Friday, Oct. 16, 2015

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FRIDAY, OCT. 16, 2015


HOMECOMING GUIDE Check inside for a comprehensive guide to IU Homecoming weekend’s events, traditions and the football game.


“Would you like to spend the next 40 years complaining about the world

or would you like to change it?” John Kerry, Secretary of State


Secretary of State John Kerry speaks about global conflicts and what the Obama administration has done to combat enemies such as ISIS in the past two years. Kerry went on to talk about climate change and other topics Thursday at the IU Auditorium.

A MAN OF THE WORLD Secretary of State John Kerry outlines vision for United States foreign policy

Secretary of State John Kerry visited IU as part of the celebration of the recent opening of the Global and International Studies Building. “Life today is always busy, so I’m always appreciative when people take a moment to think about our country, think about the world and the direction we’re going,” Kerry said. Kerry is the first sitting secretary of state to visit IU since Warren Christopher visited in 1995. Kerry’s visit followed a formal dedication of the new school Wednesday, which established the building on campus. The motto attached to the school is “in order to change the world, we must first seek to understand it.”

Lee Feinstein, founding dean of the SGIS, said seeking to understand other societies is essential for the future of the world. Kerry helps with the understanding of these foreign policies, Feinstein said. Following an introduction from IU President Michael McRobbie, Kerry stood to address the audience. In his introduction, McRobbie mentioned how Kerry was the Democratic nominee for president in the 2004 election. “If I hadn’t lost, I wouldn’t be secretary of state and I wouldn’t be taking on what I believe is one of the best jobs in the world,” Kerry said. Kerry broke down his speech as an outline of United States foreign policy in a changing world. “Foreign policy is economic policy and economic policy is foreign policy,” Kerry

said. “The world is more integrated than ever before.” In order to allow international relations to develop, you have to understand each other and you have to listen, Kerry said. “We are living in extraordinarily complicated times,” he said. Far more lives were lost on a regular basis in the course of the 20th century than people are currently witnessing in terms of trends, even with the violence people see, Kerry said. Kerry specifically addressed foreign plans regarding the U.S.-Israel relationship, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Iran agreement, climate change and international terrorist organizations. “We strongly condemn the terrorist attacks against innocent civilians, and there is absolutely no justification for these

reprehensible attacks,” Kerry said. “And we will continue to support Israel’s right to defend its existence.” Kerry said how critically important it is to restore calmness as soon as possible. He said he expects to be traveling to the Middle East in the coming days to reach common ground in the effort to stabilize the situation. President Obama made a public announcement prior to the speech that the U.S. will retain 5,500 troops in Afghanistan beyond the end of 2016. “Our continued military presence there is essential to give the new government of national unity the support that it needs to implement reforms and defend its population against violent extremists who seek to impose their will,” Kerry said.

Kerry luncheon, page 2 Kerry celebrates the new Global and International Studies building at a luncheon

Iran protest, page 2 Students, community members protest Iran deal near Showalter Fountain during Kerry’s speech

Refugee advocates, page 2 Advocates respond to Kerry’s comments on refugee cap and share own thoughts on refugee crisis

Watch Kerry’s speech online Visit to watch a video of the five key points you need to know from Kerry’s speech Thursday.

By Alyson Malinger | @aly_mali

Experts call for more HIV testing Javonte Anderson | @JavonteA

Even as national and state efforts have continuously attempted to improve HIV health outcomes through various policy and system intervention strategies, Indiana’s HIV care system remains fractured, public health professionals argued Thursday. The experts gathered Thursday afternoon at IU Bloomington Hospital Community Health’s clinic at 333 E. Miller Drive to discuss the state of HIV care in Indiana. “Two decades ago, an HIV diagnosis was a death sentence,” said Linda Grove-Paul, vice president of Recovery and Innovation at Centerstone. The development of the HIV cocktail, an antiretroviral therapy, in 1995 enabled patients to live with an HIV diagnosis, she said. During the past 20 years people have worked diligently to improve HIV care across the nation, and now it is our responsibility to sustain that movement, Grove-Paul said. From 2002 to 2014, new HIV cases decreased from 463 to 421 and newly

diagnosed AIDS cases from 194 to 94, according to the Indiana State Department of Health. Despite that improvement, there are still more than 5,000 people living with HIV in Indiana, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Experts at Thursday’s talk scrutinized barriers that prevent people from getting tested, acquiring the proper medical treatment and continuing their treatment programs. The Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention at IU School of Public Health-Bloomington is conducting an ongoing survey, encompassing all 92 counties in Indiana, where more than half of the respondents documented physical and organizational structure barriers such as office hours, wait time and location of services as the primary barriers to testing and treatment services, said Carrie Lawrence, postdoctoral research fellow at the Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention. Other factors included a lack of health insurance and income. The first step in improving SEE FORUM, PAGE 6


Ensemble presents Maya culture By Brooke McAfee | @bemcafee24601

Four institutions collaborated to present the music, language and culture of the Yucatán region of Mexico and the Maya people in Thursday’s Latin American Ensemble concert “Aires del Mayab: Vocal and Chamber Music Inspired by the Yucatán.” “These are four different kinds of institutions getting together to do something exciting,” IU professor Quetzil Castañeda said. “It’s very politically significant as well to celebrate the Maya people and the Maya culture and to understand and appreciate the Mayan language in purely aesthetic terms. This is a great achievement that this collaboration is creating.” The concert was presented by the Latin American Music Center, and it involved the collaboration of the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, the Minority Languages and Cultures Project and OperaMaya, which is a program that performs music of the modern and historical Maya culture. The concert took place in Auer Hall. The music ranged from instrumentals to operatic pieces and was performed in a small chamber music setting. It included lyrics in both


Felipe Tovar-Henao plays “Las mujeres que se pintan” during the Latin American Ensemble performance Thursday night in Auer Hall.

Spanish and Mayan languages. Castañeda is a professor in CLACS who teaches the Mayan language and anthropology classes. The Mayan language is very challenging for Indo-European speakers, Castañeda said. He is one of three or four professors who teach the language in the United States, and he is a language coach and special consultant with

OperaMaya. “It’s a particularly difficult language to sing in a classical style,” Castañeda said. “It’s really exciting to see the great success that the OperaMaya has had in teaching the singers to sing in this non-European language. It’s a very exciting kind of work.” SEE MAYA, PAGE 6

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