vol.29 | no.4 | august.2011 ALSO:
ISBA Annual Convention
ISBA’s Plan
Online Learning
Safety Preparations
In this Issue:
New Trustees
Community Conversations
EXECUTIVE BOARD Regional Representatives, Board Officers & Executive Director
EXECUTIVE BOARD OFFICERS PRESIDENT Dallas Clinger, American Falls Jt. School District PRESIDENT-ELECT Vacant VICE PRESIDENT Anne Ritter, Meridian Jt. School District IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Wayne Freedman, Council School District
REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES REGION I Larry Brown, Lakeland School District Margie Gannon, St. Maries Jt. School District REGION II Dawn Fazio, Moscow School District John Menter, Troy School District REGION III Jackie Hopper, Caldwell School District Richard Cook, Notus School District REGION IV Todd Wells, Castleford Jt. School District Lucinda Rogers, Gooding Jt. School District
Wednesday, Oct 5 Post Falls High School Commons 6:30pm
Tuesday, Oct 4 Timber Creek Grille 2305 Nez Perce Dr., Lewiston 6:00pm buffet dinner, 6:30pm meeting
Thursday, Oct 6 ISBA Office 222 N. 13th Ste. #100, Boise 6:30pm
Wednesday, Sept 28 Shoshone High School 61 E. Hwy 24 Light meal at 6:30pm Meeting at 7:00pm
Tuesday, Sept 27 Pocatello SD Office Board Room 3115 Poleline Rd. 5:30pm
REGION V Susan Fletcher, American Falls School District David Andersen, Oneida Co. School District REGION VI Nancy Arnold, Teton Co. School District J.D. Tolman, Blackfoot School District REGION VII Judy Lish, Butte Co. Jt. School District Deb Foster, South Lemhi School District REGION VIII Barbara Dixon, Meadows Valley School District Margie Chipman, Weiser School District
Monday, Sept 26 Jefferson SD Office 3850 E. 300 N., Rigby 7:00pm Light refreshments
Thursday, Sept 22 Teleconference 7:00pm
Tuesday, Sept 20 Barbara Morgan Elementary 125 N. Samson Trail, McCall 7:00pm
REG ION MEETINGS MAY INCLUDE: • Resolution Review & Discussion • Greetings from Legislators • Nominations/Elections for Region Officers (Regions 3 & 6) • Discussion of District Issues, Events, etc.
IDAHO SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION 222 N. 13th Street | Boise, ID 83702 PO Box 9797 | Boise, ID 83707 PH: 208.854.1476 | FAX: 208.854.1480 | TOLL FREE: 866.799.ISBA (4722) Web: www.idsba.org
ln This lssue vol.29 | no.4 | august.2011
t s u g Au
ln Every lssue
From the Director’s Chair
Now That You Have Been Elected...
Resolutions and ISBA’s Long Term Plan
Contributors: Karen Echeverria Dallas Clinger Tom Luna Richard Westerberg Allan Ranstrom and Pat Pinkham
Editorial Office: P.O. Box 9797, Boise, ID 83707-4797
Contact: PHONE: (208) 854-1476 TOLL-FREE: (866) 799-4722 FAX: (208) 854-1480 ONLINE: www.idsba.org Subscription to the SLATE, published five times per year, is by membership to the Idaho School Boards Association. The material contained herein is for informational purposes only and may be quite divergent in point of view and/ or controversial in nature. It is the belief of the Association that the democratic process functions best through discussions which challenge and stimulate thinking on the part of the reader. Therefore, this material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Association or its members.
lSBA Mission Statement: The mission of the Idaho School Boards Association is to provide leadership and services to local school boards for the benefit of students and for the advocacy of public education.
14. Be Boldly Innovative or Badly Irrelevant
President’s Message
Keeping Our Focus
New Executive Director at Idaho
Association of School Administrators
Public Instruction Students Come First Technology Task Force
Off to a Great Start
Reuse, Recycle and ...Rideshare?
From the State Board of Education
ISBA Selects BoardDocs as
The Summer of Public Discourse
eGovernance Service Partner
Safety Notes
The Most Difficult Community Conversation
Safety Preparations for the New School Year
23. About the Idaho Association of School Business Officials
Ask ISBA Trustee Re-Zoning
Make a List
Getting to Know the ISBA Executive Board John Menter
2011 lSBA Calendar
lSBA Annual Convention
ISBA Annual Convention November 9-11
5. General Convention Information
ISBA Fall Regional Meetings Region 1: Oct 5 Region 2: Oct 4 Region 3: Oct 6 Region 4: Sept 28 Cale Region 5: Sept 27 nda r Region 6: Sept 26 Region 7: Sept 22 Region 8: Sept 20
19. Scholarship Trust
(See opposite page for more details)
18. Keynote Speakers
19. Thank You to Our Sponsors 28. ISBA Awards
from the director’s chair
What is lSBA’s Plan? It is hard to believe that our summer is already flying past us and we are preparing for the opening of school again. While I hate to see the long warm summer days come to an end, it is also fun to see the kids getting excited to go back to school. Whether it is shopping for new school clothes for the younger kids or watching the excitement on a new cheerleader’s face, it always makes me feel good. of
then how would we go about doing that? How
SLATE, the time frame to submit resolutions
that excitement is the
would ISBA as an organization set a statewide
will have passed. I am excited and pleased to
expectations that the
goal for the students of Idaho?
tell you that we did have some school districts
think part
kids seem to have.
We have the perfect process already in
submit resolutions that address more global
Most of them have
place. That would be the resolution process
goals. I am also going to encourage the ISBA
an expectation for what their year will be
that is utilized during the Business Session at
Executive Board to establish some long term
like. Maybe they are glad they got a specific
the Annual ISBA Convention. During my time
goals using the resolution process as well.
teacher, they plan to excel in some class, they
with the Association, the resolution process
If you have ideas that you would like to see
hope to win the state football championship,
has mostly been used to make very specific
forwarded, I would encourage you to contact
or they are going to learn to read this year.
statutory changes. For instance, resolutions
your ISBA Chair or Vice Chair and ask them to
They all have an idea of what is going to
have been passed to change the PERSI
bring your idea forward to the ISBA Executive
happen this year.
requirements for substitute teachers, or to
Board. You can also contact Jessica or I at the
correct errors to the election consolidation
ISBA office.
Whether each child understands it or not, they have set a goal for the year. It may be
Of course, any resolution that is presented
small, it may be big, but it is still a goal. How
Don’t get me wrong, those are all good
they go about achieving that goal is left to
uses of the resolution process. Some of those
attending the Business Session at the Annual
each one of them individually.
resolutions have created some good debate
Convention. If one of these resolutions were
As I think about the goals young people
and we will need to continue to receive
to pass, then the hard work would begin.
set for themselves, it makes me ponder what
resolutions that address some of these
What would that look like and how will it
we heard during the last legislative session
specific needs. For instance, I know that many
be accomplished? As with the students I
and some of the criticism each education
amendments will need to be made to the
mentioned above, it will look different in
organization received during the Student’s
Students Come First legislation and I suspect
each school district.
Come First legislation debate. We were
that we will see resolutions that address
What I hope would happen is that
criticized because we had no other plan. We
those needs. We need those resolutions to
each individual school district would adopt
could not offer an alternative. We asked for
guide the ISBA staff and lobbyists on your
goals or objectives that would support the
more time – one more year –to come up with
specific, particular desires.
resolution that was passed. For instance,
a plan. Obviously, Students Come First was
With all that said, I think we need to go
if the membership passes a resolution to
passed despite our requests. But, it made me
beyond specific statutory changes. I think
increase the go-to-college rate, your district
wonder why we didn’t already have a plan.
ISBA needs to think more globally. What is
could adopt a goal of ensuring the students
And, if given one more year, what would that
it, in the bigger sense, that we want to see
in your district have access to the high level
plan look like and how would we go about
occur? For instance, do we want Idaho to be
math, science, and english classes they
creating it.
the leading state in the nation for student
will need to be successful once they go to
So where do we go from here? Do we
achievement? Do we want Idaho to have the
college. Or, your district may adopt a goal to
still try to come up with a plan? A goal? I
highest graduation rate and the highest go-
require students to take a certain amount
think we should!! I don’t think we want to
to-college rate? Do we want to have the most
of AP or college level credit classes before
just sit and wait and see what other plan or
educated population in the nation? I’m sure
graduation. It would change from district to
goal someone else may come up with. If we
the ideas are endless.
district but the ultimate goal would be the
believe we should establish a plan or goal, 4 SLATE • AUGUST 2011
By the time you read this issue of the
same – increasing go-to-college rates.
What could or would ISBA do to help facilitate the achievement of any major goal established by the membership? First and foremost, we would be available to assist every school district in adopting their local goal to support the statewide goal. We could analyze your school demographics, policies, and current situation, and then make suggestions that would best support your local efforts. We would also provide training, development, and mentoring to your board, superintendent, and other top administrators. That training could be as simple as how to create the goal, or as complex as assisting in the implementation of the goal. In other words, if you feel like you need help, we will be there to assist you in any way we can. I want to clarify that the examples I used are just that – examples. I don’t know if they are on target or out in left field. What I really hope is that we see some creative ideas coming from each of you. It would be great if we could say to everyone, “ISBA has established a long term goal to ?????”. I know the past few years have been difficult for school boards, trustees, and all staff. The lack of revenue has made your jobs increasingly difficult. It would be so easy to get mired down in the day-to-day reality of trying to run a school district. I think it is important that we not lose track of the reason that you all do this work. The reason of course is the kids. With that in mind, I ask all of you to try and think like the kids do at the beginning of the year. Help ISBA set a goal – or two – or three. Let’s use the resolution process to really look outside the typical statutory change. Let’s try to set some high expectations for the kids of Idaho and then go about the business of figuring out how to help them achieve that. I truly look forward to hearing your ideas
Stop, Shift & Share
and working with you to accomplish the goals. I hope you are having a great summer and I will see you all soon at the Fall Regional Meetings.
RESERVATIONS (800) 688-5253, ask for ISBA Room Block ROOM RATES $95 to $155 per night, plus tax ROOM RESERVATION DEADLINE October 1, 2011 FOR MORE INFO Please visit www.idsba.org
karen@idsba.org ISBA Executive Director
president’s message
Keeping Our Focus T
he summer has flown by, I think
In a recent workshop on student achievement at the Pacific Region
even faster than ever and before we
meeting of the National School Boards Association I was reminded
know it our children will be back in school
that all students can learn and that schools can teach all students. Of
with their new school clothing and supplies.
course, if all classrooms had students with great home support and
Some of my favorite memories come from my
great classroom support, our students would undoubtedly perform at
schooling experience.
remarkable levels.
I still remember the distinct smell of the
Unfortunately, not all the students we receive into our schools
pink pearl erasers, and as a kid first starting
have great home support and in some cases they don’t have great
school, I used mine a lot! I have to admit that
classroom support either. We need to do all in our power as trustees
I also remember the taste of the white paper
to make sure that every student has a learning experience with a
paste that the teachers told us not to eat. I
caring and supportive teacher who sees potential in all children. We
don’t think many of us would have tasted it if the idea hadn’t been
may not be able to improve the home support but we must improve
placed in our heads.
the classroom support.
I also remember the hot afternoon bus rides back home after
Another key item in student achievement is data. Student success
school as the bus delivered us to our rural destinations across dry,
is based on comprehensive data collection, including the ability to
gravel roads and the thick haze of dust that seemed to hang in the air
disaggregate student results. Accountability occurs when the district
in the back of the bus.
reports the information to the stakeholders and uses information from
This brings me to a high school memory that I would like to share.
student results to improve the quality of instruction. In each of our
Our wood shop was a half basement under the gym and it looked out
board meetings we need to ask ourselves “How will this affect student
over the football field. The bottoms of the windows in the shop room
were at ground level so the views were ground level views. I don’t
Richard Elmore said “The downfall of low-performing schools is
know who did the scheduling back in those days but the drill team
not their lack of effort and motivation rather; it is poor decisions
practice on the football field coincided with our shop class.
regarding what to work on.” We need to focus on data driven methods
It didn’t take too long before the shop teacher had to get after the class and get them refocused on their projects. A couple of weeks into
that improve student achievement. We need to then analyze what worked and what didn’t and be constantly improving.
the fall semester, we heard a loud scream and Doug, a member of our
Effective school boards are more knowledgeable about district
class, was holding his thumb. His project involved using the table saw,
programs and practices, have a clearer sense of what they want to
which was positioned in such a way that as you were working, if you
accomplish based on a set of firmly held values and beliefs and they
looked up you would see out on to the football field.
engage in activities that provide them with opportunities to articulate
Evidently Doug was working at the table saw and looked up just as
and discuss these values and beliefs. Effective board members also ask
the drill team was doing some type of maneuver that distracted him
“What is being done for the children who didn’t meet expectations?”
for a split second and it was enough to lose the end of his thumb. He
One moment of loss of focus in our efforts to improve student
was taken to Dr. Harms’ office and stitched up.
achievement can have lifetime consequences for a child much like
About a week, or maybe a little less, we had another student in
one moment of lost focus at a table saw in shop class can make you
the same shop class, during the same hour and even at the same
so you can only count on your fingers to nine and a half. Oh by the
table saw who lost his focus on the project and got his thumb in the
way, even though I can still count to ten, the thumb on my left hand
wrong area of the table saw. As you might guess there was another
is still a little numb from the table saw accident.
distraction at an inopportune moment. That student cut into the end of his thumb but managed to not lose the appendage. This reminds me of the importance of keeping a focus on the tasks at hand. As school board members, we need to be constantly focused on student achievement and quality instruction. We need to make sure our decisions are data driven. 6 SLATE • AUGUST 2011
public instruction
Students Come First Technology Task Force
Off to a Great Start I
daho has passed and is now implementing some of the most comprehensive education reform in the United States. An integral part to
Here is an update on the first two meetings
of the Students Come First Technology Task
The first meeting in June focused on
their Teachers
can also view progress
implementing the Students Come First laws
reviewing the laws that passed the Idaho
successfully is the work of the 39-member
Legislature and outlining the Task Force’s
Technology Task Force.
This broad-based group of teachers,
Jeb Bush, Governor of Florida from
principals, superintendents, parents, school
1999-2007, and Bob Wise, Governor of West
board trustees, legislators, and business
Virginia from 2001-2005, helped kick off the
School in Burley, also
representatives from across Idaho is tasked
first meeting. The two Governors jointly
presented to the Task Force. He demonstrated
with designing the implementation of the
lead the bipartisan Digital Learning Now!, an
how he uses technology every day to engage
technology components of the education
initiative that advances policies to integrate
his students in the classroom and to better
reform laws, including the one-to-one ratio of
current and future technological innovations
improve his instruction.
mobile computing devices to students in high
into education to provide all students with
The Classroom Technology Integration
school, the online course requirement set
a customized, quality education experience.
Subcommittee has been working more
by the State Board of Education, integration
The Governors reviewed how other states
closely with Dawley, Haskell and classroom
of classroom technology, and professional
and school districts across the country are
teachers in Idaho on not only how to
development for classroom teachers. Task
implementing reforms and using technology
Force meetings began this summer, and the
and digital learning to advance student
group is already making great progress.
achievement. Both Florida and West Virginia
Each of these members not only serves on the full Task Force, but also on one of the
have been successful in these areas. The
five Task Force subcommittees, each of which
Subcommittee is working in these areas to
focuses on a specific area within the law:
address the implementation of the online
• One-to-One Governance and
learning graduation requirement, which the
Instructional Integration
State Board of Education is still determining.
• Classroom Technology Integration
To date, the Subcommittee has recommended
• Schoolnet Integration
the state use credits, rather than periods or
• Platform, Specifications, and
minutes of instructional time, to calculate
Procurement • Online Learning Implementation
fractional Average Daily Attendance. Dr. Lisa Dawley and Chris Haskell of Boise
a teacher at Cassia High
A clear idea of technology goals for the classroom, proper negotiation of mobile computing devices, and the consideration of how students will store and transport their devices all contribute to a more successful tech implementation.
The Task Force meets in person two days
State University presented to the Task Force
each month. All meetings are open to the
in June, demonstrating the 3D GameLab, a
integrate classroom technology but how to
public and streamed live online so the public
fully online, social network, quest-based
deliver professional development in the best
can stay involved and informed. During
learning platform. It provides an overlay for
way for Idaho teachers.
these meetings, the Task Force first meets
teachers and their students to turn learning
Representatives of Schoolnet presented
as a whole and learns more about what is
activities into a game-like environment where
to the full Task Force in June about how their
already happening here in Idaho and what
“players” game their way through curriculum
software application works in the classroom
has been successful in other states. Then,
that is tied to state standards. The students
and in schools to guide instruction. Thanks
each subcommittee convenes to work on its
can make comments throughout the learning
to a generous $21 million grant from the J.A.
set goals and objectives.
experience so teachers and designers get
continued on next page... AUGUST 2011 • SLATE 7
...continued from previous page
can access student data more quickly, she
and Kathryn Albertson Foundation, the State
is much better able to serve her student
will begin rolling out the Schoolnet software
said Garton, is a very thorough and well-
application to classrooms in Idaho this fall.
Through Schoolnet, Vann said she can now
considered plan. A clear idea of technology
Through this secure software, classroom
get information before or shortly after
goals for the classroom, proper negotiation
teachers will have instant access to current,
students arrive in her classroom—not months
of mobile computing devices, and the
accurate data. With this, they can develop
or sometimes a semester later, as it worked
consideration of how students will store and
lesson plans, share best practices, create
in the past.
transport their devices all contribute to a more
assessments, and analyze student progress throughout the school year. In July, the Task Force also heard a
high schools. Key to the success of any program,
The Schoolnet Integration Subcommittee
successful tech implementation. Professional
is working to ensure this same success in
development and teacher participation were
central features of Garton’s presentation; he
presentation from Denver Public School
Steven Garton of the Maine Learning
repeatedly emphasized the need for teachers
officials and teachers on how they have
Technology Initiative presented to the full
to have the skills and training they need
Task Force for several hours in July to highlight
to meaningfully integrate laptop use in the
classrooms districtwide. Wuanita Vann, a high
Maine’s one-to-one mobile computing device
school teacher from Denver who described
initiative and how it was implemented
herself as data-averse, spoke enthusiastically
statewide. Maine has a one-to-one ratio of
Instructional Integration Subcommittee is
to the Task Force about how the Schoolnet
students to mobile computing devices in the
working to identify the best mobile computing
data system won her over. Because she
middle grades statewide and about half of its
device to meet the needs of Idaho students
and teachers. The Classroom Technology
Delivered to Your District ISBA offers a multitude of training opportunities to help your school board and district leadership teams in your roles as education leaders. Training is offered on the following topics: Donagene Turnbow (208) 659-7343 • School Board Governance Donagene_Turnbow@idsba.org • Leadership for Student Achievement • Education Law • Human Resources / Personnel • School Finance & Board’s Oversight Role • Teamwork-Team Building • Negotiations / Interest Based Bargaining • Strategic Planning and Goal Setting • Parliamentary Procedure • Customized Training to Suit Your Needs
Integration Subcommittee is working hard to plan the best professional development for Idaho teachers next year and in future years for all classroom technology, including mobile computing devices. The Technology Task Force will be meeting through at least December 2011. In January, I will provide a report to the Idaho Legislature based on the work of the Task Force. If the Task Force needs to continue its work in 2012, we will. I do hope all school board trustees will stay involved with the work of the Technology Task Force. We appreciate your input and feedback throughout this process. All presentations and meeting minutes for the Students Come First Technology Task Force meetings are online at http://www. studentscomefirst.org/technologytaskforce.
Liz Killpack (208) 589-4037 Liz@idsba.org Jackie Hopper (208) 880-8662 Jackie@idsba.org
Call us to discuss YOUR training needs! ISBA Office: (866) 799-4722
htm. In addition, the State Department of Education has created a new website for the members of the Students Come First Technology Task Force to utilize in between meetings as they continue discussions, set meeting agendas, answer questions and share documents. Task Force members will begin using this site as early as next week. It is open to the public for viewing at taskforce. sde.idaho.gov. 8 SLATE • AUGUST 2011
from the state board of education
The Summer of Public Discourse It seems as though most of us have been
comment hearings throughout the state in August. We
quite anxious for those long hours of searing
are hopeful that you’ll attend, encourage your friends,
sunlight we call summer here in Idaho after a
neighbors, patrons, and all who are impacted by this
long winter and an even longer spring.
rule change to attend, listen, comment if they feel so
Finally with the arrival of that highly anticipated
compelled and be engaged in the process.
season, we are now squarely in the season of what
We’re hopeful that by spanning six schedules
I like to call Public Discourse. At the State Board of
people working a variety of hours will have an
Education, we are charged
opportunity to attend. You
can always share your
determining online
credits will be required
email. Send your ideas
for high school graduation
for implementation to our
as part of the Students
Planning & Policy Officer,
Tracie Bent; tracie.bent@
Board of Education,
passed by the Legislature
osbe.idaho.gov. or via fax,
this past session. Board
we are charged
At the State
with determining
member Don Soltman is
It is my sincere hope
leading a subcommittee
that each of you will
how many online
of the Board, along with
classes/credits will
stakeholders working on
participate in this process.
this major part of the new law. The requirement will be
In the meantime, wear your sunscreen and enjoy the
put in place through Administrative Rule, which as you
season. Remember, the days are already getting shorter
know, carries the full force of law and must be approved
as we move closer to winter!
be required for high school graduation as part of the Students Come First
by the Legislature in January 2012. I believe the most
Richard D. Westerberg is the President of the
important part of this process however is the gathering of
Idaho State Board of Education and served for more
reforms passed by
public comment relative to the proposed rule. The Idaho
than 12 years as a member of the Board of Trustees
the Legislature this
State Board of Education is holding a series of public
for the Preston School District.
past session.
SBOE Administrative Rule Hearings SBOE Administrative rulemaking hearing for online classes graduation requirements Region 1: Coeur d’Alene Monday, August 15th • 4-8pm North Idaho College Meyer Health Bldg • Rm 102
Region 3: Boise-Nampa Thursday, August 18th • 4-8pm College of Western Idaho 5500 East Opportunity Drive, Nampa
Region 5: Pocatello Wednesday, August 10th • 4-8pm Idaho State University Rendezvous 111
Region 2: Moscow: Tuesday, August 16th • 4-8pm University of Idaho
Region 4: Twin Falls Monday, August 22nd • 4-8pm
Region 6: Idaho Falls Tuesday, August 9th • 4-8pm University Place •CHE 211
Region 3: Western Treasure Valley Wednesday, August 17th • 4-8pm Fruitland High School
College of Southern Idaho
(This notice published in ADMIN bulletin & OSBE channels in August)
safety notes
New School Year
Preparing for a new school year is complicated and
training courses can be delivered. Staff members can take
time consuming, however ISBA Insurance Plan members
courses individually, or in groups by either using school
can access a variety of tools to assist your safety and loss
computer science laboratories, or in classroom settings by
control efforts to help insure a safe start to your school
projecting the course via a light projector.
Allan Ranstrom
SafeSchools has continued to add quality safety and
Moreton developed
& a
Company’s comprehensive
loss control training courses to their library, and for 2011,
they have over 115 safety courses available. All courses
Inspection Checklist that can be used as guidelines for
are designed specifically for K-12 public schools, and cover
inspecting your campuses. This two-part checklist will
a wide variety of subjects including; workplace safety,
point your staff to check and inspect specific safety issues
emergency operations management, health, human
such as; fire and life safety, playgrounds, and chemical
resources, information technology, nutritional services,
storage. A second section of the checklist is designed
campus security, special education, transportation, and
specifically for secondary schools and covers the special
social and behavioral issues. To obtain a complete copy of
hazards associated with vocational education, science
courses available through SafeSchools, please visit their
laboratories, physical education, and fine arts and crafts.
website at www.safeschools.com
This easy to use checklist can be used by school district administrators, principals, and maintenance personal.
Pat Pinkham
As an added benefit, your professional staff can obtain continuing education credits from Idaho State University’s
As the checklist is available in a Microsoft Word
College of Education for completing a specific list of
format, the inspection checklist can be easily modified
courses, and your school bus drivers can use SafeSchools
to meet the exact needs of your district and to store the
to complete part of their required annual training.
results of your inspections electronically.
With the ISBA Insurance Plan continuing to underwrite
Is your district using the SafeSchools online library of
a portion of members costs for using the SafeSchools
safety training courses? Over the past two school years,
online safety training library, the cost to your district is
Idaho school employees have completed over 35,000
still $1.50 per “Full-Time Equivalent Employee” per year,
online safety courses, using their library.
for unlimited access to the training courses.
SafeSchools is a very effective tool to assist you in
To obtain a copy of the School Campus Self-Inspection
your new school year in-service training programs, as it
Checklist, or to sign your district up to access the
can eliminate the logistical nightmares associated with
SafeSchools library of online safety training, please call Pat
trying to schedule and conduct your in-service training.
Pinkham at 1-800-341-6789, or email him at ppinkham@
SafeSchools has designed their website to provide
school district’s with tremendous flexibility in how their
Self-Inspection Checklist Playground Does your playground have an adequate depth of protective surface materials?
10 SLATE • AUGUST 2011
Staff Training Fire Safety Are your fire extinguishers inspected and fully charged?
Has your staff been trained in the latest risk management developments for emergency planning, harassment and bullying?
ask isba
ask Regarding the trustee re-zoning process school districts are currently undergoing, what is the trigger date for when the zone changes become effective?
Below is the relevant Idaho Code section:
services ISBA offers to its
Ask ISBA is one of the newest membership. ISBA staff receive
Idaho Code 33-313(5) Within sixty (60) days after it has received
questions from trustees,
the said proposal the state board of education may approve or
superintendents, and clerks
disapprove the proposal to redefine and change trustee zones and shall give notice thereof in
on a variety of topics. To
writing to the board of trustees of the district wherein the change is proposed. Should the state
help others learn from these
board of education disapprove a proposal the board of trustees shall within forty-five (45) days
questions and answers, the
submit a revised proposal to the state board of education. Should the state board of education
Ask ISBA web feature has been
approve the proposal, the trustee zones shall be changed in accordance with the proposal and a
added to the ISBA website at
copy of the legal description of each trustee zone and map of the district showing how each trustee
www.idsba.org. We encourage
zone will appear shall be filed with the county clerk.
you to check this site if you have questions. It is possible
As you can see, the State Board must give written notice to each district board of trustees regarding
that someone else has asked
whether their proposal was approved or disapproved. If the proposal is approved the trustee zones
the question. If not, you can
shall change in accordance with the proposal. So, once the district board receives the written
ask the question so that
notice from the SBOE that their zone proposal has been approved that is when the changes will
everyone else will benefit from
go into effect.
the answer as well.
IASBO Business Official of the Year Started in 2003, the IASBO Business Official of the Year program is a peer recognition program for outstanding service, innovative plan design and implementation, or other exemplary business practices within school business management in the State of Idaho.
This year, IASBO is pleased to announce Linda Troyer, Business Manager, with the Parma School District as the 2011 IASBO School Business Official of the Year. Congratulations to Linda!
AUGUST 2011 • SLATE 11
getting to know the isba executive board
John Menter
Troy School District #287 ISBA Region 2 Vice Chairman
About My Service:
My Best Advice:
I began to attend local board meetings after our district’s
Always remember: The strength of the board is its members. As
deconsolidation from the White Pine District. The board began looking
trustees, our authority comes by being a member of the “Board”,
to the future of our new district with possible construction of a new
not as individual trustees. We need to remember that it is important
high school. I was able to be a part of the planning committee for
to listen to concerns of students, parents, and our staff, but action
the new building construction. After that, my involvement with the
on these concerns can only be through the board level. As trustees,
schools continued. I have been a trustee in Troy for over eight years
try not to go down the path of “I’ll get that fixed” or make promises
now, and am delighted to be able to serve my community. Like all
that are beyond your ability to keep. The function of the board is
boards, we have had our good times and bad time, but these come
to act as a group to best meet the needs of the district and its
together to make our board a healthy and positive one. Recently, the
students, promissory statements made outside the boardroom only
opportunity arose to become more involved with ISBA as the Region II
cloud the process. Don’t shy away from discussion and deliberation
Vice-Chairman. I truly am grateful for the opportunity to better serve
within your board meetings but remember, after a decision is made,
not only my district, but my fellow trustees in Region II as well.
provide a positive, united front. The good of the district as a whole
Why I Serve on the Board: Growing up in central Idaho, my parents tried to instill in me the
far outweighs individual agendas.
A Little about Me:
understanding that to be a part of a community, you need to be an
To put it quite simply, I am Idaho through and through. I was born
active participant in that community. Anyone can sit back and be
in Boise some years ago and spent my early years growing up in
critical of civic groups, but only through active participation can you
Council. My father was a board member when I was younger and
truly understand how these groups function and why they perform the
modeled the importance of involvement in community. I attended
way that they do. I believe that, especially in the small communities
the University of Idaho where I met my wife, Chris. The Moscow
in Idaho, there is ample opportunity and need for community service.
area appealed to us and we stayed, settling in Troy because it had
In our small towns, community begins with our schools. Our school
the same small town feel that I grew up with. Chris and I have two
activities and buildings become the community hubs for our friends,
children, Kayla and Randy. I am currently a heavy equipment operator
neighbors and families. Children growing up today have so many
with the North Latah County Highway District, so I get to play with big
opportunities that await them after a K-12 education, but are all
toys all day long. Growing up in Council, I always had access to the
too often ill equipped to take full advantage of these opportunities.
outdoors and the access that Troy provides me to those same outdoor
Offering the finest educational system that we can is, especially
activities keep me sane. My family and I enjoy ATV rides, hunting,
now, the most important tool that we can provide our youth. The
camping, basically all that the Idaho outdoors have to offer. As my
challenge as trustees is to find the way to offer this education with
wife can attest, once elk season rolls around, it is difficult to find me
all of the difficulties that we face. School districts will be tested in the
around town. I am also President of the Troy Lions Club and we keep
upcoming years with even smaller budgets, more demands on the
busy with community activities throughout the year.
dollars that we do have and the need for more local funding. A huge responsibility, but one that I know we are all up for.
12 SLATE • AUGUST 2011
Now That You Have Been Elected... BY JACKIE HOPPER ISBA Board Trainer The role of a school board trustee is to be
• To establish and regularly review all
school budget, which is responsive to
engaged in the key work of the school board—
policies, ensuring they are lawful and
district goals and meets the needs of all
improving student achievement through
designed to improve the quality of the
community engagement. In order to do this
school district.
• To ensure appropriate resources for
you must develop skills and knowledge in a
• To determine and include in district
variety of areas. At first it may seem like you
policy, hiring procedures that clearly
are trying to quench a deep thirst by opening
The first area we will focus on is Policy
up a fire hydrant, but in time, you will be
responsibilities, termination procedures,
Making and Communication. Many of you
able to drink in long sips that will truly allow
and decisions as prescribed by Idaho
are new to your board and are serving on
you to keep your head above the water!
boards with new members. This team of
The focus for boards and superintendents must always be: How we can work together to ensure educational excellence for our children? responsibility—policy making/communication, superintendent designation, fiscal oversight,
people come from a variety of backgrounds, Designating the Superintendent • To hire, support, and work effectively with the superintendent.
A school board has four major areas of
the superintendent to carry out his/her
of the superintendent. all
together that any work can be done. It is very important to remember that as a trustee
• To delegate to the superintendent for
each one holds a very special place on the local board. However, it is only in acting
• To conduct an annual formal evaluation
and planning and goal setting. Knowing these
four areas and realizing the relationship
the board and superintendent hold in this
reserved to the board through board
endeavor, in June of 2007, the Idaho School
education, experience and motivation. But
you have no authority alone. Every decision you make must be done as a member of the board as a whole. It is good to remember the expression that there is no “I” in Team! Get to know one another. What do each
Board Association and the Idaho Association
• To support the professional development
of you do outside of your board work? What
of School Administrators put together a
of the superintendent and membership
expertise do you hold that will be valuable to
position paper to put forward “best practices”
in his/her professional organization.
the team? Do you have children/grandchildren
in school board and superintendent relations. These best practices of a school board fall into these categories of school board responsibility as follows: Policy Making and Communication
in the district? What school do they attend? Planning and Goal Setting
What do you want to accomplish as a trustee?
• To conduct an annual self-evaluation
What is your belief about education? What
of its own leadership, governance and
positive educational experiences have you
had? What negative experiences have you
• To communicate and interpret the
had? It is important to get to know the people
• To ensure there is a supportive,
school district’s mission to the public
with whom you will be serving. Make sure
smoothly, operating leadership team,
and listen, and incorporate appropriate
you set aside time in the agenda in these
which advocates for both children and
community perspectives into board
first few meetings to accomplish this. Or
better yet, spend time in a board retreat or a
the community. • To refer administrative communications,
• To have the superintendent work with
to the superintendent, as appropriate,
the board chair to develop meeting
and to follow the board established
chain of command. • To
workshop where the setting is more relaxed, yet satisfies the Open Meeting Law! Now familiarize yourself with the School District Policies. Many districts have these
recommendation before taking action.
Fiscal Oversight • To adopt, advocate for and oversee a
policies on line, making this endeavour a continued on page 15... AUGUST 2011 • SLATE 13
Be Boldy lnnovative or Badly lrrelevant
Be boldly innovative or badly irrelevant! This was the quote that former Governor of West Virginia, Bob Wise, left with the Technology Task Force, as he finished his remarks to the first meeting of the task force held in June. BY BRIAN DUNCAN
14 SLATE • AUGUST 2011
ounds a little “Trekky”, “To boldly
incorporating technology into education
go where no man has gone
is not a Revolution but an Evolution
before”, but when you think
and we have to accept that as quickly
about it, how many movies have you
as technology changes we will need to
seen lately where it has been difficult
learn to change with it.
to differentiate reality from computer graphics?
I am reminded of my maternal
grandfather who I would consider to
phones have you owned (I am on #10)?
have been a “Techie” in his time. He
There is a reason cell phones only last a
lived in a small town in South Dakota.
couple of years, the technology advances
When reel to reel tape recorders came
so fast you have to keep trading up to
out he got one. He had a blast with his
stay current. In fact anytime you walk
8mm movie camera. I don’t know how
out of the store with an electronic
many cassette tapes he went through.
gadget, the technology in it is already
He was never much for “writing”
outdated! We have to be Bold! We have
to be Innovative! We have to teach
cassette tape. His tapes consisted
ourselves and our students to become
of his thoughts, stories, jokes, and
Lifetime Learners. We have to accept that
songs and are a treasure to this day.
his communication was by
Grandpa died in 1975 and I often think
year has gotten progressively tougher
...continued from page 13
of him when watching You Tube, have
and the trend is not looking like it will
bit easier. There are policies that are mandated
wondered what he would have thought
reverse in the near future. The second
by Idaho Code and ones that are specific to
about the internet, which kind of smart
challenge is a mounting teacher shortage.
your school district. Don’t be afraid to ask
phone would he chose, would he have
Statistics provided by the National Center
questions about the policy development. Pay
been at the front of the line for an iPad?
for Education show that in 1987-88 the
attention to the bottom of each policy where
Which leads me to wonder what our lives
typical teacher had 15 years of experience
it is noted when the policy was put into place
might be like in 15 to 20 years, what new
and in 2007-08 that had dropped to just
and when it has been revised. You will not be
gadgets will there be to make our lives
1-2 years of experience in the classroom.
able to memorize nor read every policy word
simpler? Will we still shop in stores or will
Additional studies I have seen show that
for word. Having a general knowledge of the
it all be online and delivered to our door?
teachers are increasingly coming from the
policies and how to find policies by topic will
Will there still be cars or will someone
lower ranks of their classes. Education
help you in the future. Annual policy review is
figure out transporter technology and
has not been the profession of choice but
mandated so don’t be afraid to speak up and
we’ll just say “beam me up”? These are
a fallback choice if they are not successful
ask good clarifying questions to gain a thorough
the things we need to keep in mind as
at their initial course of study. Finding
understanding of the policies that govern your
we educate students today, because
enough teachers who are highly qualified
district. Each policy should help you get to the
they are the ones who will be designing
in their content areas and getting them
work of the school board - ensure educational
technology for tomorrow and they will
to teach in rural areas is going to be
excellence for our children.
not be doing it with pencil and paper
increasingly difficult. The third challenge
Now take a look at the area of Designating
or whiteboard and markers. It will be
we are facing is the growing demand for
the Superintendent. These next few months
done by computer; they will be linked
an educated workforce and the increased
are hectic for any administrator, however they
to their coworkers across the globe via
competition from foreign students for
understand the need to get to know the trustees.
the internet. That’s why it is imperative
these higher tech positions.
In these weeks before school starts meet with
to incorporate technology into education and to make it a priority.
Using technology to better educate
your superintendent informally. Ask her/him
our students is a necessity. Technology is
about their dreams for your district. Ask them
The first meeting of the Task Force
not going to replace or get rid of teachers.
what they do in their free time. Get to know
in June was incredibly informative, there
We will need great teachers who will be
this person. Begin to understand the strengths
really are some great things happening
innovative in their classrooms whether
they bring to the district. Hear their vision for
in Idaho, I was especially impressed with
they are face to face, blended, or online.
this school year. Listen with open mind and
the presentation from Boise State on their
They need to be willing to change and
ears so that you can understand what drives
work in the 3-D Game lab. Superintendent
this leader to excellence. Then share your own
Luna has convened a group of extremely
does. School trustees, administrators
dreams, visions, and hopes for your tenure as a
talented people to develop the framework
and district leadership teams will need
trustee. In Dr. Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of
for enhancing the use of technology in
to be forward thinking in establishing
Highly Effective People. The fifth Habit is ”Seek
education, I was impressed with the
a culture and structure that enables
First to Understand, Then to Be Understood.”
insight and depth of knowledge of all the
great teachers and connects students to
Communication is one of the most important
task force members. I would encourage
those teachers. Education in America is
skills in life and one of the main tasks you will
everyone to visit the Students Come First
evolving, paradigms are shifting, and the
be doing as a trustee. Communicating with
students and our economies will be the
the superintendent will help this relationship
develop forging this relationship will make
view the presentations and information
contained there.
the task of working together much easier. Brian Duncan
Understanding each other will make it easier
Chairman, Minidoka Joint School District #331
when the work gets tough!
K-12 education system. Governor Wise
Past President ISBA
at planning and goal setting and fiscal
identified three looming crises that we are
ISBA Representative to Technology Task Force
management. Until then grab an ice cold drink
I would like to focus in on part of Governor Wise’s presentation when he talked about the challenges to America’s
facing in education. The first is declining state revenues. Tough budgets are going
In the next issue we will take a look
of water and relax. You are going to be a great trustee!
to be the status quo for the next few years for all states. Here in Idaho, each AUGUST 2011 • SLATE 15
New Executive Director at ldaho Association of School Administrators
I am very grateful for the opportunity to serve as the executive director
for the Idaho Association of School Administrators. I have been a
endorsement through the
member of IASA since 1988 and I have held many leadership positions
University of Idaho and I
in the association including being the executive director from 2006-
am currently enrolled in
2008. I started my educational career as an elementary teacher in 1981
the Ed.D program at Boise
and moved into being an elementary principal in Gooding and Boise
State University.
from1988 to 2006.
I believe it is my
In 2008 I made a decision that would affect not only my family but
responsibility as the IASA executive director to meet the needs of the
also my position as the IASA executive director. I made the decision
association, establish effective partnerships with other educational
to take my family to Mexico to serve as missionaries. It was a very
associations, and advocate for our association’s political positions in
difficult decision and not taken lightly. I loved my job and I had just
the State. I enjoyed working on educational issues with the Idaho
started several positive initiatives for IASA. Once we got to Mexico it
School Boards Association in my first position with IASA and I am
did not work out for us to be missionaries. I returned to Idaho in the
looking forward to working with Karen Echeverria and the ISBA in
fall of 2008.
addressing the current school reform initiatives in our state.
I have used the three years since returning from Mexico to expand my leadership experiences and to further my education. I worked as a Special Lecturer in the Educational Leadership program and Associate Director in the Center for School Improvement and Policy Studies at Boise State University. Last year I completed the coursework
Reuse, Recycle and ...Rideshare? Typically the three “R”s in education refer to subjects learned
(reading, writing, arithmetic), but in this climate of conservation, we
information is secure and they can determine
have learned the importance of “reusing” and “recycling”. With school
with whom they want to share their
district budgets being slashed across the State, some communities
information. Individuals can also calendar
have been left in the ditch when it comes to transportation, so maybe
their carpool trips and enjoy seeing their
the third “R” should stand for “RideShare”?
progress in terms of dollars saved and reduced carbon emissions in
Introducing Idaho RideShare - a free, easy-to-use website that helps
the environment.
Idahoans find a ride to school, work, or a one-time event. With Idaho
If you, your school, or your school district would benefit from
RideShare, users can find ridematches within their community, or
Idaho RideShare, go to www.i-way.org/aboutrideshare to learn more.
belong to a school or school district carpool network, called schoolpool.
Or contact the Community Transportation Association of Idaho (CTAI) at
Schoolpool networks are private and secure, ensuring ridematches are
(208) 344-2354 for assistance setting up a schoolpool network today.
only made with others within the same school or school district. It’s easy to get started using Idaho RideShare; individuals create an account, add their travel information, and click to find available
16 SLATE • AUGUST 2011
CTAI is a statewide transportation membership association working to improve transportation options in Idaho. To learn more about CTAI go to www.ctai.org.
lSBA Selects BoardDocs as eGovernance Service Partner ®
CONTACT For more information about BoardDocs’ cloud-based services, call (800) 407-0141 or visit http://www.boarddocs.com to experience our leading eGovernance solutions firsthand.
ABOUT BoardDocs® Developed and marketed exclusively by Emerald Data Solutions™, Inc., BoardDocs is the market leader and pioneer of eGovernance solutions. Serving more than 450 organizations nationwide, BoardDocs’ paperless agenda services offer governing bodies turn-key electronic solutions for processing virtually any type of governance document, including agenda items, supporting documents, policies, procedures, and more. BoardDocs’ services alleviate the enormous task of assembling, printing, distributing, and revising board packets. BoardDocs’ unique, state-of-the-art solutions save taxpayers money, reduce staff time, improve board effectiveness, increase transparency in governance, and have a positive effect on the environment. For more information, visit www.boarddocs.com or call (800) 407-0141.
lmplementing paperless meeting solutions can be remarkably wise investments for school districts ATLANTA — Emerald Data Solutions™,
BoardDocs will help school boards to
Inc., the eGovernance pioneer and
reduce costs and manage meetings more
developer of BoardDocs® paperless
efficiently,” said Karen Echeverria, ISBA’s
meeting solutions, today announced
Executive Director.
a new partnership with the Idaho
Emerald Data offers two powerful
School Boards Association (ISBA), an
and easy-to-use eGovernance solutions:
organization that has served as the
ISBA BoardDocs Pro and ISBA BoardDocs
statewide voice of over 500 school board
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members since 1942.
based technology, are virtually turn-key,
BoardDocs was selected for their
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Plus, only BoardDocs includes dedicated
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“ISBA is pleased to offer BoardDocs to its membership.
The benefits of
successfully to manage over 40,000 meetings to date.
AUGUST 2011 • SLATE 17
FEATURED KEYNOTE SPEAKERS ISBA ANNUAL CONVENTION • NOVEMBER 9-11, 2011 • COEUR D’ ALENE RESORT Over the years, the ISBA Annual Convention has had a phenomenal lineup of high quality keynote speakers who educate, inspire, and entertain. We are excited to announce this year’s keynote speakers.
JOE MORELOCK Opening Ceremonies
WALT STASINSKI Second General Session
JAMIE VOLLMER Closing Session
Joe Morelock is
Walt Stasinski
For twenty
the Director of
was born the son
years, in venues
Technology and
of hard-working
coast to coast,
Innovation for
Polish immigrants
Jamie Vollmer
the Canby School
who came to the
has informed
District, serving
United States
and entertained
with not much
thousands of
5,000 K-12
more than the
students. In his 18
clothes on their
board members,
years in education,
back. Because he
business leaders,
his positions have included high school
needed to assimilate the Polish and American
and community groups with his enthusiastic
Spanish teacher, school librarian, assessment
cultures simultaneously, his childhood gave
praise of public education and his reasoned
coordinator, and varsity coach. Joe currently
him a unique perspective and appreciation of
analysis of the need for systemic reform.
leads the district’s information and
the diversity of America, as well as some of
His keynote presentations inspire increased
instructional technology projects, including
the challenges that come along with it.
involvement in the most important enterprise
starting the Innovation Grant Program in
After earning a Masters Degree in
of our time: unfolding the full potential
2008 that provides funding for teachers to
Education from Wayne State University and
of every child. His interactive workshops
use technology in innovative ways in their
a Masters Degree in Public Health from
provide participants with the tools they need
University of Michigan, Walt began his real
to increase public support for America’s
education, in the school of hard knocks. His
public schools.
Joe is fluent in Spanish and Portuguese and has developed and delivered mobile
early “speaking” career began as a teacher
content and training on the use of the
and football coach at Wayne State University.
an articulate friend of America’s public
Once a harsh critic, Vollmer has become
iPod and iPad across the United States and
This is where he learned how to motivate
schools. His presentations combine statistics,
for Argentina’s Ministry of Education. He
and inspire.
logic, and humor to energize and encourage
regularly consults with state departments of
Walt speaks to audiences around the
educators, business leaders, and community
education, as well as local school districts in
globe on leadership skills. Walt likes to think
groups to work together to build successful
the U.S. and Canada, and has presented to
of himself as a “solutions” speaker because
and worked with educators at conferences
even though he prides himself on keeping
and events on three continents. Joe speaks
audiences entertained, his primary goal is
Do It Alone and numerous articles, Mr.
to a variety of audiences in the areas of
to help people achieve success by providing
Vollmer has written and produced the
education, business, and government. He
them with solutions for their own unique
videos, Why Our Schools Need to Change,
also co-authored reading and language
challenges. The fact that he uses comedy
Teachers are Heroes, and Building Support
acquisition, iPod touch, and podcasting
and even magic tricks during his speeches is
for America’s Schools. He has served on the
professional development courses for Apple,
simply the teacher in him doing whatever it
boards of the National PTA and the North
Inc. Joe is currently implementing a 1:1 iPod
takes to bring the message home.
Central Regional Educational Laboratory.
In addition to his book Schools Cannot
touch mobility program for all Canby 3rd and
Jamie holds a Juris Doctor from The Catholic
4th Grade students, 1:1 iPad classrooms at
University in Washington, DC. He received
multiple grade levels, and authors Canby’s
his B.A. in political science from Penn State
iPod user group wiki.
18 SLATE • AUGUST 2011
RESERVATIONS (800) 688-5253, ask for ISBA Room Block
ROOM RATES $95 to $155 per night, plus tax
FOR MORE INFO Please visit www.idsba.org
ISBA thanks the following companies for their sponsorship at the upcoming ISBA Annual Convention. Their generous support is vital to the ISBA’s continuing efforts to provide a quality convention experience for attendees. Please remember these sponsors when making your district purchasing decisions!
Thank you to Our Sponsors!
Sto p, Shi ft & Share
Stop, Shift & Share
By Participating in the
SCHOLARSHIP AUCTION, You Are Supporting the ISBA Scholarship Trust Fund!
ABOUT THE AUCTION The ISBA Past Presidents’ Scholarship Auction raises money to support the ISBA Scholarship Trust Program. The Scholarship Trust awards college scholarships to children and grandchildren of Idaho public school board members (both past and present). For more details, visit the Scholarship Trust page at www.idsba.org.
Stop, Shift & Share
The Most Difficult Community Conversation Talking with your community about school finance
Reprinted with permission from the Wisconsin Association of School Boards.
There is a universal truth about communicating about education: everyone has an opinion because nearly everyone has attended school. BY JOE DONOVAN
20 SLATE • AUGUST 2011
ut if it’s true that everyone has
in order to effectively communicate
attended school and therefore is
about it requires adopting a whole new
informed about what school is,
language and wrestling with new and
the same is certainly not true about
exceedingly difficult financial concepts.
school finance and school budgets.
All too often — as I have learned —
Let’s face it, when it comes to
one has the complete inability to
communicating about school finance, it
communicate what Wisconsin school
is very difficult to communicate in such
finance is to anyone else who does not
a way as to make sense to a broad
already understand Wisconsin school
audience. What’s worse, it seems that
learning enough about school finance
understanding accounting and business
Break it Down
finance, the complexities of the Wisconsin
Important facets of the school finance
school finance system are enough to bring
system must be broken down in such
sweat to the brow of the most seasoned
a way to allow community members to
accountant and chief financial officer. For
understand and become engaged. While
those of us who have tried to explain
my mom, and other people like her, do
school finance to people who know
not want or need all of the subtleties
finance, we understand how challenging
and history of school finance, a good
it can be.
understanding of the central pieces of
I always find that it is helpful when communicating about budgets and attempting to create messages to answer these simple but related questions.
What’s the problem? It is important to lay out the challenges that
But with all of the changes that have
school finance, such as a revenue limit,
taken place over the last several months,
is critically important to communicating.
it is even more critical that school leaders
To many school leaders, this seems
engage their community about school
impossible, and I agree it is a huge
it is always important to provide some background
finance as well as the changes that have
challenge, but the key to communicating
information that informs community members about
come to your district as a result of the
about the budget, and its impact, is
school finance.
to first create a level of understanding
When it comes to communicating
are being created by the budget. You have to keep it simple. But you also have to be direct, transparent and honest as you lay out the problem. However,
Why is this important?
about school finance.
about school finance, there are some
The only way that happens is by
important communication principles to
having people understand the basics.
remember and some hints to keep in
Here again, community members like
of a public that has more than enough to worry
my mom don’t need to know everything
about. After explaining the problem, explicitly
about school finance, so don’t try to
explain why it is important. I want to be clear that I
Meet My Mom
cover too much information. Stick to the
am not suggesting that school leaders intentionally
My mother is like many other community
basics and where it is appropriate to do
raise the anxiety level of an already anxious public,
members. She is in her 70’s. She loves
so, use examples like a home mortgage
but instead, simply explain what is at stake.
public schools but is not as engaged
or personal finance to show similarities
with them as she was when her children
and differences.
attended. And while she feels that her
One of the challenges in communicating during
difficult times is that it is hard to get the attention
What is being done to address the
tax dollars are well spent, she is also
background information about how
concerned about taxes. She is not a school
school finance works, it is important
No one wants to be the bearer of bad news. But what’s even worse than sharing bad news is when
finance expert.
to be clear about what you want to say
people are surprised by the bad news. When
My mom’s problem with school
about it. For most school district leaders,
explaining what is being done, don’t automatically
finance is that she can’t believe it can
this is just as difficult as explaining a
go to the worst case scenario or use the threat
be that difficult. This is a women who
revenue limit. Forming a set of clear
of cutting a popular program to get community
is smart and engaged — she helped my
and well-defined messages about the
members’ attention. Instead, explain what is being
dad run a small business. ‘How hard can
budget is critical to communicating well.
done to address the problem head-on. Always keep
school finance be?’ she thinks.
But how, with all of the complexities of
in mind that schools are about kids and that real
budget and school finance, do you do
people are affected. Don’t come off as being clinical
or detached. Be authentic and real.
What’s worse is that my mom, like a lot of other community members, gets frustrated when school leaders use
Consider creating a very brief school
complicated terms or worse yet, acronyms,
finance 101 document that includes a
to describe school finance concepts. She
glossary of terms and post it to your
figures they must be hiding something if
district’s website. Make the document
they use such complex language.
available to those who attend school
they can learn more and what they can do. I suggest
What’s next? Finally, explain the next steps in the process.
Use the opportunity to tell community members how
The key to communicating about
board meetings. Take the time to make a
always having three things for people to do, ranging
school finance is doing so in a way that
presentation to your local PTA or PTO and
from going to the website for more information,
my mom, and other community members
keep track of the questions you receive
attending a meeting or an upcoming listening
like her, can understand. To do this, school
and create a school finance specific
session, or contacting the governor or legislators.
leaders must first educate.
continued on next page... AUGUST 2011 • SLATE 21
Julie Hart ...continued from previous page frequently asked questions page for
your website.
community, what are the three to
five points that you would want
The Gas Station Principle
them to know and understand
Not long ago I was filling up my tank
about the budget?
at a local gas station the night after a
This is no small task, and
long and contentious board meeting
keeping everyone, board members
where the budget was the central
and administrators, on the same
agenda item, when I saw a board
page is vital to ensuring that
member from my school district. As
community members understand
the board member was filling up his
the challenge and are engaged in
tank, another community member
the solution.
came up to him, introduced herself
Certainly, standing by the pump
and in a very friendly way said,
at the gas station is not the best
“Can you tell me about the school
time to communicate about an issue
district’s budget?”
as important or as complicated as
appeared to be dressed for a
school finance, but preparing to have that conversation can help.
meeting, took a deep breath and
When presented with the opportunity to become the Communication Director at the Idaho School Boards Association, I jumped at the chance. There is nothing more important ISBA’s newest than the success of our future Employee, generations. I’m grateful for the Julie Hart opportunity to collaborate with those individuals working on behalf of our children as school trustees and elected officials. As the mother of two small children; I strive to lead by example in owning my responsibility today for the generations of tomorrow. I hope to be able to use my expertise in strategic planning and communications for the benefit of our ISBA members. I look forward to meeting each of you.
went into what amounted to a three
It’s Not Going Away
When it comes to communicating
challenges and the different, and
about schools, the most complicated
Julie’s Role at ISBA
very complex, options available to
and most important issue is school
the board. The community member
finance and the budget. School
who seemed to have some basic
leaders are right to embrace the
Julie Hart joins the Idaho School Boards Association as their first Communications Director. Her specialties’ include public affairs, community projects and complex project management requiring creative, collaborative solutions. As Communications Director for ISBA, Julie will be responsible for public relations, promotion of policy services, provision of strategic council for crisis communications and external public programming initiatives.
challenge, working together with
clearly became lost when the word
board members and administrators
“tertiary” was uttered by the board
to form a common set of messages
To be sure, the conversation
ended badly, with the community
While we can’t know what will
member confused and feeling that
happen in the future, we do know
the details were being hidden from
that budgets will continue to be a
her. The board member seemed
topic of much conversation in the
More About Julie
frustrated that he could not convey
future. Embrace the opportunity to
what he felt were critical points
A graduate of Boise State University, she holds a degree in Social Science and worked as the Idaho Grassroots Manager for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Development & Marketing Coordinator for Ballet Idaho and Development & Communications Manager for Catholic Charities of Idaho.
about the budget. The moral of this story is
Donovan is the founder of Donovan
that there is a need to clearly
Group LLC and a member of the
and concisely communicate very
Wisconsin School Public Relations
complex items like school finance.
I call this the gas station principle.
in school community relations,
The gas station principle calls
provides visionary leadership and
for having three to five ready-to-
service to Wisconsin schools by
communicate ideas or messages
equipping its members with effective
that you can convey about various
communication management skills.
issues. Put another way, if you had
Visit wspra.org.
an opportunity to meet individually 22 SLATE • AUGUST 2011
Julie lives in Boise, is married to Will Hart and has two children Ella (7), Harrison (3) and a Golden Retriever named Maverick (3). Julie loves to run and recently completed the 2011 National Marathon in Washington D.C.
The ldaho Association of School Business Officials
he Idaho Association of School Business
topics, as well as networking time with
identify problems with proposed legislation
Officials (IASBO), an affiliate of the
colleagues and vendors.
and allows us to propose possible solutions.
Association of School Business Officials
In February we offer training for new
Many times laws are passed before technical
International (ASBO), has served Idaho school
business officials and administrators with
issues are identified. With our involvement
business officials for over forty years.
presentations from the staff of the State
these could be addressed during the process.
Department of Education. This training includes
taskforces, committees, and groups as
members work in all aspects of school
reporting, federal programs, data collection,
needed. Currently IASBO’s Past President,
business including budgeting, accounting,
and other topics central to the business
Jenn Johnson, represents business managers
human resources, payroll, risk management,
operations of school districts in Idaho. This is
on the Students Come First Technology
also an excellent refresher for others working
Taskforce. This insures that the practical
in school business offices.
view from the business offices is expressed.
property taxes, grant management, software management, building construction, bond sales,
IASBO representatives serve on various
charter schools from across the State, our
Throughout the year we send timely
It also ensures that taskforce information is
information to our members to keep them up
communicated to business officials around
reporting, technology, transportation, food
to date. We maintain a website with useful
the State from one of their own.
service, and building maintenance.
information for our members. We also have
IASBO has become involved in bringing
experts available to assist members with
forward concerns and issues with the
specific topics as needed.
new ISEE data collection system. We have
We believe that when school business officials are well trained and kept up to date they are able to do their jobs better. When they
IASBO leadership communicates and
surveyed members twice and shared that
do their jobs well, the professional educators
works with other educational organizations
information with both the state department
can then do their jobs with less distractions
in Idaho, including the Idaho School Boards
and legislators. We are looking forward to
and more efficient use of resources, resulting
Association and the Idaho Association of
working with the state department to solve
in students receiving a better education. In
School Administrators. We believe that we can
the various issues with ISEE in a positive
times of scarce resources and major change
all do a better job when we work together.
it is especially important that school business
IASBO and ISBA, for example, are working
With all the reform, legal changes, and all
officials are well trained, up to date and given
together to update and distribute the “Clerk’s
the financial constraints, it is more important
the resources necessary to do their jobs.
Manual.” This publication should be available
than ever that the business staffs in all Idaho
by the start of the new school year.
districts are as well trained and well informed
Throughout the year, IASBO offers a variety of training and professional development opportunities.
IASBO’s direct involvement with the
as possible. Now is not the time to scrimp on
legislative process continues to grow. Member
professional development for your business
Each year in June, IASBO holds its annual
concerns and input regarding “Student’s
office staff. Membership and training through
conference in Boise where there are timely
Come First” legislation was presented to both
IASBO is inexpensive and essential to ensure
presentations on law changes, information
the Senate and House Education Committees.
your district is able to move forward during
on new developments, updates on important
We believe our specific expertise can help
these difficult times.
mission statement
The Idaho Association of School Business Officials (IASBO)
The Idaho Association of School Business Officials (IASBO)
promotes the highest standards of school business practices
is the primary avenue for developing professionals who are
for its membership through professional development,
the business cornerstones of Idaho’s public schools.
networking, continuing education, and legislative impact.
AUGUST 2011 • SLATE 23
make a list by naomi dillon Lists allow us to
distill what’s most
important — now and
in the future. Dive into magic with our annual
collection of factoids,
tidbits, and bite-sized information.
Reprinted with permission from American School Board Journal, July 2011. Copyright 2011 National School Boards Association. All rights reserved.
24 SLATE • AUGUST 2011
There is something magical about lists. What do you do when you’re facing an overwhelming pile of work? Make a list and, voilá, you’ve tamed the unmanageable. Short on time? Lists can propel you into action. Short on money? Lists can help you prioritize your needs. Short on ideas? You’d be surprised at how developing a list can stoke the creative fires. In short, lists allow us to distill it all into what’s most important — now and in the future. Which is why our annual review of factoids, lessons learned, and tidbits from the field continues to top our list of mostread features and appears once again for your reading pleasure. We hope you enjoy this year’s compilation, most of which we gathered from the comprehensive programming offered at NSBA’s Annual Conference. And the conference, if it isn’t already, absolutely should be on your list of things to do. Have more to say to us about lists? E-mail us at editor@asbj.com with your thoughts and comments— and your own lists to include in an upcoming issue.
Steps School Boards Can Take to Prevent a Sexual Abuse Incident
One in every four girls and one in every eight boys will be sexually abused before the age of 18, often resulting in withdrawal, depression, and intimacy issues for the victim and in longterm damage to the school’s reputation, mission, and insurability. You can help your schools avoid these scenarios by taking these steps:
Tips to Make Your Board
Meetings More Effective Get to know the other members on your leadership team. Learning about their skills, hobbies, and personal constraints could have an impact on logistics, public participation, and tough discussions. Establish an operating protocol. It puts everyone on the same page and can serve as a public statement and a model for other district groups.
Implement and standardize policies across the district.
Become familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order. They help
Define appropriate and inappropriate interactions between
keep major discussions focused.
employees and students and peer to peer.
Plan an annual board retreat. It increases collegiality,
Screen all adults who have access to students through
allows for long-range planning, and provides an
background checks, interviews, reference checks, and
opportunity for busy board members to really focus.
Model good governance by maintaining a helicopter
Create mandatory risk management training requirements
view and understanding the board’s work as the
that focus on the prevention of abuse in schools.
“what,” not the “how.”
Emphasize monitoring and supervision in all activities
Establish protocols for setting agendas that consider
(field trips, locker room and bathroom breaks, athletic
things such as where to place public participation,
events, etc.) and for all facilities (stairwells, empty
what happens when unexpected issues arise, and how
classrooms,buses, etc.).
to handle topics that require extended explanation or
Respond consistently across all levels in the district—
employee, building leadership, and school board.
Keep the district’s vision, mission, and goals visible. Consider placing vision and goals statements
Source: Adapted from the NSBA Annual Conference workshop, Sexual Abuse: 5 Steps Every School Board Can Take to Prevent an Incident, presented by Angelique Dale, safety analyst at Praesidium Inc., a risk management consulting firm based in Arlington, Texas, April 2011.
prominently on all agendas. Focus on achievement by devoting a part of the agenda to an education issue and continually asking how this program or that expense will impact student learning. Celebrate and tell your story. Recognize staff
and teacher anniversaries and student and team
Traits of an Effective School Board Team
A shared mission that everyone knows and agrees on and is committed to accomplishing. A climate of trust and openness. Open and honest communication. A sense of belonging. A shared view that diversity is an asset. An ability to self-correct. A belief in the collective power of the whole board rather than in individual board members to achieve great and
accomplishments. Don’t ignore your own professional development. Use meetings as an opportunity to increase your knowledge of boardsmanship. Exercise your fiduciary responsibility. Use a portion of the meeting to focus on one piece of financial data of interest. Be prepared for public input. Verbally lay ground rules for public participation before you begin. Source: Adapted from the NSBA Annual Conference workshop, We’ve Got to Stop Meeting Like This! A Dozen Great Tips to Get Your Board Meetings Working for You Instead of Against You, presented by Cheryl Ryan, board services consultant for the Ohio School Boards Association, April 2011.
sustainable results. A commitment to consensusAUGUST decision-making. 2011 • SLATE 25 An understanding and willingness to hear new ideas and suggestions as part of a continuously improving system. Source: Adapted from the NSBA Annual Conference workshop, Veteran and Newly Elected Board Members: A Working Partnership, presented by Rob Delane, deputy executive director at the Ohio School Boards Association, April 2011.
AUGUST 2011 • SLATE 25
Practices to
Avoid Liability Know the boundaries of your authority. Courts are reluctant
Review and adhere to policies on holiday celebrations. Make
to interfere in school governance but will if the board action
sure staff, students, and community members are familiar
is arbitrary, capricious, or outside the board’s legal authority.
with policies.
Focus on the board’s policymaking role. State and federal
Know the laws governing board meetings, particularly on
laws mandate certain policies and procedures but generally
issues of quorum, public notice, executive session, etc.
allow the school board to determine the specific details.
Guard against nepotism and conflicts of interest.
Adhere to student discipline policies. Boards set codes of
Understand ethical considerations for board members. The
conduct and sanctions. These policies are upheld in court if
board should consider adopting a code of ethics.
they are clear and understandable, if fair notice is given to
Clarify the role of the board member and superintendent.
students, and if a rational relationship exists between the
Plan your superintendent search process carefully.
rule and the educational purpose.
Confidentiality is key. Rules for hiring and certification often
Understand the staff discipline process.
are prescribed by state statutes.
Source: Adapted from the NSBA Annual Conference workshop, Ten Practices to Avoid Liability, presented by Robert Rader, executive director, Patrice McCarthy, deputy director and general counsel, and Kelly B. Moyher, senior staff attorney, at the Connecticut Association of Boards of Education, April 2011.
Do’s and Dont’s of Civil Discourse
Tips on How to Improve Your Lobbying Skills
Don’t interrupt colleagues midsentence or “speak over”
Know your member’s committee assignments and voting
Don’t resort to zingers designed to embarrass, ridicule, or
Be on time for appointments.
belittle your colleagues.
Prepare in advance as a team to deliver your message.
Don’t make a personal attack on the author or supporter
Summarize your position within two to three minutes.
of a policy or practice.
Talk about the local impact.
Do focus on the content of the policy versus the person
Ask for a commitment.
who may be disagreeing.
Hold your congressional member accountable.
Do recognize that your colleagues also were elected and
Don’t guess or exaggerate.
deserve the same level of respect for having run for office
If you don’t know the answer, promise to follow up with
and won.
the member with the requested information.
Source: Adapted from the NSBA Annual Conference workshop, Leading With Civility to Improve District Culture, presented by University of Washington Professor Thomas W. Pendergrass, and Jonelle Adams, executive director, and Phil Gore, director of leadership development services, at the Washington State School Directors’ Association, April 2011.
Don’t be discouraged or disrespectful if your congressional member can’t attend the meeting; treat staff members with the same respect. Keep in regular touch. Follow up your visit with a thank you letter and an
invitation to school events in your district.
Indicators It Might Be Time to
Resign From the School Board You are not devoting time to the position. You are unsure you are contributing. You have new life directions and interests. You have health issues. Your passion is waning. You hate it.
Source: Adapted from the NSBA Annual Conference workshop, Know When to Hold ‘Em, Know When to Fold ‘Em: How Long a School Board Member Should Stay on Board, presented by Phil Gore, director of leadership development services at Washington State School Directors Association, April 2011.
26 SLATE • AUGUST 2011
Source: Adapted from the NSBA Annual Conference workshop, Sharpening Your Lobbying Skills for Effective Meetings with Members of Congress, presented by National School Boards Association’s Advocacy and Issues Management team members Kathleen Branch, Lucy Gettman, and Katherine Shek, April 2011.
Tenets of Successful Policymaking
Policy is a living document. Policy is THE work of the school board. The board’s role is to develop policy, while the staff’s role is to develop procedures to implement it. Look for the policy connection in everything you do.
Focus on the latest “event” rather than the entire review period.
student learning.
Use a battering ram rather than a ladder approach to
Give clear direction to your administration through
Aren’t viewed as the collective responsibility of all board
Keep policies current.
members to attain success.
Keep the community and staff abreast of board policies.
Aren’t followed through in policy.
Review policies on a regular basis.
Include goals that have no indicators of success.
Monitor policies for compliance and progress.
Reasons to Join the National
BuyBoard Cooperative Program Streamline your procurement process. Compare prices from pre-approved national and regional vendors. Save money by taking advantage of volume discounts. Purchase all of your district’s needs in one place. Shop online, 24/7. Redirect valuable staff time to more important student issues. Earn a rebate with every purchase. Pay no upfront costs. Buy from an online cooperative with more than 10 years of experience. Rest assured that it’s endorsed by the National School Boards Association and state school boards associations.
A program of the NSBA and several state school boards associations, BuyBoard was developed to comply with state laws requiring government entities to make purchases from an approved list of vendors who have gone through a competitive bidding process. Participation in the cooperative is free. For more information, visit www.nsba.org/buyboard.
Board Self-Evaluations
Board self-evaluations can improve board performance, clarify expectations, improve board-superintendent communication, celebrate accomplishments, and create a plan to meet needed improvement. All of that can be negated, however, if evaluations:
Focus attention on policymaking designed to improve
Source: Adapted from the NSBA Annual Conference workshop, Policy Pitfalls: Ten Traps to Avoid in Policymaking, presented by Laurel DiPrima and Nancy Bohl, policy services consultants for the Illinois Association of School Boards, April 2011.
Mistakes to Avoid in Employing
Aren’t given in a timely manner to all members. Source: Adapted from the NSBA Annual Conference workshop, Taking Your Board From Good to Great Using Board Self-Evaluation, presented by Karen Beckvar, leadership development specialist at the Arizona School Boards Association, April 2011.
Ways Veteran School Board
Members Can Smooth the Way for Their Freshman Colleagues
At a minimum, the board might compile the following materials to give to newly elected members: A current, personalized copy of board policies and district administrative rules Information on how the school board is organized, as well as how the district is organized A primer on how board meetings are conducted An orientation on the authority and responsibility of the board, superintendent, administrators, and individual board members A copy of the district’s budget, with an explanation on how funds are received and allocated A primer on how to read and understand the complexities of various financial reports Details on the district’s continuous improvement plan An overview of curriculum standards mandated by federal and state statutes A copy of the district’s collective bargaining agreements, along with background on recent bargaining activities Source: Adapted from the NSBA Annual Conference workshop, Veteran and Newly Elected Board Members: A Working Partnership, presented by Rob Delane, deputy executive director at the Ohio School Boards Association, April 2011.
AUGUST 2011 • SLATE 27
ISBA Awards 2011
AWARD OF MERIT The ISBA would like to honor Idaho school board trustees who have made
(National School Boards Association).
outstanding contributions to education
School board members spend many
One hundred (100) points per year are
hours attending workshops, seminars,
needed to earn this award. (October to
effective educational leadership. Trustees
will be honored with the Award of Merit to
Participation in these activities help board
Each board member is responsible for
commemorate their contributions. If you
members gain knowledge, skills, and
maintaining a record of his/her attendance
know a trustee who has gone above and
at ISBA and NSBA events and for
beyond with his or her contributions to
The ISBA recognizes the importance
submitting the Master of Boardsmanship
their local school district, education within
of the continuing education of school
Attendance Record at any time during the
the State of Idaho, and/or other areas of
board members in the structure of the
year, but especially prior to the deadline
public education, please nominate them
state education system and therefore
of October 1, 2011. Forms and additional
for ISBA’s Award of Merit. One school
acknowledges the commitment made
information are available on the ISBA
board trustee per ISBA Region will receive
by school board members to provide
an Award of Merit.
28 SLATE • AUGUST 2011
and participation at education events/
program for board members’ attendance
the ISBA has developed a recognition
strengthen their boardsmanship abilities,
who put forth extra time and effort to
In an effort to recognize board members
leadership in their local communities.
Stop, Shift & Share
NOMINATION DETAILS Nomination forms for all awards are available at www.idsba.org on the Annual Convention tab
CONTACT THE ISBA Toll Free: 866-799-4722 • Phone: 208-854-1476 • Fax: 208-854-1480
Do you know an individual deserving of
Every year school district trustees and
Part of growth and learning as a school
recognition for their efforts supporting
superintendents spend a great deal of
board trustee is the knowledge acquired
time advocating local, state, and national
from those who have previously served.
recognizes two exceptional individuals
leaders in support of public education.
from our State whose contributions to
This award is given to a district trustee
extraordinary individuals who have given
education are outstanding. Send your
selflessly 20 years or more to the students
nominations with supporting data to the
and participation with ISBA during the
ISBA Office by October 1, 2011. One
legislative session should be recognized
award is presented to a certificated
educator while the other is presented
nominations for this award.
and education system of Idaho. Please take a few moments to inform ISBA about your 20 year+ veteran board member(s).
to a non-certificated individual, such as a volunteer, a community member or
E 10
classified staff.
Our Valued ISBA
Business Partners For more information regarding these Business
ISBA’s Business Partners & Affiliates offer a variety of services and products that can assist Idaho’s public schools in cutting costs and finding cost-effective options.
Partners, or to become an ISBA Business Partner, please contact Misty Jones at the ISBA Office.
Phone: (208) 854-1476 Toll-Free: (866) 799-4722 Fax: (208) 854-1480 Web: www.idsba.org Email: misty@idsba.org
BUSINESS PARTNER LOGOS Look for these logos in SLATE articles &
DIAMOND Business Partners
SILVER Business Partners
IDAHO DAIRY COUNCIL A non-profit nutrition education organization providing science based materials to health care providers, schools and consumers throughout the State of Idaho. Crystal Wilson (208) 327-7050 cjwilson@idahodairycouncil.org www.idahodairycouncil.org
HUMMEL ARCHITECTS PLLC Established in Boise in 1896, Hummel Architects PLLC is a general practice architectural firm whose history touches nearly every Idaho community. Over the decades Hummel has built a solid reputation on the design of educational, institutional, civic, industrial, governmental, retail, office, and corporate structures. Jenifer Huff (208) 343-7523 jhuff@hummelarch.com www.hummelarch.com
MORETON & COMPANY Moreton & Company provides property and liability insurance as well as risk management services to member districts through the ISBA endorsed insurance plan. Most recently, Moreton & Company launched a group auto and homeowner insurance program that is available to district employees as well as school board trustees. Allan Ranstrom (208) 321-9300 allan@moreton.com www.moreton.com
ZIONS BANK A leader in financing school district projects at lowest overall cost. Since 1994 Zions has assisted Idaho districts in financing over 60 projects totaling over $200 million. Cameron Arial (208) 344-9522 cameron.arial@zionsbank.com www.zionsbank.com
BRONZE Business Partners ISBA
30 SLATE • AUGUST 2011
jlin@larsonallen.com www.larsonallen.com
THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY The Bank of New York Mellon is the world’s leading provider of corporate trust and agency services. We have a long tradition of collaborating with clients across the full range of debt instruments to provide customized solutions to meet client-specific needs. A recognized leader in the municipal debt markets, we are committed to providing municipal finance solutions to the public finance sector throughout idaho. Michael A. Jones (206) 336-1616 michael.a.jones@bnymellon.com www.bnymellon.com
LARSONALLEN Same high-quality professionals. Same commitment to Idaho schools and those who make them successful. Brand new name. LeMaster Daniels is now LarsonAllen CPAs, Consultants, and Advisors. Jimmy Lin (208) 658-8200
SEATTLE-NORTHWEST SECURITIES CORPORATION SNW is an investment bank and broker-dealer specializing in taxexempt bond underwriting and sales. SNW provides financing solutions custom tailored to their clients’ capital financial needs. With a Boisebased office, no other firm can match their experience and knowledge related to the political, economic, and financial issues impacting Idaho school district bond financing. Eric Heringer (208) 344-8577 eheringer@snwsc.com www.seattlenorthwest.com TIMECLOCK PLUS TimeClock Plus accurately tracks employee time and attendance which greatly assists in maintaining compliance and offers your district huge savings of your time and money. Carol Barton (800) 749-8463 sales@timeclockplus.com timeclockplus.com
QUADRANT CONSULTING Quadrant Consulting has teamed with the Idaho School Boards Association to assist individual school districts throughout the state with possible changes to trustee zone boundaries and legal descriptions due to the release of new census data. Steve Sweet (208) 342-0091 steve@quadrant.cc www.quadrant.cc
INTERMOUNTAIN TECHNOLOGY GROUP Putting client needs first, ITG has been providing technical support to businesses for over 25 years. We offer a broad range of hardware, software and client focused computer technology services. Kizmet Beasley, Abigail Staley (208) 319-2756 kizmet.beasley@gocorptech.com abigail.staley@gocorptech.com www.gocorptech.com
Our Valued ISBA
Business Affiliates MORETON & COMPANY
Moreton & Company provides property and liability insurance to member school districts through the ISBA Insurance Program. Since the Program’s inception, school districts have received over $4.6 million in dividends from the Program. Moreton & Company also offers a Home & Auto Insurance Program. School employees and school board members can participate through their local school district. This Program offers a great opportunity to participate in group insurance coverage.
Allan Ranstrom allan@moreton.com (800) 341-6789
BoardBook is a web-based software application that streamlines the preparation, distribution and publishing of agenda packets. BoardBook builds a searchable archive of meeting packets and approved minutes. It opens the door to electronically distributing the agenda to the board, posting selected materials online, and conducting paperless meetings. BoardBook can assist your district to: »»Save on costs for printing and copying. »»Reduce staff time required for preparation and distribution of agenda and supporting documents. »»Improve timeliness and availability of board meeting materials to school board members.
Mike Elder mike.elder@boardbook.org (888) 587-2665 Ext. 6413
BoardDocs is a market leader and pioneer of eGovernance solutions. BoardDocs’ paperless agenda services offer school boards turn-key electronic solutions for processing virtually any type of governance document, including agenda items, supporting documents, policies, procedures, and more. BoardDocs’ unique, state-of-the-art solutions save taxpayers money, reduce staff time, improve board effectiveness, increase transparency in governance, and have a positive effect on the environment.
If you were being overbilled, wouldn’t you want to know? ISBA has joined forces with Northwest Capital Recovery Group, a Pacific Northwest consortium since 1994, to offer our members a valued program that analyzes utility and telecom bills for overbilling of services. NWCRG specializes in recovering overcharges for clients in the areas of telecommunications, electricity, natural gas, garbage and water/sewer/storm.
Michael E. Hanahan
Steve Rhea
(800) 407-0141
(866) 545-0976
SOLVERAS PAYMENT SOLUTIONS CHECK RECOVERY SERVICE School districts are facing difficult times and are experiencing an increase in the number and frequency of NSF checks. Collection of these items can be time consuming, difficult and embarrassing to both parents and staff. Solveras returns lost funds to the district by electronically recovering bad checks and direct depositing those recovered funds to your district’s bank account on a weekly basis. Best of all, the service is FREE to the school district, FRIENDLY to the check writer, and recovers your funds FAST. If you are interested in saving your district staff time and easily recouping funds from insufficient fund checks, contact Solveras Payment Solutions!
Rodger Regele rodger.wa@comcast.net (888) 726-0015
APPLITRACK (BY GENERAL ASP) APPLICANT TRACKING & RECRUITING SOFTWARE Finding the perfect teacher for your school isn’t always easy. AppliTrack is an affordable online solution that revitalizes the teacher selection process. AppliTrack takes the work out of collecting applications, checking references, and everything in between, so you can focus on hiring the best people. Use a next generation tool to find teachers who will inspire the next generation of leaders. Choose your future with AppliTrack.
Dr. Fred Schroeder fred@generalasp.com (866) 667-1277
Please contact Misty Jones at the ISBA Office for more information. Phone: (208) 854-1476 • Toll-Free: (866) 799-4722 • Fax: (208) 854-1480 • Web: www.idsba.org • Email: misty@idsba.org Contact these Business Affiliates to find out how they can assist your school district!
AUGUST 2011 • SLATE 31
IDAHO SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 9797 • BOISE, ID 83707-4797 PH: (208) 854-1476 • FAX: (208) 854-1480
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