Wed., Feb. 19, 2014

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IU Cinema remembers Hoffman page 7


DAMAGE DONE Section F of Assembly Hall suffered damage as a piece of the ceiling fell into the stands Tuesday afternoon. It caused the cancellation of the men’s basketball game against Iowa that same night.


Damaged section

Faculty and staff seating Student section










Almost as soon as planning for Assembly Hall’s upcoming renovations began, a piece of the 42-year-old building fell from the ceiling. IU Director of Intercollegiate Athletics Fred Glass and other IU officials had just started their first meeting regarding the $40 million renovation project when a piece of metal weighing about 50 pounds fell from the ceiling and into the building’s lower bowl of seating. Pressure from an accumulation of snow and ice on the building’s roof caused a piece of steel plating, which runs at each of the four corners with a slight curve, to pop loose and fall. “It was ironic that I was in Assembly Hall when this happened today, because our very first kick-off meeting of the renovation team of the new Assembly Hall ... was together in Assembly Hall,” Glass said. “Shortly after that meeting started, a couple of our facilities folks were called out of that meeting because of some-

thing that apparently happened in the bowl.” Glass said he went to see for himself what had happened shortly after those members of the facilities staff left the meeting, and discovered the extent of what had happened. IU Vice President for Capital Planning and Facilities Tom Morrison said his team’s preliminary reports determined the building’s structural integrity has not been compromised. This was solely weather-related, he said. “The engineers gave me the point that it is not critical,” Morrison said. “It appears to be an isolated case to those areas where the roof meets or the ceiling meets the wall.” Nobody was present in the lower bowl at the time, and the damage was limited to five seats in Section F. IU officials have yet to assess what the damages and repairs will cost. “The glass is half-full because nobody got hurt,” Glass said. “All this other stuff is manageable and thank God we’re not here talking


Two armed men robbed the Marsh supermarket Monday night in the 1800 block of North Kinser Pike. A store cashier was cashing out a customer when they heard someone in the line say, “Open the cash register. Give me the money,” Bloomington Police Department Sgt. Steve Kellams said. Two men wearing ski masks approached the cashier. One of the men revealed a large black handgun. The two suspects fled north on foot from the store parking lot. Both men entered the store wearing ski masks, but one of the men pulled down his mask long enough




Ceiling panel falls in Assembly Hall


2 armed robberies reported at store, residence


Alumni volunteers honored for service BY SUZANNE GROSSMAN

The Peace Corps ranked IU in its Top 25 Colleges list for volunteers with 35 alumni volunteers from 2013, putting IU in 25th place. The last time IU appeared on the list was during the 2011-12 year. Since the Peace Corps agency was created in 1961, 1,603 IU graduates have served. “I hope IU can grow more and larger,” Damon Smith, President of the IU Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Group, said. “It’s great we’re back in the Top 25, but being 25th is not where IU wants to be.” Jessica Mayle, public affairs coordinator for the Midwest Peace Corps, said they create the list to recognize schools who foster a belief in community service. “We hope the list encourages more students to apply,” Mayle said. “It creates a culture of service on campus and helps students identify with alumni who have served.” The new IU recruiter, Laura Fonseca, is one of the reasons IU has reached the top 25 again, Mayle said. “It’s been great to return to my alma mater and reach out to students that I relate to in many ways,” Fonseca said. “Seeing IU back on the top 25 schools is a great representation of the Hoosier commitment to international outreach.” IU brings the Peace Corps great volunteers, Mayle said. “What we see at IU is an international global perspective,” Mayle said. “It’s a value the school tries to instill as well as to making a difference. That commitment to service and a global perspective makes great Peace Corps applicants.” IU also has special programs to benefit Peace Corps volunteers. The School of Public and Environmental Affairs offers returned Peace Corps volunteers financial aid and academic benefits for their service. One of the programs SPEA offers is called the Paul D. Coverdell Fellows Program, which offers financial SEE PEACE CORPS, PAGE 6


Boxcar Books organized a benefit show Tuesday in order to raise money to aid with their financial struggles. The business has struggled financially for several months and hoped the show would raise the funds it requires.

Reaching out Boxcar Books struggles to maintain mission amid falling profits BY KATE STARR

After almost 13 years in business, one volunteer-run Bloomington bookstore is struggling financially. Boxcar Books and Community Center organized a benefit show to raise money for the store Tuesday night at the Back Door. It included performances by High Dive, Mike Adams at His Honest Weight and DJ Kitteh. The performances began at 10 p.m. with a recommended $5 to $10 donation. Ali Loris, a worker at Boxcar, said Boxcar has been having monetary issues for a while due to the recent surge in online book sales during the past few years. Loris said Boxcar hopes to have more regular benefit shows, not just for the profit, but also as a way to become a greater presence in Bloomington and bring the community together.

Boxcar will look to connect with other like-minded groups and people to team up on future events, she said. “I think that we’re constantly excited about Boxcar kind of as a social space and a place where people can get together and work on projects together, so I guess we’re always looking for people who want to collaborate with us,” Loris said. Boxcar recently stopped selling textbooks, which has contributed to the store’s financial difficulties, she said. “More recently, we’ve been reassessing the ways we’ve been running and if it’s in line with our mission and vision,” Loris said. “We decided through that to stop selling textbooks.” Textbooks were not as profitable for Boxcar because of competition with T.I.S. College Bookstore and Barnes & Noble. The sales process was not SEE BOXCAR, PAGE 6

Sweetheart Deals for February!


off all Columbia and Mountain Hardwear flannels, long sleeve shirts, fleece pull-overs, pants, hats and gloves! ,8 2XWGRRU $ $GYHQWXUHV


IU Outdoor Adventures Eigenmann Hall


Mike Adams at His Honest Weight performs at the Back Door Tuesday night. The concert was organized to benefit Boxcar Books, a local nonprofit that aims to promote reading, social equality, self-education and social welfare.


I N D I A N A D A I LY S T U D E N T | W E D N E S D AY, F E B . 1 9 , 2 0 1 4 | I D S N E W S . C O M



Geology professor wins $50K fellowship IU geologist Douglas A. Edmonds is now one of 126 researchers at 61 U.S. and Canadian universities to receive the Sloan Research Fellowship. Edmonds’ research includes developing

scientific theories and models aimed at understanding how river deltas are created. The $50,000 fellowship will further his research on the resilience of deltaic systems to environmental stressors.

Mental health LLC launches campaign BY GRACE PALMIERI

Mental illness affects one in every 10 teens and young adults, according to the Mental Health Foundation. Fortitude LLC, co-founded by IU student Lauren Morton, is working to change those numbers. “The stigma attached to mental illness makes it hard for [teens and young adults] to talk about their disorder and seek appropriate help,” said Joseph Myers, co-founder and a senior at Manchester University. “I believe that Fortitude’s message can help to change those stigmas and help people realize that they are not their illness and can overcome it.” The campaign’s target audience is young people age 1525 because these people are choosing a college to attend, finding the right job and trying to succeed in everything they do, Morton said. “We think this age group is so important because of the pressures they face in their day-to-day lives,” she said. So far, Fortitude has a supportive audience of women ages 40-50, who are the mothers of children facing anxiety, depression or other mental health problems, Morton said. Morton said Fortitude’s overall goal is to make sure those people don’t feel alone and help them gain the strength to overcome it. Created by Morton and Myers, Fortitude officially became a privately-owned limited license company in early January. Morton said the original idea for the company was sparked by a lecture given by her psychology professor on theories of mental resilience. From there, she said the company has become a brand and a community. “The brand owns the intellectual property of our logo and designs and is what drives sales of shirts and other potential future merchandise,” she said. “Sales of these items are intended to create awareness and create a sort of figurative meeting ground to talk about

the issues of mental health concerning young adults.” The overall focus is promoting good mental health and wellbeing. To do this, Fortitude just launched its first campaign, “Fortitude for All,” through a program called Booster. It is a 22-day campaign run through the online custom apparel printer CustomInk. Morton said the campaign is similar to Kickstarter in that it will run for a finite amount of time. Products will be distributed after the end date. The company has set goals for itself and supporters. “For our first sales, we really wanted to involve our supporters in the process,” she said. “We think that by having our goals made public, our supporters can be as excited as we are to meet them and see the project continue to grow.” White T-shirts with “Strength of mind is peace of mind” on the front are being sold to raise awareness for mental health issues in teens and young adults. As this is the very first campaign, they also hope to get their company’s name out there. The campaign launched Monday for private sales and was officially announced through social media Tuesday. It will run through March 11. Morton said Fortitude will donate 50 percent of its profit from the campaign to a charity or organization yet to be chosen that supports awareness and research of mental health concerns. “We ultimately want Fortitude to be the platform or the vehicle that inspires a cultural change for our generation,” she said. “We can’t make the change alone, we can only provide the resources and a rallying ground to talk about what’s important. The changes have to come about from people who value mental health and strength.” Follow reporter Grace Palmieri on Twitter @grace_palmieri.

Kelley study shows effects of policies on business patents BY ANNA HYZY


Due to recent rainfall and rising temperatures, campus suffered minor flooding, creating difficulties for students on their way to class Tuesday.

Car crash survivor finds music BY JORDAN SIDEN

It took months to prepare for the 10 minutes Kacie Swierk would play for her audition. Months spent practicing, for hours a day, alone. In the fall, Swierk, a freshman, arrived at IU to study business. A major in entrepreneurship. Maybe marketing or sales. But ever since the car accident her junior year of high school, playing the piano became more than a hobby for her. And as a business major, she didn’t have time to play. Something in her life had to change, she said. Around Thanksgiving, Swierk decided she would audition for the Jacobs School of Music jazz studies program. “I’ve never auditioned before, for anything,” Swierk said. “And so I have no clue if I’m going to be nervous, if I’m going to be totally chill, if my hands are going to be shaking, if I’m not going to be able to play.” On a normal day, Swierk wakes up in Ashton Center at 7:30 a.m. With her first class not for another two hours, she eats breakfast and sits down at a piano. For the audition, she was asked to perform three jazz tunes, to execute a few scales and to perform a movement from a Beethoven sonata, which Swierk, not classically trained, said she dreaded. She tries to practice at least four hours a day, but with a full, 18-credit-hour course load, Swierk will find a piano to practice anywhere on campus any spare moment she has. She usually won’t finish her day until about midnight. About 25 percent of those who audition will make it into the music school, said Ben Smith, graduate assistant for the Jacobs School of Music office of admissions and financial aid.

Every year, he said, thousands of graduate and undergraduate students from around the world come to Bloomington for a spot in the music school. “We are consistently ranked in the top three to five music schools in the nation,” Smith said. Swierk said she never thought she was worthy of Jacobs. “I feel like I’m not the regular student that Jacobs looks for,” she said. “I feel like they look for people who have been playing all their life and are really committed to it forever, not just like, I don’t know, a year.” Her attitude toward music changed after she survived a car accident. The car that struck Swierk almost two years ago could of ended her life. Instead, it altered its course. Yet all she can remember from the accident is a blinding wash of white light. She doesn’t remember the car hitting her, or how her bicycle wound up more than 10 feet away. “This insane calmness and peacefulness came totally over me,” Swierk said. “Maybe I was out on the ground for, like, four seconds. It wasn’t a long time, but it felt like I was in that forever.” Bruised and cut, with a concussion from a 35-mileper-hour impact to the left side of her head, the thenjunior at New Trier High School from Winnetka, Ill., lay unconscious in the street. “I should have broken bones, for sure,” she said. As she recovered, her head aching almost constantly, a few things changed in herself soon after the accident, she said. She felt smarter. She said she was able to grasp concepts easier. Her ACT score rose. While playing a piano, she said she experienced something she hadn’t felt before when playing.

“I just found myself really, really feelin’ it,” Swierk said. “And I was getting so into it and getting all of these ideas that I had never been taught. And so I just really, really quickly got so much better.” The events of the accident and the white light, Swierk said, didn’t begin to make sense to her until years later. “It was this November that I started piecing everything together,” Swierk said. “And personally, I believe that whether it be heaven or not, it was some supernatural place that I was in. Like you don’t find this peace, or this whiteness, anywhere in this world. It was like this divine light. And at that point I really didn’t believe in anything.” Swierk was raised Catholic, but attending mass didn’t mean much to her, she said. Recently Swierk has been spending Sunday mornings at Evangelical Community Church on Third Street, playing guitar in their band. She also participates and plays keyboard for Cru, a Christian student group on campus. “The fact that I’ve wanted to run away from religion all my life — and that was my plan coming to college — I didn’t want anything to do with this stuff,” Swierk said. “And then it just all hit me.” The first thing Swierk did

when she left the Music Addition building Feb. 8, her audition behind her, was change out of her black dress and stuff it in her backpack. “I thought I was going to be way more nervous than I was,” she said. She would have to wait anywhere between two weeks and two months to find out if she was accepted into the jazz studies program. She’s still waiting, but she said she looks forward to the wait on the decision being over. “I’m super excited for the stress to be over and to be out of my hands,” Swierk said. “I did what I did. It’s over.” While Swierk will have some extra time to spend with friends, she is not finished practicing her instrument. She said she will practice for herself, though, not for Jacobs. “I’m kind of getting my life back a little bit,” she said. But already, Swierk has accepted a new challenge. A runner, she will be competing in the Little Fifty relay race in April and plans to train six days a week for it. “Yes, I’m competitive,” Swierk said. “Hopefully a nice competitive. I’m competitive with other people, but I feel like I’m more competitive with myself. I always want to push myself to do better.”



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Vol. 146, No. 175 © 2014 Newsroom: 812-855-0760 Business Office: 812-855-0763 Fax: 812-855-8009

Gage Bentley Editor-in-Chief Tori Fater, Kate Thacker Managing Editors Emma Grdina Managing Editor of Presentation Ryan Drotar and Roger Hartwell Advertising Account Executives Timmy Kawiecki, Mary Prusha Creative/Marketing Managers Tyler Fosnaugh Circulation Manager

The Indiana Daily Student and publish weekdays during fall and spring semesters, except exam periods and University breaks. From May-July, it publishes Monday and Thursday. Part of IU Student Media, the IDS is a self-supporting auxiliary University enterprise. Founded on Feb. 22, 1867, the IDS is chartered by the IU Board of Trustees, with the editor-in-chief as final content authority. The IDS welcomes reader feedback, letters to the editor and online comments. Advertising policies are available on the current rate card.


Follow reporter Anna Hyzy on Twitter @annakhyzy.


Kacie Swierk decided to pursue her love for music after surviving a car accident her junior year of high school.



Political gridlock has more effect on innovation and investment than economic policies, according to a new study from the Kelley School of Business. The study looked at the number of patents from 43 mature democracies over time and found, while no measurable spike or decline happened as a result of any particular party being in power, the number of patents fell drastically when political decisions were at a standstill. “Whether it is left versus the rest or center versus the rest or right versus the rest, no party matters,” said Utpal Bhattacharya, associate professor of finance in Kelley. “Under both parties there will be innovations, except in different things.” The study also took into account the quality and originality of the patents by measuring both the total number of times the patent was cited and the number of times it was cited by other industries. Bhattacharya used a hypothetical energy company as an example. If there is a close election, and an energy company is aware that the Democrat representatives support clean energy and the Republican representatives support coal or oil, two very different things, the company won’t know what to do, he said.

If the business knows Republicans will be in power, investing in innovations in coal and oil makes sense. And if the Democrats will be in power, it is more reasonable to invest in energy sources such as solar and wind, Bhattacharya said. Therefore, he said, in a close election, the smartest move for a business is to wait to file patents. Collecting the data took Bhattacharya and his coauthor Xuan Tian, an assistant professor of finance, approximately one full year. Bhattacharya said the study is interdisciplinary, blending politics and finance. In future studies, he hopes to explore whether more change is brought about in investment or innovation and what fields are affected most. Bhattacharya said he became interested in conducting this study through his personal interest in politics. He also pointed out that while a lot of finance research may focus on the impacts of political uncertainty, theirs looked at whether or not the policies caused a change. Bhattacharya said he had expected to find they would. “We knew that political uncertainty is a bad thing, but we always thought policies would matter,” he said. “Political compromise is good for all of us.”


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I N D I A N A D A I LY S T U D E N T | W E D N E S D AY, F E B . 1 9 , 2 0 1 4 | I D S N E W S . C O M


Federal minimum wage hike could cost jobs President Obama’s promise to raise the minimum wage for federal employees could raise as many as 900,000 people out of poverty, but at a cost. The Congressional Budget Office reported the wage increase could cost as many as


500,000 jobs, because employers would have to compensate for higher wages by laying off employees. Currently, Obama is pushing for the minimum wage to be $10.10 for federal employees.

Protesters push immigration MCCSC plans for making up missed school


Local and Indiana residents gathered outside the office of Rep. Todd Young, R-9th District, Tuesday to pressure Young to support what they call common-sense immigration reform. But no one was there to listen. Young’s office, located in the City Hall building on North Morton Street, was closed. The lights were off, and the blinds were drawn. About 20 demonstrators signed a poster that read “workers’ rights for all in immigration reform” and a letter expounding their call for Young to take action. They settled for sliding the literature under the office’s door. The Bloomington office is closed Tuesdays, and Young’s spokesman Trevor Foughty said they weren’t notified of the demonstration. Bill Regan, organizer for Fast For Families — an immigration reform advocacy group that staged the demonstration — said they assumed the office would be open, adding they should be able to reach Young any time. “This takes ‘do nothing Congress’ to a new level, doesn’t it?” Regan said to the demonstrators. Had the office been open, members of Young’s staff might have heard the demonstrators’ calls for Young to help enact comprehensive immigration reform. The demonstrators wanted a broad, clear path to citizenship that would lead to full legal status, according to the letter slipped under Young’s office door. Some demonstrators said they wanted broad immigration reform because enfranchising undocumented immigrants could bring economic benefits, and others said reforms are needed because the current immigration is causing a humanitarian crisis. Fast For Families organizer Rudy Lopez said his cousin died when trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border. If a path to citizenship existed, Lopez said, his cousin might have avoided the lethal journey. In 2012, U.S. Border Patrol caught about 356,000 immigrants trying to cross the U.S.Mexico border — about half of


all attempts, according to a report by the Council on Foreign Relations. According to the Pew Hispanic Center, about 11 million undocumented immigrants were living in the U.S. in 2011, and about 81 percent of them were born in Latin America. Demonstrator John Cowery, a Bloomington resident and former IU educator, said he thinks providing those millions of undocumented immigrants a path to citizenship could have far-reaching economic benefits. A bill awaiting a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives could provide some of the immigration reforms the demonstrators seek, but Republican House leadership has said the bill is unlikely to see a vote this year. The bill, called the Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act, was passed by the Senate in June. According to the Immigration Policy Center, the bill reforms almost all aspects of immigration policy and practice. Undocumented immigrants already in the U.S. would see due-process protection and be provided full legal status. Republican House leadership, however, has balked at the bill’s far-reaching reforms, indicating they’re more interested in piecemeal reform. Foughty said in an email that because the issue of immigration is so broad, Young also prefers a multi-bill



TOP A woman signs a poster in support of workers’ rights during the rally outside Congressman Todd Young’s office to support of comprehensive immigration reform Tuesday at City Hall. Fast for Families and SEIU Healthcare Illinois/Indiana/Missouri/Kansas led the rally, which concluded with a press conference outside City Hall. BOTTOM Indianapolis resident Leticia Corona, a member of the janitorial staff at GSF, signs a poster in support of workers’ rights during the rally outside Congressman Todd Young’s office in support of comprehensive immigration reform Tuesday at City Hall.

approach to reform instead of one comprehensive bill. “We anticipate the House will begin by tackling border security and perhaps cracking down on employers who hire those here illegally,” Foughty said in the email. “We must ensure border security will be enhanced and existing laws enforced before addressing other aspects of immigration reform.” But under current immigration policies, bordercrossings are taking lives and deportations are separating families, Lopez said — so

House Republicans, including Young, need to enact comprehensive reform now. It’s not clear how Young defines border security, Cowery said. He added he has never heard or read about how Young intends to achieve border security, or how much it might cost. “He needs to tell us what he believes,” Cowery said to the crowd. “The congressman could act as a leader.” Follow reporter Gage Bentley on Twitter @gagebentley.

During a winter that dumped a record amount of snow in Indianapolis, schools across the state have been closed multiple times this school year. The Monroe County Community School Corporation missed five school days. Two of those days were waived by the State Department of Accreditation, but the other three still must be made up. Beverly Smith, director of school and community services for MCCSC, said the first day will be made up May 23. The other two makeup days will also be added on to the end of the school year. In Indiana, schools must be in session for 180 days, and any school days missed must be made up, unless waived by the state. Due to the snow days, the statewide testing window for ISTEP has changed, but MCCSC’s testing window will stay the same. Graduation dates for the corporation are also still on track, with students scheduled to graduate May 29-31. On Feb. 13, Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction Glenda Ritz announced that schools would have more options to make up these school days. “As Hoosiers, we always expect harsh winter weather,” Ritz said in a press release. “However, this year’s storms have been extreme and have interrupted instruction for schools throughout the state. I have spoken with countless superintendents throughout the state, and they have all asked for more flexibility for scheduling instructional time.” Indiana schools will

have the option to reschedule holidays, preestablished snow-flex days or professional development days without requesting a waiver from the IDOE. Schools also have the option to request conditional waivers from the IDOE that will allow them to add instructional time to their school days in addition to time already provided in their calendars. When the total additional time equals one school day, the school can apply for a conditional waiver of one day of instructional time from the IDOE. Students in first through sixth grade must be in school for five hours per instructional day, and students in seventh through 12th grade must be in school for six hours each day. Smith said teachers and staff diligently plan the time and information students will need to be successful academically each year, and snow days hinder this process. “We want our students to have as much time as possible in school as planned to be empowered, learn and grow,” Smith said in an email interview. Although this winter has been harsher than many in Indiana, Smith said she thinks MCCSC students, parents, faculty and staff handled the problems with grace as a community. “We know this has been a unique winter season in Monroe County, and we thank our parents, students, staff and faculty for their support and patience as we continue to move forward in hopes of warmer weather,” she said. Follow reporter Sydney Murray on Twitter @sydlm13.

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We are really only beginning to grasp the broad implications of rising greenhouse gases for climate and natural systems. We already see evidence that major changes have occurred in the operation of land ecosystems, and even greater changes are surely yet to come.

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I N D I A N A D A I LY S T U D E N T | W E D N E S D AY, F E B . 1 9 , 2 0 1 4 | I D S N E W S . C O M




Student has had no shortage of columns lamenting a lack of student input in University administration. We usually lay the fault for that conspicuous absence at the feet of administrators like Provost Lauren Robel or student government figures like IU Student Association President Jose Mitjavila or his predecessors. Pieces with my picture appearing alongside have not been least among them. Student participation in committees at this University is more of an afterthought — even potentially a façade — than a priority. Your student government is more concerned with developing a casual dining option in the IMU and taking credit for the enacted policies of tickets they ran against than actually placing student advocates in these positions and ensuring they are empowered in a timely manner. Unfortunately, as much as IUSA may be ineffective and unresponsive or the administration and Board of Trustees structurally indisposed to student issues, they don’t, between them, exhaust the shares of blame. No, there’s another culprit — you and I. Apathy among the student population is certainly among the principle

A new drinking game, “Neknomination,” thought to have originated in Australia, is sweeping the nation via social media websites including Facebook. The game involves filming oneself drinking

excessive amounts of alcohol and then verbally nominating a friend to “out-do” you. The game has claimed five lives, all men under 30, thus far.


Survey says: Take the survey I’m enough of a realist to acknowledge this University is not and never will be small enough to allow each of us the opportunity to express our own input in front of the Board of Trustees or members of the administration. That’s why initiatives like this year’s “Your View. Your IU.” Student Experience at the Research University survey are so important. The email invitation to take this year’s survey went to all IU Bloomington undergraduates. The survey is used at large research universities around the country and is designed to allow them to compare themselves to each other. The SERU survey is one of two large-scale national student experience survey efforts used by IU’s Office of the Vice Provost of Undergraduate Education and the only one administered to all students at the University simultaneously. In the past, surveys like this have influenced areas of University decision-making from student orientation and First Year Experience programs, to advising services and even new faculty workshop orientations. For multiple semesters this page of the Indiana Daily

Viral drinking game claims five lives

DRAKE REED is a senior majoring in economics.

reasons we have the problems we do. Now you have a chance to participate meaningfully and, most importantly, easily in the process that governs this University. This isn’t voting for a student government that proceeds to ignore you for the next year or taking a seat on a committee that is intimidating and confusing. It’s barely even a time commitment. I took it during lunch. This is a direct line to the top, straight from your computer screen to the desks of the real movers and shakers at this University — and if you still need a little convincing, you might even win prizes like an Amazon gift card. So pull up your computer, find your link to the Student Experience at the Research University survey and take it. Maybe it’s not the loudest, most effective way to make our individual voices heard — I never said it was perfect — but at least it’s something.

Raising the Bar in the IMU IUSA finally does something historic Independent of the mutual admiration between IU Student Association and the Editorial Board, we’re proud to announce we believe IUSA has finally done something historic for the student body. The proposed lounge in the IMU is a daring and innovative idea that clearly won’t have any negative consequences in the future and totally tackles the most pressing issues for IU students. In the spirit of innovation, the Editorial Board would like to suggest several other proposals we believe will help just as much as IUSA’s proposed lounge.



Don’t hate on your supporters It’s February. It’s cold. We haven’t had a snow day yet and there are too many days until Little 500. Those are plenty of good reasons to be salty. I know that, personally, when second semester rolls around it’s easy to get critical of nearly everything — your classes, your education, the university system at large. I fully admit that this month I’ve been complaining to anyone who will listen about how inadequate everything seems. I wish that this occasional feeling of general inadequacy was just my experience, but I know that’s not true at all. I’ve had friends complain about going through the commencement ceremony circuit because they felt the University didn’t serve them well enough. And then I truly realized how immensely selfish that is. This past weekend I had a rare opportunity. I grew up with three friends, and we were so close people referred to as the Fab Four — dressing as the Beatles for Halloween also helped with this reference. The four of us stayed

pretty close until we all went separate ways in college. Fast forward to senior year and all of the moms decide that they’ll come to each boy, visit his college, take him out to lunch and spend the day with him no matter the distance of the school. This past weekend was my turn, and the women that raised me came to Bloomington to show their support. And it was this experience that got me out of my cynical rut. College is more than you. It’s bigger than your classes and your experiences. No matter what kind of background you come from, your college journey is a conglomeration of work from a myriad of different sources and supporters. For many of us, college isn’t just our accomplishment — it’s an accomplishment for mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts, mentors, teachers and more. So to complain about the university system is not only discrediting work that you’ve done to get to this point, but it’s ignoring all their work, too.

SAM OSTROWSKI is a senior majoring in English.

I’m not saying I’ve been the poster-child for parent-son relations. I often forget to call my parents, I like to live my own life and I’ve had my fair share of bitter summers where I’ve acted like an asshat because I’m home and not interning with Vanity Fair in New York. We’ve all been there. And I’m sure I’ll be like that a few more times throughout my life. But the important thing is to remember where you came from and take a moment to recognize everyone in your past. No one is self-created, and no journey is only yours. So as the going gets boring in these dreary months, don’t blame it on IU. Instead, adjust your perception and take a moment to call your mom to tell her “thank you.”

Netflix killed the cable star out of that selection, about one of six Netflix watchers tuned into the same show — “House of Cards.” This is all fine and dandy, but what about users who binge and then cancel their subscription before their free trial is up? Subscribers for Netflix are also at an all-time high at 40 million, which means they have surpassed HBO. This is revolutionary. HBO has been around since 1972, while Netflix’s instant streaming service began in 2007. You do the math. Netflix is retaining its users at incredible rates. Television is changing. We can’t deny that any longer. People are cutting their cable cords — 1.8 million in the second quarter of 2013, according to Business Insider — and heading to the Internet TV route. And with the impending merger between the two tyrants of the cable industry, Time Warner and Comcast, expect these numbers to increase. My parents’ cable and Internet bill from TWC usually runs around $250 a month.

1. Since IUSA would like more access to alcohol for students – because obviously there aren’t enough places to drink in Bloomington – the Editorial Board would like to suggest IUSA also install a Big Red Liquors. Many students move offcampus in order to have easier access to booze. The clear solution would be to have a Big Red Liquors in the heart of campus so you can pound a Natty Ice here and there between classes.

2. IUSA’s proposed lounge should offer several beer pong tables, kegs, pledge rides and strategically-placed, IUSA-branded buckets for those who become a little too enthusiastic with IUSA’s revolutionary idea. Other favors might even include the boxed water the administration purchased last semester that is currently festering in their offices.

3. Since many people move off-campus in order to escape the pressures of school, why not also bring some entertainment to the IMU? The Editorial Board proposes IUSA bring Bloomington staple Night Moves to the Union. Sure, some may say we don’t need a trashy strip club on campus. But this way, students can connect with professors while also listening to “Gas Pedal” and making it rain. Our campus is desperately in need of such a facility. And IUSA should take decisive action on this issue as well.



After a weekend frenzy I can only describe as metafictional and mostly desperate, I decided to write about what I devoted my weekend and skipped class time to — “House of Cards.” House of Cards has been incredibly lucrative for Netflix, despite the naysayers, and it proves we don’t need cable anymore. It cost Netflix $100 million dollars to produce both seasons, so it’s difficult to imagine the company being able to break even, let alone actually turn a noticeable profit. Well, fret no longer — Netflix is doing just fine. CNBC reports that the day before the show’s season two Valentine’s Day launch, Netflix’s stock climbed to an all-time high of $439.49 a share . Additionally, the CNBC article reports about 16 percent of Netflix users on one particular Internet service supplied by an unspecified U.S. cable operator watched at least one episode of the show on its launch date. Sixteen percent may not sound like a big number, but think of the huge selection Netflix has to offer. And


RILEY ZIPPER is a sophomore majoring in English.

Internet TV is making the cable part of that almost obsolete. Imagine how much money we could all save if we cut off the cable we don’t really use that much anymore. And with the success of Netflix original series like “House of Cards,” “Orange is the New Black” and the fourth season of “Arrested Development,” Netflix proved that we don’t need cable for quality original programming. Maybe the instant gratification of Netflix is a bad thing. But we’ve all known staring blankly at a screen for hours on end isn’t good for you for years now. So I don’t really see a problem with Netflix specifically. But what I do see a problem with is the expense of cable television. So, by all means, Netflix away. Unless you have, like, a class to go to. —

4. One of IUSA’s main complaints against the current social areas in the IMU is that “Starbucks is nice, but a lot of people just study there, and you can’t really have a drink with your friends.” The Editorial Board proposes IUSA also add a spacious area filled with tables for an atmosphere conducive to conversation. Soft jazz music should play over an intercom system. For convenience, there should be a certain well-known coffee business serving caffeinated beverages. These factors have been proven to stimulate warm, friendly conversation. However, studying will not be allowed in this conversation-and-drinkingonly space. Because that would be completely ridiculous on a college campus.

5. Last, but definitely not least, the Editorial Board proposes that the Union leave its holiday decorations up all year — because the Editorial Board just really likes the lights.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR POLICY The IDS encourages and accepts letters to be printed daily from IU students, faculty and staff and the public. Letters should not exceed 350 words and may be edited for length and style. Submissions must include the person’s name, address and telephone number for verification.

Letters without those requirements will not be considered for publication.Letters can be mailed or dropped off at the IDS, 120 Ernie Pyle Hall, 940 E. Seventh St., Bloomington, Ind., 47405. Send submissions via e-mail to Call the IDS with questions at 855-0760.

Indiana Daily Student, Est. 1867 Website:

The opinions expressed by the editorial board do not necessarily represent the opinions of the IDS news staff, student body, faculty or staff members or the Board of Trustees. The editorial board comprises columnists contributing to the Opinion page and the Opinion editors.


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When journalists cross the line Let’s take another trip to Russia — I bet no one has ever said that before. Following every Olympic Games is an army of journalists stalking and starving for a good story. Besides records being made or beaten, journalists try to get to know the human beyond the athlete. Sometimes, it doesn’t work out too well. NBC’s Christin Cooper set an example for all journalists when her questions led to one athlete’s emotional breakdown. Olympic champion alpine skier Bode Miller broke into tears during his postrace interview with Cooper, in which she pushed him with questions about his

tactless. Bode was the first to bring up his brother in an answer to one of Cooper’s question. It was understandable for Cooper to in turn ask a question about his brother. Beyond that, the subject was unnecessary. The man is the highestdecorated U.S. Olympic alpine skier and the sport’s oldest medal winner. He just won his sixth medal in a nailbiting tie with Canada in what may be his last Olympics, and she wanted to press him about his brother. Bode took to Twitter to defend Cooper, saying she asked the questions any other reporter would have, and he doesn’t believe she intended to cause any pain.

deceased brother. Bode’s brother Chelone “Chilly” Miller died after a seizure last year. Chilly was a snowboarder hoping to join his older brother in the 2014 Sochi Olympics. Cooper wasn’t the only one taking advantage of Bode’s most personal life moments. NBC kept bringing them up. Before Bode’s event began, the network broadcasted a package showcasing the intimate aspects of his life off the mountain, and the same subjects were brought up later in an interview with Matt Lauer. The reason Cooper is taking most of the heat is because her questions were merciless and her interview

mean you ask them right after his race while he’s surrounded by fellow athletes, fans and dozens of media sharks. There is also a time to walk away. Body language can be just as loud as words, and journalists should at least have a minor understanding of that. It doesn’t take a behavioral analyst to tell you that when a grown man wipes a tear from his eye he’s done, and it’s time to stop. There is a line between getting the deeper story and fishing for emotion. NBC crossed it. Sometimes journalists forget that the people they interview aren’t just stories,

Upon learning that Bode actually knows Cooper and that Cooper is a former Olympic skier, I agree that she wasn’t trying to cause him pain. But that doesn’t make her performance as a journalist less awful. People don’t always realize that there is more to being a journalist than a fastpaced Brooklyn accent, a coffee addiction and a notepad permanently attached to your hand. They have a lot to learn beyond fact checking and how to write a good lede. Every journalist knows that there is a time and a place. We may have all wondered the same questions as Cooper, but that doesn’t

LEXIA BANKS is a sophomore majoring in telecomm.

they’re humans. Their objectivity or determination can turn any subject into a frontpage feature or a primetime package. Hopefully in the future, Cooper will keep this in mind and refrain from reducing another Olympic champion to tears. — Follow columnist Lexia Banks on Twitter @LexiaBanks

Jordan River Forum


I wish I had, as an English major, a place as communal, skills-oriented and professional as our school newspaper. There are few students I have met as driven as these. And I worry that will disappear. It’s old hat, it’s old news and it’s perhaps irrelevant now, but the Media School is concerning. It concerns me that our administration would actively take one of the top independent journalism schools in the country and just toss it into the College of Arts and Sciences. Not that the College isn’t great. But it’s a very, very large college. And for a field as quickly changing, as competitive and as important to the success of our country and world, I worry



All Quiet

The best student section in the country

that the small, serious group of students doing professional work in Ernie Pyle Hall — giving up nights and days for their work — will disappear. This isn’t a school that is outdated. This isn’t a place that is dying. This is a place where people come to learn the essentials of how to tell a story accurately and truthfully, how to be ethical and how to be a professional. It is only irrelevant to those people who don’t want to be held accountable. To those who want to have the power to do whatever they want without consulting those involved. Because if we as the public and as the student body do not know what is going to happen to us, to our lives and our degrees, then we

will never be able to stop it. This is a call to our administration to involve openly the people it makes decisions about. From moving Phi Gamma Delta to WIUX apparently without consulting them, to pushing through the Media School merger, to any number of projects to come, it is essential that our University focus on its strengths, on its students and its integrity. I’d rather have one of the most successful “dying” schools in America teaching students hard work, passion and professional skills than a third-rate school fulfilling its own prophecy of irrelevance. — Nathan Kiefer

Re: Defending decency the same and deserves to be considered in the same light. Kissel is right, though, that abortion is not the same as these other atrocities because far more innocent lives have been extinguished by the abortion industry than were extinguished by the Nazis or the Soviets. Turning the signs inward is an illegal, unconstitutional violation of free speech. Neither the government nor a state-supported institution are permitted to engage in content-based censorship of “offensive” speech. The sole purpose of the free-speech protections in the First Amendment is to protect speech on divisive political and cultural issues. Turning the images inward amounts to a cover up to protect the abortion industry and to protect

our team rally, and it lets recruits know IU is the best place in the nation to play basketball. At games we need to keep in mind we are there to cheer for our Hoosiers and not against the opposing team. Winning would mean nothing if it came at the expense of morals, ethics and common sense. Our student section is loud and crazy at games, and we are there to have fun while also showing class. Be loud. Be crazy. But remember that

profanity and ethnic, racial or nationalistic taunts are unacceptable. As IU fans, we have to uphold the spirit and tradition that our basketball program prides itself on. Let’s show the rest of the Big Ten and the nation that IU students are No. 1 in class. Continue to be loud and crazy. It is what makes our student section the best. — Kate Thompson, Student Athletic Board President


“Let the teens tan” burns readers


Sarah Kissel called for a “common-sense approach to defending decency” in response to the Center for BioEthical Reform display at Florida Gulf Coast University. While Kissel may believe that the graphic photographs of aborted babies are indecent, the real indecency is that our legal system allows these innocent lives to be exterminated in the first place. Kissel is both right and wrong to object to the Genocide Awareness Project’s comparisons of abortion to the Holocaust and other crimes against humanity. She is wrong in that the abortion industry has killed more than 55 million unborn babies since 1973 in the United States alone. Whether done as part of some nefarious conspiracy or as 55 million individual choices, the death toll is still

There is no question the Crimson Guard is one of the best student sections in the country. When you receive that coveted GA or behind the basket ticket, you feel it is your duty to help the Hoosiers win. I see it as a privilege to sit in the student section and support my school. As spectators, it is our responsibility to display the sportsmanship that is worthy of our great basketball program. Always cheer for and never boo our team. It helps

supporters of abortion “rights” from inconvenient truths. Kissel may have read about the Genocide Awareness Project’s display at IU in fall 2001. In the 12 years since, local pro-life activists have stood at the corner of Kirkwood and Indiana avenues with signs purchased from the Center for Bioethic Reform. I have seen minds changed, and I have seen people shocked by the images of what really happens in an abortion. I hope the day comes when the graphic images of aborted babies are never seen again, but as long as babies are being ripped limb from limb, those images are needed to expose the truth about the reality of “reproductive choice.” — Scott Tibbs

In the February 13 opinion piece, “Let the teens tan,” Indiana Daily Student columnist Dane McDonald writes that his personal experiences with tanning beds lead him to oppose Indiana Senate Bill 50, which amends current legislation to prohibit individuals 16 years of age or younger from using tanning beds. He reports that tanning beds decreased the severity of his acne, raising his selfconfidence. As an ex-pimply-teenager, I relate. If his column focused on the self-consciousness many teens experience or the legal theory behind Senate Bill 50, which philosophically pits public health against free will, I would not be writing this letter. However, the meaty claim of McDonald’s column, that tanning beds are

“not the cancer beds people make them out to be,” is blatantly inaccurate. There is no place in an opinion column for flippant claims about heavily researched phenomena. Scholarly articles exploring correlations between tanning bed usage and cancer are readily available online through IU’s fantastic library resources. A 0.11-second Google Scholar search for “tanning beds” returns more than 20,000 results, several of which are peer-reviewed scientific journals precisely relevant to McDonald’s claims. For example, the wellcited 2007 review article “The association of use of sunbeds with cutaneous malignant melanoma and other skin cancers: A systematic review” comments on findings from several relevant papers.

The study found that early exposure to tanning beds significantly increased the risk of both melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma, and that no evidence exists that tanning beds benefit users who seek sun protection by building a “base tan.” Other studies comment extensively on McDonald’s claims that tanning beds provided users with vitamin D and relief from minor skin disorders. No study suggests that these benefits outweigh the costs of cancer risks. The “Opinion” header should inspire broad interpretations of intelligent discourse, not entitle columnists to express misinformed ramblings. — Elizabeth Davis, IU graduate


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Two unidentified armed men robbed the Marsh supermarket on North Kinser Pike Monday night. The robbery is still under investigation, and anyone with information is asked to call the police.

» ROBBERIES CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 to be caught on store surveillance cameras, Kellams said. Kellams declined to confirm any connection between the supermarket robbery and an armed robbery at the CVS on South Walnut Street on Sunday. Anyone with information about the supermarket robbery can call 812-339-4477 and ask for Detective Joe Henry. A second robbery was reported Tuesday at a residence. Two residents woke up early Tuesday morning to find an armed man in their living room in the 800 block of West 12th Street. The suspect, a 6-foot white man, was wearing a dark blue bandana over his face demanding money from the residents, Kellams said. A female resident struck the suspect with a hiking stick. The male resident retrieved a small-caliber handgun from his bedroom and fired at the suspect as he fled the house with jewelry. “We believe the suspect was injured during the event,” Kellams said. Police believe the suspect entered through an unlocked door. Multiple casings and bullets were found on the scene that corroborate the

male resident’s account of the armed robbery. Kellams said the extent of the suspect’s injuries is unclear, but by law hospitals are required to report any gunshot wound victims. The police have not received any reports of gunshot victims. “We followed the blood trail outside,” Kellams said. “We do know he fled east from the residence.” Kellams said robberies in the last six months do not represent an overall increase in significant robberies in Bloomington, because many reported robberies are minor. — Dennis Barbosa

about a really serious situation. So if it had to happen, I’m glad it happened the way it did.” He said he didn’t feel this incident would set back IU’s planned renovations to Assembly Hall, scheduled to be finished in 2016. “(It) underscores the value of even more detailed structural review,” he said. The framing, a piece of metal measuring approximately 8 feet long and 14 inches wide, fell at around 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, six and a half hours before IU was scheduled to tip off its Big Ten clash with No. 15 Iowa. An IU Athletics statement released at 4:02 p.m. announced the game had been postponed and that both schools’ athletic departments were working to reschedule as soon as possible. Glass said he and his facilities team made the decision to postpone the game around 3:30 p.m., and he credited the presence of key decision-makers at the renovations meeting for the quick decision. “It was fortunate and lucky, a matter of happenstance, that this group of people were in Assembly Hall, because I think it really made the assessment and the decisionmaking go much quicker than it otherwise would have,” he said. The men’s basketball team was undergoing preparations for the Iowa game when the cancellation was announced. IU Coach Tom Crean said his team was preparing for its final walkthrough when he received a message from Glass.

» PEACE CORPS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 assistance to those who want to continue their community service back at school. SPEA, as well as the School of Education, also offer the Master’s International program, which allows students to earn graduate school credit while volunteering incountry.



Pinafore W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan

enjoyable enough for workers to continue putting forth the time and effort to sell textbooks, Loris said. The bookstore is trying to find other ways to raise money and keep the local store afloat, like the current “in the


Athletic Director Fred Glass speaks about the metal panel that fell from Assembly Hall's ceiling Tuesday, causing a men’s basketball game cancellation.

“I was behind closed doors, we were getting ready for our walkthrough and what we wanted to accomplish there, and I didn’t have my phone with me at first,” Crean said. “When I got my phone, I responded to Fred’s voicemail and text right away and literally dropped what we were doing and got to the gym as quick as possible.” When it was determined that safety concerns would prevent Tuesday’s game from taking place, Glass began looking at other sites. IU trustee and President of Pacers Sports and Entertainment Jim Morris offered the Pacers’ Bankers Life Fieldhouse as an alternative location, but Glass determined the logistical demand of moving the game to Indianapolis on short notice would be too great. “We concluded logistically that’s not anything we could put together on 24 or 48 hours notice,” Glass said.

“Because of the uncertainty of returning to Assembly Hall and the logistical challenges of playing in Bankers Life Fieldhouse, we respectfully declined the Pacers’ offer — but we appreciate it very much.” Big Ten rules dictate in the event of a game’s postponement, the two schools have 72 hours to reach an agreement on its rescheduling. After that period expires, the conference will step in and choose a date. Currently, IU is scheduled to play five games between Feb. 22 and March 8. Its longest gap between games before the end of the season comes between Feb. 25 and March 2, a five-day stretch. Crean, who said he could remember only one other game in his coaching career being postponed, said he will work to keep basketball in perspective but will have his team ready whenever

the decision is made. “The bottom line is you adjust, and that’s what we’ve done,” he said. “Our guys were extremely ready to play in that sense, to be where we needed to be to have that mindset going into the game tonight. I’m disappointed we didn’t get to do that, but that pales in comparison to what any of us would have felt like at 9:30, 10 tonight if something would have happened inside that building, and that’s exactly how I said it to the players after practice. “I mean, you have to keep something like this in absolute perspective while you’re making your adjustments and contingency plans ahead. It’s all part of the resiliency. Just go do what you have to do when it’s time to do it.”

“All of these programs are fantastic academic opportunities and draw in individuals who have or will serve in the Peace Corps,” Fonseca said. Fonseca is planning a recruitment event on campus for 5 p.m. March 26 at the Career Development Center for any student who is interested in hearing from past volunteers.

Smith said he believes the time he spent in Ukraine with the Peace Corps was one of the most valuable things he has ever done and said he still thinks about it every day. Not only did the experience make him more competitive for graduate schools by giving him international experience and skills in language, he said, but it

also helped him personally develop. “Most would say they got much more out of their service than they can ever provide to the people they are serving in their country,” Smith said. “It was a big part of my life and the best thing I could have done after college.”

red” sale. Any book with a red 25 percent off sticker is marked down to 50 percent off until the end of February, Boxcar worker Taylor Dean said. Stone Irr, a junior at IU, said he is a patron of Boxcar and enjoys reading for pleasure. “It’s not just a bookstore,”

Irr said. “It’s definitely a meeting place for the community. It’s an equitable place as well, for students and professors, whoever.” Irr mentioned Boxcar’s work with the Midwest Pages for Prisoners Project, which provides free reading to prisoners in an effort to promote critical thinking in prison.

“It’s definitely a space for focusing on social justice issues that definitely need to be discussed more thoroughly outside of a classroom setting,” Irr said. “But it’s open for anybody to join regardless of whether you’re a student or professor. They do a good job of creating a good, equal sort of space for those who are

Follow reporter Alden Woods on Twitter @acw9292.

I ND I ANA UNI VE RS I TY S CHOOL OF JOU R N A LISM It’s not too late to hear these journalists’ first-hand accounts of their experiences as winners, finalists and decision makers in the Pulitzer Prize process in this special program.



28 8 PM




Kelley Benham, finalist for her series, “Never Let Go” John Branch of The New York Times, who won for “Snow Fall” Tom French, who won for his series, “Angels and Demons” Lane DeGregory, who won for her series, “The Girl in the Window” Sonia Nazario, who won for her series, “Enrique’s Journey”

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to the ALE




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Making roles

memorable IIU Cinema remembers Hoffman



he New York Times called him “the most ambitious and widely admired American actor of his admire generation.” When actor Philip genera Seymour Hoffman died Feb. 2 Seymo from an apparent heroin overof Hollywood dose, members m out in droves to show came o their rremorse and praise the late actor. act Tuesday, IU paid tribute On T to Hoffman in its own way with a 24-hour 24-ho film tribute at the IU Cinema, featuring a collection Cinem of films in which he starred. Jon Vickers, director of the Cinema, said his initial reIU Cin action to the actor’s passing sadness. If the cinema was sa to do something to was going go honor the late actor, Vickers wanted to do something big. With financial backing of the cinema and from friends fr quick planning, Vickers said

the retrospective went from a possibility to a reality. “Many of our patrons are viewing this as an event, dedicating as much time to the cinema as they can,” he said. “Seeing more than one film in a row also allows our audience to see the great range that he had as an actor.” Vickers said while Hoffman’s death is a major loss to the film community, the cinema’s event should serve as more of a celebration of his contributions to film. “I think that this event allows everyone to focus on his performances – whether leading roles or minor characters – and see what a fine actor he was,” he said. “Though thoroughly dedicated to his craft, he made it all seem effortless.” The event started with the 2010 film “Jack Goes Boating,” which Hoffman directed and starred in. Other films shown SEE HOFFMAN, PAGE 7

A HISTORY OF HOFFMAN IN THE MOVIES Academy Award winner Philip Seymour Hoffman died on Feb. Aca 2 in his New York City apartment. To honor the late actor, IU Cinema is playing host to a 24-hour film marathon, which began at 4 p.m. Tuesday. The following 12 Hoffman films, in order of showTu times, are part of the tribute. For showtimes, visit the IU Cinema website, websit


2010 - “JACK GOES BOATING” Hoffman starred in the title role of the 2010 romantic comedy, which he also directed. The film was based on a play of the same name by Robert Glaudini and starred John Ortiz, Amy Ryan and Daphne Rubin-Vega. 2007 - “THE SAVAGES” Hoffman played a man who teamed up with his estranged sister, played by Laura Linney, to take care of his elderly father in the drama from writer and director Tamara Jenkins. 2012 - ”THE MASTER” Hoffman earned his final Oscar nomination for his role as religious leader Lancaster Dodd in the Paul Thomas Anderson drama opposite Joaquin Phoenix. Many critics named the film the best of 2012. 2006 - ”MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III” As arms dealer Owen Davian, Hoffman appeared opposite Tom Cruise’s Ethan Hunt in the third installment of the “Mission: Impossible” series, directed by J.J. Abrams. 2000 - ”ALMOST FAMOUS” Hoffman portrayed rock music journalist Lester Bangs in director Cameron Crowe’s semi-autobiographical film. Following Hoffman’s death, Crowe said of the actor, “He was a forceful presence with a big heart.” 2012 - ”A LATE QUARTET” Hoffman played violinist Robert Gelbart in Yaron Zilberman’s drama about a string quartet. “I really got into the violin thing because it’s not acting, and I got off on that,” Hoffman said of the role.


Philip Seymour Hoffman played Lancaster Dodd, a leader of a religious movement known as “The Cause,” in film “The Master.” He earned an Oscar nomination for his performance.


2008 - ”DOUBT” Hoffman appeared opposite Meryl Streep, Amy Adams and Viola Davis in the film adaptation of John Patrick Shanley’s Pulitzer Prize-winning 2004 stage play, “Doubt: A Parable.” He earned a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nomination for his portrayal of Father Brendan Flynn. 2008 - ”SYNECDOCHE, NEW YORK” Hoffman played theater director Caden Cotard in screenwriter Charlie Kaufman’s directorial debut. The drama premiered at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival, where it was nominated for the Palme d’Or, the festival’s highest prize. In December 2009, Roger Ebert said, “‘Synecdoche, New York’ is the best film of the decade.” 1999 - ”MAGNOLIA” Hoffman again worked with Paul Thomas Anderson when he played Phil Parma, a nurse for a cancer-stricken man, in the 1999 drama. “I really feel ... that ‘Magnolia’ is, for better or worse, the best movie I’ll ever make,” Anderson said. 1997 - ”BOOGIE NIGHTS” Hoffman played boom operator Scotty J. in the Paul Thomas Anderson-directed drama about the Golden Age of pornography in the 1970s and ’80s. 2005 - ”CAPOTE” Hoffman gained worldwide fame for his critically-acclaimed role as author Truman Capote in the 2005 biographical film directed by Bennett Miller. The performance earned Hoffman an Academy Award for Best Actor.


Playing author Truman Capote in biographical film “Capote,” Philip Seymour Hoffman’s work in the 2005 film earned him an Academy Award.

2003 - ”OWNING MAHOWNY” Hoffman played a Toronto bank employee with a gambling addiction in the Richard Kwietniowski-directed movie, which was named one of the ten best films of 2003 by film critic Roger Ebert. — Rachel Osman


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Fashion model Kate Moss draws a mustache on photographer Mario Testino.


Taschen to publish fashion photog Testino’s works on Kate Moss One of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do is walk away from a hefty stack of coffee table books I had accumulated during my summer abroad in London. I left them in hope they would find love with the next flat tenant. There is a particular aesthetic about coffee table books, and it’s a shame they don’t easily fit in suitcases. I appreciate them, and not just because they distract my guy friend from how long I’m taking in the dressing room at Urban Outfitters. It’s because they are fashioned for the content. Whether it’s an oversized book with Modigliani’s portraits or a book that takes the shape of whatever it’s about, they’re an art form of their own. So, when I found out my favorite art publisher, Taschen, was going to publish a book over the famous fashion duo Kate Moss and Mario Testino, it made perfect sense. The fashion photographer has selected Taschen for previous books such as his “Let Me In,” “Private View” and other books that highlight his work with some of pop culture’s favorites, from Gwyneth Paltrow to Brad Pitt to the British royal family to a list that continues for days. Testino is an established man on the inside. He has shot for clients like Burberry, Versace and Michael Kors. He even played cover man himself for a 2011 cover of British GQ, which tagged him as famous as the stars he shoots, placing him on their Men of the Year list. And little by little, Testino has let us outsiders into a world of glamour and even illicit fashion through his work. However, looking at his Kate Moss release coming in March, I think we’re going to reach a whole new level of in-

» HOFFMAN CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 Tuesday included “The Savages,” “The Master” and “Mission: Impossible III.” Bloomington resident Maggie Rossman came out early to see “Jack Goes Boating” for the first time. “It’s a double whammy,” Rossman said. “To get to see

KEL COLLISI is a senior majoring in journalism.

timacy in the most genuine of ways. Moss has become a household name. As iconic top girl for designers like Calvin Klein, Chanel and more, Moss has branded herself as one of the industry’s most prestigious models. With this reputation and additional titles like one of Time’s 100 Most Influential People in 2007, she has crossed to a respected, untouchable status. However, she wasn’t always so. Testino says he first met Moss early in her career before the covers and titles. Testino fell for not only her beauty, but her humor and her spirit right away, according to the book’s Taschen profile page. The 232-page book shows more than 100 images that catch not only her iconic shots but the backstage, private shots that exemplify the personality that sparked a lifelong friendship between Testino and Moss. With never-released images, the limited edition version has already sold out at $2,000 a pop. However, the new edition will be available to you for a modest $39.99 come March. Every fashionista needs a little inspiration — let it be what Testino saw in Moss, claiming her his greatest muse. Plus, the cover is a shaded white and contrasts perfectly with any classic wooden coffee table. So buy up, and of course thank me if it becomes your muse, too. — Follow columnist Kel Collisi on Twitter @KelCollisi. him act and what the film’s like that he directed.” Rossman said she came to the tribute to commemorate Hoffman and be a part of the celebration of his life. She said she only wished she could camp out at the cinema to see all of Hoffman’s films. Junior Michael Goldenberg said he was a big Philip Seymour Hoffman fan and



TOP Serena Kunzler performs as the evangelist during the University Chorale Conductors Orchestra performance in Auer Hall on Tuesday evening. BOTTOM Gonçalo Lourenço conducts the University Chorale Conductors Orchestra performance in Auer Hall on Tuesday evening. The performance featured harpist, Yi Yun Loei.

Ying Yang Twins play at Dunnkirk FROM IDS REPORTS

Rap duo the Ying Yang Twins played at Kilroy’s Dunnkirk bar last night. Members Eric Jackson and De’Angelo, also known as Kaine and D-Roc, rose to mainstream popularity in 2003 after collaborating with rapper Lil Jon on his hit “Get Low.” In 2004 they produced party singles such as “Badd” was saddened by Hoffman’s death. Goldenberg said he took the IU Cinema event as an opportunity to see some of the actor’s less prominent work. “Not only was he great at portraying complex, layered characters, but he contributed to the scene just by being there or being in the moment,” he said.

and “Shake.” Their song “Halftime” is said to be the unofficial anthem of the New Orleans Saints. According to Dunnkirk’s website, the Ying Yang Twin’s influences include Mike Jones, OutKast and Three 6 Mafia. In 2012, the group released “Fist Pump, Jump Jump,” their new single off their untitled album. One of Hoffman’s most notable films, screening at 2:15 p.m. today, is “Capote.” Hoffman played the highly acclaimed and controversial author Truman Capote. In 2006 Hoffman won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance. Reid Ralston, a sophomore at IU, said seeing Hoffman as Capote sold him on the actor’s

Before the show, Dunnkirk bartender Mike Crump said he was excited for the night. “I think it’s going to be crazy,” he said. He said he remembers listening to the Ying Yang Twins years ago, when their song “Whistle While You Twurk” was popular. “Its just good to hear music that was popular back in the day,” he said.

He said when the Twins came to the bar last summer, the show was sold out. He said it was a great show then, and he expected them to deliver again. He predicts acts with larger names like the Ying Yang Twins will increase in number as the weather gets warmer. “They’ve showed us a list of possibilities and they look pretty good,” Crump said.

brilliance and talent. “It’s so spot on, his portrayal,” Ralston said. “It’s one of those performances where you just feel the character.” The 12-film tribute concludes today with the screening of “Owning Mahowny.” While Rossman said it’s a joy to experience Hoffman’s memorable roles all over again, the humanity and

familiarity he brought to his characters will be missed. “He’s made almost every role memorable,” she said. “He’s left us with a lot of work, but there was a lot of work to give.” Follow reporter Carolyn Crowcroft on Twitter @carol_crowcroft.


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U.S., Canada clash for gold medal Thursday The U.S. Olympic Women’s Ice Hockey Team won a spot in the 2014 gold-medal final Thursday against North American rival Canada after defeating Sweden 6-1 on Monday. The finals matchup will be a rematch of a

preliminary match that saw the Canadians beat the U.S. 3-2. The U.S. and Canada have combined to win every gold medal since 1998 when women’s hockey became an Olympic Sport.


Falling Assembly Hall beam triggers timeline of events


Then-junior guard Andrea Newbauer tries to shoot over a Michigan defender on Jan. 23, 2013, at Assembly Hall.

Women’s basketball plays Michigan tonight

I have taken only one nap all semester. And, you guessed it, my slumber occurred right as the news broke about Assembly Hall. When I finally woke up, I discovered one of the biggest breaking news stories of the year for IU basketball had occurred. A 50-pound piece of a metal plate fell from the ceiling of Assembly Hall. The falling plate postponed the men’s basketball game against No. 15 Iowa, which was supposed to happen on ESPN Super Tuesday at 9 p.m. As of Tuesday night, a makeup time has not been announced. It’s fortunate that the event transpired when nobody was in Assembly Hall. A video shown on ESPN spread throughout social media. It shows the piece of metal, which looks terrifyingly big, traveling 100 feet down into the lower bowl of Assembly Hall. The plate would certainly have done some damage. An event like this doesn’t happen every day, obviously. Today, thanks to social media, word quickly spread that the sky was falling for IU basketball. The use of Twitter got me thinking. How would this have been covered differently if this happened in the past without Twitter? So I went back on my timeline and did some research as to who got the story first, and from then on, how fast it spread. Spoiler alert — the story

spread really, really fast. Below is a chronological account of what happened yesterday. The beam fell from the ceiling at 2:30 p.m., Athletic Director Fred Glass said. He said he was in the midst of a meeting to discuss the new renovations to Assembly Hall. Glass was pulled out of the meeting and told something had happened in the lower bowl of Assembly Hall. At 2:50 p.m., Glass and other IU officials arrived at the scene about 20 minutes after he was pulled out of the renovations meeting, he said. Glass and other University officials made the decision to postpone the game at about this 3:30 p.m., Glass said. The game against the Iowa Hawkeyes, originally scheduled for 9 p.m. on ESPN, would not happen. Once Glass made the decision, he told Iowa Coach Fran McCaffery, representatives at the Big Ten Network and the athletic director at Michigan. The athletic director at Michigan was notified because an IU women’s basketball game was scheduled for 7 p.m. Wednesday. The women’s game, Glass said, will take place as scheduled. Glass consulted with chief University engineer Jeff Kaden, who said the stadium would be able to play host to the women’s game. “My understanding is

EVAN HOOPFER is a junior majoring in journalism.

Michigan is on their way to Bloomington,” Glass said. Announcer Dan Dakich, who was calling the game for ESPN, sent a tweet at 3:36 p.m. that said, “Metal piece fell inside Assembly Hall in Bloomington damaging seats. Being assessed as we speak ... will let you know on status of tonight’s game.” This was the first acknowledgement on Twitter that something had happened at Assembly Hall. As of Tuesday night, this tweet had 229 retweets. The IU men’s basketball beat reporter for the Indianapolis Star, Zach Osterman, tweeted out the following at 3:54 p.m., “BREAKING: Indiana announces that tonight’s game against Iowa is postponed. More coming. #iubb” This was the earliest announcement I found on Twitter from a member of the media acknowledging that the game had been postponed. Osterman’s tweet, as of Tuesday night, had 237 retweets. Jordan Littman, a reporter for Inside the Hall, saw Dakich’s tweet and said he went to Assembly Hall at 4:02 p.m. to find out what had happened. He SEE HOOPFER, PAGE 12


Despite a large piece of metal falling from the Assembly Hall ceiling and damaging seats at Assembly Hall on Thursday afternoon, IU women’s basketball opens its final home stand tonight against Michigan at 7 p.m. with postseason implications on the line. The Hoosiers (17-8, 4-8) have dropped their last two consecutive games, giving up second-half leads to both Penn State and Nebraska. Defeating either team could have gone a long way toward securing a postseason tournament bid. IU looks to hold serve tonight against a Michigan program the Hoosiers lost to three times last season by an average of 20.6 points per game. IU Coach Curt Miller stressed the importance of earning another win at home to inch closer to securing an invitation to a postseason tournament. “I’m not convinced that we’re not one win away from a postseason bid, maybe to a WNIT or WBI,” Miller said. “So this home stand is very important.” Michigan (16-10,7-6) travels to Bloomington having defeated Illinois 70-63 on Sunday. Junior forward Cyesha Goree was named Big Ten Player of the Week after scoring 30 points off 12-of15 shooting and grabbing a season-high 19 rebounds


Then-freshman guard Nicole Bell looks to pass the ball down the court in a game against Penn State on Feb. 7, 2013, at Assembly Hall.

against the Illini. IU has struggled in limiting opponents’ star players this season. Penn State’s Maggie Lucas and Nebraska’s Jordan Hooper combined to score 63 points during the Hoosiers’ last two games. Both games resulted in a loss. The Hoosiers need to limit Goree’s efficiency from the floor if they want to slow Michigan’s offense down and avoid suffering a similar situation to when Hooper led a comeback against IU on Sunday, Miller said. “You can absorb 32 points from a star player if you make them come over a lot of shots,” Miller said. “But (Hooper) was really efficient that night, and she really hurt us.” Miller said tonight’s matchup against the Wolverines will see both teams in contrasting styles of play.

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL (17-8, 4-8) vs. Michigan (16-10,7-6) 7 p.m. Feb. 19, Assembly Hall

Senior starting pitcher Joey DeNato won co-Big Ten Pitcher of the week after his outing during the weekend against Texas Tech. The lefty shares the award with Ohio State’s Ryan Riga. It is the third time DeNato has won the award. DeNato gave up only three hits and one walk to go along with three strikeouts throughout six shut innings, picking up the win in the Hoosiers 1-0 victory against

the Red Raiders during their first game of the season. He needed just 66 pitches and faced the minimum number of batters in five of the six innings on Friday. The win was his 25th, the third-best in IU baseball history. Last season, DeNato went 10-2 with a 2.52 ERA, leading the team in wins en route to the College World Series, where he threw a complete game against Louisville. His 10 wins and 87 strikeouts were both the

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“I’m not convinced that we’re not one win away from a postseason bid, maybe to a WNIT or WBI. So this home stand is very important.”

Book online and save money!

Curt Miller, IU Coach

Michigan outrebounds opponents by 8.3 per game, the best in the Big Ten. The Wolverines have found success this season by scoring on second-chance points off rebounding in the painted area. IU, on the other hand, SEE HOOSIERS, PAGE 12

DeNato named Big Ten pitcher of the week FROM IDS REPORTS


best in the Big Ten. He also was named second-team all Big Ten. He first won the award in 2011 during his freshman season and won the award for a second time in 2012 during his sophomore campaign. The No. 10 Hoosiers (13) will take on Washington, Utah and No. 2 Oregon State in Arizona this weekend in the Big Ten Pac 12 challenge. — Andrew Vailliencourt

Indianapolis Airport




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Misc. for Sale Buying/selling portable window A/C and dorm refridgerators. Any size. Cash paid. 812-320-1789


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4 BR houses, 2 full baths, close to campus. Available now. 812-323-8243

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Swim and dive begin Big Ten Championships BY GRACE PALMIERI

The No. 11 women’s swimming and diving team begins postseason competition today at the Big Ten Championships in Minneapolis. The team defeated its final six opponents of the regular season, helping them climb the CSCAA rankings. They now enter the championship as the highest-ranked team at the meet, just ahead of No. 13 Minnesota. The Golden Gophers are the two-time defending champions. IU Coach Ray Looze said they remain IU’s toughest competition this year because they have few weaknesses. “Being at home is certainly an advantage,” Looze said. “They don’t have travel or anything to deal with. We’re going to have to go into the lion’s den and have the broken bottle in one hand and the rusty chain in the other.” At 8-3, the Hoosiers’ only losses have come to No. 6 Texas, No. 12 Tennessee and No. 15 Auburn. Throughout the four days of competition, the Hoosiers will face six of the top 25 teams. The women have won the Big Ten title three of the past five years, most recently during the 2011 season. Twenty-two swimmers will travel to this year’s meet, six of which are seniors. Senior Stephanie Armstrong said the team support sets this year apart from the others.



Junior Dorina Szekeres dives of the block during the 100-yard breaststroke during the meet against University of Kentucky and University of Tennessee on Nov. 1, 2013, at the Counsilman-Billingsley Aquatic Center. Szekerers finished with a time of 1 minutes 6.53 seconds.

“We have the men right on our back,” she said. “They support us so much. They just made us the most endearing video to get us excited, which has never happened before. To have that kind of support is unbelievable.” Junior Madelon Webb said although they try to stay loose for every meet, it’s nothing compared to Big Tens. “Usually we go kind of crazy,” she said. “We’ll bring

Horoscope Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today is a 9 — Be respectful and don’t hold a grudge or you’ll be hurting yourself. It’s okay not to make changes, but prepare for speed. Caring for others is motivating. Don’t gamble or waste your money. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is a 9 — Something that worked before doesn’t work now. Take it slow. Get set to change romantic direction. Avoid provoking jealousy. Simplify matters. Fall back and re-assess your position. Wait to see what develops. Prioritize health.

Hoosiers finish 9th at Central District

tutus, we’ll dress up and paint our faces. We do better when we have fun like that. We like to be relaxed, and that’s, I think, when we swim fastest.” While training remains the same for every regular season meet, the team begins tapering for championship season, Looze said. This includes dropping volume, intensity or speed intervals. Sophomore Brooklynn Snodgrass and seniors

To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Gemini (May 21-June 20) — Today is a 9 — It’s not a good idea to spend now. Figure out your next move. Begin a new money-making venture. Track sales closely. Support a loved one emotionally, rather than financially. Don’t believe everything you hear.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 9 — A roadblock slows the action. A female helps you find harmony about it. Think it over. A conflict of interests needs to get worked out. Rest up for it. Advance quickly after that. Consider all options.

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22) — Today is an 8 — Set long-range goals. Work in private. A female gives the green light on a project. Don’t get cocky or make expensive promises. Map pitfalls. Do extra credit problems. Leave the past in the past.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is a 9 — The work pace picks up; postpone travel. It’s difficult to reach an agreement and could get intense. Don’t get stopped by past failures. List obvious problem areas. Discuss priorities and re-




Lindsay Vrooman, Bronwyn Pasloski and Brenna MacLean have already achieved qualifying times for the NCAA Championships. Looze said they have not been resting for this meet. “If you want to be at your very best for NCAAs, then you don’t want to taper too many times because every time you taper it’s a little less effective,” he said. “You can enter the land of diminishing returns.”

WOMEN’S SWIMMING AND DIVING (8-3) Big Ten Championships 7:30 p.m. Feb. 19, Minneapolis

sponsibilities. Handle the onrush, and invoice later.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is a 9 — Give kind words, not expensive treats. Begin a new work project. An important document arrives. New evidence threatens complacency. Take action for home or family. Don’t give in to a friend’s complaints. It works out.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 9 — Listen to your partner’s ideas carefully. Hold back your criticism and avoid conflict. Resist impulse. Keep costs down. Postpone a financial discussion. Use your own good judgment on how to proceed. Provide leadership. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is an 8 — Curtail your enthusiasm and avoid a hidden danger. It’s not a good time to travel or start new projects. Make sure you know what’s required before committing. Consult a respected elder. Rest and recharge.


Vrooman, who was named to the 2013-14 USA Swimming National Team, is the top-seeded swimmer in the 500-yard freestyle and the 1,650-yard freestyle for the meet. She is the current

IU women’s golf finished ninth at the 13-team Central District Invitational at Lakewood Ranch Golf Club after posting a final round score of 300 Tuesday. The Hoosiers finished with a three-round total of 884 (288-296-300), 40 strokes behind the tournament winner, Vanderbilt, which shot 844. Big Ten foe Michigan State finished in third place, shooting 849. Freshman Ana Sanjuan shot 219 during the three days to finish in a tie for 25th to pace the Hoosiers. Sophomore Marissa DeCola struggled in her final round, shooting a five over 77 to finish the tournament with a score of 221. Her score put her in a tie for 31st place. Sophomore Maria Mancini rebounded after shooting a 78 on the second day by scoring the low round of the day Tuesday with a 72. Mancini had a doublebogey on the first hole, but quickly regrouped to play the final 17 holes at two under par. Her final three-day score of 223 put her in a tie for 38th overall. The Hoosiers are back in action Sunday at the Westbrook Invitational in Peoria, Ariz. — Sam Beishuizen


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is a 9 — Keep track of spending, as it could provoke controversy or a domestic disagreement. Organize your infrastructure. Prepare the marketing materials. Handle overdue tasks, and clean house. Manage your work well and an authority approves. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) —

Today is a 9 — Make plans and establish rules. An agreement could be elusive, with a communications breakdown. A great idea on paper doesn’t work in practice. Don’t gossip about work. Let your partner do the talking. Listen for the gold. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is a 9 — Talk over a possible purchase with someone you love. Don’t put your money down yet. You can get farther faster now. Dish out the assignments, and get into the game. Small, disciplined steps can have big impact.

© 2013 By Nancy Black Distributed by Tribune Media Services, INC. All rights reserved

L.A. Times Daily Crossword 13 Century units 18 “Very funny” TV station 22 Good start? 41 Provide with new weaponry 42 __ egg 48 “The Dick Van Dyke Show” surname 49 Figure of high interest? 50 Man with a van, perhaps 51 Emulate Cicero 52 “Ace of __”: 2000s Food Network bakery show 53 Marriott rival 54 Like leaf blowers 55 RN workplaces 59 Military assignment 60 Certain chorister 61 Family group 63 West Bank gp. 65 Debatable “gift”


Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

su do ku


Difficulty Rating: How to play: Fill in the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9, without repeating a number in any one row, column or 3x3 grid.

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© Puzzles by Pappocom


1 Appliance connector, briefly 7 Cairo cobra 10 Selling site with a division 14 Point in the right direction 15 Bather’s facility 16 No longer green, perhaps 17 Confederate slogan symbolizing financial independence 19 Asia Minor honorific 20 Swipe 21 Thin soup 23 Plywood wood 24 Romaine lettuce dishes 27 Literary alter ego 30 Slowing, to the orch. 31 Great Lakes’ __ Canals 32 Speak harshly 36 Co-founding SkyTeam airline 39 “Happy Feet” critters 43 Small thicket 44 Sans serif, e.g. 45 Razor-billed diver 46 “Isn’t __ shame?” 47 Sudden jets 50 Study guides for

literature students 56 Cousin of edu 57 Municipal ribbon cutter, often 58 Rapper __ Shakur 62 Femme fatale 64 Sandwich choice 66 List catchall 67 Sci-fi staples 68 Rest of the afternoon 69 Modernize 70 Messy digs 71 How coal may be priced

DOWN 1 Launchpad thumbs-ups 2 Review, briefly 3 Long (for) 4 Inheritance 5 Naked 6 Potent ’60s-’70s Pontiac 7 Stars in Kansas’ motto 8 Animal trail 9 Khakis, e.g. 10 Timeline chapter 11 Deceitful sort, on the playground 12 Sap sucker

Look for the crossword daily in the comics section of the Indiana Daily Student. Find the solution for the daily crossword here.

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I N D I A N A D A I LY S T U D E N T | W E D N E S D AY, F E B . 1 9 , 2 0 1 4 | I D S N E W S . C O M



Senior Tabitha Gerardot drives towards the basket during the game against Northwestern on Jan. 30 at Assembly Hall. Gerardot is averaging 9.1 points and 5.8 rebounds per game for the Hoosiers this season.

» HOOSIERS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 has scored most of its points from beyond the arc. The Hoosiers still lead the Big Ten in 3-pointers made per game and will likely get plenty of opportunities to let the ball fly from long range against Michigan’s preferred 2-3 zone defense. The Wolverines zone has resulted in one of the better perimeter defenses in the conference this season. They have allowed opponents to shoot 32.3 percent from beyond the 3-point arc, sixth among Big Ten teams. The Hoosiers’ 3-point

» SWIM CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 Big Ten meet record holder in both of those events. Other individual top seeds include Pasloski in the 100-yard breaststroke, Snodgrass in the 100-yard and 200-yard backstroke and MacLean in the 200yard butterfly. IU enters as the top seed in the 200-yard medley relay, 400-yard medley relay and 400-yard freestyle relay. Looze said he looks for-

shooting has been inconsistent during their last two games. IU went cold during the second half against Penn State, allowing the Nittany Lions to go on a 17-6 run. Miller said not allowing the opposition to go on a large-scoring run is key to IU being able to stay in games late. “We stayed away from that big run against us for a long time in that game, but it came late, and we were unable to get ourselves back in it,” Miller said. “We just want to stay away from that big run.” IU plays Illinois at home on Saturday before traveling next week to play

Minnesota and Michigan State before the Big Ten Tournament begins March 6 in Indianapolis. Miller said a win at home tonight against Michigan could be huge in giving the Hoosiers confidence and momentum heading into the postseason. “Any win is a big win right now for us,” Miller said. “If you would have tried to tell me that we were a win away or two wins away from postseason in year two — we’re ahead of schedule and I’m excited.”

ward to seeing how months of training and preparation will pay off. “We worked hard and we prepared to a very high level, better than we feel our competitors did,” he said. “So not only do we have that confidence, but now we can just have a good time and let our hard work stand on its own.” The Hoosiers have 12 top three seeds going into its biggest meet of the year. Looze said the Hoosiers are both physically and

mentally prepared for the meet, and they must be good across the board to continue the tradition of success at the Big Ten Championships. “We have a really good history of sticking these meets,” he said. “We’ve got a great plan — the girls are confident in it. They know the histories. We’re confident that we’ve prepared, and we’re ready to go.”

Follow reporter Sam Beishuizen on Twitter @Sam_Beishuizen.

wanted to see. Littman, a former reporter for the IDS, was in his apartment in Smallwood when he asked his roommate to drive him to Assembly Hall. He had to be dropped off because he wasn’t allowed to park, because the IU-Iowa game was supposed to happen later that night. Littman got to Assembly, and walked in without obstruction. The first door he went to by the bleachers was locked. Littman then went around to the press area by the north area of building. “I literally just walked in, and, sure enough, I was right in front of the damage,” he said. Littman snapped a picture, which showed damage to five seats. He said in the tweet, “PHOTO: A view of the damaged seats at Assembly Hall. Can confirm game is postponed. #iubb” He tweeted it out at 4:02 p.m. As of Tuesday night, the tweet has 217 retweets. The picture was one of a kind, as no other media outlet was able to gain more access. Neither Littman nor I saw any other photos like it on Twitter. Littman’s picture ran in the Indianapolis Star’s story about the situation, along with several other media outlets.

At the same time as Littman’s tweet went out at 4:02 p.m., a press release from IU’s men’s basketball public relations department was sent out. In the press release, it said the game against Iowa was being postponed. The subject line read, “TONIGHT’S IOWA VS. INDIANA MEN’S BAKSETBALL GAME POSTPONED.” A tweet from the official IU Athletics account, @OurIndiana, said at 4:05 p.m., “Tonight’s @IndianaMBB game vs. Iowa has been postponed. Stay tuned for more information. #iubb” This was the first public announcement the University had made about the postponement after the game I could find. From this point on, it was a frenzy. Everybody with a twitter account had access to the information from either the IU account or the accounts of the media members covering the event. Chris Hassel, an anchor of ESPN’s Sportscenter, sent out a vine video on Twitter at 4:35 p.m. The video was footage from Assembly Hall, and showed the beam falling from the ceiling and landing right on a chair, basically obliterating it. The text of the tweet said, “Video of falling metal beam at Assembly Hall from SC.” As of Tuesday night, the tweet had 602 retweets and was still rising.

A look back on the event is fascinating, especially taking into account the role Twitter played into it. If this had happened 10, or even five years ago, the news wouldn’t have spread as fast. Twitter has revolutionized journalism and the way people consume media. Once a story is out there, it takes off like a rocket for the whole Twittersphere to read. Yesterday was a prime example of how quickly a story can spread with the use of Twitter. It also takes away the importance of being first. Back in the day, journalists’ entire careers were made because they broke stories. Now, once you tweet something out other people know instantaneously. It is an immediate impact. Everybody can see it, and everybody knows it. So while there is always a first with stories, the gap between first and second has dropped considerable. Nowadays, the gap is literally seconds between the first person breaking a story and the second person. Who is to thank? Twitter. And a prime example of why I should never take a nap again. — Follow columnist Evan Hoopfer on Twitter @EvanHoopfer.

FILE PHOTO Follow reporter Senior Gia Dalesandro competes in the 200-yard butterfly during the meet against University ofIDS Kentucky Grace Palmieri on Twitter and University of Tennessee on Nov. 1, 2013, at the Counsilman-Billingsley Aquatic Center. She finished with @grace_palmieri. a time of 2 minutes 0.59 seconds.

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