The IDS will resume printing March 21 after spring break. Stay up to date at

In 2016, two couples were searching for a change of life and the opportunity to create something they felt was meaningful and authentic.
Nicole Schoneman, her partner Mark Veldman, Josh Jackson and his partner Tonya Plachy decided to embark on a trek of ranching goats, producing goat cheese and crafting goat milk soap. Schoneman, Veldman, Jackson and Plachy are equal co-owners of the farm. Schoneman made cheese and soap, and Jackson and Plachy manage the farm and take care of the animals.
Nestled off the winding hills on the outskirts of Bloomington’s east side, “The Goat Conspiracy” built up a herd of over 150 goats and almost 70 chickens.
“The Goat Conspiracy” spent seven years hosting soap workshops, offering goat yoga classes, leading educational farm tours and even an onsite vacation rental cabin. They sold dairy-based products made in their onsite creamery.
That was until the end of 2023, when the farm chose to take an alternative route.
“I started having dis-
comfort with being a part of it,” Nicole Schoneman said. “When you’re doing dairy, and even doing dairy very well, there are certain gaps that you can’t close.”
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Global Livestock Environmental As-
sessment Model published “Pathways toward lower emissions” in 2023, which revealed that, based on data from 2015, the livestock supply chain contributed a 12% share of total greenhouse gas emissions.
“We were pretty naive going into it,” Schoneman
Head coach Mike Woodson will return next season
By Daniel Flick | @ByDanielFlick
ing to the NBA, recently quelled any ideas of his retirement.
“I'm almost 66 but I feel good and still move around, and I think I still think well in terms of the game, and I still think I can
teach the game,” Woodson said Feb. 20. “I'll take it a day at a time, a year at a time. I'm not going anywhere any time soon, guys, I'm just not.”
Woodson’s contract expires in March 2027.
said. “We care about sustainability. We're doing local food. We care about animals. We care about community. We care about education. They are all reasons that instigated what we did, but realizing the environmental impact is one thing, the other is the treatment of
animals.” Over the course of its business, “The Goat Conspiracy” learned how much death was involved in the production of dairy products and animal agriculture altogether.
A man who was unclothed caused a public disturbance outside of Owen Hall around 4:40 p.m. March 5. The man, identified as an IU student by the IU Police Department, was transported to IU Health Bloomington Hospital for evaluation following the incident.
IUPD Public Information Officer Hannah Skibba said the student was suspected of being under the influence of narcotics. When officers attempted to detain him, the student repeatedly pulled away and resisted the officers. The officers threatened to shock the student with a Taser but ultimately did not. They handcuffed the student and put him in a wrap restraint, which restricts an individual’s ability to move. The incident lasted nearly 30 minutes, as the student repeatedly screamed and resisted until five officers eventually restrained him. With four squad cars parked in front of the Indiana Memorial Union on East Kirkwood Avenue, a crowd of nearly 30 pedestrians gathered around the area to observe the incident unfold. No arrest was made, and Skibba said there have been no drug test results provided yet.
In a unanimous vote March 1, the IU Board of Trustees approved a recommendation from IU President Pamela Whitten to forgo the establishment of a nonprofit entity for the Kinsey Institute, according to a press release. Following the Indiana House’s February 2023 vote which prohibited state appropriations from funding the Kinsey Institute, IU administration submitted plans to establish a nonprofit entity to manage the institute’s operational functions supported by the university’s general fund. The move garnered backlash from Kinsey faculty and students, who objected to separating the institute from the university and the short timeline of the separation discussions. The IU Board of Trustees tabled discussions of the separation at its meeting Nov. 9-10, and the university established a working group comprised of Kinsey
faculty and IU administration and hosted three public listening sessions in January to hear concerns from the public about the future of the institute.
According to the press release, the working group’s recommendations, which were sent Feb. 16 to IU Provost Rahul Shrivastav and General Counsel Anthony Prather, influenced the outcome.
Following the board’s meeting, the university will
submit a plan to the Indiana State Board of Accounts that ensures no state funds will fund the Kinsey Institute’s operations.
“With the action taken today, we are taking steps to ensure that the Kinsey Institute remains a beacon of intellectual inquiry,” Whitten said in the release. “I offer my thanks to the Board of Trustees for their unwavering commitment and support.”
IU alumna pleads guilty to 2 felonies in hit-and-run death of IU student
ing is scheduled for May 6.
By Emma Uber | @EmmUber7The
an alcohol level of .08 or more and reckless homicide.
Howard’s sentencing hear-
Howard continued to drive for over four blocks on Walnut Street, two blocks east the car turning on 17th street after the crash, dragging the scooter underneath it and kicking up sparks. According to court documents, Howard had a blood alcohol level of .226 — almost three times the legal limit of .08. “People need to be held accountable for their actions,” Nate’s dad, Brad Stratton, said. “We're looking for the maximum sentence for this
judge to enforce, and we think that should send a message to the community that this is inexcusable.” The Stratton family worked with Monroe County Prosecutor’s office to negotiate the plea deal and hopes Howard will receive a harsh sentence. The maximum sentence a level 3 felony carries in Indiana is 16 years. SEE PLEADS PAGE 4
After sitting vacant for two years, the 26,000-plus square foot barn and a property just shy of nine acres fell into the hands of Brandi Williams in July 2023. She had a vision for the property — once home to a Bloomington equestrian center to transform it into Solidago Acres, a home for farm-totable food access and gathering for the Bloomington community.
Williams has worked in the food industry for several years. She both owns and operates her gluten-free bakery “Primally Inspired Eats,” did past work to procure food from local farms for distribution in areas with extreme food insecurity and administered grants for proposals related to issues in food and agriculture. She developed relationships with local farmers, and once she began farm-to-table style catering with PIE, she was ready to expand. Williams said she was looking for a space to bring all her interests together and position the community at the heart of the operation.
Williams had kept this vision in the back of her mind for quite some time before a friend told her to consider the property that Crimson Acres operated from 2015 until 2021. It was zoned for commercial, agricultural and residential use and met all the needs for her vision. After receiving a direct farm loan from the United States Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency, Williams had the resources needed to purchase the space.
Working with fellow “growers,” including her friends Samandar Ghaus and AB Scherschel, the three built Solidago Acres. A large part of the Solidago Acres vision is what they plan to grow, and the growing season has already begun. They plan to seed anything from tomatoes and cucumbers to medicinal herbs and mushrooms to various breeds of flowers.
“It is our first season, so it’ll be interesting,” Williams said. “We’re still getting to know the land and that’s an important part of it, feeling it out. What is there? What’s in the soil? What are the nutrients in the soil to
make sure we’re creating a strong foundation to grow nutrient-dense food and not just throwing anything out there?”
Williams said they are also working on attaining nonprofit status for two projects — Flowers for the People and Cooking for a Cause — under Solidago Acres, which will make use of the harvest the farm cultivates.
Flowers for the People, which will be operated by Ghaus, plans to curate bouquets from the flowers grown on Solidago Acres to take to families in transitional housing in the Bloomington area.
With Cooking for a Cause, Solidago Acres hopes to make an experience available to the community where they can partake in the process of a farm-totable meal, while helping those experiencing food insecurity. Participants will enjoy what they prepared on the property while also packing portions to send to organizations like Middle Way House, an agency which provides emergency shelter and services to victims of sexual violence, domestic violence and human trafficking.
“With my work before,
sourcing and getting food to people who are experiencing food insecurity, we realize that yes, people need fresh local produce,” Williams said. “But when we get to the underpinnings of that, we realize they have to have the resources to be able to create a meal from that fresh local produce or that local meat source. Having a farm-totable prepared meal that is nutrient dense and already ready to go, then that’s a game changer.” With the experiences Solidago Acres plans to offer, she hopes it will start conversations among the community about where the food came from and how Bloomington residents can better provide nutritious food for all residents.
Ghaus said Solidago Acres considers everyone in the local community, including unhoused neighbor, people in low-income housing, immigrants lacking permanent legal status, and trans people.
“Those are people who are local to us also. When we’re gathering to figure out how to make an equal food economy that is sustainable for queer, trans, Black and
brown farmers, we’re going to consider what we mean by local and what we mean by community.”
What was once a small outdoor riding arena has already been renovated into a space to hold six glamping tents. Glamping is a type of camping where guests are still immersed in nature, without sacrificing the luxuries of things like bed sheets and running water. The spaces are available to book for the upcoming solar eclipse April 8. Williams said guests will have the amenities of on-site parking, accessible bathrooms and a locally sourced breakfast. The farm hopes to have them available to book for other large events in Bloomington like graduation and is considering the possibility of opening spaces for regular weekends in the future.
The largest facility on the farm is the barn, equipped with 40 equestrian stalls, an indoor arena and a large loft once used to store bales of hay. Solidago Acres renovated five stalls to board horses and has plans to transform the rest into an area for a market, artisan workspace stalls for tenants to rent, and
the potential for living quarters. They plan to use the loft as a community gathering space. Williams said the barn has more than enough space to accommodate the horses’ needs, which allows them to be creative with what they use the space for. She said that’s the “dreamy” part. The commercial kitchen is already under construction in part of what was the indoor arena. It will have a service window to the outside patio, which will be used for various events including the ticketed farm-totable dinners and as a venue space to book for gatherings such as weddings.
Although the entire Solidago Acres project has only just begun, Williams is happy with the construction and set-up process and is excited for the property’s future. “It’s much more than a farm,” Williams said. “It’s much more than boarding horses and farm-to-table dinners. It’s feeding people nutritionally and hopefully feeding hearts and sharing experiences so the community can connect, so that we can better support each other.”
The Burnished Raven, a Bloomington metaphysical retail shop, will host a Spring Equinox Market from noon to 8 p.m March 9 at the Monroe Convention Center. The market is intended to support Bloomington’s Pagan and Wiccan communities as well as those who celebrate the Ostara, the Spring Equinox. The spring equinox will occur March 19, when the length of day and night are equal, and the season of spring begins.
According to the BBC,
the Pagan faith encompasses a diverse community of beliefs inspired by traditional indigenous religions with a reverence for nature. Wicca is a faith that falls under the Pagan community of beliefs. It refers to the practice of witchcraft in religion, but not all methods of Pagan witchcraft are Wiccan, however. Wicca also worships gods, goddesses and venerates the divine in nature.
The Burnished Raven located in downtown Bloomington sells artisanal Pagan and Wiccan items, ritual items and offers a place of
community for local believers.
The event also aims to encourage visitors to try their hand in gardening and to welcome plants into their homes, as to plant seeds of prosperity for the rest of the year.
The Spring Equinox Market is free to the public but will accept donations, half of which will go towards supporting The Burnished Raven’s altar and the other to the City of Bloomington Animal Shelter. The Burnished Raven’s altar, located in its store, is free for the public to access and use
at their wish. According to employees, each quarter The Burnished Raven works with a different community outreach organization in the Bloomington area. The market will feature local artists and vendors, including Mood Aesthetics, Merlin’s Attic and Silvered Moon Crystals. The Burnished Raven shared in a Facebook post that all vendor spots were filled.
Planted Bloomington will also be at the event from 1-5 p.m. offering plantbased food for purchase served from their food truck. The Monroe Convention Center is pictured March 4,
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tamie Dixon-Tatum removed from primary ballot
By Nadia Scharf | @nadiaascharfTamie Dixon-Tatum, a Democratic gubernatorial candidate and the civil and human rights director for the City of Anderson, did not acquire enough signa-
tures to appear on Indiana’s May primary ballot, the Indiana Election Commission ruled in a meeting on Feb. 27. She was declared ineligible for ballot consideration after a campaign challenge was filed against her.
Jennifer McCormick is now expected to be the only candidate on the Democratic side of the gubernatorial primary ballot. Dixon-Tatum had also filed a challenge against McCormick, which was dismissed on
Feb. 27. The challenge against Dixon-Tatum was filed by Speedway resident Kelly Whitman, who alleged that Dixon-Tatum had not obtained enough signatures to meet ballot requirements.
To be eligible, potential candidates need to garner at minimum 4,500 registered voter signatures, 500 from each of Indiana’s nine districts. Challenge documents allege Dixon-Tatum gathered 1,896 certified sig-
natures, according to Fox59. In response, Dixon-Tatum said the status of some of her signatures wasn’t communicated clearly and she thought she had more certified signatures, according to Fox59.
Editor’s Note: This story includes mention of sexual assault.
One case of fondling, one case of sexual battery and two cases of rape were reported to Indiana University Police Department between Feb. 21 and Feb. 25, according to the IUPD crime log. All the reported sexual assaults occurred on IU’s campus, with two separate incidents reportedly taking place within McNutt Quad.
The first report came Feb. 21, when a student told IU’s Title IX Office they had been raped Jan. 28 in a Greek house on North Eagleson Avenue, IUPD Public Information Officer Hannah Skibba said. The Title IX Office passed the report along to IUPD, who referred the information to university officials for review.
Just two days later, on Feb. 23, another student reported they had been raped Feb. 10 in McNutt Quad. Again, the student first reported the incident to the Title IX Office, which gave the information to IUPD. IUPD referred the incident to university officials for review.
A second incident was reported Feb. 23 when a student told the Title IX Office they had been sexually assaulted Aug. 20, 2023, inside the Hickory Hall building at Union Street Apartments. The IUPD crime log lists the crime as sexual battery. IUPD again received the report from the Title IX Office and passed the incident along to university officials for review.
Another two days later, on Feb. 25, a student reported being inappropriately touched Jan. 16 in McNutt Quad. The IUPD crime log lists the crime as fondling,
and states IUPD referred the incident to university officials for review once more.
There have been 26 rapes and 17 sexual batteries reported on campus since Aug. 17, according to IUPD’s crime log.
According to IU’s 2023 Security and Public Safety Report, there were 38 rapes reported on IU Bloomington’s campus and five rapes reported off-campus in 2022.
Off-campus cases include incidents that occurred at any building or property owned or controlled by a student organization, buildings owned or controlled by an institution directly supporting IU’s educational purposes and properties frequently used by students not within the geographic area of the institution. Off-campus cases also include incidents occurring on public property within or immediately adjacent to campus.
Also in 2022, there were 35 cases of fondling — defined as the non-consensual touching of private body parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification — reported on the Bloomington’s campus, with an additional two cases occurring off-campus.
These numbers are a marked increase from previous years. In 2021, there were 31 cases of rape and 21 cases of fondling on and off-campus. In 2020, there were 25 reports of rape and seven reports of fondling, although on-campus instruction paused mid-March due to the COVID-19 pandemic and did not resume until the fall.
Despite these numbers, more than 90% of sexual assault victims on college campuses do not report their assaults, according to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center.
Stipends not included in IUSG’s fiscal year budgetBy Grace Romine
For IU Student Government’s 2024 fiscal year, the governing body is dealt a budget of $210,000 — 0% of which goes towards stipends for the student officers. This hasn’t always been the norm for IUSG, which spent close to 20% of its budget on stipends in the 2022-23 academic year.
The three-branch representative democracy was founded in 1948 as the “Student Senate.” IUSG is made up of the executive branch led by the Student Body President, the legislative branch composed of the Student Body Congress and the judicial branch, consisting of the Student Body Supreme Court and any other lower courts congress creates.
The budget they are given to work with each year is funded by the student activity fee which all students are mandated to pay. The Spring 2024 IUSG General Election is approaching, scheduled for March 18-20.
Just during the 2022-23 academic year, $35,580 of the $178,130 budget — about 20% — was used for student stipends, divided between the three branches and an election commission.
Even when IUSG officers received stipends, the allocation varied greatly when compared to other public universities in Indiana. The Collegiate Commons, a news outlet for students at Indianapolis universities, contacted the IDS addressing the budgets for IU Bloomington, Purdue West Lafayette and IUPUI student governments.
During the 2022-23 academic year, the IUPUI student government put a total of $46,036.67 on officer stipends, about 52% of their budget. Student stipends for IUSG were less than 20% of the total budget, and Purdue University Student Government allocated less than 7% of their total $110,529 budget for 2022-2023.
Aman Gandhi, IUSG treasurer, said via email the decision to remove IUSG student stipends was made by the incumbent administration. “The IGNITE administra-
The event featured a teach-in and rally in defense of academic freedom
By Haley Ryan and Arnaav Anand news@iudsnews.comMembers of the IU community met for a “Day of Action” to protest alleged attacks on academic freedom from Indiana University administration and the state government. The day-long event featured a teach-in and rally to address concerns surrounding Senate Bill 202, the Israel-Hamas war and the threats previously faced by the Kinsey Institute.
Prior to the IU Board of Trustees decision March 1 to forgo the establishment of a nonprofit entity for the Kinsey Institute, the Indiana House voted to prohibit the use of state appropriations to fund the Kinsey Institute in February 2023. This led the IU administration to propose plans in November to establish a non-profit entity, to manage the institute’s operations, which garnered backlash.
Additionally, Senate Bill 202, which was sent to Gov. Eric Holcomb’s desk Feb. 29, would change criteria for tenure and heighten legislative overview of Indiana’s public universities to increase “intellectual diversity.” Many administrators and faculty from universities across the state testified that the bill would inhibit academic freedom.
Shane Greene, a professor in the anthropology department, said teach-ins are a historically American tradition of non-violent, civil disobedience that brings people together outside the classroom to discuss important social and political issues. At the teach-in, Greene and the speakers discussed the February 2023 legislation barring the Kinsey Institute from receiving state funds and Senate Bill 202, which he said acts under the guise of intellectual diversity.
tion does not distribute stipends,” Gandhi said in the email. “This was a result of the stipends being disproportionate and affecting students who have scholarships. Stipends at IU are set up in a harmful and detrimental way for those awarded scholarships, which is more than half of the executive cabinet and congressional leadership.”
Previous IUSG administrations distributed stipends, but not all members received them. Gandhi said the IGNITE administration prides itself on equality, which meant it didn’t feel it was fair for some IUSG officers to receive stipends while others did not.
“We have tried to work with IU Administration to figure things out, but it doesn’t seem like there is much that can be done,” Gandhi said in the email. “Despite having a larger budget, we prioritize student-facing initiatives. Our aim is to ensure fairness and equity in all our operations while enhancing the student experience.”
All IUSG records — including budgets — are public for IU students to view. Allocations for the 2023-24 academic year include $14,000 for culture center donations and $30,000 for emergency contraceptives.
Nicholas Yax, Purdue Student Government press secretary, said in a statement via email their student government was still allocating stipends for President, VicePresident, Treasurer, Senate President Pro-Tempore, Chief Justice and Chief of Staff as of the current session. The total allocation comes out to $7,000, $3,500 being paid out each semester.
“All of our officers really care deeply about making a difference here at Purdue and the stipend is a great way to reward those who put in the most work even if it’s not a massive amount,” Yax said in the email. “At the end of the day, we’ve all made the choice to volunteer our time to better Purdue!”
The IDS was unable to obtain a budget for the 2023-24 session from the IUPUI student government before the time of publication.
interconnected issues on campus.
Niemi-Colvin said people need to keep fighting against attacks on higher education, and the battle isn’t over. If SB202 is signed and people lose protections like tenure, they might be afraid to speak out, but they can’t stay silent.
“Even if we wait until we have protections and manage to keep those protections there, we will have trained ourselves into silence,” Niemi-Colvin said. “That’s part of the reason I, even with the risks, decided to speak out.”
Hannah Hinshaw, an IU student, said these events are important because as a minority student, these are issues that directly impact them.
“It’s difficult knowing when I’m going into and watching what I’m studying being played out against me,” Hinshaw, who studies international law with a focus on atrocities, said.
After the teach-in at 11 a.m. on the steps of the Student Building, the organizers reconvened at 4 p.m. in front of the Kinsey statue in Dunn Woods to hold a series of speeches. The first speech by Russ Skiba, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, centered around SB202. He said in the speech the bill is discriminatory and dishonest.
“What they really want to do is directly assert more political interference into the process of teaching and learning and researching at institutions like IU and the broader State System of Higher Education,” Greene said.
Seppo Niemi-Colvin, a post-doctoral fellow in the mathematics department, said he chose to speak at the teach-in because of the
According to the bill, universities would have to submit a report including their budget allocations for diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives each year. Moreover, each university would be required to have a system in place for faculty members and students to report to the administration about any faculty member who does not meet certain criteria related to free inquiry, free expression and intellectual diversity. The universities would also be required respond to the claims and submit an annual report on how many faculty members were reported.
Skiba expressed worries about professors potentially being reported and punished by demotion or suspension if they spoke about racism or discrimination in a public rally or protest like the ‘Day of Action.’ He likened the situation to McCarthyism in
the 1950’s — a campaign against alleged communists in institutions carried out under U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy where many of the accused lost their jobs, although most of them had no affiliations to Communism. Steven E. Vigdor, Professor Emeritus of Physics, urged the legislators to not pass SB202. He said the language of the bill is intentionally vague to censor topics like sexuality and race, but a lot of topics in natural sciences have been controversial. He said sexuality and gender are scientific issues and emphasized that teachers can take advantage of the vague wording of the bill. He said faculty should train students to produce and evaluate evidence, openly discuss conflicts and avoid imposing their own interpretation, underlining there is little scholarly purpose in spending time on discussing claims that aren’t backed by evidence.
The next speaker, an IU student, discussed the Israel-Hamas war and called for an immediate ceasefire. She said the IU administration has consistently intervened to silence pro-Palestinian voices, referencing the suspension of Professor Abdulkader Sinno and the cancellation of Palestinian artist Samia Halaby’s art exhibition. She said blatant attempts
at silencing them have failed due to students leading campaigns.
The next speaker addressed the proposed separation of the Kinsey Institute into a separate nonprofit entity. A few days after the demonstration, the IU Board of Trustees approved unanimously a plan to forgo separating the institute from the university during their meeting March 1.
Some of the protestors brought down a manmade float of a foot on the Kinsey statue to symbolize oppression by authorities while they tried pushing the foot away. A protestor dressed as Robin Hood tickled the foot with a feather and several others joined in to tickle the foot away. A few students who are members of LGBTQ community also spoke, saying some proposed bills are trying to erase them and silence their voices.
Towards the end of the protest, one of the organizers announced the SB202 bill had just been passed in the Indiana House. She also announced they are organizing more formally under the name “Green Feathers Indiana,” stating that being organized would allow them to get more things done. She said interested individuals can email them at to be added to the organizing list.
In a little more than a month, officials estimate around 300,000 people will come to Bloomington on April 8 to view the total eclipse, when the moon will completely cover the sun for approximately four minutes. However, medical experts are warning observers to take extra precautions when watching the eclipse.
Staying safe using eclipse viewers
Hin Cheung, a clinical assistant professor at the IU School of Optometry, said in an email it’s important that those viewing the eclipse do not look directly at the sun without a special solar filter until the sun is completely eclipsed by the moon. These filters are designed to filter out harmful levels of sunlight, ultraviolet radiation and infrared radiation, so those wearing them can safely look directly at the sun. Regular sunglasses, on the other hand, do not filter the necessary levels of radiation.
“We generally do not stare at the sun or have reasons to, so sunglasses are great for general use,” Cheung said. “However, with a solar eclipse, we suddenly have a reason to stare at the sun, and sunglasses are not made for the purpose of viewing the sun or eclipse directly.”
To see if your eclipse viewer has the proper level of protection, you can check the ISO number, which should say “ISO 12312-2.” The American
Astronomical Society lists reputable vendors to purchase these eclipse viewers on its website. The Monroe County Library will also give away a limited number of free eclipse viewers starting March 11 at all its locations. The Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department is also selling eclipse viewers at City Hall and the Twin Lakes and Recreation Center. If you do not have an eclipse viewer, Cheung said you can view the eclipse indirectly through a pinhole projector, where the sun enters a hole in an object and is projected out the other side of the hole. You can make a pinhole projector out of pieces of paper and foil following these instructions.
“With a pinhole projector, you never look directly at the sun, so you avoid the risk of solar retinopathy,” Cheung said. “Solar retinopathy is damage to your eyes from unsafe ex-
posure to sunlight which can cause temporarily or even permanently damage to your eyes and vision.”
Why you shouldn’t directly watch the eclipse
Even if someone does not feel any immediate pain when looking directly at the sun without an eclipse viewer, the sun’s excessive radiation can still damage their eyes. Cheung said some common symptoms of this damage are blurry or distorted vision, or a blind spot in or near your central vision. These symptoms can be permanent or temporary. “The retinal tissue inside the eye does not have pain receptors, so damage occurs without you feeling any pain at all, which makes this more dangerous,” Cheung said.
Cheung said that as you absorb excess UV radiation from the sun, reactive oxygen species — a type of reactive molecule that can
damage other cells — accumulates in your eyes. Too much accumulation of this molecule can damage the eye’s photoreceptor cells, which convert light into signals sent to the brain.
“You can think of each photoreceptor cell like a pixel on your computer or TV screen,” Cheung said. “If the photoreceptor cell is damaged and dies, it is like having a blank or dark pixel in that spot in your vision. They do not regenerate or grow back.”
If someone experiences changes to their vision after viewing the eclipse, they should visit their local eye doctor, an optometrist or ophthalmologist, Cheung said.
IU’s Atwater Eye Care Center provides eye exams and care to patients in the Bloomington area, and you do not need to be an IU student or employee to receive this care. To make an appointment, call 812855-8436.
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According to “Animal lives embodied in food lost and waste,” almost 18 billion animals were killed where the meat was lost and wasted somewhere along the food supply chain in 2019. The data accounted for animals in the six major meat-producing species: cattle, goats, pigs, sheep, turkey and chicken.
“The Goat Conspiracy” also felt irresponsible for continuously breeding goats for milk production, Schoneman said.
“Doing dairy, even doing it as well as we could, we were making it seem like dairy is OK,” Schoneman said. “Not everyone knows how the majority of cheese is made, the impact on the environment and the impact on the animals.”
no intentions of sending the milking goats when they were done to the slaughter. That just seems brutal,” Schoneman said. “We get them pregnant, and they milk, milk, milk. Then they’re useless and that’s just terrible.”
The sanctuary aims to help people connect to the farm animals on a personal level, like they do with companion animals. “The Goat Conspiracy” wants the sanctuary to be a space which is both nonjudgmental and educational. Schoneman explains they are taking a “reducitarian” approach.
“I don’t want people to feel like they have to be vegan to come here,” Schoneman said. “The goal is to reduce the consumption of animal products, allow for people to make connections with animals and bridge that understanding.”
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“The Goat Conspiracy” doesn’t keep animals under the same conditions that typical factory or industrial agriculture farms do, Schoneman said. Schoneman explained that her partner and the two farm hands each had their own individual reasons for deciding to stop producing dairy. “The Goat Conspiracy” shared their decision in an October 2023 Facebook post. The farm would continue making cheese until its current “milkers dried up,” and soap until it ran out of its frozen supply. But after that, it would be done with dairy production.
The farm had to come up with a plan for the next step.
“There was no way we were going to get rid of the goats,” Schoneman said. “We decided a sanctuary was a good idea.”
Now known as “The Goat Conspiracy Sanctuary and Retirement Home,” the farm is working toward getting its 501(c) 3 status to officially become a non-profit. “Peak Animal Sanctuary” from Freedom, Indiana, is serving as the fiscal partner for “The Goat Conspiracy” through the process, and the sanctuary is working on finding a director for its three-member board.
“Even when we were continuing the business, we had
Additionally, the plan will maintain faculty affiliation with the Kinsey Institute and keep the institute’s collections of sexological artifacts part of the institute, two topics of particular concern to faculty.
According to the press release, IU has also committed to, with the counsel of the IU Foundation, support the Kinsey Institute leadership’s efforts to secure philanthropic support; affirm the value of the institute in the face of opposition based on misinformation; continue to fund faculty and staff salaries to the full extent allowed by the law; and continue to provide appropriate security to facilities affiliated with the institute.
Faculty had raised con-
However, Brad said he derives no joy from the legal proceedings. While all days without Nate are tough, he said the increased attention around the case made Tuesday especially difficult. After a day full of calls, texts and emails about the plea agreement, Brad saw a news alert flash across his phone around 10 p.m.: a hit and run had killed a young man on the highway just outside their Colorado town. As long as these events continue, Brad said the wound Nate’s death left will continue to reopen.
“There’s no victory in this for us,” Brad said.
Instead of giving the milking and pasteurization equipment to a different dairy, “The Goat Conspiracy” is finding ways to repurpose their supplies. The solar-powered dairy will be renovated into a plant-based commercial kitchen, a space for the “Planted Bloomington” food truck, which had its soft opening in September 2023. The food truck is owned by Nicole Schoneman with a menu designed by Erika Yochum, who was the owner and operator of Bloomington’s “Oona” formerly known as “Feast Cafe” which closed in 2019. The truck aims to only cook with local and inseason ingredients, all menu items have the option to be gluten free and their completely plant-based dishes are served without any single-use plastics.
While “Planted Bloomington” will use the commercial kitchen on-site at the Bloomington farm, the food truck is a separate entity from the sanctuary.
As “The Goat Conspiracy” transitions into its new sanctuary model, goat yoga classes will continue, as will the option to schedule farm tours. The sanctuary will host a classical music concert in the summer and hopes to expand the opportunities it has for more events in the future.
cerns about security during the discussions, as the institute has faced increased threats in recent months.
Melissa Blundell, a Kinsey Institute doctoral student and member of Friends of Kinsey — a student group which advocated against Kinsey’s separation — said she was pleasantly surprised by the outcome and grateful to Whitten and the board for suggesting the accounting solution.
“This is exactly what we wanted,” she said.
Blundell, who said she attended the trustees’ meeting, said she had a moment of disbelief when hearing the proposal.
“Honestly, I was overjoyed,” Blundell said. “It’s exactly what we’ve been fighting for, so it was a really, really great moment.”
sity of being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Other times he thinks of his kindness, or his talent as a ski racer.
“Nobody can imagine unless it’s happened to them,” Brad said. “It is the worst nightmare. Every morning and every evening, it’s the first thing you think about and the last thing you think about going to bed. And it’ll be that way for the rest of my life.”
When someone new asks about his family, Brad tells them he has three kids — Nate and two daughters. He tells them he lost his son. Often, he said, people don’t know what to say.
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In addition to the criminal case, Brad and Elizabeth Stratton, Nate’s mom, filed a civil lawsuit against both Madelyn Howard and Kilroy’s Sports Bar in November 2022. Brad said it haunts him that, in this day and age, his son’s death could have been so easily prevented. From ride services like Uber and Lyft to designated drivers, he said there is no excuse for drunk driving.
“My family got a life sentence,” Brad said. “We grieve Nate every day. We think about him every day.”
When Brad thinks of Nate, he said he most often reflects on how he gracefully handled the adver-
“So many people don’t know how to react to that because it’s everybody’s worst nightmare,” Brad said. “The way to react to it is to say his name and to acknowledge who he was and what a great person he was.”
Brad finds a way to acknowledge Nate every day. Most days, that means skiing the last run he and Nate skied together.
“When you’re out drinking and having a good time and doing what college students do, be a leader not a follower. Make sure people are taken care of, don’t drive drunk, get somebody an Uber, take care of people who are struggling,” Brad said. “Be kind like Nate would have been kind.”
Erin Stafford (she/her) is a senior studying journalism with a minor in English.
Amidst the craze of midterms, times of political uproar and my looming graduation, I’m experiencing an unprecedented amount of anxiety, difficulty concentrating and a lack of motivation to work on assignments. I’m tired and dread going to class everyday. While this level of burnout can seem scary, it’s a pervasive problem affecting a lot of the working population.
According to Psychology Today, burnout is a state of exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. While it’s most often associated with work, it can also appear as a result of stress from school, social relationships and financial burdens. Key signs of burnout include depres-
sion, cynicism and lacking energy.
Burnout can even have physical effects on the body. Trouble sleeping, stomach aches or headaches, weight gain and muscle pain are just a few physical symptoms of burnout that most often plague people who experience repeated stress.
My own burnout is usually associated with a perceived lack of control. Academically, I’m stuck in a web of assignments that won’t go away. College requires students to maintain a consistent output of work to prepare us for a myriad of industries after we graduate, and I understand I took on the responsibility of completing that work when I enrolled here. However, I can’t help feeling like the heavy workload I juggle is too overwhelming — even if it’s
what I signed up for.
Most mornings, I wake up at 5 a.m. to do homework until my first class at 9:45 a.m. After classes, I hang out by the Indiana Memorial Union fireplace and work tirelessly to catch up on readings, finish up assignments and check my email. I don’t have much time to see friends, watch television or dedicate precious time to extracurriculars. And all this constant work does is make me feel more exhausted, less motivated, angry and physically fatigued. The quality of my work also plummets significantly when I feel extra stressed.
This lack of control even seeps into my engagement in politics. When I look at the current political climate in the U.S., all I feel is misery and hopelessness. With a presidential election on
the horizon, the lack of a really strong potential leader makes me feel as if it doesn’t even matter who wins. Will the federal minimum wage finally go up? Will our country codify abortion rights? Will the U.S. Government finally call for a ceasefire in Gaza? If history repeats itself, probably not! This utter lack of progression makes me want to pull away from politics altogether. While burnout can feel unmanageable at times, it’s crucial to know how to cope with prolonged stress. Most importantly, it’s essential to know you’re not alone. For those experiencing political burnout, it can be comforting to know how many Americans feel bad about the current state of our politics. According to the Pew Research Center, nearly two-thirds of Ameri-
cans say they always or often feel exhausted when thinking about politics, while over half feel angry.
It’s also good to know that burnout isn’t your fault. Under a capitalist system, the interest in keeping costs low and production high often results in worker exploitation. The imposed significance on productivity can also lead a person to experience internalized capitalism, where one sees a direct link between their self-worth and ability to perform at work. Internalized capitalism pushes people to feel guilty for resting, even if the constant pressure to work leaves them feeling exhausted.
While there is no onesize-fits-all way to escape feelings of burnout, self-care and a better work-life balance can offer temporary
flyover country. In the heartland, you’ll find more than cornfields and windmills. Woven within the crossroads are great cities, delicious food, interesting attractions and friendly faces. You don’t have to look far: Even in Indiana, you can find cultural sites, great sports and fun things to do. Some people are taking notice and choosing to move to our capital city. Indianapolis has been growing at an exceptional rate since 2010. A 2023 IndyStar article states, “the population of downtown Indianapolis has increased by 46% since 2010.”
Indianapolis’ efforts to revitalize its downtown over the last two decades seem to have paid off. It even hosted the NBA All-Star weekend Feb. 16-18, 2024. Money is being invested back in Midwestern cities. According to Forbes, “the number of businesses in Indiana is surging, with the number of new formations up 51% in 2022 over 2019, to about 83,500 – a sign of economic growth to come.”
Indianapolis is just one of many Midwestern cities on the map offering a balanced quality of life. Places like Cincinnati, Minneapolis and Detroit also have a lot to offer. On a visit to Detroit a couple of years ago, I was amazed by the dramatic public art, the farm-to-table dining and the Diego Rivera mural at the incredible Detroit Institute of Arts. Cincinnati has a wonderful riverfront park and a great zoo. I haven’t made it to Minneapolis yet, but Prince’s Paisley Park alone makes it worth a visit.
The Midwest also has
some gorgeous natural attractions you can visit, like the Great Lakes and Sleeping Bear Dunes. Lake Michigan even has shipwrecks waiting to be found underwater. This means you don’t have to travel to one of the coasts to find buried treasure. We’re home to landmarks like the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland and the Willis Tower in Chicago.
The Midwest is known for welcoming and polite people. Some call it “Midwestern nice.” In Indiana, we call it “Hoosier Hospitality.” Even in a large city like Chicago, strangers say hi when they pass you on the street. We Midwesterners even say negative things in a nicer way, like “yeah, no” or “no, yeah” just to be polite.
Have you heard of the “Midwestern Goodbye?”
If you haven’t, it’s an extra hour of saying it’s time to go, then hugs, talking at the door, hugs round two, final conversations and finally the front porch wave. Jupmode says, “as Midwesterners, this goodbye ritual is a way to let our loved ones know we care about them.”
Let’s talk about Midwestern food. The notion the Midwest has offered nothing more to the food scene than
bland meat and potatoes is just not accurate. Chicago is home to deep-dish pizza and world-class restaurants. Cincinnati dishes out bowls of its signature chili. Indiana is home to the breaded pork tenderloin. Okay, that’s meat, but it’s tasty. We have a history of growing our own food, foraging, pickling and fermenting. These have been ways of life for centuries in the Midwest and now have increased popularity in food magazines and kitchens across the country.
Paul Fehribach, in his book titled “Midwestern Food: A Chef’s Guide to the Surprising History of a Great American Cuisine,” writes “throughout our history, the Midwest has been the most consequential region in the development of American food and drink culture.”
The Midwest gets a bad rap for being a dull flyover part of the country, but there is a lot to do, see and enjoy here. For every wide-open space, we have a city with unique architecture, sports teams and food. For all the wind turbines, we have natural wonders in our landscape. It’s worth taking the time to visit and explore this part of the country.
relief. Work should never define you, so it can be helpful to find the meaning in the other areas of life. Prioritizing time with loved ones, setting aside a couple hours each night to recharge and taking time off can ease the stresses of work tremendously. As someone who struggles with feelings of burnout, though, it’s just not enough to tell a stressed person they should take time for themselves. Sometimes, taking time off is impossible. We as a society need to call out the workplaces, educational institutions and governments that perpetuate toxic environments where people are pushed to prioritize work over themselves. Until then, I fear these feelings will persist again and again.
ecstaffo@iu.eduThalia Alleman (she/her) is a junior studying journalism and public relations.
Over the past few months, I’ve been dealing with a lot of rejection. That’s not to say rejection is a foreign concept to me, but I feel like the discourse surrounding the topic is taboo. Of course, no one wants to sulk about their shortcomings or discuss how they didn’t achieve what they wanted, but to not talk about it at all has left me feeling like I am the only person in the world who encounters rejection. I can understand why people would only want to highlight their accomplishments, but why not acknowledge the things we do not achieve? Whether you don’t do as well as expected on an exam or utterly fail a job interview, recognizing rejection will give it less power over ourselves and our self-esteem. I have worked my entire life to be perfect. I strived to get the perfect grades, made sure I had perfect attendance, kept myself out of trouble, always said the right things and tried to be the bigger person — despite being completely exhausted. This led me to believe, because of my relentless determination, I would have endless options to choose from when it comes to my
future. Nonetheless, every door I have knocked on with a beacon of hope for an internship in the summer has been painfully slammed in my face. How am I supposed to keep myself from falling down? I could say nothing worthwhile comes easy, and it’ll all be worth it in the end, but I must be honest and say that mindset absolutely sucks. It discredits how much it hurts to have to push through the disappointment. Sometimes I just want to crawl up in a ball, rot in bed and acknowledge the world is terrible and everything is hopeless!
Unfortunately, this process has forced me to do some introspection. I say unfortunately because, as comfortable as it is to wallow away in self-pity, it will get you nowhere. In order to grow we must be uncomfortable. I’ve had a recent realization that, after going through countless difficult things, I have developed a higher threshold for what I can handle. It seems as if life, when it comes to success, presents us with two choices: a way out or a way through. I’m not sure about you, but I would rather endure than give up. As much as it may hurt to fail, nothing could be more painful than knowing you didn’t try at all.
I had to let go of the expectation my life was going to be perfect, and more importantly that I had to be perfect. As much as I want things to be stable and consistent, there would be no excitement. There are supposed to be failures and successes. I am supposed to feel disappointed, regretful and frustrated that things did not go exactly how I wanted them to.
If this were a perfect world, life would be simple. Success would be easy. But if it were easy and I didn’t have to work hard for the things I want to achieve, would they even feel like achievements? That’s completely rhetorical — obviously.
Don’t get me wrong, while I have a newfound appreciation for all the people who decided to miss out on my potential, it still sucks. Being told you’re not good enough or seeing an embarrassingly low Canvas grade will always be depressing, but it’s a part of the journey. Everyone fails — remind yourself of that the next time you’re feeling discouraged. In a world where we can choose to either sink or swim, I will always choose to swim — even if it means I struggle sometimes to keep my head above water.
ate security concerns. The Statehouse is often a venue for protests: Allowing guns during such charged events will only increase tension. We have only to look to January 6, 2021 to see just how heated protests at government centers can become. It seems illogical and even irresponsible for government officials to be advocating for more guns where political disagreements and protests are on full display.
The proposal also does not require any training to bring a firearm into the statehouse, though it would require a permit. (A permit is not required to carry a firearm in the state of Indiana and does not include firearms training.) The inclusion of staff members of the four elected state officials mentioned in the bill means that a large number of people may be permitted to carry a firearm with little oversight and training. Several state lawmakers expressed concerns about this aspect of the bill.
“I have reservations about the sheer number of people we’re extending this to,” Republican Sen. Sue Glick, R-LaGrange, told the Capital Chronicle. No firearms training and potentially hundreds of people openly carrying firearms in a government center does not seem like a prudent idea.
throughout the complex to prevent any need for self-defense inside. In fact, entrances are staffed by Indiana State Police Capitol Police officers, and visitors pass through metal detectors and screening devices. If there are concerns about safety inside the building, official internal security should be reinforced.
To be fair, one of the authors, Senator James Tomes, R-Wadesville cited safety outside of the Statehouse and high crime rates in Indianapolis as justification for the bill. In January of 2024, for example, a man was shot and killed at a transit center just a few blocks away from the statehouse.
“It stands to reason why people would like to be able to protect themselves, walking from the parking garage or even the parking lot,” he told the Indianapolis Capital Chronicle. “We just want to make sure that these people have the ability to protect themselves to and from.”
At first glance, his statement seems reasonable, but some digging revealed Tomes ignored the facts about gun ownership. While it may seem like “good guys with guns can stop the bad guys with guns,” this isn’t really true. Guns are rarely used for self-defense; and even when they are, other defensive strategies such as calling for help are just as effective. And not to state the obvious, but guns are also associated with increases in violence. In a 1998 study, accidental shootings, homicides, assaults and suicides were far more common than defensive gun use. So statistically, gun use does not increase personal safety. Tomes’ entire justification for the bill falls flat.
Further, allowing more employees in the Statehouse to carry firearms could cre-
If Senate Bill 14 passes, many other state employees and members of the public visiting the Statehouse will still be barred from carrying. However, Tomes told the Capital Chronicle some policymakers are interested in expanding the right to carry “even more.” Does he mean to more Statehouse employees? To anyone who wishes to enter the Statehouse? This strikes me as completely ridiculous; guns are not permitted on federal property, in airports, or near schools. Given the current political climate, why should anyone —much less unvetted people off the street — be allowed to carry at the seat of our state government?
This bill does nothing to increase the safety of our government officials or the statehouse. Rather, the bill and those who want to carry at the statehouse wish to do so to prove a point. Their gun is a prop to demonstrate their unrelenting dedication to the Second Amendment and conservative values, rather than a tool they feel is necessary for their safety.
Look no further than the recent incident of Representative Jim Lucas showing his gun to a group of high school students advocating for greater gun control. He didn’t need his gun at that moment for personal safety. He needed it to show his dominance and the power he holds to a group of teenagers.
Though this may seem like a small issue in the larger gun control debate, this bill indicates the conservative majority’s desire to move even further towards deregulation of guns. Rather than expanding the right to carry in a government area, we should be restricting it. It is a shame, though not a surprise, that lawmakers look past the facts of gun use to serve a political agenda.
Caitlyn Kulczycki (she/her) is a sophomore studying media advertising with minors in psychology and creative writing.
Toxic femininity is a term I’ve heard quite a bit, but never understood just how much it affects women today, including me. Toxic femininity refers to the idea that women should adopt feminine behaviors in order to appease men and appeal to gender norms. This concept is especially prominent when it comes to the way women dress and are expected to dress in modern society. Toxic femininity acknowledges the ways in which centuries of fashion expectations for women still linger, despite being severely outdated in this advanced world. There seems to be a paradox when it comes to fashion and toxic femininity in today’s age. When women wear dresses, skirts and other clothes that are historically attributed as feminine, they are considered to be doing it in order to please men and fit the mold of women that society has cre-
ated. When women choose to wear more masculine clothes, they are criticized for not meeting the expectations of how a woman is supposed to dress. Wear the dress, don’t wear the dress — the criticism is fuming either way. The ideals of women’s fashion are also problematic because people assume the way women dress is always related to how they want men to view them. But it’s entirely possible there are women that feel most able to enjoy and express themselves when they wear more modest clothes. Likewise, there are also women who might dress in more formfitting or revealing clothing, because those are the sorts of clothes, they feel their best selves in. The way women dress is not for the sake of men, but it’s often assumed to be. Billie Eilish, a popular singer who rose to fame in the last few years with her unique songwriting style, receives much criticism about the way she dresses. Her signature looks often involve baggy, oversized
clothing and bright colors. Her strong individuality in the way she dresses and her refusal to adhere to women’s fashion norms has caused backlash from the critics. In 2021, Eilish was on the cover of British Vogue with blonde hair, wearing a pink corset and a tight-fitting skirt, which deviated from her usual style. Despite all the critics supposedly loving this show of femininity, she was criticized for conforming to beauty standards. After the shoot was published, people claimed she was “boring” and “mainstream,” for now wearing more feminine clothing. Eilish expressed her feelings on these comments, saying she had spent so long being criticized for her style and told she’d be “hotter” if she dressed more feminine, and now that she has, she is thought of as a “sellout.” Eilish is a prime example of the reproval women get regardless of how they choose to dress themselves. This toxic feminine attitude when it comes to women’s fashion has not
only pressured women into dressing a certain way, but has completely restricted women when it comes to choosing how they want to present themselves. The problem here is the underlying belief that how women dress is a constant testament to the way they want men to view them. These internalized misogynistic views are leaking through society — even if it’s subconsciously — and polluting the ideas of women’s fashion in the minds of more than just women. The way a woman chooses to dress is not a reflection on how they want men to see them, but rather how they wish to express themselves. Having this idea in mind can help the world have more appreciation for fashion as a whole, and help others praise those who are able to find their own style instead of putting them down because they don’t conform to the norms. Because let’s be honest, enforcing outdated style norms is so out of fashion.
Samantha Camire (she/her) is a freshman studying journalism with a minor in Spanish.
The Alabama Supreme Court issued a ruling Feb. 16 allowing several couples to proceed with a lawsuit concerning wrongful death of their children. Seems reasonable, right? A success for grieving parents! But those children? They were embryos. And the Chief Justice’s justification for his ruling? The word of God.
The suit was brought by three couples whose embryos, which were cryo-preserved at a fertility clinic, were destroyed in 2020 by a meddling patient. The suit aims for the fertility clinic and the hospital it is within and cites Alabama’s Wrongful Death of a Minor Act as justification for the case. After an initial trial proved unsuccessful, the couples appealed to the Alabama Supreme Court. Here, they were in luck. The Court ruled that “unborn children,” including “extrauterine children,” are considered to be minor children. As such, the Wrongful Death of a Minor Act applies to the destroyed embryos and the suit may proceed.
A lot has already been said about the decision itself — how it aids in the anti-abortion movement and the potential effects on in vitro fertilization. But I have no desire to step into the messy argument surrounding the outcome of the appeal. What interests and shocks me most is how openly Chief Justice Tom Parker cited Christian religious texts and beliefs in his explanation for the ruling.
A search of Judge Parker’s 23-page concurring argument reveals the word “God” is mentioned 40 times. He quotes the Book of Genesis, theologian Thomas Aquinas and the Ten Commandments. “Human life cannot be wrongfully destroyed without incurring the wrath of
a holy God, who views the destruction of His image as an affront to Himself,” he writes. “Even before birth, all human beings bear the image of God, and their lives cannot be destroyed without effacing his glory.”
This is not the first time Parker has used religion in his arguments, as outlined in a 2014 ProPublica investigation. “When judges don’t rule in the fear of the Lord, everything’s falling apart,” he once said. And this is also not a case of a singular judge citing religion in a legal case.
A 2009 Liberty University study found at least 515 cases in which the Ten Commandments were cited. The study found that the Commandments were cited for a variety of reasons, including to “underscore the importance of a statute and enhance its moral authority.”
I believe it is totally inappropriate for a judge to use religious reasoning such as this in a legal decision. Religion is a private entity in the U.S. Inclusion in case arguments inappropriately brings religion into the public sphere and violates separation of church and state. Theology has no place in law.
Judges’ decisions apply to all citizens, not just those who share the exact religious beliefs of the judge. Even within religions and sects, there are plenty of differing beliefs. By citing religion as not just a cursory but a main argument, Judge Parker and judges like him impose religion on citizens. According to the Free Exercise Clause in the First Amendment, citizens have a right to practice religion (or not practice religion) as they please. But by including religion in legal decisions, people’s choice of religion is taken from them and they are restricted and ordered by religious beliefs that may not reflect their own.
Our nation’s commit-
ment to religious freedom is written in our founding documents and central to our history. The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment declares that the government may not make any law “respecting an establishment of religion.” There are countless articles and debates over the exact breadth of this ruling and how much religion may be tolerated. But the intent was clearly to create a secular state. Thomas Jefferson, who argued for the creation of the Bill of Rights, famously compared the First Amendment to a “wall of separation” between religion and the government. Some people argue that the US was founded on Christian ideals, and as such it is acceptable to include some religion — specifically Christian rhetoric — in government. I reject this notion. Yes, the Declaration of Independence mentions “creator” and “nature’s God” — but it never says exactly who that is or identifies a specific religion. Our founding documents were influenced most of all by Enlightenment thinkers’ ideas about natural rights, not by scripture. While many of the Founding Fathers were Christians and may have been motivated
in some way by their Christian faith, this was not the intent of the group.
I would be remiss to ignore the fact that it is predominantly Christian beliefs that are cited in law.
Any non-Christian religion in law is seen as suspect. Our willingness to allow Christian religious arguments in court documents would likely evaporate if it were any other religion. The mere nomination of a Muslim judge for a circuit court position was met with increased scrutiny, which the Biden administration attributed to Islamophobia.
The intrusion of religion into the legal system is a threat to our democracy. Judges act as agents of the government, and as such, should refrain from arguments and legal decisions grounded in religious beliefs. Of course, judges have personal lives, which inevitably involve a range of experiences that shape their view of the world. Many judges have personal religious beliefs, and it would be ridiculous to suggest they should not. But their decisions should stand on their own, without use of scripture or invocations of God.
Holmes, Meister suffer injuries in Senior Day win
By Dalton James | @daltonmjames
Just 22 minutes later, freshman guard Julianna LaMendola fired a righthanded pass to sophomore forward Lilly Meister at the right block with 3:32 seconds left. Meister hauled in the pass, took one dribble before attempting a layup, then she too landed awkwardly, and injured her left ankle.
No. 14 Indiana women’s basketball’s matchup with Maryland on March 3 marked the final regular season home game of the season. The contest also marked another chapter in Indiana’s and Holmes’ string of lateseason injuries — now three consecutive campaigns.
Holmes suffered a knee injury Jan. 5, 2022, against Wisconsin that required a knee procedure which caused her to miss eight games. She also injured her
knee in the 2023 Big Ten Tournament and sat out the first round of the NCAA Tournament.
“She’s certainly had some bad luck, especially in late February,” Indiana head coach Teri Moren said postgame. “We’re going to be hopeful and optimistic that it will turn out the way that we want it to.”
Holmes managed to limp off the court, later returning to the bench with 1:15 left in the game.
Meister, on the other hand, needed help to get off the hardwood.
The Rochester, Minnesota, native looked unable to put weight on her left ankle, however she remained on the bench for the rest of the game.
“Day-to-day as far as where [Holmes and Meister are] at,” Moren said. “The evaluation is going to be ongoing right now.”
In the just over three minutes that the Hoosiers were without the pair of forwards, Moren opted to move Garzon to the five and play a small lineup as the Israel native displayed her versatility.
If Holmes misses any action in Indiana’s upcoming games, the Hoosiers would be without their leading scorer this season — averaging 20.7 points per game.
Although Meister
| IDS Indiana head coach Teri Moren talks to an official during the game against Maryland on March 3, 2024, inside Simon Skjodt Assembly
averages just 3.9 points per game, she plays an important role in giving Holmes stints on the bench.
March 3 isn’t the first time this season that Indiana has dealt with injuries.
Senior guard Sydney Parrish suffered an injury in practice two days before playing
against Purdue on Jan. 21. She went on to miss seven games as sophomore guard Lexus Bargesser filled in for the Fishers, Indiana, native. While Parrish has since returned to the lineup and seems to be back to her normal self, Indiana could now be without a pair of
impactful players in the future. Luckily for the Hoosiers, they have a four-day gap between games. They’ll begin their quest for a Big Ten Tournament title March 8, approximately 25 minutes after the 6:30 ET matchup.
“The great thing is that
we have some time here. We got the double bye so we’re not playing until March 8, so we do have some good time here,” Moren said. “The bigger picture also is the NCAA Tournament. So, we have a lot to think about, certainly the Big Ten Tournament but beyond that as well.”
Xavier Johnson has cried a few times this season. Indiana men’s basketball’s sixth-year senior point guard isn’t afraid to admit it.
Twice this season, Johnson missed extended time due to injury: the first a seven-game absence due to a broken foot in late November and the second a six-game leave due to an elbow injury suffered in late January. Injuries and the emotional distress they carry are far from novel for Johnson.
Last season, a broken foot caused Johnson to miss all but 11 games. March 1, Johnson said no one could deal with the mental “attack” he’s endured over the last year. But March 3, Indiana’s co-captain was vindicated.
At the XFINITY Center in College Park, Maryland — a little under an hour north of Johnson’s hometown of Woodbridge, Virginia — the Hoosiers erased a 16-point deficit to top Maryland 83-78. In front of close family members, Johnson scored 13 points and dished out a team-high six assists while only committing one turnover.
“This is where I’m from,” Johnson said postgame. “It’s been a long ride, and it’s almost coming to an end. My family being there — they’re my backbone. It’s important for them to be there for me.”
With 34 seconds remaining against the Terrapins contest, Johnson hounded Maryland senior guard Jahari Long on the perimeter. Johnson’s peskiness was rewarded. Long lost his dribble and John-
son dove to the hardwood to gain possession. Johnson, with the ball nestled in his arms, had all but sealed Indiana’s comeback triumph. Before he got up and headed to the free throw line for a pair of shots he would go on to make, a sly but rich grin emerged on his face.
Perhaps more so than in previous seasons, Johnson has taken charge in a leadership role. Prior to this season, Johnson said he grew in trying to lead not just by example, but with his voice as well. Being sidelined for lengthy stretches of this year, Johnson never wavered in that aspect. In the time he missed, head coach Mike Woodson expressed the need for Johnson on the floor almost ad nauseum. Freshman guard Gabe Cupps was an adequate understudy given his defensive efforts and distributive abilities on offense, but he doesn’t offer the same level of playmaking as Johnson. The twitchy movements and ability to glide in transition and wreak havoc was sorely lacking. “I can’t even explain it,” freshman forward Mackenzie Mgbako said. “He’s so great at what he does — being able to move the ball in transition, get downhill at an amazing pace and find players for the open shot.”
Alongside Johnson’s fellow co-captain in senior guard Trey Galloway, who notched 12 points, five rebounds and four assists Sunday afternoon, the reliable backcourt tandem Woodson expected finally came to fruition. They’ve shown spurts together, but those flashes have been overshadowed by inconsis-
tency. In a road loss to Nebraska on Jan. 3, Johnson played 14 minutes, turned the ball over four times and didn’t score. Woodson called those 14 minutes “awful.” Galloway also committed a trio of turnovers in the 86-70 thumping.
But March 3 against Maryland, Johnson looked like his old self with dazzling ball handling and game-breaking speed. Alongside him, Galloway’s intensity and fearlessness helped forge the guard pairing that Woodson was eager to witness.
“I thought X was Xavier Johnson,” head coach Mike Woodson said. “He did a lot of good things on the floor from a defensive standpoint. But just controlling the game along with him and Gallo, our two seniors, I missed that this season.”
Last season, aided in large part by the play of now-Los Angeles Lakers guard Jalen Hood-Schifino, Indiana treaded water without Johnson. This year, with a Big Ten Tournament title likely the Hoosiers’ only avenue to reach the NCAA Tournament, Johnson’s absence weighed heavier.
When on the court, Johnson has been the frequent target of fan derision. His miscues, even at Indiana’s Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall, are often met with boos from the Hoosier faithful. Johnson, the team’s eldest player, couldn’t afford to unravel. He’ll be the first to take accountability for blunders like ill-timed turnovers — and did so March 3 despite his efficient and nearly unblemished outing.
“I add experience,” Johnson said. “I know I do a couple of things that’s head
rocking, but I’m a player. I’m gonna make mistakes and I’m just gonna try to get it right back.”
took an
The Hoosiers struggled in the first round, firing a 292, 4-over par that slotted them in last place. Redshirt junior Caroline Smith was the bright spot of the round, posting a 69, 3-under par, including four birdies and an eagle. The round was tied for 16th among individuals.
Indiana showed a slight improvement in the second round, shooting a 291, 3-over par. It surpassed Furman University for 15th place in the standings following the
round. Redshirt sophomore Maddie May was the low scorer in the second round with a 71, 1-under par.
The Hoosiers’ upwards scoring trajectory continued in the final round with a 286, 2-under par, but it wasn’t enough to move higher in the standings. May scored a second consecutive 71, 1-under alongside senior Dominika Burdova and sophomore Chloe Johnson.
May finished as the Hoosiers’ lowest scorer for the tournament with a 214, 2-under par — besting her career high of 222, 6-over par at The Ally Invitational on Oct. 23-25. She scored a
team-high 13 birdies across the three rounds, with six of them coming in her final round. She tied for 34th in the field.
“Really proud of Maddie and how she handled the week,” May said. “She has a ton of tools and she’s been working hard on the mental approach to really being competitive. She was super consistent.” Smith and Burdova tied for 48th, each scoring 219, 3-over par. Johnson scored a 221, 5-over par to tie for 59th. Freshman Nicole Kolbas rounded out Indiana’s lineup with a 229, 13-over par, in her third appearance.
Indiana ranked 14th in the field with 166 pars and 12th with 47 birdies. It was also one of 11
teams to card an eagle in the tournament. However, the high scores on the card limited the Hoosiers from placing higher. “I think the overall scoring difficulty for us this week was the big numbers that we had to account for,” May said. “We had too many doubles and triples counted in there, and it kind of overlooked some of the good things that we did because we were having to play catch up so many times from bad holes.” Par 4s were Indiana’s strong spot, as it ranked 10th in the field with a 4.09 scoring average as a team. The Hoosiers ranked 15th at both Par 3s with a 3.20 scoring average and Par 5s with a 4.95 clip. Indiana was one of three Big Ten teams to compete in the Chevron Collegiate. Maryland placed second, scoring an 835, 29-under par and Illinois finished ninth with an 853, 11-under par. Next on the Hoosiers’ slate is the Florida State Match-Up. Indiana will travel to Tallahassee, Florida, to play in the event from March 15-17
at Seminole Legacy Golf Course.
Indiana football held its pro day March 5, with seven players performing a variety of athletic and positional drills in front of double-digit NFL evaluators inside Mellencamp Pavillion.
The event marked the final time each participant will compete wearing Indiana colors — and for linebacker Aaron Casey and defensive back Noah Pierre, the day was six years in the making.
Casey and Pierre were members of the Hoosiers’ 2018 recruiting class, both unheralded 3-star recruits ranked outside the top-100 of their respective positions who turned into team captains this past year.
They saw the peaks of Indiana’s success under head coach Tom Allen, including the 6-2 season in 2020 that saw the program finish ranked for the first time since 1988. But they were also around for the valleys of Allen’s tenure, watching as the Hoosiers went 9-27 over the past three years and parted ways with Allen and much of his staff after the 2023 season.
There were highs and lows, lessons and memories — but most of all, maturity.
“It’s kind of bittersweet,” Pierre said. “This [is] the place that I came in as a boy, basically, and left as a man, have my son now. These guys that are here now, they saw me come in as a young boy and grow into a man. So, kind of bittersweet, but I’ll be back around — I love IU.”
Pierre’s final season came to an abrupt close due to a hip injury suffered Oct. 21 against Rutgers, shifting him into a coaching-esque role with the Hoosiers’ young secondary.
The Miami, Florida, native said he was cleared to return in early January and is now fully healthy. He’s trained for two months but intends on taking a few weeks off before participating in local pro days with the Indianapolis Colts and Miami Dolphins.
With several family members in attendance, Pierre said he performed well and hit his testing numbers. Of note, he completed 14 reps of 225 pounds on the bench press, vertically jumped 37.5 inches and recorded a 10foot broad jump.
Pierre, after what he described as a long four months of recovery, believes he ended his time in Bloomington on a high note.
“A lot of ups and downs,” Pierre said. “Some days, I felt 100%. Some days, I felt like I couldn’t even go. I’m just grateful for where I am now — I give it all to God.”
Pierre noted his athleticism, IQ and versatility can help teams at the next level. Casey, who’s spoken with several teams in the draft process at the East-West Shrine Bowl and NFL Scouting Combine, thinks he’ll bring similar traits to the next level — and has heard as such from league evaluators.
“Instincts,” Casey said about what teams like about him. “The way I can move and find the ball in the back-
field was one of the main things. How aggressive I am at the point of contact.”
Casey, a second-team All-Big Ten selection who led the conference with 20 tackles for loss last season, ran a 4.75 40-yard dash at the NFL Combine. He ran as fast as 4.64 in his predraft training but didn’t see it translate to Lucas Oil Stadium.
While he didn’t have an official number, Casey said his time improved Tuesday. So did his vertical jump, which went from 30 inches to 34. As for the on-field drills, Casey feels that’s just a return to normalcy, back where he’s most comfortable.
The 23-year-old Casey finished the fall semester early and departed for Fort Myers, Florida, shortly after the Hoosiers’ season ended Nov. 25. The pro day, which marked his first return to Bloomington since leaving, came with a wave of memories.
“It’s a long time I put in work here,” Casey said. “A long time making friendships, making connections with players, coaches, staff, everybody. Just coming back, it feels good. I grew up here for the most part.”
Indiana’s other five participants were defensive end Andre Carter, long snapper Sean Wracher, receiver DeQuece Carter and running backs Christian Turner and Josh Henderson.
Andre Carter posted 33 reps on the bench press, tops on the team. Wracher only did positional drills, firing a few snaps. DeQuece
Sixth-year senior linebacker Aaron Casey looks to the sideline Nov. 4, 2023, against Wisconsin at Memorial Stadium. Casey earned second-team All-Big Ten honors.
Carter spent extensive time after his session speaking with a scout from the Atlanta Falcons. Turner notched a teambest 10-feet, 5-inch broad jump to go along with 26 bench press reps. Henderson registered similar numbers, logging 22 reps, a 35inch vertical and a 10-foot broad jump. In addition to the extensive list of scouts, several others came to watch, including new Indiana head
coach Curt Cignetti, defensive coordinator Bryant Haines, outside linebacker Lanell Carr Jr., quarterback Tayven Jackson and more.
Kurtis Rourke, the presumptive favorite to start at quarterback for the Hoosiers, threw passes to DeQuece Carter, Henderson and Turner during the drills. It was Rourke’s first time throwing publicly since transferring from Ohio University to Indiana this December.
Between Pierre, Casey and others bidding adieu and Cignetti and Rourke making appearances, Indiana football officially turned the page on 2023 — and Casey, speaking on an overcast, rain-filled afternoon, sees brighter days ahead.
“Getting back to see how things are, seeing the new guys coming here — excited for them, excited for the new opportunities they have,” Casey said. “I wish the best for IU.”
The Namby Pamby, an all-female indie rock trio, performed at 10:30 p.m., March 1, at The Bishop Bar along with Cal in Red and Milkwood.
The Fort Wayne-based band played hits from their latest album, “Marketplace” and surprised the crowd with a psychedelic cover of the popular song, “Murder on the Dancefloor” by Sophie Ellis-Bexter.
The band consists of sisters McKenna and Emily Parks, vocalist and guitarist respectively, along with Payton Knerr on drums. They have played shows in Bloomington including last year’s WIUX Culture Shock Festival and released their debut album in November 2022 and toured around the Midwest.
“We did about twelve
days on the road, and that was super fun to get out and play in other cities and share the love with everybody and our story and our music.” McKenna said. Payton said one of the biggest changes in the last year had been the response from fans.
“Homies that listen to you and sing the words with you — it’s a different experience than ‘oh I like this one,’” Knerr said. “To be able to have people know the songs is cool.”
One such fan is Austen Eicher from Greenwood, Indiana, who is a musician himself and went to The Bishop to see them perform again.
“We opened up for them one time and they’re lovely people,” he said. “They’re awesome.”
He is a member of the band Too Many Cooks and sang The Namby Pamby’s
“They get you in the groove. They’re so tight as a band. They’re mesmerizing,” Eicher said. “I could just sit there lay in bed listen to them and close my eyes, it makes me feel good.”
“The more we’ve gotten to play here, it’s become way more than just a college town,” she said. “There is such a culture in Bloomington that’s really cool, and now we love playing Bloomington a lot.”
Emily and Knerr agreed that one of the best aspects of the Bloomington music scene was how welcoming other bands were and how much of a tight-knit community there was.
“My biggest takeaway is that all of the bands that we’ve played with that are based in Bloomington are just so kind, and you do not see that everywhere,” Emily said. “We just want to keep
Episcopal (Anglican)
University Lutheran Chuch and LCMS U
7 p.m.: Wednesday Evening Service
7:45 p.m.: College Bible Study Student Center open daily: 9 a.m. - 10 p.m.
the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Located on Campus, we offer Christ-centered worship, Bible study and a community of friends gathered around God’s gifts of life, salvation and the forgiveness of sins through our Savior Jesus Christ.
Modern Buddhism
KMC Bloomington
234 N. Morton St. 812-318-1236 Instagram, Facebook, MeetUp@kadampameditationcenterbloomington
Weekly Meditation Classes:
Mon., Wed., Fri.: 12:15 - 12:45 p.m.
Tuesday: 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Sunday: 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
All classes In-person, Sunday and Tuesday also offer live-stream.
Retreats two Saturdays per month: 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
See website for specifics.
Amidst school pressures, financial struggles and tense relationship dynamics, we need to focus our attention in a beneficial way through meditation.
KMC Bloomington’s meditation classes give practical, ancient advice so you can learn to connect daily life experiences with wisdom perspectives and maintain mental peace.
coming back because we consider these people our friends now.”
Knerr shared that the band has been able to step into a music community that has helped them grow, and that they consider Bloomington a second home base.
“It’s so fun playing here in the little community that we’ve not only been able to dip our toes in but build with our music and play here so frequently,” Knerr said. “People are just so accepting, and the other bands and artists are really cool, and just take you in.”
After the success of “Marketplace,” McKenna said she hoped for a new 12-track album release by the end of this year.
Following The Namby Pamby were Cal in Red, performing a set of dreamy indie pop. The duo is led by brothers Connor and
Lead vocalist and guitarist McKenna Parks performs with her band The Namby Pamby on March 1, 2024, at The Bishop in Bloomington. They performed with Cal in Red and Milkwood.
Kendall Wright, who began their musical collaboration in early 2018. Cal in Red has released two EPs, and the band is expecting a national tour this spring. Closing out the night was Milkwood, a new duo formed by Cai Caudill and Jack Andrews. Caudill released an eight-song LP in January titled, “Sun Tired,” as well as an EP of three
live recordings from a show at The Blockhouse Bar in Bloomington. Andrews has released eight singles under the name Daguerreotype. The Namby Pamby kicked off a night of groovy indie rock from local artists with an upbeat crowd that served as a reminder of the community that Bloomington has built for new and emerging musicians.
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The Bahá’í Association of IU works to share the Teachings and Principles of the Founder, Bahá’u’lláh, that promote the “Oneness of Mankind” and the Peace and Harmony of the Planet through advancing the “security, prosperity, wealth and tranquility of all peoples.”
Sunday: 10:40 a.m., Regular Services, Devotional Meetings. Please call or contact through our website for other meetings/activities
424 S. College Mall Rd. 812-331-1863áí-Community-ofBloomington-Indiana-146343332130574
Instagram: @bloomingtonbahai
Karen Pollock Dan Enslow
Society of Friends (Quaker)
Canterbury Mission
719 E. Seventh St. 812-822-1335
Instagram & Twitter: @ECMatIU
Sunday: 3 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Mon., Wed., Thu.: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Tuesday: 12 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Fri., Sat.: By Appointment
Canterbury: Assertively open & affirming; unapologetically Christian, we proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ by promoting justice, equality, peace, love and striving to be the change God wants to see in our world.
Ed Bird - Chaplain/Priest
Gaden KhachoeShing Monastery
2150 E. Dolan Rd. 812-334-3456
Dedicated to preserving the Buddha’s teachings as transmitted through the Gelukpa lineage of Tibet, for the benefit of all beings. The lineage was founded by the great Master Je Tsonghkapa in the 15th century in Tibet.
Christian Science
First Church of Christ, Scientist
2425 E. Third St. 812-332-0536
Sunday: 10 a.m.
Wednesday: 7 p.m.
A free public reading room in the east wing of our church is open weekdays from noon until 2 p.m. Here you may read the award-winning Christian Science Monitor and other church literature. An attendant is glad to answer questions.
Bloomington Friends Meeting 3820 E. Moores Pike 812-336-4581
Facebook: Bloomington Friends Meeting
Sunday (in person and by Zoom) : 9:45 a.m., Hymn singing 10:30 a.m., Meeting for Worship 10:45 a.m., Sunday School (Children join in worship from 10:30-10:45) 11:30 a.m., Light Refreshments and Fellowship 12:45 p.m., Often there is a second hour activity (see website) Wednesday (Via Zoom) : 9 a.m., Midweek Meeting for worship 9:30 a.m., Fellowship
We practice traditional Quaker worship, gathering in silence with occasional Spirit-led vocal ministry by fellow worshipers. We are an inclusive community with a rich variety of beliefs and no prescribed creed. We are actively involved in peace action, social justice causes, and environmental concerns.
Peter Burkholder - Clerk
United Methodist
Jubilee 219 E. Fourth St. 812-332-6396 Instagram: @jubileebloomington
Bahá'í Faith
Bahá'í Association of IU 424 S. College Mall Rd. 812-331-1863áí-Community-ofBloomington-Indiana-146343332130574
Instagram: @bloomingtonbahai
Sunday: 10:40 a.m., Regular Services, Devotional Meetings. Please call or contact through our website for other meetings/activities
The Bahá'í Association of IU works to share the Teachings and Principles of the Founder, Bahá'u'lláh, that promote the "Oneness of Mankind" and the Peace and Harmony of the Planet through advancing the "security, prosperity, wealth and tranquility of all peoples."
Karen Pollock Dan Enslow
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Rose House LuMin & St. Thomas Lutheran Church
3800 E. Third St. 812-332-5252
Instagram: @hoosierlumin
Sunday: 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. @ St. Thomas Lutheran Church 3800 E. Third St.
Tuesday: 6:30 p.m. Dinner & Devotions @ Rose House LuMin 314 S. Rose Ave.
Rose House LuMin and St. Thomas Lutheran Church invite you to experience life together with us. We are an inclusive Christian community who values the faith, gifts, and ministry of all God’s people. We seek justice, serve our neighbors, and love boldly.
Rev. Adrianne Meier Rev. Lecia Beck
Rev. Amanda Ghaffarian - Campus Pastor
role in our rhythm of doing life together.
Markus Dickinson -
Postmodern Jazz Quartet performed a lively jazz set March 2 at Morgenstern’s Bookstore & Café Jazz Salon event. The performance featured music from Keith Jarrett’s album “Standards” which was a trio performed with Gary Peacock and Jack DeJohnette.
The smell of coffee loomed in the air as the smooth sounds of jazz music enriched the atmosphere.
The Jazz Salon is an event that happens every month to appreciate jazz music. The event was a rescheduled event after a cancellation on the original date due to weather conditions Feb. 16.
Postmodern Jazz Quartet was formed in 2004 in Bloomington and plays a wide range of jazz styles with hints of blues and funk music. The quartet involves four musicians: pianist Jeff Isaac, trombonist Jonathan Elmer, bassist David Bruker and drummer Dan Deckard.
Isaac and Elmer founded the group as professors here at IU. Isaac teaches political science and Elmer teaches English.
Isaac has been playing with this band for the past 20 years and said the group has gone through changes, such as members coming and going. Isaac said his journey in jazz began in high
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
205 E. Kirkwood Ave. 812-332-4459
Sunday: 10 a.m.
We are an inclusive community of people who are diverse in thought and unified in spirit. We are an LGBTQIA+ welcoming and affirming congregation known for our excellent music and commitment to justice. Our worship services will not only lift your spirit, but also engage your mind. You are welcome!
Pastor Kyrmen Rea - Senior Pastor Pastor Sarah Lynne GershonStudent Associate Pastor Jan Harrington - Director of Music
Emmanuel Church
1503 W. That Rd. 812-824-2768
Instagram & Facebook: @EmmanuelBloomington
Sunday: 9:15 a.m., Fellowship
Sunday: 10 a.m., Worship
Groups: Various times
Emmanuel is a multigenerational church of all types of people. Whether you are questioning faith or have followed Jesus for years, we exist to help fuel a passion for following Jesus as we gather together, grow in community, and go make disciples.
John Winders - Lead Pastor
Second Baptist Church
321 N Rogers St 812-327-1467 churchbloomington
Sunday Service: 10 a.m., In house and on Facebook/YouTube
Sunday School: 8:45 - 9:45 a.m.
Bible Study: Available In House and on Zoom
Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m.,
Thursdays, Noon
Please come and worship with us. We are in training for reigning with Christ! Need a ride? Call our Church bus at 812-3271467 before 8 a.m. on Sunday
Rev. Dr. Bruce R. Rose - Pastor Tallie Schroeder - Secretary
Trinity Reformed Church
2401 S. Endwright Rd. 812-825-2684
Sunday: 9 a.m. & 11 a.m., Services Bible Study: 7 p.m. at the IMU
We are a Protestant Reformed church on the west side of Bloomington with lively worship on Sunday mornings and regular lunches for students after church. We love the Bible, and we aim to love like Jesus. Please get in touch if you’d like a ride!
Jody Killingsworth - Senior Pastor Lucas Weeks - College Pastor
school when his former high school teacher inspired him to join the jazz ensemble. Issac said he loves being able to perform and having a relaxing outlet outside of teaching.
“I love the freedom and the creativity involved in improvising,” Isaac said. “I also love the interplay of the musicians. That’s what I love
Lifeway Baptist Church
7821 W. State Road 46 812-876-6072
Sunday: 9 a.m., Bible Study Classes 10 a.m., Morning Service 5 p.m., Evening Service *Free transportation provided. Please call if you need a ride to church.
Barnabas College Ministry: Meeting for Bible study throughout the month. Contact Rosh Dhanawade at for more information.
Steven VonBokern - Senior Pastor Rosh Dhanawade - IU Coordinator 302-561-0108
United Presbyterian Church 1701 E. Second St. 812-332-1850
Sunday worship service: 10 a.m.
Tuesday Bible Study: 6 p.m., in-person and via Zoom
A diverse and inclusive people of God determined and committed to reflect an authentic presentation of the church universal. We cherish the authority of Scripture and the elemental Presbyterian confession that that God alone is Lord of the conscience.”
Cheryl Montgomery - Reverend Benjamin Watkins, PhD - Music Director
Allen Pease - Event Coordinator & Secretary
Redeemer Community Church
111 S. Kimble Dr. 812-269-8975
Instagram & Twitter: @RedeemerBtown
Sunday: 9 a.m., 11 a.m.
Redeemer is a gospel-centered community on mission. Our vision is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ transform everything: our lives, our church, our city, and our world. We want to be instruments of gospel change in Bloomington and beyond.
Chris Jones - Lead Pastor
Bloomington Young Single Adult Branch 2411 E. Second St.
To Contact: Send message from website wards/237973
Sunday: 12:30 p.m.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints has four congregations in Bloomington—Three family wards and our young single adult branch for college students. This info is for the YSA Branch.
Weekday religious classes at 333 S Highland Ave, Bloomington IN 47401, next to campus.
More info at
about playing with this group and what I love about jazz. It’s all in a groove.” Issac said he left a different blues band in 2004 and was motivated to create a jazz ensemble as a professor. After being invited to play at a gig by a colleague, Isaac said he decided to form a jazz ensemble.
“I put together the band to play a reception for the College of Arts and Sciences,” Isaac said. “That was the first gig we played and ever since then, we’ve been playing.”
The quartet has performed at venues all around Bloomington. They have performed at The Blockhouse, The Switchyard and Morgenstern’s. They try to perform once a month on every third Friday at Morgenstern’s Bookstore& Café.
“We love playing here,” Isaac said. “It’s actually incredible. We’ve built up a real following here.”
Isaac said his playing from the night was inspiringly affected by being able to play
with Elmer who originally was not going to perform due to travel plans.
“This was originally supposed to be a trio gig and I basically convinced Jonathan, the trombone player, to play with us and I’m glad he did,” Issac said.
The rich acoustic sounds from the quartet had guests bobbing their heads to the melodies. Some were tapping their feet to the beat of the drummer’s solo and swaying to the bass’ flow.
Cook Medical coworkers
Brandon Phan and Akanksha Singh visited Morgenstern’s for their first time that night. They both recently moved to town and said they have been trying to explore the Bloomington community and happened to stumble upon the performance.
Singh said she loved the vibes of the bookstore and thought it was cute. She listens to jazz every now and then and had no expectations for the night, but the ambience and vibes were altogether great for her.
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington 2120 N. Fee Ln. 812-332-3695
Sunday: 10:15 a.m.
With open hearts and minds, we celebrate diverse beliefs and engage in a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. We are passionate about social justice and lifelong learning. We are an LGBTQA+ Welcoming Congregation. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we welcome you!
Rev. Constance Grant - Lead Minister Anabel Watson - Connections Coordinator
Unity of Bloomington 4001 S. Rogers St. 812-333-2484 facebook@UnityofBloomington
Sunday: 10:30 a.m.
Unity is a positive, practical, progressive approach to Christianity based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer. Unity honors the universal truths in all religions and respects each individual’s right to choose a spiritual path. Our God is Love, Our Race is Human, Our Faith is Oneness.
Doris Brinegar - Administrator Phyllis Wickliff - Music Director
Mennonite Fellowship of Bloomington 2420 E. Third St. 812-646-2441
Sunday: 5 p.m.
A welcoming, inclusive congregation providing a place of healing and hope as we journey together in the Spirit of Christ. Gathering for worship Sundays 5 p.m. in the Roger Williams room, First United Church. As people of God's peace, we seek to embody the Kingdom of God.
John Sauder -
First United Church 2420 E. Third St. 812-332-4439
Sunday: 10:30 a.m., Worship
Monday: 10 a.m. via Zoom, Bible Study
We are an Open, Welcoming, and Affirming community of love and acceptance dedicated to welcoming the diversity of God’s beloved. We exist to empower, challenge, and encourage one another to live out Jesus’ ways (compassion, truth, and justice) authentically as human beings in community to create a better world.
Rev. Jessica Petersen-MutaiSenior Minister
“I did not know what I was getting myself into, but they have a fan now,” Singh said.
Phan said he is a recreational listener of jazz and used to go to jazz clubs when he lived in San Diego, California. He said he was looking for those kinds of places to visit in Bloomington.
“I was like looking for culture in town so it’s cool to have that here,” Phan said. “I’m probably going to make this my spot.”
Phan said the highlight of his visit at Morgenstern’s was reading “How to Be More Shrek: An Ogre’s Guide to Life” in one sitting and staying to experience the Jazz Salon event.
“It’s cool to have a real postmodern band that seems very experienced and are happy to play together,”
Phan said. “All that together, with the Shrek was really a big day for me.”
To know more about Morgenstern’s and their future events, visit its website.
Christ Community Church
503 S. High St. 812-332-0502
Instagram: @christcommunitybtown
Sunday: 9:15 a.m., Educational Hour 10:30 a.m., Worship Service
We are a diverse community of Christ-followers, including many IU students, faculty and staff. Together we are committed to sharing the redeeming grace and transforming truth of Jesus Christ in this college town.
Bob Whitaker - Senior Pastor Adam deWeber - Worship Pastor Dan Waugh - Adult Ministry Pastor
Christian Student Fellowship
1968 N. David Baker 812-332-8972
Instagram & Facebook: @csfindiana
Monday - Friday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Office
Thursday: 8 p.m., Worship Service
Christian Student Fellowship (CSF) is a ministry built on Jesus Christ. We exist to help students pursue authentic faith and build intentional communities while in college. Come check out our campus house and/or any of our other various ministry opportunities.
Ben Geiger - Lead campus minister Joe Durnil - Associate campus minister Stephanie Michael - Associate campus minister Hailee Fox - Office manager
Church of Christ 825 W. Second St. 812-332-0501
Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Bible Study 10:30 a.m. & 5 p.m., Worship Wednesday: 7 p.m., Bible Study
We use no book, but the Bible. We have no creed but His Word within its sacred pages. God is love and as such we wish to share this joy with you. The comprehensive teaching of God's Word can change you forever.
John Myers - Preacher
City Church For All Nations
1200 N. Russell Rd. 812-336-5958
Instagram: @citychurchbtown
Sunday Service: 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. Always check website for possible changes to service times.
City Church is a non-denominational multicultural, multigenerational church on Bloomington's east side. The Loft, our college ministry meets on Tuesdays at 7 p.m.
I left my evening showing of “Dune: Part Two” and couldn’t stop geeking. The film was as close to perfect as any Dune adaptation could be — ripe for imminent rewatches and some amateur analysis I will lay out below.
A disclaimer: this review might contain some light spoilers from the first film and Frank Herbert’s book series the movie is based on.
The story follows Paul Atreides (Timothée Chalamet) as he regains his strength and seeks revenge after the trials of the first movie. He lost everything: his father, his wealth and the standing of his great house. Now, he wants revenge. His mother, the lady Jessica, is part of a sisterhood order called the Bene Gesserit which crosses bloodlines across centuries and uses mental conditioning to create nearsuperhumans, including Paul. Paul has odd abilities; he sees visions of the future and can control people with his voice.
The order also spreads prophecy around the known universe. On the desert planet Arrakis the film is set on, the Bene Gesserit spread a story about a messianic figure called the “Lisan al Gaib,” meaning the voice from the outer world. As Paul begins to fill these messianic shoes for Arrakis’ native inhabitants and seeks revenge on those who wronged him, conflict ensues.
I am no expert on acting, but there were no complaints from me there. Chalamet’s performance is much improved from the first movie, Zendaya slays as per usual, Javier Bardem was hilarious as Stilgar (at least in the first part), and Rebecca Ferguson kills it as the lady Jessica. I hope Austin Butler didn’t method act as the psychotic
villain Feyd-Rautha, who is insanely freaky but wellperformed. The technical aspects will speak for themselves upon watching and likely at the next Academy Awards. Standout shots for me included the Harkonnen planet Giedi Prime, everything with a worm and every single explosion. The soundtrack was outstanding. After the first iteration of Dune, “Arrival” and “Blade Runner 2049,” director Denis Villeneuve cemented himself as a legend in scifi cinema. With countless attempts at filming Dune in the past (I didn’t like David Lynch’s, sorry), he was the right director at the right time and is setting himself up for success in the upcoming third film.
One thing many book readers will catch is what all of Villeneuve’s changes seem to point toward: a much more accessible Dune part three. While the first two movies follow the first book, the third movie will follow the second book, “Dune Messiah.” “Dune Messiah” is weird as hell. Face shifters at the edge of what can be considered human, resurrection and even more intrigue than the first book
scour its pages. We’ll see how much of that gets in the film, but Villeneuve is clearly priming the central plot for a more direct version of Messiah’s. I do hope he keeps at least some of the bizarreness of the book (and hopefully we will get to see a guild navigator in this one).
Another note on the weirdness of Dune — it is no reason to write the story off. Look outside. Sure, we don’t have witch orders directing history through messianic prophecy. But think about how our world is shaped by the fact that nine countries have the power to drop the sun on any city at any time.
People clone their pets. Researchers created the hearts of stars in machines. I don’t need to belabor large language models and the march toward artificial general intelligence. Our world is odd too!
Only recently in our history have humans realized a depressing but liberating truth: we live on a speck of dust in an ancient galaxy in an unknowable universe. We can debate on whether anything we do matters, but this realization of scale should have humbled us.
The genius of the literary and cinematic Dune is that they embrace this strangeness of humanity’s predicament but scorn the universe’s attempts to humble us. They see the stars as just another setting for humanity to flourish, not a limit.
Some important book context I didn’t notice either movie mention is the reason for the lack of computers. Hundreds of years before the main story, humanity went to war with thinking machines (computers and AI) and ultimately prohibited their use. Humanity then turned to upgrading themselves through biological technology and the pseudo-magic of the Bene Gesserit.
This exposes the great curiosity and great savagery in humanity in the years to come. The story takes a cynical tone to this end, as humanity’s diverging civilizations across the stars exhibit both beauty and terror.
The distinct lack of feeling and sometimes personality in the film — as its characters succumb to religious fervor and politicking — is on purpose. Because more than anything, Dune is a story
about the human heart at conflict with itself. It’s not a hero’s journey.
The story is one of the most pertinent epics to our time. The empire’s power structure is reminiscent of the late Roman Empire, rather than a democracy. There is no concept of “truth” in the film, as Paul must navigate believing either he is the messiah or that the whole prophecy is a mummer’s farce. There, again, are no computers. The sum is a reminder that none of our systems’ survivals are guaranteed.
Cynicism aside, the film left me hungry for more. While leaving the theater, I couldn’t help but wonder how people felt coming out of generational sci-fi and fantasy epics of the past. Did people leaving showings of “The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers” in 2003 immediately understand the series’ future cultural impact?
Every 20 years, a new sci-fi or fantasy epic seems to captivate nerds like me, between Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and potentially Dune.
It is not in my or anyone’s purview to decide this film’s legacy. But I believe we are witnessing something generational.
Welcome back to the weekend show guide! As we head into spring break, celebrate your hard work with an evening at The Bluebird Nightclub or The Buskirk-Chumley Theater. While this weekend is a bit quieter than previous, there are still plenty of fun events to go to. Here’s what’s happening this weekend in the Bloomington music scene.
March 7
Local indie rock band
Welcome To The Neighborhood performs at 9 p.m. at The Bluebird Nightclub. Tickets for this 21+ show are available on the website for $5.
March 8
An Evening with Leo Kottke begins at 7 p.m. at The Buskirk-Chumley Theater. Kottke has earned two Grammy nominations and after his over fifty-year career is considered a legendary guitarist and folk musician. Tickets are available on the Buskirk website. We’re living in an emo resurgence, and if you wish you could go to a Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, or Panic! At The Disco concert, head over to The Emo Night Tour at 8 p.m. at The Bluebird. Tickets for this 21+ event are $15.
March 9
Hairbangers Ball returns at 8 p.m. at The Bluebird for a night of rock ’n’ roll decadence with all the biggest hair metal hits of the 80s. Tickets are available on their website for $15 for this 21+ event.
Zion Crossroads, a roots and bluegrass inspired band, will perform with Calem Ely at 7:30 p.m. at The Orbit Room.
March 10
20-time Grammy winner and jazz guitarist Pat Metheny will perform personal and fan favorite songs from his nearly 50-year career. He is making a stop at 8 p.m. at The BuskirkChumley Theater on his solo tour for his latest release, “Dream Box.” Tickets are available on the Buskirk website. Enjoy spring break!