Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2015

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I N D I A N A D A I LY S T U D E N T | W E D N E S D AY, N O V. 4 , 2 0 1 5 | I D S N E W S . C O M


“What we want is... 50 years from now, for people to look back and say that, together, all the people in this room made good decisions.” John Hamilton, Bloomington mayor-elect



John Hamilton was announced mayor of Bloomington on Tuesday night at Players Pub. He gave his acceptance speech with his wife and his son after the announcement.

DEMOCRATS SWEEP ELECTION Hamilton elected Bloomington mayor, celebrates with fellow Democrats By Anne Halliwell | @Anne_Halliwell

Democrat John Hamilton won the Bloomington mayoral election with 77 percent of the vote. “I’m glad we’re continuing a tradition of progressive Democrat mayors,” Hamilton said in his acceptance speech Tuesday night. He thanked his family members and staff, as well as Bloomington’s “working men and women,” for their support. “We have a lot of good work ahead,” Hamilton said. “What we want is ... 50 years from now, for people to look back and say that, together, all the people in this room made good decisions.” Hamilton and the rest of the Bloomington Democratic candidates and staff gathered and made

their speeches in the Players Pub. In his campaign, Hamilton emphasized inclusionary zoning, which make portions of new housing construction more affordable, and increasing sustainability efforts. He advocated working with the Bloomington tech park to facilitate new jobs and increasing community policing, especially in the downtown area. An IU Maurer School of Law graduate, Hamilton served as the secretary of the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, where he oversaw welfare and state aid programs. He was also the commissioner of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and SEE HAMILTON, PAGE 6

Fashion show tackles maintream beauty standards, diet fads By Julie Masterson

In defiance of the photoshopped images, diet fads and unrealistic beauty standards that permeate popular culture, an IU fashion show encouraged students to love the skin they’re in. U Bring Change 2 Mind, Union Board and the Residence Halls Association collaborated to present the Love The Skin You’re In fashion show Tuesday at Alumni Hall in the Indiana Memorial Union. The event featured student models representing a variety of backgrounds and styles as well as a discussion about body positivity with America’s Next Top Model’s first plus-sized winner, Whitney Thompson. “My message is this: healthy is beautiful,” Thompson said. “Healthy is not a size, an age or a procedure.” Neha Sehgal, the social media

director for U Bring Change 2 Mind at IU, helped raise student awareness about the event through sites like Facebook and Twitter. “I think this event will allow students to see a role model that has risen up against the harsh standards of society’s expectations,” Sehgal said. “I hope it will be able to inspire students to start to see their bodies as beautiful despite society’s expectations.” Sehgal said she would like to see more people challenge mainstream norms of what constitutes beauty. “I would say our generation is very dependent on social media, and we have formed expectations of the ‘perfect’ body through avenues such as Instagram,” Sehgal said. “We look at the fashion world today and see very little diversity in body shapes and sizes, which is why having Whitney here is so SEE FASHION, PAGE 6

Republicans, Libertarians gather, celebrate campaigns By Lyndsay Jones | @lyndsayjonesy

They weren’t the overall winners of the elections in Monroe County, but the Republicans and Libertarians who gathered Tuesday in the back of Crazy Horse refused to act like it. At 8:30 p.m., seven attendees, talking cheerfully, circled a table cluttered with beer and wine glasses. One woman spoke proudly, announcing she and three others were Libertarians and currently outnumbered Republicans present at the restaurant. However, when Republican County Chairman William Ellis

Election results BLOOMINGTON MAYOR


John Hamilton 77%

Allison M. Chopra 72%

John Turnbull 23%

Nelson Shaffer 28%


UNCONTESTED RACES City Clerk Nicole Bolden, D

Tim Mayer 30% Andy Ruff 28%

Council District 2 Dorothy Granger, D

Susan Sandberg 30% Jennifer Mickel 11%

Council District 4 Dave Rollo, D

Scott Tibbs 1%

Counsil District 5 Isabel Piedmont-Smith, D

COUNCIL DISTRICT 1 Chris Sturbaum 67% Dave Nakarado 33%

Council District 6 Stephen Volan, D




IU uses 25-3 run to defeat Ottawa in 1st exhibition game 82-54 By Andy Wittry | @AndyWittry

IU avenged its 2014 loss to University of Ottawa with an 82-54 victory in its first exhibition matchup of the season. Two summers ago, Ottawa rode a hot shooting effort from 3-point range to a 109-101 victory in Quebec, but IU held Ottawa’s crafty point guard Mike L’Africain and the rest of the Gee-Gees’ shooters in check Tuesday night. A sour taste lingered in IU’s mouth following last year’s loss. “The guys that were here last year, we all talked about that to the freshmen, to (graduate transfer) Max (Bielfeldt),” said sophomore guard James Blackmon Jr., who scored a team-high 15 points.


Freshman center Thomas Bryant leans into an Ottawa defender before attempting a layup Tuesday at Assembly Hall. IU won 82-54.

“We talked it out and said if it’s a close game at the end, they could go on a run, so we just wanted to shut that down.” The visitors scored the first SEE EXHIBITION, PAGE 6

Housing Fair


IU exhibition, page 9 Thomas Bryant and the Hoosiers turned around a first half of turnovers to defeat the Gee-Gees, 82-54.

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