I N D I A N A D A I LY S T U D E N T | M O N D AY, O C T. 1 2 , 2 0 1 5 | I D S N E W S . C O M
The letters of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity house are taken down Thursday afternoon after the chapter was revoked by the fraternity’s national office. ATO and select individuals were accused of hazing, endangering a student, possessing and consuming alcohol and lying to University officials.
THE HOUSE WITHOUT A NAME Alpha Tau Omega-Delta Alpha chapter revoked after release of explicit video on Twitter By Sarah Gardner gardnese@indiana.edu | @sarahhhgardner
The IU chapter of Alpha Tau Omega has already been shut down following the release of a sexually explicit video on Twitter Wednesday evening, The letters on the front of the house have been removed. Now, the young men living inside the house have no idea whether they will be allowed to stay. On Saturday afternoon, at least one person had a suggestion for where else they could go. A white sheet of paper was taped to the front door
of the former ATO house. It was an advertisement for an apartment. “2 BR 2 Bath Available Now,” the advertisement read. The fraternity made national news in 1992 when it was kicked off campus after a freshman pledge was hospitalized with a nearly fatal .48 blood alcohol content. Last April, ATO president Tommy Paslaski told the Indiana Daily Student he was working to improve the reputation of the house. Now he has no comment. In the wake of the chapter’s closing, there are many questions left unanswered about what will
happen next. University and criminal investigations are not complete. The possibility of the fraternity’s return to IU is unknown. Another question: what will become of the house where all of these incidents took place? The house is not owned by the national chapter of the fraternity or IU. It is owned by Delta Alpha of ATO, Inc., the board of alumni directors and housing corporation for the IU chapter of ATO. The decision of whether to evict the students currently living in the house lies with them. SEE ATO, PAGE 5
0.48% ATO kicked out of house Fraternity kicked out after disciplinary charges. Delta Chi moves in.
August 2012 ATO returns to Third Street house
Oct. 8, 2015
April 17, 2015 Holding up a house ATO president told the IDS how he is working to improve chapter reputation .
ATO closes Fraternity closed by ATO nationals the day after it is suspended by IU officials.
Meter parking revenue to be used for city projects By Anne Halliwell ahalliwe@indiana.edu | @Anne_Halliwell
The Bloomington Common Council will likely approve the city’s 2016 budget in Wednesday’s meeting, but questions remain about the city’s newest source of revenue — the downtown parking meters. City Controller Jeff Underwood estimated at the last meeting that the 2016 revenue from parking meter receipts — the amount of money paid into meters onsite — would exceed $2.25 million. On Sept. 30, Underwood told the council the city was “growing” the source of revenue and gaining seed money for projects for the mayor to decide upon. Stephen Volan, the city council representative for District 6, where the meters are located, said the city should keep in mind that not all expenses that could be meter-funded should be so. “There’s no question at all that this is a new revenue stream for the city,” Volan said. “The question is where we should apply it.” Underwood, during the city council meeting, presented an 18-month analysis of the revenue from parking meters. At the beginning of the analysis, he showed the fund was roughly
$51,000 in debt from the meter lease. In June of 2015, the total revenue had risen to nearly $586,000. The meters made about $200,000 per month on average, Underwood said, depending on the amount of downtown traffic and whether a lease payment was subtracted from the total for the month. The city will continue to pay off the lease for the meters in 2016 and 2017, after which Bloomington will own them, Underwood said, meaning the lease payments will no longer be subtracted from the revenue total. Fees and services will likely bring in another $113,000 in 2016, he said. Fees incurred by parking meter users go into the general fund. “When the meters were installed, there was an expectation that those would somehow cannibalize the revenue from parking in garages,” Volan said. After the city council meeting, though, Volan said it’s clear the funds from the meters have not been stripped from other sources. As the meters are located in district 6, Volan said the parking meter funds should be used to improve Bloomington’s downtown. Volan studied “The High Cost of
Free Parking” by Donald Shoup. “Shoup will say that money generated in a district should be spent in that district,” Volan said. “One of my concerns as a district representative is that the city may be unintentionally short-changing District 6.” Volan said general funds that used to be spent in District 6 may now be spent in other districts, while the downtown area is funded largely by parking revenue. “The downtown still deserves the same consideration it got from the general fund,” Volan said. Volan said Shoup wrote about the downtown of Pasadena, California, where, in order to convince retailers to accept the installation of parking meters, city officials used the money generated to improve the downtown area. “The most important thing is that people need to know where the dollars are being applied,” Volan said. Though Volan stressed the importance of deciding how meter funds will be used, he did not know when the final decision on the matter would be made. “It’s going to be up to the next mayor — it’s a political question, one for the candidates,” Volan said.
Hoosiers dominate, lose on penalty kick 0-1 By Michael Hughes michhugh@indiana.edu @MichaelHughes94
The frustration was too much to contain. He was already upset with being in overtime after out-shooting Ohio State 19-4 and the match still being scoreless. Then his teammate, senior midfielder Matt Foldesy, was given a yellow
card in the 97th minute. What followed on the next free kick was too much for junior midfielder Tanner Thompson. The ball was played into the box, players fell to the ground, and a penalty was called. Senior defender Liam Doyle converted the penalty, and the Buckeyes won the game. SEE HOOSIERS, PAGE 5
Play uses Greek myth By Cassie Heeke cnheeke@indiana.edu | @cnheeke
Two actors — he in a light brown suit and she in plain clothes — stood on stage facing the audience as they began to let stream the poetic script of “The Bull, the Moon and the Coronet of Stars” last Thursday night. The show, performed through Bloomington Playwrights’ Project
and directed by Chad Rabinovitz, is the United States premiere of the 2013 Australian play created by Van Badham. The first performance was Oct. 2, and it will end this coming weekend with three shows at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 15-17. “I think this is my favorite BPP show,” said Patti Russo, a Bloomington resident who SEE BPP, PAGE 5
Pledge nearly loses life Pledge hospitalized with a BAC of 0.48%.