Presentasi Indra Lubis

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Recover the Right of the People and Mother Earth Indra Lubis – presented in AEPF Subregional Conference in Jakarta – June 2012

Behind the Crises  Fight and Control over resources – World history has shown us that behind the wars, conflicts, fragmentation territory, occupation etc is about resources  Hegemony – It can be through the state actors and private sectors. Through the myth “North vs South”. Developed vs underdeveloped  Over Consumption – The capitalism and neoliberal policies have been creating an endless demands. Broken it’s own promises about development, prosperity, and wealth  Gap in production model – At the end global financialization can’t control it’s own system.

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People’s Agenda  People’s Democracy – For both Political and economic democracy. People’s equal and active participation not only in political process but rather all aspects and decision shall be subject to people’s participation and choices  Balance of power politics among the states – Need a fight against hegemony. There is no “One Size Fit for All”  Building Economic democracy or People’s Economy­ Peoples must be in the forefront of economy not a few peoples (TNCs).  Democratization control over financial institutions with people actively and equally participating in decision­making in changging economic and financial policies, and economic cooperation. Promoting various form of social ownership, encouraging cooperatives and community collectives.


 Food Sovereignty – right of the state to determine its own agriculture policy and the right of farmers, small scale farmers, peasant to produce food and the right of consumers to be able to decide what they want to consume, and how and by whom it is produced. Which places at its center sustainable peasant’s agriculture and agroecolgy.  Building trade and cooperation based on solidarity, complementary and responsibility. Not based on free market and not at the expenses of peoples and their livelihoods. No price and control over the nature. Include land, water, seed, territory, production system (GMO’s) etc.  Redistribution of the ownership and control of economic resources. Since over four decades, there is ongoing concentration of ownership and control of economic resources in the hand of few peoples/companies. To make sure equal participation, its need to be re­ distributive and supported by state.  Re­establishment the balance with our Earth System and preserve the vital cycles of nature. Commodification, privatization and financialization of nature, should not ever been as an “option

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