I N D I A N A D A I LY S T U D E N T | M O N D AY, D E C . 1 4 , 2 0 1 5 | I D S N E W S . C O M
Albrecht Holschuh
TO OUR READERS Sometimes it feels easy to focus on the negatives. Journalism gets a bad reputation for it. It can be hard not to. This semester, after three student deaths, rapes, assaults, an alumni sentenced to years in prison for child pornography and having sex with minors and a fraternity disbanded because of a video which showed members participating in sex acts with strippers, it was admittedly difficult to find the light. Now, looking back at my last semester in college, it is easy to. I look out at an unlikely group of friends who willingly participated in a group project each night here at the Indiana Daily Student and I understand where the light is. We are all fighting through difficulties in life, and while we’re reporting on it, we’re supporting each other. We, here at the IDS and the greater IU community, are experiencing problems together and loving each other through it. It might seem counter-intuitive for me as the editor to say it isn’t about the news each day, but it isn’t. It’s about the people who make the news, the connections they’ve made and our human experiences that are much more inner connected than we realize. Thank you for sticking by us this semester — this crazy band of editors, writers, reporters and friends who have made me prouder than I have ever been before — as we’ve navigated the tough stuff with you.
Deborah Meader
A walk in solidarity Volunteers at Planned Parenthood protect women’s legal right to abortion By Carmen Heredia Rodriguez caheredi@indiana.edu | @caheredia21
Protestants in the alley, Catholics on the sidewalk. Albrecht Holschuh can’t remember a Thursday when he wasn’t met by protesters on the periphery of Planned Parenthood in Bloomington while arriving for his shift. He’s done the drive to the clinic at least once a month for more than a decade now, choosing to spend his time in retirement escorting women from the footstep of their cars to the doorstep of the facility without fear. A car swung into the south entrance. Holschuh walked forward as a woman parked and stepped out. They walked together to the clinic doors against a backdrop of men, women and children holding signs urging the woman to reconsider. “Just took the abortion pill?
You can still change your mind.” In the alley, a baby dozed in a woman’s arms. A fussy toddler lay squirming at his mother’s feet. The mothers and their babies pressed the woman entering the clinic to consider the possible future of the cells dividing inside her — they were living proof that there was another option. A pastor, a friar and a male doctor stood among the dissenters. They, like Holschuh, cannot bear children. * * * The square of asphalt is a microcosm of a national debate that has raged since the Supreme Court deemed abortions legal in 1973. Since then, medical advances have pushed the point of viability earlier, complicating the definition of when life begins. Although women are directly affected by abortion regulation, men play dominant roles in
pushing the cause at a local level and passing legislation affecting access nationwide. Thursday, Dec. 3, the Senate passed a budget bill that would defund Planned Parenthood, 43 days after the Bloomington City Council voted unanimously in favor of a resolution supporting the clinic and six days after a gunman shot and killed three people in a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado. In both the local and national voting bodies, women made up less than a quarter of the representatives. Though only women are directly affected by changes in access to abortions, the fabric of each side is woven with the voices of sons, fathers and grandfathers. Holschuh is among them. * * * He never got the sex talk. Holschuh lived in the aftermath of World War II in a border
mrabenol@indiana.edu | @maialyra
A 19-foot tall unfolding dollhouse complete with a staircase makes up only one piece of the set for Cardinal Stage Company’s production of “Mary Poppins.” “There’s the chimney units and the park units, there’s a bank, a cathedral, a nursery, every single room you could think of, and it all miraculously fits in that tiny backstage somewhere,” said IU student Elaine Cotter, who plays Mary Poppins. “It’s magical.” The show opens at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. Dec. 19 at the Buskirk-Chumley Theater. Subsequent performances will take place at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. Dec. 20, 23, 26 and 27 and Jan. 1 and 2. Reid Henderson, a New Yorkbased actor who plays Bert, said the intricate set design by David Higgins makes the stage look like a storybook. The set pieces, the cast of more than 40 actors and the technicality of the production all contribute to making “Mary Poppins” an impressively complex show to put on, Cotter said. “When you think of really big shows, you don’t necessarily think of ‘Mary Poppins’ as a huge musical theater production,” Cotter said. “You think of ‘Wicked’ and ‘The Lion King,’ these massive shows, but I honestly think that ‘Mary Poppins’ is on that caliber. What makes it exciting is that the story is larger than life.”
Nov. 27 Three killed in shooting at California Planned Parenthood Dec. 3 Senate passes budget to defund Planned Parenthood town in West Germany. At 10 years old, he played in the open fields with his friends after school, discovering the ruins of war littered across his hometown, unfazed by the stories of children accidentally killing themselves with the munitions soldiers left behind. One day, his expeditions led him to a dead fetus. In a half-blown-out bunker, Holschuh found an area littered with rubble, sunlight creeping in SEE WALK, PAGE 6
Cardinal production of ‘Mary Poppins’ brings story to life By Maia Rabenold
Oct. 21 Bloomington ordinance supports Planned Parenthood
MARY POPPINS Tickets $13.95-34.95 Buskirk-Chumley Theater 6 p.m. Dec. 18 2 and 6 p.m. Dec 19, 20, 23, 26 and 27 2 and 6 p.m. Jan. 1 and 2 Henderson said an interesting element to the story is the simple question: What is Mary Poppins? Cotter suggested she could be an angel or a witch who retains human qualities. Throughout the course of the show, this question is never truly resolved. “Mary is this presence that is always around and can kind of sense when something is awry, and she shows up to fix it,” Henderson said. Comparing Mary Poppins to Krampus, the anti-Santa Claus, Henderson said both figures know when families do not have the right spirit, and they come to teach a lesson. Cotter said Mary’s role in the show contributes to the overarching themes of family, love and morality. “Mary has this ability to oversee and bring everyone together, and Bert is her accomplice in that the whole time,” Cotter said. “They both leave at the end and leave the family perfect.” The musical retains most of the elements of the movie, but with a few extra twists and turns, SEE BUSKIRK, PAGE 6
Junior forward Troy Williams dunks during the game against McNeese State on Saturday, Dec. 13 in Assembly Hall. The Hoosiers won, 105-60.
McNeese State no match for IU in blowout victory By Grace Palmieri gpalmier@indiana.edu | @grace_palmieri
More than six minutes remained and fans were already calling for Tim Priller. The sophomore forward fanfavorite, who averages 1.8 minutes, usually doesn’t come into the game until the under-two minute mark in blowout wins. But with a 33-point lead — in an eventual 105-60 win against McNeese State — the IU student section wanted something to cheer for. Priller entered the game with 1:46 to play. He immediately grabbed a SEE VICTORY, PAGE 6
IU 105, MCNEESE STATE 60 Points Blackmon, Jr., 24 Rebounds Bryant, 9 GAMES OVER BREAK at Notre Dame (7-2) 2 p.m. Dec. 19 vs. Kennesaw State (3-8) 6 p.m. Dec. 22 at Rutgers (4-6) 1 p.m. Dec. 30 at Nebraska (8-4) 4 p.m. Jan. 2 vs. Wisconsin (6-5) 7 p.m. Jan. 5 vs. Ohio State (4-5) 1:30 p.m. OR 4:30 p.m. Jan. 10
Janica Kaneshiro Editor-in-Chief
Suzanne Grossman Managing Editor
Grace Palmieri Managing Editor
Michael Williams Managing Editor of Presentation
Black IUnity protests racism By Carley Lanich clanich@indiana.edu | @carleylanich
There were no posters, signs or chanting, only silence, as supporters of Black IUnity crossed through campus. Starting at the Sample Gates, they marched in two lines, single file, down Indiana Avenue and Seventh Street to the Neal Marshall Black Culture Center. The silence was a sign of community and togetherness, as planned by organizers, exceeding their expectations. Before the march began, those in attendance were reminded that this would be a planned demonstration, not a protest. Supporters of the Black IUnity movement dawned matching black long-sleeve shirts with #blackexcellence written on their backs, as a part of their march to build a more amicable environment for African-American students on campus Saturday. At the Sample Gates, representatives from the IU Black Student Union, the NAACP, the Indiana Memorial Union Board and more addressed about 180 demonstrators. However, senior Trey White, one of the event’s organizers, said the demonstration was not meant to be attended by any organizations in particular, but to be a march for black students as individuals to connect under one united front. “We are not representing an organization with this,” White said. “We are coming together as black students at IU.” Compelled by the recent racial unrest at the University of Missouri, White said he felt the march would address similar issues within the IU community. “Obviously racism and microaggressions and slander and things like that — racially charged remarks and acts — aren’t new to IU’s campus,” White said. “But they were definitely heightened as a result of the national attention that Mizzou got. What I wanted to do was kind of bring the attention to our campus.” Before leaving the Sample Gates, coordinators urged demonstrators not to react to any potential negative slurs or agitations that may occur throughout the march. Organizers wore yellow duct tape armbands to distinguish themselves should anyone need help along the course. Yet, the armbands were unneeded. With the exception of one SEE IUNITY, PAGE 2