Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015

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I N D I A N A D A I LY S T U D E N T | T U E S D AY, O C T. 2 0 , 2 0 1 5 | I D S N E W S . C O M


TUESDAY, OCT. 20, 2015


Rape filed at McNutt Quad


The 18-year-old suspect is an IU student and the 19-year-old victim was a visitor at the time of the incident early Sunday morning. From IDS reports

A rape was reported at approximately 11 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 18. The reported incident occurred at approximately 3 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 18, at McNutt Quad in the suspect’s room. The suspect is an 18-year-old IU student, according to a release from the IU Police Department. The victim is a 19-year-old visitor. The suspect and victim met in the hallway on the suspect’s floor, according to the release. The suspect has been identified and interviewed by IUPD, according to the release. The investigation is active, and no arrests have been made at this time. Ashleigh Sherman

Woman reports 2 rapes by same man From IDS reports

A woman who attended a party on the north side of Bloomington reported being raped twice Sunday morning. Bloomington Police were called to the scene at 3:45 a.m. They have not yet found the suspect, according to police reports. The 24-year-old victim arrived at the party between 11 and 11:30 p.m. Saturday, residents of the apartment told police. She was intoxicated and passed out on a couch. Two other people were also passed out in the apartment. A resident left the apartment unlocked around 1 a.m., according to police reports. The suspect entered the unlocked apartment. He started choking the victim while she was on the couch and said he would stop if she would have sex with him, according to police reports. The victim said she did not know her attacker. He held a knife to her throat and raped her in a bathroom, according to police reports. He then assaulted her again in a bedroom, according to police reports, and he took her to the back door of the apartment. She called the police from a different apartment. She was taken to the hospital for a sexual assault kit, according to police reports. The case is still under investigation, according to police. Cora Henry


The woman who was attacked by 19-year-old IU student Triceten Bickford sits at the same table outside Sofra Café where she was strangled Saturday. Bickford faced charges of strangulation, battery, minor possession of and consumption of alcohol, intimidation and public intoxication. Bickford was released from the Monroe County Jail Sunday after paying a total of $705.

UNDER ATTACK Bloomington resident reflects on assault, the people who came to her defense Annie Garau agarau@indiana.edu | @agarau6

Wrapped in a headscarf’s colorful and silky folds, she finds comfort in her modesty. For her, the wrap is a constant reminder that God is with her all the time. It makes her feel secure, she said, even when Triceten Bickford’s hands were wrapped around her neck. On Saturday evening, the Bloomington resident was drinking tea outside of Sofra Café. Her 9-year-old daughter sat on her left. Bickford had been drinking something much stronger. The 19-year-old IU student was drunkenly stumbling towards the Chocolate Moose when he caught sight of the woman’s light blue scarf. Abruptly, he changed directions. As he neared the café, walking on the other side of the street, he began to yell. “White power.” The woman, who is, in fact, Caucasian, is an immigrant from Turkey. She said she paid the man no mind until seconds later when his hands gripped her throat from behind and pushed her face into the cold wire table. Terrified but filled with adrenaline, she pulled the hands away from her windpipe, permitting the crisp October air to once again fill her lungs. Her husband was inside the café. In an effort to get his attention, she pushed all her weight against the man whose arms still fought to choke her. In an unexpected feat of strength, the 47-year-old woman reared back and stood so she could be seen through the

“When something happens, I am so strong, then I collapse later. You don’t feel the fear at that moment.”

IU student faces charges in attack From IDS reports

café’s window. Even before her husband could react, though, she felt Bickford being pulled off her back. “What are you, stupid?” she heard a new voice say. Turning, she saw another stranger, Daniel Boyes, lying on the sidewalk. The 21-year-old IU junior was restraining her thrashing attacker. Boyes had been walking down Walnut Street on the way to a friend’s dance performance. He had never been in a fight in his life, but when he saw Bickford approach the woman, he didn’t hesitate to act. “I never would have imagined doing that,” Boyes said. “It was surreal that I was doing that to somebody.” The woman’s husband rushed out of the door. He turned red with rage as he helped Boyes hold Bickford down. “I’m going to kill you all,” she remembers Bickford, who was later identified as a sophomore psychology major, shouting. Flailing on the sidewalk, he kicked the air and spat in her husband’s face. The other diners had exited the restaurant to survey the scene. As the woman rushed to call 911, one of these men put

IU student Triceten Bickford, 19, was arrested at 7:54 p.m. Saturday on accusations of a racially motivated attack on a Muslim woman, Capt. Joe Qualters of Bloomington Police said. Bickford faces charges of strangulation, battery, minor possession of and consumption of alcohol, Triceten intimidation, and Bickford public intoxication. He was released from the Monroe County Jail Oct. 18 after paying a total of $705. His initial hearing is set for Friday. He is a sophomore, according to IU spokesperson Mark Land. He attended IU-Purdue University Indianapolis before transferring to IU-Bloomington this fall. Land released a University statement in relation to the case. “Indiana University is aware of the horrifying incident involving one of our students and a member of the Bloomington Muslim community over the weekend,” it read. “This type of abhorrent behavior is not representative of our students, nor of the culture of inclusion and tolerance so many people at the university and in the Bloomington community have worked so hard to foster. The university is closely monitoring the Bloomington Police investigation into this matter, and IU Bloomington Provost Lauren Robel has instructed the Dean of Students’ office to conduct its own investigation into the incident.”


Cora Henry

Victim of racially charged attack

Global perspective of food evaluated in hunger banquet By Bridget Murray bridmurr@indiana.edu | @bridget_murray

Students’ next meals were left up to chance Monday evening in the Hoosier Den. At the Oxfam Hunger Banquet, a simulation of how socioeconomic status affects hunger from a global perspective, students were asked to take a ticket upon entering the room. The tickets, distributed at random, would denote the status of each student — high income, middle income or low income. “This event is a metaphor,”

emcee Benjamin Seiwert said. “You may think hunger is about too many people and too little food. That is not the case.” Participants placed in the highincome group were asked to sit at the table at the front of the room. The simulated middle-income group sat in chairs huddled together. Low-income group participants were seated around a black tablecloth placed on the floor. The different levels represent the different economic standings in society, junior Sarah Moore said. Moore is a residential assistant at Foster

Quadrangle and helped coordinate the program in the Hoosier Den. She said this is the fifth time Oxfam has had this banquet, which helps students really visualize and think about the issue of hunger around them. “It’s easy to think about the differences when you can see the different levels and kind of foods that are being served,” she said. “This is happening around us, we just don’t see it as easily.” The high-income group was given a full meal with pizza from Mother Bear’s and cookies. The

middle-income group was given a buffet of rice and beans. The low-income group was given only rice and water. Esther Yoon, food, family and hunger director of Oxfam Club, said the best way to start communicating these issues to a large student body like IU is by raising awareness first. “We’re so surrounded with food everywhere that we don’t understand that hunger is happening,” she said. “It’s about inequality. Our




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