I N D I A N A D A I LY S T U D E N T | F R I D AY, N O V. 6 , 2 0 1 5 | I D S N E W S . C O M
Former Alpha Tau Omega house to be closed
Sarah Gardner gardnese@indiana.edu | @sarahngardner
The former Alpha Tau Omega fraternity house will be shut down, said Kent Miller, president of the Delta Alpha of ATO Inc. board of directors. Delta Alpha of ATO Inc. served as a board of directors and housing corporation for the IU chapter of ATO. The official move-out date is Friday, Miller said in an email. Some students have already begun moving out. “It was certainly a struggle for all involved to locate alternative housing,” Miller said in the email. “But with determination and some PHOTOS BY TIANTIAN ZHANG | IDS
More coverage of ATO For previous coverage of the former Alpha Tau Omega IU chapter’s troubles, suspension and disbandment, please check out idsnews.com. SEE ATO, PAGE 6
Messel granted $2,500 for witnesses Suzanne Grossman spgrossm@indiana.edu | @suzannepaige6
Brown County Circuit Court granted Daniel Messel and his attorney Dorie Maryan $2,500 of public funds to pay for expert witnesses in his trial set for February. The funds were authorized in an ex parte hearing Thursday morning, which means only the defense counsel was present. Messel is on trial for charges of murder in the case of dead IU student Hannah Wilson. The request by Maryan for an ex parte hearing for expert funds was filed Sept. 11. Maryan argued in her request that Messel deserved public funds for expert witnesses because he is “indigent and unable to retain the experts necessary to assure him a fair trial.” Maryan requested the hearing be closed to the prosecutor because, in order to establish a need for expert witnesses, the defense may have to reveal theories of defense, attorney-client confidences and other material that could jeopardize Messel’s fair trial. Prosecutor Ted Adams filed a
Sophomore midfielder Taylor Pearson breaks through Penn State’s defense during the game Thursday evening. IU lost the game, 3-1.
OUT OF REACH IU Field Hockey falls in Big Ten quarterfinals By Zain Pyarali zpyarali@indiana.edu | @ZP_IDS
The Hoosiers couldn’t do what every other top seeded team in the Big Ten conference tournament on Thursday did: win. IU (9-10, 5-4) ended its season in the quarterfinals of the tournament with a crushing 3-1 loss to sixth seed Penn State (9-9, 5-4). The home field advantage wasn’t enough for IU as the Nitanny Lions silenced the Hoosier faithful within the first minute of the game when junior forward Brooke Birosick scored to put Penn State up 1-0. The IU defense looked as if it had been caught off guard as Birosick froze freshman goalkeeper Noëlle Rother on the first shot attempt of the game. “The first goal was a shocker,” junior defender Malia Fujisawa said. “When you get scored on within the first five, ten minutes. We knew that we had to pick it up.” Penn State controlled the first half and took its 1-0 lead into halftime as they earned seven penalty corners to IU’s four. The Hoosiers started the second half with more urgency as its offense began to press more to try to dominate the Penn State zone. IU earned four more penalty corners in the second half, and it was only a matter of time before they found themselves on the scoreboard.
“We just needed to continue to do what was working, our outlet, today was actually the best its been all season,” IU Coach Amanda Janney said. “They pressured really quick, and I think that we really handled it well, we were trying to get them to settle down and just take smarter free hits.” The Nitanny Lions’ defense finally caved with fewer than 10 minutes remaining. The Hoosiers drew up its go-to play off the penalty corner for the eighth time in the game. Sophomore Maddie Latino inserted the ball, which was settled and dished to senior defender Sydney Supica, who took a straight shot on goal. The ball was deflected in front of the goal and corralled by Latino on the left side of the cage, who flicked it high into the net to knot the game up 1-1. Unfortunately for IU, Penn State wouldn’t crumble in the final minutes of the game. Just before the five minute mark left in the game, the Nitanny Lions caught the Hoosiers off guard once again with a timely goal of their own. Birosik was the goal scorer once again as she was able to control a ball that was airborne and swat it into the back of the cage to give Penn State the 2-1 advantage. It was her fifth consecutive goal for the Nitanny Lions after her recording a hat trick in the regular season finale against Northwestern.
IU talks about their strategy shortly before Penn State takes a penalty corner during the game Thursday evening.
The goal forced IU to take a timeout when Janney elected to remove Rother from the cage to gain an extra attacker to try to even the game back up. The decision backfired as Penn State sealed the victory with a goal less than two minutes later, making it 3-1. “The third goal is on me,” Janney said. “I want to take that risk and not sit back and lose 2-1 ever, the team really fought hard, and the score didn’t reflect how well the team played.” The Hoosiers close the season after setting a program record for the most conference wins with five this season. The team will likely suffer a bit by graduating four key seniors but will return its top two goal scorers from this year among a
3-1 BIG TEN QUARTERFINALS Maddie Latino, 1 goal Sydney Supica, 1 assist Noelle Rother, 8 saves plethora of young talent, including Rother, who was a rock for the Hoosiers all season in the cage. “We all had such a strong belief that we would make it into the finals and take the title of the Big Ten tournament,” Fujisawa said. “The amount of time, care and dedication all of the girls had, including the coaches, was unbelievable. We’re going to start from here and go up next season.”
Shalom Community Center gives update on five-year strategic plan By Emily Beck emebeck@indiana.edu | @emebeck1
The Rev. Forrest Gilmore, the executive director at the Shalom Community Center, said ending homelessness is entirely possible. “We do know how to end homelessness,” he said. “The challenge is the investment.” One year after launching its fiveyear plan, the Shalom Community Center understands the challenge it has taken on. The center presented an update on its progress Thursday night at the Fountain Square Ballroom as year two of the plan begins. The number of homeless people in Bloomington is growing, Gilmore said. In Monroe County, the number of homeless people increased by 27 percent from 2014 to 2015. According to city-data.com, 29.6 percent of Bloomington residents were below the poverty level in 2013. The Shalom Community Center’s 2020 Vision has set its goals high — the five-year strategic plan aims to stop chronic homelessness, end it for children and families and reduce overall homelessness by 50 percent, based on numbers from 2013. Shalom has a $1 million budget to combat what Gilmore called a “national tragedy.” “These are the big, hairy, audacious goals,” he said. “We are aware of that. We are not crazy.”
He said the center is focusing on long-term solutions. Its efforts have shifted from maintaining homelessness — helping people get by — to ending it. Strategies include offering affordable housing, rapid re-housing, case management and street outreach. “I think it’s a great aspiration,” said Chris Elam, who attended the presentation. He participates in the Catholic Worker, which allows families to live in community housing and provide shelter to those without homes. He said he doesn’t know if eliminating homelessness is possible but he thinks Shalom’s efforts are ambitious. “Maybe it’s something you have to aspire to, to do to this kind of work,” he said. In 2013 Shalom opened Crawford Homes, the state’s first Housing First program. The apartments have provided affordable housing to 59 people, according to the center’s 2014 annual report. The next step is Crawford Part 2, which will include an additional 43 apartments for a total of 83. The second step will target the most vulnerable people, Gilmore said — “those suffering from long-term homelessness due to mental illness, late stage addiction, physical disabilities, chronic disease and developmental SEE SHALOM, PAGE 6
Members of IU Theatre’s cast of “Sweet Charity” perform during a rehearsal for the show in Ruth N. Halls Theatre. The show is set to premiere 7:30 p.m. Friday.
“Sweet Charity” emphasizes roles, contributions of women in theater By Maia Rabenold mrabenol@indiana.edu | @maialyra
The curtain rises on a cleanlined, geometric cityscape under glowing lights and a bright pink sunset. This pretty picture is not even close to the harsh reality of what it takes to make a living as a dance hall hostess in the Fandango Ballroom. One of these hostesses is Charity Hope Valentine, the main character in IU Theatre’s production of “Sweet Charity.” The show opens at 7:30 p.m. Friday in the Ruth N. Halls
Theatre. Successive performances will be at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 7 and 10 through 13 and at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Nov. 14. Liza Gennaro, the assistant professor of musical theater and choreography at IU, and Joe Stollenwerk, doctoral candidate in the Department of Theatre and Drama and assistant director of “Sweet Charity,” gave a theater circle lecture Thursday. They discussed the contributions of women in the musical business and how the choreography and casting of “Sweet Charity” is
SWEET CHARITY Tickets $15-25 7:30 p.m. Nov. 6, 7, 10-13 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Nov. 14 Ruth N. Halls Theatre revolutionary for women in that line of work. “History and production of musical theater tends to either forget or marginalize the work that women have done in creating SEE SWEET, PAGE 6