The Home News October 6

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The Home News Your Local News

OCTOBER 6-12, 2016

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October Cement Worker of the Month - Ron Koch

Ron Koch – Contributed photo

By ED PANY Mr. Ron Koch was raised in Northampton, graduating from Northampton High School in 1982. He wrestled four years in over 100 matches under Coach Gordon Bartholomew, recalling, “I admired Gordy, he kept me on the straight and narrow path of life and always stressed respect and team work.” After graduation, he worked for his father Ron at their popular Pennsville market. He later was employed by ITT installing business telephones and servicing them. It proved to be a valuable learning experience. Ron started his cement career at Lafarge in 1994 saying, “I was recommended by my uncle Bob Sickonic, who was a plant electrician. I earned good money, $8.42 an hour starting on the tire dock, which was physically demanding.” Over the years, Ron has held a

variety of positions at the plant, including service gang, production journeyman, loading station, electrical gang and quarry crusher. As a result, he is familiar with the complete plant operation. Presently, he is in the plant parts department. He received excellent training from Sam Ruzika, and his present supervisor is Cain Cabrera, both fine men. He is responsible for receiving and delivering parts throughout the plant and listing a complete and updated inventory. The computer has changed the inventory system. He said, “We are the hub of the plant and have an interaction with all the plant’s employees, both supervisors and union members. Teamwork helps us operate the plant in a safe and efficient manner.” Ron is a dedicated cement worker who remembers his greatgrandfather Frank Farkas, who

a.m. at the food bank, and the walk will commence at 9 a.m. Email for more information regarding the walk-athon. Route: Starting at the Northampton Area Food Bank parking lot, go across the street from the parking lot at Food Bank to Canal Park walkwaygoing right, walk to 21st Street, turn around and walk back passing the Food Bank and down the walkway, through the tunnel, cross over Main Street at Miller’s Diner, north on Laubach Avenue, east on Smith Lane to Borough Hall clock and back, going west on Smith’s Lane, south on Laubach Avenue, cross over at Miller’s Diner, through tunnel to Canal Park walkway and up walkway to 16th Street and the Food Bank parking lot. (Approximately 4.5 miles.)

Focus on Folks 60+, Page 8

Dot Day at Sacred Heart School

Northampton Area Food Bank Halloween Walk-A-Thon

Via Facebook Northampton Area Food Bank will be holding a Halloween Walk-A-Thon (rain, snow or shine) on Saturday, October 29. Be creative and come in costume. Gather your friends, Sunday school class, club, etc. and have a contest getting sponsorship. This walk is a great way to scare up some money for feeding the needy during the winter months ahead. If you are unable to walk, please make a donation or sponsor someone else. The Northampton Food Bank will be open until noon for tours, donation drop-offs and information on how you can become a volunteer. What great weather for a walk-a-thon and what great reason to get out there and walk. Meet at Northampton Area Food Bank located at 1601 Canal Street, Northampton. Registration will begin at 8:30

worked at the historic Lawrence Cement Co. Mr. Koch is married to the former Jill Swanteko. He is proud of sons Justin, Rowen, daughters Lauren and Nichole, and three grandsons. In his spare time he is busy with son Rowen’s activities. Mr. Koch is a valued Lafarge employee. He realizes and upholds the tradition of our local cement workers and is proud to work at Lafarge, the Lehigh Valley’s oldest cement plant.

Submitted by KAREN GABRYLUK First and second grade students from Sacred Heart School created virtual three-dimensional dots using an interactive iPad app, to celebrate International Dot Day. Dot Day is based on an inspiring story by Peter Reynolds, “The Dot.” Shown to the left are Anna Dormarunno and Tyler Matz as they gaze at a dot they drew. Accessing the app enabled the picture taken to change to 3-D.

75th Year, Issue No. 40

– Contributed photo

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