House votes to strip public funding from Kinsey Institute
By Gentry Keener | @gentry_keener
The Indiana House voted Wednesday to prohibit the state from funding the Kinsey Institute, a research institute at IU aimed at promoting a greater understanding of human sexuality and relationships.
Rep. Lorissa Sweet, RDistrict 50, proposed the amendment to House Bill 1001, the state budget bill, which will prohibit state funding from going to the institute. The amendment was presented after raising concern about the Kinsey Institute’s namesake. The amendment was passed with a 53-34 vote.
At the House Chamber meeting, Sweet claimed the Kinsey Institute has a history of child sex studies, much of which she said have been referred to as crimes against children.
"We as the governing body need to put limits on the access to tax dollars we allow Indiana University to garner by denying such funds to be directed towards Kinsey Institute,” Sweet said at the House Chamber meeting.
Sweet said by limiting the funding to Kinsey Institute, they can be assured they are not “funding research committed by crimes.”
Rep. Matt Pierce, DDistrict 61, took to the stand to oppose the amendment. He said these accusations were widely debunked. “This amendment is based on old, unproven allegations of conspiracies that did not exist,” Pierce said. “There are no sexual predators and there never have been at the Kinsey Institute.”
Osmaniye, Turkey
It was exactly 4:17 a.m. and 19-year-old Ezgi Kübra was sleeping in her room. Urgent voices from the living room woke her up. As she got up, she noticed the ground shaking beneath her. She was somewhat used to earthquakes hitting, she said. Ezgi knows they’re not uncommon in Turkey.
Formerly an exchange student at Bloomington High School North, Ezgi has been back at home for nearly 10 months after a year away from her family. The comfort she felt was interrupted by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that night in Osmaniye.
“I felt the hit,” Ezgi said. “It was horrible.”
That early morning, she ran into the living room to reach her family, even though she was at risk of being hit by falling objects.
Ezgi and her 15-year-old sister were in their father’s arms and her 7-year-old sister with her mom. She said she could feel her mom’s fear — even as she tried her best to hide it for her children’s sake. All five of them hid behind their couches, hands covering their heads. They waited 65 seconds for the trembling to stop.
“I thought we were going to die,” Ezgi said. “It was too much time. ‘We’re going to die. We’re going to die.’”
They said they could hear the walls cracking all around them. The TV fell over, shattering on the floor. The dishes on the rack splintered into a million pieces.
After the shaking stopped, the family and their neighbors went into the garden outside their home to assess the damage. It was dark, and rain was pouring down. Ezgi remembers her 7-year-old sister could not stop shaking. The 15-year-old wanted to call their grandparents to see if they were alright, but Ezgi was too scared to make the call herself.
Ezgi’s sisters learned later their grandparents made it through the earthquake alright.
Later, the family became concerned for their neighbors that had not fled their homes. They made their way to the doorstep of an elderly couple. They waited
Dam, whatever happened to the beaver?
'Nothing was enough.' Former Bloomington exchange student grapples with fallout from Turkey’s earthquake
By Isabella Vesperini
room where they will continue studying. They will continue to live in this temporary apartment until it is safe to return home. She said her family was able to return to their apartment twice to collect necessities such as clothes, books and food.
She said her dad wants to wait until a professional can come to check their house because he does not trust the government officials that originally came. She said her dad does not think the government is taking the situation very seriously. It will probably take four or five months to get their apartment fixed.
“I’m so upset about it— they couldn’t manage all the things that happened,” Ezgi said. “They were not enough. Nothing was enough. It was so bad.”
After a few days, the army came and started to search through the rubble for survivors. There was also international help from the United Nations, which is appealing $1 billion to aid Turkey. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has filed two emergency appeals, sending health teams and initiating fundraisers to help Turkey and Syria.
Ezgi said she has struggled with her mental health since the earthquake. One of her schoolmates was killed and an acquaintance she knows from her dad is coping with their entire family being killed. She limits the time she watches the news to combat her negative thoughts.
“I don’t know what to think about it because I didn’t really have time to manage my feelings," Ezgi said. “I'm not sorry about my physical health or my house because it’s fixable... There are still people out there and when I think about them, I think ‘How can I drink this water if they don’t have water?’”
10 seconds after knocking on the door.
They had slept through the entire thing.
Ezgi’s garage was cracked and in pieces, leaving the car useless. Instead, one of her neighbors offered to drive them wherever they needed. They first stopped at their grandparents’ house to pick them
up, and then they all went to their aunt’s house, where they are all currently living. One singular apartment houses her uncles, aunts, grandparents, sisters and parents. Her uncle sleeps in his car with one of his friends. Everyone else sleeps in the main room where the heating is located. Only her grandfather
sleeps in the bedroom with no heating. “He doesn’t care about the cold,” Ezgi said. “He’s just sleeping there.”
As a high school physics teacher, her mom is left to do her job from home with school buildings closed. Since exams were not canceled in Turkey, Ezgi and her younger sister have a
She said some of her international friends she made last year as an exchange student at Bloomington High School North did not reach out to see how she was.
“If they knew and didn’t text me...It just breaks my heart,” Ezgi said.
Open mic event honors Black History Month
By Charlotte Herz
Girls Rock Bloomington and the FAR Center for Contemporary Arts held a Black History Month open mic night at 6 p.m. on Saturday.
“The goal is to reduce barriers for people who want to make music,” Amy Oelsner, the founder and director of GRB, said. She shared that GRB has been putting on open mics for about a year, though this was only their second in-person one.
The non-profit organization arranges a music camp each summer, as well as a variety of other workshops and programs, especially for girls, transgender and non-binary kids who are 8-14 years old. While all of the night’s performers were adults, several children sat in the audience,
cheering for the performers and dancing to the music.
The theme of the night was “Black Resistance,” one chosen by the Association for the Study of African American Life and History for Black History Month. Several of the performers — many local Black poets and musicians — discussed this theme by recounting the injustice they had faced and their ongoing struggles being Black in America.
“As an African American Christian, there’s a lot I have to deal with in order to feel comfortable doing things that go against what others expect,” singer Alese Allen said.
She sang one of her singles, “Emotions,” as well as a preview of an upcoming single.
Bloomington's 7 Day Forecast Thursday, March 2, 2023
Indiana Daily Student |
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday SOURCE: ETHAN STEWARD | ETBSTEWA@IU.EDU GRAPHICS BY: THE WEATHER CHANNEL March 2 March 3 March 4 March 5 March 6 March 7 March 8 56° 42° 55° 35° 50° 31° 57° 40° 66° 46° 56° 33° 46° 32° P: 0% P: 90% P: 0% P: 0% P: 20% P: 10% P: 0%
COURTESY PHOTO Ezgi Kubra's apartment suffered damage after the earthquake. Now uninhabitable, she and the majority of her family
have moved in with her aunt until their home is repaired.
Jae Gasana addresses the crowd after handing performers flowers for the GRB Open Mic Night on Feb. 25, 2023, at the FAR Center of Contemporary Art. Girls Rock Bloomington and the FAR Center for Contemporary Arts hosted a Black History Month open mic night at 6 p.m. on Feb. 25, 2023.
IDS FILE PHOTO BY ETHAN MOORE A sculpture of Alfred C. Kinsey is seen Sept. 27, 2022, outside Lindley Hall. The Indiana House voted Wednesday to prohibit the state from funding the Kinsey Institute.
‘It didn’t happen overnight’: Community demands humane treatment in county jail
By Marissa Meador | @Marissa_Meador
The arrival of a sheriff with a platform of transparency has revealed the extent of the county jail’s poor conditions, sparking debate over whether a new jail should be built.
Located in the Charlotte Zietlow Justice Center on 301 N. College Ave., the Monroe County Correctional Center has had its share of problems, from an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit over bad conditions to general deterioration. As the community demands an immediate remedy to the jail conditions, a push to build a new jail has generated backlash over costs and fears of increased incarceration rates.
On Jan. 23, newly elected Monroe County Sheriff Ruben Marté delivered a presentation to the Community Justice Reform Committee. It showed images of inmates using cups as pillows and several photos of jail infrastructure covered in rust, mold, trash and graffiti. Another photo pictured a pitcher of water for inmates that appeared dirty and discolored.
The images follow a 2021 report by a consultant, which detailed the deterioration of the jail and recommended action. The consultant’s estimation of what it would cost to renovate the jail was $22,122 on the low end and $56,484 on the high end.
The consultant said in the report that the jail, built in 1986, had “far exceeded its structural and functional life cycle.”
The county had initially considered an 87-acre parcel of land near Fullerton Pike on the southwest side of Bloomington as a site for a new jail, but the request to rezone the property was unanimously rejected by the city council in December. This decision was mostly due to its distance from downtown, which would make it difficult for people to access services once released from the jail, especially since the proposed location did not have a bus service.
Hope for Prisoners
Task Force hosts a panel at the Unitarian Universalist
Church People gathered in the Unitarian Universalist Church on Feb. 12 to hear four panelists speak about the conditions of the jail, the debate over building a new one and the root causes of incarceration.
“I’ve been to many community meetings recently and what’s missing is the voice of the community,” Deb Fish, the chair of the Hope for Prisoners Task Force at the church, said as she introduced the panelists.
Jordan McIntire, a panelist who serves as the executive director of New Leaf New Life, said the question of building a new jail is complicated by a lack of trust in people who oversee the jail. New Leaf New Life is a group that helps incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people in Monroe County.
“It looked the way that it did for so long, and we didn’t know about it, and no one was holding anyone accountable,” McIntire said.
“Why should we give the same system $100 million?”
During public comment for the UU event, Charlotte Zietlow, a former city councilmember for whom the location of the current jail is named, spoke about her thoughts on the photographs Marté presented.
“That’s disgusting,” she said. “But it didn’t happen overnight.” A jail with a history of problems
Kyle Dugger, a county deputy public defender and one of the four panelists, said in an interview that previous sheriffs have tried to hide the problems with the jail.
“The jail has been neglected for a very long time,” he said. “Really, people have been talking about it for years.”
Marté is trying to change the culture of the prison by exposing the conditions and phasing out inhumane practices such as 23-hour lockdowns for prisoners, Dugger said.
“Fortunately, he agrees that physical and psychological torture is not supposed to be part of this,” Dugger said.
Dugger brought up other inhumane aspects of the jail,
which includes inmates having to pay for medical care.
“I’ve represented people who chose to leave their medical needs unaddressed in order to talk to their loved ones,” Dugger said.
Part of the issue with holding people accountable for conditions in the jail is due to the difficulty of getting a tour, especially during the pandemic. People also are not given a “real tour” of the jail, according to Dugger.
When people tour the jail, they are not allowed to take their phone. That leaves only the words of the inmates, he said, which many people view as not credible.
Dugger said he likes County Councilmember Jennifer Crossley’s idea to create a citizen oversight panel to take unscheduled visits and photograph the jail to ensure humane conditions for inmates in the future.
He acknowledges that some people do not care about how inmates are treated in jail but urged people to care regardless. “I have represented lots of people who were innocent and did everything right,” he said. “It could happen to anybody.”
When it comes to the question of building a new jail, Dugger said renovations cannot wait.
“There is a current humanitarian crisis in the jail, so we cannot delay the current renovation for the time it will take to build a new jail,” he said.
Disagreements between the sheriff and county commissioners
On Feb. 20, Sheriff Marté forwarded an email he had sent to County Commissioners President Penny Githens to several public officials and the BSquare Bulletin. In it, the sheriff writes that he feels the urgency of cleaning up the jail was not felt by the commissioners.
One example in the email is the fresh intake holding cell, where inmates were lying on the floor without mats or blankets. Because the floor has become porous, it accumulated grime and could not be properly sanitized. Jail officials were concerned the floor could possibly harbor MRSA, but the
Mayor envisions successful
By Marissa Meador | @Marissa_Meador
Bloomington’s outgoing mayor, John Hamilton, delivered his eighth and final State of the City address at the Waldron Arts Center on Feb. 23.
“It is a great time to be in Bloomington with the state of the city so strong,” Hamilton said. His statement summarizes the tone of the speech, which was complete with a rapid-fire list of the city’s accomplishments to a cascade of applause and music.
Hamilton said Bloomington is a blend of idealism and pragmatism, and he identified with the Hillary Clinton quote: “I’m a progressive who gets things done.”
The accomplishments he listed range across public safety, affordable housing, sustainability and more.
Hamilton said Bloomington is the only city in Indiana with both a top-rated fire de-
partment and a national accredited police department.
Since Hamilton took office, Bloomington has added, approved or preserved 1,400 affordable housing units, which is a 20-fold increase from the previous two terms according to Hamilton.
The Public Works Department has paved 106 miles of city streets, filled 40,844 potholes and installed 547 Americans with Disabilities Act sidewalk ramps.
He also touted the city’s recent partnership with Meridiam to provide highspeed fiber internet, the Climate Action Plan, which aims to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. Toward the end of his speech, Mayor Hamilton said that change is essential but can be unpopular. He expressed optimism for the future of the city, particularly due to federal funding as a result of several major pieces
of legislation like the American Rescue Plan Act and the Inflation Reduction Act.
“What’s possible in the next five to seven years is fantastic,” he said.
Mayor Hamilton also cautioned future public officials to use the opportunity wisely, saying that the state of Indiana was unlikely to provide aid to help the city due to its conservative leaning and that new, less liberal versions of Congress may not be approving more federal funds.
“These and other challenges mean we need to chart our own destiny locally,” Hamilton said.
The mayor echoed these themes again with the subject of climate change, which he listed as one of his four priorities for the city.
“We need to lead,” he said. “Our state of Indiana will not.”
His second priority was growth in the economy, including providing free pre-K. His third and fourth
commissioners’ administrator, Angela Purdie, said the issue should be addressed should MRSA occur, according to the email.
MRSA is a group of bacteria that causes staph infections that are resistant to antibiotics, making it difficult to treat. Later in the email, Marté described an inmate with a serious wound that was diagnosed with MRSA.
The IDS reached out to Githens, but she deferred to the county attorney.
Marté said in an interview that the commissioners continuously viewed health and safety issues as an aesthetic issue, and thus not as urgent.
“I just don’t know why they didn’t see what I saw when I first came in here,” he said.
He said he wants to clean the place quickly, including adding a jail technician position to carry out the maintenance of the jail, a job that is currently being done by correctional officers on top of their primary duties.
“We just don’t have the luxury of not moving fast,” Marté said.
priorities were affordable housing, which included increased density of housing in the city and public health, particularly mental health and substance abuse. Hamilton said these were both factors affecting homelessness.
Hamilton said the city needed to invest more in prevention and post-incarceration services when it comes to the criminal justice system, citing the bad conditions in the Monroe County Jail.
Finally, Hamilton emphasized the importance of combining finance with political will to get things done.
“Taxes is not a bad word,” he said.
The local income tax, which was increased in 2022, is still the second lowest income tax rate of the seven neighboring counties, Hamilton said.
The conclusion of Hamilton’s speech was followed by a standing ovation from the crowd, an audience which
Alpha Phi Sorority placed on cease and desist
By Lily Marks
The IU chapter of Alpha Phi was placed on cease and desist on Feb. 24 for endangering others, alcohol and hazing. All activities within the chapter will be suspended until further notice.
Anna Jeffers, president of the IU Panhellenic Association, declined to comment on this matter.
Three IU Greek organizations, Alpha Phi, Zeta Beta Tau and Theta Chi, are
currently on cease and desist. There are nine Greek organizations on suspension and seven on disciplinary status, according to IU’s list of organizations on disciplinary status.
Despite IU’s strict antihazing policies, 12 of the 18 Greek organizations currently subject to discipline achieved that status due to hazing, among other things.
According to the IU Student Affairs website, cease and desist is an interim measure placed upon chapters when there is an im-
mediate threat or ongoing investigation. For organizations on disciplinary probation, any violation of the conditions or further acts
of misconduct will result in additional consequences that may include suspension or expulsion from the university.
However, Marté breaks from other voices in the debate over a new jail.
“We do need one,” he said. “This one is so old they don’t even make parts for the things we need to replace.”
Kay Weinberg, a member of Care Not Cages, which is a local advocacy group opposed to building a new jail, said there are many buildings in Bloomington that are older than the current jail. Weinberg supports a transparent study comparing the costs of renovation with building a new jail, a recommendation from the same consultant’s report.
Members of Care Not Cages point to the estimated cost of $70,000 for the Fullerton Pike project as further support for a comparative cost study in order to determine the most cost-effective option.
Weinberg was at the UU event and said it showed the public support for better jail conditions.
“I think what that event showed is that a growing number of people aren’t willing to let the jail be Bloomington’s dirty secret,”
he said. “In a town with a lot of talk and sometimes little action, I think that’s a good sign.”
At the heart of Care Not Cages’ perspective is an opposition to investing money in continuing what they see as unjust incarceration that focuses on punishment more than rehabilitation.
The group references the top reasons for bookings in the jail in 2021, which included mostly minor, nonviolent offenses. The top three reasons were a failure to appear warrant, hold for other jurisdictions, and probation violations. When a jail holds people for other jurisdictions, it means they are temporarily keeping people with warrants out for their arrest in other counties in the Monroe County Jail.
Above all, Weinberg said there needs to be more focus on the voices of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people.
“I think it’s embarrassing as a community that were not funding evidence-based solutions to the issues of substance abuse and homelessness,” he said.
included city councilmembers, several candidates for city council and mayor, prominent Democratic party members and many employees of Hamilton's administration.
After eight years as mayor, Hamilton has decided not to run for reelection, which means Bloomington’s next mayor will be one of the candidates running in this year’s election.
NEWS 2 March 2, 2023 Indiana Daily Student Editors Carter DeJong, Natalie Fitzgibbons, Mia Hilkowitz
The Zietlow Justice Center is located at 301 N. College Ave. Monroe County Sheriff Ruben Marté’s platform of transparency has revealed the extent of the county jail’s poor conditions, sparking debate over whether a new jail should be built.
Bloomington CARTER DEJONG | IDS The Alpha Phi sorority is seen on Feb. 27, 2023. Alpha Phi was placed on cease and desist on Feb. 24 for endangering others, hazing and alcohol. MARISSA MEADOR | IDS Mayor John Hamilton delivers his eighth State of the City address Feb. 23, 2023, at the Waldron Arts Center. In his address, Hamilton discussed improvements to affordable housing, public safety and sustainability. The Indiana Daily Student publishes on Thursdays throughout the year while University classes are in session. Part of IU Student Media, the IDS is a self-supporting auxiliary University enterprise. Founded on Feb. 22, 1867, the IDS is chartered by the IU Board of Trustees, with the editor-in-chief as final content authority. The IDS welcomes reader feedback, letters to the editor and online comments. Advertising policies are available on the current rate card. Readers are entitled to single copies. Taking multiple copies may constitute theft of IU property, subject to prosecution Paid subscriptions are entered through third-class postage (USPS No. 261960) at Bloomington, IN 47405 m Newsroom: 812-855-0760 Business Of ce: 812-855-0763 Fax: 812-855-8009 Vol. 156, No. 2 © 2023 130 Franklin Hall • 601 E. Kirkwood Ave. • Bloomington, IN 47405-1223 Helen Rummel Editor-in-Chief Ellie Albin & Salomé Cloteaux Managing Editors Cailin O’Malley Creative Director Marcus Drolet Managing Editor of Digital Griffin Healy Managing Editor of Engagement Greg Menkedick Advertising Director
On the Clock: Unpacking the birth control panic
Leila Faraday (she/her)
is a freshman studying policy analysis.
One of the more alarming things I have recently noticed on TikTok has been the misinformation and fear mongering surrounding birth control pills. Creators are claiming that hormonal birth control pills cause cancer and infertility, and many push the “fertility awareness” method as an alternative. The timing of this influx of content is concerning given that access to abortion is now considered restrictive in over half of U.S. states — including Indiana — according to Guttmacher Institute.
The hashtags “birth control” and “getting off birth control” have 3.7 billion and 5.1 million views, respectively. It is not a question that a vast number of people are consuming information about birth control on the TikTok app.
There are many valid concerns surrounding the use and prescription of oral birth control. For one, the burden of protecting against pregnancy falls almost entirely on people with uteruses. Additionally, the use of birth control pills can come with potential side effects including nausea and weight fluctuation. These possible side effects should not be taken lightly, and I absolutely encourage users or people considering oral contraceptives to consult extensively with their doctor
Jared Quigg (he/him) is a junior studying journalism and political science.
Amid ongoing debates about where to build a new prison in Monroe County, I’d like to do something most people probably think is downright insane: question the very existence of prisons in the first place.
That prisons ought to be at least reformed is a pretty easy position to have. American prisons are barbaric, racist institutions. And don’t take my word for it – instead, listen to the Norwegian Supreme Court, which in 1999 ruled against extraditing a prisoner to the U.S. because they believed the prisoner would be subject to “inhumane” conditions in U.S. prisons.
That was decades ago, you might say. True, but still today prisoners are stripped of many rights of a citizen, are subject to what amounts to slave labor and are often brutally mistreated by those who guard them. Imprisonment was especially awful during the pandemic, when prison deaths rose nearly 50%.
So, reform is the solution, right? If prisons in the U.S. are so inhumane that other countries refuse to extradite prisoners here, surely the solution is to make prisons more humane.
I thought this was the solution until I read Angela Davis’s short book “Are Prisons Obsolete?” over the winter break.
I can’t recommend her book enough – it completely changed my perspective on
before and throughout use to ensure personal wellbeing.
Unfortunately, though, there are plenty of creators spewing distorted information concerning the risks of using oral contraceptives and creating heightened fear and confusion surrounding their use.
One claim is that oral contraceptives directly raise a person’s risk of cervical and breast cancer at significant rates. In the video linked — which has no references and over 21,000 likes — the data is misrepresented. For one, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) notes that the vast majority of research on the link between cancer risks and oral contraceptive use is observational, meaning there is no way to determine if it is actually birth control causing the cancer, as the behavior and lives of those taking it may differ in other ways.
What the creator in the previous video mentioned is missing is that most cases of cervical cancer are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) — a sexually transmitted infection (STI).
Users of oral contraceptives may be less likely to use or rely on physical barriers like condoms that can reduce risk of STI transmission, meaning they may be more exposed to HPV and thus are at an increased risk to develop cervical cancer. In addition, the increased risk
of breast cancer is relatively minimal, according to the NCI. Oral birth control has further been linked to lower risk of endometrial, colorectal, and ovarian cancers. If you are interested in watching TikToks about the subject, I actually do recommend these videos by Dr. Jennifer Lincoln and Dr. Allison Rogers who are both trained medical doctors.
The fertility awareness method is advertised by many creators as an alternative to hormonal methods of birth control. This method consists of daily temperature and/or cervical mucus checks that help one track their cycle and understand which days they can get pregnant.
While with perfect use, it could be 99% effective — comparable to most hormonal birth control methods — this does not reflect reality. Human bodies are not perfect. The reliability of the method can be confounded by things like illness, stress, travel and the post-partum state. It is also more difficult to execute if someone has multiple sexual partners and does not protect against STIs. The typical-use pregnancy rate of this method is actually 25% — which is not a number we can ignore. Further, the method is unreliable if the user has any irregularity in their menstrual cycle, and the National Institute of Health reports that menstrual irregularity affects
14% to 25% of women. Whether people like it or not, no birth control method is ever going to be used perfectly on a universal level. As a society, we must work to protect each other through accurate and accessible education on the effects and efficacy of all methods of birth control, especially at a time when many people may be stuck carrying unplanned pregnancies without other options.
I celebrate and welcome educating women, a long ignored group in the healthcare world, on their bodies. The fertility awareness method is not necessarily unreliable and hormonal birth control can indeed result in side effects, but the reality is not as simple as many creators on TikTok make it seem. Pregnancy is an incredibly serious situation and those looking to avoid it should have access to every choice possible. In today’s society, modern birth control methods afford women essential levels of freedom and independence from relationships and domesticity.
As I stated in my last column: stop getting all your medical advice off of TikTok. Yes, there can be some value to anecdotal evidence, but the importance of consulting with trained professionals about huge choices concerning your body and perhaps those of others cannot be overstated.
Prisons are obsolete
what should be done about prisons. In short, she invites us to imagine a world in which they no longer exist.
Prisons haven’t always existed. In fact, prisons as we know them today were themselves a reform emerging in the late 18th century in the U.S. and England. Before incarceration as a system of punishment, people in much of the world were subjected to extremely violent and disgusting penalties for crimes – corporal or capital punishment. The reformers, typically Protestant Christians like John Howard and philosophers like Jeremy Bentham, fought for a system they believed would deter further crime and allow inmates the time and conditions to reflect on their crimes and eventually leave rehabilitated. That the reformers were wrong has been empirically proven, as the majority of so-called criminals return to a life of crime as soon as they’re released from prison. And who’s surprised by this, given the conditions to which inmates are subject?
It’s not as if being released from prison guarantees someone secure employment, housing or mental healthcare. People are left to fend for themselves.
So, what would prison abolition look like? One of abolitionists’ main strategies is decarceration, or reducing the number of incarcerated people by releasing them and diverting others away from prisons who may otherwise be incarcerated.
There are currently more
people with mental illness in jails and prisons than in hospitals in the U.S. Shifting people away from prison and toward the care they need is of the utmost importance. Then there are immigrants lacking permanent legal status, who in 2019 made up 13% of the federal prison population. If a person’s only crime is stepping across an arbitrarily drawn line on a map, then imprisoning them is an injustice, pure and simple.
Other steps toward decarceration include decriminalizing all drugs and sex work. Those who are addicted to illegal substances need hospitals, not prisons. As for
Sanjana Jairam (she/her) is a first-year graduate student studying data science.
Don’t we all wish we could be kids again? Well, you can be if you choose to be. Take life a little less seriously. Make jokes that are funny and not funny. Let go of things easily. Live in the moment and for the moment, not in the past or the future.
Do you remember being a kid and looking out of the window of a moving school bus and thinking the trees were running towards you or the moon was following you wherever you went, or you would try to count the stars in the sky? Or how you spoke to the flowers in the garden, hugged the trees and believed that every life counted? Try to see the world through the eyes of a child and appreciate the small things.
As a child, you often have a natural capacity for unconditional love. You love without judgment and expectations. Maybe you would run to open the door when your favorite aunt or uncle was visiting, or you couldn’t wait to see your friends again at school and share what was in your lunch box at recess. Or you would come home to your pet jumping all over you, and you’d play with her all day telling her stories of the outside world.
Children are naturally curious about the world. They always ask questions and are interested in learning new things, whether it’s trying a new food, playing a new game or learning a new language. They like experimenting and taking risks. They easily make friends and can hold a conversation with anyone.
When I was learning jazz dance, the first thing my
teacher taught me was how to fall. You stand straight and bend forward like Michael Jackson in his music video “Smooth Criminal,” until you fall. So, you are taught how to fall even before you start dancing, to show you that it is OK. That you can be bold and trust that you’ll be OK even if you fall like when you were a kid.
Kids are generally happier. They take things as they come. I think it is time to bring out your inner child and be a little weird. Don’t you think goofing off and having a lighter outlook on life can make you happier?
I have a list of things you can try that will make you feel like a kid again:
1. Dance like nobody's watching
2. Break out into song on the streets
3. Swing in the park
4. Jump in bouncy castles
5. Eat ice cream and get it all over your face
6. Laugh until your stomach starts hurting
7. Paint random color blocks on a canvas
9. Cannonball into the water
10. Read fairy tales
11. Watch Disney movies
To everyone who feels a little shy and wants to hide away when they bring out their inner child, I leave you with this quote from C.S. Lewis:
“When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
sex work, most arguments against its decriminalization are founded upon puritanical religious grounds and are therefore not deserving of serious consideration.
Furthermore, we should take immediate action in eliminating private prisons, which profited from the incarceration of nearly 100,000 people in 2020. For-profit prisons have no incentive to rehabilitate inmates – in fact, they’re incentivized to hold prisoners for as long as possible in order to extract as much profit from them as they can.
Enormous profits are to be made from public prisons as well. U.S. prison
workers in state and federal prisons produce $11 billion worth of goods and services for various corporations annually while being paid pennies per hour in what amounts to essentially slave labor.
It should be clear that prisons cannot be abolished overnight – massive societal transformations are necessary first. An economic system which happily makes use of slave labor, for example, must be dismantled. Mental healthcare must be expanded. Hostilities toward immigrants must be eliminated. Drug policies which disproportionately harm racial minorities must
be overturned. But what about serial killers and sexual predators, you object. Davis spends little time considering them in her book, but I don’t think that’s a detriment to it. We’re calling for building a society that’s less sexist, less violent. Overcoming violence and sex crimes will be difficult, and eliminating them completely perhaps impossible –but it’s worth trying to go as far as we can, no? Perhaps the society in which we currently live is a society that needs prisons.
Let me put one simple question to you: are you satisfied with this society?
3 OPINION Indiana Daily Student Editors Elizabeth Valadez, Jared Quigg March 2, 2023
Goofing off and being a kid makes you happier
St. Augustine, Florida
Ezgi sent a text message at 1 a.m. to her former host sister, Ava Mantha, explaining what had happened. Mantha’s family hosted Ezgi during her exchange year in Bloomington. During this time, they had built a strong friendship and connection with each other.
“There's been a terrible earthquake. Our house is breaking. We have to go. We have to leave. I’m in the car right now.”
However, Mantha did not see the message until 3 p.m. the next day because she was busy with classes at a small college in Florida. She had also received messages from other people asking how Ezgi was.
The more news and social media posts she saw, the more she started to panic. She did not receive any other word from Ezgi until two days later saying she was at her aunt’s house.
“I immediately started freaking out. … I hadn’t gotten any messages since one in the morning,” Mantha said. “One of the most stressful things was the role social media played.”
She said she saw Ezgi’s friends posting about many being dead or in the hospital. It felt strange experiencing the aftershock of the earthquake from the outside, unsettling not knowing what was really going on. Mantha also knew how much emotional damage such an experience can inflict, and wished she could be there to comfort Ezgi.
“It can put your life on hold …You don’t know when things are going to go back to normal,” Mantha said. “Life being put on hold at such a formative time is an aspect that should be taken into account.”
Mantha said she has continued to stay in touch with Ezgi as she continues to navigate the situation. While it may be hard for her to visit the U.S. due to visa complications, Mantha hopes to visit her in Turkey in the following years.
“Knowing someone and not knowing if they’re okay and not knowing how their life is going to play out after these events definitely changes the way you might see the people around you,” Mantha said. “Everyone is in a certain bubble, but you’re connected in more ways than you realize.”
Pierce said, Wednesday's vote to defund the Kinsey Institute shows the House Republicans have been captured by the extreme right wing.
“Rational decision making in the House is no longer possible with legislators more interested in fighting culture wars or just afraid some crazy person will defeat them in a primary election if they don't support extreme bills," Pierce said in the statement.
The Kinsey Institute was founded in 1947 by Alfred Kinsey, according to the Kinsey Institute. Kinsey was an American sexologist, biologist and professor of entomology and zoology. After being asked questions about sexuality from students, Kinsey’s interest was piqued by his “gap in knowledge,” and he began collecting sex histories from student first then individuals in the Bloomington community. In 1940, Kinsey focused all of his time on sex research.
The Kinsey Institute was not immediately available for a comment.
Tamara Brown and PDVNCH, both poets, also performed at the event. Brown, who is also a musician, began with a poem about race, her ancestors, and growing up, which was followed by a segment in which she included the audience and had them clap out a rhythm while she sang an original song. PDVNCH gestured to the crowd wildly during his spoken-word performance about Black girls and their strength, comparing them to flowers that grow out of concrete. Additionally, Ross Gay, a renowned poet and author, read some of his comical essays from an unreleased book — the upcoming sequel to “The Book of Delights,” in which he details a new thing that gave him delight each day.
Local band Foredaze ended the night with its musical performance, playing a few original songs as well as a cover, at one point asking the audience to help name an unreleased single. “It doesn’t matter who
you are, what you’re making is beautiful,” Jae Gasana, a local non-binary Black musician, and the emcee of the night, said to those in the audience.
Gasana is also a Girls Rock Young Adult Advisory Board youth leader. They said they initiate and plan events with the help of Girls Rock Bloomington’s larger staff and the generosity of organizations like FAR Center, who shared their space for the event free of charge.
The open mic night was free to the public, but GRB encouraged a $10 donation for its Black, Indigenous and People of Color Community Fund. This fund was first formed in January 2021 and helps cover the costs of GRB camp for local BIPOC youth.
“Having a BIPOC fund means that there will be youth that will have a chance to explore music and different parts of themselves,” Gasana said. They also said the camp helps kids establish relationships with the local
General Health
“I want everything we do with Girls Rock to be a recurring event,” Lauren Kniss, the director of FAR Center for Contemporary Arts, said. “They’re just so easy to work with — their mission just completely aligns with what we’re trying to do here at FAR.”
In addition to its collaboration with GRB, FAR provides several other events, exhibitions and programs for the Bloomington community. In March, FAR will host its Youth Art Month, during which they will provide kid’s workshops and an exhibition of art created by local students.
The open mic, which saw some artist debuts as well as performances by more established performers, satisfied its goal of providing a safe space for artists to share moments of joy, sadness, anger and grief.
“These events bring out so many different people of all ages and all backgrounds,” Gasana said. “It’s all about sharing.”
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Jacobs elevates ‘Anne Frank’ opera through dance
By Gino Diminich | @GinoDiminichII
To reflect the emotional distress characters in the opera “Anne Frank” feel while in hiding, dancers appear in a powerfully chaotic and moving dance sequence representing Anne Frank’s nightmares. With the help of the Jacobs School of Music ballet theater department, “Anne Frank” transcends traditional storytelling with emotionally meaningful choreography.
“Anne Frank” features original choreography by IU alum Sam Epstein, who is no stranger to choreographing a piece. His senior year at IU he choreographed a full-length story ballet with the help of the ballet department, giving him an appreciation for the collaborative process he would later experience with “Anne Frank.”
“Being a choreographer on the other side of things and a part of those meetings has only increased my admiration for all these incredible artists that work outside the studio every day to get these productions up and running,” Epstein said. Epstein said creating choreography to reflect the emotions surrounding the Holocaust was a challenging task, but he drew inspiration from other artists and their related works on the matter. One resource was Anna Sokolow’s “Dreams,” he said. Inspired by the haunting dance reflecting
on the Holocaust, Epstein was able to craft delicately controlled emotional movements. “It was great to watch and just see how other artists have tackled what is just an impossible artistic task to fully achieve,” Epstein said. “It’s honest emotion through movement and it supports the emotional development of the characters, which supports the plot.”
Maddie Tyler, an IU junior, plays the role of Anne Frank’s friend, Liez, in one of two casts. The character was transformed into a reoccurring silent role for a dancer by director Crystal Manich — a move that Tyler believed made the character more of an emotional anchor for Anne. “She’s a character that makes her (Anne) feel some sort of stability and consistency throughout everything that happens to her,” Tyler said.
To convey this relationship, Epstein worked with Tyler to create something distinct which could become a reoccurring motif of movement, changing in meaning with the context of the scene. While different from normal ballet movement, Tyler embraced the challenge, bringing Epstein’s humanistic movement to life.
“It requires more acting than I thought,” Tyler said. “There’s a lot more gestural movement that is more emotional. It’s more aggres-
sive and human than classical ballet.”
Tyler saw the blending of dance and singing as a necessary component of “Anne Frank,” believing it to reflect more of Anne’s personal-
ity, reminding audiences of the tender humanity at the heart of the production.
“I didn’t realize until we started rehearsals for this how prominent dance was in Anne’s life,” Tyler said.
COLUMN: Unlocking the formula to a perfect brunch
By Leila Faraday
As a college student whose weeks can get busy and consuming, there is nothing quite like a slowpaced weekend brunch to satisfy my need for delicious food and quality time with friends. I can’t think of a better way to spend a late morning than poring over the week’s events and drama over steaming coffee and a medley of my favorite breakfast foods. I do not subscribe to the idea of a one dimensional meal — like a simple pancake stack or omelet. A good brunch or breakfast menu will offer some kind of combo meal that includes a little bit of everything, and that is always the best thing to go for. If they don’t offer that, it's essential to stock up on the sides, which you can split with friends to save money.
My perfect brunch is centered around something sweet, like a pancake, french toast or waffle. This treat is the star of the show — the comforting breakfast food of your childhood.
Next come your eggs, an essential yet underappreciated component of a breakfast plate. I always get scrambled eggs at restaurants because they taste much better than anything I’ve ever made at home and are perfectly
fluffy and soft every time. If you’re someone who likes to dip your toast, then fried eggs are lovely as well — I like over medium with plenty of freshly cracked black pepper. Bring on the protein! I typically opt for sausage or turkey bacon, but have nothing against some classic bacon strips either. This element brings a much needed savory flavor to your meal and creates a breakfast harmony with the sweetness of a pancake or french toast.
Hash browns or home fries are optional to me, but for those without a sweet tooth, they can replace your pancake, french toast or waffle component. I person-
ally find them to be best enjoyed when stolen from your friend’s plate.
My most important rule is that all your food must be graced by the presence of maple syrup. I know plenty who disagree with this, but I think syrup is the heart and soul of all breakfast food. Don’t underestimate the addition of syrup — especially with your savory components.
Finally, brunch would not be brunch without a fun drink. Most recently I tried the hot chocolate at Runcible Spoon, which whisked me away to childhood snow days and a post-sledding treat. Fun drinks don’t actually need to be elaborate,
though, they just need to make you feel fun. Some of my tried and true options are coffee (with plenty of cream), cranberry juice and orange juice. As much as I have emphasized all the food that makes a brunch perfect, it’s important to note that brunch is more a state of mind than it is the food you order. As for the non-edible aspects of a perfect brunch, it is essential to include people you love and some gasp-worthy gossip. A good brunch should have you losing track of time at the table and realizing the day is halfway over by the time your conversation and debrief has wound down.
COLUMN: ‘Honey’ shares an intimate reflection of love
By Marg Barnett
Samia is no stranger to an agonizing lyric or two, however, she alone will often pair the intense lyrics with a dance beat. The artist’s 2023 indie pop-rock album “Honey” has proven to be no different in this regard. The juxtaposition of her music and writing capture the coexistence of the sorrow and bliss found in loving someone, especially as a young person. “Honey” feels like reading an old journal entry and reliving every detail once again, but there is no doubt that the album can feel heavy at times.
We experience this right away in her lead track “Kill Her Freak Out.” A droning organ solo creates an eerie, almost nightmarish ambiance to kick off the album.
“I’ve never been this bad, can I tell you something? / I’ve never felt so unworthy of loving,” Samia sings over the organ. These lines are sung as
if this confession is being pried out of her. Samia noticeably uses details in her writing that make each song feel painfully personal. It feels like intruding on an intimate moment between two people.
“You said when I come on the radio it makes you wanna die. / Well, if I shut up, can I come inside?” the artist writes in her song “Sea Lions.”
This song is an account of a decaying relationship that has no hope of being recovered. Samia admits that she has no intention to try and fix it, but she wants to reminisce about the things that were good.
Among the heaviest of songs on “Honey” is track three, titled “Pink Balloon.” Here, the artist compares her lover to a pink balloon, in which she does not know if she can hold onto anymore. The muted piano bolsters Samia’s sweet vocals in this upsetting recount of a falling out.
“How are you supposed to want to love me any-
more?” the artist asks twice in the last two lines.
Samia does not forget to include a few tracks that encourage dancing. Title track “Honey” is a noticeably lighter song compared to other album tracks. In this one, Samia sings of going to the beach with her friends, drinking a beer and dancing in a little black dress through the streets.
“I’m not scared of sharks, I’m not scared to be naked, I’m not scared of anything,” she sings.
Samia sings of what it feels like to be young, especially the good parts. It is quite a contrast from singing about feeling unworthy of loving earlier in the album.
That is exactly what makes this album so special, especially being a listener in their early adult years.
“Honey” expresses what navigating love feels like as a young person, and that is an experience full of contractions in emotions.
Samia ends the album with “Dream Song,” a song
“She loved old Hollywood and dreamed to be like them. We use it to depict her imagination and then also her dreams if she was able to get out.
The Jacobs School of
Music will premiere “Anne Frank” with two casts at 7:30 p.m. on March 3-4 and 9-10 at the Musical Arts Center. Tickets are available through the Jacobs School of Music website.
COLUMN: ‘Dancing Man’ transcends homage to become its own film
By Gino Diminich | @GinoDiminichII
IU graduate student Rob-
ert Mack is no stranger to the art of combining dance and film — two things he has a clear passion for — and nowhere is this better seen than in his latest short film “Dancing Man.”
The film follows a ballet dancer, David, as he finds himself entranced by a new female dancer at his ballet company. After being offered a chance for his dream career by a guest choreographer, David finds himself torn between the girl he loves — Gabriella — and the career he’s always dreamed of.
Mack’s short film was brought to my attention last year, and I have been keeping a close eye on production ever since. I was very excited to see the finished product, and I was not disappointed.
The opening shot sets the tone instantly — a black-andwhite shot of a top hat on a stage, picked up by David in a white tie and tails a la Fred Astaire. As the opening credits play, David dances in a style emulating classic Hollywood films, relaying to the audience that this is a film with a clear love of a bygone genre.
While this is all revealed to simply be David’s imagination as he daydreams before ballet class, it shows the audience very quickly that the main character enters this fantastical dance world to escape from the drudgery and complications of reality.
drive, never once is there confusion as to the reason a dance number is occurring nor what it is conveying.
A rather striking number is after David receives his written offer to transfer companies, and he imagines himself dancing with a ballet corps and his love before being pulled into a different dance with members of the other company — brilliantly representing his internal conflict to belong in both worlds.
The way in which these numbers are shot is also — like the rest of the film — visually stunning. Mack chooses to shoot the dances in long takes, allowing the skill of the dancers to truly shine and the overall number to truly breathe and take on a life of its own.
The characters are brought to life rather naturally by the entire cast, particularly IU junior Zoe Gallagher, whose performance as David’s friend, Ally, got more than one hearty laugh from the audience with her witty remarks and sarcastic attitude.
Additionally, Mack and Ahna Lipchik — who plays Gabriella — also have great scenes together, and the first dance between the two of them that David imagines is something that can really only be experienced firsthand.
Yi-Chen Chiang’s score is also worthy of praise as it perfectly emulates the spirit and sound of old films while still being unique to itself and the story it accompanies.
that encapsulates all the memories shared in the album into one song about the fragility of life. The last track on the album evokes a sense of closure, and it is an artistic decision.
Samia’s “Honey” has the remarkable ability to resonate with any listener, in one way or another. Her writing presents a level of honesty that arguably has not been touched by most modern music in the same way.
The film avoids being a copy and paste homage to classic musicals by interweaving the plot within the fantasy dance sequences choreographed by Tony Award nominee Chris Lingner. The numbers are incredible and serve as entertaining representations of David’s thoughts and feelings, never stopping the momentum of the plot.
By blending plot and dance, the dance numbers have a clear purpose and
The underlying message of the film — a reminder of the consequences of escapism — is a poignant one; the ending is a realistic and striking moment that again, is visually captured perfectly.
Mack and his team deliver on a film that is not only incredibly fun to watch, but also leaves one pondering their own fantasies — questioning if we sometimes go too far into our own minds in search of an easier road to walk down.
ARTS Editors Erin Stafford, Sophie Goldstein March 2, 2023 Indiana Daily Student 5
Dancers from the Jacobs School of Music Ballet Theater department rehearse choreography for a nightmare sequence in the opera “Anne Frank” at 4:30 p.m. on Feb. 22, 2023. The Jacobs School of Music will premiere “Anne Frank” with two casts at 7:30 p.m. on March 3-4 and 9-10 at the Musical Arts Center.
COURTESY PHOTO A cover for Samia’s new Album “Honey” is pictured. The new album was released on Jan. 27, 2023.
Co-director Robert Mack (center) alongside co-stars Zoe Gallagher (left) and Ahna Lipchik (right) answer questions during the premiere of “Dancing Man” on Feb. 26, 2023, at IU Cinema. IU Cinema screened Mack’s short film and hosted a short Q&A afterward for attendees.
What ever happened to the beaver on IU’s campus?
There was a beaver on IU’s Campus River. For 13 weeks, it did as thousands of freshmen do every fall semester, steadily working to make IU its home.
When students departed for Thanksgiving break, the beaver remained in its campus housing, recently winterized with extra mud.
When the students returned, campus was short of its largest rodent. What happened to the beaver remained a mystery tangled up in sticks and leaves.
L ate in the morning of Saturday Nov. 5, Greg Eismin took his sons Tyto and Haya to the Wendell W. Wright Education Building for the School of Education’s Saturday Science program.
Strolling by the stretch of Campus River that flows about 150 paces north of the Education Building’s entrance, the Eismins discovered trees with chunks missing near their bases. They also noticed the water below the path connecting Seventh Street and the Education Building was unusually high.
That Saturday, the boys’ science lesson would suddenly feature a crash course in wetland ecology.
The Eismins found a dam made of interwoven twigs and leaves, then met its architect — a large gray and brown beaver, roughly one yard long from orange buck teeth to broad brown tail.
Seemingly absorbed in the task at hand, the industrious rodent allowed the Eismins to get within 20 feet as it added little touches to its lodge just downstream of the dam. It glided through the water, using its hind feet as paddles and its tail as a rudder. Once
the beaver found a leaf that was up to code, it clutched it in its rear teeth and swam back to the lodge. The steadfast critter did this several times.
The beaver couldn’t know that its abode had been condemned. In less than a month, its craftsmanship would be undone.
As Eismin’s sons watched, they began referring to the furry engineer with two simple letters: BB. They tended to describe BB as a she, though whether the beaver is male or female remains a mystery. Determining a beaver’s sex requires a degree of physical intimacy best reserved for professionals and other beavers.
Physical characteristics aside, a beaver’s sex is still difficult to distinguish behaviorally. Animal taxonomists consider Castor canadensis a matriarchal species with little difference between the roles of males and females. Both build dams, both slap their tails against the earth to ward off potential predators, both hone their ever-growing front teeth on the trunks of trees that tower above them. While their physical adaptations make beavers excellent survivalists, beavers’ capacity for destruction can make them unwelcome in urban settings.
Steve Cotter, 60, is a natural resources manager with Bloomington Parks and Recreation. Through 26 years in his position, he has overseen beaver removals at Griffy Lake Nature Preserve and Miller-Showers Park.
Cotter said it’s fairly common for beavers to wander from a bigger wetland and settle in a more urban setting. BB may have come from Griffy or Miller-Showers or another body of water entirely.
“He probably just was looking for a good place and decided to give it a shot there,” Cotter said.
But when beavers build dams near human populations, they can cause treefall or flooding, putting nearby buildings, walkways and utility lines at risk.
Cotter said Parks and Recreation typically tries to relocate beavers, but when it isn’t possible to find a nearby location whose owners will accept a beaver, euthanasia is a common management method. If relocation is on the table, trappers use bait like car-
rots and other vegetables to lure beavers into cages, then transport them to a more suitable location. Once the beaver is removed, property owners can dismantle the dam.
A round 10 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 11, Eismin rode his bike by BB’s lodge and noticed a live trap about 10 feet from it. When he returned an hour later, he saw an IU facility operations truck parked on the grass halfway between the lodge and Seventh Street. Eismin asked a facility operations employee on the scene whether he had caught the beaver.
The trap had been triggered, and a note had been left.
“What it say?” Eismin asked.
“Let him be.”
Eismin was excited that someone else had noticed the beaver, even more so that they had taken an activist stance.
About 24 hours earlier, IU sophomore Jack Layden saw a facility operations truck driving down Seventh Street in the direction of the sparsely wooded area. He wasn’t sure what the truck was for, but when he visited the lodge shortly thereafter, he noticed the cage-like trap and a camera stationed in a nearby tree.
It’s possible Layden knew about BB longer than anyone else on IU’s campus. He had hardly walked 100 yards from his apartment one hot August day when he noticed a tree had fallen close to the sidewalk leading to the Education Building. He walked down to the bank of the stream, where he found BB and her home in its early stages of construction.
“He’s got a dorm and everything in his dam,” Layden said. “He’s trying to get an education.”
Layden regularly visited his “beaver friend” throughout the semester. He thought it was cool that campus featured a beaver, and he didn’t fully sympathize with IU’s efforts to change that. “What’s your problem?” he said. “It’s an adorable little creature that drags sticks around and I don’t get why they’d want to get rid of it.”
So when
Layden saw the cage and the camera that Thursday morning in November, he picked up a nearby stick and without hesitating, triggered the trap. Then, he tore a sheet from the same notebook he uses for classes, penciled a few words and left a note on the now-harmless trap.
The note, an abridged version of which would later be read to Eismin, said: “Let him be(aver).”
“Might have undercut my message,” Layden admitted.
Nonetheless, Friday afternoon the trap was gone and BB was still there. She cut down the tree in which the camera was perched shortly after.
At 7 p.m. that evening, the water upstream of the lodge was nearly still. The early nightfall of mid-November had blanketed the humble wetland in a darkness punctuated only by the faint outline of a pair of stocky hindquarters
the staccato crunch of enamel on vegetation.
Crouched on a rock just below the pool’s surface, BB quietly munched on her dinner as slivers of moonlight cast flickers across her sleek coat and tiny black eyes. By morning, a light snowfall would dust the roof of her dwelling and chill the water around it. She had avoided man’s metallic grasp; now she awaited Mother Nature’s cool embrace.
But more traps can be set, and IU wasn’t done trying.
On Nov. 30, IU biology professor Roger Hangarter informed the Indiana Daily Student via email that he had seen two men with traps attempting to snare the beaver one night over Thanksgiving break. Several of his students who frequently passed the beaver’s lodge told him they had not seen the beaver since returning from break. The water that once pooled inches below the creek’s banks now trickles past a mangled pile of twigs that used to be BB’s home. The trees that were in constant danger of falling three months ago now stand without so much as a bite mark.
T wo miles northeast of the Education Building sits University Lake. The modest 8-acre reservoir was IU’s primary water source from 1911 to 1924 in an effort to combat a series of water shortages. Today, University Lake serves as a restricted site where IU students and faculty can conduct research.
And late last November, it welcomed a furry, bucktoothed traveler in need of a home. BB was removed from Campus River on Nov. 23, Keith Thompson, assistant vice president of facility operations, told the IDS on Feb. 14. While Thompson declined to name the third-party contractor that captured BB, he said he has seen documentation confirming her safe relocation to University Lake. Thompson said the university removed BB for precautionary reasons. IU became aware of the beaver in late October and believed continued treefall created a safety issue.
“It became an unsafe situation for the students in that area,” Thompson said.
Over the course of 13 weeks, BB single-handedly raised the Campus River’s waterline several inches so that it rested just below the creek’s banks. She littered the clearing around her homestead with bare trees that came to pale yellow points like freshly sharpened pencils.
But her appetite for wood and destruction was untenable in the eyes of the university where she resided. University Lake, closed off to the public, offers the occasionally destructive rodent a fresh start.
W hile BB was moving into her new lodgings, decorating her home and meeting wetland neighbors, she was not forgotten at her old stomping grounds.
Late in the afternoon of Saturday, Nov. 26, IU’s campus was still and quiet as students steadily trickled back in from break. In front of the Education Building, the Campus River once again flowed largely unimpeded.
Partially muted by the babble of the stream, footsteps could be heard on the footbridge of the path between Seventh Street and the Education Building. Walking in the shade cast by a golden sunset, a group of three
6 March 2, 2023
PHOTO BY MICHAEL CLAYCAMP The site contains a washed out beaver dam is pictured March 1,2023, along Campus river on East Seventh Street. The location is considered a Green Space by Indiana University Landscape Services.
Alayna Wilkening
Illustrations by Salomé Cloteaux
| @CloteauxSalome
March 2, 2023 Indiana Daily Student | 7
A beaver, affectionately nicknamed “BB” is seen Nov. 14, 2022, near East Seventh Street.
Indiana’s nine extra-base hits power victory over Butler
By Matthew Byrne | @matthewbyrne1
Indiana sophomore infielder Josh Pyne watched an outside-corner strike curve past home plate, pushing the count to full — three balls and two strikes.
Pyne exited the right-handed batter’s box, adjusted his helmet and re-entered to copy his routine.
First, tap home with the bat. Second, hold the bat waist level with the left hand — the barrel angled upward. Third, twirl the bat onto the right shoulder. But, on this next pitch, drill a ground-rule double down the line.
Senior infielder Phillip Glasser and junior outfielder Bobby Whalen trotted into score, Indiana baseball’s first runs of its 13-2 victory over Butler University. Pyne’s double was one of five straight hits to lead off the game. By the end of the first inning, Indiana already led 4-0. Whalen’s double, batting one spot ahead of Pyne in the lineup, had stirred Indiana’s machine-like offense. Whalen scored via Pyne’s double, who likewise reached second base — a sequence that repeated for the following two batters.
The Hoosiers tallied four extra-base hits in the first inning on Feb. 28. The Hoosiers had two extra-base hits during their three-game series at the University of Tex-
as this past weekend. “It was really nice to see,” Indiana head coach Jeff Mercer said postgame. “I took a deep breath early on. It was like bang, that’s the offense we’re all accustomed to.” Indiana, improving to 4-4 with Tuesday’s victory, compiled nine extra-base hits against Butler. In the seven games prior, the Hoosiers recorded 14 extra-base hits combined. “I feel good about where
we are offensively,” Mercer said. “We’re going to hit. I don’t worry about that. But it’s the first two or three weeks, and you’re still finding the lineup, guys are starting to find their stride a little bit. It was a good day.”
As Carter Mathison strolled to the plate in the fifth inning, he had already slugged two doubles and one triple. Yet, even as the sophomore outfielder flirted with hitting for the cycle — single, double, triple and
home run — Mathison said that never crept into his mind. The last Indiana player to hit for the cycle was Josh Phegley in 2008.
After getting hit by a pitch around the ankle in that fifth-inning at-bat, Mercer took Mathison out of the game. Mathison accounted for three of Indiana’s nine extra-base hits.
“I kind of thought ‘Hey, that’s probably enough for tonight,’” Mercer said. “The guy’s got three hits and
quick turnaround, three flights in a row — wanted to give those guys a bit of a breather.”
Yet on the mound, Mercer elected to keep the pitching staff busy. Nine pitchers tossed in Tuesday’s game, combining for 16 strikeouts. Left-hander Ty Bothwell started and hurled just one inning. Due to Indiana’s first-inning lead, the senior was credited with the victory. Butler finished with five hits, compared to Indi-
ana’s 13.
“It’s a main thing of us get on teams early, put them away early,” Mathison said. “We try to say once one guy gets a hit, keep it rolling. Just pass it on to the next.” Next up for Indiana is the Keith LeClair Classic at East Carolina University this weekend. The Hoosiers will play No. 9 East Carolina on Friday, Georgetown University on Feb. 25 and California State University, Long Beach, on Sunday.
Indiana traveled to New York, falter against top-25 foe
By Zach Browning | @ZachBrowning17
Indiana men’s tennis played its first of three matches on the road Feb. 25 against No. 24 Cornell University. Despite a 7-0 final score line in favor of the Big Red, the match was closer than it appeared.
“I thought it really could have gone either way,” head coach Jeremy Wurtzman said following the loss. “There were a couple matches that came down to the wire.”
The match began with a highly competitive doubles point. Cornell started with a win at No. 1 doubles. Senior Luka Vukovic and freshman Ekansh Kumar answered with a win for Indiana at No. 3 doubles.
“It was great to see them play so well against that type of competition,” Wurtzman said of Vukovic and Kumar. “They gave us a chance to
win the doubles point.”
With the win at No. 3 doubles, Vukovic and Kumar are now 9-1 together this season.
The doubles point came down to the match at No. 2 doubles. The freshman tandem of Sam Landau and Luc Boulier took a 4-1 lead early in the match, but sophomore Radu Papoe and senior Vladislav Melnic battled back for Cornell to force a tiebreaker. Ultimately, the duo from Cornell came out on top 7-5 in the tiebreaker to claim the doubles point for their team.
“It was a really close and a really competitive match,” Wurtzman said. “It came down to one or two points.”
Armed with a 1-0 lead after taking the doubles point, the Big Red carried that momentum into singles play.
Cornell quickly took three singles points by winning at No. 2, No. 4 and No. 5 singles in straight sets.
“They got off to a strong start in those matches,” Wurtzman said. “We dug ourselves into a hole that we couldn’t get out of.”
Those three wins gave the Big Red a 4-0 lead and sealed the victory for Cornell.
Play continued at No. 1, No. 3 and No. 6 singles. All three matches went into a third set, but again the Hoosiers could not find a way to pull out a win.
The loss at Cornell on Feb. 25 marked the third defeat of the season for Indiana. With two more away matches next weekend, the Hoosiers currently sit at 9-3 on the season.
“They are good,” Wurtzman said of Cornell. “It’s nice to see us compete against a top team.”
The Hoosiers will be back in the northeast next weekend to play Princeton University on Friday and Yale University on Feb. 26.
8 SPORTS Indiana Daily Student Editors Will Foley, Jacob Spudich, Matt Press March 2, 2023 BASEBALL
Senior infielder Phillip Glasser (left) and redshirt junior Bobby Whalen run home Feb. 28, 2023, against Butler at Bart Kaufman Field in Bloomington. The Hoosiers won 13-2.
IDS FILE PHOTO BY JACKIE MORGANROTH Indiana University senior Patrick Fletchall came out with a win against Southern Indiana on Feb. 12, 2023 at the IU Tennis Center. The Hoosiers lost 7-0 to Cornell on Feb. 25. never miss out on… get them sent to your email today! Subscribe at IDSNEWS.COM/SUBSCRIBE
Indiana drops ‘meltdown’ of a game to Iowa 90-68
By Evan Gerike | @evangerike
Early in the second half, when No. 15 Indiana men’s basketball had momentum for perhaps the first time all night, junior guard Trey Galloway found himself guarding junior forward Kris Murray on the perimeter.
Murray, with Galloway’s hand in his face, pulled up and drained the 3-pointer over his defender.
That triple didn’t tell the story of the game as much as the next one did, when Indiana’s defensive rotation collapsed, leaving junior guard Ahron Ulis wide open in the corner to extend Iowa’s lead
to 15 points.
But sometimes, when things aren’t going well like in Indiana’s 90-68 loss Feb. 28, absolutely nothing goes right.
“We left our game in West Lafayette, and it's just unacceptable the way we played tonight,” head coach Mike Woodson said after the game. “I apologize to our fans.”
The Hoosiers fell down as much as 17 in the first half, unable to create the defensive pressure needed to stem a good-shooting Hawkeye team. By halftime, they had cut into the lead slightly thanks to Jalen Hood-Schifino. The fresh-
man guard scored 8 of Indiana’s final 10 points in the half, and Indiana was down 11 points at the break.
Indiana started the second half needing a spike in defensive effort. The Hoosiers immediately forced three turnovers, providing a spark of life to the Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall crowd, but gave it back to the Hawkeyes twice.
Indiana was heavily outshot by the Big Ten’s leading offense, especially from deep. Iowa, which came into the game averaging 80.4 points per game, made more 3-pointers than Indiana attempted. “It was a full meltdown
of our defensive game plan,” senior forward Trayce Jackson-Davis said. “They exploited it, they took advantage of it, and they hit shots."
The Hoosiers, themselves the second best Big Ten offense with 75.5 points per game, shot 43% from the floor and only 2-for-11 from deep. Against Iowa, who allowed opponents to shoot a better percentage from deep than any other team in the conference, the disparity was notable, especially as the deficit rose.
Down 20 for a large portion of the second period, Indiana attempted just five 3-pointers, only making one late in the half. On the
Indiana wins back-to-back games at home
By Leo Paes
Indiana women’s tennis beat Western Michigan University 4-0 on Feb. 25 and Belmont University 5-2 on Sunday. The Hoosiers improved to 8-3 overall.
On Feb. 25, Hoosiers’ No.
1 doubles sophomore Lara Schneider and graduate student Saby Nihalani shut down Western Michigan 6-0 and No. 3 doubles redshirt juniors Alexandra Staiculescu and Xiaowei “Rose” Hu won 6-3 to give the Hoosiers the doubles point.
Hoosiers No. 2 doubles redshirt junior Mila Mejic and freshman Nicole Teodosescu were up 5-4 but had their match interrupted.
Keeping the momentum, No. 3 singles Staiculescu won 6-1 and 6-1 and No. 5 Teodosescu won 6-3 and 6-2.
Mejic won 6-1 and 7-6 (71) at No. 4 to give Indiana the overall win.
No. 1 Schneider, No. 2 Nihalani and No. 6 graduate student Lauren Lem-
onds were all ahead in their matches but were stopped short after Indiana achieved the overall victory. “We played really disciplined tennis. The energy was good. I was pleased with a lot of the performances and we took care of business when we needed to,” head coach Ramiro Azcui said after the match.
On Sunday against Bel-
mont, Indiana started behind as No. 2 doubles Mejic and Teodosescu lost 6-1.
At No. 1, Schneider and Nihalani won 6-1 to bring the Hoosiers back, but No. 3 Staiculescu and Hu lost 6-4. “No. 1 doubles got a great win,” Azcui said. “That team was ranked, so for them to be able to do that, I think that’s a great job for them coming in so strong.”
Behind 1-0 overall, Indiana showed up in the singles matches to bring the win home. No. 5 Teodosescu won 6-0 and 6-0, and both No. 4 Mejic and No. 2 Nihalani won their matches 6-4 and 6-1.
Then, Lemonds won 7-5 and 6-2 at No. 6 to give the Hoosiers the win. Schneider won 6-1 and 7-6 (7-2) at No. 1 and No. 3 Staiculescu lost 6-2, 5-7 and 1-0 (10-8) in a super tiebreaker since Indiana had already taken the win.
“We just need to get better, but I like the way we came back in the singles and really played well,” Azcui said.
Ahead of three straight Big Ten confrontations, Azcui said, “This is when you want to start peaking.” Indiana is on a threegame win streak and plays Northwestern at home on March 5.
With both wins this weekend, the Hoosiers improved to 5-1 at home.
Volunteer assistant coach recognized by IHSWCA
By Aidan Pollitt
Bloomington was the site of a celebration of outstanding achievement in wrestling on Feb. 19, as the Indiana High School Wrestling Coaches Association welcomed the newest members of its hall of fame. Among those honored were CJ Red, a volunteer assistant coach with Indiana Wrestling, and his father, Chad Red Sr.
The news of CJ Red's induction into the Indiana High School Wrestling Coaches Hall of Fame was especially heartening after the recent health scare he faced. In November 2022, CJ was found to have two brain aneurysms, as revealed by a tweet from head wrestling coach Angel Escobedo. Following the dis-
covery, CJ underwent brain surgery and had a speedy recovery.
The wrestling community rallied around CJ and his family during this challenging time, sending prayers and support from across the state. The outpouring of love and encouragement to the Red family was a testament to the lives they touched in and around the sport of wrestling.
Red was recognized for his remarkable record in high school, where he compiled a perfect 183-0 record and won four state championships for New Palestine. After high school, he went on to compete for the University of Nebraska, where he had an outstanding career as a three-time All-American and five-time NCAA qualifier from 2016 to 2022.
The elder Red, Chad Red Sr., was also inducted into the hall of fame for his remarkable coaching career, which included stints at New Palestine and Lawrence Central. He led New Palestine wrestling and coached his son CJ during his high school career, which was highlighted by his perfect record and four state championships.
Since high school coaching, Red Sr. started the Red Cobra Wrestling Academy in Avon, Indiana, where his youth wrestlers achieved championship success. Red’s wrestlers have won state championships, national level events and achieved multiple AllAmerican honors. The success of these wrestlers has inspired young athletes around the state and country.
other end of the floor, Iowa continued to splash triples, making six in the second half.
“They just competed,” Woodson said. “They came in here and kicked our ass. It was just that simple.”
As usual, Jackson-Davis remained a bright spot for the Hoosiers. He finished with 26 points, 13 rebounds, five assists and four steals, including a record-setting 1,092nd career rebound.
Jackson-Davis dropped 30 in the first matchup against Iowa on Jan. 5, but he had help from his teammates in the two-point loss. On Feb. 28, Jackson-Davis did it largely alone — only
freshman forward Malik Reneau scored 10 points, half of which came with five minutes remaining, when Indiana was already down 20 points. “I’m the coach. I’ve got to get them ready to play,” Woodson said. “That was a bullshit performance tonight.” Indiana still has a path to earning a top-four seed and a double bye in the Big Ten Tournament, but it will need help from the rest of the conference. First, Indiana will need to take care of business on senior night against Michigan at 4:30 p.m. March 5 in Assembly Hall.
Despite the challenges he faced, CJ's commitment to the sport of wrestling remains steadfast. The younger Red, now a volunteer assistant coach for the Hoosiers, has been able to apply his experience and expertise to help mentor and train Hoosier wrestlers. His father, meanwhile, has been a role model and inspiration for countless young athletes over the years.
For both Red and his father, the induction into the Indiana High School Wrestling Coaches Hall of Fame is a fitting recognition of their contributions to the sport. Their dedication and hard work have left an indelible mark on the wrestling community in Indiana and their legacy will continue to inspire future generations of wrestlers and coaches for years to come.
wins Big Ten Coach of the Year
By Matt Sebree | @mattsebree
Indiana women’s basketball head coach Teri
Moren was named the Big Ten Coach of the Year for the 2022-23 season, the conference announced Feb. 28.
This season, Moren has led the Hoosiers to a 26-2 overall record, a 16-2 record in conference, an outright Big Ten title, a No. 2 ranking in the AP Poll and a 1-seed in the conference tournament — all program firsts.
This is the second time an Indiana coach has received
conference COTY honors. The first was also Moren, when she earned the award 2015-16 after improving from a 12th-place finish in the Big Ten the year prior to fourth in the conference and an NCAA Tournament bid.
Moren and the Hoosiers will have the opportunity to add more honors and trophies to its case in March, beginning with the Big Ten Tournament in Minneapolis. Indiana’s first game will be at 12:30 p.m. Friday in the Target Center against the winner of 8-seed Nebraska and 9-seed Michigan State.
Mackenzie Holmes awarded Big Ten Defensive Player of the Year
By Will Foley | @foles24
No. 2 Indiana women’s basketball senior forward
Mackenzie Holmes was named the 2022-23 Big Ten Defensive Player of the Year, the conference announced Feb. 28.
Holmes averaged 7.4 rebounds, 1.9 blocks and one steal per game throughout the season. In Big Ten play, those numbers rose to 7.6 rebounds, 2.2 blocks and 1.4 steals per game. Holmes coled the Big Ten in blocks per game.
Holmes’ impact was more than just individual. The leader of the Hoosiers’ defense, Indiana led the Big Ten in points allowed per game — an average of 60.9 points. Additionally, the Hoosiers were second in the conference in opponent field goal percentage at 39%.
As DPOY, Holmes was named to the Big Ten AllDefensive Team for the second time in her career. In the 2020-21 season, Holmes was selected by the media only, averaging career-highs 7.6 rebounds and 2.96 blocks per game.
March 2, 2023 | Indiana Daily Student | 9
MEN’S BASKETBALL ALEX PAUL | IDS Graduate senior forward Race Thompson seen after a turnover Feb. 28, 2023, at Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall in Bloomington. Iowa defeated Indiana 90-68.
ALEX PAUL | IDS Head Coach Teri Moren looks towards the court Jan.
12, 2023, at Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall in Bloomington. Moren was named the Big Ten Coach of the Year on Feb. 28.
OLIVIA BIANCO | IDS Redshirt junior Mila Mejic prepares the serve the ball Feb. 26, 2023, in a singles match against Belmont at the IU Tennis Center in Bloomington. Indiana beat Belmont and Western Michigan this weekend.
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Rose House LuMin- Lutheran Campus Ministry at IU
314 S. Rose Ave. 812-333-2474
Instagram: @hoosierlumin
Sunday: 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. @ St.
Thomas Lutheran Church 3800 E. 3rd St.
Tuesday: 6:30 p.m. Dinner & Devotions @ Rose House LuMin 314 S. Rose Ave. Rose House is an inclusive Christian community that offers a safe space for students to gather, explore faith questions, show love to our neighbors through service and work towards a more just world. Rose House walks with students to help them discern where God is calling them in life.
Rev. Amanda Ghaffarian, Campus Pastor
St. Thomas Lutheran Church 3800 E. Third St. 812-332-5252
Sunday: 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m.
We are the worshiping home of Rose House Lutheran Campus Ministries. As disciples of Christ who value the faith, gifts and ministry of all God's people and seek justice and reconciliation, we welcome all God's children* to an inclusive and accessible community. *No strings attached or expectations that you'll change.
Rev. Adrianne Meier
Rev. Lecia Beck
Independent Baptist
Lifeway Baptist Church 7821 W. State Road 46 812-876-6072
Sunday: 9 a.m., Bible Study Classes 10 a.m., Morning Service 5 p.m., Evening Service Barnabas College Ministry: Meeting for Bible study throughout the month. Contact Rosh Dhanawade at for more information.
Steven VonBokern, Senior Pastor Rosh Dhanawade, IU Coordinator 302-561-0108
*Free transportation provided. Please call if you need a ride to church.
Episcopal (Anglican)
Canterbury Mission
719 E. Seventh St. 812-822-1335
Instagram & Twitter: @ECMatIU
Sun.: 3 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Mon., Wed., Thu.: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Tue.: Noon - 8 p.m.
Fri., Sat.: By Appointment
Canterbury: Assertively open & affirming; unapologetically Christian, we proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ by promoting justice, equality, peace, love and striving to be the change God wants to see in our world
Ed Bird, Chaplain/Priest
Jacob Oliver & Lily Dolliff, student workers
Unitarian Universalist
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington
2120 N. Fee Ln. 812-332-3695
Sunday: 10:15 a.m.
We are a dynamic congregation working for a more just world through social justice. We draw inspiration from world religions and diverse spiritual traditions. Our vision is "Seeking the Spirit, Building Community, Changing the World." A LGBTQA+ Welcoming Congregation and a certified Green Sanctuary.
Rev. Connie Grant, Interim Minister
Rev. Emily Manvel Leite, Minister of Story and Ritual
Church of God (Anderson Affiliated)
Stoneybrook Community Church of God
3701 N. Stoneybrook Blvd.
Sunday: 10:30 a.m.
10 a.m. Coffee & Treats Stoneybrook Community Church of God is a gathering of imperfect people learning to follow Jesus. We invite you to join us on the journey.
Ripley, Interim Pastor
Evangel Presbytery
Trinity Reformed Church 2401 S. Endwright Rd. 812-825-2684
Email us at
Sunday Services: 9 a.m. & 11 a.m.
College Bible Study: Contact us for more info.
"Jesus answered them, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin.'" Proclaiming freedom from slavery since 1996. Only sinners welcome.
Jody Killingsworth, Senior Pastor Lucas Weeks, College Pastor
Bahá'í Faith
Bahá'í Association of IU 424 S. College Mall Rd. 812-331-1863áíCommunity-of-BloomingtonIndiana-146343332130574
Instagram: @bloomingtonbahai
Regular Services/Devotional Meetings:
Sunday: 10:40 a.m. @ Bloomington Bahá'í Center
Please call or contact through our website for other meetings/activities
The Bahá'í Association of IU works to share the Teachings and Principles of the Founder, Bahá'u'lláh, that promote the "Oneness of Mankind" and the Peace and Harmony of the Planet through advancing the "security, prosperity, wealth and tranquility of all peoples."
Karen Pollock & Dan Enslow
Calvary Chapel of Bloomington 3625 W State Road 46 812-369-8459
YouTube: Calvary Chapel Bloomington IN
Sunday: 10 a.m.
Tuesday: 7 p.m., Prayer
Wednesday: 6:30 p.m.
Hungry for God's word and fellowship with other believers? Come as you are and worship with us as we grow in the knowledge of His love, mercy, and grace through the study of the scriptures, and serving those in need. May the Lord richly bless you!
Frank Peacock, Pastor
Alissa Peacock, Children's Ministry
Christ Community Church 503 S. High St. 812-332-0502
Instagram: @christcommunitybtown
Sunday: 9:15 a.m., Educational Hour
10:30 a.m., Worship Service
We are a diverse community of Christ-followers, including many IU students, faculty and staff. Together we are committed to sharing the redeeming grace and transforming truth of Jesus Christ in this college town.
Bob Whitaker, Senior Pastor
Adam deWeber, Worship Pastor Dan Waugh, Adult Ministry Pastor
Church of Christ
825 W. Second St. 812-332-0501
Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Bible Study
10:30 a.m. & 5 p.m., Worship
Wednesday: 7 p.m., Bible Study
We use no book, but the Bible. We have no creed but His Word within its sacred pages. God is love and as such we wish to share this joy with you. The comprehensive teaching of God's Word can change you forever.
John Myers, Preacher
City Church For All Nations 1200 N. Russell Rd. 812-336-5958
Instagram: @citychurchbtown
Sunday Service: 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
*Always check website for possible changes to service times.
City Church is a non-denominational
multicultural, multigenerational church on Bloomington's east side. 1Life, our college ministry meets on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. David Norris, Pastor Sumer Norris, Pastor
Lifeway Baptist Church
*Free transportation provided. Please call if you need a ride to church.
Barnabas College Ministry: Meeting for Bible study throughout the month. Contact Rosh Dhanawade at bluhenrosh@ for more information.
Sunday: 9 a.m., Bible Study
10 a.m., Morning Service
5 p.m., Evening Service
Society of Friends (Quaker)
Bloomington Friends Meeting 3820 E. Moores Pike 812-336-4581
Facebook: Bloomington Friends Meeting
Sunday (in person and by Zoom):
9:45 a.m., Hymn singing
10:30 a.m., Meeting for Worship
10:45 a.m., Sunday School (Children join in worship from 10:30-10:45)
11:30 a.m., Light Refreshments and
12:45 p.m., Often there is a second hour activity (see website)
Wednesday (by Zoom only):
9 a.m., Midweek Meeting for worship
9:30 a.m., Fellowship
We practice traditional Quaker worship, gathering in silence with occasional Spirit-led vocal ministry by fellow worshipers. We are an inclusive community with a rich variety of belief and no prescribed creed. We are actively involved in peace action, social justice causes, and environmental concerns.
Peter Burkholder, Clerk
United Methodist
Jubilee 219 E. Fourth St. 812-332-6396
Instagram: @jubileebloomington
Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Classic Worship & 11:45 a.m., Contemporary Worship
Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., College & Young Adult Dinner
Jubilee is a Christ-centered community open and affirming to all people. We gather on Wednesdays at First Methodist (219 E. Fourth St.) for a free meal, discussion, worship and hanging out. Small groups, service projects, events (scavenger hunts, bonfires, etc.), mission trips and opportunities for student leadership are all a significant part of our rhythm of doing life together.
Markus Dickinson, Campus Director
Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod
University Lutheran Church and Student Center 607 E. Seventh St 812-336-5387
Sunday: 9:15 a.m.; Sunday Bible Class 10:30 a.m.; Sunday Worship
Wednesday: 7 p.m.: Wednesday Evening Service 7:45 p.m.: College Bible Study Student Center open daily, 9 a.m.-10 p.m.
We are the home of the LCMS campus ministry at Indiana. Our mission is to serve all college students with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Located on Campus, we offer Christ-centered worship, Bible study and a community of friends gathered around God’s gifts of life, salvation and the forgiveness of sins through our Senior Jesus Christ.
Richard Woelmer, Pastor
Steven VonBokern, Senior Pastor Rosh Dhanawade, IU Coordinator 302-561-0108
7821 W. State Road 46 812-876-6072
Redeemer Community Church
111 S. Kimble Dr. 812-269-8975
Instagram & Twitter: @RedeemerBtown
Sunday: 9 a.m. & 11 a.m.
Redeemer is a gospel-centered community on mission. Our vision is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ transform everything: our lives, our church, our city, and our world. We want to be instruments of gospel change in Bloomington and beyond.
Chris Jones, Lead Pastor
University Baptist Church 3740 E. Third St. 812-339-1404
YouTube: UBC Bloomington IN
Sunday: 10:45 a.m., Worship in person & live streamed on YouTube
A welcoming and affirming congregation excited to be a church home to students in Bloomington. Trans and other LGBTQ+ friends and allies most especially welcome!
Annette Hill Briggs, Pastor
Rob Drummond, Worship & Music Minister
Mennonite Fellowship of Bloomington
2420 E. Third St. 812-646-2441
Sunday: 5 p.m.
A welcoming, inclusive congregation providing a place of healing and hope as we journey together in the Spirit of Christ. Gathering for worship Sundays 5 p.m. in the Roger Williams room, First United Church. As people of God's peace, we seek to embody the Kingdom of God.
John Sauder
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
205 E. Kirkwood Ave. 812-332-4459
Sunday: 10 a.m.
We are an inclusive community of people who are diverse in thought and unified in spirit. We are an LGBTQIA+ welcoming and affirming congregation known for our excellent music and commitment to justice. Our worship services will not only lift your spirit, but also engage your mind. You are welcome!
Pastor Kyrmen Rea, Senior Pastor
Pastor Sarah Lynne Gershon, Student Associate Pastor Jan Harrington, Director of Music
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Check the IDS every Thursday for your directory of local religious services, or go online anytime at For membership in the Indiana Daily Student Religious Directory, please contact Your deadline for next week’s Religious Directory is 5 p.m. Monday
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Today is a 9 - You’re exceptionally brilliant over the next several weeks, with Mercury in your sign. Use your persuasive arts and charisma to advance personal passions.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Today is a 6 - Savor peaceful privacy at home. Listen to your inner wisdom. Plan, organize and prepare over the next three weeks, with Mercury in Pisces.
To get the advantage,
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Today is an 8 - Communication fosters resolution. Your social life booms, with Mercury in Pisces. Over three weeks, friends share valuable information, solutions and advice. Teamwork flowers.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Today is an 8 - Discover career opportunities in conversation over the next three weeks, with Mercury in Pisces. There may be a test involved. Market, promote and connect.
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The IDS is accepting applications for student comic strips for the summer 2023 semester. Email five samples and a brief description of your idea to . Submissions will be reviewed and selections will be made by the editor-in-chief.
is an 8 - Pursue personal dreams. Travel and discovery beckon. With Mercury in Pisces, investigate curious subjects. Explore philosophy, metaphysics and unanswerable questions. Try new views and flavors.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Today is a 9 - Consider options. Collaborate for shared gain. Communication leads to lucrative rewards, with Mercury in Pisces. Discuss potential, opportunities and possibilities. Budget and plan.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Today is an 8 - Talk about the fun you’d love to have, with Mercury in Pisces. Express creative ideas. Write, record and film. You’re exceptionally persuasive. Get playful.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Today is a 9 - Family fortunes rise. Fix up your place, with Mercury in Pisces for three weeks. Discuss the potential. Invent possibilities. Settle into your nest together.
Crossword L.A. Times Daily Crossword
CLASSIFIEDS To place an ad: go online, call 812-855-0763 or stop by Franklin Hall 130 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday - Friday. Full advertising policies are available online. Thursday, March 2, 2023 Indiana Daily Student 11 AD ACCEPTANCE: All advertising is subject to approval by the IDS. CLASSIFIEDS ADVERTISING POLICIES COPY CHANGES: Ad copy can be changed at no additional charge when the same number of lines are maintained. If the total number of lines changes, a new ad will be started at the rst day rate. COPY ERRORS: The IDS must be noti ed of errors before noon the date of the rst publication of your ad. The IDS is only responsible for errors published on the rst insertion date. The IDS will rerun your ad 1 day when noti ed before noon of the rst insertion date. HOUSING ADS: All advertised housing is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act. Refer to for more info. ONLINE POSTING: All classi ed line ads are posted online at eds at no additional charge. PAYMENT: All advertising is done on a cash in advance basis unless credit has been established. The IDS accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, check or money order REFUNDS: If you cancel your ad before the nal run date, the IDS will refund the difference in price. A minimum of one day will be charged. Grant Proper ties Call 812-333-9579 Now Leasing Fall 2023 Brand New 2-Bdrm Luxury Duplex in Great Eastside Campus Location! Need accurate news or help with research? Visit: IDS is now hiring Delivery Drivers. $15/hour + mileage. 3‑12 hours/week Deliver the print edition of the IDS each Thursday to newsstands in Blooming ton and the IU campus. Driver should be available between 4‑9 a.m. each Thursday. Deliver special publications and posters. Drivers must have own vehicle & pass a motor vehicle records check & IU background check. Complete an I‑9 form. Email 220 General Employment ANNOUNCEMENTS EMPLOYMENT 110 Announcements HOUSING su do ku Difficulty Rating: 43 Singer DiFranco, as portrayed in Japanese cartoons? 47 Girls in the family 51 Emotional strain 52 Request 53 Regret 54 One inevitable bar of music? 58 Bear in the WWF logo 61 Voracious 62 Like items at a thrift shop 63 "How fun!" 64 DoorDash link 65 Cuba libre ingredient 66 Becomes more friendly 67 Support, with "up" 68 Cabbage unit DOWN 1 Member of the genus Panthera 2 "I Wanna Be Sedated" surname 3 Meeting guide 4 Pagoda instrument 5 Beyoncé song that samples Schubert 6 Greeted wordlessly 7 Intl. oil group 8 Longtime NBC host 9 Ralph of "The Simpsons" who said, "Me, fail English? That's unpossible" 10 "You can relax now" 11 Oxfam, e.g. 12 Disappointment 13 Sailor's yes 21 "__ having fun yet?" 22 School org. for top students 26 "Mad Men" star 27 Otherwise 28 Govt.-issued ID 30 Valvoline rival 31 Classic arcade name 32 Uber alternative 34 Suffix meaning "land" 36 Litter's smallest 37 Mideast title 38 Started to freeze 39 "Get Out" actress Alexander 40 Deli slice 41 Tank filler 44 Grassy expanse 45 Op-ed pieces 46 Sch. with a Phoenix campus 48 Literary castaway 49 California city on Humboldt Bay 50 Like some 40-Down bread 52 __ acid 55 Skate park feature 56 At any time 57 "No __ luck!" 58 Cauldron 59 "That feels nice!" 60 Org. with Cavs and Mavs ACROSS 1 Boast 5 Mil. truant 9 Witch played by Elizabeth Olsen in Marvel films 14 "Othello" villain 15 Smoke an e-cig 16 Dude who might ask, "Have you tried turning it off and on again?" 17 Some agts. 18 __-steven 19 Sparkly stone 20 Line dance that's actually a hustle? 23 "What's your point?" 24 "Sick!" 25 Quiets 29 "Coming soon" ad 31 Breakfast, lunch, and dinner for Pacino? 33 Like many mountain roads 35 Hotmail provider 36 Instruction before an oath, and a feature of 20-, 31-, 43-, and 54-Across 41 Mint alternative 42 Blood line? How to play: Fill in the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9, without repeating a number in any one row, column or 3x3 grid. Answer to previous puzzle
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis © Puzzles by Pappocom Cancer (June 21-July 22) Today
check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is an 8 - Learn from other views. Partnership arises in conversation, with Mercury in Pisces. Collaboration and teamwork flower naturally over three weeks. You’re building something wonderful together. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today is a 7 - Professional opportunities abound. Listen and learn over the next three weeks, with Mercury in Pisces. Talk with trusted experts. Balance work, play and health.
Collaborate. Indulge intellectual curiosity.
Profitable ideas abound
few weeks,
Leave the
It’s not magic, just great adve rtising. Email advertise@idsn to purchase advertising space.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today is an
The next three
favor communication, creativity and research.
and connect puzzle pieces. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is a 9 - Exercise energizes you.
over the next
in Pisces. Network,
Discuss and generate
Nancy Black. All rights reserved. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. Answer to previous puzzle
Magic to us!
the Magic to us!
“Then I had the sudden urge to turn right.”