IU student Aaron Farrer was arrested on a charge of a level 3 felony ny rape Monday night at his residencee in the 400 block of East 15th Street. The rape was reported to the Bloomington Police Department at 4:36 p.m. Oct. 3. The incident reportedly happened ed in late September when the 20-yeararold female victim, also a student, was drinking at her residence and plananning to go to a bar soon after, the Indidiana Daily Student previously reportorted. Capt. Joe Qualters said the womman had consumed too much alcohol hol to go to the bars. Her friends put her to bed and left, leaving 20-year-old old Farrer to care for her. The victim reported Farrer undressed her and engaged in sexual ual intercourse. The victim reported she he was in no condition to consent to sexual activity. Farrer said the victim had engaged in flirtatious activity. He said aid he admitted to having sexual intercourse but didn’t believe she was too intoxicated and that much of the act was initiated by her, Qualters said. The next morning there was a text message exchange between Farrer and the victim with him apologizing for his act. The victim did not go to the hospital the night of the incident but went the next day to the IU Health Center to receive a full examination . Annie Garau and Alyson Malinger
Immigrant bill to help drivers, students By Taylor Telford | @ttelford1883
A forthcoming legislative package from Indiana Senate Democrats would grant driver’s licenses, in-state tuition and access to dialysis to undocumented immigrants across the state. In-state tuition would be offered to any undocumented students who graduated from or completed at least three years of high school in Indiana. It would also extend to those who enrolled in a state educational institution starting in the fall semester of the 2016-17 academic year. Marlene Dotson, CEO and president of the Indiana Latino Institute, said approximately 17,000 undocumented students currently live in Indiana and, by forcing them to pay outof-state tuition, the state is blocking their access to higher education. “The normal family cannot afford to pay out-of-state tuition, and these students do not qualify for federal aid and student loans,” Dotson said. “We’re preventing students from going to college.” Indiana is home to roughly 85,000 undocumented immigrants, according to a 2013 study by the Pew Research Center. Offering in-state tuition, dialysis and driver’s licenses is a matter of giving equal opportunity to this portion of the population rather than unwarranted advantages or free rides, said Lillian Casillas, director of La Casa Latino Cultural Center at IU. “It’s not like we’re saying, ‘Here’s a free house and a car,’” Casillas said. “It’s more so that we’re wanting to hold them to the same standards as everybody else.” Equality is imperative to ensure the undocumented immigrants have a means of supporting themselves and giving back to the economy, which in turn mutually benefits SEE LEGISLATION, PAGE 6
On violence: “It is fitting that we keep Yaolin, Joseph and their families, as well as the victims of the Umpqua Community College shooting and their families, in our thoughts.” On student success: “The first bicentennial priority is to further reinforce IU’s already strong commitment to student success, which is the very core of Indiana University’s mission.” On debt: “The affordability of IU education and control and production of student debt has always been of the utmost importance and highest priority of Indiana University.” Michael McRobbie, IU President
Progress report
IU President Michael McRobbie gives State of the University Address By Laurel Demkovich
Before beginning his address, IU President Michael McRobbie asked everyone to stand for a moment of silence for Yaolin Wang and Joseph Smedley, two IU students who have died recently. “It is fitting that we keep Yaolin, Joseph and their families, as well as the victims of the Umpqua Community College shooting and their families, in our thoughts,” McRobbie said. This remembrance began McRobbie’s State of the University Address on Tuesday in the Whittenberger Auditorium. The progress on and plans for IU’s Bicentennial Strategic Plan dominated most of the discussion.
“The first bicentennial priority is to further reinforce IU’s already strong commitment to student success, which is the very core of Indiana University’s mission,” McRobbie said. McRobbie said the Bicentennial Strategic Plan calls on the University to maximize its capacity for scholarship and research activity. He described recent research achievements IU has accomplished. He said in the fiscal year 2015, IU research received $541 million in external research funding, making it the highest amount for all Indiana public research universities and the second highest in IU’s history. He said IU had 183 patents issued this fiscal year, a record number for IU.
“This figure is an indication of the important role that IU plays in contributing to the economic well-being of the state of Indiana and the ability of our faculty to translate cutting edge research into informational technologies,” McRobbie said. McRobbie also explained the recent announcement of IU’s research program, the Grand Challenges program. “These problems all address challenges that are simply too big to ignore,” McRobbie said. The Bicentennial Strategic Plan also calls on IU to continue to build on its history of engagement in international education. The goals of these efforts include preparing students for the world of tomorrow by expanding study abroad opportunities. “The need for individuals
who have cultural understanding and experience and the ability to work productively with people from different cultures and traditions has never been greater,” McRobbie said. “The world has not seemed this perilous for 70 years.” The newly announced For All: The Indiana University Bicentennial Campaign, a campaign to raise $2.5 billion by 2020, was also discussed. This campaign is IU’s first university-wide, philanthropic program involving all IU campuses and one of the largest ever by a public university in this country. Other major changes coming to IU are the additions of IU’s health centers and programs. SEE ADDRESS, PAGE 6
IU strives to keep momentum against IUPUI By Michael Hughes | @MichaelHughes94
Two weeks ago the Hoosiers were faced with an obstacle. After losing 4-1 against Rutgers, IU was in danger of letting its season slip away. What followed in the next two weeks was an influx of leadership, accountability and renewed focus on details. And IU will take a three game-winning streak into Wednesday’s game against IU-Purdue University Indianapolis at Bill Armstrong Stadium. “I think the focus and the energy just got better from everyone,” senior midfielder Matt Foldesy said. “We just went from there and got some good results and now we’re starting to get back to playing good
IU (6-3-1) vs. IUPUI (0-5-4) 7:30 p.m. Oct. 7, Bill Armstrong Stadium
Indiana soccer.” Foldesy and senior midfielder Kyle Sparks said the Hoosiers are playing their best soccer of the season after what may have been their worst. IU became more accountable as a team in these last two weeks, IU Coach Todd Yeagley said. Leaders emerged on a team without natural leadership. “I think the obstacles we were faced with two weeks ago was what the team needed to break out some SEE SOCCER, PAGE 6
Sophomore defender Grant Lillard jumps up to head the ball. Lillard went on to score IU’s third goal of the game in the second half against Evansville on Sept. 23 at Bill Armstrong Stadium.
From IDS reports
Suspect named in rape case