5 minute read
Touch of Dutch
Submitted by Larry Gradwohl Die Holzkischt
Datt hinnich em Offe Deheem in der Kich, Do waar'n aldi Holzkischt— lm Lewe en Schtich.
In Leng so sexfiessich, In Breeding schier zwee, An eem End waar Holz un Am ann're waar'n Schpae.
Sie waar rot aagschtriche, En Schofhaut waar druff ; Der Deckel waahrhaftich, Waar immer, scheint's, uff.
Es kummt vor zu Yunge Sie alsfatt waer leer, Un dutt mer Holz draage, Ken Boddem drin waer.
Uffkors in der Kindheit Guckt Sach gross wie'n Gaul ; Mer iss ewweviehlisch— Un vleicht bissel faul.
So iss es mir gange— Vleicht waar's so bei eich— Mer winscht, schtatts gutguckich, Mer waer grisslich reich.
Doch kann ich erinn're 'm Paepp sei Freed draa, Denn nooch der Daags Aerwet Schteckt er sei Peif aa,
Un legt sich dann anne, En Kisse verwischt, Datt hinnich'm Offe Uff selle alt Kischt. Die Kischt un sei Grutze, Die waar'n 'm Paepp lieb, Doch winsch ich oft hazlich Es keemt mol en Dieb,
Un deet sie weckschtehle— Ken ann're meh sei, So waer ich dann ewich Des Holzdraages frei.
Nau bin ich gewaxe Un leg mich oft druff— Doch hab immer gfunne Die hatt Seit waar uff.
Ich kann's net ausrechle Un's blogt mich noch heit, Wie der Paepp so gut ruht, Wann er als druff leit.
" 'S muss sei eier Gewarb," Hot er mol gemeent, "Seit ihr schlofe uff Schprings, Sin Boord net gewehnt."
Ich denk des weech Lewe, Wie heitich es geht, Macht Schwachheit im Kaerper 'S iss alles verdreht.
Doch schteckt mir die Holzkischt Noch immer im Sinn, Un bringt z’rick Gedanke Wann ich deheem bin. -Ralph Funk 16th Juli 1945
The firewood chest
There behind the stove At home in the kitchen, Here was an old firewood chest –A small part of life.
In length [it was] about six feet, In width almost two feet, At one end was firewood and At other end was the kindling (chips).
It was painted red, A sheepskin was laid on it; The lid actually
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Was always, it appeared, up.
It seemed to the boys It always was empty, And to the one carrying the wood, There was no bottom to it.
Of course, in childhood Things look large like a horse; One is indifferent –And possibly a little lazy.
So, things went with me –Perhaps it was so with you –One wishes, instead of good looking, One would be terribly rich.
Yet I can still remember Pop’s delight on it, Then after his workday He lit his pipe,
And laid himself on it, Got a pillow, There behind the stove On that old chest.
The wood chest and his corncob pipe, These were dear to pop; Yet I often hatefully wished A thief would come once,
And would steal it away –No other one to replace it So, I would then be forever Free of carrying the firewood.
Now I am grown And often lay myself on it –Yet I have always found The hard side was up.
I cannot figure it out And it bothers me yet today, How pop rested so well When he laid on it.
“It must be your joints,” He mentioned once, “Since you sleep on springs, I think this soft living, The way it goes nowadays Makes weakness in the body –Everything is distorted.
Yet for me the firewood chest Always sticks in my mind, And brings back thoughts When I am at home.
[The firewood chest behind the stove had many important functions in the kitchen. Besides the place to store the wood and kindling for the stove, it was always a place for the husband and children to stay out of mom’s way when she was working in the kitchen and it was also a place to warm up and relax on during winter months. And as this poem suggests, it also created one more chore for boys – carrying in the firewood and kindling to keep it filled. To those growing up and living in that time period it held an important place in their culture.]
St. Peter’s UMC Events
Submitted by Sharleen Crossett
Looking for something to do, looking for something new? The church here at St. Peter’s remains busy all the time. St. Peter’s is located at 7860 Center St., in Emerald PA.
On Sunday we start the week with The Bible study/ Sunday school hour at 9am, this is followed by the regular service at 10am. Communion is celebrated the 1st Sunday of the month with the use of prepackaged elements.
Monday morning Bible Study is off for the summer but look out September, as is the Monday evening Bible Study.
“Grief Share” meets on Tuesday morning at 10am, at the Helping Hand Community Center of Slatedale, located at 4019 Main Street, Slatedale. If you are interested in participating in the program contact Pastor Bill to register, and to reserve your book. New program coming. “Surviving the Loss of a Spouse”, watch for more information on time, day of the week and start date. The Helping Hands Community Center of Slatedale, is a ministry of St. Peter’s Church.
Wednesday mornings the Pastor alternates between “The Palmerton and Sacred Heart by the Creek in Northampton for a time of worship with the residents. If you would like to fellowship with the residents
601 W. Market Street, Suite 100 • Perkasie, PA 18944 Phone: 215-257-1500 • Fax: 215-257-0800
The Geiss gentlemen—L to R. Gordan, Franklin, Elmer & Gary Geiss in Walnutport after a meeting in the late 1950s
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