5 minute read
Continued know that each of us in some small or large way have accepted the disease each of us are afflicted with. As an example, maybe ten, 20 years ago you were told you had high blood pressure. Perhaps in this scenario instead of fixing the real issue you decided to take a drug to mask the symptom. You accepted your disease rather than attempting to face it headfirst. (Kicking the can down the road is never a good strategy.) Another example could be the elevated glucose or triglyceride levels we see so frequently. Here again, rather than changing course, many have kept doing the same thing that got them in trouble, essentially accepting dis-ease and are taking a pill to again mask and manage.
Tell me the truth, how many of those afflicted with diabetes are right now having soda, chips or ice cream? The answer is many if not most. We have accepted our disease and surrendered our health in return.
Don’t be upset with me for the course of action you decided to take, or should I say, didn’t take. We are all adults, each choosing their own life path. To the point, your health is your responsibility alone. The responsibility is not your doctor’s or pharmacist’s. Yours.
If you think I am holding myself out as one sitting outside looking in, then think again. I have those areas of my life that could have and should have been properly addressed long ago and because I did not, here I am dealing with the pain of my own foolish management.
Perhaps I find myself leaning into this topic with a stern tone as recently I got a call from a childhood friend I care deeply about. He related that he is lucky to be alive after almost having a widow maker type of cardiac experience. I listened intently as he shared his surprise, his shock, as if this all came from nowhere. He told me that his blood pressure medication that he has been on for years kept everything good. Same with his cholesterol medications. On paper he was the picture of managed health. CT scan showed he was blocked every which way and stent implants ensued. Does this scenario sound familiar? It should, as it's common.
Imagine if I stopped my dear friend in his tracks and told him point blank that he did this all to himself and he has nobody else to blame. He probably would have hung up on me. If roles were reversed I would for sure. At this time, our conversation needed to remain one where he talked, and I listened. Maybe in the future we can broaden the conversation a bit.
I wonder if my friend will try and chart a different course given his new lease on life or simply accept his dis-ease. I hope he chooses the former, but it won’t be easy. It never is…but it’s worth it. Maybe his lifestyle will change accordingly. Perhaps his diet will make the flip it needs to. Who knows. So many life lessons here. It is a challenge to put it all on paper. My best to you.
"Natural Perspectives" is a health commentary only and does not claim to diagnose and/or make treatment recommendations. Always seek the advice of your health care professional.
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Moore Township Supervisors approve hire of full-time police officer
The Moore Township Board of Supervisors met Monday, July 10 to discuss reports, the resignation of a police officer and a full-time hire, Recreation Commission ex- ercise equipment, Playground in the Park funding, schoolhouse renovations, ordinance codification, and the Parks, Recreation and Open Space plan update.
First, supervisors approved the en motor vehicle accidents, three automatic fire alarms, 11 ambulance assists, one standby, two carbon monoxide alarms, three smoke investigations, four trees down, one flooding, one wire down, one mutual aid call with Plainfield Township for a fire, four mutual aid calls with Lehigh Township for fires, one mutual aid call with Bushkill Township for a fire, and four mutual aid calls with Bath for one fire, two motor vehicle accidents, one wire down, and two fire police.
Wayne Cacciola minor subdivision sewage planning module based on the recommendation of the Planning Commission and township engineer.
Police Chief Gary West reported that during the month of June, the police department had 379 total incidents including one written warning issued, 44 traffic citations issued, one arrest for a DUI, two non-traffic citations issued for confinement of dogs and harassment, six reportable accidents and three non-reportable accidents.
Chief West also presented the board with a resignation from Officer Emmanuel Varkanis effective July 30, which they unanimously approved. Officer Varkanis will be pursuing a detective position in Monroe County and the board expressed gratitude for his 13 years of service to the township.
In other business, Recreation Commission Chairperson Jodi Hartzell announced that the exercise equipment has been fully installed by the Public Works Department and is ready to be used. Supervisors approved her request for age recommendation and equipment instruction signage, which will accompany the equipment.
Trinity Lutheran Church (Hecktown)
Additionally, Chief West suggested the hire of Matthew Hyman as a full-time officer effective August 7 and waiving of an article in the Collective Bargaining Agreement, which would allow him to start at 100% pay rather than 80%. Officer Hyman has been a part-time patrolman with the township for 16 years, and the board unanimously approved his hire and full pay.
July 24 to July 28 from 9 a.m. to noon daily
Next, Fire Police Captain Jason Harhart reported that the Klecknersville Rangers Vol. Fire Co. responded to 60 ambulance calls during the month of June and 48 fire calls, which accounted for three fires, sev-
Supervisors also approved the Recreation Commission’s request for up to $2,000 in reimbursements for the Playground in the Park program pending receipts submitted.
Township Engineer Kevin Horvath provided updates on the Edelman Schoolhouse renovations and the board decided to potentially go with Fedio Construction’s quote for renovations at a cost of $21,650 for the project. Horvath will be seeking a potential start date and timeline for the project for the board to consider at the next meeting.
Township Solicitor David M. Backenstoe stated that the township’s ordinance codification has been completed and will be available online pending advertisement and approval at the September meeting.
Solicitor Backenstoe also requested the board’s approval to prepare a quit claim deed for the township to release ownership of the land that the now vacated Trach Road occupied to show ownership now belongs to the contiguous property owners. Supervisors granted the approval to move forward with the deed and to allow Backenstoe to represent one of the contiguous property owners in preparation of a consolidation deed.
Following, supervisors unanimously granted approval for Township Manager Nicholas C. Steiner to form a steering committee made up of one stakeholder from each of the township’s boards and committees, and to allow the steering committee to develop an RFP, gather proposals, and make a recommendation to the board as part of the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space update plan that will utilize funds from the Livable Landscapes Grant.
Supervisors also unanimously accepted the completed 2022 audit and the Walker agricultural security area resolution for a property on Valley View Drive.
Last, Supervisor Michael A. Tirrell Jr. presented the board with a project to put LED lights on McCandless Field at the Recreation Center to illuminate the field at night, which would be funded through a donation with funds matched from MTAA.
Tirrell expressed that the Recreation Commission found a contractor to install the lights and that the only thing the township would pay for are the actual lights, which will cost approximately $27,446.
However, Vice Chairman David Shaffer stated that he would prefer to lump adding new football field lights in with this project and secure a grant for both.
Chairman Daniel Piorkowski said that he would prefer to hold off on this project until the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space update plan is completed, so the board agreed to table the discussion until that time.
The Planning Commission announced that their July meeting has been canceled, so their next meeting will be Monday, August 28.
The next Moore Township Board of Supervisors meeting will be held Tuesday, August 1 at 6 p.m. in the municipal building, located at 2491 Community Dr.