Presentasi people centred

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d E e L r t B n A C e I N c T T AI T E IS EN T N L F S R P E P M E U A A O M D OP S Y t h e E I P O L L G H LO t o S E V E U Po s a l p D RO EM o r P H L T L rs’ F Uo r k e W

People-centred solidaristic development • Clearly, there is something structurally and morally wrong about the present model of development in the country. • An alternative development model should have as its main goal the full development of human potential and not unabated accumulation. • Such model underscores “the development of democratic capacities for control of the transformation of economic structures towards egalitarian, ecologically sustainable reproduction”

People-centred solidaristic development • It is people-centred because production of goods and services is focused on the needs of people and not on the dictates of the market. • It is solidaristic because it fosters economic relationships based on cooperation, communication and shared-power, instead of market competition and hierarchies. • It assumes an activist state, a fully functioning universal wefare program, a strong labor movement and controls over profits or even “surplus”.

Sustainable full employment • Full employment here is defined as “the maximization of voluntar y par ticipation of the adult population in a sociallyuseful paid work at full-time hours for solidaristic wages” • It emphasizes that “the quest for more jobs has to occur as par t of a wider realization of social rights”. • In this regard, a sustainable full employment strategy would need to be contributing “toward significant redistribution of power, time and liber ty”

Pillars of Sustainable full employment 1. Linking growth with equitable income distribution. ●

Labour market reforms to dismantle income inequalities among wage earners and to address informality and precariousness. Fair wage share. Progressive taxation system and further regulations which ensure that incomes from capital are adequately taxed. Guaranteed incomes.

Pillars of Sustainable full employment 2. Linking economic growth and ecological sustainability. â—?


Government has to undertake comprehensive and long-term oriented infrastructure projects which allow and enforce more ecologically-friendly production and consumption (e.g. in energy production, public and private transport, public utilities, urban planning) Promote and generate climate jobs

Pillars of Sustainable full employment 3. Inward-oriented economic strategies that allow a diversity of development paths and employment stability ●

Refocus production for domestic needs rather than exports

Linking exports to local economy

The promotion of various forms of solidarity economy, such as worker-run factories, workers’ and consumers’ cooperatives, barter economies, community currencies, fair trade organizations and arrangements, mutual aid collectives, etc. Development of critical consciousness and capacities for economic and social relations where workers can exercise more autonomy over their working lives.

Pillars of Sustainable full employment 4. Socially -useful public spending ●

Increase in public spending to provide public goods such as education, health care and public transport A universal income grant that is neither conditional, nor targeted or means-tested, and which is available to adult citizens has the potential to improve the wages and terms of employment for low-skilled workers.

6. Democratic par ticipation and controls ●

Workers’ control and self-management Financial controls including people’s representation in monetary banks and central banks Institutions that would exact accountabilities for multinational enterprises (peoplecentred investment policies, treaty exacting accountabilities to multinational enterprises)

Pillars of Sustainable full employment 6. Promotion of decentralized popular planning to develop local planning and managing capacities of community ser vices 7. Full employment as centerpiece of policymaking (trade, investment, industr y policy, fiscal, monetar y, etc.) 8. Re-qualification of work

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