2013 ISBA Annual Convention Brochure

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j o i n u s N o v e m b e r 6 - 8 , 2 0 1 3 i n c o e u r d ’a l e n e

Leading for Tomorrow: The 21st Century Board

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dear colleague, W

hether you are a veteran board member, a superintendent, a board support professional, or a first-time attendee, the 71st ISBA Annual Convention has the tools you need to support a 21st century education. You’ll come away with practical ideas, best practices, and a renewed commitment to help your board accomplish the critical work ahead. Through high-quality general sessions, workshops, and networking events, you will develop your leadership skills and discover proven solutions to take back to your community. You’ll also go home with renewed confidence, motivation, solutions, and new resources. In this era of fiscal constraints, we know that your decision to attend this year’s convention is not one that will be made lightly. The ISBA staff has strategically planned a convention program that more than justifies the investment in your own professional development. The work of school boards is more demanding than ever. From funding shortfalls to increased student need to staff cutbacks, we must learn to do more with less. And we can, through collaboration. Coming together with colleagues and education experts from across the State at ISBA’s Annual Convention is the first step toward making real progress in your school district. We believe that by coming together, sharing knowledge, and defining our roles, we can advance student achievement at home and improve public education across the State. As education leaders, it is essential that we continue to educate ourselves. Attending ISBA’s Annual Convention is a great way to accomplish this, while having the opportunity to network with your colleagues from every part of the State. Mark your calendars for November 6-8, and register today!



ISBA Annual Convention 3

NEW FOR 2013! Convention Website Everything you need for the 2013 ISBA Annual Convention is now in one central location — www.idsba.org/convention. Find registration information, hotel and travel information, agenda, and any convention related updates at this website. All forms are also available online, including award nomination forms and applications, workshop applications, and student entertainment applications.

Workshop Tracks The workshop sessions will be organized into tracks. These optional tracks, identified by the icons at right, are designed to guide attendees through a progressive set of workshops by the capacity and role they fill: • New Board Members • Clerks/Business Managers • Board Chairs • Superintendents • Charter School Board Members

State of the ISBA / Q&A Session In place of the usual Wednesday evening President’s Reception, we will have an Evening with Your Board & ISBA. This event is FREE for registered attendees and includes dinner, board discussion time (we’ll reserve tables for your board), a State of the ISBA report, and a Q&A Session so you may ask ISBA officers and staff your questions or provide comments.

Register Early & save The Early Registration discount ends September 30th! Visit www.idsba.org/convention for registration forms

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keynote Speakers T

hese motivating speakers are selected to build your leadership skills and to help move your district forward. Apply lessons and wisdom learned directly back to your school district.

Jim Bearden Thursday, Nov. 7 Opening Ceremonies Jim Bearden’s speaking and writing are based on his first-hand experiences in a wide range of leadership roles. A decorated Vietnam veteran who served as a Marine rifle company commander, a corporate vice president, and the founder of his own successful company, Jim will do more than espouse leadership theories. Using plenty of humor and his own rich life experiences, Jim will offer specific suggestions for translating leadership concepts into effective school director behavior. This powerful opening keynote presentation is a must-attend for those truly committed to creating cultures for learning.

C. Ed Massey Friday, Nov. 8 Second General Session Join C. Ed Massey as he explores the ever changing world of public education and the need of school boards to be fluid in addressing changes in a positive way. Ed travels around the country speaking to school board associations and other groups. His energetic and engaging presentations combine his real-world experience as a school board member, lawyer, and past president of the NSBA. Ed has been a school board member on the Boone County Board of Education (Kentucky) for over 16 years. Additionally, he has served as President of the Kentucky School Boards Association (KSBA) and the National School Boards Association (NSBA).

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Stephanie Hamilton Friday, Nov. 16 Third General Session A lifelong educator, Stephanie was a high school teacher of English, Social Studies, and Mathematics. After leaving the classroom, she was the director of integrated classroom technology (ICT) for a school system in Alief, Texas, and then the chief information officer (CIO) for the Austin Independent School in Texas. Since joining Apple in 2000, Stephanie has brought her experience to help craft a blueprint for building a 21st Century Learning Environment, helping school leaders identify the critical factors for successful implementation of ICT. She has traveled worldwide in search of successful, replicable instances of ICT used to drive student achievement and prepare students with 21st century skills. She helps articulate how learning has changed and what schools must do to adapt.

Thank You

to our sponsors ISBA thanks the following companies for their sponsorship at the 71st ISBA Annual Convention. Their generous support is vital to the ISBA’s continuing efforts to provide a quality convention experience for attendees.

Scholarship Auction Supporting the ISBA Scholarship Trust The ISBA Past Presidents’ Scholarship Auction raises money to support the ISBA Scholarship Trust Program. The Scholarship Trust awards college scholarships to children and grandchildren of Idaho public school board members (both past and present). For more details, visit www.idsba.org/ convention/scholarship-auction.


The above sponsors are as of the date of print. See www.idsba. org/convention for current sponsors.

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Agenda at-a-Glance WEDNESDAY, November 6 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM 12:00 PM – 1:15 PM 1:15 PM – 2:30 PM 2:45 PM – 4:00 PM 4:15 PM – 5:30 PM 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Registration Open Convention Center Lobby Early Bird Workshops Casco Bay, Kidd Island Bay Lunch on your own Session 1 Workshops Various Rooms Session 2 Workshops Various Rooms Session 3 Workshops Various Rooms NEW! State of the ISBA / Q&A Session Bays 4-6 Enjoy an evening of dinner, discussions with your board, State of the ISBA, and a Q&A Session

THURSDAy, november 7 6:45 AM – 2:30 PM 7:00 AM – 7:45 AM 7:15 AM 8:00 AM – 9:45 AM 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM 11:15 AM – 2:00 PM 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM 11:30 AM – 1:45 PM 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM 3:45 PM – 5:45 PM 6:00 PM – 6:30 PM 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Registration Open Breakfast Buffet Student Entertainment Opening Ceremonies & First General Session Keynote Speaker: Jim Bearden Session 4 Workshops Exhibit Show Exhibit Show Lunch Region Meetings Region I: 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM Region II: 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM Region III: 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM Region IV: 12:15 PM – 1:00 PM Region V: 12:15 PM – 1:00 PM Region VI: 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM Region VII: 12:45 PM – 1:30 PM Region VIII: 12:45 PM – 1:30 PM Session 5 Workshops Scholarship Auction Networking Time Awards Banquet

Convention Center Lobby Convention Center Lobby Bays 4-6 Bays 4-6 Various Rooms Bays 1-3 Bays 1-3 Casco Bay Kidd Island Bay North Cape Bay Kidd Island Bay Casco Bay Beauty Bay North Cape Bay Beauty Bay Various Rooms Bays 4-6 Convention Center Lobby Bays 1-3

FRIDAY, November 8 7:00 AM – 8:15 AM 7:00 AM – 7:30 AM 7:00 AM 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM 8:45 AM – 12:30 PM 12:30 PM 12:30 PM – 2:15 PM

Registration Open Breakfast Buffet Student Entertainment Second General Session Keynote Speaker: Ed Massey Business Session Student Entertainment Closing & Third General Session Keynote Speaker: Stephanie Hamilton

This is a draft agenda as of the date of print. For the most current agenda, visit www.idsba.org/convention/three-day-agenda.

Convention Center Lobby Convention Center Lobby Bays 1-3 Bays 1-3 Bays 4-6 Bays 1-3 Bays 1-3

ISBA Annual Convention 7

Workshops The Past, Present, and Future of Idaho’s Rural Schools

This session will include a historical perspective of the operation of rural schools in Idaho. Following that, participants will discuss the present status of rural schools in Idaho. Additionally, attendees will contemplate essential steps to ensure the future of Idaho’s rural schools for students, parents, and communities. Communicating About the Idaho Core Standards

The Idaho State Department of Education’s communications staff will walk you through the Idaho Core Standards Communications Toolkit and key strategies for communicating with parents, patrons, and the media about the new Idaho Core Standards in your local community. Implementing Recommendations For Teacher and Principal Evaluations

A Statewide Evaluation Task Force has developed recommendations for teacher and administrator evaluations. Idaho State Department of Education staff will discuss how these recommendations will be rolled out now and in the future as Idaho transitions to higher academic standards.

About the Workshops ISBA is offering a variety of informative workshops to help attendees improve their roles as school board members, clerks/business managers, board chairs, superintendents, and charter school board members. These workshops are a highlight of Cparlonvention and are presented by experts in the field. This list provides a glimpse at some of the workshops that will be offered.

Policies Required by Law

Is your District’s policy manual in compliance with State and Federal Law? If you are unsure, then this workshop is for you! ISBA staff will highlight the State and Federal laws that require school districts to have policies. You will get tips and resources for bringing your policy manual into compliance and guidance through the murky waters of policy making. Q&A Session with Superintendent Luna

Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna will be available for a question-and-answer session with school board trustees on any education-related topic.

Stay Up-To-Date A complete listing of all workshops, including dates, times, and track assignments, will be available in September at www.idsba.org/ convention/workshops.

Keeping Idaho Schools Safe and Secure

Staff from the Idaho State Department of Education will review what is currently in statute and rule regarding school safety and security and discuss recommendations that may be brought to the Idaho Legislature in 2014. Open Meeting Law & Executive Session

One of the most common complaints from the public is that school boards and school board members consistently abuse the parameters allowed under the law for Executive Session. This workshop will ensure that you know posting and motion requirements, what can occur during Executive Session, and what happens once Executive Session is over. Changes to High School Graduation Requirements

The Idaho State Department of Education will review proposed changes to high school graduation requirements and other proposed changes to administrative rule that will be brought before the Idaho Legislature in 2014. Recommendations of the Governor’s Task Force for Improving Education

In December 2012, Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter announced that the State Board of Education would shepherd a statewide discussion regarding how to move education forward to benefit Idaho students. A Task Force, comprised of 31 members representing a broad and diverse group of stakeholders from across the State, met from January through August 2013 to study best practices and research and to discuss and develop recommendations to improve the State’s K-12 education system. This session will provide an overview of the Task Force’s work and detail the recommendations delivered to the Governor in September 2013. Managing the Risk of Extra-Curricular Activities

Sports camps, music camps, foreign travel, field trips, school clubs, graduation parties – all of these activities and many more can be the source of serious liability claims. Attend this workshop to learn how to manage these risks and protect your school district.

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Breaking the Code

Finding and understanding education laws and rules can be difficult, but this is critical knowledge for school board members and administrators to have in order to do their jobs effectively. Come learn how to find the information you seek with a click of the mouse. ISBA staff will help attendees access Idaho Code and Administrative Rules, learn the difference between a law, a bill, and a rule, and navigate the Idaho Legislature’s website. There is a wealth of information at your fingertips if you just know where to look. Continuous Improvement for School Boards Through Self-Assessment

This workshop will examine a system of intentional board self-assessments to put improvement into action. Participants will engage in conversations regarding the benefits of standards, assessments, goal setting, and action planning. They will learn how to use a formative assessment of the board’s progress to help improve student achievement. Superintendent Evaluations

This workshop will help boards understand what a comprehensive evaluation of the Superintendent involves and what steps they need to put into place to ensure they are able to complete the evaluation process for the superintendent as required by Idaho Code. This is a very basic introduction to the Superintendent Evaluation process. Handling the Community: Patron Input to the Board


“The board seeks patron input.” “The board revised its policy on patron input.” “It is important to the board to hear patron input.” “The board welcomes patron input.” All of these statements are from recent articles about school districts published throughout the United States. But how do you actually do this the most effective way possible. Come share best practices and role play how to actually handle patrons who want to give input to the school board.

Accommodations Reservations (800) 688-5253 Ask for ISBA Room Block

Managing and Oversight of Financial Operations to Preserve and Enhance Access to the Bond Markets

The presenters will highlight several developments in the last year that have underscored that financial operations of the school district’s general fund are critically important to bond market access for future building needs, even though bonds are paid from a special dedicated tax levy. Several things have occurred over the past few years that will make it more difficult for school districts to receive a good bond rating. In addition, the presenters will discuss levy management and positioning the district to pass a bond election in this new market environment.

Deadline October 4, 2013

Rates $99 to $175 per night, plus tax

More Info



The Key Work of School Boards

The Key Work of School Boards is a framework of eight interrelated action areas to focus and guide school boards in their work. The Key Work components are Vision, Standards, Assessment, Accountability, Alignment, Climate, Collaboration and Community Engagement, and Continuous Improvement. In this workshop attendees will learn how to apply these components to enhance student achievement and engage in more effective governance. Effective Meetings

Productive meetings require effective preparation and good behavior. This session will show you ways to streamline your meetings to create more time for conversation regarding the district’s business. We will talk about the importance of a board protocol, how to create one, and how to hold one another accountable. We will also explore what NOT to do during your board meeting. Superintendents: Why Did They Become One and What Satisfies Them the Most

This presentation will focus on a recent study targeting Idaho superintendents and what they say is most satisfying about the work they do. This information will be especially helpful to school boards as they seek to hire new superintendents or strive to retain the superintendents they already employ. Learn what school board members can do to ensure the superintendent you want to hire is interested in coming to your district and learn how you can help keep the superintendent you have happy in his or her job. New Idaho School Accreditation Standards

Idaho schools are transitioning into a new accreditation process and are enjoying the expanded capacity and resources offered by AdvancED. Learn how AdvancED’s commitment to school and system-wide improvement provides research based guidance and a clearly defined structure that has already engaged Idaho’s schools in a rigorous process of analysis and evaluation which results in effective school improvement and accreditation.

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iPATH Collaborative Program: A Statewide Early College High School Model in Idaho

The iPath Collaborative will focus on creating a statewide early college high school program through strategic partnerships among industry, secondary and postsecondary institutions, and Idaho’s state virtual school. Initial stages of the program will focus on Computer Programming, making these programs available to students from any district or charter school in the State of Idaho. Upon completion of coursework, as well as the program-specific field requirements, students will exit high school with an Associate of Arts with an emphasis in Computer Programming. Students graduating will have career opportunities in a wide variety of computer science areas such as operating systems, expert systems, graphics, databases, and software engineering as well as fulfilling many of the course requirements for the first half of bachelor degree requirements in Computer Science. Protocol for the Board Chair

So now you are the board chair! What does that mean? What new roles does your board expect from you? How will you interact with the superintendent? The media? The public at large? Your school district? What will your meetings look like? Learn answers to these scintillating questions and more in this interactive session.

Early Bird Workshops WHEN: Wednesday, Nov. 6 • 9 AM - 12 PM COST: $50 before 10/15, $100 after 10/15 Financial Governance: The Dollars and Sense of School Finance Fiscal responsibility is a major component of good school board governance. This workshop will cover the basics of financial oversight, accountability, and fiduciary responsibilities. A panel will share their wisdom on financial governance and how they give oversight on the monthly budget reports and the budgeting process.

Board Roles and Responsibilities: New school board trustees will learn New learning opportunities made possible by innovative technologies are enhancing student engagement and, as a result, moving achievement levels. Join us for a hands-on demonstration essential knowledge and skills of the many emerging opportunities that are changing the way students are connecting to their for success. Veteran trustees can education. share experiences and receive a “booster shot” in what the roles and Improve Student Reading Habits & Skills with myON Reader responsibilities are. Focus your This session will highlight the impact enhanced digital books have in getting students to read attention on responsible school more, build fluency and comprehension, and have fun in the process! myON provides a personalized reading environment that encourages independent reading. The support provided in myON helps governance, beliefs about student struggling and reluctant readers, but the books are also engaging for higher performing students. learning, supporting student and Teachers can also use myON to supplement subject-area activities in their classrooms. Hear about results staff success, accountability, from districts in Idaho and learn how myON is not only exciting for students, but for the community as and community engagement. well. Learn how to maximize your ability in your role to “invest in Blended Learning: How to Capture the Attention of Students our future through public Blended learning provides many aspects that will enhance a student’s learning experience. Learn from the most successful blended school districts in Idaho. What are they doing? How are they doing it? Why have they education.” Classroom Technology: Can it Really Transform Learning?

been successful? You will get tips and tricks on teachers’ expectations, the course approval process, grading rubrics, and much more. 10 Strategies Proven to Inspire Struggling Students

Learn 10 strategies to optimize teaching and inspire struggling youth. Researchers have seen positive changes using these 10 strategies in areas of academic success, school climate, dropout prevention, classroom management, and bullying prevention. These strategies have helped over 1.5 million youth in 16,000 K-12 schools, mental health, and correctional organizations worldwide. Be engaged through visual metaphors, videos, music, and physical activities. Participants will receive a handout outlining the 10 strategies. Complete College Idaho Plan and Update on State Board of Education Initiatives

Idaho’s challenge is to improve K-12 education so that more students are prepared to “go on” to postsecondary education and obtain higher education degrees, certificates, or credentials. The State Board’s goal is to see that 60% of Idaho citizens between the ages of 25 and 34 attain a postsecondary degree or credential. Currently, only 35% of Idaho citizens have an associate degree or higher. This session will include an overview of the Board’s Complete College Idaho Plan as well as updates on other important State Board initiatives. Idaho Education Network 101

Learn the basics of the Idaho Education Network in this simple overview that covers both the broadband and videoconferencing technology. We will cover the basics of accessing and using interactive videoconferencing for distance learning, professional development and collaborations. IEN bandwidth growth and capacity will also be discussed in relation to the wireless project managed by the State Department of Education. This conversational and interactive presentation is designed to create a basic level of understanding and answer participant questions.

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Using Data to Make Informed Decisions

This presentation looks at the Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) and the availability of new data that allows decision makers to better answer questions and make data-informed decisions. Do You Desire a TOP School Design?

Do you desire a TOP school design? If so, come listen to two experts describe the process that you can use in the design of your school (whether rebuilt or new.) Dr. Rich Bauscher spent 15 months working with staff and architects to create an education spec that will be shared with you. Jim Main was part of this team and will share how this process can work for you. Community Engagement

What is community? What is engagement? Why is it important? Learn ways to create a strong district association with your entire community. Share experiences and understand why it is so important to maintain a good relationship not only with the public at large, but with your school community as well. The Board & Its Superintendent: Developing & Maintaining an Effective Relationship

Interested in a framework for identifying superintendent/school trustee relationship issues? The board and superintendent must develop a common understanding regarding roles and responsibilities, goal alignment, communication agreements, personality types, and expectations. Both parties play an important role in strengthening this relationship. Learn how to become an effective governing team! Increasing Standards and Improving Student Assessment

As Idaho transitions to higher academic standards, staff from the Idaho State Department of Education and the Idaho Leads Project will take an in-depth look at the new Idaho Core Standards, what these standards mean for Idaho students, and how Idaho is working to improve its assessment system to meet these higher standards. Attendees also will walk away with a better understanding of all the technical assistance available at the state level to help Idaho’s schools and districts as they begin to implement the new Idaho Core Standards. Idaho Academic Decathlon – A Competition of Academic Strength

An interactive look at the premier high school academic competition in the U.S. Presenters will introduce attendees to this challenging program and its benefits to schools and to students. Fiction or Non-Fiction: School Library Myths Debunked

Which teacher in your school teaches every student and can collaborate with every teacher? Who can help test scores improve for every subject and every grade? Who has the resources teachers will need to adjust their lessons to meet Idaho Core Standards? Who teaches digital citizenship and helps students navigate the digital world? Come and get the facts about the school librarian’s job and what a qualified teacher-librarian can do for your school. The school librarian is the best value in your school! Parliamentary Procedure Boot Camp

Nothing could possibly go wrong at our meeting tonight, right? Think again! Remember that people are watching and if action is taken without following proper parliamentary procedure, the action could later be negated. Join us for a discussion to make sure your board meetings are running properly. We will discuss who sets the agenda, how to handle public participation, taking meeting minutes, making motions, debating, and voting. LiLI in the Classroom: An Idaho Tool for Idaho Student Success

LiLI.org is a free tool available to all Idahoans for use in the classroom, at home, or at work. Students and educators benefit from the primary source materials, full-text content, college preparation tools, and a wide variety of tools for homework and research purposes. This session will highlight the tools available to help your school district make the most of this free resource already available to them. Public School Finance 101

Tim Hill will review Idaho’s funding formula for K-12 public schools, how it works, and how money gets distributed each year. This is a useful session for new school board trustees or even seasoned trustees and superintendents who want to learn more about the budgeting process at the state and local levels.

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Demystifying Data: How to Crack it, Track it, and Use it to Improve Student Achievement and Management Oversight

All board members want to play their appropriate roles in driving student achievement gains, district efficiency, and effectiveness improvement. The board has the job of overseeing the management of the district. As simple as that sounds, it is not clear to boards how to do that without dipping into micromanagement. Learn how board members can understand and use data to powerfully drive both student achievement gains and district operational improvement and still stay well within their oversight roles. Idaho School Safety and Security Stakeholder Group Recommendations

The Idaho School Safety and Security Stakeholder Group has been working since January 2013 to develop recommendations for ways in which the state and local school districts and communities can work together to ensure Idaho schools remain safe and secure. This presentation will walk you through the group’s recommendations, deliverables, and next steps, including the new common threat assessment tool.


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Early Registration • •

Register before September 30th Save $50 per person over Regular Registration

Regular Registration • •

Register before October 15th Save $50 per person over Late/On-Site Registration

State of the ISBA / Q&A Session (dinner included) First General Session (breakfast included) Exhibit Show (lunch included) Scholarship Auction Awards Banquet (dinner included) Second General Session (breakfast included) Business Session Third General Session (lunch included)


Late/On-Site Registration •


Early Bird Workshop Awards Banquet Only

Register after October 15th


Email Email your registration form along with a purchase order to kristi@idsba.org

Mail Send the completed form and payment to: Idaho School Boards Association PO Box 9797 Boise, ID 83707-4797

Fax Registration may be faxed to (208) 854-1480


IDAHO SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 9797 • BOISE, ID 83707-4797 PH: (208) 854-1476 • FAX: (208) 854-1480

Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage PAID Boise, ID Permit No. 136

Leading for Tomorrow:

The 21 Century Board st

November 6-8, 2013 • Coeur d’Alene Resort For the most up-to-date information, visit our convention website


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