Monday, April 6, 2-15

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I N D I A N A D A I LY S T U D E N T | M O N D AY, A P R I L 6 , 2 0 1 5 | I D S N E W S . C O M


State sets policies to combat sex trade By Daniel Metz | @DanielSMetz

With the NCAA Final Four being played in Indianapolis this weekend, state officials implemented a number of measures last week to curb the growing sex trafficking problem in Indiana. Thursday, Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller announced the launch of the “Indiana’s Not Buying It” campaign, which aims to spread awareness and information about sex and human trafficking. “The violent, exploitive sex trade that victimizes far too many children will not end unless we stand up as a society and refuse to tolerate commercial sex,” Zoeller said in a press release. “This campaign is a message to men who purchase sex that we are no longer buying any excuses.” According to the campaign, human trafficking occurs when people are recruited into the sex or labor trade through force, fraud or coercion or when a child is used for commercial sex. Indiana was the third state to implement a “Not Buying It” campaign, after Arizona and Georgia. The campaigns are sponsored by the Georgiabased human trafficking prevention group called StreetGrace. The campaign featured a series of public service announcements by Indianapolis professional athletes. The ads were publicized on a series of 35 billboards throughout the state and on various public transit systems. Additionally, fliers detailing resources for victims of human trafficking were distributed at truck stops, rest areas and taxi cab services. Last year, the United States State

IU is now 2-6 in the Big Ten and sits in 10th place, not good enough to make the Big Ten Tournament By Michael Hughes | @MichaelHughes94

It was the culmination of a frustrating weekend. Senior outfielder Will Nolden had just taken a fastball on the outside corner for strike three and was bent over at the waist with his hands and bat on his knees. He would eventually rise and walk slowly back to the dugout, muttering to himself under his breath as he sulked. Three batters later, sophomore Craig Dedelow swung at a ball in the dirt to finalize IU’s 4-3 loss Sunday against Michigan. Michigan (18-13, 4-5) won two out of three games this weekend against IU (18-10, 2-6), who lost a series for the first time at Bart Kaufman Field since its construction in 2013. IU lost the first game of a Saturday doubleheader against the Wolverines 7-3 before taking the nightcap 13-11. “We just couldn’t get the last hit,” IU Coach Chris Lemonis said Sunday. “We’d get some guys out there and the strikeout killed us.” IU struck out 11 times Sunday, three of them with a runner in scoring position. It wasn’t as if IU didn’t see good pitches to hit. In the bottom of the third, freshman outfielder Logan Sowers was at the plate with runners on first and second and two outs. He worked the count to two balls and one strike, meaning Michigan starting pitcher Brett Adcock was likely to throw a fastball. He threw a fastball over the middle of the plate, but Sowers could only foul it back to the backstop. The next pitch, Sowers watched a fastball cruise by on the inner half of the strike zone for strike three to end the inning. Lemonis said he felt like his guys were a hair off at the plate the entire game.

“We just couldn’t get the last hit. We’d get some guys out there and the strikeout killed us.”

Game 1

7-3 Game 2


Chris Lemonis, IU Coach More on the loss, page 8 Sophomore outfielder Craig Dedelow tallied four extra-base hits for the Hoosiers this weekend. He’s improved in his second college season. “He was hiding the ball well and he had kind of a hop in his motion that throws off the hitter a little bit,” Dedelow said. IU saw Adcock’s hop a lot — 106 times. But for the most part, IU was offkilter the entire game. Then, in the seventh inning, Carmen Benedetti replaced Adcock. IU managed a run against the new pitcher, but only after Michigan second baseman Eric Jacobson let a ball get by him into the outfield. IU forced Benedetti to throw 26 pitches in the seventh inning, working the count full three times, but could only manage the one run. Frustration grew for everyone Sunday in Bart Kaufman Field. After seemingly any call that didn’t go the Hoosiers’ way, fans would rise from their seats and start barking at the umpire. If a questionable strike was called against an IU batter, he would turn back in disgust or take a few steps away from the plate to calm down. After one such occasion in the SEE BASEBALL, PAGE 6


Game 3


IU GPSO passes 13 resolutions in one year By Ashleigh Sherman | @aesherma


Top Pitchers Evan Bell (right) and Scott Effross walk towards home plate to shake hands with the Michigan team after their loss in game three on Sunday at Bart Kaufman Field. The Hoosiers ended their weekend series against Michigan 1-2. Bottom IU Coach Chris Lemonis talks with first base umpire Michael Conlin on Sunday during game three of IU’s weekend series against Michigan at Bart Kaufman Field. Lemonis approached the umpire after the Hoosiers runner was called out at first base. IU lost game three, and finished the series 1-2.

Calligraphy club celebrates spring, Chinese culture By Brooke McAfee

The Chinese Calligraphy Club introduced Chinese culture to a crowded room of people at Friday’s Huazhao Festival. The event, which was held at the Mathers Museum, was an exhibition of an ancient Chinese flower festival that celebrates the spring. The event featured a variety of interactive activities. As people went from table to table, they participated in various forms of Chinese art, such as calligraphy, painting and paper crafts. Attendees could sample cakes and flower teas, play games and listen to performances of traditional Chinese music. Sarah Hatcher, head of education and programs at the Mathers Museum, said the Huazhao Festival has been held in the past at IU, but this was the first year it was held at the Mathers Museum. The museum serves as a “gateway between the campus and the community,” she

said, and as a result, a large group of all ages attended the event. Qindan Nie, member of the Chinese Calligraphy Club, said she was pleased with the outcome of the event. “It’s been the most successful event we’ve ever had,” Nie said. “We’ve never had so many people.” Zeying Yang, a Chinese Calligraphy Club member, taught participants how to write some of the basic brush strokes of calligraphy. She said the opportunity to perform Chinese calligraphy has been a beneficial experience as an international student on campus because it has allowed her to interact with other people of the Chinese culture and teach others about the art form. “Calligraphy is a really beautiful art,” Yang said. “We want more people to know it.” Sophomore Mary Van Spankeren had to experience an event from a different culture for a class assignment, and she chose the



Yiding Liu, a mentor from the Chinese Calligraphy Club, teaches Huo Zhichao Chinese calligraphy during the Huazhao Festival at Mathers Museum on Friday. Huazhao Festival is a traditional festival in China at which people celebrate the birth of flowers.

Huazhao Festival. It was enjoyable to try the calligraphy and painting, she said. “It gives me an appreciation for how hard it is,” Van Spankeren said. Retired professor Nelson

Shaffer said he discovered the event by chance when he entered the museum Friday afternoon, and he decided to attend. SEE HUAZHOU, PAGE 6

In the last assembly meeting of the semester, the IU Graduate and Professional Student Organization broke a record. Representatives passed three resolutions, putting this year’s total at 13 pieces of legislation, the most pieces of resolution passed in a single year. The GPSO passed a resolution in support of IU President Michael McRobbie’s reaffirmation of IU’s commitment to serve persons “without regard to their age, race, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, marital status, national origin, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status” that came after the passage of Senate Bill 101. “It essentially just says that we agree with the president, we support him in his message about RFRA and we want to restate our commitment to nondiscrimination on behalf of GPSO,” GPSO President Brady Harman said. The group also passed a resolution calling for changes in the rape alert emails sent by the IU Police Department. The resolution calls for the removal of the phrase “rape by force.” “The use of ‘rape by force’ suggests that there are different kinds of rape, and what we probably should be focusing on instead is that there are different kinds of force,” said Shadia Siliman, a graduate research assistant at the Kinsey Institute. “This suggests that there is rape that happens without force being involved.” The resolution also calls for the replacement of the current safety tips with gender-neutral bystander intervention tips. “We think that bystander tips would be more effective because you hear something happening and you SEE GPSO, PAGE 6

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