Thursday, October 29, 2020

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Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020 | Indiana Daily Student |

Josh Hogan reported a professor, Murray McGibbon, for sexual harassment in 2018. The evidence revealed a ‘concerning pattern,’ a 2019 Title IX report showed.

In August, a graduate student said the same professor sexually harassed her. He’s still teaching classes.


Hogan sits in the lobby of the Department of Theatre, Drama, and Contemporary Dance. He reported allegations of sexual harassment in 2018, hoping other theater students would be protected. By Emily Isaacman | @emilyisaacman

IU determined associate professor Murray McGibbon sexually harassed a freshman in 2018. A 2019 Title IX investigation report stated “the evidence reveals a concerning pattern by [McGibbon] of singling out certain students.” McGibbon continues to teach in the Department of Theatre, Drama, and Contemporary Dance. Junior Josh Hogan, the student Murray he allegedly ha- McGibbon rassed, says IU has not sufficiently protected him and other students. IU’s definition of sexual harassment includes “unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the recipient’s education program or activity,” according to the university’s sexual misconduct policy. McGibbon’s behavior violated the university’s sexual misconduct policy and Code of Academic Eth-

ics, according to a September 2019 decision letter to Hogan from Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs Eliza Pavalko. In that letter, Pavalko told Hogan that McGibbon’s interactions with him were “unwelcome and reasonably interpreted as amorous, romantic, and sexual in nature and they were sufficiently severe, pervasive, and persistent to create a hostile environment for you.” McGibbon “engaged in sexual harassment” and “exhibited a pattern of singling out some students and giving them undue attention,” Pavalko wrote. She recommended Level Two Sanctions — the highest tier of punishment for a violation of IU’s sexual misconduct policy — and imposed six specific sanctions, including barring McGibbon from interacting with Hogan and directing plays while Hogan is a student. This semester, McGibbon teaches 33 students in three acting and directing classes. When asked to respond to a detailed list of questions and allegations, McGibbon sent the following statement through his lawyer, Anthony Paganelli: “Prof. McGibbon’s ability to

dispute false claims against him is substantially constrained by both the confidentiality of the Title IX process and by the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”). Prof. McGibbon’s conduct was thoroughly investigated by the University’s Office of Institutional Equity in 2019. Professor McGibbon fully cooperated with the investigation. He and the student in question are both required to maintain the confidentiality of that process, and Prof. McGibbon will continue to do so despite any improper public attacks against him. The matter was closed over a year ago, and Prof. McGibbon has complied in all respects with the University’s decision.” Though individuals involved in IU investigations are encouraged to maintain privacy, Emily Springston, IU's Director of Institutional Equity and Title IX, said in an email, “While the university cannot speak about specific student and employee matters, we do not prohibit other individuals from talking about matters during and after investigations.” McGibbon's presence hurts the department's overall culture, a department staff member who requested anonymity for fear of retali-

ation from McGibbon told the Indiana Daily Student. “Our students don't feel safe or comfortable in our department, and he's a part of that,” the staff member said. Two other people accused McGibbon of misconduct during IU’s Title IX investigation into Hogan’s allegations, IU spokesperson Chuck Carney confirmed in an email. One alleged sexual harassment. The other alleged racial discrimination. Pavalko determined McGibbon only violated the sexual misconduct policy for one complaint, Carney said. Documents show this complaint was Hogan’s. Title IX is a federal civil rights law that prohibits sex discrimination at institutions receiving federal funding. At IU, the Office of Institutional Equity handles Title IX complaints. The report from the Title IX investigation into Hogan’s allegations states McGibbon’s behavior made “students uncomfortable and uneasy, while also feeling they did not have the ability to speak up or raise concerns at the time, because of [McGibbon’s] role and authority within the Department and his diSEE ALLEGATIONS, PAGE 2

Editor’s note Over the course of more than two months, Indiana Daily Student reporter Emily Isaacman spoke with several experts and 18 people involved with the Department of Theatre, Drama, and Contemporary Dance. The allegations reflected in the story were quoted and paraphrased from emails, interviews and official Title IX documents. If you or someone you know has experienced sexual harassment or assault, help is available. Go to for a list of on-and-off campus resources. We’re committed to bringing you stories that matter and holding people in power accountable. If you or someone you know has been sexually harassed by any IU staff member, your story deserves to be told. You can contact us at To give this story the space it deserves, we will not be running other news stories in today’s print edition. For regular news coverage, please visit This story is developing. More updates about further allegations, and responses will be published online.



Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020 | Indiana Daily Student |

sures when responding to reports and conducting formal investigations.” “IU definitely wants students to feel safe and supported,” Springston said. McGibbon has taught at IU since 1996. He makes the fourth highest salary in his department. Opinions of McGibbon in the department are mixed, current and former students said. Two IU alumnae said McGibbon taught them more than any other instructor because of his straightforward coaching style. McGibbon teaches three acting and directing classes in the Department of Theatre, Drama, and Contemporary Dance. Students said they don’t feel safe in the department while he is allowed to continue teaching. Former students said McGibbon’s behavior has made students uncomfortable since at least 2008. Allegations from 2008, 2014 and 2016 reflect broader issues in the professional theater community, IU alumni said. Allegations starting in 2018 concern McGibbon’s interactions with specific students. McGibbon allegedly requested undergraduate women, including freshmen, be photographed in bikinis during auditions in 2008, 2014 and 2016. Two IU theater graduates said similar behavior is common in professional auditions. Two theater staff members with professional experience said no one should ever be asked to remove clothing for auditions and called McGibbon’s alleged requests unacceptable. During 2018 theater auditions, the week before classes started, Hogan tried out for a show McGibbon was directing. Hogan hadn’t declared a major yet. He wasn’t aware of his rights as a student actor. The department has general audition guidelines, but does not have specific written policies explaining unacceptable types of interactions between directors like McGibbon and students. McGibbon called Hogan into his office during the audition week and said he needed to learn more about the freshman’s personal life before deciding whether to cast him, Hogan said. McGibbon ultimately cast Hogan as the only undergraduate in “The Goat, or Who is Sylvia?” a four-person

ing him under his wing. McGibbon has wielded power over students through his authority as a faculty member, connections in the competitive theater industry and ability to cast students in roles for performances that are key to their education. “Josh was definitely trying to ignore the problematic nature of the situation,” said junior Ben Ballmer, Hogan’s close friend and roommate. McGibbon’s interactions with Hogan violated professional boundaries, Pavalko wrote in her decision letter. He asked Hogan to stay at his house alone after a cast readthrough and offered him wine, according to interviews with Hogan and allegations in the Title IX investigation report. Emails show McGibbon invited Hogan to spend a day with him alone in Nashville, Indiana, to have lunch and

Re: Schedule Date: Sept. 1, 2018 at 2:26 PM From: Murray McGibbon To: Josh Hogan Maybe we could go there for a walkabout and have lunch at the Hobknob restaurant? Try and find a mid afternoon showing of Christopher Robin? Let me know where I should pick you up, and what time... Murray Sent from my iPad

see a movie. McGibbon also invited Hogan on a paid trip to Greece after his ex-wife couldn’t go, according to emails between the two and interviews with Hogan. McGibbon confirmed to IU Title IX investigators that these incidents happened. McGibbon called and messaged Hogan almost daily to talk about matters unrelated to their work together, Hogan said. McGibbon left voicemails when Hogan didn’t answer, a screenshot shows. At the end of one of the calls, McGibbon said “I love you” and later emailed Hogan to say his love didn’t need to be reciprocated, according to interviews with Hogan and allegations in the Title IX inves-

* * * Anderson, the graduate student, started working closely with McGibbon in fall 2019. McGibbon was her main directing instructor. She said they developed a solid line of trust. On Aug. 26, McGibbon emailed Anderson at 8:43 p.m. to ask if she was up for a quick Zoom call. She isn’t taking classes with McGibbon this semester, so there was no clear educational reason for them to connect. Anderson said she joined the call, and McGibbon seemed eager to catch up but appeared drunk and disheveled. His hair was unkempt, his face was bright red and the drink in his hand appeared to be alcoholic, she told the IDS. She said McGibbon told her he believed in her talent and wanted to be her adviser and serve on her thesis committee. He told her he would love to start meeting regularly “like this,” she said. “It’s not like I’m trying to seduce you or anything,” she recalled him saying. When Anderson saw Hogan’s message about a sexual offender during the welcome back Zoom call the next day, she said she processed that


IU appoints Murray McGibbon to the Department of Theatre, Drama, and Contemporary Dance.


McGibbon is promoted to associate professor, a tenured position.

2008, 2014, 2016

McGibbon asks women to audition in bikinis and have pictures taken, former students say.

Aug. 2018

Josh Hogan begins his freshman year at IU and auditions for “The Goat,” a show McGibbon is directing.

It’s been a while Date: Mar. 26, 2019 at 8:30 AM From: Murray McGibbon To: Josh Hogan Hi Josh It’s been a while and I was just wanting to touch base and see how you are doing. Try and track me down over the course of the next few days and let’s catchup! Best, Murray

an email from McGibbon: Hogan panicked, he said. He thought the Title IX investigators had already put a nocontact order in place. But they hadn’t informed McGibbon of the investigation yet, emails show. There is no set time frame for investigators to inform an accused faculty member of a complaint, Springston said in an email. The investigators informed McGibbon of Hogan’s complaint by the next day, according to emails between Hogan and Equity and Title IX Specialist Carol McCord. McGibbon was also barred from being involved in department shows, meeting with students alone and contacting Hogan in any form until the investigation concluded. Hogan still had to attend classes in the theater building. “There was a chance around any corner that I could run into him,” Hogan said. He received the investigation report in August 2019, eight months after he first met with Title IX investigators McCord and Laura Galloway. In her September 2019 decision letter, Pavalko issued six specific sanctions: While Hogan remains an IU student, McGibbon: • Can’t direct plays • Must notify the department chair of any individual projects or thesis committees which he is directing or on which he is serving • Can’t participate in any activities organized, sponsored or overseen by the Student Advisory Board Generally, McGibbon: • Must conduct all

During rehearsals for “The Goat,” Hogan says McGibbon: • Took him on a daytrip for lunch and a movie, • invited him on an all-expenses paid trip to Greece, • asked him to stay back alone at night after a cast readthrough at his house, • told him he loved him, • changed a scene in the show to expose his body, • called him daily to chat about things not related to the show • and offered him alcohol underage, according to interviews with Hogan and Title IX documents. Hogan emails Department Chair Linda Pisano to notify her of “inappropriate practices” involving McGibbon during rehearsals for “The Goat” and asks to set up a meeting. Hogan officially reports McGibbon to IU’s Office of Institutional Equity. An IU administrator sends Hogan a decision letter saying she determined McGibbon had sexually harassed him and ”exhibited a concerning pattern.” Graduate student Jamie Anderson joins a Zoom call with McGibbon at his request. She laters reports him for allegedly sexually harassing her on the call.

interactions on campus if they are related to his faculty role • Should not provide or make available alcohol to underage students • Should make every effort to avoid interacting with Hogan in any form When Hogan graduates, top IU officials will determine whether McGibbon can direct plays again and will consider additional monitoring, according to Pavalko’s letter. Hogan viewed the sanctions as “a glorified slap on the wrist.” McGibbon continued teaching. Hogan said he didn’t realize he could appeal the decision if he did not agree with the sanctions. This option was mentioned in Pavalko’s decision letter. He quickly saw the sanctions were insufficient, Hogan said. Nearly two weeks after Hogan received the report, he emailed Pavalko to say he saw McGibbon outside his classroom. Pavalko responded SEE ALLEGATIONS, PAGE 3

Jacob deCastro Editor-in-Chief


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Annie Aguiar Creative Director

Vol. 153, No. 48 © 2020


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Allegations against IU associate professor Murray McGibbon stretch back to 2014.

Aug.-Dec. 2018

“why is a known, sex offender, proven guilty by IU, still teaching at IU”?

McGibbon’s behavior the night before was not OK. The event triggered past trauma, Anderson said. She said she experienced a dissociative episode in public that put her in physical danger and has since started EMDR therapy. She reported the incident with McGibbon to the Office of Institutional Equity. “You can’t act like a repeated behavior like this is going to magically disappear, because history has proven otherwise,” Anderson said. Failing to hold perpetrators accountable can diminish students’ trust in the Title IX process and deter them from reporting sexual misconduct, said Justine Andronici, a lawyer who represented survivors in sexual abuse cases against Jerry Sandusky. “If the process fails one victim, it fails every victim,” said Andronici, who is not involved in McGibbon’s case and was speaking generally. Springston, the Title IX coordinator, said in an email that between 2015 and spring 2020, nine faculty members have left IUBloomington in connection with an investigation by her office. Five were fired and four resigned pending an investigation. This included tenured faculty, she said. Hogan reported to Springston’s office on Dec. 14, 2018, that McGibbon “engaged in inappropriate conduct, including conduct of a sexual nature and making inappropriate advances,” according to the report. Three months later, in March 2019, Hogan received

Dec. 7, 2018

In 2018, McGibbon cast Hogan, now 21, as the only undergraduate student in a controversial mainstage play he directed and gave the thenfreshman individual attention that Hogan says left him traumatized. He says McGibbon took him on a daytrip for lunch and a movie, invited him on an all-expenses paid trip to Greece, asked him to stay back alone at night after a cast readthrough at his house, told him he loved him, changed a scene in the show to expose Hogan’s body, called him almost daily to chat about matters unrelated to the show and offered him alcohol underage, according to the Title IX investigation report and interviews with Hogan. McGibbon asked Anderson just before 9 p.m. Aug. 26 to join a Zoom call, according to an email. Anderson said during the call he told her he wanted to meet regularly like that and told her he “wasn’t trying to seduce” her. Students have accused McGibbon of repeatedly giving undue attention to new, young students; offering alcohol to underage students; texting, emailing and calling students late at night unrelated to their work together; and asking students to spend time with him individually, unrelated to their educational work. Linda Pisano, chair of the theater department, declined to comment on specific allegations. She sent the IDS a general statement saying in part that the department wants “all our students to have a learning environment in which they feel safe and encouraged.” The lines between professor and student easily blur in theater. Acting demands openness and trust. Violating that trust can damage a student actor’s academic success. The role Hogan auditioned for in 2018 required vulnerability. The actor had to break down crying during auditions. While McGibbon was Anderson’s directing instructor in fall 2019, she says she confided in him about her history with sexual violence and PTSD. Hogan and Anderson said McGibbon’s actions and IU’s response caused their mental health to severely decline. The

During a department-wide Zoom call in August, Hogan sent a public message:

tigation report. Hogan deleted that email so he wouldn’t have to see it anymore, he said. Later in the rehearsal process, McGibbon said he couldn’t wait on an intimacy coordinator to start directing a kissing scene, asking Hogan to run it several times in a row while he watched, Hogan recalled. McGibbon chose for Hogan to appear in a scene wearing only a towel, Hogan said. McGibbon said he asked Hogan about this choice and Hogan “thought it was a cool idea,” according to the report. Hogan said he felt he had “no option but to go along with [McGibbon’s] frequent outreach, contact and invitations, given [McGibbon’s] directing and decision-making power,” according to the investigation report. The report found “evidence of quid pro quo sexual harassment.” McGibbon “denies some of these interactions happened, and with others, he has indicated they were minor or only done to help [Hogan], and were not of a sexual or amorous nature,” according to the report. He denied Hogan was ever at his house alone, according to the report. McGibbon was “adamant that his actions toward [Hogan] were the actions of a concerned, involved faculty member,” the report said. He said he took Hogan to Nashville because he was a new student and “his audition was not good,” according to the report. He “saw something” in Hogan and believed he could do better. McGibbon said Hogan “looked right for the part [in “The Goat”], as he looked young, which the role required,” according to the report. McGibbon told Title IX investigators he “acted impetuously” when he invited Hogan to Greece, which he called a “stupid” decision. He could not recall ever telling Hogan “I love you,” according to the report, but said he refers to people in conversation as “love,” which is common in South Africa, where he is from. McGibbon told IU investigators he communicates with students mostly for scheduling arrangements and does not socialize much with students outside of rehearsals, according to the report. He said he offers alcohol when he hosts cast parties, but announces that students under 21 can’t drink, the report said. The report said McGibbon told investigators the rehearsal period for “The Goat” was happy and successful.

Dec. 14, 2018

* * *

play centered around a family that falls apart after the father falls in love with a goat named Sylvia. An IU news story called the show “arguably the most controversial theatrical performance presented at IU Bloomington.” In 2018, McGibbon told the IDS he had pushed to direct this play at IU since 2002, calling it “a oncein-a-lifetime play” that would “cause a lot of discussion.” Hogan seized the opportunity to establish himself as an actor through the role McGibbon awarded him. He said McGibbon bragged about other students he’d guided into successful careers. Hogan assumed the director was tak-

Sept. 11, 2019

rectorial power.” The report’s recommendation to Pavalko states there was “evidence of a pattern by [McGibbon] of identifying new, beginning students, and engaging in behavior that is outside of the professional and academic boundaries expected.” During a departmentwide Zoom call in August, Hogan sent a public message: “why is a known, sex offender, proven guilty by IU, still teaching at IU”? Springston said in an email that IU’s process does not use terms such as “guilty” and “not guilty” because it is not akin to a criminal court. Rather, Title IX investigation reports involving faculty are sent to Pavalko, who issues decisions and sanctions. Springston and Pavalko declined to comment on specific cases, citing privacy laws. “I want to stress that IU takes all reports of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or discrimination of any kind very seriously,” Pavalko said in an email. The words Hogan messaged during the Zoom call caused graduate student Jamie Anderson to process that she might have been sexually harassed by McGibbon the night before. “I think if we don’t do something drastic now,” Anderson said, “this program is going to be considered one of the most unsafe spaces to be for just about anyone.”

potential to run into McGibbon made them feel unsafe attending certain classes and shows. Hogan said he has seriously considered leaving IU. McGibbon’s comments on the Zoom call with Anderson worsened her post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, she said. Hogan said he’s suffered from sleep paralysis and anxiety since he reported his allegations against McGibbon. Asked how students can feel safe when a professor found to have sexually harassed a student can still teach, Springston said in an email that her office works with campus and department leaders to “take appropriate preventive mea-

Aug. 26, 2020










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Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020 | Indiana Daily Student |


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 saying, “Given that Prof. McGibbon is still teaching and has some responsibilities that require him to be around the department, it is impossible to ensure that you will not run across him from time to time, either in the building or outside the area.” In a November 2019 email to Pavalko, Hogan said he saw McGibbon at a public performance in the theater building. He said he couldn’t go because McGibbon was there, though at the time McGibbon’s sanctions did not apply to public events. Emails show Pavalko modified the sanctions within a week so that Hogan and McGibbon would have to inform the department chair 48 hours in advance if they planned to attend a smaller venue event in the theater department, in addition to mainstage productions. If both of them wanted to attend, McGibbon couldn’t go. Emails show Pisano also notified Hogan in advance of mainstage shows McGibbon planned to attend. Still, Hogan wrote to Pavalko five days later: “I am forced to potentially run into the person who harassed me on a near daily basis, I am forced to be in fear of going to any events related to the theatre department, and my experience at IU has become one that is dominated by fear.” Pavalko responded by summarizing the additional restrictions she imposed on smaller venue events and reminded Hogan that he could have appealed her decision. She told him to let her know if there were other types of department events not covered by her sanctions she should consider, according to the email. Hogan felt the university wasn’t doing enough to protect him and others, he said. Investigators determined the most recent complaint against McGibbon “did not rise to the level of a violation under the current version of the policy,” Carney said in an email. They referred the complaint to Pavalko to determine whether McGibbon’s alleged actions violated other university policies. The IDS independently confirmed this complaint


IU junior Josh Hogan sits in the Wells-Metz Theatre. IU Title IX investigators determined associate professor Murray McGibbon sexually harassed Hogan in 2018.

“This is the reason why people don’t come forward,” graduate student Jamie Anderson said she told Title IX investigators. was Anderson’s. Anderson said the investigators told her Oct. 12 that McGibbon likely meant his comment as a joke. They didn’t inform McGibbon of her complaint, she said investigators told her. Her positive working relationship with McGibbon last year also lessened her credibility, she said they told her.

“This is the reason why people don’t come forward,” Anderson said she told investigators. Pavalko and Springston declined to comment on specific cases and did not respond to a question about whether it would be appropriate for investigators to react to allegations the way Anderson described.

Local News. Global Reach.

* * * Many students want IU to remove McGibbon from teaching. “Anything less than the removal of this individual is condoning sexual harassment,” Hogan wrote in the same Nov. 12, 2019, email to Pavalko where he said his time at IU was dominated by fear. Because the Education Department doesn’t set a threshold for when a faculty member should be fired for a Title IX violation, and IU’s sexual misconduct policy is vague, it’s unclear what warrants a professor’s removal. Faculty members rarely face serious consequences for Title IX violations, Stanford professor Michele Dauber said. “Universities have consistently failed to hold sexually harassing faculty accountable and have consistently failed to terminate faculty or to otherwise protect students

in cases where faculty have been found to have committed sexual harassment,” said Dauber, who is not involved in McGibbon’s case and spoke generally. One staff member said faculty who may be aware of the allegations likely avoid talking publicly because McGibbon is one of a small group of tenured theater professors who vote on tenuretrack professors’ promotions. Nine current and former students told the IDS they had heard rumors about McGibbon’s misconduct and tried to steer clear of him. Staff member Sharai Bohannon, a playwright and house manager, said she lived in Bloomington for less than two weeks before she heard the allegations against McGibbon. She said she refuses to recruit students, recommend guest artists or advise potential faculty to work at IU as long as McGibbon remains a faculty member. She started at IU in April and said

she feels “dirty” working here herself. “I feel like on some level, everybody knows something is not right here,” she said. Ballmer, Hogan’s roommate, said Hogan’s distress isn’t just tied to what he alleges McGibbon did. “I think what’s continuously hurting him is also IU’s response,” Ballmer said. Hogan said he experienced night terrors and sleep paralysis multiple times a week as the investigation unfolded. He felt ostracized by the relatively small theater community. Other students didn’t talk to him directly about the allegations, but he felt everyone knew. Hogan has considered leaving IU, but he decided to stay for two reasons: He’s almost done with his degree, and he wants closure. He feels like his efforts to protect other students are far from done. “If I had known that this process was ahead,” Hogan said, “I probably would have just not said anything.”




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Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020 | Indiana Daily Student |

Students call for IU to fire theater professor after IDS investigation By Emily Isaacman | @emilyisaacman

IU theater students are calling for the university to fire associate professor Murray McGibbon after the Indiana Daily Student published an investigation Monday detailing years of sexual harassment allegations against him. Students are organizing a protest Friday afternoon outside the theater building to demand McGibbon’s removal. McGibbon works in the Department of Theatre, Drama, and Contemporary Dance and teaches 33 students in three acting and directing classes this semester. IU determined McGibbon sexually harassed thenfreshman Josh Hogan during auditions and rehearsals for “The Goat, or Who is Sylvia,” a high-profile play McGibbon directed in 2018. McGibbon “exhibited a pattern of singling out some students and giving them undue attention,”

Eliza Pavalko, Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs, wrote in a September 2019 decision letter following a Title IX investigation into Hogan’s allegations. Pavalko imposed sanctions on McGibbon but allowed him to continue teaching classes. In August, graduate student Jamie Anderson accused McGibbon of sexually harassing her and reported him to the Title IX office. Administrators determined Anderson’s complaint did not rise to the level of a violation of IU’s sexual misconduct policy. A student currently in one of McGibbon’s classes, who requested anonymity for fear of retaliation, said they felt attending class would be condoning his alleged behavior after reading the IDS investigation. The theater department’s Student Advisory Board, which serves as a liaison between students and faculty,

said in a statement that the board believes “the university needs to do everything possible in order to terminate Professor McGibbon’s employment.” “It is unacceptable for any faculty member who has engaged in sexual harassment to continue working in their position,” a statement on SAB’s Instagram page said. When asked what students should do if they’re frightened to attend their classes with McGibbon, what steps students and alumni can take to push for McGibbon’s removal, whether IU or the theater department is taking any action and why IU let a professor who administrators found sexually harassed a freshman continue teaching classes, IU spokesperson Chuck Carney pointed those with concerns to the university’s sexual violence resources. But students told the IDS they felt IU’s resources, and specifically the Title IX office,

Induced to Murder),” is directed by Anderson, one of the accusers. A group of students is supposed to attend Directing 1 with McGibbon Wednesday morning. This class is required for students pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre and Drama. One student in the class, who also requested anonymity for fear of retaliation, said they plan to skip Wednesday but don’t know what they’ll do the rest of the semester if IU lets McGibbon keep teaching. “I guess myself and all my classmates would be left with powering through the class or not graduating,” they said. Many students in the department had heard general rumors about McGibbon’s misconduct, but few knew specifics before Monday. Some students said they were unaware of the allegations. “I had no idea,” the student said.


Students are circulating a flyer for a protest on Oct. 30 where they will demand IU fire associate professor Murray McGibbon. The protest was planned after the Indiana Daily Student published an investigation detailing sexual harassment allegations against McGibbon.

did not protect them. In an Instagram post about an upcoming production, the theater department wrote: “While IU Theatre & Dance is unable to respond to current news events via

this account, we do not want our next production and the talented, devoted artists involved to forfeit the exposure and excitement they deserve.” The show, “Bonnets: (How Ladies of Good Breeding Are

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Lifeway Baptist Church 7821 W. State Road 46 812-876-6072 •

Facebook: LifewayEllettsville College & Career Sunday Meeting: 9 a.m. Sunday

Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Night Bible Study: 7 p.m. Lifeway Baptist Church exists to bring glory to God by making disciples, maturing believers and multiplying ministry. Matthew 28:19-20

Barnabas Christian Ministry Small Groups: Cedar Hall 2nd Floor Common Area, 7 - 8 p.m., meetings start Thursday, Sept. 5. We will meet every other Thursday during the school year. Steven VonBokern, Senior Pastor Rosh Dhanawade, IU Coordinator 302-561-0108, * Free transportation provided. Please call if you need a ride to church.

Lutheran (LCMS) University Lutheran Church & Student Center 607 E. 7th St. 812-336-5387

Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington 2120 N. Fee Lane 812-332-3695

1413 E. 17th St. 812-339-5561 •

Episcopal (Anglican)

Rev. Patrick Hyde, O.P., Administrator and

Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00p.m. We use no book, but the Bible. We have no creed, but His Word within its sacred pages. God is love and as such we wish to share this joy with you. The comprehensive teaching of God's Word can change you forever.

Catholic St. Paul Catholic Center

St. Paul Catholic Center is a diverse community rooted in the saving compassion of Jesus Christ, energized by His Sacraments, and nourished by the liturgical life of His Church.

Chris Jones, Lead Pastor

Sunday Bible Study: 9:30a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:30a.m. and 5:00p.m.

1413 E. 17th St. 812-339-5561 • Facebook: Hoosiercatholic Twitter: @hoosiercatholic Rev. Patrick Hyde, O.P., Administrator and Director of Campus Ministry Rev. Dennis Woerter, O.P. Associate Pastor Rev. Reginald Wolford, O.P., Associate Pastor

Weekend Mass Times Saturday Vigil: 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. (Spanish), 5:30 p.m., 9 p.m. (During Academic Year) Korean Mass 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 6 p.m. Weekday Mass Times Monday - Saturday: 12:15 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday: 9 p.m.

We aspire to offer a safe and welcoming home for all people. We are a blend of people of different ages, genders, sexual orientations, ethnicities and countries; we are students, faculty, staff and friends. We pray, worship and proclaim the Gospel. We also promote justice, equality, inclusion, peace, love, critical thinking and acting as agents of change in our world.

Redeemer is a gospel-centered community on mission. Our vision is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ transform everything: our lives, our church, our city, and our world. We want to be instruments of gospel change in Bloomington and beyond.

Sunday: 11 a.m. We are a Bible-based, non-denominational Christian church. We are multi-ethnic and multi-generational, made up of students and professionals, singles, married couples, and families. Our Sunday service is casual and friendly with meaningful worship music, applicable teaching from the Bible, and a fun kids program.

St. Paul Catholic Center

3820 Moores Pike 812-336-4581 Facebook: Bloomington Friends Meeting We are currently meeting by Zoom only; email us at to request our Zoom link. Instagram: @uluindiana Sunday: Bible Class 9:15a.m. Divine Service 10:30a.m.

Tuesday & Friday: Morning Prayer 8a.m. Wednesday: Midweek Service 7p.m. LCMSU Student Fellowship 7:30p.m.

Thursday: Grad/Career Study & Fellowship 7:30p.m. University Lutheran is the home LCMSU at Indiana. Our on-campus location creates a hub for genuine Christ-centered community that receives God's gifts of life, salvation and the forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ. "We Witness, We Serve, We Love." Rev Richard Woelmer, Campus Pastor


St. Paul Catholic Center is a diverse community rooted in the saving compassion of Jesus Christ, energized by His Sacraments, and nourished by the liturgical life of His Church.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Latter-day Saint Student Association (L.D.S.S.A.) 333 S. Highland Ave. 812-334-3432 Facebook: Bloomington Institute and YSA Society Currently restricted hours: Wed nights for class, 6:50 p.m. to 8:40 p.m. (Subject to change based on COVID-19 developments) The Insistute building is a place to gather on campus for a break from academic rigors. Small library for quiet study, kitchen area for snacks and eating lunch, room to socialize, come play pool, ping pong or foosball. Games and puzzles available as well. A place to feel spiritually recharged and learn more about the Savior, Jesus Christ. Parking available when enrolled and attending a class. Church meets 11:30 on Sundays, at 2411 E. Second Street. David Foley, Institute Director Lyn Anderson, Administrative Assistant David Baer, YSA Branch President

Southern Baptist Bloomington Korean Baptist Church 5019 N. Lakeview Dr. 812-327-7428 Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Friday: 7 p.m. Saturday: 6 a.m. Praise the Lord! Do you need a True Friend? Come and worship the almighty God together with us on Sunday, Fellowship included. We are a Korean community seeking God and serving people. Students and newcomers are especially welcome.

Mennonite Mennonite Fellowship of Bloomington 2420 E. Third St. 812-646-2441 • Facebook

Sunday: 5 p.m. A welcoming, inclusive congregation providing a place of healing and hope as we journey together in the Spirit of Christ. Gathering for worship Sundays 5 p.m. in the Roger Williams room, First United Church. As people of God's peace, we seek to embody the Kingdom of God. John Sauder

United Methodist Jubilee 219 E. Fourth St. 812-332-6396 Instagram: @jubileebloomington Twitter: @jubileebloom 10a.m. Sundays: Classic Worship via Youtube Live 11:15a.m. Sundays: Interactive Bible Study via Zoom 7:30p.m. Wednesdays: Virtual + InPerson Meeting at First Methodist Jubilee is a Chrust-centered community open to all people. We offer both virtual and in-person community events on Wednesdays for a free meal, discussion, worship and hanging out. Small groups, service projects, and events are all a significant part of our rhythm of doing life together and avoiding isolation. Email: Markus Dickinson, Campus Director

Jason Pak, Pastor

the IDS every Thursday for your directory of local religious services, or go online anytime at For membership in the Indiana Daily Student Religious Directory, please contact Your deadline for next week’s Religious Directory is 5 p.m. Monday.

Indiana Daily Student


Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020

Editors Kyle Linder and Allyson McBride



IU didn’t warn us about Murray McGibbon. Why? Maggie Mulligan (she/her) is a sophomore studying recreational therapy and theater.

TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE President Donald Trump introduces Judge Amy Coney Barrett as his Supreme Court Associate Justice nominee Sept. 26 in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, D.C.

Talking to a Trump supporter? Remember this Maggie Mulligan (she/her) is a sophomore studying recreational therapy and theater.

Imagine you’re sitting with friends on a relaxing weekend night, after a long week of studying, and everything is going well until someone makes a slight side comment about the upcoming election. The conversation stops as the room realizes it’s divided, and a massive argument breaks out. Many students who heavily disagree with everything President Donald Trump stands for find themselves in this situation. Someone they are close to suddenly has a new light shone on them when they reveal who they are voting for. For those students who want to talk them down and explain why they should not vote for him, you can’t, and here is why. Trump supporters have a case of Stockholm syndrome, which is when a kidnapee falsely believes

that their kidnapper is doing something for their own good. “Trump controls his following much like a captor compels his hostages. He holds them with media frenzy and his personality cult while making promises that their release will come soon,” wrote Yale University associate professor of psychology Joan Cook. Although one’s first approach might be to calmly explain to a Trump supporter why climate change is real or why Black Lives Matter is a crucial movement, Trump’s following has been brainwashed by his claims that science isn’t real or that he has done more for Black Americans than any other president. One should expect personal attacks in this argument. We have a president comfortable with making fun of those with mental disabilities, objectifying women and defending white supremacists. Trump

supporters could easily follow suit and throw your gender, race, sexuality or any personal fact about you in a negative light as a defense of their views. “In the meantime, he demeans, vilifies and puts people down, giving voice to his follower’s anger but also humiliating and taking advantage of them,” Cook said. This is not to say that all those voting for Trump are doing so strictly because they agree with his conspiracy theories. Some are voting for Trump because they believe that’s what is best for the economy. What they don’t understand — or what they don’t care about — is that by focusing solely on that while voting, they are risking the freedoms and equal rights of millions. Anyone passionate about politics will want to win the argument and help their friends understand. When someone so blatantly dismisses everything

you believe in by claiming you’re too emotional and you have to fight the urge to bring up every statistic and every article that proves them otherwise, you can’t. They won’t listen and will keep regurgitating every false fact Trump has proudly pronounced. If you find yourself in this kind of a situation, stand your ground. Although these arguments usually turn ruthless, stay as calm as you can. As we have seen in the presidential debates, yelling over each other leads to no resolution. Keep sticking by your points, avoid any physical confrontation and know that it will be over eventually. Their arguments will soon hold no power when the man causing them is out of office. You can’t always win the argument, but you can win the election. Do your part and hold those around you accountable for doing theirs too.

I found it strange I hadn’t heard from my Directing I professor in nearly four days. Typically, he sent messages daily, reminding us what we needed to read or assignments that were due. On Monday, a classmate sent me and others an Indiana Daily Student investigation that said IU determined last year our professor sexually harassed a student in 2018. I immediately felt sick to my stomach. I froze. I replayed every interaction I had with Murray McGibbon. Every overly detailed compliment he had given to a student. Every time there could have been another victim. One of my classmates said she had been in contact with the Student Advocates Office, and that we should all email them. Unless a specific number of emails were sent saying students were uncomfortable and needed separate class arrangements, we might not be able to leave his class, she said. Even then, it might not be enough. After all, the multiple allegations against him and IU’s determination that he had, in fact, sexually harassed a student wasn’t enough. Before I knew about the allegations, I had respect for McGibbon. The trust I inherently had for anyone who calls themselves a professor is now broken. Thinking about how I sat in Zoom calls, took notes, completed assignments and dedicated my time to his course makes me feel like an accomplice. But McGibbon’s behavior wasn’t my fault. IU brushed sexual harassment aside like it was nothing, with the allegations against McGibbon being only one of an unknowable number of examples. By not acting, IU knowingly put its students in danger and is continuing to do

so by allowing him to teach. The university — failing on all fronts ranging from common decency to institutional protection — never warned my classmates and I about the allegations or suggested we consider switching classes. And so far, no one from IU has contacted me. Had it not been for the IDS reporting, I might have never even known. I can’t understand how IU could let professors with allegations such as McGibbon’s continue to even be on or near campus. McGibbon’s role as a professor served as a gateway to all of the harassment students say they were subject to. By letting him stay, IU sent a message that professors can sexually harass their students without serious consequences. IU is actively betraying the theater department and every student in it. What was once seen as a program to call home has been tarnished by normalized and tolerated sexual harassment. Many students had already stopped calling the department home and had to live in fear and isolation because of McGibbon long before the details were public. To my classmates and all those affected by sexual harassment: My heart is with you. This incident has damaged our trust in the department and IU. For many of us, a veil of comfort we were privileged to wear is now being shed, and we need to act to contact everyone we can at IU to ensure none of us — especially those targeted by him — have to see McGibbon on our campus ever again. If the student community keeps allowing IU to disregard our safety, more communities will be endangered by cases involving sexual harassment. It is up to us, the students, to protect the homes we have found on campus and use every resource we can to show IU enough is enough.

Social workers don’t belong in the Bloomington Police Department Maddie Butler (she/her) is a sophomore studying international law and Arabic. Bradi Heaberlin (they/them) is a second-year Ph.D. student studying geography and informatics.

This month, the Bloomington City Council passed the 2021 city budget by a 7-1 vote. The budget includes plans to hire a second police social worker within the Bloomington Police Department. The inclusion of social workers within BPD has been painted by the department as progressive change, but the organizers of a local petition challenging the recently passed budget correctly disagree. The inclusion of social workers runs counter to calls to defund and abolish the police and instead exacerbates their societal power. Ultimately, the incorporation of social workers into BPD will weaponize social workers to fulfill the carceral ends of policing. Bloomington community members should be wary of police attempts to portray these new additions to the budget as progressive. To recognize why police as social workers will be harmful, we must understand the anti-Black history of policing and the ways that institutions such as jails and prisons are meant to control rather than reform so-called “criminal” behaviors. Many of the first police in the U.S. South were slave patrols, while police in the North developed both to return slaves and to protect against “disorder” caused by rampant inequity. Today’s police departments, jails and prisons are part of what French theorist Michel Foucault called the world’s “disciplining power,” which outlines who is a criminal and who is not based on who the government most

needs to control. We can understand police, then, as the foremost apparatus charged with controlling the people who are subjected to the worst inequities. As police on campuses across the world quell unrest by people who protest for better conditions, police in Bloomington and beyond have been able to do very little to mitigate every day harms such as domestic violence. Bringing social workers into police departments marks a commitment to defining those people subjugated to inequities as “criminals” that deserve punishment, rather than as people who need access to more, and better, resources. Social workers are meant to abide by a code of ethics that directly contradicts the racist and carceral nature of policing, and their work — if separated from policing and its use of control and punishment — may open possibilities for transformative justice. The ethical principles guiding social work mandate a commitment to service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity and competence. Donyel Byrd, local social worker and an author of the petition, said, “One of our values is to promote social justice. So if we see injustice happening, which is racism, sexism, homophobia, all of these things...that we know exist in the system of policing, what are we to do about those things as we’re part of that system?” Employing social workers within BPD compromises the integrity of the values underpinning the social work field and puts them in the service of a carceral apparatus that routinely over-polices, incarcerates and murders Black and Brown bodies. Furthermore, the intent

of social work is drastically different from the goal of policing. While policing is inherently carceral in its ends, the same is not true of social work. The preamble to the National Association of Social Workers’ code of ethics ensures that the primary mission of social work is to help meet the basic needs of all people, particularly the vulnerable and oppressed. Rather than incarcerate, social workers seek to meet the needs of communities preemptively. Police are reactive in all cases, but social workers, at their best, are proactive. Hiring social workers within police departments undermines the ability of social workers to fulfill these needs through two primary tactics. The first is by lending legitimacy to the carceral systems which police social workers now work within. When hiring a second police social worker is painted as a solution to centuries of police brutality towards Black and Brown communities, officers are able to sell BPD’s model as a beacon of progressive change. This so-called reform denies the need to remove policing from community aid, blocking deeper structural change. Kass Botts, a permanent supportive housing caseworker, said, “Whenever we say this is the best thing that we’ve got right now, or this is a step in the right direction, we’re lending legitimacy to the idea that people’s health and mental health and substance use issues are criminal issues that need to be treated in a carceral way and need carceral solutions.” In fact, incarceration is dire for many experiencing mental health issues. In federal prisons, 66% of incarcerated people report not receiving any mental healthcare despite incarcerated people describing prison itself as traumatiz-

IZZY MYSZAK | IDS A protester holds a sign reading “Defund Police” on Aug. 18 outside City Hall in Bloomington.

ing. Even if social workers are present during an arrest, they are ultimately assisting the police in incarcerating an individual. Second, police weaponize the social worker’s positive relationships with the community to incarcerate community members. While social workers rely on mutual trust to aid individuals, police rely on authority and control. Sam Harrell, a local social worker and petition author, said police have, “tried to use get their job done. I can’t tell you how many times BPD came into the homeless shelters that I was directing, and lied egregiously, demanded entry, and tried to get me to help them serve warrants to get me to give them information. Because they knew that I would have a better relationship, therefore, I could help them carry out their job.” No institution, including social work, is free of racism. Despite working with predominantly Black and Brown clients, 70% of social workers are white. Despite maintaining positive relationships with

the community, social work privileges whiteness. Embedding social work within police departments combines the police officer’s authority to use force with the social worker’s positive community relationships. This makes communities more vulnerable to police, not less. What is the role of social workers in the movement to defund and abolish the police, if not working within police departments? The petition calls for the creation of a 24/7 coordinated crisis response model staffed by service providers and health care workers and created in collaboration with marginalized community members. Rather than aid police in making arrests, involved social workers could connect patients to psychiatric treatment and resources outside of the system of policing. However, social workers can only connect people to resources that already exist. The petition attempts to expand these resources, calling for the 4% increase in BPD’s budget to be reallocated to community organizations.

Byrd seeks a world led by transformative justice, which responds to violence by connecting people to resources rather than further perpetuating violence through incarceration. Such a system of transformative justice cannot rely on merely adding social workers to existing policing structures. “Ultimately, mostly, I would love to see us work ourselves out of a job. I think right now, we’re so focused on figuring out how we can fit into current structures that are so flawed and so damaging to those very people we’re trying to help, that we don’t see alternate ways of addressing safety and harm,” Byrd said. Across the country, social workers are refusing to do the work of police. These social workers are imagining transformative roles for their jobs, and they, like the social workers we interviewed, know there is no place for policing within transformative justice and no place for social workers within policing. Answering to the police corrupts the ethos of social work.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR POLICY The IDS encourages and accepts letters to be printed from IU students, faculty and staff and the public. Letters should not exceed 400 words and may be edited for length and style. Submissions must include the person’s name, address and telephone number for verification.

Letters without those requirements will not be considered for publication. Letters can be mailed or dropped off at the IDS, 6011 E. Kirkwood Ave. Bloomington, IN 47405. Send submissions via email to Call the IDS with questions at 812-855-5899.

Indiana Daily Student



Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020

Editors Colin Kulpa and Izzy Myszak

A look inside IU’s new COVID-19 testing labs Story and photos by Colin Culpa | @ColinKulpa

Faster and a higher quantity of COVID-19 test results — that’s the goal of IU’s COVID-19 testing labs, which went online last week. IU granted the Indiana Daily Student access to the labs in Myers Hall to take a look at the process each test goes through before students, staff and faculty receive their results. The Bloomington labs, located in Myers Hall, process COVID-19 tests taken at the Presidents Hall testing site inside Franklin Hall, and some tests from Memorial Stadium, according to lab management. Another IU lab in Indianapolis processes most of the tests from the stadium. Professor Matthew Hahn, lab director, and professor Craig Pikaard, lab scientific director, guided the IDS through the testing process documented below.

Lab assistant DJ Ottman handles testing vials Oct. 27 in the IU COVID-19 testing labs in Myers Hall. Ottman usually handles the saliva samples as they are moved from the oven to the table, where the testing reagent is added and the vials are prepared for the next step in the process. Ottman also removed the empty vials from tests run the day before, which lab director Matthew Hahn said are not immediately thrown away in case an issue occurs further into the testing process.

Professor and lab scientific director Craig Pikaard holds up a 384-well plate Oct. 27 at IU’s COVID-19 testing labs in Myers Hall. The well plates, which in total amount to roughly $4,000, can hold 384 samples. Each well plate contains four positive and four negative control samples to help ensure accuracy in tests, Pikaard said.

Pipettes extract testing samples to move to a well plate Oct. 27 at the COVID-19 testing labs in Myers Hall. The Hamilton STARlet robot is in high demand, and the machine at IU’s Bloomington lab is on loan from the Eli Lilly corporation, scientific director Craig Pikaard said.

Lab technician Ahmed Alazawi watches as a Hamilton STARlet robot transfers saliva samples into 96-well plates Oct. 27 in IU’s COVID-19 testing labs in Myers Hall. The machine is the first transfer of testing samples into smaller well plates, which can hold 96 samples. This robot is on loan from the Eli Lilly corporation in Indianapolis and another machine is due for delivery before Thanksgiving, scientific director Craig Pikaard said.

the care and services you need to stay healthy at Optometry

Oral/Dental Care

Health Spotlight Dr. John Hiester

Dr. Brandy Deckard, O.D., F.A.A.O. Dr. Derek Bailey, O.D. Dr. Jenna Dale, O.D., F.A.A.O., F.C.O.V.D. Dr. Luke Streich, O.D.

We provide a full scope of oral surgery procedures in a caring and comfortable manner. Our services include dental implants, IV sedation and wisdom teeth removal. We’re a provider for most insurance plans, including IU and Medicaid. No referral necessary. Conveniently located on S. College Mall Road, across from Kroger and Five Guys. 1116 S. College Mall Rd. 812-332-2204


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Precision Eye Group specializes in comprehensive vision health. We offer examinations and treatment for a wide array of eye diseases, conditions, and problems, with advanced diagnostic and vision care technologies. We help our patients achieve and maintain good eye health for life. You can shop our wide variety of designer frames including Lindberg, Lafont, Ray-Ban, Tom Ford, Maui Jim, Oliver Peoples and many more! Schedule your appointment now, by calling the office or online at our website, and see your world with the best vision possible. Now providing care in both the Bloomington and Bedford communities!

Oral/Dental Care

Smile Doctors is offering COMPLEMENTARY consultations for children, teens and adults. Our Orthodontists offer braces and Invisalign®. Visit Smile Doctors and you’ll see how we make you Smile Happy from start to finish. Mention seeing us in the IDS directory for a special discount. Flexible monthly installment plans make budgeting stress-free. We accept most insurance plans and most major credit cards. In-office or virtual appointments. Hours: Clinic hours can vary. Please call to speak to a Team Member. 857 S Auto Mall Rd #5 812-333-1051 Bloomington Eastside: Mon. - Fri.: 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat.: 9 a.m. - noon

Matthew L. Rasche, D.D.S., M.S.D. Certified, American Board of Pediatric Dentistry

Brian Logue, M.D. Eric Smith, M.D. Dave Elkins, P.A.C. Board certified physicians with over 70 years combined experience. Services include: kidney stones, urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence, prostate problems, same day emergency appointments, vasectomy. Mon. - Wed.: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thu.: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Fri.: 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. 2907 McIntire Drive 812-332-8765 Or visit us at our other location. Dr. Warren L. Gray 2200 John R. Wooden Drive Suite 207 Martinsville, IN 46151 765-342-8427


Dr. Mary Ann Bough Office Manager: Megan Hammer Chiropractic Assistants: Shaphir Gee, Stephanie Gregory, Korie Jacobs Discover Chiropractic for the entire family! We are a stateof-the-art chiropractic facility using computerized analysis and adjustment techniques. We specialize in gentle “no-TwistTurn” adjusting of infants to seniors! We are close to campus and near major bus routes. New patients are welcome and most insurance plans accepted. Call today and find out how you and your family can stay naturally healthy with chiropractic care. Mon., Wed., Fri.: 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tue.: 12 - 5 p.m. 3901 Hagan St., Suite C 812-336-7552

the IDS every Thursday for your directory of local health care services, or go online anytime at

322 S. Woodscrest Drive 812-332-2020

Dr. Brandt Finney Dr. Finney is committed to providing excellence in dentistry. He uses the latest in dental techniques to provide you with a beautiful and healthy smile. Additionally, Dr. Finney believes strongly in education to prevent oral health problems before they occur. Because of this philosophy, we have designed our practice for the best experience and results, from wallmounted televisions in treatment rooms to our state-of-the-art 3-D imaging. Our office is located near the College Mall and accepts most insurances including the IU Cigna plans, as well as the IU Fellowship Anthem plan. We look forward to meeting you!

Bedford: Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri.: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thu.: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat.: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. 3343 Michael Ave. 812-279-3466 Bloomington Downtown: COMING SOON! 101 W. Kirkwood Ave.


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Mon. - Thu.: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 2909 E. Buick Cadillac Blvd. 812-339-3427

Southern Indiana Pediatric Dentistry with Dr. Matt Rasche specializes in providing comprehensive dental care for infants, children and adolescents, including those with special needs. We provide quality dental care and an exceptional experience for each patient. We welcome new patients! All insurance plans and private pay accepted. Our office is located near College Mall in Bloomington, at 828 Auto Mall Road in Bloomington. 812333-KIDS. Call today!

Dr. Crystal Gray Dr. Andrew Pitcher

Formerly known as the Back and Neck Pain Relief Center, we provide gentle, effective chiropractic care helping students reduce stress, fatigue, and improve spinal health. We have treatments that will fit your individual needs. We accept most insurance plans. Give us a call today! Mon., Wed., Thu.: 9 a.m. - noon, 2 - 6 p.m. Tue., Fri.: 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.

For membership in the Indiana Daily Student Health Directory, please contact Your deadline for next week’s Health Directory is 5 p.m. Monday.

The Health Directory is your guide to health and wellness in the Bloomington area.

1710 W. Third St. 812-336-2225

Timothy J. Devitt, D.M.D. We provide a full scope of oral surgery procedures in a caring and comfortable manner. Our services include dental implants, IV sedation and wisdom teeth removal. We’re a provider for most insurance plans, including IU and Medicaid. No referral necessary. Conveniently located on S. College Mall Road, across from Kroger and Five Guys. Mon. - Fri.: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 1116 S. College Mall Rd. 812-332-2204


Indiana Daily Student


Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020

Editor Caleb Coffman


IU beats Penn State in first top 10 win since 1987 Despite being outgained 488-211 in total yards, IU forced overtime in Bloomington against Penn State. IU quarterback Michael Penix Jr. converted a two-point conversion to seal the 36-35 victory.

Michael Penix Jr. surges late, lifts IU over Penn State 36-35 By D.J. Fezler | @DJFezler

IU sophomore quarterback Michael Penix Jr. was unanimously voted a team captain by his teammates before the start of the season. And in the team's season opener against No. 8 Penn State, he wasn’t going to let them down. Rather than kicking an extra point after Penix connected with senior wide receiver Whop Philyor for a 9-yard touchdown in overtime, the Hoosiers decided to keep their offense on the field and go for the win. On the final play of the game, Penix kept the ball himself, dashed to his left and dove toward the pylon for a two-point conversion to win the game. IU’s 36-35 victory over No. 8 Penn State marks the program’s first over a top 10 opponent in Bloomington since Nov. 25, 1967, against No. 3 Purdue and first since its victory against No. 9 Ohio State in 1987.

“One play to win it, and we've been close, and I'm sick and tired of being close.” Tom Allen, IU football head coach

“One play to win it, and we’ve been close, and I’m sick and tired of being close,” IU head coach Tom Allen said after the game. Even though the offense showed up at the end of the game, it was the defense that kept the team close. Through three quarters, Penix had only completed seven of his 14 passes for 60 yards and an interception. The Hoosiers accounted for just 100 yards compared to the Nittany Lions’ 324 before the start of the fourth quarter. But three firsthalf takeaways allows the team to sneak into the locker room with a 17-7 halftime lead. Junior running back Stevie Scott III rushed for 46 yards and two touchdowns in the second quarter. “It was just us recuperating at


IU football players celebrate after defeating No. 8 Penn State on Oct. 24 at Memorial Stadium. IU's victory was the first over a top 10 opponent since 1987.

the end of the third quarter and just telling each other to finish strong and keep playing our game, keep a positive mindset and finish off our plays,” Scott said. “We knew that we could make plays at any given moment. As long as we just stuck together as a team, didn’t let anything get us down at the time or the moment, we’ll be good.” Before overtime, IU trailed 28-20 with 1:42 left in the fourth quarter. With one final drive, Penix orchestrated a seven-play, 75-yard drive and scored on a 1-yard quarterback sneak. He would also score with his legs on the following twopoint conversion attempt to tie the game with 22 seconds left. In the fourth quarter and overtime, Penix completed 12 passes for 110 yards and a touchdown, leading IU to its first win over a ranked opponent during Allen’s tenure. “We didn’t really finish how we wanted to the last few years, and that’s something we’ve been stressing all camp, all summer long,” Penix said. “We’ve been waiting for this opportunity. The guys made plays whenever they needed to be made, so that’s one thing we did today, we made sure we finished.”


Penix's leap puts IU ahead against Penn State te iin opener


IU By Evan Ger Gerike

IU overcomes slow start from offense, missed field goals, turnovers cost PSU Indiana Hoosiers

Penn State Nittany Lions

Scoring by period IU's Penix stretches for the pylon on the final two-point conversion, ruled good after review

35 | @EvanGerike

20 15 10 PSU's kicker Jake Pinegar misses 25 yard field goal at end of first half, down 7-17

5 0 First


Total yards



Passing yards


Rushing yards


penn state e

penn state



india diana







If the football gods exist, they did not care if IU beat PSU Bradley Hohulin is a sophomore in marketing.

Sports fans often joke about the existence of the football gods, omnipotent beings who sway the outcome of games. This is obviously utterly ridiculous because it assumes the football gods are just and reasonable deities. Take, for instance, IU’s 36-35 overtime win over No. 8 Penn State. There were plenty of spectacles to be seen throughout the matchup — none of which were remotely logical. After being amazingly consis-

IU moves to No. 17 in AP Poll, highest since 1993

tent as a redshirt freshman last year, quarterback Michael Penix Jr. struggled to connect with his receivers for the majority of the afternoon. His arm was like a missile launcher, and he targeted the open air beyond his receiver’s fingertips with extreme precision. However, the Hoosiers weren’t the only ones with rust to shake loose. Two truly horrific interceptions and a fumble by the Nittany Lions easily made up for the Hoosiers' own miscues. Of course, what the football gods give, they are quick to take away. The Hoosiers tempted fate by

running on their last play of the first half and were punished with a fumble. In a true display of gridiron nihilism, Penn State kicker Jake Pinegar clanked a 25-yard field goal off the left upright, leaving IU with zero consequences and a 17-7 advantage after two quarters. Midway through the fourth quarter, with the Hoosiers trailing 21-20, I began viewing this contest as a thought experiment — what fanbase do the football gods despise more? Would Penn State get upset despite out-gaining IU by well over 200 yards, or would the Hoosiers yet again carve defeat

out of imminent victory? I appeared to get my answer when Penix took two consecutive sacks and threw two sloppy incompletions on what seemed to be IU’s final possession. Then, madness befell Memorial Stadium once more as Penn State running back Devyn Ford strode into the end zone rather than taking a dive to run out the clock. IU’s offense entered its most important drive down 28-20 with all the momentum of a baby crawling up a water slide. And yet, somehow SEE GODS, PAGE 8

Penix has rough start, finishes strong in thriller Passing in first three quarters

By Evan Gerike | @EvanGerike

IU football has earned its highest ranking in the Associated Press Top 25 Poll since 1993. IU comes in at No. 17 in the AP Poll and was ranked No. 19 in the Amway Coaches Poll. The polls come in after IU’s 36-35 upset of Penn State, the first IU victory over a top-10 team since 1987. It was also the first victory over a ranked opponent in head coach Tom Allen’s tenure. After not being ranked for 25 years, this is the Hoosiers’ second appearance in the AP poll in two seasons. IU was ranked No. 24 in Week 11 last season after defeating Northwestern 34-3. The Hoosiers were ranked No. 17 in week 10 of the AP Poll in 1993. IU is 1-0 and will travel to play Rutgers on Oct. 31.

7/14 0 comp./att.




60 yards

Passing in fourth quarter/overtime

12/22 1 comp./att.


0 110





IU head coach Tom Allen’s normally raspy voice was even more shot than usual after IU defeated No. 8 Penn State in the season opener Saturday. It took overtime to settle IU’s game against No. 8 Penn State, and it took two two-point conversions for IU to pull off the 36-35 upset. The win gives IU its secondever victory against Penn State and its first win over a top 10 opponent since beating Ohio State in 1987. After Penn State took a 3528 lead in overtime, sophomore quarterback Michael Penix Jr. completed a 9-yard touchdown pass to senior receiver Whop Philyor. As Penix and the rest of the offense looked to the sideline, Allen didn’t hesitate telling them to stay on the field. For the second time, Penix was the hero, sneaking the ball over the goal line. This one came after a long review over a matter of inches, completing the Hoosier’s upset. "I knew it was a touchdown as soon as I did it," Penix said. "I told the team when they were reviewing like, 'Man it's a touchdown, it's a touchdown.' I just knew I couldn't let the guys down." For most of the game, IU seemed in control. Its defense held Penn State to only seven points in the first half after a strange ending in which Penn State recovered a fumble with two seconds left in the half but clanked their field goal off the upright. The second half was nearly the opposite. Before the final drive of the fourth quarter, IU had produced 24 yards of offense in the half and only three points. The Hoosiers turned the ball over on downs trailing by one deep in their own territory. “I guess it’s kinda fitting," Allen said. "I kept going back to the bowl game in the last few minutes there, and just like we got to find a way not to let this happen again.” For a minute, it felt just like last year’s game against Penn State, where IU came back to make it 27-24 in the fourth quarter before ultimately falling to the then-No. 9 team in the country, 34-27. It seemed like a typical IU finish before Penn State ran in a 14-yard touchdown run and went up 28-20 with less than two minutes left. Rather than Penn State running the clock out, the touchdown allowed IU to get the ball back with just under two minutes remaining. “Fortunately for us we got the chance,” Allen said. “With 1:42, with Michael Penix, I really believed we were going to go tie this game up. I just believe in him.” Penix took control. The second year starting quarterback led IU on a game-tying, SEE LEAP, PAGE 8



Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020 | Indiana Daily Student |


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 the offense that floundered most of the day marched 75 yards in seven plays and pulled off a two-point conversion, knotting up the score at 28 apiece. Perhaps undeservedly, the Hoosiers were back in the running. At least, they were until senior kicker Jared Smoler nudged the ball no more than 25 yards on the ensuing kickoff, putting the Nittany Lions in prime position for a game-winning field goal. I have never seen a better-looking 57-yard kick in my life, but the powers were evidently still unsatisfied as Jordan Stout’s long, accurate boot fell mere feet short. Penn State had no trouble reaching the end zone, handing IU another opportunity to break its loyalists’ hearts. When Penix found Whop Philyor in the end zone on a 9-yard strike, I steeled myself for the second overtime. The next ten seconds were a blur. I faintly remember head coach Tom Allen trotting out his offense, Penix scrambling to his left and stretching out his arm to the pylon like

Michael Jordan’s impossibly elongated slam dunk in the climax of “Space Jam.” Let me be clear — if Penix had been called down initially, there is no chance the call would have been overturned. I honestly have no clue whether Penix actually converted the twopoint conversion. The one thing of which I’m sure is the referees made their choice, and IU is 1-0. So what have we learned about the so-called football gods? For one, they certainly work in mysterious ways. I’m not positive if this game was meant to punish the hubris of Penn State partisans or reward the suffering of IU followers. Three missed field goals, five total turnovers and a treasure trove of mindboggling miscues all boiled down to whether a man in a striped shirt raised his arms above his head in a splitsecond decision. My traditionalist sense of guilt tells me IU has a harsh reckoning on its horizon as repayment for its luck. Then again, if week one taught us anything, it’s that the only commandment in the religion of college football decrees chaos always prevails.



75-yard drive, capped with a 1-yard rush for a touchdown and a conversion on the twopoint attempt. “It showed that you just can’t count us out,” Penix said.

“We made some really good adjustments. Our players capitalized.” Micah McFadden, junior linebacker

It looked like IU might be in trouble early after Penn State marched down the field on its first offensive possession without much resistance. The Nittany Lions took the ball 64 yards in seven minutes, capping off the drive with a 2 yard touchdown pass from junior quarterback Sean Clifford to take a quick lead. But the defense held together, keeping Penn State from scoring again in the half. The halftime lead came on the back of three takeaways for IU that the offense converted into 10 points. “There were some things they were throwing out there at us that we weren’t really

ready for,” junior linebacker Micah McFadden said. "We made some some really good adjustments. Our players capitalized." It’s only the second time the Hoosiers have faced a ranked opponent in Bloomington to start the season. The last time was in 2017 when IU led No. 2 Ohio State 14-13 to start the second half. They lost 49-21. This time it was different. “The bottom line is we’re building a football program that, in my mind, wants to win a Big Ten Championship,” Allen said.


Top Redshirt sophomore quarterback Michael Penix Jr. prepares to throw the ball Oct. 24 in Memorial Stadium. IU defeated Penn State in overtime 36-35. Bottom Head coach Tom Allen glares at a referee after a call against IU on Oct. 24 in Memorial Stadium. IU led against Penn State at halftime, 17-7.

Despite coming away with a win against Penn State, IU looks to correct offensive woes By Evan Gerike | @EvanGerike

IU head coach Tom Allen hasn’t been able to get much sleep since Saturday’s victory over Penn State. During Monday’s press conference, Allen said his weekend has been crazy for all the good reasons. Even waking up this morning, he still was on a high after finally finishing a close game, something the Hoosiers haven’t experienced much of during Allen’s tenure. But now it’s a new week and the Hoosiers are preparing for a new opponent. IU has to get ready to face Rutgers this Saturday, and it starts with fixing the mistakes from week one. “We made a lot of mistakes in the first game,” Allen said. “But we played with tremen-

dous effort, toughness, grit and belief.” Allen said the offensive line did not play well, leading to excess pressure on sophomore quarterback Michael Penix Jr. “I don’t think he could ever really get comfortable in the pocket,” Allen said. Offensive coordinator Nick Sheridan said a lot of the lack of offensive execution falls on his shoulders. Sheridan said there were many plays he thought the team needed to execute better on, but there were also plenty of plays that he thought he should’ve called better. “Our execution was not at the level that we had seen in camp, and certainly not at the level we expect our guys to do,” Sheridan said. Even while IU’s offense


Junior defensive back Reese Taylor attempts to tackle Penn State redshirt junior linebacker Ellis Brooks on Oct. 24 in Memorial Stadium. IU defeated Penn State in overtime 36-35.

stumbled down the field for much of the game, there were signs of what the offense could be. In the Hoosiers’ second quarter touchdown drive, they turned to junior running back Stevie Scott III to pound the ground game.

Scott picked up 29 of his 57 total yards, including a 14-yard touchdown. In IU’s last drive of regulation and its drive in overtime, Penix threw seven straight completions. “Our kids performed at their best level when it mattered the most,” Sheridan said.

If the offense can stay on the field longer, Allen said the defense will perform better too. Allen said the defense played well, and other than giving up the touchdown pass allowing Penn State to take a 21-20 lead late in the fourth quarter, the effort leading to three takeaways and good tackling was a huge benefit in the game. “That’s what we’re working towards: being able to have all three phases working together,” Allen said. The inability for the offense to create lasting drives hurt the defense, but turnovers gave IU possession in Penn State territory twice in the first half, resulting in 10 points. IU was five for five in scoring touchdowns in the red zone too. In total, IU had 20 minutes

of possession compared to Penn State’s 40. Sophomore Miles Marshall is going through concussion protocol after getting hit in the head Saturday. Allen said there’s no timeline for his return yet. Sophomore David Ellis was held out Saturday with a lower leg injury, but Allen said he might be back this week. IU now has experience finishing close games. This weekend it will take on a relatively new experience of playing as a ranked team, coming in at No. 17 in the AP Top 25 Poll for the first time since 1993. “That’s what we’re dealing with,” Allen said. “That’s who we’re playing. Our guys have to be 100% focused in on that and how we can get better from week one to week two.”

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Indiana Daily Student


Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020

Editors Claudia Gonzalez-Diaz and Joe Schroeder


IU student Srishti Gourisaria combines fashion and family in streetwear brand

You have no reason to not like hip-hop

By Lizzie Kaboski

Stefan Townes is a junior in English and comparative literature.

At 20, IU student Srishti Gourisaria and her brother, Syracuse University student Yuvraj, decided they wanted to start their own streetwear brand. Today, their brand, KNN, has a collection of five tops and T-shirts and nine face mask designs sold online. The face masks can also be found in stores around Bloomington, such as Greetings and Tracks, where IU apparel is sold. Srishti, a senior studying entrepreneurship and business analytics with a minor in apparel merchandising, and her brother, Yuvraj, a sophomore studying economics with a minor in retail management at Syracuse University, established the brand in summer 2019. The siblings, from Kolkata, India, have family roots in the fashion industry. They wanted to start a new wing for their family business, Kanchana, which has two divisions titled Next and Sarees, which sell suits and sarees, traditional Indian garments for women. Srishti said the clothes for KNN are similar to what could be found in brands such as Supreme and Off-White. “Streetwear is a global style,” Srishti said. “We want to use it to bring our family brand portfolio forward.” Clothing can be purchased through Instagram direct message. KNN is in the process of establishing a presence on its website. Clothing production takes place in India and the products are exported to the U.S. Yuvraj said he was inspired to create clothing because what he

Horoscope Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Today is a 7 — Slow for sharp corners. Watch for physical obstacles. Prioritize health and wellness. Monitor conditions closely. Resist impulse actions. Strengthen basics before elaborating. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Today is a 7 — Fun and romance flower with care. Share simple pleasures, games and passions, despite limitations, boundaries and barriers. Connect with someone you love.


KNN, a clothing brand, has a collection of five tops and T-shirts and nine face mask designs sold online. The face masks can be found in stores around Bloomington, such as Greetings and Tracks, where IU apparel is sold.

wants from the market is often not available. “Whenever I go shopping, most of the time I’m disappointed,” Yuvraj said. “When looking for my own style, there’s nothing that caters to me specifically.” Srishti designed the first collection while Yuvraj was finishing up high school, and together they collaborated on IU- and Syracusethemed masks for their 2020 collection. “Between us, Yuvraj is more creative,” Srishti said. “Working with him is a huge plus, but I do think in the back of my mind I’m nervous that we’ll have a disagreement that will affect our personal lives.” Yuvraj said working with his sister felt natural. From adolescence, people used to point out how similar they both are. “I’m not saying we agree on everything,” Yuvraj said. “But we always knew we could work to-

gether and make something good happen.” While Yuvraj hones his creative side, he said his sister’s business knowledge and determination is an asset to their brand. “There’s a spark in her eyes when she gets a goal in her head,” Yuvraj said. “She goes above and beyond to get things done.” As for the future goals of the company, the siblings have big plans. “Our target markets are IU and Syracuse right now,” Srishti said. “But we want to expand it.” Yuvraj said the U.S. is where they hope to continue to establish their brand because it’s a global hub for fashion. Their goal, ultimately, is to become an internationally worn brand similar to H&M or Zara. “You have to target America first, and then the world will follow,” Yuvraj said.

To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today is a 7 — Family comes first. Help clean a mess. Use gentle pressure, rather than force. Avoid mistakes or misunderstandings. Upgrade basic foundational support structures.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Today is a 9 — Focus on profitable endeavors. Your ideas are attracting attention. Work could interfere with playtime. Avoid risky business and go for stability. Harvest while you can.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is an 8 — Communication can work miracles. You can see what isn’t working with a creative project. Edit, cut and polish. Don’t publish until it’s ready. Prepare persuasive hooks.

Aries (March 21-April 19) Today is a 9 — Ponder upcoming actions before getting started. Avoid travel, expense or fuss. Imagine a personal project completed. Plan the steps to take. Take it easy.


It seems kind of pointless to worry about hip-hop detractors. Hip-hop and rap are the reigning kings of the music industry at the moment, pulling in money and listeners like none other and have reached a global audience. Hiphop is the biggest thing in the music world. But growing up, just a bit before hip-hop and rap became what they are today, I heard the common adage “I listen to anything but rap.” It wasn’t any surprise why, necessarily. Hip-hop and rap are still, to this day, plagued by stereotypes of being laden with foul language and abhorrent amounts of sexually charged, misogynistic ideas. There’s also the folks who like to use their basic understanding of music theory to argue that rap isn’t music at all, coming up with some other definition. There’s also the issue at hand with the sound of the music. Hip-hop is often pretty loud and even abrasive at times, with the high energy not being something some people can like. And the flaw with this thought process is some listeners have a singular idea of what hip-hop is: that it’s all the same with no variation, which just isn’t true. It’s like saying that all rock music is the same. What about metal, prog rock, alt rock, grunge or punk rock? Jazz has the blues, swing, big band, Latin jazz, bebop, ballad and more. Classical has fugues, sym-

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Today is a 6 — Try gentle pressure, rather than using force. It’s OK to pull into your shell. Postpone important decisions. Consider possible options. Rest and recharge. Gemini (May 21-June 20) Today is an 8 — Advance a team effort despite a breakdown. Avoid controversy or upset. Bring your social skills and graciousness to the fore. Keep things cool.

phonies, marches, concertos and more. Why is hip-hop treated as if it’s a monolith? It’s Black. It’s the Blackest music there is right now. Unlike the other predominantly Black music genre in American history, jazz, the most financially successful hip-hop artists aren’t white, and that Blackness is much harder to ignore. And, unlike most jazz, hip-hop is a vocal music, with lyrics often talking on the topic of Blackness. And I’m not saying hip-hop is exclusively Black. It’s anything but. From classic examples such as Eminem and Mac Miller to the more recent trends of rappers featured in K-pop groups, hip-hop has, in a way, transcended race. But that doesn’t mean you can ignore the history. Which brings me back to the title of this piece: What excuse is there for a person to say they don’t like hip-hop? Frankly, there isn’t one. To those who say it is too violent, I implore you to listen to Grandmaster Flash, one of the pioneers of hip-hop who rapped about how young kids need to avoid drug use way back in 1982. To those who say it’s inherently misogynistic, listen to Lauryn Hill, who raps and sings about womanhood. To those who say it’s too abrasive and loud, listen to A Tribe Called Quest, which emphasizes the use of real instruments. Hip-hop is much more than the stereotypes, and encompasses so much. And to say you don’t like it is inexcusable.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Today is an 8 — Advance professionally by flowing around obstacles like water. Keep practicing your talents, arts and skills. Apply elbow grease to strengthen foundational elements. Build and grow.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is an 8 — Study ways to make and keep money. Handle financial matters, despite challenges. Take decisive action, while avoiding expensive complications. Monitor conditions carefully.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is a 7 — Explore and study your subject without taking unnecessary risks. Caution is advised, especially around travel. Strengthen the basic elements of your research.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today is a 7 — Connect with your partner for shared support around a structural change or disruption. Passions may get stirred. Stay respectful. Lend a helping hand.

© 2020 By Nancy Black Distributed by Tribune Media Services, INC. All Rights Reserved



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Publish your comic on this page. The IDS is accepting applications for student comic strips for the fall 2020 semester. Email five samples and a brief description of your idea to Submissions will be reviewed and selections will be made by the editor-in-chief. Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

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Difficulty Rating: How to play: Fill in the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9, without repeating a number in any one row, column or 3x3 grid.

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1 "__ Come Undone": Wally Lamb novel 5 They're on the house 10 Sty fare 14 Guinness logo 15 Extra rival 16 Info on a blood donor card 17 Anger at progress? 19 Writer Blyton 20 See 56-Down 21 Tops 23 Move laterally 24 Human being, for one 27 Embezzlements? 32 Did not participate 35 All-star game side 36 Rank above maj. 37 Place for a mineral scrub 38 U.N. workers' rights gp. 41 __ chi 42 Amman native 44 National Storytelling Festival VIP 47 Bills' places? 50 Flora and fauna of different regions 51 Prepares, as leftovers 55 Some colas

58 59 60 64 65 66 67 68 69

"Groovy!" National gemstone of Australia EMT assignment? Apply with a tube, as frosting Down source Curved molding Whole bunch Chic, to a Brit Challenge for the cleaning staff

57 58 61 62 63

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They might be icebreakers Asian capital on the Red River Flubbed a play Drew attention to Buffalo Bill Museum city Two-time Art Ross Trophy winner Bobby Deg. offered at Duke's Fuqua School Pua of "Moana," e.g. Cooks in a bamboo basket Metal marble Forest cat Ryan Hurst's "Sons of Anarchy" role Sidewalk traffic, for short Sports venues Fox foot

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