1 minute read
A guide to Bloomington buses
By Lexi Lindenmayer
lindena@iu.edu | @lexilindenmayer
IU Campus Bus Service
IU Campus Bus Service is open to all students, faculty, staff and visitors of the IU-Bloomington campus. No IDs, passes or fares are required to ride.
To see full routes and schedules, visit the Campus Bus Service website or download the BusGenius app. B E F W X
The B Route picks up students from the central campus and North Eagleson Avenue.
The E Route serves northeast, central and southeast neighborhoods, as well as the central part campus.
The F Route takes students from the northwest neighborhood to the central part of campus.
The W Route will take students from the stadium to Indiana Memorial Union and the IU Auditorium.
The X Route takes students from the stadium to Luddy Hall, the Psychology Building and the Kelley School of Business