Friday, Dec. 11, 2015

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I N D I A N A D A I LY S T U D E N T | F R I D AY, D E C . 1 1 , 2 0 1 5 | I D S N E W S . C O M

Smedley details released by IUPD


From IDS Reports


Roses, candles and the statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe are displayed during a prayer of the rosary. In the origin story of the Virgin, she appeared to Juan Diego telling him to gather roses on the Hill of Tepeyec, which would have been a miracle since the hill should have been barren in December.

Growing traditions Catholic churches in Indiana accomodate rising Hispanic population By Carter Barrett | @carter_barrett

A bouquet of roses, three tall candles and 15 praying guests surround an ornate wooden statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe, the patron saint of Mexico. After prayers, pozole, a traditional Mexican soup of pork and hominy, is passed around. People chat in Spanish about church, their parents and different types of tortillas. The gathering, in a house on the west side of Bloomington, is as much a religious service as an excuse to get together and enjoy some food, Ilianna Abbot, a native Costa Rican, said. In Costa Rica, entire blocks of homes open their doors to friends and strangers for the rosary

novenas of the Virgin of Guadalupe, she said. People hire bands, cook elaborate multi-course meals and arrange magnificent altars. For 27 days prior to the day of the Virgin of Guadalupe on Dec. 12, the statue of the Virgin is passed from family to family. The day of the Virgin of Guadalupe is celebrated primarily by Hispanic Catholics. The holiday represents one way Spanish language and traditions have become an integral part of the changing demographic of the Catholic Church. In Bloomington, St. Paul’s Catholic Center has begun to adjust to a larger population of Hispanic parishioners. Now, Abbot and other members of the Hispanic community practice the day of the Virgin of Guadalupe at St. Paul’s. Because it is the only Catholic church in

Bloomington that offers services in Spanish, it’s become a social hub for local Hispanics as well as a religious one. “It provides a second home for us,” Abbot said. “A lot of us don’t have anybody besides our spouses and children, so we live without the support and love of our family. We get to know people, and they’re like family to us.” The Virgin of Guadalupe “If you survey probably 100 white Indiana Catholics, the Virgin of Guadalupe would not be important to them,” IU religious studies professor Constance Furey said. “If you surveyed 100 SEE TRADITIONS, PAGE 6

IU Police Department Sgt. Rebecca Schmuhl released new details regarding the death of IU student Joseph Smedley. Smedley’s body was found Oct. 2 at Griffy Lake. His death was recently determined a suicide by drowning by Monroe County Coroner Nicole Meyer. Smedley’s two roommates, both brothers of Sigma Pi fraternity, were the last to see him alive, Lt. Craig Munroe of IUPD said. Smedley’s two roommates told police the three went to bed in their separate rooms between 11 p.m. and midnight, Schmuhl said in an interview. Schmuhl said statements from brothers at Sigma Pi were consistent throughout their interviews in the initial missing persons case. Smedley’s sister, Vivianne Brown, said she believes Smedley hung out with more friends that evening. Schmuhl said Smedley’s phone was recovered at some point in the investigation; however, she said she did not know where it was found. Smedley’s phone was active during the evening of his disappearance between 11 p.m., around which time Smedley’s roommates said they last saw him at their apartment, until around 4 a.m., when Smedley’s sister received a text from his phone saying he intended to leave the country. Brown earlier said she believed there were no outgoing texts or phone calls during this time. In IUPD’s initial missing persons case, Schmuhl pulled bank statements and phone records. Schmuhl said a purchase was made at Noodles and Company the night Smedley went missing, but she said she SEE SMEDLEY, PAGE 6

Prior head of Jared Fogle Foundation sentenced to prison By Taylor Telford | @ttelford1883

INDIANAPOLIS — The former head of the Jared Fogle Foundation was sentenced to 27 years in prison Thursday. Russell Taylor, 44, pleaded guilty to 12 counts of sexual exploitation of a minor and one count of creation and distribution of child pornography. Judge Tanya Walton Pratt gave him a moderate sentence — more than the 15 to 23 years suggested by the defense, but substantially lower

than the 35 years recommended by the prosecution. “The departure (from the recommended sentence) is based on his assistance of authorities in providing information about Jared Fogle and his lack of a criminal history,” Pratt said when delivering the sentence. Taylor must serve at least 85 percent of the sentence. At minimum, he will be 65 years old when he is released. He will then have a lifetime of supervision to ensure he does not repeat his crimes. Taylor placed cameras throughout his home to capture footage

of children bathing, changing and masturbating. Many of the children — as young as 9 and as old as 16 — were Taylor’s relatives. None were aware of the recordings. Taylor asserted the cameras were for security purposes, yet they were placed in bedrooms and bathrooms: near places that were likely to catch people in various states of undress. Taylor does not appear in any of the videos, except brief footage that shows him setting up the cameras. Two of the victims said they had oral sex with Taylor when they were younger than 16 and that afterward

Taylor drove them to a truck stop and withdrew money from an ATM to pay them. A search of Taylor’s home revealed commercial pornography of 6-year-olds, both boys and girls. Despite this, Taylor claimed he has no sexual attraction to children. He said he was motivated by Fogle, who encouraged him to make the recordings. Fogle denies this. “I’ve always been an outcast,” Taylor said, as he stood before the judge. “I met someone who was rich and famous and wanted to be my friend, and as a result I made terrible mistakes.”

In a November evaluation, Dr. Robin Kohli, the witness for the defense, said Taylor had a traumatic childhood that contributed to his crimes. Taylor suffered physical abuse at the hands of his mother. When Taylor was young, he was sodomized by a neighbor and the neighbor’s son — his only friend. “These interactions taught him to associate friendship with negative sexual activity, with abuse,” Kohli said. “It’s evident that this played out with Fogle as well.” SEE TAYLOR, PAGE 4

Local musicians, Back Door unite for Sanders campaign fundraiser Hoosiers look to push pace against Bulldogs WOMEN’S BASKETBALL

By Jack Evans | @JackHEvans

Even before they discussed putting together a concert to raise funds for Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign, Sean McClure and Diederik van Wassenaer had the same idea. McClure, who plays drums in indie band How Green?, had been learning more about Sanders since other musician friends suggested he put together a benefit show. Van Wassenaer, who is a member of both the Underhills and Dietrich Jon, had a friend who put on a similar show at Players Pub, and he wanted to try his hand at it. Their ideas converged, and the result, Berning Down the House: A Concert for Bernie Sanders, is set for 8 p.m. Friday at the Back Door. A $5 donation is requested at the door for the 21-plus show. All door donations before midnight will go to Sanders’s campaign, as will proceeds from campaign merchandise sales by Indiana for Bernie Sanders. The show’s lineup features local acts Dietrich Jon, Thee Aquaholics, Vista Kid Cruiser and Blind Uncle Harry. “People are excited about music, and people are excited about art at our age, especially in Bloomington, so that’s usually an effective way to get people excited about political issues,” McClure, 23, said. Van Wassenaer said it’s important to involve these young voters in political events, especially because of the low youth turnout in the 2014 midterm elections. Exit polls suggested voters ages 18 to 29 made up

By Taylor Lehman | @trlehman_IDS


Local band Dietrich Jon perfroms at last year’s Culture Shock event. Dietrich Jon will be one of several local bands, including Thee Aquaholics, Vista Kid Cruiser and Blind Uncle, that will be playing at a concert put together by Sean McClure and Diederik van Wassenaer to raise funds for Bernie Sander’s presidential campaign.

13 percent of that year’s electorate. To encourage a strong turnout at the 2016 presidential election, Berning Down the House will include a voter registration table, van Wassenaer said. “If we can get people our age excited about the election, then maybe we have a chance to turn over a more or less broken system,” he said. So far, drawing attention hasn’t taken much effort, van Wassenaer said. The event’s Facebook page has more than 200 RSVPs, and another 500 people have marked themselves as “interested.” Back Door co-owner Nicci Boroski, who booked the show, said the show also gives people a chance to get Sanders-related material — such as rally gear and yard signs — that they might otherwise be un-

“People are excited about music, and people are excited about art at our age, especially in Bloomington, so that’s usually an effective way to get people excited about political issues.” Sean McClure, How Green? drummer

sure how to find. And though some venues might see playing host to a political fundraiser as a business risk, Boroski said the Back Door’s history means that isn’t an issue. “I think we’ve kind of made a SEE MUSICIANS, PAGE 6

IU Coach Teri Moren stomped her heel on the court at Indiana State’s Hulman Center on Tuesday night as she urged her guards to push the pace in the fourth quarter. The quarter started with a 12-point IU lead that dwindled to two as the Hoosiers scored just five points in response to the Sycamores’ press defense, which lead to a final ISU shot that decided the game. Even though IU got the win Tuesday, Moren said IU will look to avoid that type of a quarter against Samford on Friday night in Assembly Hall by running the ball more than it did against ISU. “We are at our best when we’re running,” Moren said. “When Tyra (Buss) is pushing the tempo and we have hit-aheads. There’s no question.” Moren said it starts with Buss, the sophomore point guard, handling the offense with a faster pace and taking charge with the ball. While the guard had a teamhigh 15 points, she only made two field goals inside the arc and only attempted two free throws in 38 minutes of play. Moren said the team needs Buss to run to the ball, not away from it, and attack the basket against Samford, which has the third-best defense in the country. The team turned the ball over

IU (6-2) vs. Samford (6-3) 7 p.m. Friday, Assembly Hall 18 times against Indiana State on Tuesday — along with 23 and 21 turnovers against DePaul and Ohio. Buss said she and Moren met to watch film and talk about how she needs to bring the team together on the court when it starts to commit turnovers and begins to lose focus, something Moren said the sophomore failed to do at ISU. “They press us a little bit and we lose our minds,” Moren said. “That’s where Tyra Buss has to make sure that everybody knows what their responsibilities are and everyone knows where they need to be. We can only do so much on the sidelines. We need that leadership on the court.” Moren also said the team needs to push the ball to the inside on post-entry passes, something IU was working on earlier in the season. However, Buss said the team missed several opportunities to get it inside to sophomore forward Amanda Cahill and junior center Jenn Anderson. Failing to get the ball inside resulted in fewer chances at the free throw line. The Hoosiers took only nine free throws; they averaged 22 per game in the previous SEE BASKETBALL, PAGE 6

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