Thursday, Nov. 5, 2015

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I N D I A N A D A I LY S T U D E N T | T H U R S D AY, N O V. 5 , 2 0 1 5 | I D S N E W S . C O M








IU ends season with victory


4-1 9

By By Lionel Lim

10 la | @ @lionelimwx



ACROSS 2 Jordan ________ 5 The best student newspaper in the world

IU alumnus Will Shortz talks puzzle-making By Cora Henry | @coraghenry

7 Pepsi and Coke 8 King of the jungle 9 What to wear under a shirt 11 Article for words starting with a vowel DOWN 1 First name of the New York Time’s crossword editor 3 First African American woman to win an Emmy for Best Actress in a Drama 4 What your professors wish you were doing more often 6 Will’s last name 9 Abbreviation for Mustard’s rank in Clue 10 God’s first draft 12 IU is a dry campus CROSSWORD BY THE IDS STAFF ILLUSTRATION BY ANNA BOONE AND MICHAEL WILLIAMS | IDS

Take this phrase: whiz strolls through puzzles. Rearrange the letters in the first two words and subtract one of the S’s to find the name of an IU alumnus famous for puzzles. The answer is Will Shortz, king of crosswords and whiz of wordgames. He’s the nation’s puzzlemaster: he edits New York Times crosswords and is the host on National Public Radio’s Sunday Puzzle, where he poses word games similar to the one above. He also founded the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament. Or, as third year journalism student David Pecar put it, “Will Shortz is a rockstar.” Shortz gave a talk titled “The Art of the Puzzle” Wednesday night at the Whittenberger Auditorium in the Indiana Memorial Union. “Crosswords are objectively good for you,” Pecar told his friend while they waited for the talk to begin. “It’s solid pabulum.” Pabulum is sustenance for the brain. Shortz sold his first puzzle when he was 14 years old. When he started at IU, he continued to focus on puzzles. He developed his own

IU men’s socc soccer ended its conference fe erence season with a 4-1 victory Michigan State on Wednesaagainst gainst Michiga Michigan. day in East Lansing, d Lan The Hoosiers Hoosie have not beat the Spartans since S sinc a 3-0 victory in 22010. Wednesday afternoon, But We goals from redshirt junior deDerek Creviston, senior fender De forward F Femi Hollinger-Janzen junior midfielders Tanner and junio Thompso ompson and Richard Ballard ensured the Hoosiers broke that streak. IU scored two early goals. Creviston headed in his first Crevis goal of his IU career from a corner by Thompson in the corn eighth minute. eigh Three minutes later, ompson scored IU’s secTho ond goal and his third of the season. season “We got a foul just outside the “W left side of the box,” Thompson said. “We had been working on these scenarios in training, but we just didn’t get them during games, so I was happy that I managed to SEE VICTORY, PAGE 6


IU alumnus Will Shortz presents “The Art of the Puzzle” and discusses puzzles, what he studied at IU and his job at the New York Times on Wednesday evening at the Whittenberger Auditorium in the IMU.

major. He said he’s the only person in the world with a degree in enigmatology. “I repopularized the word,” Shortz said. “If you google the word ‘enigmatology,’” I am the first entry.” Shortz said he is thankful he came to IU because it allowed him to create his own major. “I convinced them that puzzles were a serious field of academic inquiry,” Shortz said. “IU had no courses on puzzles when I was here. Still don’t in fact — it’s a big gap.” In college, Shortz took courses on anagrams, math puzzles, logic puzzles, magazines puzzles and the psychology of puzzles. He would make a new crossword every

week, take it in to his professor and sit by him as the professor solved and critiqued it. His thesis was on the history of American word puzzles before 1860. Shortz began editing New York Times crossword puzzles in 1993. He receives 75 submissions a week and spends most of his working time responding to puzzle constructors. He gives them feedback explaining what they can do to make the puzzles better, and he reworks the puzzles. On average, he said, about half the clues are his. Constructors of day puzzles receive $300. Sunday SEE SHORTZ, PAGE 6

IU men’s soccer’s last 10 games RECORD 8-1-1 5-1-0 at home 3-0-1 on road 6 SHUTOUTS Tanner Thompson 2 goals, 6 assists Femi Hollinger-Janzen 4 goals, 5 assists Grant Lillard 3 goals, 3 assists

Big Ten men’s soccer standings 1. Ohio St. 2. Indiana 3. Maryland 4. Rutgers 5. Northwestern 6. Michigan 7. Wisconsin 8. Michigan St. 9. Penn St.

Many Uber drivers upset by low ratings from IU passengers By Emily Beck


Host David Crabb opens the show during the Moth StorySLAM on Wednesday evening at the Wells-Metz Theatre. The Moth is a not-for-profit organization that produces a national broadcast program, which allows storytellers a chance to publicly share their stories.

Moth’s StorySLAM showcases students’ live storytelling skills Brooke McAfee @bemcafee24601

As each student stood at the microphone on the stage of the Wells-Metz Theatre, they told stories about choices they have made. Some of these stories were humorous, such as the account of an aspiring tattoo artist. Others were

more serious, such as the story of a student who had to make tough choices after the death of her mother. Each speaker talked for about five minutes during Wednesday’s StorySLAM, presented by the Moth, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the art of storytelling. The Moth hosts live events and a nationally broadcast program called “The Moth Radio Hour,”

which is a series of podcasts that also feature storytelling. The Moth had two-day workshops with 60 students Nov. 2-3. They worked in groups and oneon-one with the instructors to learn about how to craft their stories. Selected participants told their stories based on the “choices” SEE STORYSLAM, PAGE 6

The community of Indiana Uber drivers is not a fan of Bloomington. The town is infamous for low ratings and bad behavior, said Mike Moriarty, a driver from Indianapolis. While he usually only goes to Bloomington to take students back to school from the airport, he said he’s heard countless stories from fellow Uber drivers — college students stealing rides from other users, giving low ratings for no reason and being altogether drunk and rambunctious. “That’s the kind of shenanigans that seem to happen in Bloomington,” he said. “If this keeps up, drivers just won’t go down there.” The main concern, Moriarty said, is the rating. After each ride, both driver and passenger are prompted to rate each other out of five stars. Moriarty said any driver whose rating slips below 4.7 can be deactivated, essentially losing his or her job. He said he has a 4.85 rating. A trip to Bloomington could potentially drop your ratings drastically, he said, because some will give “a perfectly good driver” a low rating just because. Moriarty said a girl told him she only gives four stars unless the service is “exceptional.” Even that rating can hurt a driver’s average, he said. “We as drivers, unless you’re puking in the car or being rude, you get five stars,” he said.

Consistently low ratings for passengers can also result in them being barred from using the app. Moriarty said he’s read many of these complaints and stories via a closed Uber group on Facebook. He usually checks it while waiting to pick up riders at the airport in Indianapolis. Despite these complaints, there is no reported shortage of drivers in Bloomington. Working for Uber is the “perfect” job for a college student, said IU senior Jacob Barton, who has been driving for about six months. He can choose his own hours, drive his own car and make decent money working part-time. He sits at about a 4.8-star average — emails inform him of his average ratings each week — and he said he’s never dropped low enough to lose his job. “I worry about it,” he said. “I would like it to stay up. It hasn’t become an issue, really.” Sophie Babcock, an IU senior who uses Uber consistently for rides, said she always gives her drivers five stars. The ratings affect them more than passengers, she said. “I don’t think any riders take their own ratings that seriously,” she said. “I think it’s weird for Uber to have such high standards (for drivers) ... An A is an A, a B is a B. If they get a B, who cares? They’re still going to pass.” SEE UBER, PAGE 6

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