September 15, 2022

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Senior linebacker Aaaron Casey makes a tackle Sept. 10, 2022, at Memorial Stadium. Indiana beat the University of Idaho 35-22 and advanced to a 2-0 record.

TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICES Starting Sept. 15, Indiana’s Senate Bill 1 will ban abortion in most cases. Now, students working to become the next generation of OB-GYNs are facing complicated choices about their futures.

She said she doesn’t want to practice anywhere with strict abortion laws, including her home state of Missouri and “most likely” Indiana.It’simportant for doctors to make the women they’re treating comfortable, L.W. said. For her, the Indiana ban added more stress to her life. She has long-term career goals, she said, and having a child would knock her off that path.

Jacobs School of Music will present this opera with two different casts from Sept. 16-17 and 23-24 at the Musi cal Arts “DonCenter.Giovanni” tells the story of the titular wealthy nightclub owner who seeks nothing but the means to his own pleasure. Over the course of two days, he sinks deeper and deeper into the conse

This dark opera is told in two acts, with music by Amadeus Mozart and an Ital ian libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte. The score by Mozart remains as iconic as the rest of his work, but also remains a challenge to sing due to its complex composition. Yun tong Han, an IU grad student playing Don Ottavio in one cast, took the challenge as a test rather than a burden.

passage of Indiana’s Senate Bill 1, which banned abor tion starting Sept. 15 except in cases of rape, incest or risks posed to the life of the pregnant person, accord ing to NPR. Now, students working to become the next generation of OB-GYNs are facing complicated choices about their futures.

emotions of the characters in the“It’sshow.not the high notes but it’s the tessitura,” Han said.

Abortion ban poses questions for future OB-GYNs

The ever-iconic purple curtain of the Musical Arts Center rises, contrasting be hind it the dark, grey and grimy set representing 1950s New York City. As smoke drifts across the stage, the at mosphere is ominous — the perfect setting for a story like “Don Giovanni” to unfold.

Indiana men’s basketball schedule vs. Marian | Oct. 29 | Ex hibitionvs.Saint Francis | Nov. 3 | Exhibitionvs.Morehead State | Nov.vs.7 Bethune-Cookman | Nov.at10Xavier University | Nov. 18 | Gavitt Games vs. Miami (OH) | Nov. 20

of the blame on the media attention surrounding Dr. Caitlin Bernard, an Indiana doctor and abortion provid er who provided an abortion to a 10-year old girl from Ohio before the Indiana ban. She was heavily criti cized by conservative media outlets and Indiana Attor ney General Todd Rokita.

dent prior to the game's start that Indiana would need to run the ball to win. The Hoo siers would go on to finish with 239 total rushing yards against the Vandals.

fresh IDS Indiana Daily Student | Thursday, September 15, 2022 Indiana football

By Jacob Spudich | @spudichjacob

Idaho struck first blood early in the second quarter with a short 1-yard pass from redshirt freshman quarter back Gevani McCoy to defeats

David Drettwan, a firstyear IU graduate student, plays the titular character in one cast. Despite the twisted nature of Giovanni, he found the role intriguing from an acting“Hestandpoint.isanexercise in moti vation because ‘what does he want’ and ‘how does he get it’,” Drettwan said. “There’s this manipulation aspect to him where he’ll say whatever you want to hear to get what he wants.”Throughout the show,

Opera 'Don Giovanni' to open on Sept. 16 at the MAC

The start of the game looked encouraging for the Hoosiers. Their defense forced back-to-back Idaho three and outs and found themselves with great starting field posi tion after back-to-back Idaho punts fell short of the 50-yard

IDS FILE PHOTO BY ALEX PAUL Then-senior forward Race Thompson looks to pass the ball March 5, 2022, at Mackey Arena in West Lafayette, Indiana. The Big Ten Conference announced the 2022-2023 men’s basketball slate Thursday, and Indiana athletics released the team’s full schedule shortly after.


Ethan Upchurch, who plays Masetto, and Jimin Jeong, who plays Zerlina, perform in the IU Jacobs School of Music Opera and Ballet Theater’s production of “Don Giovanni” on Sept. 13, 2022, in the Musical Arts Center. The music school will present this opera with two different casts Sept. 16-17, 23-24 at the Musical Arts Center.

| Indianapolis, Indiana vs. Little Rock | Nov. 23 vs. Jackson State | Nov. 25 vs. North Carolina | Nov.

“It makes me want to try, to see where I am,” Han said. “While also enjoying the beautiful melody of the show.”

A majority of Indiana legislators support the ban, passing the House 62-38 and the Senate 28-19, and the Indiana public has shown support across social media.L.W., a sophomore on the pre-med track, plans on becoming an OB-GYN and opening her own practice, she said. L.W. has asked not to be named in the story for privacy reasons.

The vocal challenge lies in the layout of the notes, as the complex structure woven by Mozart varies in pitch and tempo. It is constantly chang ing to reflect the frenzied

The Hoosiers’ noncon ference schedule, which had already been posted prior to the Big Ten match ups, is considered one of the most challenging in all of college basketball by analysts and fans. With op ponents like reigning na tional champion University of Kansas, runner-up Uni versity of North Carolina and a Sweet 16-qualifying University of Arizona pro gram within a sub-threeweek span, Indiana will have plenty of challenges in preparation for conference play.Still, the second half of the season for head coach Mike Woodson and the Hoosiers won’t be much easier. Indiana will face Rutgers in Piscataway, New Jersey, and Nebraska at home in between the North Carolina and Arizona con tests at the beginning of December.OneofIndiana’s biggest

She said her mom re galed her with tips on how to stay safe after the SB1 vote, but she feels IU hasn’t done anything. None of her professors, except for an ethics debate class, have even mentioned the change. Students, though, have spo ken out, shared resources and protested, she said.

surprised when she heard that Roe v. Wade had been overturned, but she said the decision rattled people she knew. She said many of the pre-med students she knows are still set on becoming OB-GYNs, but they’re scared to consider practicing in Indiana in the future.“Ifyou’re young like me, and you can go anywhere to practice, you probably won’t want to go to a red state, where your license can be

Ada Port, a senior study ing molecular life science on the pre-med track at IU, said she was heartbroken to hear about Bernard and the young girl’s situation. Peo ple want to blame abortions on poor decisions, Port said, but abortions are necessary for many reasons.

taken away or you can’t pro vide the best care for your patients,” Guthrie said. “You work so hard for this mo ment to become a doctor, so much work and money and effort, and you’re not going to want to put that at risk.”

“That definitely makes me feel more comfortable on campus, that more peo ple feel the same way that I do,” L.W. said. “IU as an institution I don’t think has done a whole bunch, but I do think the students are working hard.”

IU announces 2022-2023 full schedule MEN'S BASKETBALL

“The way he wrote the opera is difficult for everyone, there are notes between the high register and the middle regis ter that need to be sung.”

Morgan Guthrie was still asleep on June 24 when the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was announced. She woke to a text from her mother: “Don’t look at the news.” Guthrie, a sophomore, is one of many pre-med stu dents returning to IU’s cam pus after the Dobbs v. Jack son Women’s Health Orga nization decision and the

After a quiet first half on the offensive side, Indiana football defeated the Universi ty of Idaho 35-22 on Saturday night at home to improve to 2-0 on the season.

“It’s really scary,” Guth rie said. “It just makes you wonder what’s going to hap penGuthrienext.” said she wasn’t

In last week’s win against Illinois, Indiana was just able to muster 32 rushing yards. This week, with a nonstop downpour of rain, it was evi

Giovanni uses and abandons those around him in pursuit of his own pleasure. Using a clock projected on stage, the audience can see how much damage this one man can do to the people around him in just two days.

Indiana wakes up in second half, squeaks past Idaho

“He is the catalyst for other characters' arcs,” Drettwan said, “even though he remains sort of Onesteadfast.”ofthe characters heavily impacted by Giovanni is Donna Anna, who at the start of the show is assaulted offstage by Giovanni while he poses as her fiancée Don Ot tavio. Sophia Hunt, a first year Performance Diploma stu dent at IU, plays the emotion ally complex character and saw Donna Anna’s quest for

The article places some


By Emma Pawlitz | @emmapawlitz

line.However, a missed field goal followed by a turnover on downs from Idaho’s 1-yard line meant the Hoosiers would come up blank on con secutive red zone trips.


quences of his actions, ulti mately leading to his doom.

tests will come on Jan. 19 against Illinois in Cham paign, Illinois. The Hoo siers and Illini sit at the top of many analysts’ Big Ten preseason rankings, and a true road game at State Farm Arena will provide an electric environment.

By Gino Diminich | @GinoDiminchII

By Nadia Scharf | @nadiaascharf

Port said she doesn’t know exactly how the Roe decision will affect her fu ture, but she can see it af fecting where she lives. More than that, though, she said it’ll affect her future pa tients.“Ithink a lot of doctors in the gynecology field will not want to be in states where there are abortion bans,” Port said. “I think that’ll limit those states’ access to good women’s healthcare when it already is so hard to find.”Port was diagnosed with endometriosis while she was at IU and, while a pain ful process, it’s what solidi fied her interest in the pro fession. But the condition is linked to pregnancy risks and could require termina tion, which may become il legal under Indiana law as of Sept. 15.

Guthrie and her friends aren’t alone. According to a recent NPR article, many young OB-GYNs are consid ering leaving Indiana, likely leaving some women with out access to care.


The final five games of the regular season are ar guably one of the most dif ficult stretches of play. Indi ana will face Illinois, Michi gan State, Purdue, Iowa and Michigan, with away games against the Spartans and Boilermakers. The results of the Hoosiers’ homestretch could make or break their national ranking heading into the Big Ten and NCAA Tournaments.Withaslew of return ing talent and momentum from the 2021-2022 season, Indiana is hopeful for its best season in recent years. Both the nonconference and Big Ten schedules are far from a walk in the park for the Hoosiers, but if they can outplay some of the country’s best teams in big games, Indiana just might find itself near the top of the conference and the country for the majority of the 2022-2023 season.


The Big Ten Conference announced the 2022-2023 men’s basketball slate on Thursday, and Indiana ath letics released the team’s full schedule shortly after.

ThomasMaddiesaid.Butler, Title IX coordinator for IU Student Government, said one rea son first-year students are at a higher risk for sexual vio lence is because they don’t yet have established sup port networks. People who look to enact sexual violence know this, she said, and look for people who don’t seem to be surrounded by support networks.Many first-year students

The current state budget, which was passed last year, broke from the federal defini tion of adjusted gross income on several issues for tax pur poses. This paved the way for the American Rescue Plan Act’s student loan forgive ness provision being exempt from the state code.

“During the Red Zone, that really gets taken away because when students are new to campus they haven’t been exposed to those op tions yet,” she said.

“A lot of students come here and they may have nev er been exposed to this type of language or these topics before,” she said. “Which isn’t uncommon, but it just means that we have to work twice as hard to make sure that people are being cogni zant of who they’re around and making sure that what they’re saying is not insensi tive.”While parties, especially fraternity parties, are known for being hotspots for sexual violence, Pastore said she believes that seeing a collab orative effort to fight sexual

The City of Blooming ton is proposing an in crease in monthly trash fees for 2023.

The proposed change comes as part of Mayor John Hamilton’s 2023 bud get proposal. The change would eliminate the city’s general fund subsidy for sanitation services over the next three years.

pay into the city’s general fund, trash collection is only offered to single-fam ily homes and homes with four units or less.

in next year’s tax bill. There are specific excep tions for some types of stu dent loan debt forgiveness, including any loan forgive ness resulting from death or total and permanent disabil ity. These exceptions cannot be taxed.Indiana’s tax rate is 3.23%, meaning Indiana residents will pay $323 in state income tax for each $10,000 of stu dent loan forgiveness. This does not include county level taxes which will be added on top of Thethat.Monroe County tax rate is 1.35%, which adds $135 for each $10,000 of stu dent loan forgiveness.

Editor’s Note: This story includes mention of sexual violence.

One reason students are more at-risk during their freshman year is because of the risks that come with independence, said Sally Thomas, director for sexual violence prevention and stu dent advocacy at the Office of Sexual Violence Preven tion and Student Advocacy.

IU’s website lists resourc es for reporting, such as con tact information for the Of fice of Student Conduct and campusThomasauthorities.saidshe is on call at OSVPVA 24 hours, seven days a week. Students can choose to file a report and pursue an investigation, or to only file a report. IU will only move forward with an inves tigation if a student doesn’t pursue one in rare cases where there is a larger threat to campus safety.

City proposes increase in monthly trash fees

The fee increase will need to be approved by the city council Oct. 12, 2022.

“If they do move forward without the student — the survivor — requesting it, the survivor is told and kept up

haven’t yet been exposed to thorough bystander inter vention training, Butler said, which can make them less equipped to help and sup port their friends. According to IU’s 2019 Community At titudes and Experiences with Sexual Assault and Miscon duct Survey, 56% of under graduate women and 63% of undergraduate men said they had received bystander intervention education be fore coming to IU.

Although all taxpayers

States like Indiana follow a static basis which means they mostly follow the Inter nal Revenue Code but only as it reads on a fixed date, with the date being routinely up dated.There are also some states that follow a version of the

President Joe Biden an nounced in August 2022 that the U.S. government will for give federal loan debt of up to $10,000 for individuals mak ing less than $125,000 a year.

“This is the first time that many first-year students have been away from home and not familiar with their surroundings, not famil iar with how to get back to campus, what resources are available,” she said.


The Indiana State House sits in downtown Indianapolis. Indiana is one of seven states that will tax the federal student loan debt forgiven under President Biden’s plan at the state and local level.

The Department of Pub lic Works is predicting fees for the smallest bins could increase from $6.51 per month to $9.75, according to Indiana Public Media.

For middle-sized bins, pay ments could increase from $11.61 to $18.25, and large bin fees could increase from $18.52 to $31.50.

IDS FILE PHOTO BY COLIN KULPA Recycling bins are seen Feb. 5, 2019, in Spruce Hall. The City of Bloomington is proposing an increase in monthly trash fees.

“Just build a commu nity that, in terms of the language we use, in terms of the support we provide, is condemning sexual violence and is supporting our friends who are opening up about their experiences.”

Butler said one of the strongest ways students can feel supported is when they feel like they know what their options for reporting are.

Here is more information about what the Red Zone is, why it happens and what students need to know to protect themselves and others:

dated,” Thomas said. “That helps a lot of the survivors we workOSVPVAwith.” focuses on be ing transparent, so students know what they are going into when they report as much as possible, Thomas said.“We’re not going to sugar coat. We’re not going to en courage or force someone to report. We’re going to lay out all the facts,” she said.

The Red Zone is widely known as the period from the beginning of the fall semes ter to Thanksgiving break. During this time, sexual as saults cases have spiked on college campuses across the U.S. The Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network re ports that more than 50% of college sexual assaults oc cur in August, September, October or November, and that students are at an in creased risk during the first few months of their first year of college.Thephenomenon of the Red Zone has been studied since at least 2007, when the Department of Justice’s Campus Sexual Assault Sur vey found that 84% of wom en survivors reported being sexually assaulted during their first four semesters on campus. The Red Zone has since been studied and re ported on by several institu tions and outlets, such as the Center for Women and Fami lies and multiple universities like the University of Ten nessee at Chattanooga and Brown University.

Editor’s Note: Maddie Butler previously worked for the Indiana Daily Student.

code before the American Rescue Plan Act, which al lows student loan forgiveness to be taxed. Those states do have the ability to change and add the exclusions separately or decide to follow the updat ed version to make the loan forgiveness tax free. Even though Indiana has followed a post-American Rescue Plan Act version of the code, they have chosen to separate from the act on this issue.

violence will bring out the best“Insolution.reality, it’s an issue that we all face together,” Pastore said.

The ‘Red Zone’: First-year students especially at risk for sexual violence

Thomas said she wants survivors to know it is always okay to speak up when they feel uncomfortable or when someone else is making them uncomfortable.

Bell Pastore, IUSG’s stu dent body vice president, said the most important part of helping incoming fresh men to be aware is getting the messaging out.

NEWS2 Sept. 15, 2022 Indiana Daily Student Editors Salomé Cloteaux, Emma Herwehe, Marissa news@idsnews.comMeador The Indiana Daily Student publishes on Thursdays throughout the year while University classes are in Partsession.ofIU Student Media, the IDS is a self-supporting auxiliary University enterprise. Founded on Feb. 22, 1867, the IDS is chartered by the IU Board of Trustees, with the editor-in-chief as final content authority. The IDS welcomes reader feedback, letters to the editor and online comments. Advertising policies are availale on the current rate card. Readers are entitled to single copies. Taking multiple copies may constitute theft of IU property, subject to Paidprosecutionsubscriptions are entered through third-class postage (USPS No. 261960) at Bloomington, IN 47405 m Newsroom: 812-855-0760 Business Of ce: 812-855-0763 Fax: 812-855-8009 Vol. 155, No. 27 © 2022 130 Franklin Hall • 601 E. Kirkwood Ave. • Bloomington, IN 47405-1223 Cate Charron Editor-in-Chief Lexi Lindenmayer & Nic Napier Managing Editors Haripriya Jalluri Creative Director Carson Terbush Managing Editor of Digital Natalie Ingalls Managing Editor of Engagement Greg Menkedick Advertising Director

However, the Indiana Department of Revenue has confirmed they will be taxing student loan debt into a tax payer’s income to pay state and local income taxes.

Last year, Congress passed the American Rescue Plan Act which included a

provision that would exempt student loan debt removed from 2021-2025 from being taxed. This helped set up the framework for Biden autho rizing tax-free student loan forgiveness.Regardless of the act, states can incorporate parts of the federal tax code into their own taxation system to a certain extent. This means they can automatically adopt changes as they are made at the federal level.

With students back on campus also comes parties, late nights and unfamiliar people.Asstudents work to find their bearings on campus and adjust to college life in the first few months, sexual assaults spike — leaving firstyear students particularly vulnerable.Thisiswhat’s called the “Red Zone,” a period of time each fall regarded as the most dangerous for sexual assaults on campus.

Thomas said there are often more parties at places like dorms and fraternity houses during the begin ning of the school year. She emphasized that, even if someone is drinking, sexual assault is never their fault. Alcohol is a factor, she said, because perpetrators often take advantage of those who have been drinking.

Thomas said Confidential Victim Advocates can assist students with tasks like pre paring statements and get ting extensions and excused absences, and they can give students updates on investi gations and meet with them to talk through their feelings.

“I think we need to do a lot more to empower people to feel comfortable saying, ‘You’re creeping me out, please stop,’” she said.

Indiana to tax student loan forgiveness

By Natalie Fitzgibbons | @NatalieFitz9

“We know that there are many perpetrators who use alcohol as a way to make someone compliant to fa cilitate sexual misconduct,”

Indiana is one out of seven states that is on track to tax the debt discharged under Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan at the state and local level. If the forgive ness plan goes accordingly to Biden’s plan, Indiana resi dents will see this added tax

IUSG will also be hold ing a Red Zone forum 6 p.m. Sept. 28 in Whittenberger Auditorium, aimed at help ing students know their op tions for reporting and how to support others. The forum will include a panel with members from the OSVPVA, student representatives and faculty experts on genderbasedButlerviolence.saidshe wants stu dents to know they are justi fied in any course of action they choose to take in terms of dealing with the aftermath of and healing from sexual violence. She said students should inform themselves about what they can do to support their friends.

What is the “Red Zone?”

Butler said the process of reporting an assault can be inherently retraumatiz ing because survivors often have to relive the experience. She said IUSG is working on

By Christina Avery | @christym_avery

By Christina Avery | @christym_avery

a Title IX training which they hope to finish by the end of the year. The training will provide information to those thinking about reporting in cidents of sexual violence.

Why does the Red Zone occur?

How can I report an inci dent and what resources are available?


The crisis in Jackson is just the latest in America’s long history of racism and inequality. In Jackson, resi dents wait in long lines to receive bottled water. In neighboring Ridgeland, with its white majority popula tion, there is no crisis at all.

On Sept. 2, Serena Williams played her last match in the U.S. Open in Flushing, New York. After a three-hour-long match, she was eliminated by Ajla Tomljanovic in the third round at Arthur Ashe Stadium. At the end of the match, Williams expressed gratitude for the accomplishments she has made so far to various news networks.Williams was born in Saginaw, Michigan, in 1981. In 1996, she debuted at her first tennis tournament at just 14 years old. She claimed her first singles title in 1999 at the U.S. Open, and she eventually ended up winning 23 Grand Slam singles titles and 14 Grand Slam doubles titles. She was also able to compete in the Olympics and win four gold medals. In her entire career, she earned $94.5 million in prize“It’smoney.been the most in credible ride and journey I’ve ever been on in my life,” Williams said to an oncourt reporter. “I’m just so grateful because you got me


Editors Jaicey Bledsoe, Da’Nasia blackvoices@idsnews.comPruitt

Serena Williams plays her final match before retirement

Upon retirement, Wil liams is still one win short of taking Margaret Court’s record of having the most Grand Slams title wins — 24 to be exact. However, Williams has expressed contentment in her own ac complishments and looks back on her matches fondly.

of what she’s done,” fourtime Grand Slam cham pion Naomi Osaka said on Twitter. “I wouldn’t be here without Serena, Venus, and her whole family.” IU students also re sponded to the retirement announcement.“She’sdone so much,” IU sophomore Mackenzie Lee said. “She’s a very accomplished athlete, so why not quit while you’re ahead?”IUsophomore Tyler Nie dermeyer said it was cool to watch her play and she was the greatest to ever do it.

And while the crisis in Jackson is currently the worst of such crises in America, it is far from the only one. From Baltimore to Honolulu, thousands of Americans don’t have access to clean drinking water, the majority of them being poor people of color.

America has benefit ted enormously from the exploitation of the work ing class, and in particular Black Americans who, for much of American history, were compensated nothing for their labor. It is they who suffer through such crises as that in Jackson. The rich and

My sister attends the University of Notre Dame. Until the very end of the football season last year and into the beginning of this season, she told me how the student body con tinued to support the foot ball team. There is never a dull moment on game day.

as the weather gets colder. It’s harder to find motiva tion to attend games when the losing streaks increase game-by-game. The Big Ten Network, and other providers, broadcast IU football games right into the confines of the student bodies’ accommodations. This became easier due to widespread internet access and the latest technology trends.Attending football games stays an integral part of the IU Hoosier experience. We are lucky to have a huge stadium and the opportu nity to buy low-cost tickets.


TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE Serena Williams hits a return to Ajla Tomljanovic during their U.S. Open third-round match Sept. 2, 2022 at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in New York.

If someone is not a season football ticket holder, there are many GroupMe chats and IU Classified posts that allow one to find discount ed resale tickets.


If many students at tend games, this will pro vide a way for students to meet new people. Intro duce yourself to the person on the right and left of the group of people you came in with.Many students can recall a time when they were rec ognized for an accomplish ment or achievement. Take time to consider student athletes work hard for simi

lar recognition in weekly competitions. Why should their demanding work be ignored?Give your fellow Hoo siers the recognition they deserve. They work hard daily to represent the uni versity. Think about when we play Purdue on Nov. 26. Our community bragging rights against Purdue de pend on how our athletes and peers perform. Show the players we be lieve they will win by show ing up to the game in sup port.

Today, Black Americans struggle to escape poverty and as a consequence their cities fall into disrepair due to a lack of resources.

Last season, my parents took a trip down to Bloom


Students, this is not the time to give up on being an IU sports fan

Indiana Daily Student

My argument is simple. Many Black Americans have been impoverished due to centuries of slavery and op pression, from which no reparations were ever given.

Now, residents once again have water, but it’s still been deemed unsafe to drink, and government offi cials have said the crisis is far fromTheover.population of Jack son is nearly 83% Black. Fol lowing school desegregation in the 1970s, many white res idents of Jackson moved into neighboring cities in a phe nomenon known as “white flight.” Wealthier Black resi dents followed them in re cent decades. This resulted in less tax money for the city to repair its crumbling infra structure, some of which is a century old.

vate water services cost the typical household 59% more money than public services, according to Food and Water Watch. In Jackson, a quarter of the population already live in poverty – an increase in their water bills would only make things worse.

My support for the Hoo siers rests on the expecta tion that they could win. But the team’s continued losses in fall of 2021 weren’t assisting my fight against

Students become lazier

“No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part

News of Williams’ retire ment inspired many other celebrities to examine her impact on tennis and this new era of “Congratulations,sport. Ser ena, for your heart, skill, intelligence, dedication, and grace,” Barack Obama, the former president of the U.S., said on Twitter. “Few athletes have inspired more people both in and beyond their“You’resport!”a GOAT,” LeBron James, an All-Star NBA player, said on Twitter. “What you’ve done for the sport of tennis, what you’ve done for women and what you’ve done for the category of sport, period, is unprecedented.”“IthinkI’m a product

John Hultquist (he/him) is a senior communitystudyinghealth.

infrastructure. The old infra structure cannot withstand heavy flooding. The result is crisis.But good luck trying to get conservatives to admit this. Mississippi’s Repub lican officials flail about trying to pin the crisis on Democratic mismanage ment. Additionally, officials from both parties have even suggested privatizing Jack son’s water system, as if the simple fact of turning over the water system to capital ists will magically resolve everything.Privatization is the last thing the city of Jackson needs. For one thing, pri

Sept. 15, 2022

poor do not suffer equally.

“I feel like I’ve already won, figuratively, mentally,” Williams said to the New York Times.

Enriching shareholders with no democratic account ability is a terrible solution to the crisis in Jackson. What is needed is a massive re distribution of wealth and resources to those who con tinue to be marginalized due to historical oppression.

3OPINION Indiana Daily Student Editors Sean Gilley, Elizabeth opinion@idsnews.comValadezSept. 15, 2022

In America, racism is even found in the drinking water

Many athletes were re cruited by athletic profes sionals to play for such a large competitive school, increasing revenue and en suring competitive weekly games. There are many rea sons we should attend these games on a weekly basis.

For racism to be ad equately addressed, it is necessary to address the economic inequalities it has caused. To paraphrase Mal colm X, it is not progress to remove a knife from some one’s back. Ending legal segregation was never go ing to be enough. Progress is healing the wound – it is, as Smith said, giving the people their share of the produce of theirThelabor.debt America owes to its Black citizens must be paid, for it is very long over due.

The city of Jackson, Mis sissippi, is in crisis. Since late July, the city has been under a boil-water notice due to water system failures and massive flooding. Ear lier this month, over 150,000 Jackson residents did not have any access to water.

Jared Quigg (he/him) is a junior studying journalism and political science.

of the members are poor and miserable,” philoso pher Adam Smith wrote. “It is but equity, besides, that they who feed, clothe, and lodge the whole body of the people, should have such a share of the produce of their own labor, as to be them selves tolerably well fed, clothed, and lodged.”

here.”Williams’ retirement was initially announced in Vogue on Aug. 9. After 27 years of playing profes sional tennis, she expressed interest in pursuing other ventures. Williams ex pressed conflicted feelings when it came to walking away, saying she doesn’t like to use the word “retire ment” and calling it “the hardest thing that (she) could ever imagine.”

“That’s pretty weird be cause she’s like the face of tennis, for me anyway,” IU junior Corbin Hughes said. “She’s like one of the only tennis players I know.”

What I’m describing is racism. It is not racism as it is usually thought of, not per sonal prejudice, but racism nonetheless.Forhow can it be any thing else? It was racism that thrust millions of people into poverty. It was racism that drove white people out of the cities and into the suburbs. The cities find themselves drained of re sources due to racism. Lack of resources prevents the cit ies from repairing their old

my sister’s claim that IU has no spirit within the student body. As Memorial Stadium games continued on cold weekend days, attendance dropped weekend after weekend, or at least that’s how it appeared as a stu dent section attendee.

By Jay Upshaw

ington for the IU versus Rut gers game Nov. 13, and the 38-3 loss was brutal in the November cold. While my parents are always happy to make the familiar trek from Chicago down I-65, the at tendance rates shocked them. Memorial Stadium remained full of open seats in allThesections.sound of cheers was nearly nonexistent. The saddest moment of the game was when IU fans cheered louder for the shirt less students in the nose bleeds than they did for the athletes on the field.

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man wide receiver Jordan Dwyer, giving the Vandals a 7-0

Monroe Hospital is an award winning 32-bed hospital located in beautiful Bloomington, Indiana. A member of the Prime Healthcare health system, Monroe Hospital is committed to providing Bloomington and surrounding communities a choice for superior healthcare, ever mindful of each patient’s individual and unique needs.

Eric Smith, M.D. Dave Elkins, P.A.C.

Unlike the first half, the drive wouldn’t stall out from there as back-to-back connec tions from Bazelak to gradu ate senior wide receiver DJ Matthews Jr. propelled the Hoosiers inside the Vandal’s five-yard line.


Getting into a rhythm in the second half played a big factor for the offense’s turn around in the second half, Ba zelakShiverssaid. was also a main contributor for the Hoosiers' offense. After just 28 yards on 15 carries a week ago, he exploded for 155 yards on 20 attempts and a touchdown on Saturday.Despite the Hoosier’s double-digit win, Allen was frustrated with his team’s per formance.“That’s not acceptable in my mind,” Allen said. “As far as the standard with which we have to play, there are too manyAllenmistakes.”acknowledged the difference between halves af ter the “Wegame.just can't wait until halftime to start playing foot ball,” Allen said.

While this production has been “modernized,” — now taking place in the ‘50s with Giovanni as a night club owner as opposed to a nobleman — the produc tion is in no way negatively impacted by this change. Hunt, who has done updat ed versions of “Don Giovan ni” in the past, supported the modernization of the show, citing its timeless themes as a primary reason.

Sept. 15, 2022 | Indiana Daily Student | idsnews.com4 Health Spotlight Physicians the care and services you need to stay healthy at PAID ADVERTISINGThe Health Directory is your guide to health and wellness in the Bloomington area.


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“We’re still so drawn to this because these charac ters are so human,” Hunt said. “Parts of them exist in us now. I think we can all think of Don Giovanni’s in our lives so it’s not tied to a time period in the same way other stories might be.”

Go Hoosiers!

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Jackson Creek Dental is conveniently located on South College Mall Road. Most insurances accepted, including the Indiana University Cigna Insurance plans as well as the IU Fellowship Anthem.Dr. Tschetter and Dr. Hoye offer state of the art dental technology such as Zoom whitening, same day crown appointments, and Invisalign. We also provide restorative, cosmetic and emergency care. We pride ourselves in giving the best care to our patients while offering a pleasant yet professional atmosphere.

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the rain stopped in the second quarter, the Hoo siers' offense didn’t bother to start in its place. The Hoosiers responded to the Vandals' touchdown with a fumble from senior running back Josh Henderson on the following drive.The lone bright spot in the first half for the Hoosiers was freshman Dasan McCullough notching a pair of sacks. Mc Cullough would finish with five total tackles. Postgame, head coach Tom Allen cred ited McCullough’s attention to detail and seriousness throughout preparation.

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29 along with a pair of touch downs and one interception.

“This is her form of dealing with what has hap pened,” Hunt said. “She’s always had a lot of hope — which I think is very human.

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backfield and ran right down the middle, stretching across the goal line into the endzone to put the Hoosiers on the scoreboard.Onthenext drive, in Ida ho’s attempt to respond, a bad snap sailed into the endzone and was quickly jumped on by McCoy, but the Idaho quar terback was unable to avoid the safety. The defensive score brought Indiana within one point, trailing 10-9.


30 | ACC/Big Ten Chal lengeatRutgers | Dec. 3 vs. Nebraska | Dec. 7 vs. Arizona | Dec. 10 | Las Vegas, Nevada at Kansas | Dec. 17 vs. Elon | Dec. 20 vs. Kennesaw State | Dec. 23 at Iowa | Jan. 5 vs. Northwestern | Jan. 8 at Penn State | Jan. 11 vs. Wisconsin | Jan. 14 at Illinois | Jan. 19 vs. Michigan State | Jan.at22Minnesota | Jan. 25 vs. Ohio State | Jan. 28 at Maryland | Jan. 31 vs. Purdue | Feb. 4 vs. Rutgers | Feb. 7 at Michigan | Feb. 11 at Northwestern | Feb. 15 vs. Illinois | Feb. 18 at Michigan State | Feb.at21Purdue | Feb. 25 vs. Iowa | Feb. 28 vs. Michigan | Mar. 5 Big Ten Tournament | Mar. 8-12 | Chicago, Il linois FOOTBALL

Starting with the touch down and safety to start the second half, the Hoosiers scored 29 unanswered points in the first 16 minutes of the second half. Despite giving up a couple more touchdowns in the fourth quarter including a 71-yard Idaho pass from Mc Coy to redshirt sophomore Michael Graves, Indiana stayed in control by tacking on another touchdown from senior running back Shaun Shivers and eventually win ningAfter35-22.ending the first half with 110 total yards, Indiana finished with 436 yards of of fense. Bazelak finished for 197 passing yards, going 16-

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In diana drive, redshirt junior quarterback Connor Bazelak overthrew junior wide receiv er Cam Camper and instead found Idaho sophomore

The Hoosiers went into the locker room trailing 10-0, totaling just 110 yards of total offense and going 1-7 on 3rd down conversions.

In wildcat formation, wide receiver sophomore Donaven McCulley lined up in the

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In her big aria, ‘Non mi dir’ I think you see her hope for a better future for herself.”

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Carmela Senior-Euhl, LMT Mary Stroup, LMT Rachelle Hope, LMT Sarah Gershon, LMT Samantha Willoughby, LMT Cinnamon Love, LMT Rebekah Taylor, LMT Kelly Weldon, Licensed Esthetician Bloomington Massage & Bodyworks with a new movement studio, is the longest running massage practice in Bloomington. With a passion for quality work. Celebrating 25 years in business, we provide therapeutic massage. Along with new, expanded services in Esthetics, Cupping, EnergyWork, Yoga & Movement classes. We look forward to continuing our dedication to the community and clients. to

"I don’t want to blame the weather but the ball was pretty slick,” Bazelak said about the offense’s first-half struggles.Itwas a first half to forget for the Hoosiers, and it quickly wasAfterforgotten.Indiana’s defense forced a three and out on Idaho’s first second half drive, Indiana’s offense’s first play from scrimmage was a bolt of energy as Indiana senior running back Shaun Shivers found 31 yards of space down field into enemy territory.

Ryan D. Tschetter, DDS Lauren Hoye, DDS Jackson Creek Dental is conveniently located on South College Mall Road. Most insurances accepted, including the Indiana University Cigna Insurance plans as well as the IU Fellowship Anthem. Dr. Tschetter and Dr. Hoye offer state of the art dental technology such as Zoom whitening, same day crown appointments, and Invisalign. We also provide restorative, cosmetic and emergency care. We pride ourselves in giving the best care to our patients while offering a pleasant yet professional

With Idaho leading by a touchdown late in the second quarter, Indiana’s defense stood strong and held Idaho to a field goal after allowing the Vandals within ten yards of the


revenge against Giovanni as a form of catharsis and re covery from her trauma.

Mon. - Thu.: 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fri.: 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.


Tommy McCormick for an in terception in the red zone.

Chapman Orthodontics is a privately owned orthodontic practice. Dr. Josh Chapman attended IU Bloomington for undergraduate and received his Doctor in Dental Surgery (DDS) and Masters (MSD) in Orthodontics at IU school of Dentistry in Indy. Go

Ryan D. Tschetter, DDS Lauren Hoye, DDS


With the win, Indiana im proves to 2-0 on the season. Its next contest is against West ern Kentucky University at noon next Saturday, Sept. 17, in Bloomington.

Indiana basketballwomen’sschedule

Indiana’s run game also finally made an appearance in the second half after be ing absent for the first game and a half. The Hoosiers ran for 178 yards in the second half and totaled 239 yards overall. Senior running back Shaun Shivers led the way rushing with 155 yards on 20 attempts and a score.


COLUMN: Indiana waited 30 minutes before playing good football

In the second half, the Hoosiers looked like a com pletely different team. The defense constantly forced three-and-outs, the offense clicked on all cylinders and everything was put together for a good half of football, for the most part.

The Hoosiers struck first in the seventh minute on Friday night courtesy of a header from Sarver into the bottom corner. Stringing to gether passes and building from the back led to senior forward Herbert Endeley bursting down the wing and ultimately sending a cross into the box for the assist.

By Matt Sebree | @mattsebree


Trailing 10-0 at halftime to Football Champion ship Subdivision opponent University of Idaho amid a downpour of rain, the Indiana football program was practically dead. After pumping hope into the fan base with a season-opening win, Indiana looked des tined to follow it up with the most embarrassing loss of theThen,weekend.the sky cleared up as the second half started. In unison with the weather, the Hoosiers started to play good football. They put up 239 yards and 23 points in the third quarter alone, cruising in the second half to a 35-22 victory.

Following week one where the Indiana rushing attack struggled to find its footing, the Hoosiers were able to hit their stride Sat urday night against the Uni versity of Idaho. After a slow first half of offense, they scored 35 points in the sec ond half to defeat the Van dals. Leading the attack was senior running back Shaun Shivers.Shivers ended the game with 20 carries for 155 yards and a score. A former player at Auburn University, Shiv ers decided to transfer away in hopes of receiving a more prominent role in 2022. He has found that with Indiana,

Indiana finds its legs in the rushing game to win

its heels and had to rely on long balls or clearances to es tablish any attack.

Bazelak silenced those doubts by going 10 of 12 for 148 yards and two touch downs after halftime.

By Matt Press | @MatthewPress23

Matchups against rival Purdue will be played on Feb 5. in West Lafayette and Feb. 19 in Bloomington — Indiana’s final regular-sea son home game. The Hoo siers swept the two games they played against the Boil ermakers last season.

Additionally, the Hoo siers sustained injuries to key players on Friday night. Red shirt senior defender Daniel Munie, fifth year senior de fender Nyk Sessock and Hen derlong all were slow to come

Indiana 2022-23 schedule includes 10 nonconference, 18 conference games

By Garrett Newman | @GarrettNewman20

Despite defeating St. John’s University 1-0 on Tuesday, Indiana nearly had its first win of the season spoiled due to a deep back line and a lack of urgency on the attack. On Friday, how ever, the team threatened Akron’s back line for the en tire match with intense pres sure from speedy attackers like sophomore forward Sam Sarver.The Zips’ notoriously potent offense started the match as advertised. Howev er, instead of settling deeper and letting the Zips pepper junior goalkeeper JT Harms with shots in goal, the Hoo siers pushed their trio of cen ter backs higher to stop the

Indiana defeats the University of Idaho 35-22

vs. Vermont | Nov. 8 vs. UMass Lowell | Nov. 11 at Tennessee | Nov. 14 vs. Bowling Green | Nov. 17 vs. Quinnipiac | Nov. 20 vs. Auburn | Nov. 25 | Las Vegasvs. Memphis | Nov. 26 | Las Vegasvs. North Carolina | Dec. 1 vs. Illinois | Dec. 4 at Penn State | Dec. 8

siers’ offense throughout the game. As the lead back, he provided consistent posi tive yardage when the team needed it most.

Hoosiers will travel to play the Illini again on Jan. 18 in Champaign-Urbana, Il linois.Among the Big Ten teams who made last sea son’s NCAA Tournament, Indiana will play Michigan — who made the Elite Eight — at home on Feb. 16 and on the road on Jan. 23. Indi ana will also play Nebraska on Jan. 1 and Maryland on Jan. 12 in Bloomington. Maryland was knocked out of last year’s tournament in the Sweet 16 — the same round in which Indiana was eliminated.


It was a different atmo sphere in Bill Armstrong Sta dium on Friday night.

attack before it neared the 18-yardPost-match,box. head coach Todd Yeagley praised his de fenders for their efforts.

dianapolis. Butler is currently ranked No. 12 in the nation, according to the United Soc cer Coaches poll.

Shivers had a couple big runs to help propel the Hoo

In the 39th minute, the Hoosiers again found them selves attacking the Zips’ back line. Senior forward Karsen Henderlong eased his way down the side of the 18-yard box and centered a perfect ball to junior forward Nate Ward, who slid in for the shot to put the Hoosiers up by two.After the match, Ward expressed the excitement he felt when he scored his first goal of the season and ulti mately defeated Akron.

Indiana will look to carry its momentum when they take on Butler University at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 14, in In

game with 32 total rushing yards, the Hoosiers’ weekly preparation put an empha sis on changing that.

For both the fans and the team, this game is one to forget. The expected out come ultimately came true and that is all that should be said about it. If anyone asks, blame it on the weather.

Perhaps it was the pres ence of Indiana men’s soc cer’s 2012 national cham pionship squad who were honored prior to the match, or maybe it was the mass of Hoosier supporters whose raucous cheers filled the air for 90 minutes. Regardless of the surrounding circum stances, Indiana played its most complete match of the season en route to a 2-0 upset of No. 9 University of Akron.

The defending regular season co-champion, Ohio State, will play Indiana on Jan. 26 in Bloomington and on Feb. 13 in Columbus, Ohio. Indiana will also play two games against the other defending regular season co-champion and confer ence tournament winner

Many of Indiana’s week one concerns reappeared in the first half, which is not re assuring. The offensive line struggled to give Bazelak time, the defense missed several tackles again and the run game took a half to make any Judgingimpact.allthese things, what exactly can be taken away from the game? Well, probably nothing. Indiana started poorly then beat up a team it was supposed to beat up, and that’s about it.

off the field, but Yeagley at tributed this to cramps, say ing they should be fine. After two straight wins,

Following a game against Illinois where Indiana struggled to have any con sistency moving the ball on the ground and finishing the

SPORTSSept. 15, 2022 Indiana Daily Student Editors Emma Pawlitz, Matt sports@idsnews.comSebree 5 FOOTBALL

By Will Foley | @foles24

Sophomore forward Samuel Sarver brings the ball down the field against the University of Akron on Sept. 9, 2022, at Bill Armstrong Stadium. Sarver was one of the two goal scorers in the game.

11, before traveling to Knox ville, Tennessee, to play the University of Tennessee on Nov.Indiana14. also announced it will participate in the Las Vegas Invitational in Ne vada, where it will play Au burn University on Nov. 25 and the University of Mem phis on Nov. 26. The team will return home to play the University of North Carolina on Dec. 1 as part of the Big Ten/ACCIndianaChallenge.willopen its Big Ten schedule against Il linois at Simon Skjodt As sembly Hall on Dec. 4. The

Head coach Tom Allen detailed exactly what makes Shivers stand out.


“I think it’s consistency, ever since he came here he has brought juice to the weight room and energy to practice,” Allen said. “He re ally has a different mindset, that’s infectious. That’s what I love about him. He is tough as nails, you saw the hit he took last week, and he just came back and played.”

“I was just fired up,” Ward said. “It was a hell of a ball from (Henderlong), so it just felt good. It took us a little while to get rolling this sea son, but we knew we had it in us and we just wanted to take the game to them.”

Junior tight end AJ Barner celebrates a touchdown Sept. 10, 2022, at Memorial Stadium. Indiana beat the University of Idaho 35-22 and advanced to a 2-0 record.

Junior quarterback Con nor Bazelak was one of many Hoosiers with a tale of

Indiana’s defense once again had its ups and downs. The 330 yards al lowed on the game are a bit higher than one would wish, however, the Hoosiers dis played their full potential in the third quarter by allow ing just 10 yards on 14 plays.

“Our team defending won this game first and foremost,” Yeagley said. “The way we turned them over in key spots generated a lot of our attacks, and I’m just really pleased.”

Indiana upsets No. 9 Akron, concludes homestand with 2 wins

Indiana women’s basket ball announced its 2022-23 schedule Sept. 7. The Hoo siers will play 10 noncon ference and 18 conference games this season before playing in the Big Ten tour nament, where they lost in the championship last year. Indiana will begin its season with nonconference games, starting with home matchups against the Uni versity of Vermont on Nov. 8 and the University of Mas sachusetts Lowell on Nov.

As the match progressed into the second half, despera tion from the Zips set in. With two yellow cards within the span of 30 seconds, it was ev ident the Zips would increase their levels of physicality to chase the two-goal deficit.

vs. Morehead State | Dec. 18 vs. Butler | Dec. 21 at Michigan State | Dec. 29 vs. Nebraska | Jan. 1 at Northwestern | Jan. 8 vs. Maryland | Jan. 12 vs. Wisconsin | Jan. 15 at Illinois | Jan. 8 at Michigan | Jan. 23 vs. Ohio State | Jan. 26 vs. Rutgers | Jan. 29 at Minnesota | Feb. 1 at Purdue | Feb. 5 vs. Iowa | Feb. 9 at Ohio State | Feb. 13 vs. Michigan | Feb. 16 vs. Purdue | Feb. 19 at Iowa | Feb. 26

as he is the primary back in theHisoffense.running mate is fel low transfer and senior Josh Henderson, from the Uni versity of North Carolina. Henderson helped tote the rock with an additional sev en carries for 58 yards and a touchdown.Redshirt junior quar terback Connor Bazelak touched on the importance of a good running game post-game.“It’sawesome. It takes pressure off of me obviously, in the passing game,” Baz elak said. “The O-line did a great job tonight and Shaun, Josh, Trent and Jaylin all did a great job in the backfield.”

“We made it a priority and knew we had to,” Allen said. “We rushed for 239 yards total, which is really what you want to be able to do. Really proud of our of fensive line, proud of our running backs and proud of the offense for doing that because that’s a big deal for us.”Only time will tell if the Hoosier offense can contin ue to run the ball effectively, but Allen said it will contin ue to be an emphasis as the season“Runningcontinues.the football needs to be what we do ef fectively.”

So, what exactly hap pened in those first 30 min utes of game time? Great question. Who’s to say?Indiana looked far from a Big Ten team, let alone a Football Bowl Subdivision team. The first-half Hoo siers had just 110 yards of offense, two turnovers, a missed field goal and sev eral wasted opportunities from good field position. They simply looked out matched by the Vandals.

two halves. When he started the game six for 17 with 49 yards and an interception, it became questionable if he would start the second half.

Yeagley spoke about Sarv er’s relentless pressure and penchant for giving the Hoo siers early “(Sarver), and he’s always probing both de fensively and offensively,” Yeagley said. “He’s got so much emotion in his game and that helps you start. He’s like going zero to 60 in a sec ond.”Midway through the first half, Indiana had tallied six shots compared to just one from Akron. With aggres sion and discipline from the back line springing constant threatening chances for In diana, Akron was forced onto

Iowa on Feb. 9 in Bloom ington before concluding its season on Feb. 26 in Iowa City, Iowa.

The Kirkwood location will also welcome younger book lovers to the Teen Artist Club: Mini Banned Book Jewelry event on Sept. 19 and the Tween Reads: Banned Book Club on Sept. 21. Ellettsville’s library will host the jewelry event on Sept. 20. Registration for each event is required and is available on the library’s

Trend Evolution

When the tempera ture cools and Halloween decor begins to line the shelves at your local gro cery store, you know fall is right around the corner. The leaves start to change, the air becomes crisp, and the scent of pumpkin pie fol lows you wherever you go.

The Peanuts gang cel ebrates Halloween in this adorable film about friend ship, adolescence and — of course — a great big pump kin. Little Linus skips out on the fall tradition of trickor-treating with the gang to wait for the Great Pumpkin — a Santa Claus-like figure — to appear and deliver gifts. With a faith-againstall-odds attitude, “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” pulls at the heart strings of viewers both young and old.

The aesthetic is pretty gen der neutral, even working its way into a nonbinary fashion show during NYFW. It is hard er to achieve this look sustain ably since a lot of looks revolve around metallic bodysuits and faux fur jackets. That be ing said, eBay is crawling with good finds, allowing those new to the look to find spe cific pieces without the guilt of unsustainable consumption.

Max’s world turns upside down, however, when the father engages in his own re lationship with the teacher. With acoustic music from The Kinks and Yusuf/Cat Stevens, “Rushmore” cap tures the charm of first love and academic ambition.

“Dear White People” can educate viewers while also eliciting nostalgia for fresh man year of college.

COLUMN: What to wear and how to stay fashionable this semester

of improvisation and intense layering make it more than perfect for chillier climates.

The Monroe County Public Library will celebrate the American Library As sociation’s annual Banned Books Week with a variety of events from Sept. 18 -24.

website.Lawhorn said she hopes the weeklong celebration will illuminate how essen tial it is to recognize banned books.“We’re here to provide our community with equita ble and impartial access to information and opportuni ties,” Lawhorn said. “Often

MCPL to honor Banned Books Week on Sept. 18-24

For a more masculine look, the shift to ‘70s rock star is very easy to achieve. Tom Ford’s menswear at New York Fashion Week is the perfect mood board for this style. The main points to focus on are flare jeans, tailored shirts and funky belt buckles. This aesthetic perfectly pairs with a good chunky cardigan — a staple in anyone’s fall ward robe.

By Erin Stafford | @erincstafford

Paired with chunky Mary Janes and smudged eyeliner, this dirtier evolution of the coquette look works with the same pieces, just with a grun wave of kinder whore reworks the idea of femininity, something em bedded in the backlash to the elitism of the clean girl lifestyle. All coquette enjoyers have to do to repurpose their wardrobe is add a few chunky cardigans, smudge their eye liner and embrace the darker hues of fall.

The best way to stay ahead of the curve is to understand how aesthetics evolve over time. Currently, the coquette look, filled with ruffles and pastels, is all the rage in the online sphere. This, paired with the clean girl aesthetic, embraces hyper-femininity and emphasizes the feminine mystique. However, these aes thetics are focused on dainty dresses and spotless skin, something hard to style dur ing cold weather.

From the mind of Wes Anderson comes “Rush more,” a story about Max Fischer, a quirky student at the revered Rushmore Acad emy. When he finds himself attracted to a beautiful new teacher, he asks the father of two of his classmates for advice on how to woo her.

“Dear White People”

There is something so inherently autumnal about the start of a new school year. “Dear White People” takes place at a fictional Ivy League university as Black students navigate a world of racial politics. This satiri cal, coming-of-age film in tertwines identity with the season of shifting leaves.

that includes books that can be challenged or banned by certainAccordinggroups.”to the ALA’s annual State of America’s Libraries report, 1,597 books were challenged or removed from libraries, schools and universities in 2021 – a 585% increase from the 273 books challenged

Many people strive to look good. But fashion is more than just looking good — it’s a way to fit in. Style can provide a community, from the patch work jackets of punk rock to the almost-universal black Converse high tops.

lates to fall perfectly.

The owner of a strug gling, independent book store and the developer of a big box bookstore fall in love while hiding behind their anonymous profiles on an Internet messag ing board, both blissfully unaware of the threat they pose to each other’s busi ness. Set against the chang ing seasons in New York City, “You’ve Got Mail” is one of the most charm ing romantic comedies of all time. Lead actors Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks re mind viewers of the beauty in new beginnings with this enemies-to-lovers tale.

Don’t forget to turn on your phone’s camera flash to get the perfect pictures.

Trends aside, it’s more important to be comfortable in the clothes you wear than to be fashionable. Find what works for you and wear it with confidence.

in 2020. Lawhorn said 62% of the books were banned by schools – most of which included works by or about LGBTQ and POC communi ties.For Lawhorn, those sta tistics kickstart important conversations about access to information in schools, and why it’s so important

Turn to the Cobrasnake for any fashion inspiration — the iconic party photographer has had a resurgence in popular ity, perfectly capturing the re vival of indie Importantsleaze.pieces for this look include mirrored sun glasses, tattered sparkly tights, slip dresses and oversized out erwear. Artists like Sky Ferriera and Katy Perry pioneered the wardrobe in the 2010s, wear ing pieces from American Ap parel and Mudd jeans.

The Marion County Public Library will celebrate the American Library Association’s annual Banned Books Week on Sept. 18-24. The week aims to celebrate the freedom to share ideas and information of all kinds.



As the days get shorter and the nights get colder, fall sets the perfect mood for cozying up by a fire and watching movies that em brace all the season’s best qualities. With themes that range from witchcraft to ro mance, here are five films to watch every fall.

“Practical Magic” Two sisters, who are witches, live in the water front village of Coupeville, Washington. Raised by their whimsical aunts in a town wracked with close-mind ed people, the sisters not only battle prejudice but a curse that prevents them from ever finding love and keeping it alive. With music from Nick Drake and Stevie Nicks, “Practical Magic” ex udes a type of small town, by-the-sea coziness that re

By Tory Basile | @torybasilee

day through EveryoneFriday.”inthe Bloom ington community is wel come to attend banned book events that week, Lawhorn“We’vesaid.gotsomething for everyone,” she said. “We’re definitely encouraging our patrons to come out and en joy some banned books.”

New Aesthetics

In preparation for the week’s events, the Kirk wood Avenue location will offer a Homeschool Art Lab: Banned Book Charms event on Sept. 14 as part of its monthly homeschool art program. Students will wrap printed images of book cov ers over small clay charms to create miniature versions of banned titles like Little House on the Prairie, the Hobit and George.

Here’s what to check out this season while not overconsuming clothing:

With every season comes new styles to build off of old trends. Indie sleaze sea son is upon us. This fashion statement found its roots on Tumblr, allowing fashionable young people to depict life as they lived it. The key factors

ARTS6 Indiana Daily Student Editors Ellie Albin, Erin arts@idsnews.comStaffordSept. 15, 2022 For more information, visit Indiana Daily Student Step right up! Meet with local vendors at the IDS Housing Fair and nd your next home. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Oct. 19 I MU Alumni Hall

COLUMN: Cozy up to these 5 iconic fall films

As we shift into the brisk ness of autumn, we will likely see a shift from pastel pink and cream to more earth tones, especially sage green and brown. A heavy cardigan over a delicate dress will be come one of the most fash ionable outfits of the season.

“You’ve Got Mail”

that MCPL continues to pro vide a diverse range of views and“(Theopinions.statistics) give a perspective on what’s hap pening in terms of intel lectual freedom in schools,” she said. “Books are being challenged in an environ ment that’s the majority of a student’s experience Mon

“It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”

By Charlotte Jones

Banned Books Week “spotlights current and historical attempts to cen sor books in libraries and schools,” according to the ALA’s press release. The week long celebration rec ognizes the importance of intellectual freedom and the sharing of ideas from all perspectives.ToriLawhorn, MCPL communications and mar keting manager, said the li brary will recognize Banned Books Week by posting a variety of banned book lists on their websites, as well as arranging book displays at its physical locations.

Independent Baptist

Peter Burkholder, burkhold@indiana.eduClerk

of God (Anderson Affiliated) Check the IDS every Thursday for your directory of local religious services, or go online anytime at

We practice traditional Quaker worship, gathering in silence with occasional Spirit-led vocal ministry by fellow worshippers. We are an inclusive community with a rich variety of belief and no prescribed creed. We are actively involved in peace action, social justice causes, and environmental concerns.

Rose House is an inclusive Christian community that offers a safe space for students to gather, explore faith questions, show love to our neighbors through service and work towards a more just world. Rose House walks with students to help them discern where God is calling them in life.

Sunday: 9 a.m., Bible Study Classes 10 a.m., Morning Service 5 p.m., Evening Service

Richard Woelmer, Pastor


9:30 a.m., Bible Study 10:30 a.m. & 5 p.m., Worship Wednesday: 7:00 p.m., Bible Study

Tuesday: 6:30 p.m. Dinner & Devotions @ Rose House LuMin 314 S. Rose Ave.

City Church is a non-denominational multicultural, multigenerational church on Bloomington's east side. 1Life, our college ministry meets on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.

We are a dynamic congregation working for a more just world through social justice. We draw inspiration from world religions and diverse spiritual traditions. Our vision is "Seeking the Spirit, Building Community, Changing the World." A LGBTQA+ Welcoming Congregation and a certified Green Sanctuary.

Trinity Reformed Church 2401 S. Endwright Rd. 812-825-2684

Jody Killingsworth, Senior Pastor Lucas Weeks, College Pastor

We are the worshipping home of Rose House Luthern Campus Ministries. As disciples of Christ who value the faith, gifts and ministry of all God's people and seek justice and reconciliation, we welcome all God's children* to an inclusive and accessible community. *No strings attached or expectations that you'll change.

Annette Hill Briggs, Pastor

Sunday Service: 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

Rev. Connie Grant, Interim Minister

Fri., Sat.: By Appointment

Barnabas College Ministry: Meeting for Bible study throughout the month. Contact Rosh Dhanawade at for more information.

University Baptist Church 3740 E. Third 812-339-1404St.

Evangel Presbytery

Rob Drummond, Worship & Music Minister Baptist

Canterbury Mission 719 E. Seventh 812-822-1335St.

David Norris, Pastor Sumer Norris, Pastor

Frank Peacock, Pastor Alissa Peacock, Children's Ministry

Sunday: 9:15 a.m., Educational Hour 10:30 a.m., Worship Service

University Lutheran Church and Student Center 607 E. Seventh 812-336-5387St

Rose House LuMin- Lutheran Campus Ministry at IU 314 S. Rose 812-333-2474Ave.

Sunday: 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m.

Regular Services/Devotional Meetings: Sunday: 10:40 a.m. @ Bloomington Bahá'í Center Please call or contact through our website for other meetings/activities

111 S. Kimble 812-269-8975Dr.

Bahá'í Faith

10:00 a.m. Coffee & Treats

Paid Advertising Connect with members of many diverse faiths at

The Bahá'í Association of IU works to share the Teachings and Principles of the Founder, Bahá'u'lláh, that promote the "Oneness of Mankind" and the Peace and Harmony of the Planet through advancing the "security, prosperity, wealth and tranquility of all peoples."

Sunday: 10:30 a.m.

Wednesday: 7 p.m.: Wednesday Evening Service 7:45 p.m.: College Bible Study Student Center open daily, 9 a.m.-10 p.m.

Calvary Chapel of Bloomington

Tue.: Noon - 8 p.m.

Dan Waugh, Adult Ministry Pastor

Society of Friends (Quaker)

Sunday: 5 p.m.

Jubilee is a Christ-centered community open and affirming to all people. We gather on Wednesdays at First Methodist (219 E. Fourth St.) for a free meal, dis cussion, worship and hanging out. Small groups, service projects, events (scaven ger hunts, bonfires, etc.), mission trips and opportunities for student leadership are all a significant part of our rhythm of doing life together.

Markus Dickinson, Campus Director

Bahá'í Association of IU 424 S. College Mall Rd. 812-331-1863

Bob Whitaker, Senior Pastor

St. Thomas Luthern Church 3800 E. Third 812-332-5252St.

United Methodist

Stoneybrook Community Church of God

Redeemer is a gospel-centered community on mission. Our vision is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ transform everything: our lives, our church, our city, and our world. We want to be instruments of gospel change in Bloomington and beyond.

City Church For All Nations 1200 N. Russell 812-336-5958Rd.

A welcoming, inclusive congregation providing a place of healing and hope as we journey together in the Spirit of Christ. Gathering for worship Sundays 5 p.m. in the Roger Williams room, First United Church. As people of God's peace, we seek to embody the Kingdom of God.

Jubilee 219 E. Fourth 812-332-6396St.

3701 N. Stoneybrook Blvd.

Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod

We are a diverse community of Christ-followers, including many IU students, faculty and staff. Together we are committed to sharing the redeeming grace and transforming truth of Jesus Christ in this college town.

Stoneybrook Community Church of God is a gathering of imperfect people learning to follow Jesus. We invite you to join us on the journey.

Chris Jones, Lead Pastor

*Free transportation provided. Please call if you need a ride to church.

Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.

Sunday: 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. @ St.

3625 W State Road 46 812-369-8459

Lifeway Baptist Church 7821 W. State Road 46 812-876-6072

Hungry for God's word and fellowship with other believers? Come as you are and worship with us as we grow in the knowledge of His love, mercy, and grace through the study of the scriptures, and serving those in need. May the Lord richly bless you!

Sunday (in person and by Zoom): 9:45 a.m., Hymn singing 10:30 a.m., Meeting for Worship 10:45 a.m., Sunday School (Children join in worship from 10:30-10:45) 11:30 a.m., Light Refreshments and 12:45Fellowshipp.m., Often there is a second hour activity (see website)



Thomas Lutheran Church 3800 E. 3rd St.

John Myers, Preacher 825 W. Second St. 812-332-0501

Sunday Services: 9 a.m. & 11 a.m.

Sunday: 10:45 a.m., Worship in person & live streamed on YouTube

Steven VonBokern, Senior Pastor Rosh Dhanawade, IU 302-561-0108Coordinator


Unitarian Universalistáí-@bloomingtonbahai

Mennonite Fellowship of Bloomington 2420 E. Third 812-646-2441St.

Wednesday (by Zoom only): 9 a.m., Midweek Meeting for worship 9:30 a.m., Fellowship

John Sauder

Sunday: 10 a.m.

Sun.: 3 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

For membership in the Indiana Daily Student Religious Directory, please contact Your deadline for next week’s Religious Directory is 5 p.m. Monday

Sunday: 9:15 a.m.: Sunday Bible Class 10:30 a.m.: Sunday Worship


Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington 2120 N. Fee 812-332-3695Ln.

Rev. Adrianne Meier Rev. Lecia Beck

Church ofSunday:Christ

Tuesday: 7 p.m., Prayer Wednesday: 6:30 p.m.

Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Bible Study 10:30 a.m. & 5 p.m., Worship Wednesday: 7 p.m., Bible Study We use no book, but the Bible. We have no creed but His Word within its sacred pages. God is love and as such we wish to share this joy with you. The comprehensive teaching of God's Word can change you forever.

Karen Pollock & Dan Enslow


Rev. Amanda Ghaffarian, Campus Pastor

We use no book, but the Bible. We have no creed, but His Word within its sacred pages. God is love and as such we wish to share this joy with you. The comprehensive teaching of God’s Word can change you forever.

Bloomington Friends Meeting 3820 E. Moores 812-336-4581Pike

Adam deWeber, Worship Pastor

John Myers, Preacher

Episcopal (Anglican)

Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Classic Worship & 11:45 a.m., Contemporary Worship Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., College & Young Adult Dinner

*Always check website for possible changes to service times.

Church of Christ 825 W. Second 812-332-0501St.

Mon., Wed., Thu.: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

"Jesus answered them, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin.'" Proclaiming freedom from slavery since 1996. Only sinners welcome.

A welcoming and affirming congregation excited to be a church home to students in Bloomington. Trans and other LGBTQ+ friends and allies most especially welcome!

We are the home of the LCMS campus ministry at Indiana. Our mission is to serve all college students with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Located on Campus, we offer Christ-centered worship, Bible study and a community of friends gathered around God’s gifts of life, salvation and the forgiveness of sins through our Senior Jesus Christ.

Christ Community Church 503 S. High 812-332-0502St.

College Bible Study: Contact us for more info.

Mitch Ripley, Interim Pastor

Sunday: 9 a.m. & 11 a.m.

Rev. Emily Manvel Leite, Minister of Story and Ritual

Canterbury: Assertively open & affirming; unapologetically Christian, we proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ by promoting justice, equality, peace, love and striving to be the change God wants to see in our world Ed Bird, Chaplain/Priest Jacob Oliver & Lily Dolliff student workers

Today is an 8 — Collaboration sparks and crackles. Energize your actions to power shared objectives. Action gets results. Work together for lovely benefits. Romance catches into flame.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Publish your comic on this page. The IDS is accepting applications for student comic strips for the fall 2022 semester. Email five samples and a brief description of your idea to . Submissions will be reviewed and selections will be made by the editor-in-chief.

Today is a 9 — Quicken the pace. Physical action can win powerful results. Push for high performance. Good food and rest keeps your battery charged. Get moving.

Answer to previous puzzle What ’s our Secret?What ’s our Secret? It’s not magic, just great advertising. Emai l to purchase advertising space. A BREWSTER ROCKIT: SPACE GUY!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)


Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Today is an 8 — Together, you can find what you need. Strategize for best value. Invest in lasting quality when purchasing. Grow shared assets and savings with bold action.

CLASSIFIEDS To place an ad: go online, call 812-855-0763 or stop by Franklin Hall 130 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday - Friday. Full advertising policies are available online. Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022 Indiana Daily Student AD ACCEPTANCE: All advertising is subject to approval by the IDS.

Today is an 8 — Your team comes to the rescue. Luck and good friends make a fabulous combination. Deepen connections. With shared support, your project leaps ahead.

COPY CHANGES: Ad copy can be changed at no additional charge when the same number of lines are maintained. If the total number of lines changes, a new ad will be started at the rst day rate. COPY ERRORS: The IDS must be noti ed of errors before noon the date of the rst publication of your ad. The IDS is only responsible for errors published on the rst insertion date. The IDS will rerun your ad 1 day when noti ed before noon of the rst insertion date. HOUSING ADS: All advertised housing is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act. Refer to for more info. ONLINE POSTING: All classi ed line ads are posted online at eds at no additional charge. PAYMENT: All advertising is done on a cash in advance basis unless credit has been established. The IDS accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, check or money order REFUNDS: If you cancel your ad before the nal run date, the IDS will refund the difference in price. A minimum of one day will be charged. Hi! Thanks for looking in the IDS Classifieds! Have an awesome day! Need accurate news or help with http://csmonitor.comVisit:research? Monroe County Parks & Recreation now hiring part‑time youth recreation leaders. Must be available T/Th 4‑5:30 pm. $15/hr. Contact Beth St. David’s Episcopal Church, Bean Blossom, IN Seeks pipe Organist/Choir Director. Experience as a church organist and famil iarity with liturgical worship desired but not required. EOE Inquire at 812‑988‑1038 DriverDeliverjobposting@stdavidsbb.orgorIDSisnowhiringDeliveryDrivers.$15/hour+mileage.3‑12hours/weektheprinteditionoftheIDSeachThursdaytonewsstandsinBloomingtonandtheIUcampus.shouldbeavailablebetween4‑9a.m.eachThursday.Deliverspecialpublicationsandposters.Driversmusthaveownvehicle&passamotorvehiclerecordscheck&IUbackgroundcheck.CompleteanI‑9form. Email Elders Journey, voted number one home health care agency, is hiring! If you are a dynamic per son, Elders Journey is for you! We offer flexible scheduling and daily pay! Call/text today to set up an 812‑322‑4529interview Artist’s Studio/Workshop for Rent. 360 square foot studio,,w/north‑facingrestroom,utilitysink.Quietcountrylocationjust10minutesfromdowntownBloomington.Water,securityincl.Onlylegitimateartists/woodworkerswillbeconsidered;nottobeusedasaresidence.Available$500/month, plus utilities. Email 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 Bedroom GrantProperties Call Outstanding locations near campus at great prices Now Leasing Fall 2023 HOUSING 220 General Employment 110 Announcements 335 Rooms/RoommatesANNOUNCEMENTSEMPLOYMENT 220 General Employment su do ku Difficulty Rating: 43 Gently towel off 44 Green 49 "Ghost World" star Birch 50 Minor flaws 55 Green 59 Once, once upon a time 60 Insignificant amount 61 Welcome 62 "Star Wars" heroine mentored by Luke 63 Numbskull 64 Subject that may come up in a frank discussion? DOWN 1 Blots gently 2 Stuck in __ 3 Stretch in office 4 Faris of "Mom" 5 Inner turmoil 6 "In what way?" 7 Prefix with gram or graph 8 Assembled 9 One who's done for 10 "Argo" or "Fargo" 11 Safe havens 13 Place with numbered gates 15 "Peacemaker" star John 17 Stooge chuckle 18 Takes too much for oneself 22 Adds at the last minute 23 "This wasn't my game" 24 Alliance headed by Jens Stoltenberg: Abbr. 25 River float 26 Old Testament twin 27 Luncheon end? 28 Significant video game foe 31 Alarm 32 Jazz style 33 "Downton Abbey" staffer 34 KGB country 35 Gender-neutral pronoun 37 Nay sayer 38 Coming apart at the seams? 42 Like some traditions 43 Cunning maneuver 44 Early anesthetic 45 Mowing the lawn, e.g. 46 "__-daisy!" 47 Stew (over) 48 Black key above C 51 Acerbic remark 52 In __ of 53 Tied up 54 Related groups 56 __ al-Fitr 57 Phillipa who was the original Eliza in "Hamilton" 58 Gateway Arch city, for short ACROSS 1 Info in a bank 5 "May I speak?" 9 ABC show for early risers, briefly 12 Where the Wings meet the Sky? 14 "Hard pass" 15 Loving murmurs 16 Green 19 River that forms Michigan-Ontariotheborder 20 Buck who was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 2022 21 Green 25 Nike rival 29 Quaint word of dismay 30 Fur tycoon for whom a northwest Oregon city was named 31 Nae sayer 32 Lewd material 36 Green 39 Early pt. of a week 40 Condé __ 41 Up 42 Other, in Spanish How to play: Fill in the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9, without repeating a number in any one row, column or 3x3 grid. Answer to previous puzzle Crossword L.A. Times Daily Crossword

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today is an 8 — Expand your territory. Study and research lead you in new directions. Explore a passion or curiosity. Follow a fascinating thread. Learn from masters.

0 the

Today is a 9 — Go ahead and get assertive. Ask for what you want and get it. Advance a personal project by great strides with determination and action.

To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, most

Today is a 6 — Slow to consider options. Organize plans for new conditions. You can get especially productive behind closed doors. Put things away. Prepare for what’s next.

Aries (March 21-April 19) Today is a 9 — Dig into an intellectual or creative puzzle. Study and research for clues. Follow up brilliant ideas with action. Energize to advance by leaps and bounds.

Today is an 8 — Forge ahead with a professional project. You can take valuable ground today. Action gets positive results. Luck amplifies your own initiative. Go for it!




Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

© Puzzles by Pappocom

Today is an 8 — Go outside and play. Sports, games and fun recharge you. Nature feeds your spirit. Connect with someone you respect and admire at a deeper level.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

©2022 Nancy Black. All rights reserved. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency.


Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Today is a 9 — Lucrative opportunities await your action. Reach out and grab them like ripe fruit. Energize your money making pursuits for a healthy haul. Sign contracts.

Today is an 8 — Take on a domestic project. Physical action gets satisfying results. Rearrange things for new conditions. A little paint works wonders. Apply elbow grease liberally.

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