford, Riley Paige Miller, Zander James Miller, Alexander Robert Nichelson, Logan Joseph Noe, Bryan David OrtizLuciano, Charlize Paige Padilla, Hannah Abcde Peck, Treyven Jael Rivas, Sebastian Kai Rocco, Kole Reef Sandt, Nathaniel Luis Santana, Lynzie Paige Schneck, Kendra Alexis Silfies, Addie Jean Sobieski, Claire Grace Sobieski, Aubree Marie Sterner, Brody Allen Suplee, Tabitha Paige Sussick, Kaydon Ryan Ray Swanson, Sophia Alysse Tandazo, Grace Mauriane Telou, Evangelina Faith Urban, Jace Austin
Wedderburn, Jack Theodore Wiswesser, Myleigh Grace Zechman, Chloe Ember-Lee Ziegler
Honors: Gabriella Urena Amaya, Gianna Marie Angelino, Emily Arias, Bruce Paul Bear, Bennett Gabriel Bender, Brody
Bennett Boyle, Miabella Gene Carullo, Ethan James Case, Richard Brennan Compton, Allison
Nicole Deysher, Kali Rose Dimler, Zua Esteban De La Cruz, Savanna Ariel Finkbiner, Brayden Joel Finney, Brenna Lee Fisher, Courtney Kathryn Flamisch, Landon Matthew Garrison, Gunner Avery George, Colton James Gillespie, Ava Lynn Guzman, Nicholas Tyler Heffelfinger, Carter Eli Howells, Mason
Andrew Inscho, Brayden Jude Keyser, Keira Teagan Kidulic, Natalie CherylAnn Koons, Greta-Lynn Elianna Lesko, Mason Richard Lychak, Aurora Mannino, Jasmine Lydia Martinez, Wyatt James Matejicka, Natalie Rose McMullen, Veersingh Negi, Makenah Ivonne Novak, Mason Michael Nush, Jayden
Vargas, Luke Michael Vitushinsky, Khloe Jane Warner, Ashton Kenneth Werkheiser, Arianna

Dennis Ober, Antonia Josephine Pacchioni, William Junior Perez, Braylynn Marie Pezzino, Ashlyn Olivia Reeser, Lillian Katherine Rehrig, Aniyahlinn Imani Rivera, Kai Blu Sandt, Addison Mariah Sayers, Benjamin Michael Schmoyer, Layla Lee Suplee, Ashton John Szoke, Alexander Matthew Thorpe, Jesiah Elias
Elizabeth Williams-Marsh, Johan Lorenzo Wilson, Addison: Afife Youwakim Grade 8
Distinguished Honors: Luke Michael Abrachinsky, Yelitza Amador Gomez, Spencer Christian Ault, Logan Scott Barry, Zadence J Betz, JamiLynn Grace Brooks, Blake Omauri Brown, Matthew Will Buskirk, Sophia Catherine Cambra, Jose Elias Carrillo Manzueta, Brielle Marie Caserta, Livia Jean Churetta,

Shane Adam Clewell, Sarah Anne Constant, Blake Stephen Dreisbach, Carter Jacob Eckhart, Nolan Joseph Eline, Sara Marie Esser, Dorothy Rowan Everett, Bianca Exantus, Jolene Jacqueline Farres, Hannah Phyllis Flamisch, Kayla Nohealani Fornarotto, Cooper Mac Fry, Lucy Jean Gadsby, Kennedy Lynn Gardner, Evangelina Maria Gougoustamos, Zachary Ty Green, Paige Nicole Hamilton, Riley Lucas Henahan, Todd

Suburban Darts
Week 22
Submitted by DAVE CASEY
Star of Bethlehem beat first place St. Paul’s 3-0 and 5-2, losing the opener 5-4. Leading the way for Star of Bethlehem were Kyle Taylor 7 for 11, Bill Hoke Jr. 4 for 10, and Walt Hoffert 4 for 12. Kevin Gross was 4 for 13 and John Hoysan had a HR for St. Paul’s
Farmersville swept defending Champs Dryland by scores of 5-4, 2-1 and 4-3. Top hitters for Farmersville were Gene Grim 4 for 12 (HR), Rick Kitter 4 for 12 (HR), Tom George also 4 for 12 (HR), with HR’s from Mark Steigerwalt (2) and Sue Grim. For Dryland, Bernie Yurko was 5 for 13, Jeff Ashenfalder 4 for 11 and Larry Golick 4 for 14.
In other action, Christ UCC sandwiched 6-4 and 9-5 wins around a 5-3 loss to Blessed Trinity. Leading hitters for Christ UCC included A.J. Renn 8 for 14, Steve Hunsicker 7 for 13, Garry Hunsicker 6 for 14, and HR’s from Keith Laudenslager and Eric Yocum. Kevin Remaly was 4 for 9 (HR), Andy Mickelson 4 for 8, Dan Halteman 4 for 12 and Chuck Crisafi with a HR for Blessed Trinity.
The final match of the night finds Ebenezer sandwiching 5-4 and 6-0 wins around a 7-0 loss to Emmanuel. Hitters for Ebenezer were Jim Voortman 5 for 11 (HR), Brendan Blevins 5 for 13 and Joey Blevins 4 for 11. For Emmanuel, Jon Rice was 5 for 12, Tom Dormida 5 for 13, Carlos Soto 3 for 7 and Tracy Dormida with 2 HR’s.
Honor Roll
Continued from page 11
Ryan Hough, Haleigh Anne Johnson, Katie Ann Johnson, Grayson Thomas Kassick, Nolan Scott Keen, Carmello Leon Khuu, Jack Andrew Kinsey, Finnegan Patrick Kline, Hailey Francis Knappenberger, Arya Ann Kratzer, Evelyn Ann Lack, Sadie Elizabeth Laury, Rosemary Grace Lees, Lucas Lichtenwalner, Hailey Rose Lieberman, Hayden Mae Lopata, Addison Paige Mager, Brody KaponoMakaio Marcks, Raegan Elizabeth Marks, Amelia Marie Martucci, Morgan Susan McCreery, Sophia Hazel Medei, Gabriela Elizabeth Medina Largo, Iris Violeta Melendez, Harley Jeanne Miller, Maci Rose Miller, Alaina Nicole Minarovic, Sonia Elena Moreira, Alaina Lynne Morrissey, Sara Alpeshkumar Nayak, Maciel Nunez, Jayleen Ziomary Pantojas, Jelena Linh Phu, Rene Peter Plutko, Jackson Nicholas Pongracz, Londyn Capri Probus, Luciano Tomas Ramos, Cooper Thomas Rogan, Jarelis Maricela Rosado-Cedeno, Brody Austin Rosenberger, Kaitlyn Grace Roth, Miley Reagan Salter, Alena Grace Santos, Brett Joseph Schaffer, Caden Thomas Schatz, Kaden Matthew Scholl, Brennan Joseph Schultz, Tian-

Preheat the oven to 350 F.
Shrimp Orzo Bake
1 pound raw shrimp, tail off, peeled and deveined
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup grape tomatoes, quartered
1/3 cup Kalamata olives, de-pitted, sliced
1/3 cup red onion, chopped
1 tablespoon lime juice
4 garlic cloves, minced
Salt and pepper, to taste
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper
12 ounces orzo pasta, cooked
1/4 cup fresh parsley chopped
1/4 cup fresh cilantro chopped
1/3 cup crumbled feta cheese
In a 9x13 baking dish, combine shrimp, olive oil, grape tomatoes, olives, red onion, lime juice, garlic cloves, salt, pepper, oregano and crushed red pepper. Toss it all together so everything is evenly coated.
Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until the shrimp are cooked.
Meanwhile, cook the orzo according to the instructions on the package. Once it’s done, drain, set aside.
When the shrimp is finished cooking, add the orzo to the dish, stir.
Top with the parsley, cilantro and feta, stir to combine.
If you have a recipe you’d like to share with our readers, email it to cstroh@homenewspa.com or mail to P.O. Box A, Walnutport, PA 18088.
na Shammas, Destinee Samita Slanina, Lila Grace Smith, Luke William Stopay, Olivia Rose Strain, Isabella Kaye Urban, Lily Stephania Vitushinsky, Kellen Robert Weaver, Alexa Grace Wright, Ava Catherine Zeiner High Honors: Leah Marie Barry, Landon James Bartholomew, Jacob Donald Betz, Chase Robert Bodnar, Dylan Jaymes Bourger, Kayleah Seriah Boyer, Katelynn Camille Candelario, Richard Lawrence Carmen, Joseph Salvatore Caruso, Eva Bree Christoff, Logan William Darrah, Ava Madison Dech, Mouctar Diallo, Gabriel

Francis Dianna, Omnia Hassan Elzokm, Lily Marie Fetchko, Mackenzie Lynn Ford, Makinley Taylor Freed, Shannon Jane Galle, Sophia Grace Giandomenico, Demitri Scott Greene, Ryan George Greig, Jayden Alexander Griffin, Madisyn Marie Grube, Zorianna Shae Haldeman, Amber Lisa Hawkins, Austin Shawn Hawkins, Bella Grier Heidrich, Nathan Dennis Hemak, Sarah Saada Issac, Johanna Rose King, Emma Corey Klaus, Ezekiel Samuel Knerr, Kennley Scott Kumernitsky, Tucker William Lapps, Morgan Marie Leidy, James Chase Mauzey, Connor Allen Mayhan, Aviana Rae McDermott, James Preston Moyer, Kaedyn Phillip Parker, Angelina Marie Pasquariello, Dominic John Pignato, Jenna Faith Radvon-Fredette, Devin Tyler Ramos, Katelyn Reyes, Yalexibel Ruth Rivas, Kingston Orlam Rivera, Grayson Jeffrie Robbins, Jazmyne Islandia Rochon, Shane Anthony Scott, Damon Patrick Sewald, Joshua Edward Silfies, Ronan Charles Skinker, Luis Alejandro Soltero, Dane Michael Spengler, Heidi Suzanne Stocker, Raina Elizabeth Szymczak, Abigail Madeline Thierer, Abigail Marie Vermeulen, Kyla Grace Vogt, Cailynn Rose Walczer, Ryker Jake Walker, Cale Nickalus Weaver, Cody David
Honors: Camden Jerry Armour, Denisia Nicole Bader, Derian Nicolas Berger, Daniel Gerald Berghold, Natalie Rose Biechy, Olivia June Bierman, Logan James Caravello, Carter Stephen Craig, Sean Michael Crowley, Kahlil Anthony Cummings, Isaiah Michael Deveney, Joshua David Evans, Sincere Danielle Ferrer, Anthony Orlando Gianatiempo, Sean Vincent Glackin, Sophia Grace Glasgow, River Patrick Gotto, Gavin Nicholas Graver, Earl Alexander Griffin, Calvin Hahr, Peyton Madison Hammond, Zoey Catherine Keim, Mason Albert Kohler, Giliana Lola Koncur, Noriah Jolie Labbadia, Remy Ann Lower, Isabella Ava Luciano, Connor Matthew Magee, Emma Grace Martinez, Alexander Demetrius McGirt-Small, Breanna Noel Miklas, Rilynn Pietkiewicz, Joseph Daniel Rivera, Athena Marie Rosario, Alex Joseph Saylor, Mason Gregory Schantz, May'cee Evelyn-Ann Shimoskie, Cole Erik Silfies, Chase Nicholas Stefan, Riley Mckenna Tencza, Connor Brian Thompson, Michael James Toohey, Javien Emmanuel Veliz, Luke George Ventrudo, Lana Brielle Weiko, Dorian Ilerioluwa Whesu, Bella Lynn White, Paul Michael Williams.