September 8, 2022

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Organizations offer support, services and mentoring

Indiana defeats Illinois 23-20


By Nadia Scharf On Wednesday, Aug. 24, President Biden unveiled a three-part student loan for giveness plan that will target debt relief, reform monthly repayment plans and forgive loan balances sooner. Phil Schuman, executive director of financial wellness and education, said the plan will allow families struggling with economic uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pan demic to put money away. “The issue with a lot of families who have had stu dent debt is they’ve just been treading water at the very best as a result of their fi nances,” Schuman said.

IDS Indiana Daily Student | Thursday, September 8, 2022 SEE SUPPORT PAGE 4


By Christina Avery Multiple organizations in the Monroe County area serve youth seeking sup port and enrichment. These organizations offer shelter, mentoring and after-school activities.SafePlace of Monroe County, a division of the na tional Safe Place organiza tion, is a community-wide outreach service for at-risk youth in crisis situations. Program coordinator Brig itt Nasby said the program mainly focuses on helping those who are unhoused and those diagnosed with a men tal illness offering youth-inneed shelter and counseling. While the program primar ily serves youth ages 10 –17, Safe Place can also help people 18 – 22 years old with creating a safety plan and getting connected to longterm resources. The Monroe County program, run by the Youth Service Bureau, has been operating since 1987. To utilize Safe Place ser vices, those ages 10-22 can look for yellow and black Safe Place signs in windows of local businesses and com munity facilities, Nasby said. When inside, they can go to a staff member and alert them they want to use Safe Place. That staff member will then call the Youth Ser vices Bureau, who will send a program coordinator or counselor to speak with the person.Nasby said there are ap proximately 90 Safe Place lo cations throughout Monroe County.After contacting Safe Place, Nasby said kids often choose to stay at the Youth Services Bureau’s Binkley House Emergency Youth Shelter, which provides emergency short-term pro grams for unhoused youth and youth in crisis situations. However, Nasby said the program empowers youth to have a voice in how they get help. They can choose to only obtain counseling through Safe Place, or ask for help with contacting law enforcement. They’re also free to seek further support somewhere else entirely. “We advocate with youth. We advocate on their behalf, but in tandem with what they think as well,” Nasby said. She said she encourages college students to volunteer with Safe Place and refer it to those who might need it. “It’s that community sense of looking out for one another,” Nasby said. “Whether you think you’re going to use it or not, hav ing that resource is always a goodBigthing.”Brothers Big Sisters is another organization avail able to youth in the Monroe County area. In Big Broth ers Big Sisters, children and youth ages 6 - 18, called “Littles,” are matched with “Bigs,” adult mentors who volunteer to provide com panionship and guidance through activities like play ing games, visiting the library or talking and catching up with one Elizabethanother.Mascharka is the fund development and marketing specialist at Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Central Indiana. She said kids enter into the program for a variety of reasons — some may need a trusted adult in their life or a safe space to attend after school, for example, or may be an only child seeking friend ship.“We just see that there’s such an array of adversity that individuals come in with, and we want to be that safe and accommodating space no matter what some one is experiencing or going through, if anything at all,” Mascharka said. She said there are cur rently more than 250 chil dren already matched or who are waiting to be matched into the program. Big Brothers Big Sisters is also developing a “Big Fu tures” program, which pro vides mentorship to people up to age 24. An extension of the standard mentorship, Big Futures allows “Littles” who age beyond 18 while in the program to receive support with matters like education, financial literacy and career development as they transi tion into adulthood.

Jones, a senior lineback er, was a key contributor making play after play for the Hoosiers before leaving the game for a stint early in the second half. Allen briefly mentioned the team is not yet aware of the sever ity of the linebacker’s injury. Allen also gave his thoughts on Bazelak’s first game under center. “He’s extremely poised,” Allen said. “That’s one of the variables that stuck out to me since he’s been here, and it showed in that mo ment when you have to be under complete composure and find the open receivers and be accurate.”

| @christym_avery

SAMANTHA SMITH | IDS A Safe Place sign is seen outside Bloomington Fire Station 4 on East Third Street Aug. 22. These signs are markers for buildings that are designated safe places for children in need of immediate help.


Pell Grant recipients are eligible for $20,000 of student loan debt relief if they make under $125,000 annually or if they’re married and together make under $250,000 annu ally. Non-Pell Grant recipi ents are eligible for $10,000 of relief with the same require ments.According to the White House, the plan should target low to middle-income bor rowers of all ages. The De partment of Education esti mates nearly 90% of relief aid for borrowers no longer in school will go to those earn ing under $75,000 per year. Schuman said people un derestimate how much the changes to repayment may affect their lives. Former re payment rates ranged from 10-15% of borrowers’ discre tionary income while new rates cap at 5%, meaning the dollar amount paid could be cut in Studenthalf. debt repayment was paused during the early months of the pandemic, meaning borrowers wouldn’t accrue interest or be required to make payments during this say debt cancellation plan provides relief, security ILLUSTRATION BY JULIETTE ALBERT By Garrett Newman | @GarrettNew man20 Indiana football won its home opener and first Big Ten matchup of the season against Illinois on Sept. 2. The Hoosiers, who came into the game without hav ing a starting quarterback publicly announced, gave the reins to redshirt junior and Missouri transfer Con norIndianaBazelak.won 23-20 with the thrilling endingas the offense navigated down the field with no timeouts and just 2 minutes and 16 sec onds left on the clock. Start ing quarterback redshirt ju nior Connor Bazelak led the team effectively throughout the game and managed a win in his first start as a Hoosier.Head coach Tom Al len said he was proud of his team in the post-game press conference, especially when it came to the play of his defense. The Hoosiers’ defense made big plays in crucial moments when the team needed them most, in cluding four takeaways and a pivotal turnover on downs near the goal line early in the fourth quarter. “So proud of our grit on defense,” Allen said. “That goal line stand was special and Cam Jones, I can’t say enough things about that young man. He’s the heart and soul of this team.”


IU junior Emily Ander son said the university lacks student parking and consid ering that most affordable housing is further off campus this is difficult for a lot of stu dents, especially those pay ing their own rent. “I think students should have more affordable hous ing options,” Anderson said. “We pay a lot of money to go to school here already and when you add housing to the mix it can be expensive to get nice affordable housing that is close to campus.” Zody said, when lowcost homes are built, people who want to become home owners then leave their af fordable units to buy these homes. When they leave their old units, it creates re placement housing for those looking to rent. This process is a continuum helping peo ple become secure in their housing . “Any additional afford able housing that we can add to the market is going to be a big boom for every one across the board,” Dana Jones, a director at Wheeler Mission Homeless Shelter for Men, said. “We have a high population of underem ployed individuals who stay here at Wheeler. Affordable housing will be very helpful for Accordingthem.” to Jones, un deremployed people in Bloomington are individuals who have a job and are not being paid enough. These people are experiencing episodic periods of being un housed and typically make a wage of $15 an hour or less. Zody said that the Bloom ington HAND Department aimed this project to help those who are underem ployed find affordable, se cure and permanent hous ing, which in return will hopefully help decrease the amount of people who are unhoused in Bloomington.

IDS FILE PHOTO BY ETHAN LEVY IU head coach Tom Allen celebrates as redshirt junior kicker Charles Campbell makes a field goal against Rutgers on Nov. 13, 2021, at Memorial Stadium. With redshirt junior and IU transfer Connor Bazelak at quarterback for the home opener, IU defeated Illinois 23-20 on Sept. 2. | @nadiaascharf

By Grace Franklin |

A view of downtown Bloomington is seen from the Seventh and Walnut Street Parking Garage. The Bloomington Housing and Neighborhood Development department announced plans to build new affordable housing units in northwest Bloomington.

The Bloomington Hous ing and Neighborhood De velopment department an nounced plans to build new affordable housing units in northwest Bloomington on Aug.HAND24th. Director John Zody said the department takes three things into ac count when building afford able housing. This includes housing security, rental housing and home owner ship.“For this project, we are focused on making people’s housing secure,” Zody said. Housing security focuses on making homes perma nently affordable. According to an article in the HeraldTimes, permanently afford able is defined as 99 years. Affordable and secure housing is one of several plans to help decrease Bloomington’s unhoused population.“Whenit comes to home lessness, we are working to make it rare, brief and nonrepeating,” Zody said. Although this project is targeted toward underem ployed residents, Zody does not want to exclude students from affordable housing. “We try not to separate the population,” Zody said. “We think about each renter as an individual and increas ing their supply. We work with any developer that comes in and try to achieve some affordable housing with that development.”

Bloomington plans for affordable housing


Increased hostility toward teachers, both from parents and politicians, is driving teachers to quit, Cole said. Indiana House Bill 1134, introduced in the state’s 2022 legislative session, failed to pass but would have required teachers to publish their les son plans a year in advance, as well as banned educators from teaching “divisive con cepts.” Indiana House Bill 1130, which did pass during the state’s 2022 legislative ses sion, forces school boards to allow public comment during meetings.Colesaid she wants people to know teachers are not quit ting because it is difficult to deal with kids, they are quit ting because it is difficult to deal with parents. “It’s not the kids. Teachers have a passion for kids and, historically, we’ve figured out how to teach all kinds of kids that come into the classroom,” Cole said. “It’s not about bad kids. It’s about the lack of support that our legislature and parents are providing for teachers to really help kids learn.”Paul Farmer, president of the Monroe County Educa tion Association, said burn out, lack of legislative support and Indiana’s poor pay have been leading toward a teacher shortage for decades. Now that it’s happening, Farmer fears the problem will take even longer to solve. “We’ve been predicting for two decades that we’re going to have a teacher shortage and now we’re actually starting to feel it,” Farmer said. “We didn’t get here overnight, and it’s not going to disappear overnight.” Farmer said increased pay is critical, but burnout can only be solved by changing the public’s perception of the profession and encouraging community support. “We have to find a way that the actual job itself is more sustainable, or at least surviv able,” Farmer said. “We have to make the profession in the public’s eye more desirable to do. You go online and see people saying public school teachers are teaching racism, they’re teaching woke culture, they’re teaching our students who knows what. That rheto ric has to be stopped. This is absurd.”But MCCSC has fared better than other districts throughout the teacher short age, partially due to remark able community support, Farmer said. Farmer, a lifelong Bloomington resident and MCCSC teacher of 34 years, said MCCSC attracts teachers even during a shortage be cause the county appreciates its educators.“Ourcommunity is so phe nomenally supportive of our public schools,” Farmer said. “I just think our community is one of the best around, and if we are struggling getting teachers here in Bloomington with all of this tremendous support, imagine what it’s do ing to those other communi ties that do not have the sup port that we have.”


A sign for the Monroe County Community School Corporation Administration Offices is seen Sept. 2, 2021, during the afternoon dismissal at Bloomington High School South. The recent teacher shortage has caused problems for local schools.

Gables Bagels brings New York-style bagels to Bloomington

Indiana’s average salary leaves the state ranked 41st in the nation for teacher pay. Additionally, Indiana ranked 51st, or dead last, out of all 50 states and the District of Co lumbia in terms of teacher sal ary growth between 2002 and 2017, according to the Rock efellerSandiInstitute.Cole, director of the IU Center on Education and Lifelong Learning and former public school teacher, said the COVID-19 pandemic made educator’s jobs more difficult and caused many to demand better“Educatorspay. have said in the past ‘I don’t work for the mon ey. I love the kids. I love the profession,’” Cole said. “But the reality is, coming through the pandemic, more and more teachers are realizing they can’t make it on the current salaryHowever,schedule.”Cole said pay is not the only factor contribut ing to the teacher shortage.

@EmmaUber7 Indiana schools are facing a dire teacher shortage as the 2022-2023 school year begins. There are 1,572 open teaching positions statewide as of Sept. 1, as well as an ad ditional 1,174 vacant school leadership, office staff or stu dent support staff positions, according to the Indiana De partment of Education job bank.The Monroe County Com munity School Corporation fares better than other districts — however, it is feeling the im pact of the educator shortage as it continues to search for instructional aides, parapro fessionals and guest teachers. MCCSC has managed to fill all teaching positions but had 15 unfilled teaching po sitions as late as July 25. Erin Stalbaum, assistant superin tendent of Professional Learn ing and Certified Human Re sources, said the district host ed a summer employment fair to attract applicants. “Our employment fair this July was successful in help ing us identify individuals for certain positions, and we had people sign employment pa perwork on site,” Stalbaum said.MCCSC Superintendent Jeff Hauswald said the dis trict’s proximity to IU and above-average pay helped MCCSC attract qualified teachers even as the applicant pool“MCCSCshrunk. continues to see qualified candidates apply ing for most of our positions,” Hauswald said. “We credit the close partnership with Indi ana University School of Edu cation, as well as our competi tiveInsalaries.”the2021-2022 school year, MCCSC teachers’ sala ries ranged from $43,250 to $80,125, according to the Monroe County Education Association 2021-2023 ratified collective bargaining agree ment.There will be an MCC SC referendum on Monroe County voters’ 2022 ballots, allowing citizens to vote on whether they want to increase property taxes to supplement school funding. If the Novem ber referendum passes, each teacher in MCCSC will receive a $4,500 annual raise. Addi tionally, support staff such as instructional aides will earn an additional $2.25 per hour. Although MCCSC’s pay remains competitive within the state, Indiana pays teach ers considerably less than neighboring states, according to the National Education As sociation. The average Indiana teacher salary in the 20202021 school year was $53,072. Illinois paid teachers an av erage of $70,705 during the 2020-2021 school year, while Michigan paid teachers an av erage of $64,262.

Ruth Cronin @RuthCronin6 Ed Schwartzman, the own er of BuffaLouie’s in Bloom ington, just opened his second business, Gables Bagels. The new bagel store is located at 421 E. Third St. What started out as an idea to bring in extra revenue dur ing the COVID-19 pandemic, is now its own Bloomington store, selling authentic New YorkSchwartzmanbagels. was born and raised in New York City, his very first job being a bagel baker at a shop in Queens. “Being Jewish and from New York, bagels are in my blood,” Schwartzman said. “It’s part of my culture and it’s part of who I Whenam.”COVID-19 broke out, a trend in the restaurant industry was something called ghost kitchens, where people who already had a commercial kitchen would use it to make different food from what they were already doing, to gener ate more revenue. This concept inspired Schwartzman to find out if it would be possible to sell New York bagels here in Blooming ton, and it was. This process consisted of a New York company bak ing bagels to 95% comple tion and then shipping them to Schwartzman, who would bake them off. “We didn’t make it easy for people to buy our bagels,” Schwartzman said. “You had to order them the night before and you had to order a mini mum of a dozen. It was very confusing, yet people really responded. With the feedback I was getting from the com munity, I was able to convince my wife – because I need her blessing on everything I do –that there is merit in opening up aGablesshop.” Bagels were sold in BuffaLouie’s beginning in January 2021. Schwartzman signed a lease for a separate shop about eight months ago, where he transformed a “va nilla box” travel agency into his New York-style bagel store that opened about three weeks ago.They now offer 10 shmears, their own chicken, egg and tuna salads, imported New York sour pickles and even especially proud of their own smoked whitefish. Schwartzman’s friend James Douglas, who owns Boneyard Barbeque, smokes salmon and pastrami for Gables Bagels. Schwartz man says they’ve now quadru pled their ordering on these items.“We’re doing what I con sider all legitimate east coast flavoring,” Schwartzman said. “We’re also doing a phenom enal business in breakfast sandwiches. Sausage, ham, or bacon, egg and cheese on a bagel. We put a shmear on top to make it gooier and messier andAlongbetter.”with an authentic New York menu, Schwartz man puts equal effort into the atmosphere of his store. Gables Bagels already has a crowd of regulars, and Schwartzman remembers ev eryone who comes in. “To me, the more wel comed you make your guests feel, the better the experience,” Schwartzman said. “I don’t care how good your food is, if you don’t give your guests a positive, fun, upbeat experi ence they’re not going to come back.”Gables Bagels has an option for delivery, and Schwartzman said the bagels will show up hot from the oven. They have a route, on which they deliver large orders on a regular basis to several fraternities, the surgery center and the Sophomorehospital.Griffin Wright is in Fiji fraternity, a frequent delivery spot for Gables Bagels. “Gables have a distinct ba gel texture that’s hard to find outside of New York,” Wright said. “Most of the bagels I’ve had in Indiana are an imita tion of a bagel, but Gables taste authentic and have become an integral part of Saturdays in Bloomington.”Sophomore employee Aer iana Wiegand has seen Gables Bagels since its conception at BuffaLouie’s to the new store on Third Street. She works for Schwartzman at both places. “Ed is the coolest boss I’ve ever had, and I’ve worked quite a few places for a lot of different people in the food industry,” Wiegand said. “He’s constantly upbeat and ener getic and really goes above and beyond for his employees. I’ve never worked in an environ ment where the owners them selves have facilitated that family-oriented staff.” Gables Bagels now joins Bloomington Bagel Company as a popular destination for bagels in Bloomington.

Grace Franklin

IU Junior Willow Arenz said they did not expect a univer sity in a small Midwest town to be LGBTQ friendly. However, IU has surpassed any stereo types through the hard work the people here have put into accepting queer students on campus, they said. "I’m gender fluid, so some days I’ll just be wearing shorts and a T-shirt, and other days I’ll be in a long, bright skirt and a full face of pink makeup," Arenz said. “All the faculty have been perfectly pleasant, and I’ve personally never felt discriminated against for being more expressive in my gender.” The LGBTQ+ Culture Cen ter offers a list of resources on its website.

Emma Uber |

Cate Charron Editor-in-Chief Lexi Lindenmayer & Nic Napier Managing Editors Haripriya Jalluri Creative Director Carson Terbush Managing Editor of Digital Natalie Ingalls Managing Editor of Engagement Greg Menkedick Advertising Director

IU named among most LGBTQ-friendly US colleges

On Aug. 24, IU was recog nized as one of the top 40 “Best of the Best” LGBTQ-friendly colleges in the country, ac cording to Campus Pride. This ranking is based on the num ber of resources and opportu nities a university provides to its LGBTQ students. “It is an honor to be named on this list.” Bruce Smail, direc tor of the IU LGBTQ+ Culture Center, said. “It is not the first time that we have been on this list. We have been listed every year for the past several years which is a good thing.” IU currently has several re sources for queer-identifying students such as LGBTQ hous ing, a mentorship program, student groups and scholar ships. LGBTQ students also have several leadership op portunities through the Queer Student Union, which was founded two years ago. Although IU is well-known for being an LGBTQ-friendly campus, the LGBTQ+ Culture Center does not deny that ho mophobic incidents do hap pen on campus. The Center provides students with re sources when these events do occur.“(Homophobia) can still happen at a (LGBTQ) friendly university,” Smail said. “But I think the important part is that if something did happen, there are resources on this campus to support the students and to help advocate for the stu dents.”Through resources such as the Student Advocates pro gram, queer-identifying stu dents never have to feel alone if a situation occurs. This pro gram is used as a resource for students to go talk to retired faculty about any challenges they are facing in their person al or academic life. “I think this is an accu rate ranking for IU,” IU Junior Scotty Vrablik said. “It’s always great to see LGBTQ+ resources throughout classrooms and academic buildings as some one who is a part of the com munity.”

NEWSA2 Sept. 8, 2022 Indiana Daily Student Editors Salomé Cloteaux, Emma Herwehe, Marissa news@idsnews.comMeador

ETHAN MOORE | IDS A Gables Bagels neon sign is seen through the door of the restaurant Sept. 5, 2022, on East Third Street. The store is owned by Ed Schwartzman, who also owns BuffaLouie’s in Bloomington.

Indiana teachers face low pay, public criticism

The Indiana Daily Student publishes on Thursdays throughout the year while University classes are in Partsession.ofIU Student Media, the IDS is a self-supporting auxiliary University enterprise. Founded on Feb. 22, 1867, the IDS is chartered by the IU Board of Trustees, with the editor-in-chief as final content authority. The IDS welcomes reader feedback, letters to the editor and online comments. Advertising policies are availale on the current rate card. Readers are entitled to single copies. Taking multiple copies may constitute theft of IU property, subject to Paidprosecutionsubscriptions are entered through third-class postage (USPS No. 261960) at Bloomington, IN 47405 m Newsroom: 812-855-0760 Business Of ce: 812-855-0763 Fax: 812-855-8009

Vol. 155, No. 26 © 2022 130 Franklin Hall • 601 E. Kirkwood Ave. • Bloomington, IN 47405-1223


ByJay Upshaw

By Amani Gates | @amani_gates


TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE Students and community members march in protest of law enforcement stationed inside schools June 16, 2020, in Los Angeles, California. In response to the video circulating around Twitter, many users voiced their frustrations about the police.

One Twitter user respond ed sarcastically to the video with “He’s getting served and protected.”Another user brought up the suspect being white, im plying his race will cause more people to side with him over theThepolice. charges against Worcester are severe. Accord ing to a BBC article chroni cling the subsequent suspen sion of the officers, police said Worcester became violent when confronted, pushing a deputy and punching him. He was arrested on charges of terroristic threatening, resist ing arrest, criminal mischief, criminal trespass, battery, assault and possessing an in strument of crime. Still, the sheer vicious ness exhibited as Worcester struggles underneath the of ficers seems hardly justifiable and way outside the realm of acceptable use of force. It is violent and unnecessarily pro longed.Police felt comfortable enough to behave this way in broad daylight, not unlike how Derek Chauvin in Minne apolis kept his knee on Floyd’s neck for almost ten minutes despite there being witnesses. Considering this, how long might Worcester’s beating have continued if no one had beenWouldrecording?ithave ended with anotherAlinasemurder?Mzumara, IU se nior and member of the Black community on campus, cited the murder of Eric Garner as illustration of the lack of ac countability within the police force, despite witnesses and even video evidence. Garner, a 43-year-old Black man known to illegally sell loose cigarettes, was killed in Staten Island, New York, on July 17, 2014, after a policemen put him in a fatal chokehold. A video recording of his death circulated quickly. Pinned to the ground, Garner repeated “I can’t breathe” several times before falling unconscious. “The original ‘I can’t breath’ guy, Eric Garner, that was on video.” Mzumara said. “The dude jumped on his back and choked him to death. And then nothing happened.” Indeed, Garner was killed over eight years ago. And it took five years for a judge to ultimately drop the charges against Daniel Panteleo, the officer who put on the choke hold. Meaning the officer was never held criminally respon sible in a court of law. Given the relatively minor allegations of crime that cause Black victims to be murdered without pause — Floyd with his counterfeit 20-dollar bill, Garner with his loose ciga rettes — Worcester probably got off easy. But that only re iterates the racial disparity in how the police treat Black suspects — a fact well-estab lished.

By Sade Ajishegiri

Police continue to bully in broad daylight BLACK VOICES


The Black Alumni Book Fund offers discounted books to students

In May 2020, as the video of George Floyd’s murder at the hands of police spread like disease, countless enraged Americans took to the streets to demand that things in this country change. On Aug. 21, 2022, another video began to circulate on Twitter depicting three po licemen savagely beating a suspect who is pinned to the sidewalk. One officer holds him down while the other two knee and punch him, smash ing his head into the concrete. In the video, one of the of ficers looks up from the beat ing and makes eye contact with the camera before shout ing something unintelligible. The officer who was punch ing the suspect’s head into the ground looks up and points a finger toward the witness re cording them. After that, the videoTheends.suspect being beaten is Randal Ray Worcester, a 27-year-old white man. He had allegedly threatened to cut off an employee’s face in side a convenience store the morning of his arrest. On Twitter, the video has gone viral across multiple threads, with at least one of them gaining over 13 mil lion views. Comments on the footage reveal the exhaustion people feel toward police cor ruption.

IU Cinema presents: ‘Home Is Where the Heart Is’ through Oct. 1

COURTESY PHOTO The Black Alumni Book Fund encourages alumni to donate to its organization as the money will help buy textbooks for Black students. The Book Fund is present at IU, the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Minnesota, Ohio State, and Michigan State, where the Book Fund began in ILLUSTRATION2017.

MOVIE STILLS DATABASE “Claudine” premiered March 30, 1974, at the USA Film Festival. In total, the series “Home Is Where the Heart Is” will show 10 films at the IU Cinema.

into the river, tied to the cotton gin fan with barbed wire.Till’s corpse was found rotting in the river a few days later, bloated and so mutilated beyond recogni tion he could only be iden tified by a ring he wore with his father’s initials carved intoTill’sit. mother, Mamie Till-Mobley, famously de manded an open casket funeral, so the attendees could see the extent of the brutality of his murder, a historical accuracy includ ed in the trailer for the film. The film’s trailer de picts the widespread hor ror and outraged reactions as the grotesque images of Till circulate globally. The trailer was released on July 25, which would have been Till’s 81st sionpelledmovementciviltivismfilmstarsDaniellebirthday.DeadwylerasMobley,withthefocusingonheracwithinthegrowingrightsmovement.ThewaspartlyprobyMobley’sdecitohaveanopen-casket funeral and show the world what the racists had done to her only Audiencesson. took to social media to discuss the poten tial of the film and to weigh the emotional consequenc es of viewing such traumatic content.Some Twitter users shared that they found the film’s depiction of racist vio lence“Theydisheartening.depressed me but they also filled me with a rage that is not healthy. I endure these movies, not enjoyOtherthem.”people agreed, but they admit there are those who need to see these films and television shows. While some may avoid the film due to its brutal content, others are eager for its release, tweeting their excitement and hope for the truth to be brought to light. The already divided at titude toward the film in dicates that when it does release in October, it’s sure to spark and add to the es sential conversation about Emmett Till.

A biographical film about Emmett Till, a Black boy lynched at the age of 14, and his mother’s strug gle for justice following his murder will be released by inbeforegougingTheytoTillhouse.boyMilam,listedRoy,encounterant,storeandlegedlylynchingkidnapping,coveringOct.initialwideStudiosMetro-Goldwyn-MayerintheatersnationonOct.28,afteranlimitedreleaseon14.“Till”issetinthe1950s,theeventsofTill’stortureand—revengeforalwolf-whistlingatflirtingwiththegrocerycashierCarolynBryawhitewoman.Bryantexaggeratedthetoherhusbandwho—enraged—enhishalf-brother,J.W.tohelpabductthefromhisgreat-uncle’sThementhenforcedtodragacottonginfantheTallahatchieRiver.beathimsavagely,outoneofhiseyesfinallyshootinghimtheheadandtossinghim

In 2015, two University of Michigan graduates, after re alizing there was no network for Black alumni to connect after graduation, founded ReliveTheBar with the goal of bringing their friends to gether for homecoming. RTB is a non-profit organization catering to Black students and their success at predomi nantly white institutions. The organization spon sored campus student events, organizations and student entrepreneurs, then in 2017, they expanded to include the Black Alumni Book Fund. Sennel Threlkeld II, Re liveTheBar co-founder and Kelley School of Business alumnus, said his focus was to figure out a way to give back to students of color. The cost of books can be expensive, depending on the specific class and how many classes a student may be tak ing. It is easy to spend more than $50 on a single book, which creates a financial bur den and can ultimately put students behind on assign ments.“Irecall, when I was in undergrad, how much of a financial hassle purchasing books could be every semes ter,” Threlkeld said. Once it started, the Book Fund received positive feed back and interest from more alumni who wanted to help the students directly. While receiving his masters of ad ministration at IU, Threlkeld continued the Book Fund in Michigan, yet he wanted to find a way to expand. “What we were doing in Michigan can be easily rep licated at schools across the country,” Threlkeld said. “Students in Michigan are no different than the students in Indiana.”TheBook Fund has now expanded to five universities across the Midwest including Michigan State, Ohio State, University of Minnesota, Uni versity of Pittsburgh and Indi ana University. Within those five institutions, the Book Fund calls upon alumni to ei ther sponsor a textbook for a student on campus or donate funds to the organization, which will be used to directly purchase the textbooks. This is the first year the Book Fund has expanded across these five universities, and it plans on growing its fund to even more institu tions. So far, the Book Fund has given over 700 books to students on campus. Students who are in need of a textbook for class can sign up and will need to provide proof of enrollment for the fall 2022 semester at one of the universities men tioned.Alumni who are look ing to support a student can sign up to become a sponsor. By doing so, individuals can make a tax-deductible dona tion to the RTB Foundation to help more students through out the Black Alumni Book Fund.

Emmett Till biopic to focus on mother’s civil rights activism

By Sade Ajishegiri

IU Cinema presented two films curated by the Black Film Archive creator Maya Cade on Sept. 1. These films are part of Cade’s complete series which will include various films exploring the theme: “Home Is Where the Heart Is: Black Cinemas Exploration of Home.” Run ning until Oct. 1, film top ics explore various ideas of “home,” and how those relate to the African diaspora. Thursday night’s show ings included “Claudine” and “Your Children Come Back to You.” “Your Children Come Back to You” is a 1979 short film about a Black girl contemplating her racial ori gins as she struggles to find a place to call home in Ameri can society. The audience follows her as new revela tions shake the relationships in her life and change her un derstanding about her ances tor’sDespitepast. being the shorter film of the two, I enjoyed the racial queries proposed about Black people’s identi ties after colonization. The filmmaker’s choice of show ing their loss of identity through a child’s eyes mirrors the rehabilitation of thoughts pertaining to “homeland” and“Claudine”“family.” follows a Black woman in the 1970s of the same name who decides to start dating again. The au dience then follows the highs and lows of her new relation ship. Initially, Claudine be lieves her home is with her six children, but upon open ing up her home and heart to new love, she comes to terms with this change as her chil dren get older. I believe the film depicted the prevalent struggles of Black Americans resulting from environmental and fi nancial racism at the time. And, unlike other films of the decade, it went out of its way to show how the government gave more grief than relief to these marginalized commu nities.On Sept. 8, IU Cinema will show “A Different Image” and “Alm’s Rainbow.” On Sept. 22, “Dreaming Rivers” and “Black Mother” will be presented. “African Women, U.S.A” and “My Brother’s Wedding” will premiere on Sept. 30 with a special guest appearance by Cade herself. Finally, on Oct. 1, Cade will present the final films of the series, “Behind Every Good Man” and “Pariah.”


A3BLACK VOICESSept. 8, 2022 Indiana Daily Student Editors Jaicey Bledsoe, Da’Nasia blackvoices@idsnews.comPruitt

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While volunteering, “Bigs” are required to dedicate two to four hours per month to their “Little” for at least one year. However, Mascharka said, many mentor relationships continue for years. She said one-on-one mentoring helps build trust and fosters closer relationships than are often possible in group settings. “You’re able to have real conversations with your Big and with your Little and kind of create a space that feels like a tighter-knit relationship ver sus having a person speaking to a group as a whole and you feeling like you’re not neces sarily being heard,” Maschar ka said.When they’re out of school, young children and youth grades K–12 can attend the Boys & Girls Clubs of Bloom ington , which provides afterschool programming and fullday camps during breaks. Courtney Payne-Taylor, operations director at BGC Bloomington, said the or ganization typically offers more than 70 different pro grams in a given year, in cluding programs for music, sports, health and wellness, andTheleadership.effects of the CO VID-19 pandemic left many kids struggling with learning loss, Payne-Taylor said. The Boys & Girls Clubs also offers academic support, working with local school systems to align the subjects the orga nization teaches kids after school with the material they learn during school. Leslie Abshier, resource development director, said participating in multiple ex tracurricular activities typi cally means families must take the time to drive around town and spend significant amounts of money. Many kids come to the Boys & Girls Clubs, she said, because it allows them to access sev eral different programs each day in one location for a membership of $20 per year. Some of the most impact ful moments, Payne-Taylor said, are watching kids come out of their shell as they par ticipate in the activities at BGC“FindingBloomington.theirvoice, feel ing more comfortable with their peers in the club, de veloping better adult rela tionships,” she said. “We re ally see these moments on a regular basis.” time. The moratorium’s end date has been pushed back one final time to January 2023.However, those eligible for loan forgiveness who continued making pay ments throughout the pan demic can apply to have those payments refunded, according to CNBC. “They’ve been doing, in theory, what they’re supposed to be doing,” Schuman said. “They were doing a really proactive thing in paying those loans, and the government said, ‘We hear you. We’re going to give you that money back if you request it,’ which is prettyJamescool.”Kennedy, IU’s as sociate vice president for University Student Services and Systems, has worked with financial aid through out his career. IU students average $26,021 in student debt at graduation, Kenne dy said, which is on the low end across Big Ten schools. Kennedy said IU focuses on ensuring students un derstand their debt, and IU programs like student

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Check the IDS every Thursday for your directory of local health care services, or go online anytime at For membership in the Indiana Daily Student Health Directory, please contact Your deadline for next week’s Health Directory is 5 p.m. Monday

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Sept. 8, 2022 | Indiana Daily Student | idsnews.comA4 » SUPPORT CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Health Spotlight Physicians the care and services you need to stay healthy at

notifications, student debt letters and advising with cost in mind help ensure students are aware of their debt and how they’ll repay it. He said debt cancellation likely won’t affect students now, as most students don’t start repaying loans until af ter graduation.Still,anyloan dispensed before July 1 is affected for those eligible, mean ing current IU sophomore, junior and senior borrow ers should contact their loan servicers to see if they qualify.“Students who have al ready had loans here will see cancellations,” Kennedy said. “If that helps students, I think that’s a real positive.” However, some people don’t agree that cancella tion is for the better. After the announcement, the IDS asked for student and par ent opinions on Facebook. People said it wasn’t fair their tax dollars went to re payment when they had no say.Kendra Bartlett, an IU alumna and parent to a cur rent IU freshman, said she’s completely against forgiv ing student loan debt. “I do not think I have the 'right' to send my child (to) any school. I have the right to send them to a school I can afford," Bartlett said in an email. “If you choose to ask for help (loan) then you must pay it back! It's that simple.”She said the plan falls on those who didn't go to school or who have already paid their loans and said the government should slow the rise in college cost or offer interest-free loans instead of canceling them. “I am not against those who need to take out a loan — I am against taking out a loan and not paying it back," Bartlett said in the email. “You are responsible for your own actions and must honor your commit ments.”Schuman acknowl edged the plan’s taxpayer expense but said the money would have to come from somewhere. He said he sees the change the cancella tion made in the faculty and staff he works with. “With so much debt, there’s a tendency to not see that light at the end of the tunnel,” Schuman said. “If nothing else, I see a lot more hope.” Bazelak finished the night with 330 yards and one touch down while completing 54% of his passes. He also threw one interception, but the pass hit the hands of the intended receiver before bouncing off into the defender’s hands. The line struggled to protect the quarterback, but in the end, it didn’t affect the team's result. When the game was on the line, Bazelak marched the of fense down the field. The run ning game was held in check most of the night by the Illi nois defense, but when it mat tered most, graduate transfer running back Shaun Shivers found a way to get into the en dzone to win the game. Allen spoke about the im portance of this win for the program, and what it meant to him“Thispersonally.teams been through so much, and they have con tinued to fight and battle and battle and battle and battle and they did it tonight,” Al len said. “I couldn’t be more proud. It’s a huge win for us.” Indiana will play at home again at 8 p.m. against the University of Idaho on Satur day, Sept. 10.


Dr. Zachary Short, O.D. Dr. Madison Witthoft, O.D. Welcome to Insights Optical, where quality eye care is our number one priority. Our dedicated team is ready to learn all about you and your vision needs while using innovative technology and a comprehensive care approach to take care of your eye Mon.:health.10a.m. - 7 p.m. Wed.: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Tue., Thu., Fri.: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 415 S. Clarizz 812-333-1911Blvd.

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Masks need to become a facet of American culture

is one that is known univer sally and intimately: masks. I can't begin to imagine the sheer number of dispos able masks I ran through dur ing the pandemic's darkest hours. Wearing masks low ered the risk of contracting COVID-19, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Yet the idea of having to wear one again, even for my health, leaves me feeling strangely — and ironi cally — ill. This uncomfortable sen timent is not one that I hold alone. According to the pub lic policy organization Brook ings Institution, up to 20% of Americans have refused to wear masks in public, de spite government influence and data proving it’s safer to do so.When this same group was asked why they chose to forgo masks, a staggering 40% responded it was their right as American citizens to do so. In an ironic twist, masks — the devices designed to keep both the individual and the public safe — have become viewed by a hefty portion of Americans as directly oppos ing their ideals and culture, rather than protecting them. This perspective is trou bling due to the dangers not wearing a mask poses for both the maskless and those around them. Diseases such as monkeypox can run more rampantly. In other words, the more people refuse to wear masks, the more people die.Masks should become commonplace, not intrusive, in American society. While this may at first seem strange, we can examine Japanese culture as an example of so ciety integrating masks into its lives not only during the pandemic, but for all sorts of illnesses.According to Web Japan, a collective of information about Japanese culture culti vated by the Ministry of For eign Affairs of Japan, maskwearing first became com monplace during the 1918 and 1934 influenza epidem ics. Since then, mask-wear ing by people suffering from mainstay and more minor illnesses, such as the com mon cold, has become a part of Japanese culture, rather than something temporarily tacked onto it. With both American ad versity and Japanese accep tance toward masks in mind, I'd like to encourage integrat ing mask-wearing into Amer ican culture, particularly for sick individuals in public. It's very common in America for people ill with diseases like the common cold to go to places like school, work, and the grocery store, despite the threat of transmitting their illness to others around them. Making masks main stream for Americans who are sick provides the ben efit of reducing the spread of lesser illnesses. By normaliz ing mask-wearing in day-today life, more people will be willing to wear masks when it's vital to do so, like when we need to come together to combat COVID-level threats. Masks in American cul ture must be viewed as lifesaving tools, rather than a threat. BY JACK DONNELLY


Former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev answers questions from the Chicago Tribune editorial board March 4, 1999.

My kingdom for a Pizza Hut: The dissolution of the USSR Jared Quigg (he/him) is a junior studying journalism and po litical science. Of the late president of the Soviet Union, Margaret Thatcher once said, “I like Mr. Gorbachev. We can do busi nessThattogether.”should pretty much tell you all you need to know aboutMikhailhim. Gorbachev, the fi nal leader of the Soviet Union, died Aug. 30. The liberal me dia wrote glowing obituaries, hailing Gorbachev as a great reformer who brought “de mocracy” and “freedom” to Eastern Europe. Ha! When discussing the USSR., the West will often use words like “totalitarian,” “po lice state,” and evoke images of the gulag and anything else they can throw at the world’s first socialist experiment in or der to discredit it. Never mind many of these words and phrases can be used against the United States – the U.S. has the most incarcerated popula tion in the world. And never mind the in credible achievements of this socialist experiment, whether that be the vast advancement of women’s rights, the trans formation of a destitute, tsarist backwater into an industrial power capable of beating back the Nazi beasts or putting hu man beings into space. This column is about nei ther the faults of the U.S., nor the accomplishments of the USSR. It is simply about what happenedAfterward,afterward.ofcourse, refers to after 1991, when the USSR. was dissolved, in large part due to Gorbachev’s reforms. To ask the western media talk ing heads, the people of the Soviet republics were trading authoritarianism and eco nomic planning for democ racy and Pizza Hut. Well, they did get Pizza Hut.They also got a GDP de cline in the 1990s worse than the Great Depression in the U.S., hyperinflation, a plunge of several years in life expec tancy, and hundreds of thou sands of women sold into 1990s saw mass unemployment, gross wealth inequality, rampant crime and what the Guardian called, “the most cataclysmic peacetime economic collapse of an industrial country in his tory.”How did this happen? This devastation was the result of what’s called economic “shock therapy,” which is the idea of rapid liberalization of a statecontrolled economy into a marketImagineeconomy.acountry that guarantees employment, housing, healthcare and edu cation almost overnight be coming a country that does none of those things. The So viet constitution did all of this. When that all ended? “Shock,” seems to be an adequate word.And it wasn’t just eastern Europe who experienced the calamitous shock. Following the dissolution of the USSR, Cuba lost its biggest trade partner, causing the country to enter what was called the “Special Period,” a time of overwhelming economic in security exacerbated by the U.S. trade Similarly,embargo.North Korea, a country once economically on par with South Korea, saw a marked decline after the end of the Soviet Union, while it’s neighbor to the south began to growThewealthy.Russian people per haps faced the greatest decline economically in the 1990s, but other former-Soviet repub lics didn’t fare much better. Ukraine, for example, was the poorest country in Europe even before Putin’s destructive war. Moldova, another former Soviet republic, is the second poorest.Forall this economic hard ship, did the former republics at least get the “democracy” that was Russiapromised?certainly did not.

Keegan Shoemaker (he/him) is a junior studying English. The height of the CO VID-19 pandemic may have ended, but many of us are still licking the wounds it left behind.Just as we began to stop the bleeding, monkeypox be gan its crawl across the globe. Deemed a national health emergency by the United States government and an international threat by the World Health Organization, this viral disease calls into question what precautions may be necessary to mini mize its Amongimpact.these precautions

Boris Yeltsin became the first president of the Russian Fed eration, and his tenure includ ed the 1993 Russian constitu tional crisis, in which he sent troops to abolish the Russian parliament, and the 1996 elec tions of which he’s been credi bly accused of stealing. We can also thank Yeltsin for Vladimir Putin, his chosen successor. But perhaps you think I’m just an ignorant socialist glori fying a defunct country. Well, don’t take it from me – ask the Russian people. A 2021 Levada Center survey of Russians found 63% of respondents re gretted the dissolution of the USSR A majority of those re gretful citizens were above the age of 40 and lived through it. Was the Soviet Union per fect? By no means. Its leaders made grave economic errors, particularly after the 1960s, and it limited civil liberties to a far too unreasonable degree. It was never the society Marx, or even Lenin, envisioned. But in many ways, as outlined in this column, it improved the lives of millions of people, and its fall was a complete disaster. Gorbachev is largely re sponsible for all of this. His re forms accelerated the decline of the Soviet economy. He shouldn’t be praised in death. He should be remembered for the suffering he caused his people.


A5OPINION Indiana Daily Student Editors Sean Gilley, Elizabeth opinion@idsnews.comValadezSept. 8, 2022


SPORTS Indiana Daily Student Editors Emma Pawlitz, Matt sports@idsnews.comSebreeA6 Sept. 8, 2022 FOOTBALL

Active offense propels Indiana women’s soccer past Indiana State By Austin Platt |

Indiana played extremely incon sistently. The Hoosiers al lowed 448 yards, including 199 on the ground from Il linois junior running back Chase Brown. There were several big-chunk plays al lowed and many missed tackles, as Brown and the Illini often slipped right through the arms of Indiana defenders.Thebright spot of the de fense was forcing turnovers.

@spudichjacob Indiana football pos sessed an offense desper ately in need of a revival af ter 2021, a season in which it ranked last place offensively in the Big Ten Conference. With that in mind, head coach Tom Allen brought in former University of Mas sachusetts head coach Walt Bell to serve as Indiana’s offensive coordinator and quarterbacksThroughoutcoach.the offsea son, Indiana’s offense was essentially kept a secret to the public. After all, the player starting at quarter back for Indiana was un known until the Hoosiers took the field Friday night against the University of Il linois. Redshirt junior Con nor Bazelak was eventually named the starter, confirm ing Indiana would use its University of Missouri transfer quarterback in the new offensive system. Bazelak quickly gained trust from the Indiana fan base. On just his second pass attempt as a Hoosier, the quarterback completed a 40-yard pass to junior wide receiver Cam Camper. Bazelak and Indiana wasted no time while on offense, going no-huddle on multiple occasions. The Hoosiers played an offen sive game pace that draws a familial resemblance to for mer Indiana men’s basket ball head coach Branch Mc Cracken’s “Hurryin’ Hoo siers”: a nickname given to his team’s common fastbreak style of basketball. After the huge comple tion, Bazelak wasn’t done. The Hoosier quarterback threw for 36 yards, going 4-11 in the first quarter. In the second quarter, Bazelak let it loose and found graduate student wide receiver D.J. Mat thews Jr. for 52 yards and a touchdown. Within the next seven passing attempts, Ba zelak found Camper for 39 yards and senior wide re ceiver Emery Simmons for 24 yards.Bythe end of the first half, Bazelak had more passing plays above 10 yards — six — than below — five. The big play ac tivity certainly fell to the Hoosiers’ advantage, but a mere 12 rushing yards only allowed the Hoosiers a one-score lead of 16-10 go ing into halftime. Bazelak finished the first half 11-24 with 205 yards and a touch down, undoubtedly one of the better quarterback stat lines Hoosiers fans have seen in recent games.


Then-junior midfielder Paige Webber chases after the ball on Sept. 9, 2021, at Bill Armstrong Stadium. Webber scored this season’s first goal after three noscore games.

@emmapawlitz Indiana women’s soccer head coach Erwin van Ben nekom let out a sigh of relief in the 56th minute of play. When Indiana senior forward Paige Webber saw her shot against Indiana State University junior goal keeper Maddie Alexander reach the back of the net, she gave the Hoosiers their first lead of the game, sea son and first point since Oct. 7, Indiana2021. defeated Indi ana State 3-0 on the Hoo siers’ senior night, boosting the team’s record to 1-0-3 and extending its all-time winning streak against the Sycamores to five. “I am so proud of the team after three games go ing 0-0,” van Bennekom said. “I’d like to say that I knew the goal was going to come deep down, but full credit to the team for stay ing patient and not just get ting too frantic.” After playing a full half with plenty of offensive production but no goals to prove it on paper, it would’ve been easy for the Hoosiers to panic. Instead, they came out early in the second half with cleaner passes, sharper shots and a passionate mentality that yielded results almost im mediately.“Athalftime, we decided that the plan was to move the ball and be patient,” van Bennekom said. “Once the first one went in, we knew things would come.” Senior midfielder Alaina Kalin was a playmaking cat alyst in the second 45 min utes. She dished out two as sists on the first two Hoosier goals — the first to Webber for a header and the sec ond to junior forward Jen Blitchok, who weaved her way through defenders for a crafty goal in the 61st min ute.“She’s good,” van Ben nekom said about Kalin’s lead in the Hoosiers’ offen sive breakthrough. “Luckily, we have her coming back next year for one more year.” In addition to Kalin, Bli tchok has established her self as a strong offensive leader for Indiana during the young season. It wasn’t until this matchup against the Sycamores, though, that Blitchok’s prowess came to fruition.Thejunior accounted for 25% of the Hoosiers’ shots of the night, recording six out of 24, the 2022 team best. Indiana has increased its shot total from game to game across all four con tests, doubling the 12 it took against Ball State Univer sity on Aug. 25. Eight of the team’s 24 shots against Indi ana State were on goal. Junior forward Anna Bennett was the third and fi nal Hoosier to score, which came on her first and only shot attempt of the night. The Hoosiers were so dominant in their attacking half of the field that sopho more standout goalie Jamie Gerstenberg barely partook in any action. The Syca mores’ offense was consis tently stagnant, and no se rious scoring threats came towards Indiana for the ma jority of the Gerstenberggame. recorded one save before graduate student Bethany Kopel took her place in the 60th min ute for the remainder of the game.

Bazelak continued to rack up incompletions throughout the game, but the inability to hit his re ceivers was not the prob lem. Much like Indiana’s lack of rushing yards, the fault was with Indiana’s of fensive line. In the second half, it ap peared Bazelak’s luck ran out when on the second play he notched another first in a Hoosier uniform, an interception. An 11-24 first half turned into 18-37 through three quarters, and he was unable to produce a passing play eclipsing 10 yards.While the Illinois de fense was able to get to Ba zelak on numerous occa sions, his awareness to get out of the pocket and throw towards the sideline came to the quarterback’s aid. It wasn’t until the last play of the third quarter the Illinois defense finally got Bazelak down behind the line of scrimmage.Entering the fourth quar ter, it seemed as if there was not much more to tell about Indiana’s offense. With a couple of huge takeaways and stops from Indiana’s de fense, the Hoosiers’ offense looked dead in the water. After a Camper fumble with 4:36 left to play, it seemed to have stayed that way. Bazelak and the ‘Hur ryin’ Hoosiers’ were put to the test on a potential game-winning drive with 2 minutes and 16 seconds left in the fourth quarter. Despite only having 32 total rushing yards leading up to that moment, a string of big plays landed the Hoosiers in the endzone and gave them the win Friday night over Il linois.Despite a few kinks that still need to be worked out, Indiana has seen immense improvement on the offen sive end thanks to the new additions of Bell and Baz elak.

@foles24 With 2 minutes and 16 seconds remaining in the game and in need of the touchdown, there were few people in the stadium who thought Indiana would score. They were 75 yards away, and having missed several opportunities al ready, the outlook wasn’t good.Connor Bazelak, though, had other plans. The junior transfer from University of Missouri — who had not been announced as the starting quarterback until game time — stepped up when it Bazelakmattered.went seven of ten in the final march down the field, making up 70 of the 75 yards through the air. He then used his legs to pick up four more yards to get Indiana to the 1-yard line, where senior running back Shaun Shivers punched it in with 23 seconds on the clock, sealing a victory over Illinois.This wasn’t Bazelak’s first time coming up clutch. On Dec. 5, 2020, as the start ing Missouri quarterback, the Tigers were tied with the University of Arkansas at 40 apiece in the fourth quar ter. Bazelak took over, com manding the Tigers to an 80-yard touchdown drive in just 86 seconds to take the lead.After Arkansas respond ed and took a lead of its own, Bazelak proved him self again by taking the Ti gers 60 yards in 40 seconds to set up the game-winning fieldCoincidentally,goal. the same day Bazelak led the come back for Missouri, Indiana defeated Wisconsin 14-6 in what was its last Big Ten vic tory prior to tonight. If this can be expected of Bazelak in the future, the Hoosiers will be happy with their starting quarterback selection.However, that isn’t to say all went perfectly with the game. While the win is a nice morale boost, if said concerns aren’t addressed Bazelak’s stellar play may notFormatter.alarge portion of the game, the offensive line looked like swiss cheese. Although they only allowed one sack, Bazelak faced pressure all night which gave him little time to cre ate any offense. The run game was practically nonexistent all night, largely in part to a lack of blocking. Before Bazelak led the comeback, Indiana’s sec ond-half offense was hardly present. The Hoosiers col lected just 70 yards in the second half, only crossing midfield once before the fi nalDefensively,drive.

By Will Foley

By Jacob Spudich |



@AustinPlatter Indiana women’s soccer returned to Bill Armstrong Stadium for the first time in 315 days and welcomed back the home crowd with a 3-0 win September 1 against Indiana State University. The Hoosiers scored their first goals of 2022 while honoring their three seniors with pregame festivities.“Iam so proud of the team,” head coach Erwin van Bennekom said after theVanmatch.Bennekom said the team was starting to feel the pressure after failing to score in the first three matches, but he credits his team’s patience. It took Indiana over 55 minutes to score in this game, meaning over 750 minutes passed between Indiana last goal dating back to the previous sea son. It appeared after the first half Indiana was des tined for another scoreless draw after only recording one shot on goal in the first 45 minutes.“Obviously at halftime it being 0-0 was not a great feeling,” van Bennekom said.Going into the second half van Bennekom stated that, tactically, he didn’t want to change anything from the first 45 minutes, but “maybe move the ball a little bit faster.” He said the only real change he made was moving his wingers wider and higher up to pitch to create more of an offensive attack. The second half saw a flurry of Hoosier goals, but the best chance of the match for the Sycamores came in the 53rd minute with the game still knotted up at Sophomorezero. goalkeeper Jamie Gerstenberg came off her line in an attempt to punch out a cross, leaving Sycamore sophomore for ward Mackenzie Kent with an open net, but her shot couldn’t beat the scamper ing Hoosier goalkeeper, who made her first and only save of the match. With just over 55 min utes on the clock, Indiana got its long-awaited break through. Senior forward Paige Webber got her head on a cross from fellow se nior midfielder Alaina Ka lin’s header to break the deadlock. Webber led the team with five goals in 2021 and gets credit for Indi ana’s first goal in 2022. Less than five minutes later, Indiana doubled its lead courtesy of ju nior forward Jen Blitchok, who blasted a shot off her right foot to get on the scoresheet for the first time this season. Kalin also as sisted on that goal, giving her two on the night. The third and final goal came from junior forward Anna Bennett in the 76th minute following a great sequence to put the icing on the “Oncecake.the first one went in, the openings would come,” van Bennekom said. Indiana ended up with 24 shots compared to In diana State’s three, with a third of those coming on goal. It was by far Indiana’s best offensive performance in the four matches this season.Allthree seniors who were honored before the game got playing time. Defender Megan Wampler started the game as usual, but defender Karlee Luker and graduate goalkeeper Bethany Kopel both were subbed on once Indiana took the lead. “Our goal was to win today but also to make it a little bit of a celebration for our three seniors who have been tremendous for our program,” head coach Erwin van Bennekom said after the match. “It was ev erything we wanted.”

Indiana forced four fum bles, recovered three and made a crucial intercep tion in the fourth quarter. Most importantly, there was a fourth quarter goal-line stand at the 1-yard line to keep the deficit at one pos session.When it comes down to it, a win is a win. Indiana was lucky to have escaped with that outcome, espe cially in a Big Ten game. The Hoosiers have a long way to go, but as for now only one thing can be said: Indiana football is undefeated and atop the Big Ten.


IU football offense was explosive, one dimensional


COLUMN: Indiana somehow pulls off improbable comeback thanks to Connor Bazelak’s heroics

IDS FILE PHOTO BY ALEX DERYN Then-junior defensive back Marcelino Ball hugs then-sophomore linebacker Cam Jones on Aug. 31 at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis.

New Indiana football offensive coordinator Walt Bell speaks at his introductory press conference on Dec. 12, 2021. IU won the first game of the season at home against Illinois on Friday in Memorial Stadium.

IU women’s soccer wins 3-0 against Indiana State

By Emma Pawlitz |

Bruner said he created the initial idea for “all the pressure” two years ago when he wrote the guitar chords.“Iusually don’t consider what the story is until I have some sounds going,” Bruner said.While listening to the guitar riff, Bruner said the expression “mind over mat ter” came to mind when he heard it. Eventually, he thought of the toxic pride some people have when they push their bodies to overperform, such as pulling an all-nighter to complete homework.Bruner said he likes to find the meaning of his songs off a line, creating a conversation around an ex pression. He often ends up questioning and comment ing on a societal or cultural construct, he said. “All the pressure” was titled after the intrinsic and extrinsic pressure of society and one’s self. Bruner said he was thinking of pressure from family, friends and me dia but also life experiences and the ways people pres sureBrunerthemselves.compared it to a seesaw, going back and forth between what the world wants you to do and what you want to do. Especially in Western society, Bruner said there is a culture that pro motes hyper-productivity, which cultivates toxic ten dencies.“High pressure is the pressure that we create out of nothing or by misinter preting a situation,” Bruner said. “We overextend our selves from that pressure and then we get burnt out and we get tired — get ex hausted — from that pres sure, and then we crash and feel like a failure.” With his lyrics “Mind over matter / Dripping in data / aren’t we made of what we make of/Our limited time / Here as a human,” Bruner said people build realities out of what they believe. Bruner said his lyrics, “Why refuse to do what you know is best for you,” comments on the people’s tendency to scroll on their phones while sitting on a couch instead of taking care of their physical needs. Bruner said “all the pres sure” is his favorite track on the six-song EP he will re lease on Sept. 24. Elias McDermott Sipe, lo cal musician, producer and long-time friend of Bruner, said he relates to the mean ing behind “all the pressure” in the line, “limited time here as a human” and feel ing like society is rushing people.The music video for “all the pressure” shows Bruner floating on a mattress in Lake Michigan, wearing a onesie and playing the song on a small guitar with a stuffed dinosaur next to him. “It encapsulates how it might feel to have no pres sure,” Bruner said. “It’s like this idealistic state or sce nario in which you’re just freely floating on the sea in a bed. You’re in a onesie. It’s like you’re kind of a kid again.”Andrew Torbenson, IU graduate and LA-based freelance cinematographer, directed the music video. He and Bruner have been friends since high school and Torbenson has directed two unreleased music vid eos with him. “We just kind of floated him out on the air mattress,” Torbenson said. “Some takes we had him tethered, but in one we actually used no tether, and we just fol lowed him along.” While he relates to the pressure this song talks about during the creative processes in his work, Tor benson said it also relates to pressure in relationships. “The pressure is him be ing surrounded by this vast ocean, but kind of still keep ing intact with your inner child,” Torbenson said.

TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE Nathan Fielder’s “The Rehearsal” debuted on HBO on July 15, 2022.


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COURTESY PHOTO Michael Bruner lays on a mattress in Lake Michigan for his “all the pressure” music video. The song was released July 27.

COLUMN: Season 1 of ‘The Rehearsal’ takes us deep into Nathan Fielder’s psyche

At the end of the second episode, he moves into the Washington farmhouse that has been rented for her and begins co-parenting with Angela. He assumes the role of “pretend daddy,” and the rest of the season deals with the effects of this decision. The latter half of the sea son gives viewers a more intimate look into Fielder’s mind. Eventually, he begins to have rehearsals within the rehearsal. Anytime something happens that he didn’t account for, he gath ers actors to go through the event again, trying to spot what he did wrong. This process repeats itself until the actual reality of the show becomes so warped and convoluted that neither the audience nor Fielder know what’s real anymore. Even within the rehearsal, Fielder has an innate inabil ity to live in the present. This comes to a head in what is arguably the best and most surreal episode of the sea son, “The Fielder Method.” The season finale is par ticularly resonant, as Fielder must confront the effects that his experiment has had on both the rehearsal subjects and the actors in volved. One of the child ac tors, Remy, refuses to leave the set because he believes that Fielder is his real dad. This makes Fielder spiral, because he can’t figure out what led this to happen. Somehow, the show is a multitude of things at once. It’s philosophical, heartfelt, cringe-worthy and insight ful. But, at its core, it’s still a comedy. Fielder balances all these things that would typically make for a tonal mess because of his selfawareness and ability to turn the ordinary into the absurd.Inthe finale’s final mo ments, as Fielder gives an emotional speech to a child actor playing Remy, he’s in his most vulnerable and empathetic state. He real izes that the entire experi ment was misguided, and that spontaneity isn’t such a bad thing. Is this moment of clarity real? Not really, but that leaves something to be explored in season 2.

ARTS A7 Indiana Daily Student Editors Ellie Albin, Erin arts@idsnews.comStaffordSept. 8, 2022

Home of LCMS U at Indiana 607 E. Seventh & Fess Services Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Find us on facebook at ULutheranIU and on Instagram @ULUIndiana.

By Chloe Fulk

RIGHT ON CAMPUS University Lutheran Church & Student Center

Angela’s rehearsal ends up being the focus of the rest of the season, with Fielder becoming more personally involved as things progress.

By Taylor Satoski


Local artist explores pressure in new song

The next step in beloved weirdo Nathan Fielder’s cringe-comedy evolution is his new show “The Rehears al.” Its wild season finale premiered on Aug. 19. In the show, Fielder adopts the same socially awkward, semi-fictional persona he had in “Nathan For You.” The show follows Fielder, playing this perso na, as he gives ordinary peo ple the chance to rehearse major life events and con frontations by building lifesize sets and hiring actors to run through every possible outcome.Inthe first episode, Fielder helps a man who is lying to his friend about having an advanced degree. Fielder hires an actress to play the friend and builds an exact replica of the bar where the man plans to con fess his lie. With a height ened budget and complete creative freedom, the scale of the matter is nothing short of extravagant. This episode establishes the overall theme of the se ries. Before they begin the rehearsal process, the man compares Fielder to Willy Wonka and himself to Char lie Bucket. Even though Fielder makes a joke out of this, the metaphor perfectly describes his role in the show. Like Willy Wonka, Field er helps people with his un limited resources. But, it can be argued that he’s doing so for selfish reasons. He’s committed to the bit, even if that means the jokes are at the expense of the show’s subjects. The show exists in a morally-gray area that isn’t fully explored until the final two episodes. As the first episode ends accompanied by Gene Wilder’s “Pure Imagina tion,” the show effectively transitions from an absurd yet straightforward study in human behavior to a haunt ing examination of empa thy, manipulation, respon sibility and reality itself. In the second episode we meet Angela, the subject of the next rehearsal. In Ange la’s rehearsal, she will raise a child from the age of zero to 18 in the span of three months in order to prepare for motherhood.

Michael Bruner, local musician and IU graduate, released his song “all the pressure” on July 27. In the song, he discusses the im mense pressure society puts on individuals to perform over their capacity.

As the seasons begin to change, the year’s most celebrated film festivals are quickly approaching. This fall line-up includes the Venice International Film Festival (Aug. 31– Sept. 10), the Telluride Film Festival (Sept. 2 – Sept. 5), the To ronto International Film Festival (Sept. 8 – Sept. 18) and the New York Film Fes tival (Sept. 30 – Oct. 16). These festivals are some of the most exciting and star-studded film events of the year. Many films pre miering at these festivals go on to be Academy Awards contenders and box-office hits.Olivia Wilde’s highly an ticipated film “Don’t Worry Darling” will premiere at Venice, Steven lixforewillsmash-hitupOutandwillilyautobiographicalSpielberg’sfamdrama“TheFabelmans”premiereatToronto“GlassOnion:AKnivesMystery,”thefollow-toRianJohnson’s2019“KnivesOut,”premiereatTorontobebeingreleasedonNetfinDecember.Herearefivemorefilms premiering at these festi vals that are sure to conjure both awards-season buzz and critical acclaim. “White Noise” dir. Noah Baumbach (Venice and NYFF) With a rumored budget of anywhere between $90 million and $140 million and a production window of around nine months, Baumbach’s follow-up to 2019’s “Marriage Story” is his biggest film yet. The film is based on the novel of the same name and stars Adam Driver and Greta Gerwig. It’s being described as a “black comedy apocalyp tic disaster film,” which is different from the family melodramas for which he is known. Both Venice and NYFF chose it as the open ing night film. “The Whale” dir. Darren Aronofsky (Venice and TIFF) Based on the play of the same name, “The Whale” stars Brendan Fraser and Sadie Sink. Fraser plays Charlie, an English teacher who abandons his family for his male lover. After he dies, Charlie turns to binge eating to combat his grief. Sink plays his daughter, El lie, who Charlie attempts to reconnect with. There’s already major awards buzz for both Fraser and Sink, as they apparently deliver very profound and moving performances. Fraser will be honored with the TIFF Tribute Award at the festi val’s gala fundraiser. “Bones & All” dir. Luca Guadagnino (Venice, Tel luride and NYFF) This film reunites Timo thee Chalamet with Luca Guadagnino for their first collaboration since 2017’s “Call Me by Your Name.” It’s also a book adaptation, and Chalamet serves as one of the film’s producers. Set in the 1980s, the film stars Taylor Russell and Chalam et as a pair of cannibalistic lovers that go on a road trip across America. “TÁR” dir. Todd Field (Venice, Telluride and NYFF) Todd Field’s first film since 2006 stars Cate Blanchett as Lydia Tár, a fictional German composer who is widely considered to be one of the greatest liv ing conductors of her time. Blanchett says the film shows her character’s “fall from grace” and is about power and the creative pro cess. The music-oriented film will be composed by Hildur Guðnadóttir, who won the Best Original Score Oscar in 2020 for “Joker.”


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“White Noise” is slated to premiere Sept. 30 at the New York Film Festival. By Charlotte Jones Taylor Swift announced on Aug. 28 at the VMAs she has a new album coming out Oct. 21, and fans have been speculating about her tenth album — which we now know is called “Midnights” — for quite some time. With a beautiful blue col or palette, the album cover potentially hints at things to come, but there were hints long before the album an nouncement came that new music was on the horizon. Hints may have come from merchandise Swift has been anything but subtle regarding this new album release. While selling merchandise for “ev ermore,” Swift hinted at a new album with several blue and grey limited-edition items, including a grey car digan.Fans speculated this meant a new album was coming, a fun surprise af ter several re-recordings. Another item causing a lot of speculation was the scrunchie set, boasting a blue color palette among the distinct colors associ ated with previous albums “folklore” and “evermore.” It may seem like silly fan speculation, but it does make sense — Swift is noto rious for giving fans nuggets of information around new album releases, and with the looming release of “Mid nights,” it would make sense these were clues. Mood and predictionaesthetic

COLUMN: ‘Midnights:’ What we know (and still want to know) about Taylor Swift’s new album

Active in the music scene since 2006, Ezra Furman has a wealth of recorded music and has established them self solidly in the punk rock genre, particularly in the queer community. Their breakout work, “Day of the Dog,” released in 2013, and they have released five critically acclaimed albums since then, including the soundtrack for Netflix’s 2019 show, “Sex Education.” As their first work since the “Sex Educa tion” soundtrack, “All of Us Flames” was released to a growing audience and a positive critical reception. This newest album retains Furman’s folk-punk sound while depicting a number of their struggles as a trans gender person in intimate detail.The opening track, “Train Comes Through,” fea tures little harmonic move ment and a driving but light backbeat with a consistent shaker giving it a train-like sound. Each verse ends with a warning of what will hap pen “when the train comes through.”Thistrain appears to rep resent monumental change that will shake apart the antiquated structure plagu ing the city described in the song. Furman illustrates a great machine whose end is spelled by the thunder ing train of change. It’s a deeply powerful image and a bold beginning to “All of Us Flames.”Furman continues ex ploring the theme of change on “Throne.” The verses are accompanied by a bassline reminiscent of a pound ing heart with a single, un changing note played on ev ery beat. Although the bass stays stagnant, the acoustic guitar chords change over the top of it, joined by low brass.This makes the bass oc casionally clash with the guitar harmony, creating a feeling of unease in the verse. During the chorus, it plays along with the gui tar, creating a much clearer texture and a satisfying con trast.“Point Me Toward The Real” takes the tone down a notch, opening with sparse drums layered with delay and swelling horns to create an ethereal, floaty sound scape persisting throughout the track. The drums be come busier and the horn harmonies more promi nent, but the intensity is un affected, remaining serene andThelaid-back.lyrics describe the narrator’s first day out of a psychiatric institute, being picked up by a friend and driven around town. Fur man illuminates the loneli ness of an extended stay in one of these institutions, being abandoned and for gotten by friends and family. It’s a bleak but somewhat hopeful scene, with the mu sical texture complementing the peaceful moonlit drive. “Ally Sheedy In The Breakfast Club” retains this uncomplicated structure, with a low-fidelity, skipping harmony reminiscent of the VHS tapes Furman refer ences. The song discusses a specific piece of Furman’s journey with her gender, specifically her jealousy of Ally Sheedy’s character in

“The Breakfast Club.” They describe an intense relation to the character, calling her “the teenage girl I never got to be,” and feel ing a deep connection to her aesthetic and demeanor. Despite the specificity of this experience, the song offers a vulnerable and raw look into Furman’s journey as a transgender person, and one that is deeply re latable to members of that community.Furman doesn’t do much experimenting on “All Of Us Flames.” Sonically, it remains largely reminis cent of her previous work and the thematic elements at play will be familiar to fans, but they don’t feel the need to reinvent the wheel. They embrace their gritty sound while providing heart-wrenching insights into their own life, poetic enough to affect the listener. “All Of Us Flames” is just an other step in that direction.

COLUMN: Furman storms ahead with grace and ferocity on Of Us Flames’

say at blackvoices Submit questions via email to

color . Hear

“Bardo (or False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths)” dir. Alejandro González Iñárritu (Venice and Tel luride) While there isn’t a teas er trailer yet for Iñárritu’s latest film, excitement is growing for the nearly three hour-long epic. The film stars Daniel Giménez Ca cho as a Mexican journalist and filmmaker who returns home to work through an existential crisis. The film is already being praised for its intricate production design and surreal atmosphere. It will be released on Netflix later this year.

ANTI- RECORDS Ezra Furman’s album “All Of Us Flames” was released on Aug. 26, 2022.

Uplif ting the voices of Black students & other students of what we have to

Looking to a

COLUMN: Five films premiering at the major fall film festivals to keep on your radar

ARTSA8 Indiana Daily Student Editors Ellie Albin, Erin arts@idsnews.comStaffordSept. 8, 2022

By Grant Wheeler

Taylor Swift attends the “All Too Well” New York premiere Nov. 12, 2021, in New York City.


If we assume that a blue-and-grey color palette is supposed to be associ ated with “Midnights,” then we can infer that it will be a somber album speckled with acoustic guitar and country-inspired drums. However, I don’t want to think of “Midnights” as a sibling to the confirmed sister albums “folklore” and “evermore.” That story has already been told. I think “Midnights” will be a sister album to “Red,” the poprock album, as we’re cur rently in an indie sleaze re vival.With its candid flash photography and American Apparel clothes, this late 2000s, early 2010s fashion movement focused on com fort and spontaneity. The resemblance between old American Apparel ads and Swift’s new album cover is uncanny. The fonts and im age cropping are almost identical.Additionally, I don’t think this will be an upbeat album. Most music asso ciated with indie sleaze is vaguely pop inspired with driving beats and a pinch of synth. I do think this will be a more somber album, given that it’s comprised of songs that are written about that complex hour of midnight.


By Chloe Fulk


Sonic and predictionslyrical I really do want this to be an indie sleaze-inspired somber album. I’m hoping for a lean toward rock mu sic, as I always am, but more specifically light electric gui tar and meandering lyrics. Swift has already showed us her lyrical range, my fa vorites being “All Too Well (10 Minute Version)” from her “Red” re-recording and “mirrorball” from “folklore,” and I desperately want her to delve into Dallon Weekesesque songwriting. I think her biggest influ ence will be Bleachers for this album. She has been working with Jack Antonoff — mastermind of — for years now, proving their amazing musical partnership. I want her to create something like “I Wanna Get Better” since some of her promotional pictures seem to be more somber in tone. My final prediction? A mix of Sky Ferriera’s album “Night Time, My Time” and Lorde’s album “Melodrama.” In the spirit of anticipation, I created a playlist of tunes that I’d love to see serve as musical and lyrical influenc es for this album.


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Sunday (in person and by Zoom): 9:45 a.m., Hymn singing 10:30 a.m., Meeting for Worship 10:45 a.m., Sunday School (Children join in worship from 10:30-10:45) 11:30 a.m., Light Refreshments and 12:45Fellowshipp.m., Often there is a second hour activity (see website) Wednesday (by Zoom only): 9 a.m., Midweek Meeting for worship 9:30 a.m., Fellowship We practice traditional Quaker worship, gathering in silence with occasional Spirit-led vocal ministry by fellow worshippers. We are an inclusive community with a rich variety of belief and no prescribed creed. We are actively involved in peace action, social justice causes, and environmental concerns. Peter Burkholder, burkhold@indiana.eduClerk

2401 S. Endwright Rd. 812-825-2684

We are a diverse community of Christ-followers, including many IU students, faculty and staff. Together we are committed to sharing the redeeming grace and transforming truth of Jesus Christ in this college town 503 S. High 812-332-0502St. Christ Community Church Sunday: 9:15 a.m., Educational Hour 10:30 a.m., Worship Service Bob Whitaker, Senior Pastor Adam deWeber, Worship Pastor Dan Waugh, Adult Ministry Pastor F Facebook: @ChristCommunityBtown I Instagram: @christcommunitybtown c cccbloomington org

Mitch Ripley, Interim Pastor University Lutheran Church and Student Center 607 E. Seventh 812-336-5387St Sunday: 9:15 a.m.: Sunday Bible Class 10:30 a.m.: Sunday Worship Wednesday: 7 p.m.: Wednesday Evening Service 7:45 p.m.: College Bible Study Student Center open daily, 9 a.m.-10 p.m. We are the home of the LCMS campus ministry at Indiana. Our mission is to serve all college students with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Located on Campus, we offer Christ-centered worship, Bible study and a community of friends gathered around God’s gifts of life, salvation and the forgiveness of sins through our Senior Jesus Christ. Richard Woelmer, Pastor Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod

Sunday: 5 p.m. A welcoming, inclusive congregation providing a place of healing and hope as we journey together in the Spirit of Christ. Gathering for worship Sundays 5 p.m. in the Roger Williams room, First United Church. As people of God's peace, we seek to embody the Kingdom of God.

Non-Denominational Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Episcopal (Anglican) Mennonite Inter-Denominational Jubilee 219 E. Fourth 812-332-6396St. Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Classic Worship & 11:45 a.m., Contemporary Worship Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., College & Young Adult Dinner Jubilee is a Christ-centered community open and affirming to all people. We gather on Wednesdays at First Methodist (219 E. Fourth St.) for a free meal, dis cussion, worship and hanging out. Small groups, service projects, events (scaven ger hunts, bonfires, etc.), mission trips and opportunities for student leadership are all a significant part of our rhythm of doing life together.

Sun.: 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. Mon., Wed., Thu.: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tue.: Noon - 8 p.m. Fri., Sat.: By Appointment Canterbury: Assertively open & affirming; unapologetically Christian, we proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ by promoting justice, equality, peace, love and striving to be the change God wants to see in our world Ed Bird, Chaplain/Priest Jacob Oliver & Lily Dolliff student workers

Sunday: 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Redeemer is a gospel-centered community on mission. Our vision is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ transform everything: our lives, our church, our city, and our world. We want to be instruments of gospel change in Bloomington and beyond. Chris Jones, Lead Pastor Evangel Presbytery Lifeway Baptist Church 7821 W. State Road 46 812-876-6072

Karen Pollock & Dan Enslow

Independent Baptist Calvary Chapel of Bloomington 3625 W State Road 46 812-369-8459

Annette Hill Briggs, Pastor Rob Drummond, Worship & Music Minister Baptist Society of Friends (Quaker)

Markus Dickinson, Campus Director Bahá'í Association of IU 424 S. College Mall Rd. 812-331-1863

Sunday: 10:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Coffee & Treats Stoneybrook Community Church of God is a gathering of imperfect people learning to follow Jesus. We invite you to join us on the journey.

Trinity Reformed Church

Mennonite Fellowship of Bloomington 2420 E. Third 812-646-2441St.

Sunday: 9:15 a.m., Educational Hour 10:30 a.m., Worship Service

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Sunday: 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. We are the worshipping home of Rose House Luthern Campus Ministries. As disciples of Christ who value the faith, gifts and ministry of all God's people and seek justice and reconciliation, we welcome all God's children* to an inclusive and accessible community. *No strings attached or expectations that you'll change.áí-@bloomingtonbahai Regular Services/Devotional Meetings: Sunday: 10:40 a.m. @ Bloomington Bahá'í Center Please call or contact through our website for other meetings/activities The Bahá'í Association of IU works to share the Teachings and Principles of the Founder, Bahá'u'lláh, that promote the "Oneness of Mankind" and the Peace and Harmony of the Planet through advancing the "security, prosperity, wealth and tranquility of all peoples."

We are a diverse community of Christ-followers, including many IU students, faculty and staff. Together we are committed to sharing the redeeming grace and transforming truth of Jesus Christ in this college town. Bob Whitaker, Senior Pastor Adam deWeber, Worship Pastor Dan Waugh, Adult Ministry Pastor

Sunday: 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. @ St. Thomas Lutheran Church 3800 E. 3rd St. Tuesday: 6:30 p.m. Dinner & Devotions @ Rose House LuMin 314 S. Rose Ave. Rose House is an inclusive Christian community that offers a safe space for students to gather, explore faith questions, show love to our neighbors through service and work towards a more just world. Rose House walks with students to help them discern where God is calling them in life. Rev. Amanda Ghaffarian, Campus Pastor Canterbury Mission 719 E. Seventh 812-822-1335St.

United Methodist Unitarian Universalist Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington 2120 N. Fee 812-332-3695Ln. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. We are a dynamic congregation working for a more just world through social justice. We draw inspiration from world religions and diverse spiritual traditions. Our vision is "Seeking the Spirit, Building Community, Changing the World." A LGBTQA+ Welcoming Congregation and a certified Green Sanctuary. Rev. Connie Grant, Interim Minister Rev. Emily Manvel Leite, Minister of Story and Ritual

John Sauder RedeemerChurchCommunity 111 S. Kimble 812-269-8975Dr.

Sunday: 9 a.m., Bible Study Classes 10 a.m., Morning Service 5 p.m., Evening Service Barnabas College Ministry: Meeting for Bible study throughout the month. Contact Rosh Dhanawade at for more information. Steven VonBokern, Senior Pastor Rosh Dhanawade, IU 302-561-0108Coordinator

Sunday Service: 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. *Always check website for possible changes to service times. City Church is a non-denominational multicultural, multigenerational church on Bloomington's east side. 1Life, our college ministry meets on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. David Norris, Pastor Sumer Norris, Pastor Church of Christ 825 W. Second 812-332-0501St. Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Bible Study 10:30 a.m. & 5 p.m., Worship Wednesday: 7 p.m., Bible Study We use no book, but the Bible. We have no creed but His Word within its sacred pages. God is love and as such we wish to share this joy with you. The comprehensive teaching of God's Word can change you forever. John Myers, Preacher Church of God (Anderson Affiliated)

Check the IDS every Thursday for your directory of local religious services, or go online anytime at For membership in the Indiana Daily Student Religious Directory, please contact Your deadline for next week’s Religious Directory is 5 p.m. Monday

City Church For All Nations 1200 N. Russell 812-336-5958Rd.

Bloomington Friends Meeting 3820 E. Moores 812-336-4581Pike

Sunday: 10:45 a.m., Worship in person & live streamed on YouTube A welcoming and affirming congregation excited to be a church home to students in Bloomington. Trans and other LGBTQ+ friends and allies most especially welcome!

Rev. Adrianne Meier Rev. Lecia Beck Stoneybrook Community Church of God 3701 N. Stoneybrook Blvd.

Sunday Services: 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. College Bible Study: Contact us for more info. "Jesus answered them, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin.'" Proclaiming freedom from slavery since 1996. Only sinners welcome. Jody Killingsworth, Senior Pastor Lucas Weeks, College Pastor University Baptist Church 3740 E. Third 812-339-1404St.

Frank Peacock, Pastor Alissa Peacock, Children's Ministry St. Thomas Luthern Church 3800 E. Third 812-332-5252St.

Sunday: 10 a.m. Tuesday: 7 p.m., Prayer Wednesday: 6:30 p.m. Hungry for God's word and fellowship with other believers? Come as you are and worship with us as we grow in the knowledge of His love, mercy, and grace through the study of the scriptures, and serving those in need. May the Lord richly bless you!

Rose House LuMin- Lutheran Campus Ministry at IU 314 S. Rose 812-333-2474Ave.

Bahá'í Faith Christ Community Church 503 S. High 812-332-0502St.

Aries (March 21-April 19) Today is an 8 - Friends make the world go around. Adapt around changes together. Reinforce shared communication channels and support structures. Strengthen bonds with your community, clubs and teams. Cancer (June 21-July 22 Today is a 7 - Changes could necessitate budget revisions. Figure out how to pay for something you'd like. Collaborate for common gain. You can find what you need. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is an 8 - Sync up with your partner. Once you're on the same page you can accomplish wonders. Pull together around a tricky section. Practice the basics. ©2022 Nancy Black. All rights reserved. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. Answer to

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69 Bastille


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Today is a 6 - Enjoy your private thinking spot. Savor rituals and traditions. An abrupt attitude change is possible. Review plans. Adapt for new circumstances. Discover hidden opportunities.

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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Today is a 7 - Get domestic. Rearrange furniture. Make repairs and upgrades. Revive a room with soap, scrubbing and paint. Or simply cook up something delicious with family. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Today is an 8 - Choose words carefully. Edit, revise and rearrange for clarity. You’re especially creative and clever. Articulate ideas, potential and possibilities. Make a persuasive case.

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66 Max.

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35 Swingline insert 37 Cloister leader 38 Canonized one 39 Concave navel 40 Painter Degas 42 Cheesy sandwich 43 Pitching stat 44 Typing stat 49 Young bird



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Gemini (May 21-June 20) Today is an 8 - Investigate an educational opportunity. Don't make any abrupt moves. Plan your route, confirm reservations and stay in communication. A delightful adventure can unfold.

texts 68 Minor


Most Valuable Player GARRETT NEWMAN: In years past, the most valu able player on the Hoosier roster could have been quar terback Michael Penix Jr. or linebacker Micah Mcfadden. This season neither of those players will be suiting up for Indiana. While I believe cor nerback Tiawan Mullen will be an impactful player for the back end of the Hoosier defense, my most valuable player this season is transfer running back from Auburn Shaun Shivers. Primarily used as a third-down back for the Tigers, he looks to be more involved as a member of the Hoosiers’ offense this year. In the Big Ten Conference, many teams make their iden tity running the football, and with an uncertain future at the quarterback position the importance of maintaining possession and moving the football on the ground is par amount. With a stout defense, which has become part of the Indiana football identity, a running game led by Shivers will be crucial to a successful season.WILL FOLEY: This is the first time in a couple of sea sons there isn’t an obvious answer as to who Indiana’s most valuable player could be. There are a lot of ques tion marks and uncertainties with this 2022 squad, espe cially on the offensive side. That narrows it down to the defense, and it’s very tempt ing to say Tiawan Mullen, but the secondary is so strong as a collective he isn’t necessar ily the most valuable, rather he’s the best. Instead, I think senior linebacker Cam Jones steps up in a big way this season, not to say that he is or will be what Micah Mc Fadden was, but he has the ability and leadership to take McFadden’s role. If Jones can come close to taking on Mc Fadden’s role and the rest of the defense steps up, seeing more success in games is in the realm of possibilities.

The Wolverines coming to Bloomington Octo ber 8 will be a must-see game. The last time Indiana played Michigan at home, the Hoo siers snapped their 19-game losing streak against Michi gan. In 2017, Michigan barely squeaked by with a gamewinning touchdown in over time. In 2015, one of the most memorable college football games in my life, Michigan and Indiana put up a total of 89 points in a double thriller.

FOLEY: Taking a look at the Hoosiers’ schedule, you first say to yourself, ‘Wait, this isn’t all that bad.’ Then you get to the midway point and it starts to get tricky. Weeks 9 through 11 seem impossible, host ing Penn State then taking on Ohio State and Michigan State on the road. There’s a lot we don’t know about this Indiana team, making it difficult to re ally gauge some of the toss-up games on the schedule, like at Nebraska or hosting Mary land. That being said, there’s still a really good chance the Hoosiers can start the season 3-0 and eventually 4-1. But I think from there it’s just too difficult and the wear and tear will add up. I predict a 5-7 sea son, one shy of a bowl game berth and immense agony for Hoosier fans who just want a chance at a bowl win. SPUDICH: There’s no point sugarcoating it. Indiana plays a hard schedule, one of the many consequences of playing in the Big Ten. While this year looks to be a big im provement from last season, we can simply say that Indi ana will win the games they’re supposed to win but lose the games they aren’t supposed to win. Toward the tail end of the season, Indiana finds themselves playing Penn State at home, Ohio State on the road and Michigan State on the road in consecutive weeks. Indiana will go 6-6 on the season granting them a bowl appearance. The most impor tant game on the schedule, as mentioned earlier, is Michigan at Indiana. Whenever Michi gan takes on Indiana on the road, it never disappoints.

B10 Champ Prediction NEWMAN: The real ity is that Ohio State has had a strangle hold over the Big Ten for the better part of the last decade. Michigan won the conference last season, but my belief is it will take a small step backward this year. So, if Ohio State is the prediction to come out of the East, there is a mosh pit of candidates bat tling to get the bid from the Big Ten West. My prediction for the West is a familiar face to the Big Ten Championship game. The Wisconsin Badgers enter this season coming off a somewhat disappointing 2021 campaign. They are led by sophomore running back Braelon Allen who made a name for himself last season rushing for 1,268 yards and 12 touchdowns at 17 years of age. Allen has garnered some Derrick Henry comparisons and comes in alongside a vet eran running back group. The Badgers look to play to their strengths as a defensive team that runs the ball consistently to get results. On top of this, the Wisconsin schedule does not look to be the most diffi cult in the conference, as they play Ohio State and Michigan State on the road, but aside from those games, the Badgers should handle business most weeks.FOLEY: In my recent col umn, one of my four bold takes about the college foot ball season is that Ohio State has the best quarterback, run ning back and wide receiver in the country on its way to a national championship. This offense is a juggernaut, and pair that with what could be a well-above average defense? This team gives me shades of 2019 Louisiana State Universi ty, now considered one of the greatest teams ever. So, that’s my pick from the Big Ten East. The Big Ten West looks rather bland, per usual. I believe Wis consin is the best team in the division, led by star sopho more running back Braelon Allen, but the Badgers have a tough road slate. Instead, I’m with Jacob and think the Min nesota Golden Gophers take advantage of a rather easier schedule and secure a berth to the Big Ten championship. Then, well, Ohio State may win by more than 50 points in the championship game. SPUDICH: We can try and act like the 2022 Big Ten Champion won’t be the winner of Michigan vs. Ohio State, but we’d be fool ing ourselves. Both teams have seemingly separated themselves from the rest of a strong Big Ten conference. While the East is decided, what about the team that the Big Ten West sends to Lucas Oil Stadium. Watch for the Minnesota Golden Gophers led by PJ Fleck to finally get to the Big Ten title game. The Gophers have one of the best running back duos in the Big Ten, if not the nation, with Mohamed Ibrahim and Trey Potts. With Tanner Morgan in his fifth year in a Gophers’ uniform and his 27-12 career as a Minnesota starting quar terback, look for reminisces of the Gophers’ 2019 season when they won the Outback Bowl. The official prediction: Michigan over Minnesota in the Big Ten Championship. season

INDIANA DAILY STUDENT | 2022 BIG TEN GUIDE | idsnews.comB2 IDS reporters make predictions for 2022

Defensive player of the year NEWMAN: While the previously mentioned Dasan McCullough will have a sig nificant impact on the Hoo sier defense in 2022, and linebacker Cam Jones will be the heart of the defense fol lowing McFadden’s depar ture, neither was my pick for defensive player of the year. My pick for defensive player of the year will come from the Indiana secondary. Even though I love a big safety in the backline like Devon Mat thews, my prediction is that Tiawan Mullen will be taking the ball away from opposing offenses a lot this season. A decorated player in his time here in Bloomington, the former All-American looks to right the ship following last season and help the Hoosier’s secondary finish business thisFOLEY:year. I agree with Gar rett on Mullen here. While Jones is my pick for MVP, that’s more so for his leader ship rather than production. After an outstanding 2020 season, we never really got to see Mullen completely healthy in 2021. If he can avoid injury all season, I ex pect the senior to return to form and get close to those 2020 numbers. The second ary is the most experienced position group heading into the season, and Mullen can lead them in locking down the Big SPUDICH:Ten. Linebacker Alfred Bryant has had a great offseason, he’s gotten tre mendous recognition from the coaching staff. For me, it’s hard to put together a story where Alfred Bryant is not a key part of this defense. Last year, he scratched the service of full potential, and this year he’s got a new defensive sys tem to work with where he is a focal point. On top of him being defensive player of the year for Indiana, look for him to get some All-Big Ten nods as well.


JACOB SPUDICH: So far, we’ve all wanted to put Tiawan Mullen down, but we’ve found other players to pick in this preseason pre diction category. Why not go the obvious answer? For me, Tiawan Mullen is the most talented player on this team, and he will be a big leader in the locker room and on the field. Mullen will be talked about as an all-time great Hoosier after this season, and we should get ready to see him on our TV screens on Sundays. Breakout player of the year NEWMAN: Indiana has had great weapons on the outside of the offense for the last three seasons. Peyton Hendershot and Ty Fryfogle headlined that group, but neither of these guys will be options for the Hoosiers’ quarterback this season. I expect Donaven McCul ley to take a huge leap as a weapon following his switch from quarterback to receiver. His tall frame for the position will give the Hoosier offense a great jump-ball threat, and his overall athleticism will be intriguing to watch on the outside. If the Indiana offense can move the ball through the air, keep your eyes on McCul ley to make some huge plays for the Hoosiers this year.

SPUDICH: I agree with Garrett on this one. Donaven McCulley has tremendous athleticism and has a great understanding of the game. It’ll be a competitive wide receiver room, but I antici pate he will separate himself from the pack and becomes a valuable asset to Indiana’s re ceiving core for this year and years to come.

Game to watch NEWMAN: As a kid from Indiana, the biggest game of the college football season is the Old Oaken Bucket game between Indiana and Purdue. The bitter rivalry between the two teams is magnified by the fairly equal matchup that can be expected. I believe Indiana will improve quite a bit from last season, and I also predict Purdue’s success from last year will not carry over. The Boilermakers lost star players to the NFL in defensive end George Karlaftis and wide re ceiver David Bell, having little depth to cover for it. Indiana will bring in a veteran group of players and Purdue re turns their quarterback which should make for an amazing rivalry matchup to end the season.FOLEY: Even when having poor or mediocre seasons in recent years, there’s one top program Indiana always gives a good fight to: Michigan. I’m not sure how or why, but the Hoosiers seemingly always put up a scrappy fight against the Wolverines. Michigan heads into the season ranked No. 8 in the AP Poll and is fresh off its first College Football Playoff appearance, but I think the Hoosiers have a chance to catch them off guard. It should be a rowdy environment in Bloomington, and if Indiana can contain Blake Corum and the run game, the Hoosiers have a real chance to pull off the SPUDICH:upset.

By Garrett Newman, Will Foley, Jacob Spudich

The Indiana football pro gram is in an interesting posi tion this season. After having a combined record of 14-7, they found themselves in a bowl game in both the 2019 and 2020 seasons. With lofty expectations going into the 2021 season, the Hoosiers took a nosedive going 2-10, not winning a single confer enceAheadgame.of the 2022 season, the Indiana Daily Student football reporters gave their predictions for the 2022 Indi ana football season.

Record prediction NEWMAN: Last season was a disappointing one for the Indiana football program. There is no need to continue beating that drum. This sea son, the schedule looks to be a bit easier, and the Hoosiers should find a moderate level of success. To start the year, Indiana has four highly com petitive opportunities to get wins as it will play Illinois, Idaho and Western Kentucky at home before heading to Cincinnati. My overall predic tion for the Hoosiers' record is 6-6, but they have the ability to possibly win seven or eight games if they can pull off one or two upsets. A 6-6 record will be seen as a nice upgrade from last year and will allow Hoosiers fans to watch them play in a bowl game.

IDS FILE PHOTO BY KAMARON FARVER Then-junior quarterback Jack Tuttle evades the sack Nov. 13, 2021, at Memorial Stadium.

Newcomer of the year NEWMAN: Last year, the Indiana football team got a spark from freshman quar terback Donaven McCulley. This season McCulley will be heading to the perimeter of the offense as a wide receiver. This year, my newcomer of the year will be Dasan Mc Cullough. The 6'5” freshman edge rusher and secondary hybrid player comes into the program as the 75th-ranked prospect in the country by 247sports. McCullough played his senior season in high school for local Bloom ington South and was known as a playmaker during his high school career. Following a season where the Hoosiers struggled to generate much of a pass rush, be on the look out for McCullough to make splash plays for the defense thisFOLEY:season.I really wanted to go with freshman Dasan Mc Cullough here, as the ubertalented linebacker is Indi ana’s highest-ranked recruit in the modern era, but I’m not quite sure he’ll get the min utes to show stardom quite yet. Instead, I’ll opt for junior wide receiver Cam Camper, a transfer from junior col lege Trinity Valley Commu nity College. In what will be a crowded receiver room, Camper was the only one list ed as an outright starter in the initial depth chart released, which is very telling about his successful fall camp. His JUCO numbers are terrific, putting up 50 catches for 858 yards and four touchdowns in two seasons. That comes out to a monstrous 17.3 yards per catch, and while a significant level up, he could pose as a major deep threat if he can match his previous produc tion.SPUDICH: This year In diana finds itself with a com pletely different running back room than the year prior. The Hoosiers’ three main running backs, Carr, Ervin-Poindexter and Childers, also lost run ning back coach Deland Mc Cullough during the offsea son. Indiana needs an excep tional run game and with for mer Auburn transfer Shaun Shivers and North Carolina transfer Josh Henderson that will be obtainable. My new comer of the year prediction will go to both Henderson and Shivers. The Big Ten is made up of teams that pack a “one-two punch” at the run ning back position. This year Indiana will do that.

FOLEY: This one seems obvious to me. After los ing three-time All-Big Ten selection tight end Peyton Hendershot, junior tight end A.J. Barner is primed to fill Hendershot’s role. Barner showed a glimpse of success in the last three games of the 2021 season, catching 10 balls for 65 yards in the final three contests. Barner has great size, standing at 6’6", and as long as there is consistency from the quarterback posi tion, his size can make for a dangerous redzone target.

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An early look at the 2022 volleyball season



By Marnie Sara

IDS FILE PHOTO BY ETHAN LEVY Then-junior Kaley Rammelsberg prepares to serve during the IU volleyball’s Cream and Crimson Scrimmage on Aug. 21, 2021, at Wilkinson Hall. Indiana will compete in three matches as part of the Islanders Classic this weekend in Corpus Christi, Texas.

CYCLOCROSS Woodlawn Fields

This year, Indiana volleyball began its 48th season and its fifth season with head coach Steve Aird. The team has high aspirations for the 2022 season and is ready to display its adjust ments and improvements made in theTheoffseason.teamis scheduled to play 32 regular season matches with 12 of those games being played at Wilkinson Hall in Bloomington. Its Big Ten com petition includes home-andhome matches with Maryland, Penn State, Michigan State, Ohio State, Purdue, Iowa and returns with a sig nificant amount of familiar faces and veterans on the squad. Se nior defensive specialist Paula Cerame and senior setter Em ily Fitzner were named the 2022 captains, alongside sophomore Camyrn Haworth. Fourteen players return for the Hoosiers, while the other two new team mates are from overseas. Fresh man outside hitter Candela Alosno-Corcelles joins the team from Madrid, Spain while fresh man right side hitter Melisa Ilter is from Bursa, Turkey. Indiana volleyball hosted its Cream and Crimson Scrimmage Aug. 21 in front of a home crowd at Wilkinson Hall. The Hoosier players and managers were split into two teams and played three sets — the first two to 25 points and the final set to 15. The gym was filled with high energy as the student section cheered on the athletes while upbeat music blasted in the background. Aird spoke at the scrimmage about the team’s summer train ing and how excited he was for the new season to start. “I thought we had a great spring, capped off with the for eign trip, so we had extra time to train,” Aird said. “We’re return ing a much more mature group than a year ago. I just think vol leyball IQ and physicality have improved. Excited to get the sea sonIngoing.”May, the Indiana Daily Student published an investiga tion regarding Indiana volley ball head coach Steve Aird. The investigation’s allegations stem from interviews with six women who used to play for Aird — four of which at Indiana. They alleged the IU program under Aird is built around punishment and dismissiveness of mental abuse.Aird addressed questions on the program Aug. 27th for the first time since the article ran. In two separate statements to the IDS, Indiana Athletics has stated new changes to the pro gram were implemented with Aird’s cooperation. Aird said the changes have been slight in staffing and Associatetraining.headcoach Spen cer McLachlin, a new member of the Indiana staff, said he has equally high hopes for the team. “They are eager,” McLach lin said. “They want to be good so bad, and that is the first step. Coach Steve is always saying the best players want to be coached, and our girls really wanna be coached.”Indiana opened up the sea son at home with a four-team tournament in Wilkinson Hall. The team went 2-1 in Blooming ton beating Indiana State Uni versity and Chicago State Uni versity in straight sets. With 33 assists and 22 digs against ISU, Haworth earned Indiana’s first double double of the season. One year later, the Hoosiers got their revenge, beating CSU after coming up short against the Cougars a year before. Ju nior middle blocker Savannah Kjolhede was efficient at the net, collecting eight kills while hit ting .727 across the three sets. The following weekend, In diana traveled to Christi Corpus, Texas, and competed in the Is landers Classic. The Hoosiers had a clean sweep of games Saturday, beating Sam Houston State University and Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. Indi ana dominated and won both matches in a straight series. Indiana will travel to Raleigh, North Carolina, for the third week of the season to face North Carolina State University, West ern Carolina University and Tex as Christian University. The Big Ten regular season will begin for Indiana Sept. 23 against Penn State at University Park.

By Kamil Gut

Jamie Gerstenberg is making the most of life in America


The soccer pitches in Ger many symbolize a past life. Gerstenberg visits from time to time — not to reminisce, but to work. Under-20 national team duty briefly called her back home in late October of her freshman year during the final stretch of IU’s regular season schedule.Onlya handful of months had passed since Gerstenberg first arrived on campus in Bloomington in the summer of 2021. Soon after, she shifted her focus toward the place she’d call home for the next four years. Adjusting to the English language and Ameri can game often isn’t simple, but goalkeeper coach Kevin Schenk said Gerstenberg picked the language up quick ly and had no trouble easing into IU’s tactical system. She could’ve tried to cheat the process and revert to the language with which she had grown up. Anna Aehling and Oliwia Wos, a pair of defenders who played their last matches for IU in the fall, also came from Europe. Gerstenberg says the group spoke German on the pitch on rare occasions, primarily to clarify minor mis understandings but mostly communicated in English. The freshman kept a calm and confident demeanor as her re lationship with the language grew“She’sstronger.very sure of her self, and that projects onto her teammates,” Schenk said. “They trusted her right away.” *** The energy bomb should walk through those locker room doors anytime now. That’s when the party can re ally get started. Everyone’s waiting.It’smatch day. Emotions are high, the atmosphere is perfect and kickoff is inching closer. The opponent, location and start time are irrelevant — Gerstenberg gets her nap in all the Onlysame.then can she wake everyone else up with the con tagious energy that leads the locker room through its col lective dancing and yelling. “I need that moment of rest, tak ing in the silence,” Gerstenberg said. “It’s about really calming down. I just have more energy and am ready to go.” This pregame ritual is de ceiving. Gerstenberg said her teammates often refer to her as “awake,” radiating with positive energy and happi ness whether it be 7 a.m. or midnight. She hasn’t been shy about revealing her outgoing personality to the rest of the team.Gerstenberg will often stroll in, unannounced, to the team house where Black lives, hoping to watch a movie or catchOnup.the first night of a spring break vacation in Florida with a group of seven of her team mates, Black recalled Gersten berg bombarding her with questions while she drifted off late at night.

INDIANA DAILY STUDENT | 2022 BIG TEN GUIDE | idsnews.comB4 IMU Alumni Hall Oct. 19 · 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Meet with local vendors at the IDS Housing Fair and check out your housing options for next school year Step right up to find your new home. For more information, visit

Jamie Gerstenberg can’t predict what’s coming. But what does that matter? She’s in an unfamiliar po sition, but she won’t allow doubt to creep in. She fixes her eyes on the threat resting on the penalty spot, 12 yards away. Soon, it’ll scorch across that space, expecting a smooth landing in the nylon mesh be hind the freshman German goalkeeper.Thewind at Jerry Yeagley Field has been unforgiving up to this point. It’s ripping through the branches of the cherry blossom tree past the track, slapping across players’ faces and finding every way to make those not bundled up in the stands butconstantlynecessaryheralert,themanGerstenberg,uncomfortable.IU’sfreshgoalkeeper,hasspentlast90minutesstayingbarkinginstructionstobacklinetoavoidanyunmiscues.Newfacescomeinandout,shehandlestheresponsi bility all the same. Now, she’s the only one standing between disappointment and exhilara tion.Finally, the breeze carries over the ominous tune of the referee’s whistle and breaks the tension. Instinct takes con trol. Gerstenberg makes her move.The ball meets the latex of the gloves instead of the ny lon of the net. The impact and weight shorten Gerstenberg’s descent from her sprawling leap, but cheers erupt before she can reach the ground. This isn’t a November match with Big Ten standings in the balance. It’s April, a few months into the offseason, and Indiana women’s soccer is playing exhibition matches to work out kinks with the in coming class of corners.lookingGerstenbergwon’topponent,thisGerstenbergplayers.approachesmatchnodifferently.TheButlerUniversity,haveiteasy.Inthepenaltyshootout,deniestwostrikestosneakintothefarHerframepressures another Bulldog into a mind game, and the goalkeeper wins it when the shot clangs off the Youpost.wouldn’t know the Hoosiers had just drawn the Bulldogs 0-0 in regulation and 2-2 in penalty kicks. The result is irrelevant, but Gerstenberg’s individual performance can’t be ignored.Shesprints over toward the small crowd gathered in the south bleachers of Bill Armstrong Stadium, primarily made up of parents and dedi cated supporters, and pumps her fists. She’s overjoyed. She’s quickly grown comfortable and confident in this onceforeign place, making the most of the opportunity she always dreamed of. *** Sofia Black won't forget the look.She’s made the trip from New Jersey plenty of times with her family, but when the train doors open at Penn Sta tion on a chilly afternoon dur ing Thanksgiving break, a dif ferent passenger hops onto the platform alongside her. Once the escalator reaches daylight, Black hurries to take on the first task on their itinerary: shopping.ButGerstenberg’s eyes haven’tThosemoved.eyes,usually tracking a rising shot or floating cross, are locked in on the towering New York City skyline. Grow ing up, Gerstenberg could only see these sights through a TV screen. She’s comparing the bits and pieces she’d filled in with her imagination, so the fitting rooms can wait. Times Square and Central Park are next on the Reservedagenda.fora later date: Los Angeles, Chicago and any where else she finds the time to visit.“You could tell her love for seeing America and all these things she pictured,” Black said. “It made me feel so happy for her.”Inthe week leading up to Thanksgiving, Gerstenberg stayed with Black’s family and celebrated the holiday for the first time. The freshman and sophomore built trust with one another after just a few months of being teammates, and Gerstenberg found it easy to be herself and fit in despite the Gerstenbergcircumstances.said she’s al ways been inspired by Ameri ca and knew from a young age she wanted to experience liv ing in the States — alone. She said she’d feel trapped and less likely to branch out socially if a relative from her hometown in Birkenwerder, Germany, tagged along to babysit. She sped up the process at 16 years old, when she broke into the senior squad of 1. FFC Turbine Potsdam in the Frauen-Bundesliga, German women’s soccer’s top flight. The roster was littered with players in their mid-to-late 20s whose personalities were far too Soonunrelatable.enough, it was time. She could start a soccer career in an environment she had dreamed about, should any college be interested. Head coach Erwin van Bennekom’s Hoosiers were. “If I stay in a place too long, I know I’ll get bored,” Ger stenberg says. “I needed that change.” ***

Then-freshman goalkeeper Jamie Gerstenberg kicks the ball to the other side of the field Sept. 23, 2021, in Bill Armstrong Stadium. Gerstenberg was selected as the Big Ten Co-Goalkeeper of the Week.


By Kamil Gut In an exhilarating po tential College Cup pre view between two men’s college soccer power houses, No. 13-ranked Indiana men’s soccer came up short in a 3-2 loss against No. 1-ranked Clemson University on Aug. 26 at Historic Riggs Field in Clemson, South Carolina.TheHoosiers began yet another journey for an elusive ninth star on their crest in one of the most hostile environ ments in the nation. Those in cream-colored jerseys waited a few ex tra minutes for the open ing whistle, as the Tigers, the most recent kings of men’s Division I soccer, gathered for a champion ship ceremony with their fans to welcome in the 2022“Thereseason.are very few environments you’ll find that tough,” Indiana head coach Todd Yeagley said. “That was a very loud and proud student section. If we’re in a situation as the season advances where we’re in big games, there won’t be an environment we’re not used too.” Sophomore forward Samuel Sarver didn’t waste any time spoiling theInparty.the sixth minute, Sarver responded to the Tigers’ predictably high energy and hustled to ward a pass which was poorly controlled by ju nior goalkeeper Trevor Manion. After an alert slide tackle, Sarver slot ted home his eighth ca reer goal from a few yards out to put the Hoosiers aheadHigh1-0.spirits quickly returned among those packed inside the stadi um, though, as Clemson found an equalizer in the 12th minute. Junior mid fielder Ousmane Sylla received a pass near the top of the 18-yard box, cut to his right foot and beat both Indiana junior defender Joey Maher and junior goalkeeper JT Harms with a strike into the bottom left corner. The Tigers once again showcased their individ ual attacking quality just a few minutes later as se nior forward Mohamed Seye gave his team a 2-1 lead in the 16th minute. Seye shrugged a pair of Hoosier midfielders off the ball and completed his run toward the top of the box with a perfectly placed outside of the foot shot into the lower right corner.Ashift in formation from a four-player back line to 3-4-3 formation generated a greater flow and created consistent attacking chances for the Hoosiers in the second half.The pressure led to a penalty for the Hoosiers after sophomore forward Tommy Mihalic was tak en down in the 18-yard box. Senior forward Ryan Wittenbrink stepped up for the spot kick and fired it into the upper right corner to knot the score at 2-2.“Tommy was able to find the seams pretty well, and Sammy (Sarver) continued to stretch and cause a lot of problems,” Yeagley said. “They were dangerous all night.” After a back-and-forth final half-hour which saw quality chances denied by last ditch defend ing and stout goalkeep ing, the Tigers found the breakthrough. Sylla found his way on the scoresheet once again in the 79th minute with a rocket that carved a path above Harms’ gloves and into the top netting. “That’s as good of an attacking team we’ll face,” Yeagley said. “We defended well for most of the game. Individu ally, they’re just very tal ented.”Despite the three goals he conceded, Harms showed poten tial and built a case for keeping the starting role in net for the Hoosiers. The Duke transfer helped prevent a blowout, mak ing six saves on the night, including a point-blank stop in the 63rd minute when the teams were still level.Yeagley said Indiana did enough in its attack ing buildup to ultimately win the game and ac knowledged the long stretches of play in which the squad played as a collective against such a challenging opponent as Clemson.“Thegoal this year is to leave the field every game trying to be on the front foot and trying to push the game, whatever the other team provides and whatever players are asked to be on the field,” Yeagley said. “We did thatIndianatonight.” will return to Bill Armstrong Stadi um for its home opener against the University of Portland at 8 p.m. Tues day. Questions were raised about the readi ness of the playing con ditions at Jerry Yeagley Field after the Indiana women’s soccer team was forced to move its home opener to the near by practice field Thurs day, but Yeagley assured the pitch will be ready. As for the Hoosiers’ mindset ahead of the rest of the nonconference schedule, Yeagley said the players won’t hang their heads due to the quality of Friday’s perfor mance. He reiterated the importance of crafting an unforgiving schedule for a program used to facing the“We’rebest. still a young team trying to figure out the best combinations,” Yeagley said. “The great news is we have unbe lievable opponents every game. Bring on the next one.”

By Matt Press

Sophomore forward Sam Sarver vividly re calls the heartbreak he felt last year on a cold November night. Indiana men’s soccer suffered a crushing over time defeat to No. 2 Uni versity of Washington in the NCAA Sweet 16. The team was left motion less as the Husky faithful rushed the pitch in jubi lation.Sarver, a freshman at the time, remembers his shock after Washington’s golden goal but said that moment now serves as motivation.“Whenthe ball hits the back of the net and your season’s done, you just sit there and you can’t say anything,” Sarver said. “One thing my coach told me when we walked off the field was ‘Remember this feel ing.’ I don’t want that feeling to happen again.” Sarver is an Ohio na tive who spent his youth playing in Cleveland. At 14 years old, he, along with five teammates, was recruited to play for Co lumbus Crew Academy. The organization maintains a strong pipe line to Indiana, having selected current Hoosier head coach Todd Yeagley in Major League Soc cer’s inaugural draft, and multiple current and for mer Indiana assistants have spent time with the Crew.“There’s just a really good connection, and that’s why IU felt like home,” Sarver said. “To be the best player you want to be, you have to surround yourself with the best players, and that’s what brought me here too.” In 2021, Sarver led Big Ten freshmen in scoring and tallied sev en goals and 18 points — both second on the team — en route to All-Big Ten Freshman honors. Yeagley said he knew Sarver’s personal ity would mesh with his Hoosier tion.”jumpingandingingwithtoobuttheandguys.bantering“(Sarver)teammates.isconstantlyabitwiththeHe’safunnykid,hewantstobeinmiddleofallthings,sometimesalittlebitmuch,”Yeagleysaidasmile.“He’slearnjustashe’smaturasakid,howtopickchoosemomentsofintoaconversa***

Sarver and Mihalic’s bond is unsurprising. Both are confident, out going personalities who carry aspirations of mak ing it to professional leagues.With these ambitions comes relentless work ethics. Both said they are competitive in virtually every aspect of their re lationship. In fact, Sarver fondly remembers a few instances last season that epitomized their fi ery“ test, my legs were just dead, and I couldn’t do it any lon ger,” Sarver said, “But I told myself I’m just going to beat Tommy by one level, and I beat him. In the next fitness test over the summer, I was just about to finish, and (Mi halic) sprinted at the end just to get in front of me.” For years, every po sition on the team has had competition, but the attacking room specifi cally has had exceptional depth in recent seasons. In 2021, forward Vic tor Bezerra, now with Major League Soccer’s Chicago Fire, led the team in goals after three historic seasons. With other skilled attackers like redshirt senior Ryan Wittenbrink and senior Herbert Endeley, Yeagley said the team’s drive to push each other is con tagious.With Sarver and Mi halic, Yeagley said their successful individual performances are a by product of competition.

Indiana men’s soccer comes up short in


Sophomore forward Tommy Mihalic’s jour ney to collegiate soccer parallels ofMihalicUnitedUnited.wereChicagoMihaliclittleplayers,broughttheayouthereputationgardinglevel,”schoolespeciallyingregionMihalicsoccerCroatiansport.saidencefamilycoach,gamefundamentalslinois,HestarsMidwestplayerMihalicSarver’s.isanotherinalonglistofyouthsoccerturnedHoosiers.hailsfromSkokie,IlandlearnedtheofthefromhisfatherandMario.UnlikeSarver,whosehadlittleexperiwithsoccer,MihalichewasbornintotheThoughheisofdescentwherereignssupreme,ispridefulofthehegrewupplayin.“Youhearthatalot,aroundhighandthathigherMihalicsaid,rethenegativeofsoccerinMidwest.“ImeanseehereatIndiana,lotofourguysarefromMidwest,andwe’veinsomegoodsoIthinkthat’samisconception.”Foracademyplay,startedwiththeMagic,whoboughtoutbyFCAfterleadingFCingoalsin2018,joinedtheU19’sGermanclubFCAugs

Indiana men’s soccer sophomore duo thrives off competition


burg.He never quite found his footing in Germa ny, but Mihalic made a handful of appearances with the Croatian youth national teams. How ever, just a few hours south of his hometown is where he would shine. Mihalic’s decision to attend IU was simple. “I think it’s a pretty easy option coming to a school like this with so much history soccer wise,” Mihalic said. “It’s a family-oriented pro gram, and like Sammy said, it feels like home.” Mihalic went on to earn an All-Big Ten Freshman Team nod last season. Ranking third on the team in goals and points, his numbers indi cate a promising trajec tory. Still, Mihalic wants to take things a day at a time before facing what awaits him in the future. “Obviously you want to be remembered for something when you come here, but it’s not something you can just plan and say that’s it,” Mihalic said. “Each game you have to do what it takes and all that will come after.”***

“It’s not about a con test of goals and as sists. They just want to continue to elevate and help the team,” Yeagley said. “They’re driven, and goals and assists will come with that. Just be ing a good college play er is not their end goal. They want to win and have a chance at the next level.”This season, Mihalic and Sarver’s approach has stayed the same. For Mihalic, he said this sea son is about “showing what you can do,” and Sarver assumed a “ruth less“Wementality.”hate losing to each other,” Sarver said. “That’s our main thing.” In a program with so much historical success on an individual and team level, forging a leg acy requires daily com petition. For the sopho more standouts, their healthy rivalry may help them reach that point.

INDIANA DAILY STUDENT | 2022 BIG TEN GUIDE | idsnews.comB5 No. 13

Then-freshman forward Tommy Mihalic possesses the ball in a game against Northwestern on Nov. 10, 2021, at Bill Armstrong Stadium. Indiana fell just short of defeating Clemson in a 2-3 match Aug. 26.


IU ARCHIVES Hobie Billingsley poses poolside in 1963. The legendary coach worked with divers at IU from 1959 to 1989.




MEN'S GOLF Indiana prepares for the 2022 men's golf season

Hobie led a life like no other

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By Nick Rodecap Hobart “Hobie” Billing sley, one of the most distin guished diving coaches in NCAA history, passed away on July 16, 2022, in Bloom ington at the age of 95. Some Hoosier fans may be unfamiliar with Billings ley, though his name should be just as synonymous with success as some of the great IndianaHoosiercoaches.diving teams coached by Billingsley won all six of the program’s na tional titles during his tenure which ran from 1959 through 1989. He coached numerous Olympic teams, individual Olympic and national cham pions, and revolutionized the sport like no one else be foreHailinghim. from Erie, Penn sylvania, Billingsley was a diving champion who exhib ited competitive excellence from his high school days. As a senior, he became the first high school diver to medal in an American Amateur Ath letic Union national cham pionship, claiming a bronze medal. After high school, Billing sley attended Ohio State Uni versity, earning an athletic scholarship and taking home national collegiate titles un der the guidance of 11-time national champion coach MikeFollowingPeppe. two years of service in the Army after his freshman campaign, Billing sley finished his physical ed ucation degree as a Buckeye in 1951. He received his mas ter’s from the University of Washington two years later. His competitive diving career had ended, but his coaching career was just be ginning.Billingsley got his start as a coach working at various high schools in California and Michigan from 1953 to 1957, all for a teaching sal ary of just $3,900 ($37,000 to day) and a coaching salary of $500 ($5,500 Billingsley’stoday).first big break came in 1957 when he became the second-ever, full-time diving coach in the country, leading the Ohio University Bobcats. Two years later, he left the Buck eye state to become the head coach of the IU Hoosiers. Billingsley quickly earned a reputation as a revolution ary coach. In a Sports Illus trated interview, Olympic diving gold medalist and collegiate diving coach Bob Clotworthy called Billingsley a “renegade, a crusader who will try Billingsleyanything.”coached using terms such as double-axis displacement as well as lin ear and transitory motion, meticulously applying laws of motion to the world of div ing despite scoring a 22% on his college physics final. Billingsley’s “renegade” coaching philosophy paid off — divers coached by the Pennsylvania native and his right-hand man, head swim ming coach James “Doc” Councilman, won a total of 115 national titles, includ ing six consecutive NCAA championships from 1968 through 1973, according an article published by the In ternational Swimming Hall of Fame.Standouts who trained under Billingsley include Ken Sitzberger and Lesley Bush, both of whom were gold medalists at the 1964 Tokyo Olympic games. He also coached Cynthia Potter, who holds the nationwide lead for women’s national titles with 28. In addition to his colle giate accomplishments, Bill ingsley also coached United States Olympic teams in 1968, 1972 and 1976. Billingsley not only got results, he also earned the re spect of his divers. “Hobie sold me on In diana University, what he planned to do and, most of all, on Hobie Billingsley,” Rick Gilbert, the first national champion in Billingsley’s program, said in 1962. For his numerous achievements, Billingsley was voted as American div ing coach of the year for seven consecutive years from 1964 through 1970 and elected to the International Swimming Hall of Fame in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in 1983.The leader of one of the greatest dynasties in college sports ended his coaching career in 1989, following 31 years of unparalleled suc cess.After retiring from coach ing, Billingsley remained in Bloomington as a teacher, recruiter and fundraiser. He judged Olympic diving in 1992 and 1996, reciting the Olympic Oath at the1996 games in Atlanta. He also ran a summer diving camp, mentoring coaches at home andBillingsley’sabroad. legacy is im mortalized in the national championship and Olym pic banners that hang in the Councilman Billingsley Aquatics Center, bearing his name on campus today.

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Coming off a disappoint ing end to their 2021 season, morale is high for Indiana head coach Mike Mayer as the men’s golf team gets ready to begin its 2022 sea son.“We’re not afraid of any body, we’re not going to be afraid of anybody, inside the Big Ten or outside the Big Ten,” Mayer said. “We’re going to face the best and be ready for the challenge.” The Hoosiers will kick off their season at the Fighting Irish Classic in Notre Dame, Indiana, on Sept. 4-5. Af ter a lackluster 12th place finish at last year's NCAA Regionals tournament, the Hoosiers are working hard to turn things around and earn an NCAA Finals ap pearance.“We’re trying to elimi nate those major mistakes and emphasize that if we get in trouble — which will hap pen — let’s get out of trouble and go for it,” Mayer said. Getting out of those tricky spots will be a key point of emphasis this sea son, Mayer said. The athletes know mistakes will happen, and must be prepared to get out of those difficult spots. “You’re going to hit bad shots and get into trouble,” Mayer said. “There’s no rea son to beat yourself up, it’s about embracing that next shot.”This mentality will be key for the Hoosiers, whose competitive schedule will involve some of the best teams in the nation. Mayer said the sched ule this season could be the strongest it’s been in his 25 years at Indiana. This tough schedule should help prepare and acclimate the Hoosiers for the difficult competition they will face in the Big Ten and NCAA tour naments in April and May, respectively.TheOlympia Fields In vitational will be one of the toughest golf tournaments of the season for the Hoo siers. The three-day tour nament will be Sept. 16-18, and will be an early oppor tunity for the Hoosiers to start the year strong. A key to a strong sea son will be the additions of freshman Cal Hoskins and senior Ferris State Univer sity transfer Thomas Hursey. Hoskins was one of Indi ana’s 2022 recruits and has been working diligently to get prepared for the season. Mayer said Hoskins has had a “really solid summer” of training and practicing. Hoskins missed the cut for the first weekend of com petition, but is only using this to motivate him further. “He sent me a text that he wants to be the best player to ever play here for me at Indiana University,” Mayer said.Hursey, Indiana’s other big offseason addition, was the 72nd ranked Division II golfer in the nation last year. So far, he has impressed coaches and his fellow play ers and has made an im mediate impact at practice, MayerMayersaid.said Hursey “fits the program well,” and will be a good addition to the squad. Hursey is set to be in the lineup and compete in the Fighting Irish Classic for theAsHoosiers.the2022 season gets underway, the Hoosiers will be put to the test early, but are prepared to face the challenges“ get beat up and knocked down by this game,” Mayer said “Now you’ve got to learn how to pick yourself up, dust your self off, and get back at it.”

4. Indiana men's cross country runners compete in the 8K Sept. 4, 2021, at the IU Championship 5.Course.Indiana University and University of Cincinnati swimmers dive into the water during a duel meet on Dec. 3, 2021, at the Consilman-Billingsley Aquatic 6.Center.Hoosier fans sing the IU Fight Song during an IU Football game at Memorial Stadium.

1 2 3 45 6


3. Then-graduate student Brooke Westbeld sets up a play to return the ball during IU volleyball’s game against Bowling Green State University on Aug. 29, 2021, at Hinkle Fieldhouse in Indianapolis.

IDS FILE PHOTOS 1. Then-freshman Drew Salyers follows through his swing after hitting the ball during the Hoosier Collegiate Invitational April 4, 2021, at the Pfau Golf Course. 2. IU women's soccer players celebrate during their game against Rutgers on Feb. 25, 2021.

You love watching sports. You love the Big Ten. I’m willing to bet you also love money, or at least begrudg ingly accept the crushing weight of its importance in society.Well, great news — those three cornerstones of your personality are now at center stage thanks to the seven-year, $7 billion me dia rights deal the Big Ten announced Aug. 18 in as sociation with Fox, CBS and NBC.By the time the contract expires in 2030, each mem ber school is expected to net between $80 and $100 million annually. That will include the University of Southern California and UCLA, which plan to join the conference in 2024. If you think that sounds like an absurd amount of money, it’s because it is. How do you even con ceptualize $7 billion? Is that good? It sure seems like a good deal to me, but any 10-figure contract is going to sound pretty sweet to someone who spends full minutes in the yogurt aisle debating whether he should buy the single-serving cups or the full tub to save on a price-per-ounce basis. But let’s assume it’s a good deal. Congratulations, Big Ten — way to get your bread up. Now what? For casual viewers of col legiate sports, this basically means more football and men’s basketball games on network television. Other sports will appear primar ily on FS1 or the Big Ten Network, meaning your grandparents will still need to purchase a cable package if they want to catch a swim meet in between four-hour binges of Fox News. Of course, the deal isn’t all about football. OK, I guess it’s mostly about foot ball — my god, that is so much money — but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t talk about the other sports. Not only will CBS con tinue to air select men’s bas ketball games throughout the regular season and con ference tournament, but for the first time, it will air the Big Ten women’s basketball tournament championship game.I’m definitely not say ing we should applaud the multibillion-dollar media conglomerate for doing the bare minimum in advanc ing women’s sports, but it would be cool to see a re play of Indiana graduate student guard Grace Berger draining a midrange shot in slow motion as the CBS NCAA basketball theme plays before cutting to a commercial.Theremaining non-reve nue sports should get more exposure on cable channels as football and basketball partially migrate to network TV. They also get to exist, which wouldn’t necessarily be the case without the new media rights deal. Indiana has been fortu nate to navigate the past few years without having to cut any of its athletic programs. The contract’s annual pay outs should afford that same luxury to schools that haven’t been as lucky. Obviously, the thought of nearly 20 sports’ survival hinging on the performance of two or three is not par ticularly pleasant. Welcome to college athletics. If you want a hobby mostly devoid of moral quandaries or exis tential dread, can I suggest knitting?However, the implica tions of the media rights deal aren’t all quite so murky. You may have noticed thus far there has been no mention of ESPN. That’s fairly uncommon in college sports media considering ESPN currently has broad casting rights to nine major NCAAPullingconferences.powerfrom ESPN creates more competition among networks, theo retically leading to a better product for viewers. As you may have learned in U.S. history class, monopolies generally aren’t great. Luck ily, this is America, where such an abuse of capitalism would never be allowed. Instead, we’re blessed with a good, old-fashioned oligopoly, just like God or George Washington or who everAtintended.thispoint, there’s one question that may still be rattling around in your head: does this mean schools are finally going to start paying players?Look, I see why you might look at an industry that leverages the skills of student athletes to generate ludicrous amounts of rev enue and think it’s a little gross to not pay those stu dent athletes. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I mean, just think of the poor, underserved univer sity administrators. This is only $7 billion we’re talking about after all.

By Bradley Hohulin | @BradleyHohulin

The Big Ten Conference headquarters on Aug. 21, 2020, in Rosemont, Illinois.

“I think golf is a sport where leadership sounds different,” May said. “They take care of their business. Some are vocal, some lead by experience.”Maysaidhe wants ev eryone on the team to be prepared and to treat golf as a priority. This season, there will be no freshmen on the roster, which May said will be a benefit to the team.One of the key additions to the Hoosiers is redshirt senior Alexis Florio. Florio, a transfer from Columbia University, set the school record for scoring average, scoring average vs. par, par or better rounds, rounds played, birdies, par-3 scor ing and par-4 scoring. In August, Florio, Clancey and junior Dominika Burdová, a transfer from GardnerWebb University, were named to the pre-season Big Ten Despitewatchlist.being ranked 151st in the country coming into the fall, May believes the Hoosiers will be well prepared when the season begins.“Iexpect to be competi tive,” May said. “I under stand where the program has been. I expect to show up and be prepared.” The Hoosiers will open their fall season Sept. 18 in Madison, Wisconsin at the Badger Invitational.

By Zeke Shapiro Indiana women’s golf head coach Brian May is no stranger to turning a pro gram around. The newly appointed coach helped the University of Kentucky reach the NCAA Champi onships for the first time in 29 years as an assistant coach in 2021. Now, he is looking to translate the success he had in the Southeastern Confer ence to the Big Ten. “Being at the power five level is exactly where I want to be,” May said. Along with the cham pionship appearance, May helped the Wildcats reach four NCAA postseason ap pearances and two indi vidual NCAA qualifiers. For May, the 2022 season will be his first head coaching job, but he said he is ready for the transition. “It was a long time com ing,” May said. “Kentucky did a great job of giving me the tools to be successful.” The Hoosiers are led by three seniors: Hanna Tanaka, Valerie Clancey, and transfer Alexis Florio. Despite being an individual sport, May believes the se niors play an integral part in the team’s performance.


COLUMN: Long-term takeaways from Indiana's comeback victory FOOTBALL


@foles24 Indiana finally lifted the weight of the world off its shoulders. Having won its first football game in 342 days, and its first Big Ten win in 636 days, the Hoo siers finally have a sense of relief.Not so fast. While the win provided a muchneeded momentum boost for the program, the Hoo siers are not out of the woods just because they got the win. While there were some really good signs for the rest of the season, there were also plenty of con cerns. Here’s what I picked up from the game: Indiana found its quarter back in Connor Bazelak Redshirt junior and Missouri transfer quarter back Connor Bazelak put on quite a show in his In diana debut. He threw for 330 yards and a touchdown and looked good doing so. His lone touchdown was a beautiful 52-yard throw to senior D.J. Matthews, and he spread the ball all over theAndfield.then there’s the ob vious: a near-perfect twominute drill on Indiana’s last drive to give the Hoo siers the lead with 23 sec onds remaining. After strug gling with injuries and poor play in 2020, quarterback play was not a concern in week one. The offensive line consis tently missed blocks As great as Bazelak was, he cannot play consistently at that high of a level if he doesn’t have time to throw. That’s what happened dur ing the second half before the 75-yard touchdown drive. The Hoosier offense had only 70 yards. Along with Bazelak fac ing constant pressure, all Indiana could muster in the run game was 32 yards on 26 attempts. You won’t win many football games with those numbers, especially in the Big Ten. Worst of all, the most consistent offen sive lineman, senior tackle Matthew Bedford, left with an injury in the third quar ter. The line has a long way to go if Indiana is going to continue on a winning trend. Indiana’s defense looks talented, but unpolished It was an up-and-down night for the defense. The Hoosiers allowed 448 yards of offense, but they forced five turnovers. They missed several tackles, allowing big plays to break open for Il linois, but they got stops whenever they needed it most — the highlight be ing a inaangamequarter.goal-linemomentum-shifting,standinthefourthForbeingIndiana’sfirstoftheseason,facingexcellentrungamefromteamwhohadalreadywonweekzero,theHoosiers looked relatively strong and really good down the stretch. Polish up the little things like finishing tackles, and the defense should return to its 2020 form. Cam Jones will be a star this season Jones, the senior line backer, was all over the field last night. He totaled 12 tack les, a game-high, and broke through for a sack. Along with his efforts on the field, Indiana head coach Tom Al len described Jones as “the heart and soul” of the team. Not trying to load him up with expectations, but one game in and he seems very capable of filling that role of NFL draftee Micah McFad den. If that’s so, the defense is in good hands. Indiana’s ‘no-huddle’ of fense is its best I was curious to see how Indiana would look under new offensive coordinator Walt Bell, and this was an unexpected wrinkle. The Hoosiers went no-huddle early, and it was working, until they couldn’t convert a third down. Uncoinciden tally, Indiana’s scoring drives were achieved through the up-tempo offense. While it may be unrealis tic to run the whole game, it should be implemented as much as possible. The 75yard game-winning drive was run in this fashion, and the offense was absolutely rolling.


By Will Foley

First year head coach Brian May looks to turn the Indiana women’s golf program around



IDS FILE PHOTO Fans celebrate an IU touchdown during a football game at Memorial Stadium.

COLUMN: The Big Ten can do a lot of good with its $7 billion media rights deal. Will it, though?

Last season, the Hoo siers finished fourth in men’s and fifth in women’s in the Big Ten Cross Coun try Championships. They enter the 2022 season with many new faces making their debuts for the team, as well as some familiar faces leading the Freshmenteam.Claire Over felt, Abe Eckman and Cole Raymond joined sopho mores Brenner Hanna, Au drey Mendrys and Jaylen Castillo in making their col legiate debuts at the Red hawkReturningRumble.runners such as Sanchez, last year’s Big Ten Freshman of the Year, and graduate student Sarah Schmitt will help lead this year’s men’s and women’s teams respectively into the new season. The two competed in the Big Ten Championships last sea son with Sanchez finishing 45th in the men’s event and Schmitt finishing 14th in the women’s event. The 2022 season will be a new start for some, but the last season for head coach Ron Helmer as he plans on retiring after this year. Helmer began his tenure as head coach for Indiana in 2007, when he led his first team to an NCAA appear ance where they finished 28th overall. Since then, he has coached 52 Big Ten champions and six NCAA champions for Indiana. The emotions surround ing his departure after 53 years of experience in the sport have not made this year different from any oth er, Helmer said. He is still committed to getting the most out of his athletes and coaching them to be the best they can be, he said. “Right now, coming to practice is a lot of fun,” he said. “Because they all show up ready to work and ready to do their job, and they’re having a good time withHelmerit.” retiring has not distracted the athletes ei ther, as the Hoosiers are just as focused on the work ahead as before. If any thing, it serves as more mo tivation for athletes such as Sanchez to do their best. “I think you can see it a little bit in the training that we’re putting in,” he said. “Out of respect for this man who’s been out here forever, we’re all doing it. We’re all here mostly be cause of him. We came out and wanted to be coached by him.”TheHoosiers will con tinue their season at 10 a.m. on Sept. 16 at the Coaching Tree Invitational on the IU Cross Country Course.

Then-freshman defender Yip van Wonderen dribbles the ball during a match against Michigan State University on Oct. 15, 2021, at the IU Field Hockey Complex.

PHOTO COURTESY OF IU ATHLETICS IU then-senior Arjun Jha runs during NCAA Great Lakes Regional on Nov. 12, 2021, in Evansville, Indiana.

By Owen McDonough

By Charlie Huiras

After ending last season with three straight losses at the American Collegiate Hockey Association Nation als immediately following a 15-game win streak and Tri-State Collegiate Hockey League Championship, Club Ice Hockey at Indiana enters the 2022-2023 season look ing to repeat and build on its success from a year ago. Andrew Weiss assumed head coaching duties for the club in the middle of last season on Nov. 10, 2021. The team had a somewhat shaky 6-5 start, but once he took over, the team went 21-3-1 to close out the year. “I told them, ‘Hey, this is going to be hard, but any thing you tackle in life is going to be hard,’” Weiss. “We had practice intensity, an overall buy-in and all 30 players were in a team atmo sphere. All the players can celed spring break plans to come out and practice. Last season was the first time since 2008 the Hoosiers qualified for a trip to nation als. After going on a mon strous run to end the season, Indiana beat back-to-back regular season champions Miami University to win the TSCHL Championship. Weiss said the team des perately wanted to win the championship to top off its historic streak, and they were ecstatic after hoisting the banner. It’s a feeling they won’t forget, he said. “To beat the eighthranked team in the confer ence, after not scoring in the first two games against them — to go out there, knowing how to play and playing how we played, it was a testament to the guys buying in,” Weiss said.Even though losses to Northeastern University, University of Mary and Wis consin at nationals erased the hopes of winning the ACHA D2 National Champi onship and ended Indiana’s season, there were many bright spots along the way. Last season, starting goalie Sammy Bilis accumu lated a .919 save percentage, averaging just over 30 saves a game and recording three shutouts with a starting re cord of 18-6. Jack Null, Indiana senior forward, emphasized this team was built on chemistry and a true bond, not just the talent the players possess. “Sammy’s one of the best kids I’ve met here at IU, and he’s definitely one of the best players on the team,” Null said. “Sammy influenced all the kids to not care about any hockey that was played be fore or after IU — staying fo cused on the here and now.” Among all ACHA Divi sion II hockey teams, In diana ranked 16th in total points, despite playing less games than all teams ranked above them. They had no is sue shooting the puck either, scoring 140 goals with only 83 allowed. The team’s top returning goal scorers are se nior Jack Kissell, along with sophomores Will Gerami, Ithan DeLorenzo and Tom my “Delo,MacDonald.MacDonald and Gerami have been unbeliev able additions to the team,” Null said. “Not only helping in this significant rebuild but coming in with a super posi tive attitude all throughout theTheseason.”season kicks off on a three-game home stretch where Indiana will face Con cordia University Wiscon sin in back-to-back games, then will take on Miami in a home/road game split. The Miami games may mean more than any other this season, with it being a rematch of a heated rivalry from last season that began when Indiana was shutout in the first two regular season matchups and ended with Indiana beating Miami for the TSCHL experiencedefinitely“Beatingchampionship.Miamiwasthemostunrealofmycollegecareer.Therewerepicturesofeveryone,includingmyselfgoingabsolutelycrazy,”IndianaseniorforwardAdamOffenbachsaid.“Weprovedpeoplewrongafterthinkingwehadnochanceofwinningtheleague.”Manyeyesareontheteamthisseasonastheycontinuetomakeanamefor themselves and take this pro gram to the next level. After having arguably its best sea son yet, the club is focused on continuing to build and making a run at this year’s national consin.ConcordiaSouthernp.m.willWeisssupportwefeltthebeing“Withchampionship.FrankSouthernthearenaitis,whenfanscomeout,it’strulyandappreciated,sohopetheyshowupandusonanotherrun,”said.IndianaClubIceHockeyopenitsseasonat9:30Sept.16attheFrankIceArenaagainstUniversityWis

@Charlie_Huiras When Indiana field hock ey left for its West Coast road trip last week, they had yet to win a game this season after two games. However, Indi ana left the weekend adding three wins to its season tally. After battling to two over time victories against Stan ford University and the Uni versity of California, Berke ley on Friday and Saturday, respectively, Indiana shut out the University of Califor nia, Davis to return home a perfect 3-0 on the weekend. Coming into its Friday night matchup at Stanford, Indiana was winless — hav ing lost to Kent State Univer sity and No. 6-ranked Liberty University to start the sea son. Even more, they had yet to score a goal. After ending regulation tied 2-2 against Stanford, Indiana went into overtime potentially looking at a third straight loss to begin its sea son.That was until the 68th minute, when sophomore midfielder Maggie Carter found the back of the net for the 3-2 win. Before Carter’s heroic shot, it was freshman midfielder Jule Hufer who scored the first two goals of her career to send the Hoo siers to Afterovertime.Fridaynight's nail biter, Indiana was only get ting started. The next day, Indiana traveled to Berkeley, California, to play California for the first meeting between the programs since 2015 where the Hoosiers lost 2-1. Both teams ended the first half scoreless, with great defense being shown on both sides. Despite an uneventful first half, the of fense picked up drastically in the second half. Califor nia's senior backfielder and midfielder Hanna Winn and junior forward Sara Stone both scored within five min utes out of the break. Things started looking bleak for Indiana as they entered the final quarter down 0-2. However, as the final quarter started, junior forward Jemima Cookson scored to bring the Hoosiers within one goal. Six minutes later in the 54th minute, she scored again to tie it up 2-2. For the second consecu tive day, Indiana had fought back from behind, but this time was led by Cookson. With under 60 seconds on the clock in overtime, freshman midfielder and forward Anna Mozeleski had a chance to win it for Indiana. Mozeleski stepped up and rifled a shot left of the keeper for the game winner for the Hoosiers sec ond 3-2 overtime win in a row.After the back-to-back overtime wins against Stan ford and Cal, Indiana fin ished its West Coast road trip against UC Davis on La borTheDay.Hoosiers took con trol early on by going up 1-0 just seven minutes into the match thanks to Mozelski. In the second half, it was sophomore forward Kayla Kiwak who sealed the Hoo sier win with a goal off of an assist from Cookson in the 54thDespiteminute.the shutout win, the Hoosiers took just 11 shots — with four of them on goal — compared to the Aggies' 21. However, only 7 of those 21 shots were on theIndianagoal. takes on Ball State University at home at 3 p.m. this Friday, and Bellar mine University at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 11. After the two-game weekend spurt in Bloomington, the Hoosiers will open up Big Ten play at Iowa on Sept. 16.

Indiana Club Ice Hockey aims to defend title





Indiana field hockey wins all three games over weekend in California


Women's cross country place second, men place third to open season

COURTESY PHOTO Junior forward Carter Bonecutter controls the puck during Indiana's club ice hockey game against the University of Kentucky on Nov. 20, 2021, at Frank Southern Ice Arena in Bloomington.

By Hunter Harrison Indiana cross coun try started its season with promising results as two Indiana runners finished in the top three at the Red hawk Rumble on Sept. 3 in Oxford, Ohio. Fourteen Indiana runners competed in the competition that in cluded host Miami Univer sity and the University of Cincinnati.TheHoosiers placed third overall in the men’s 8K race with a standout performance from junior Gabriel Sanchez. He fin ished first in the event with a time of 24:53.2. In the women’s 5K race, Indiana placed second overall with a third-place finish from junior Phoebe Bates. Bates ran a time of 17:47.1 with senior Alyssa Skorge finishing in fifth with a time of 17:56.5. The Redhawk Rumble served as a warm-up for the new season, so Indiana chose not to have their best possible squad compete, Sanchez said. “It’s a meet of not nec essarily 100% importance, but one where we can go out there and figure things out early on in the season,” Sanchez said. “I think for the guys that went and raced out there, it was a good indicator to see where we’re at in the season.” After the merging of two seasons into one year in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Hoosiers re turn to a normal schedule for the 2022 season. The pandemic caused many athletes who were in their final season to have one more year of eligibility, but after last season concluded, the older athletes reached the end of their eligibility and can no longer compete. This is something that San chez feels will help younger athletes this season. “I think it’ll even out the playing field,” he said. “Definitely it’s a confidence booster for us younger guys because we don’t have to compete with guys who should already be pro or have qualified for the Olympics.”

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