Wednesday, November 11, 2015

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I N D I A N A D A I LY S T U D E N T | W E D N E S D AY, N O V. 1 1 , 2 0 1 5 | I D S N E W S . C O M


James Halford, a walk-on linebacker for IU football, served as a Marine for four years before coming to IU this year for his first semester.

US Marine walks on to IU football team By Taylor Lehman | @trlehman_IDS

James Halford’s grandfather doesn’t talk about World War II often. James can only remember one time his grandfather spoke about his experiences. “All he said was one second he looked over and saw his best friend next to him, then the next second his friend was dead,” James said. James, a walk-on linebacker for IU football, grew up in a military home in northern Chicago suburb of Mundelein, where he would traipse around his house with a little green military cap on his head and an oversized military jacket that belonged to Norman. His father and several uncles served in the Marine Corps, and his brother, Joe, serves in the Army now. “He always had a G.I. Joe,” said James’ mother, Lisa. “Starting in elementary school, he wanted to be in the military.” That dream became a reality in 2010, as the boy who wore his grandfather’s jacket in elementary school chose to earn his own in the Marines. “It was heartbreaking when he left,” Lisa said. “We’re such a close family, and with all these wars going on, you just don’t know what could happen.” * * * Now on Individual Ready Reserve, James served four years as a Marine, training in southern California. He was stationed along the Asian Pacific Coast. Now, he’s enrolled in his first semester at IU and has found a role on IU football’s scout team as a 26-year-old walk-on. “Everyone was really receptive here,” James said. “They told me that based on my numbers it seemed like I had a shot,


James Halford was stationed overseas for a total of 14 months before enrolling at IU and trying out for the football team. He earned a spot as a scout team linebacker.

James made the team and began pursuing a degree in secondary education this fall. As a walk-on, James’ role is limited to the scout team, where he acts as the opponent in practice to prepare the starters for each game. “A lot of these guys have been playing since they were seven years old, so everyone on this team knows what they’re doing,” James said. James, on the other hand, quit football after his freshman year of high school. He hadn’t strapped on his pads in 11 years. * * *

“The guy’s an animal. He’s the most loyal person I’ve ever met. He’s one of those guys that’s always been a real stand-up and always has your back.” Calvin Poling, Halford’s fellow Marine

so I just told them that I’d apply to IU and come here.” James had contacted other Big Ten schools about trying out and got no replies, but IU Assistant Athletic Director for Alumni Relations Mark Deal replied in 2012, and the two maintained contact for two years while James was overseas. James left active duty Aug. 1 after serving for four years and immediately made his way to Bloomington to practice and try out with 15 other athletes. After tryouts, he had earned a spot at linebacker. “These guys can hit pretty hard,” James said. “I remember the first practice with Clyde Newton. He loosened my chinstrap, and I was like, ‘Okay, this is gonna be interesting.’”

Groups of Marines marched through the mountains of southern California in the smoldering heat to train for their first deployment. All of them were wearing body armor and carrying at least 160 pounds of equipment, which included military-grade weapons and stuffed backpacks. It was the 23-mile movement. “There was no food or water,” James said. “Guys were collapsing one-by-one from heat exhaustion. That’s one thing that I’ll always remember for the rest of my life.” About 15 miles into the march, Calvin Poling, a Marine from Minnesota, twisted his ankle and fell to the ground. James hurried over to the 18-year-old, helped him to his feet and carried his pack for three or four miles until Poling had recuperated. “The guy’s an animal,” Poling said. “He’s the most loyal person I’ve ever met. He’s one of those guys that’s always been a real stand-up and always has your back.” James and Poling quickly became SEE HALFORD, PAGE 10

Honor Guard buries soldiers By Annie Garau | @agarau6

Wayne Trisler reckons he has helped bury at least 1,000 bodies. An hour before the funeral, he’d meet with his fellow Veterans Honor Guard members. He’d then help prepare the rifles and the flag, stand at attention as the squad fired a salute and listen to “Taps.” He’d watched as the stars and stripes were folded into a tight triangle and pray as the fallen soldier’s next-of-kin dissolved into tears. One thousand times he’s done this in his 20 years as the guard’s chaplain. Trisler and the other Honor Guard members go to burials in Monroe County, Lawrence County and wherever they are requested. They bury young people and old people, strangers and friends. “We’re all veterans, and we consider it an honor to do this because that is the last thing that we can do for that veteran,” guard member Jim Arnold said. Arnold and Butch Denniston have the job most of the guard can’t do without crying. They stand under the tent and present the family member with the flag. Arnold said he realizes the family won’t remember what the guard tells them, that their minds are off somewhere else. He said the burials, two of them just this week, make him think about his own longevity — something he didn’t consider in battle. “I never thought about dying when I was in it,” said Erwin Cooper, another Honor Guard member. “Back then it was always about survival.” On the eve of Veterans Day, the group of eight men and one woman buried their 90th soldier of the year. They said the woman who accepted the flag had tears dripping off her chin. “It gives the family closure,” Trisler said. “I enjoy making people happy, and it seems that most families are happy when their loved ones are recSEE VETERANS, PAGE 10

Yo-Yo Ma to perform in BRIC Project By Maia Rabenold | @maialyra

Documentary addresses sexual assault By Sarah Gardner | @sarahhhgardner

When Cecilia Peck was approached by Linor Abargil, 1998 Miss World pageant winner, to create a documentary about the story of her sexual assault, she thought it would be a one-year documentary. It eventually became a five-year project, and even after its release, Peck said it continues to influence the work that she does. Peck, director and producer of “Brave Miss World,” visited IU to speak to students at a screening of the documentary Tuesday evening. The film screening and discussion led by Peck were sponsored by the Helene G. Simon Hillel Center as well as several campus greek organizations, including Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Zeta Beta Tau, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Delta Tau and Men Against Rape and Sexual Assault, an initiative of the Interfraternity Council. The documentary tells the story of the aftermath of Abargil’s assault


to the ALE

and winning of the pageant, which drove her to advocate for victims of sexual assault throughout the world. The film follows the story of Abargil’s journey toward recovery as well as stories of other survivors of sexual assault. “Once I found in Linor such a compelling character, I was committed to seeing the project through no matter how long it took,” Peck said. “She was so unafraid to speak out about rape, and I knew she could take the audience on that journey even though it’s such an unpopular subject and it’s so hard to talk about.” “Brave Miss World,” which was nominated for an Emmy award in 2014, has now been shown at more than 200 college campuses through the “I Am Brave Educational Speaking Series.” The documentary’s website,, has more than 2 million visitors and is a resource for survivors of sexual assault. Peck, as well as Abargil and other producers of the film, continue to travel to many of the campus


The director and producer for “Brave Miss World,” Cecilia Peck, answers IU students’ questions after the movie concluded Friday evening.

showings to speak. “Screening the film on college campuses was always a big goal even when we were making it,” Peck said. “It’s a very vulnerable age, and it’s a group we wanted to reach out to.” The idea to bring the film to IU’s

campus and turn it into a larger event was put forth by members of a class for Jewish greek leadership at the Hillel Center, Rabbi Sue Laikin Silberberg, executive director of Hillel, said. SEE BRAVE, PAGE 10

World-renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma will return to the IU Auditorium at 8 p.m. today. This performance is a part of the BRIC Project, which brings together Ma’s collaborators and friends from Brazil, Russia, India and China. Ma began playing the cello at the age of five, graduated from Juilliard School and Harvard University and has since received 18 Grammy Awards. Joining Ma onstage will be pianist Kathryn Stott, guitarists Sérgio and Odair Assad, violinist Johnny Gandelsman, sheng player Wu Tong and tabla player Sandeep Das, according to the press release. Managing Director of IU Auditorium Maria Talbert said this performance will be the first time anyone in the world has seen the collaborations Ma has scheduled. “Seeing this performance is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for both students and the public,” Talbert said in an email. “We SEE YO-YO MA, PAGE 10 MUSICAL PERSPECTIVES ON THE CULTURES OF BRIC Student tickets $20-41 8 p.m. Wednesday, IU Auditorium

: $2.50 AnyWEDNESDAYS Draft Pint: Only OPEN TO CLOSE Wednesdays: Open to Close DAY E L HAIL A 1428 E. Third St. | | 812-332-4495

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