September 22, 2022

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Loved ones remember the life of IU junior Nate Stratton

Nate Stratton would al ways take on a challenge.

Whether he was com peting against his dad in a pickleball game or daring his older sister to a wrestling match, he always put in his full“It’seffort.just those little mo ments,” Nate’s dad Greg said.

“I’ve been going to sleep ev ery night thinking about him dancing around the pickle ball court with a big smile on his face because he beat me.” Nate was never full of himself or overly cocky

though, as his family de scribed him as goofy and of tenHelight-hearted.workedhard at what he put his mind to. And, just days before he died, he cel ebrated his acceptance to a study abroad program in Australia for this upcoming summer, something his fam ily said he had been working toward for some time now.

Nate died early Sunday morning after an alleged drunk driver struck him on an e-scooter while making his way back from Raising Cane’s. He was 20-years-old.

Stratton was a junior in the Kelley School of Business

and is originally from Excel sior, Minnesota. A vigil for Nate will be held 7 p.m. on Thursday at Showalter Foun tain on IU’s campus.

From all over the coun try, people have reached out to the Strattons to let them know what Nate meant to them. His friends living in other time zones remem ber how Nate would stay up late waiting for them so they could play a video game to gether. He would invite new friends over, never letting them be a stranger for too long. His determination in spired those around him to reach for goals they said they

never would have on their own.His sister Ceci remem bers several years ago when she and Nate came across a goose that had died in their yard. Nate took the goose, wrapped it up and prepared a small funeral for it with her. And, after commemorating this goose’s life, she said he buried the goose next to the family’s outdoor fireplace — where it still is today.

“That’s exactly how Nate was,” Ceci said. “He found the light in weird situations likeNatethat.” was an avid skier, beginning when he was

only 2-years-old. When he and his sisters were younger, they were all a part of a fam ily skiing team called “The Need for Speed.” After a cer tain point, his dad said Nate surpassed him in his abili ties. Through his love for ski ing, Nate traveled to places all over the world including Switzerland and Belgium.

In addition to the vigil, loved ones can show support through a fundraiser Nate’s family has organized in sup port of research for Type 1 diabetes, for which he was diagnosed with at 16-yearsold.Nate is survived by his

father Brad, his mother Eliza beth, two older sisters Abby and Ceci and grandparents Chuck and Sandy Landman.

Man charged after hours long storm drain search

The man, who claimed to be armed and barricaded himself for over seven hours in a storm drain, was taken into police custody around 5 p.m. Tuesday afternoon af ter causing a large-scale po lice operation and a partial IU campus lockdown.

Police identified the suspect as 37-year-old Eli Swartsentruber. He was con sidered an "armed subject" but not an active shooter. No shots were reported.

Police say they found un spent rifle rounds, a hand scythe and a machete in the storm drains. No guns were located, and police are no longer searching the drains for Afterweapons.a hospital visit, Swartsentruber was booked into the Monroe County Correctional Center with preliminary felony charges of attempted battery with a deadly weapon and intimi dation.Bloomington Police De partment Capt. Ryan Pedigo said Tuesday that the Mon roe County Sheriff's Office previously found probable cause for the Swartsentru ber's arrest for four felony counts stemming from an event he was involved in TuesdayAdditionally,morning.

Swartsen truber was wanted for a war rant in Daviess County for a felony charge of battery against a public safety offi cial.In a BPD news release, Pedigo said there may be additional charges since it is an active case. Other in volved agencies may also criminally charge him.

Timeline of events

BPD was called to Semi nary Square Park around 9:30 a.m. due to a report of a man, Swartsentruber, at tempting to hit people with a 3-foot pry bar, Pedigo said.

Police later said Swartsentruber is a man ex periencing homelessness.

Upon arrival, he ran away and went to a vehicle in the adjacent Kroger parking lot to retrieve what police think was either a small hatchet or axe. Police said he returned and started to throw it at people in the Swartsentruberpark. was then seen heading southbound toward First Street, and of ficers could not find him in the area. However, clothes matching what people said he was last seen wearing were found near a large storm drain. He entered the storm drain through what Pedigo said was a very large entry into the ground.

When officers yelled down into the drain, Swartsentruber advised of ficers not to come into the tunnel and said he was armed with a rifle around 9:40 a.m. Pedigo said the man told officers he would shoot them if they made an entry.From that point on, of ficers took cover and called in back-up and the Critical Incident Response Team, according to the release.

Multiple local police de partments responded with Bloomington Police Depart ment operating as the point department working on the situation. Due to the large area Swartsentruber could travel, the Indiana State Po lice SWAT team was called in to assist with the search. Other local agencies, such as the Bloomington Fire De partment and city utilities, were also on the scene to assist.Police began searching the tunnel for Swartsentru ber using the City of Bloom ington Utilities depart ment's small robots that are typically used to inspect the storm drain. Utilities also provided diagrams of the underground storm system to determine what tunnels

the man could fit in.

"I have to admit in my almost 20-year career, I've never been inside of a storm sewer checking for some one," Pedigo said Tuesday. "It's certainly pretty unique."

Police were worried for the safety of those near Dunn Meadow and Frank lin Hall since an exit to the storm drain was near Sixth Street and Indiana Avenue. Officers were stationed there to ensure Swartsen truber did not flee out of that end of the drain.

IU students, staff and faculty were first alerted via IU-Notify around 12:20 p.m. Just after, police started put ting up caution tape around the intersection of Kirkwood and Indiana Avenue, as well as around Sample Gates and Dunn Meadow to block foot and vehicle traffic.

Police searched for the man in the underground system for most of the day. Pedigo said Wednesday that Swartsentruber was in the storm drain for seven hours.

The drain stretched un der a large portion of down town, meaning police were looking for Swartsentruber along Walnut Street near Seminary Park, as well on

Kirkwood Avenue by Frank lin LocalHall. police were seen blocking off the intersec tion at West Second Street and South College Avenue around 3 p.m. Police were guarding the sewer entrance right next to the Big Red Li quors and preventing cars from driving nearby.

At 3:20 p.m., multiple loud noises were heard coming from the sewer en trances, and steam was seen rising from the sewer grates along East Second Street and South Walnut Street. Police warned on Twitter that people in the area south of Third Street, near First Street and Walnut Street, may hear such noises.

The loud bangs stem from noise diversion devic es, Pedigo said. The tool was employed in an attempt to get Swartsentruber to leave the underground storm drain.Police were seen at tempting to speak with him around 3:30 p.m. by using a megaphone and asking him to come out with his hands up.Swartsentruber eventu ally told police through a camera they sent into the

drain that he would come out, the release said. How ever, when he destroyed the camera and turned to run back in, senior ISP Trooper Richard Klun deployed his K9 partner Loki to take him down.He finally emerged out the Sixth Street and Indiana Avenue drain exit around 5 p.m. partially clothed and surrounded by officers. Po lice patted him down be fore he was strapped onto a stretcher and taken for treat ment for a K9 unit dog bite to IU Health Bloomington via Policeambulance.said he had an empty handgun holster, but no guns were found on him or in the drain. However, a hand scythe, a machete and several unfired .30-06 rifle cartridges were located in theThedrain.police investigation is ongoing.

Around Bloomington and IU The Monroe County Community School Corpo ration was aware of the situ ation and monitoring it. The spokesperson said schools in the area were on alert. The Project School was on lock

down earlier this day, ac cording to multiple sources. Around 1:45 p.m., a BPD spokesperson said everyone in Franklin Hall was being evacuated out of the build ing only through the south east door. All remaining Tuesday classes in Franklin Hall were canceled per an email sent to students just after 2 p.m. This did not af fect classes in other campus buildings.Thecampus bus system avoided stopping at Sample Gates, the Indiana Memorial Union and the Collins LLC for the remainder of the day.

Several businesses near Indiana and Kirkwood Av enue were unaffected by the situation, including Good fellas Pizzeria, Qdoba Mexi can Eats and The Indiana Shop. They were open and serving customers. Howev er, Bapu Fresh and Potbelly were closed for the rest of the day due to the situation.

Where people were asked to avoid

People were asked to avoid the area from First to Third Street and Morton to Lincoln Street and the area around Franklin Hall and Dunn Meadow.

The 29th annual Lotus World Music and Arts Fes tival will commence with a variety of concerts, per formances and hands-on arts activities throughout Bloomington on Thursday, Sept. 22, and will continue until Sunday, Sept. 25.

Organized by the Lotus Education and Arts Foun dation, the festival fulfills the non-profit's mission to “create opportunities to experience, celebrate and explore the diversity of the world’s culture, through music and the arts,” ac cording to the festival pro gram.More than 20 artists from a variety of genres and backgrounds will per form throughout the week end. This year’s festival is presented by IU-Bloom ington and the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President.Ticketed musical events will begin with the Lotus Opening Concert by singer Lucibela at 7 p.m. Thurs day at the Buskirk-Chum ley Theater. Lucibela spe cializes in Brazilian pop, bossa nova, jazz, morna and coladeira music. Tick

ets for her performance, along with the rest of the Lotus festival events, are available on the BuskirkChumley website.

On Friday and Saturday, 15 different musical groups from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America will perform at various venues across Bloomington. Details on showtimes and venues for each group are available on Lotus’ website.

A Sunday afternoon

performance by tradi tional Irish band Fedder sen, Gourley and Miller, as well as Indian sarod duo Amaan and Ayaan Ali Bangash, will close out the weekend. The concert will begin 3 p.m. at the BuskirkChumley Theater. Guests who purchase the Lotus Festival Pin for $15 will be admitted to this perfor mance for free.

In addition to those

In a class of up-tempo of fenses, Indiana came back from behind and defeated Western Kentucky University in overtime at home, 33-30. With the win, the Hoosiers denied the Hilltoppers re venge from last year’s game.

Before Saturday, Western Kentucky was 0-8 against Big Ten teams in its program history, including four losses coming against Indiana. For the majority of the game, it seemed the Hilltoppers would notch their first win.

Consistency was a focal point throughout practice and preparation for Indiana’s

game against Western Ken tucky. For the first time this season, Indiana would play football during the day as op posed to at night. After falling asleep under the lights it ap pears Saturday, the Hoosiers slept in to start the game.

The matchup between the Hoosiers and the Hill toppers Saturday afternoon pitted two similar offenses riding on different trajecto ries against each other. Both offenses operated at an uptempo pace, Indiana’s aver age drive length was 1:49 while Western Kentucky’s wasBoth1:58.teams came into this matchup 2-0, but the differ ences were apparent. West

ern Kentucky scored 87 total points compared to Indi ana’s 58 through the first two games. Each team’s red zone efficiencies differed as well.

The Hoosiers scored on just four of seven red zone drives — scoring a touchdown on three. The Hilltoppers scored on eight of their ten red zone drives, with a touchdown on seven.The up-tempo play was displayed by both teams early on with 15 different drives occurring in the first half. Eight drives took less than two minutes, including two touchdown drives. Not a single drive exceeded four

ETHAN MOORE | IDS An Indiana University Police Department vehicle blocks access to East Sixth Street on Tuesday across from Franklin Hall.
Saraswathi its hangs on by a thread to in
HARIPRIYA JALLURI | IDS Indiana football lines up against Western Kentucky University on Sept. 17, 2022, at Memorial Stadium. Indiana defeated Western Kentucky University 33-30 and improved to a 3-0 record. COURTESY PHOTO
SEE FOOTBALL, PAGE 4SEE LOTUS PAGE 4 Sept. 22, 2022 | Indiana Daily Student | IDS
29th annual Lotus World Music and Arts Festival to kick off Sept. 22 IDS FILE PHOTO BY ETHAN MOORE
Ranganathan leads the audience of the Lotus World Music and Arts Festival through a meditation exercise Sept. 25, 2021, on the stage of the Buskirk-Chumley Theater. The 29th annual festival will begin Sept. 22 and continue until Sept. 25. Indiana meets
match on offense,
overtime thriller

IU Health lets stroke certification lapse

Patient surges and a new location fueled the hospital’s decision.

Tammy Mobley Axsom was treated for a stroke in 2019 at IU Health Bloom ington. She said she re members being treated quickly and thoroughly, and without the resources the hospital had, she probably wouldn’t have survived.

In August 2022, IU Health Bloomington said it chose not to renew its stroke cer tification this year — a cer tification it had held since 2007. Axsom said she now worries patients won’t be treated right away.

After the hospital did not renew its certification, what has since ensued is con fusion amongst residents about the hospital’s qual ity of care and an IU Health public statement criticizing another local Bloomington paper for its coverage.

Brian Shockney, presi dent of IU Health South Central Region, told the IDS obtaining stroke cer tification is voluntary. The hospital didn’t lose the cer tification, but rather, made the choice to not renew it, Shockney said. He said this was because of high levels of patients in the midst of the pandemic as well as go ing through the process of moving into a new hospital.

“We made a conscious decision that recertification wasn’t something we had the resources nor the time to do at that point,” Shock ney

But,said. other healthcare professionals outside IU Health say the lapse in certi fication could impact treat ment times and locations.

What does it mean to receive this stroke certifi cation?

The certification previ ously allowed the hospi tal to be named a Primary Stroke Center, a title given to hospitals with health care professionals specially trained in stroke care and with facilities to distribute faster treatment and indi vidualized care. PSCs can provide more advanced di agnostic assessments using high-tech imaging.

Stroke certifications are administered by the Joint Commission, a national nonprofit that evaluates healthcare organizations. Founded in 1951, the or ganization is the nation’s oldest and largest standardsetting, accrediting body in healthcare, according to its website.Toearn certification, healthcare organizations undergo on-site surveys every two years to examine whether the organization meets certification stan dards. For PSCs — the cer tification IU Health Bloom ington had before it lapsed — these standards measure elements such as time be tween arrival at the emer gency room and beginning of treatment, the types of treatment stroke patients receive and assessment for rehabilitation services.

Why did IU Health not re-certify?

Dealing with a patient surge after moving into the new hospital, IU Health Bloomington decided it

would be best not to allo cate extra time to recertifi cation, Shockney said.

The Joint Commission’s website said healthcare or ganizations should pursue the stroke certification. The stroke certification assists in establishing a consistent approach to care and dem onstrates a commitment to a higher standard of service, according to its website.

Shockney said IU Health Bloomington is already ranked as a high-perform ing hospital for stroke care and continues to meet cer tification standards, even without being certified this year. He said having the cer tification itself, because it is voluntary, doesn’t prove anything.IUHealth Blooming ton is ranked by U.S. News as high-performing in five categories of treatment — stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, maternity care and chronic obstructive pulmo also holds Gold Plus Target Stroke Honor Roll Elite status with the American Heart Asso ciation for stroke treatment.

“Patients can come to us for their care as they did before without any doubt they’re going to get the best, and excellent, care,” Shock ney

Beforesaid. the hospital chose not to recertify, it was given an extension.IUHealth Bloomington spokesperson Samantha Kirby said the hospital was given its most recent certi fication in 2019, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. The hospital was due for recer tification in the fall of 2021, but it was approved for an extension due to the pan demic.When the extension ex pired, the hospital decided not to seek recertification at that time. The recertification process meant IU Health Bloomington would have to submit an application with the data they collect and pay the Joint Commission to come in for an external review, Shockney said.

“We determined there wasn’t a need to really stress the team more with that kind of survey,” Cindy Herrington, Chief Nursing Officer of IU Health South Central Region, said. “The taxing of the team during that time was just not neces sary — we continued with the same excellence.”

What are other local healthcare professionals saying?

Experts in stroke care in Indiana told the IDS they feel stroke certification is re assuring for the community and expressed the impor tance of having stroke-certi fied“Ihospitals.believethe hospital is responsible for explaining to the Bloomington com munity why the decision was made to not renew their stroke certification and de scribe what stroke care will look like going forward,“ Susan Savastuk, a former Stroke Program Coordina tor at IU Health Blooming ton who retired in 2015, said in anSavastuk,email. while working for IU Health Bloomington, was tasked with facilitat

ing the Joint Committee’s certification of the hospital, helping prepare everyone in the program to answer questions and demonstrate the hospital’s abilities.

Savastuk said having the certification allowed the hospital to advertise they are stroke-certified. It also meant emergency services knew to bring patients to IU Health Bloomington if they needed stroke care since Monroe Hospital is not stroke-certified.“Theyknew we would have measures that we looked at, and we would get things done quickly and see the patient,” Savastuk said. “Everybody was under the sameSavastukstandard.”recalled track ing treatment time me ticulously during her time working at the hospital She said the stroke team would measure every element of care: the time it took emer gency services to get to a patient’s home, the time it took to get the patient into an ambulance, time to be seen by a physician and time to be started on impor tant stroke Researchtreatment.shows that time is one of the most im portant factors in stroke care. Eighty-five percent of all strokes in the U.S. are ischemic strokes. The most common life-saving treat ment for these types of strokes is tissue plasmino gen activator, which is given to stroke patients to break up blood clots and restore blood flow to the brain. TPA is widely known as being most effective if adminis tered within three hours after symptoms of a stroke arise.Savastuk said that dur ing her time at IU Health Bloomington, initial treat ment times kept improving until the “door-to-needle” time — the time from when a patient entered the emer gency room doors to the start time of TPA — was down to 60 minutes or less.

With Monroe County Hospital not being strokecertified, Savastuk said she’s worried there’s no known “stroke champion” in the area.Eskenazi Health in In dianapolis is certified as a Primary Stroke Center. Stroke Program Manager Michelle Glidden said hav ing a stroke certification brings in a certain level of expertise because they are held to a higher standard of care. Stroke-certified hospi tals also attract physicians who are passionate about stroke

“Thecare.research shows that the patients that go to a stroke center versus any hospital, their care is better and their outcomes are bet ter,” Glidden said.

Glidden said more pa tients treated at certified stroke centers are prepared for rehabilitation and are sent home earlier rather than needing longer-term care.The closest stroke-cer tified facilities to Bloom ington are in Indianapolis. Glidden said she thinks the lapse of stroke certifica tion puts residents around Bloomington at a disadvan tage. She cited a 2018 law and said she’d be interested

to see whether EMS services choose to take stroke pa tients to closer non-strokecertified hospitals or if they choose to airlift patients to certified hospitals.

What happened with the Herald-Times?

The Herald-Times pub lished an article Aug. 26 titled “‘IU Health Blooming ton has lost a stroke certifi cation. What that means for patients.”The article provided details about IU Health’s neurology team and com ments from local neurolo gists, including one who formerly served as the hos pital’s medical director for the stroke neurology team. The neurologist, Dr. Ronnie Goswami, told the H-T he was concerned about what the loss of the certification could mean for the speed at which patients receive care. Goswami also told the H-T the lack of certi fication could mean some patients would need to be transferred to other facili ties, and that he thinks the certification loss is a blow to IU Health Bloomington’s reputation.AnIU Health spokes woman told the HeraldTimes in the article that the hospital remains commit ted to excellent stroke care and “continues to be a lead ing edge provider of stroke care.”On Aug. 29, IU Health Bloomington posted a press release written by Shockney to its Facebook page. The press release criticized the Herald-Times’ reporting, stating the headline of the Herald-Times article was “irresponsible and harmful” to patients seeking care.

In the press release, Shockney said healthcare organizations have been faced with significant chal lenges over the past 2 1/2 years, which has required continual evaluation of vol untary and non-required certifications and programs that shift caregivers away from the bedside and add to costs.Shockney said in the release that the claim that some patients may have to be transferred is untrue, and that IU Health has con tinued to invest in its neu rology program by increas ing the number of providers over the past five years and recruiting new neurologists.

However, the HeraldTimes published another story Sept. 12, stating the IU Health Bloomington com munications team refused to name its staff neurolo gists or say which of them are accepting patients and when.Inan interview with the IDS prior to the second Her ald-Times article, Shockney called the Herald-Times’ reporting “erroneous” and said the article “shocked all of us.” Herrington said the article brought unworthy attention that the hospital didn’t deserve. Herrington also said the hospital re cently hired a new stroke coordinator.BorisLadwig, the report er at the Herald-Times who wrote both articles, told the IDS in an email that “the stories and the reporting speak for themselves.”

Resources for Indiana residents following state abortion ban

According to the 2021

Terminated Pregnancy Report from the Indiana Department of Health, there were 8,414 abortions in Indiana in 2021, 512 of which were performed at the Planned Parenthood of Bloomington.Indiana’sabortion ban went into effect Sept. 15, 2022. According to Sen ate Bill 1, there are ex ceptions for cases of rape or incest up to 10 weeks post-fertilization and fetal anomaly, or if continuing the pregnancy would cause harm to the life or physical health of the pregnant per son up to 20 weeks postfertilization.Manylocal organiza tions are offering resources for people after the over turn of Roe v. forwhichation.enting,encesings,fering2004.reproductiveingtiontionalResourceAll-OptionsWade.PregnancyCenterisananonprofitorganizathathasbeenprovidsupportandpromotingjusticesinceIthasaTalkline,ofsupportforallfeeldecisionsandexperiwithpregnancy,parabortionandadopTheorganizationhasHoosierAbortionFundincludesresourcespeoplewhoqualifyfor

an abortion. It offers fund ing to help cover the costs of an abortion in another state where abortion is le gal. Its website answers frequently asked questions about the organization, the process of getting an abor tion and covering the cost of anPlannedabortion.

Parenthood offers access to birth con trol, emergency contra ception and pregnancy/ STD testing, among other resources. According to its website, Planned Parent hood wants to help with information and financial resources, where available, to get abortion care in oth er states. The Bloomington Planned Parenthood also provides resources such as finding abortion clinics nearby, getting facts about abortions and answer ing questions people may have.Local organization The Hannah Center offers ser vices for people seeking help making decisions as sociated with pregnancy and parenting. The organi zation offers one-on-one meetings with the staff, a partner or family to re view concerns, process the situation and answer questions. It also provides pregnancy tests and free parenting and childbirth classes.

IU student untilapplicationtrusteenowopenDec.2

The IU student trustee application is now open to IU undergraduates and graduate students. Those applying must be full-time students while they serve the two-year term for the position, spanning from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2025.The board is respon sible for the budget and long-term direction of the university, according to the IU trustee interest page. Student trustees have the same responsibilities and rights as the other trust ees. They must participate in a minimum of six board meetings per year, take part in other ceremonies and university functions, and complete any assigned projects.Applicants must be able to perform all their respon sibilities as the student trustee without negatively impacting their education,

according to the IU trustee website.Toapply, students must submit several personal statements, a resume and a letter of website.accordingversityconversationswasStudentershipworknitypositionpointEricnameswillterward,plicantsCommitteeTrusteesubmitted,2.applicationstheyrequestonlineApplicationsrecommendation.areavailableorapplicantscanapapercopyifcontacttheboard.AllaredueDec.AfterapplicationsaretheStudentSearchandScreenwillselectaptointerview.Afthecommitteeforward10candidatetotheIndianaGov.Holcomb,whowillapthestudenttrustee.ThestudenttrusteeisarareopportuthatallowsstudentstocloselywithIUleadandAllUniversityAssociation,whichfoundedtofacilitateaboutuniwidestudentissues,totheIUtrustee

Suspicious note found on front steps of Kappa Alpha Theta house

IU Police Department officers responded to a call from IU’s chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta regarding a sus picious note left on the front steps of its house Sept. 13.

Officers and members of the house reviewed the 8-page handwritten note which contained rambling thoughts with no threats made, IUPD Deputy Chief Shannon Bunger said.

The note did include a name, according to informa

tion obtained by the Indiana Daily Student from a mem ber of the sorority.

IUPD does not know who left the note, Bunger said, but IUPD does have a per son of interest. Bunger said the individual who left the note has not committed any crimes, but IUPD is follow ing up to determine why the papers were left at Kappa Al phaBungerTheta. said no further information will be released at this time until IUPD is able to speak with the person of interest.

ALAYNA WILKENING | IDS The IU Health Bloomington Hospital stands Sept. 7, 2022, at the corner of East Discovery Parkway and North Indiana 45 Bypass. The hospital recently chose to not renew its stroke certification.
NEWS2 Sept. 22, 2022 Indiana Daily Student Editors Salomé Cloteaux, Emma Herwehe, Marissa news@idsnews.comMeador The Indiana Daily Student publishes on Thursdays throughout the year while University classes are in Partsession.ofIU Student Media, the IDS is a self-supporting auxiliary University enterprise. Founded on Feb. 22, 1867, the IDS is chartered by the IU Board of Trustees, with the editor-in-chief as final content authority. The IDS welcomes reader feedback, letters to the editor and online comments. Advertising policies are availale on the current rate card. Readers are entitled to single copies. Taking multiple copies may constitute theft of IU property, subject to Paidprosecutionsubscriptions are entered through third-class postage (USPS No. 261960) at Bloomington, IN 47405 m Newsroom: 812-855-0760 Business Of ce: 812-855-0763 Fax: 812-855-8009 Vol. 155, No. 28 © 2022 130 Franklin Hall • 601 E. Kirkwood Ave. • Bloomington, IN 47405-1223 Cate Charron Editor-in-Chief Lexi Lindenmayer & Nic Napier Managing Editors Haripriya Jalluri Creative Director Carson Terbush Managing Editor of Digital Natalie Ingalls Managing Editor of Engagement Greg Menkedick Advertising Director

IU Cinema screens ‘A Different Image’ and ‘Alma’s Rainbow’

“Alma’s Rainbow” is a coming-of-age story about Rainbow Gold, a young girl who learns to appreciate her body instead of hiding it. Influenced both by her mother Alma and her Aunt Ruby, Rainbow eventually learns what it means and what it costs to pursue her passions, all the while wres tling with her desire, or lack thereof, to interact with her maleRainbowpeers. begins the story binding her chest be cause she thinks it will give her more credibility in the hip-hop dance scene. When her Aunt Ruby — a woman who embraces and uses both her body and sexuality to build her career — comes to visit, Rainbow is inspired by her. Her mother, howev er, is a very physically con servative, business-focused woman who does not ap prove of her sister’s lifestyle, and Rainbow feels a pull from both sides.

Both of these films are a beautiful exploration of the Black body, and well worth a viewing. These films and more can be found at the Black Film Archive website.

There will be three more events in the “Home Is Where the Heart Is: Black Cinema’s Exploration of Home” film series at the IU Cinema, two of which Cade herself will attend.

On Sept. 8, the IU Cin ema screened two films as part of the film series “Home Is Where the Heart Is: Black Cinema’s Exploration of Home.” The series is curated by Maya Cade, the creator of the Black Film Archive and a scholar-in-residence at the Library of Congress.

The Black Film Archive

is a collection of films tell ing Black stories ranging from 1915 to 1979, which are available for the public to watch online. The archive is a valuable resource for film historians, cinephiles and anyone else interested in the films created by 20th cen tury Black filmmakers.

This screening event fo cused on films delving into the idea of the “Body as Home,” specifically show

casing the bodies of Black women and how they are viewed both by the women themselves as well as by the outside world.

The films shown for the second series screening were “A Different Image” by Alile Sharon Larkin, who also directed “Your Chil dren Come Back to You” — a short film that was shown on Sept. 1 series screening — and “Alma’s Rainbow” a film

Jackson has become another city with a poorly designed water system

In late August of this year, Jackson, Mississippi, was hit with heavy rains which led to flooding across the Pearl River. The flooding left 150,000 residents in Jackson without water for days.

Last week, the city was finally able to get water flow ing from the faucet. How ever, Jackson is still lacking safe drinking water. A video surfaced on the internet of brown water coming from the faucets and the city is now in its sixth week of a boil-water advisory from the state health department.

This has been no surprise for Mississippi’s capital city. Jackson has been dealing with its aging water system for years. The Environmental Protection Agency informed city leaders that its water sys tem violated the federal Safe Drinking Water Act months ago and is investigating the issue.

Just like many other cit ies, Jackson can’t afford to fix its water supply. Its water plants suffer from old, leak ing pipes and low staffing. It needs over a billion dollars to fully fix its water system, Mayor Chokwe Antar Lu mumba said in an interview withWeWLBT.have seen a similar type of problem before in Flint, Michigan. A predomi nantly Black city with an on going water issue, they have been without clean water since 2014 when they dis covered there were lead and Legionella bacteria in the water.Jackson has an 80% Black population with a quarter of that population living in poverty. It surely won’t be the last city to experience a faulty water system. Places like Las Vegas, Honolulu, Baltimore, and the Rio Grande Valley are also experiencing blatant environmental prejudices in their cities. Similar to Jack

son, the infrastructure is out dated, there is a lack of funds being allocated to help fix the pipes, and environmen tal issues such as extreme heat resulted in forest fires that have tainted reservoirs.

When cities begin to shift from predominantly white neighborhoods to predominantly Black neigh borhoods, the funds also shift with them. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, cities experiencing poor water access or having poor water systems are in predominantly Black or His panicInfrastructurecommunities.issues to day stem from the lack of investment in the water sys tems over the last few de cades. Instead of trying to take on the issue when it was present, officials waited until the damage was irreversible, and now the human right to something as simple as run ning and clean water has been stripped from these communities.

by Ayoka Chenzira. “A Different Image” fol lows Alana, a young woman fascinated by African cul tures, who has recently left a relationship. She is com fortable in herself and her body in the way that she has seen many of the Af rican women she studies. She wears traditional cloth ing pieces, sits with her legs open instead of crossed and doesn’t fawn over any man

sheThesees.story follows her in teractions with Vincent, a male coworker and friend.

Vincent finds Alana’s selfcomfort odd and mistak enly thinks she is inviting romantic and sexual ad vances, which tarnishes their friendship. It invites the audience to question how they view the Black fe male body. Like Alana, or like Vincent?

The upcoming screen ing of “Dreaming Rivers” and “Black Mother” will be screened on Sept. 22. “Afri can Woman, USA.” and “My Brother’s Wedding” will be shown on Sept. 30, and Cade will have an in-per son conversation prior to these screenings. The final screenings will be “Behind Every Good Man” and “Pa riah” on Oct. 1, and Cade will attend as well.

Highlights and disappointments from the 2022 Emmy Awards

On the night of Sept. 12, the 74th Annual Emmy Award winners were an nounced, and the results were both monumental and disappointing.Theliveshow competi tive categories consisted of Outstanding Comedy Series, Outstanding Drama Series, Outstanding Limited/An thology Series to Outstand ing Lead and Supporting, Directing and Writing.

Sheryl Lee Ralph of “Ab bott Elementary” won for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series. This makes her the second woman of color to win in this category, the first being Jackée Harry in 1987 for the sitcom “227.”

“To anyone who has ever, ever had a dream and thought your dream wasn’t, wouldn’t, couldn’t come true, I am here to tell you that this is what believing looks like. This is what striv ing looks like,” Ralph said in her speech after singing “Endangered Species” by Di anne

“AbbottReeves. Elementary” took home a second award in the Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series cat

egory, making writer Quin ta Brunson the first Black woman to ever win this award

Anothersolo. highlight was comedian Jerrod Carmi chael winning Outstanding Writing for a Variety Special. He famously came out as gay in his special, “Rothanial” released in April, and has since talked about the strug gles that come with reveal ing that part of himself.

“I made something that was of great personal con sequence to me and this definitely contributes to the meaning of it,” Carmi chael said in his acceptance speech.Zendaya won a second time for her performance as Rue on “Euphoria.” She is now the first and youngest Black woman to win twice in the Outstanding Lead Ac tress in a Drama Series cat egory.“Squid Game” actor Lee Jung-jae won for Outstand ing Lead Actor in a Drama Series, beating out big names like Jason Bateman and Brian Cox.

The other categories that awarded white people or programs fronted by white people include Outstanding Drama Series, both support ing categories for a drama

series, Outstanding Comedy Series, all actor categories for a comedy series except for supporting actress, Out standing Limited or Anthol ogy Series, along with the rest of the acting categories for a Limited or Anthology Series, Outstanding Variety Talk Series, Outstanding Va riety Sketch Series and sev eralMarginalizedmore. actors such as Bowen Yang, Donald Glover and Quinta Brunson all lost to their white peers.

“Ted Lasso” won Outstand ing Comedy Series for the second year in a row, beating out “Abbott Elementary.”

Only seven awards out of the 25 televised catego ries were awarded to people of color or programs led by people of color. It seemed disappointing when the Academy released the nomi nations, revealing a decline in actors of color being rec ognized.Itisnow easy to see the Academy has no problem di versifying its presenting pool throughout the event, with presenters such as Oprah Winfrey, Ariana DeBose and Angela Bassett. However, when it comes to awarding people in the industry, they consistently show their favor toward white actors.

TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE Sheryl Lee Ralph accepts the award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series for “Abbott Elementary” at the 74th Primetime Emmys on Sept. 12, 2022, at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles. IDS FILE PHOTO BY ALEX DERYN
3BLACK VOICESSept. 22, 2022 Indiana Daily Student Editors Jaicey Bledsoe, Da’Nasia blackvoices@idsnews.comPruitt ILLUSTRATION BY JULIETTE ALBERT
The Indiana University Cinema is located at 1213 E. Seventh St. IU Cinema screened two films on Sept. 8 as part of the film series “Home Is Where the Heart Is: Black Cinema’s Exploration of Home.” BLACK VOICES BLACK VOICES BLACK VOICES

ticketed performances, Lo tus will offer a variety of free activities beginning on Thursday with Lotus in the meadow. A Matixando dancing event will begin at 9:30 p.m. in Dunn Meadow. Other free events in clude the Festival Arts Vil lage located on Sixth Street between Washington and Walnut streets. The arts vil lage will feature the installa tion of the Archaeopteryx, a light sculpture that debuted at the Burning Man Festival in 2019.Several Bloomington arts organizations will also welcome visitors to cre ate different arts and crafts. Lotus will invite guests to make their own puppets, while Women Writing for a Change will create storytelling inspiration crafts and the Bloomington Piano Project will lead a playpiano decorating activ ity. Sidewalk chalk, bubble wands and hula hoops will be available for play around the village. Free concerts will take place in the village at 8:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday.TheLotus Local Stage, lo

cated on Kirkwood Avenue between Lincoln and Grant streets, will feature free per formances by four different local music groups at 6 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. At noon on Saturday, families can gather at Switchyard Park to enjoy Lotus in the Park — a celebration with music, art activities and food

Ontrucks.Saturday, Vivalda Ndula will present a free lecture about grief and loss at 11 a.m. at the FAR Center for Contemporary Arts. On Sunday, the FAR Center will welcome guests to Festival Unwind Yoga classes begin ning at 11 Refreshmentsa.m. from local food trucks and restaurants will be available at the Arts Village and at Switchyard Park. Beer, wine and other beverages will be provided by Upland Brewing Com pany, Bloomington Brew ing Company and Cardinal Spirits.For detailed informa tion about ticket sales, event scheduling, parking, art ist profiles and Lotus social media, guests can visit the foundation’s website.

and a half minutes.

On many occasions in the first half, it appeared Indiana got beat by its own style of play. After its offense tired out its opponents’ de fenses to start the year, the Hoosiers' defense were the ones tired from graduate student quarterback Austin Reed and the Hilltoppers' offense.Atthe end of the first half, the connection be tween the opposing team’s offenses was better than the connection between the of fense and defense on each team. Redshirt junior quar terback Connor Bazelak had 221 yards compared to Reed’s 220. Indiana had 33 rushing yards while Western Kentucky totaled 31 yards.

In search of a secondhalf comeback, Western Kentucky answered Indi ana’s opening-half field goal with a touchdown on the next drive. After Western Kentucky found itself at In diana’s 9-yard line late in the third quarter, it appeared that one more score would be the knockout punch.

Although, in a pair of plays that were pivotal in the

game, the Hoosiers inter cepted a ball inside the en dzone and then recovered a forced fumbled inside West ern Kentucky’s 20-yard line “We got to get better. We are going to get better” se nior linebacker Cam Jones said after the game. “We built different. We some dogs.”Bazelak would find Camper on the potential game-tying drive, with seconds remaining in the fourth quarter. After scor ing, Indiana would convert the 2-point conversion for the first time this season to tie the game at 30 with 47 seconds remaining in the game.Yet another late-game scoring drive from Bazelak would be overshadowed by Reed’s ability to march the Hilltoppers offense down and set up a potential gamewinning field goal. Although the kick sailed right and missed the goal posts to give Indiana life headed into overtime.“Ilove the grit of this football team,” head coach Tom Allen said. “I love the perseverance.”

It was apparent that as soon as “Let's Go!” came out of Jones’ mouth after win ning the overtime coin toss — the momentum was on the Hoosiers’ side.

A quick three and out led to another field goal attempt that senior cornerback Jay lin Williams was able to get to and block, which lead to an eventual game-winning field goal for Indiana to se cure the “ a plan to keep the fans in the stands, so if it goes until the last play, then they got to stay,” Allen said after the Despitegame.Indiana’s 484 to tal yards of offense, Western Kentucky led with 545 total yards. However, the Hilltop pers costly turnovers and missed opportunities gave the Hoosiers a chance in the end.Instead of focusing on the Hoosiers’ leading receiv ers, junior Cam Camper and graduate student DJ Mat thews, Bazelak found 12 dif ferent receivers on the field to widen the attack.

“We got a lot of guys that can make plays,” Bazelak said. “When you go fast like

we do, it's always good to have fresh Indianalegs.”ended the game six of seven in the red zone, scoring a touchdown on three. It was one of the few offensive stats in which the Hoosiers outdid the Hilltop pers.Indiana was able to ab sorb the punches on both sides of the ball, but holes in the Hoosiers’ offense and defense were greatly exposed. Indiana met its match on the offensive side, and Western Kentucky likely did the upbeat tempo of fense

“,” Bazelak said. “You’ll see better football from us down the road.”

This game could be ar gued as a must-win for In diana, as it will go onto play four ranked Big Ten oppo nents later this year, two of which on the road. Its next test comes Saturday against the University of Cincinnati in another revenge game on the flip side for the Hoosiers in Cincinnati, Ohio.

“We’re 3-0 with a lot of things to improve on,” said Allen. “We're not even close to playing our best football.”

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Sept. 22, 2022 | Indiana Daily Student | idsnews.com4 » LOTUS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 » FOOTBALL CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
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Her Majesty the colonizer: a critical view of the late Queen Elizabeth II

Jared Quigg (he/him) is a junior studying journalism and po litical science.

“Lizzy’s in a box.”

Now, those aren’t my words. Those words were but the jubilant chant of Irish soccer fans during a game in Dublin last Thurs day in response to the death of England’s Queen Eliza bethTheII. Irish weren’t alone, either. Across the world, from India to Nigeria, Aus tralia to Antigua and Bar buda, millions of people weren’t mourning the late queen. They were celebrat ing.I wasn’t originally going to write a column about the queen. I was going to let the mourners mourn, and the world’s oppressed majority

cheer. But then I saw what the most popular news an chor in America was saying about the queen and the Empire she “Englandrepresented.ended the trans-Atlantic slave trade,” Fox News host Tucker Carl son said. “England was an empire that did bad things, but compared to what? Compared to any other em pire in history, this was the most benign empire ever.”

I must tip my hat to Carl son: after all this time he’s been on the air, he continues to find new ways to annoy me. A few notes in response:

To borrow an argument from the late Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Eric Williams, Carlson, like the old British historians, talks about slavery “as if Britain had introduced Negro slav

ery solely for the satisfaction of abolishing it.”

An empire that “did bad things?” In three words, Carlson glosses over cen turies of genocide, plunder and brutality for which the British empire was responsi ble. Those three words cover up the fact, just to name one example, that the British built concentration camps in Africa long before the Na zis ever came to power.

Finally, there is no such thing as a benign empire.

But perhaps the reader of this column would like to take a middle road between Carlson’s thinly veiled white supremacy and the cor rect position that hereditary monarchies are bad and should not exist. (Americans should all have the correct position for crying out loud!

Thomas Paine spelled it out for us way back in 1776.)

The reader might think, “Well, I don’t agree with Tucker Carlson, but the queen seemed like a nice old lady, and besides, she wasn’t personally responsible for the crimes committed be fore or during her reign be cause she didn’t actually have any political power.”

As a socialist, I immedi ately balked at the sugges tion that someone worth half a billion dollars holding a royal title has no actual po litical don’t need to be a socialist to know that this statement is absurd. For example, the royal fam ily secretly vetted over 1,000 British laws before members of Parliament could debate them, according to a 2021


Guardian investigation. In several cases, the royals were found responsible for altering legislative proposals before elected officials could seeItthem.isnothing short of po litical backwardness to ask for the approval of a mon arch before lawmakers can openly debate new propos als. This would have been political backwardness 150 years ago, let alone today.

Perhaps even worse than asking for royal consent is the political inaction of the queen during her long reign. It’s just been demonstrated she did in fact have power and did in fact use it. So, why didn’t she use it, say, to order Margaret Thatcher to stop sending death squads to kill civilians in Northern Ireland?

Why didn’t she return the Kohinoor diamond that is set in her crown that the British stole from India? Why didn’t she ever step up to condemn the many crimes of her Empire?

It is beyond the scope of this column to cover all of Britain’s crimes during the reign of Elizabeth II. After all, most nations on earth have been invaded or colo nized by the British empire.

I would encourage everyone to read about the suffering millions of people have en dured under British colo nialism and imperialism.

Many will mourn and miss her – the rest will re member her as the figure head of perhaps the most malignant empire to ever exist.

The Kelley School Collaboration dishonors an inspiring journalist

The goal of the exhibit is to show that history — which often feels far away — is connected to us in manyTheways.Far Away, So

Close: Indiana and El Sal vador exhibit is displayed on the fourth floor of the East building in Herman B Wells Library. It will remain open until Dec. 16, 2022. It was originally created as a companion to the Kelley School’s Common Read book, “The Far Away Brothers: Two Young Migrants and the Making of an Ameri can Life.”

I have spent many years studying political science and have gone through numerous po litical science classes. So many in fact, that I am almost done with my po litical science minor as a first semester sopho more. Yet, I didn't un derstand the relevance of this exhibit in the slight est.El Salvador's politi cal climate is vastly dif ferent from anything we have ever experienced in America. Between the coups and dicta tors, citizens were often part of democides, and many fled to escape bad situations. The exhibit attempts to show that during the El Salvador Civil War, the former In diana governor, Richard G. Lugar, and President Ronald Reagan, pro vided $60 million in aid while modifying U.S. foreign policy. Although I see their efforts and

the theme is somewhat there, it just doesn’t feel well executed. First, the exhibit is displayed in the hallway outside of the University Archives. It almost feels as though no effort was put into the exhibit, as if there was nothing special to see.

After reading the docu ments and newsletters displayed, there is no real explanation of how Lugar was involved in any of the

efforts. The only proof he was there is through a few letters and

their journey, highlight ing their triumphs and downfalls, as they fight to learn and discover life in America. The author, Lauren Markham, is an incredible journalist, re porter and author, who worked with young mi grants in Northern Cali fornia and dedicated her time to teaching young migrantsMarkhamEnglish.put count less hours and tireless

efforts into this book, aiming to show the heart ache of immigrants and all that they go through in their home countries, as well as once they reach America. This exhibit al most feels like a dishonor and degradation of her name and her work.

If you want to learn about the situation in El Salvador, I highly recom mend reading the book, for it is much more in

formative and portrays a moving story that will inspire you. You can ac cess the book through Kelley Common Reads. Not only does this exhibit fail to teach you about the political relationship between El Salvador and Indiana. It also leaves you confused, due to the lack of coherency and dull readings.

Gentry Keener (she/her) is a sophomore studying journalism and political science.
ALAYNA WILKENING | IDS The “Far Away, So Close: Indiana and El Salvador, Elections and Immigration Policy” exhibition sits outside of the University Archives office on Sept. 14, 2022.
5OPINION Indiana Daily Student Editors Sean Gilley, Elizabeth opinion@idsnews.comValadezSept. 22, 2022

COLUMN: Rina Sawayama’s ‘Hold the Girl’ is a new definition of pop

For Rina Sawayama’s sophomore album “Hold the Girl,” I was hoping for something more experi mental. Instead, I got a pop anthemSawayamaalbum. has created music with some of my fa vorite artists, gaining her a loyal, and mostly gay, fan base. She’s on her way to becoming the next pop su perstar at 32 years old. Her newest album solidified her as a solid and consistent pop“Holdartist. the Girl” opens with her laying out all her insecurities and worries re garding the album, setting us up for the title track. I ex pected more from this track, but it does show off her the atrical vocals very well. She clearly knows how to add extra pizazz on a song, with a beautiful string section highlighting her vocals.

“This Hell,” the first sin gle off of the album, is one of the best music videos of the year. I love the subver

sion of the idea of hell as a sexy nightclub, and I would ensure that Sawayama is the nightly entertainment.

The next few songs aren’t remarkable. The song con cepts are interesting, how ever, ranging from a mother and daughter discussing their relationship in “Catch Me In The Air” to emulating “The Bends” by Radiohead in “Forgiveness.” The intro in “Forgiveness” boasts an uncanny resemblance to the intro in “Sulk” by Ra diohead, showing off her versatility as an artist and creating a fun easter egg for Radiohead“Imagining”fans. and “Fran kenstein” are exactly what I wanted from this album. A little bit funkier and a little more experimental, these songs emphasize the hor rors of manipulative rela tionships. Sawayama’s add ed notes for “Frankenstein” on Spotify show how she got Matt Tong of Bloc Party to go crazy with the drum track: “Matt sent a pic of his hands bleeding; he’d gone so mad on the drums.” Her constant

collaboration with impres sive artists shows how much of an artist she truly is. She has a concrete vision for ev ery song she writes and ex ecutes it Endingbeautifully.thealbum with four more emotional bal lads, Sawayama’s vocals are the final emphasis of her artistry. None of them are the kinds of songs I wanted, but they are all beautiful nonetheless. “Hold the Girl” doesn’t end on the highest of notes, but it comes to a natural conclusion.

This album is worth the listen. It’s not a single emo tion captured in time but rather a tapestry of Sawaya ma’s life since her first al bum “SAWAYAMA.” “Hold the Girl” is a more com mercial pop version of her debut album. With no fea tures whatsoever, it flaunts her own artistic vision with only her voice to tell it. I ex pect to hear “Hold the Girl” and “Forgiveness” gracing the radio airwaves soon. It’s only a matter of time before she reaches the stardom she deserves.

COLUMN: ‘Do Revenge’ is a Gen Z-ified take on a Hitchcock classic

Netflix’s latest attempt at creating an edgy teen cult classic is Jennifer Kaytin Rob inson’s “Do Revenge.” The film follows two high school students at an expensive pri vate school, Drea, Camila Mendes, and Eleanor, Maya Hawke, who agree to enact revenge on one another’s bul lies.Drea will target the girl who outed and spread a nasty rumor about Eleanor, and Eleanor will infiltrate the school’s popular clique to expose Drea’s ex-boyfriend, who leaked a private video of hers. As they become more obsessed with getting re venge, their once-blossoming friendship begins to crumble.

“Do Revenge” is loosely based on Alfred Hitchcock’s 1951 thriller “Strangers on a Train,” which follows two men who agree to “exchange” murders with each other, so there’s no way they can be traced back to the crimes. The two men form a bond that quickly devolves into a toxic co-dependency — something that is appropriately mirrored and modernized in “Do Re venge.” The film also draws inspiration from a myriad of classic teen comedies, name ly “Mean Girls,” “Heathers” and “John Tucker Must Die.” The film hits all the major tropes, including the manic pixie dream girl/boy, make over montage and unrealistic high school party. It often times teeters the line between cringey and campy. Some

one-liners are clever, but oth ers feel out of touch and exag gerated. The writers’ idea of Gen Z seems like a warped caricature, which is some what justified considering the film’s satirical nature.

Mendes, the clear stand out of the film, has a particu larly fun time delivering these quippy bits of dialogue. Her comedic timing makes the cringe-inducing writing feel clever instead. It’s refresh ing to see her in something other than “Riverdale,” and I’m looking forward to when she’ll be free from the shack les of that show if it means she’ll be able to explore other comedicHawke,roles.although over shadowed by Mendes, is also great in her role. Her naturally timid demeanor comple

ments Mendes’s eagerness, and their chemistry is fabu lous. The supporting cast is also great, though underuti lized. Sophie Turner com pletely owns her two minutes of screen time as a rage-filled tennis player, and I wish she had more time to shine. Ali sha Boe also brings a level of sweetness and compassion to her role as Drea’s ex-best friend.Austin Abrams is particu larly perfect as Max, Drea’s exboyfriend and the film’s main antagonist. His character ac curately represents the new breed of misogyny disguising itself as feminism and allyship to a scary degree. One of the best gags of the entire film oc curs when he announces the formation of the “Cis Hetero Men Championing Female

Identifying Students League” at a school rally. Drea and Eleanor see through the fa çade, but the rest of the school swoons.“Do Revenge” targets many of our generation’s flaws: narcissism, material ism and our obsession with status. While the film certain ly delivers some sharp com mentary, it never fully com

mits to the satirical edge that’s expected.Thefinal twist is satisfying and well-executed, but the quality of the writing drops after the big reveal. Unlike “Strangers on a Train” and “Heathers,” “Do Revenge” is all bark and no bite: a film more concerned with its aes thetic and soundtrack than having a coherent third act.

DIRTY HIT Rina Sawayama released her second studio album “Hold the Girl” on Sept. 16, 2022. MOVIE STILLS DATABASE Camila Mendes and Maya Hawke star in Netflix's "Do Revenge."
ARTS6 Indiana Daily Student Editors Ellie Albin, Erin arts@idsnews.comStaffordSept. 22, 2022 812-855-7823 • iucu.orgFederally insured by NCUA We started a credit union and created a community. CANDYCRIMSONCREAM,ORSTRIPES? IU Credit Union is an Official Partner of IU Athletics Get your IU Athletics Mastercard® Debit Card exclusively at IU Credit Union! View all six designs at: Decisions, decisions. Find us on: IMU Alumni Hall · Oct. 19 · 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Dressing for fickle fall weather

It’s a strange time of year in Bloomington. The calendar may say it’s fall, but remnants of summer linger, with some intense high temperatures bound to last well into October. That being said, cooler moments will creep their way in, making dressing for September and October a difficult — but fun — challenge. When you’re building a flexible fall wardrobe, check your closet for these essentials:


Fall is all about the iconic cardigan. One of the best aspects of a cardigan is how easy it is to slip on and off depending on the temperature, so be sure to stock up on a few for the fall. It’s best to buy neutrals if you’re aiming to wear them with multiple outfits—look for colors like beige and white. It’s nice to mix in some warmth, though, so don’t shy away from tones like burnt orange, maroon or copper to blend in with the changing leaves.

Basic T-shirts

You can’t go wrong with a simple t-shirt. This wardrobe staple is great to wear on its own when it’s warm out, but you can easily slide one of those cardigans over it — making it an adaptable option for unpredictable Indiana weather.

Tennis shoes

Since you might be ready to put your open-toed shoes away for the season, tennis shoes are a great alternative that still feel comfortable in warm weather and keep your toes covered in cool weather. They’re great for walking long distances — whether you’re going to class or taking a weekend hike in Brown County — and you can find many sleek, affordable pairs that complement any ensemble.

Scarves — but nothing excessive

You certainly don’t need a giant wool scarf yet. But a thin, lightweight linen scarf that you can fold and keep in your bag is a good idea. When a breeze kicks in and you start to feel that chill, you’ll want to protect your neck from the elements. And it’ll be easy enough to take off if you start to feel too sweaty.

Rain gear

Rain is an ever-present threat across Indiana, and Bloomington is no exception. Make sure you have a raincoat and rain boots in an easily accessible location so getting ready for school is quick and simple. For pop-up storms, keep a foldable rain poncho in your bag or purse along with a small umbrella.

Oh — and don’t forget to stock up on the umbrella bags many IU buildings put out when it storms. If you don’t have access to those, though, be sure to carry around grocery bags for your wet poncho and umbrella.

Gloves and hand warmers

Keeping a pair of knit gloves in the pocket of your backpack or purse is an excellent idea for the fall. They’re especially great for early morning tailgates, and when paired with hand warmers, you’re bound to stay toasty. As the day warms up, though, gloves are small enough to be tucked away for later usage, and hand warmers can be thrown away.

w Sept. 22, 2022 | Indiana Daily Student | weekend WEEKEND@IDSNEWS.COM
Editors Ellie Albin, Erin Stafford 7


COLUMN: Indiana once again pushed the limit to pick up an unlikely win

Somehow, Indiana foot ball is 3-0. For the third con secutive week, the Hoosiers escaped with a victory, find ing a way at the very end to beat Western Kentucky Uni versity 33-30 in overtime.

The Hoosiers did not make it easy for themselves either. Trailing by 11 points entering the fourth quarter, they committed several un timely penalties and errors.

Still, the Hoosiers fought back to tie the game at 30 points with 47 seconds re maining in the fourth quar ter. Then, they tried to give the game right back by com mitting several errors to give the Hilltoppers a chance.

First, senior kicker Charles Campbell sent the kickoff out of bounds, giv ing Western Kentucky the ball at its 35-yard line. After allowing a 19-yard play on third down, the Hoosiers were then flagged for pass interference to move West ern Kentucky into field goal range.Indiana survived its selfinflicted wounds, and West ern Kentucky missed the 44yard field goal, sending the game to overtime.

In overtime, the Hoosiers blocked the Hilltoppers’ 39yard field goal attempt before Campbell drilled a 51-yarder to seal the win for Indiana.

Mistakes plagued the Hoosiers all throughout the game, not just at the end, and they should be thankful it didn’t cost them the game. Several dropped passes took away potential big plays, missed tackles allowed for the Hilltoppers to run all over the field and poor playcalling ended multiple drives shorter than expected.

But hey, Indiana won.

Junior quarterback Con nor Bazelak threw for 364

yards, senior running backs Josh Henderson and Shaun Shivers split duties to com bine for 123 yards. While the defense faltered for a while, it once again came up in the biggest moments at the end of theThegame.Hoosiers also had a love-hate relationship with penalties. Some were unfa vorable, like a targeting call against Western Kentucky in the first quarter, which was overturned on a drive that the Hoosiers eventu ally settled for 3 points. However, penalties tremen dously helped the Hoosiers down the stretch. Western Kentucky accumulated 33 yards of penalties on Indi ana’s game-tying touchdown drive, doing nearly half the work necessary to score.

Several Indiana players emerged from the win with much bigger roles than prior to the game. Most significant was sophomore offensive lineman Caleb Murphy, who played every snap in his first start protecting Bazelak.

Also on that list was Hen derson, who picked up 65 yards and a touchdown on the ground along with an im pressive one-handed catch leading to a 32-yard gain. Henderson received more snaps than the starter Shiv ers down the stretch — a po sition battle to watch closely in theRegardingfuture. long-term takeaways, I’m not sure what there is to offer. All I can do is beg the question: Is Indiana just extremely lucky at the end of games? Or are these late-game heroics telling of this Hoosier team, who has elevated play on both sides of the ball when the game is on the line. I’ll side with the optimists and choose the latter statement, that Indiana’s experience proves valuable in closegame situations.

Indiana earns its 6th scoreless tie against No. 8 Penn State

Indiana women’s soccer opened its conference slate on Sept. 18 in Bloomington with a matchup against No. 8 Penn State. The game result ed in a 0-0 draw, the Hoo siers’ sixth scoreless tie of the season and a new NCAA D-I record.Though Indiana has been all too familiar with Sunday’s outcome, head coach Erwin van Bennekom said his team is treating it differently than the rest.

“If we didn’t have that many ties going into this game, the narrative would be a little different,” van Bennekom said. “I told (the team) to look at this one sep arate.”The draw against the Nit tany Lions was significant for the Hoosiers in more ways than the notable NCAA D-I record. Van Bennekom earned the first point against Penn State in his tenure, In diana snapped a five-game losing streak in the series, and sophomore goalkeeper Jamie Gerstenberg recorded

the 16th clean sheet of her career, extending the Hoo siers’ exceptional defensive campaign.Gerstenberg collected her first save in the seventh minute, but the aggressive play of the Hoosier defend ers limited the Nittany Lions’ shots on goal. For the major ity of the first half, Penn State struggled to move the ball into its half of the field, and Indiana retained possession for a longer duration than the“Ouropponent.defense, the whole team and the way we set up


was much better in the first half,” van Bennekom said. “We relied less on Jamie, but she still made key saves to keep us in the Gerstenberggame.”tallied eight saves, tying her career high from a matchup against Vir ginia Tech on Aug. 21. Her goalie play was crucial to the draw, with Penn State attempting eight total shots in the second half, includ ing one in the game’s final 15 seconds.Unlike most of the draws that Indiana has encoun tered this season, the offen

sive production in Sunday’s matchup was consistent and high quality. The Hoosiers’ aggressive play and competi tive drive was evident in their speed, pesky defense and in-control offense from the outset.Against a Penn State of fense that had scored 13 goals in six games before coming to Bloomington, the entirety of Indiana’s squad made a point of fighting for every 50-50 ball, intercepting passes and refusing to back down.“We stopped (Penn State) from stretching the ball out, and we stopped them from isolating in the right area,” van Bennekom said. “We got exactly what we wanted.”

Despite 14 total fouls and an intense foot race of a game, the Hoosiers’ com petitive drive never wavered. Van Bennekom credited behind-the-scenes figures in the program and his own athletes’ mental maturity for the exceptional preparation leading up to the conference matchup against a top-10 team.“Our team does an amaz ing job of providing the scout for me, thinking about how we’re gonna set up defen sively, press them and dis rupt them,” van Bennekom said. “I’m so impressed with (the players) and how we can come up with something, and they execute it to a T.”

The Hoosiers will travel to Minneapolis to face Minne sota on Thursday. The match is set to begin at 7 p.m. and will be broadcast on BTN+.


Indiana athletics an nounced the addition of beer sales to Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall for men’s and women’s basketball games beginning Oct. 7 during Hoosier Hysteria. Assembly Hall is the fifth university sporting venue to include alcohol sales, in addition to Memorial Stadium, Bart Kaufman Field, Andy Mohr Field and Bill Armstrong

Stadium.“Wecontinue to receive very positive feedback about our decision to introduce this option at a number of our other home sporting events, which makes this decision a logical next step in our ongoing efforts to im prove the experience for our passionate Hoosier fans,” Athletic Director Scott Dol son said in an IU release. “As we have done at our other venues, we will be diligent about promoting, encourag ing, and supporting respon sible behavior at Simon Sk jodt Assembly Hall.” Customers must show a valid photo ID proving they are at least 21 years old and will be limited to two drinks per transaction. Sales will conclude with 10 minutes remaining in the second half during men’s games and at the end of the third quarter during women’s games.

Indiana finishes 12th at Fighting Illini Invitational, Drew Salyers finishes 20th

Indiana men’s golf battled the tournament field for three days over the weekend before finishing in 12th place out of 15 teams. The lineup of teams for this year’s Fighting Illini Invitational at Olympia Fields

Country Club was set to test the Hoosiers, and it did just that.Junior Drew Salyers led the way for the Hoosiers, fin ishing tied for 20th place indi

vidually. He shot a 214 com bined score, shooting 71, 72 and 71 respectively over three rounds.Before the competition began Friday, head coach Mike Mayer said this year’s Fighting Illini Invitational would be one of the hard est tournaments of the 2022 season, and he was right. No. 15-ranked Stanford Univer sity led the field, shooting a -9 through three rounds of com petition, which was 12 shots better than the second place

finishers No. 3 University of Florida and No. 11 Illinois.

IU finished the first round of play in fifth place, tied with No. 15 University of Arizona. Salyers and seniors Eric Berg gren and Noah Gillard each shot a 71 (+1) through the first round. The round was high lighted by three birdies apiece from Berggren and Gillard, with junior Clay Merchant picking up two birdies of his own to finish with a 72 (+2) through one round.

After the relatively strong

start, the second round of play saw Indiana fall down the rankings and finish the round in eighth place. Gillard paved the way for the team again, picking up a team-best four birdies en route to shoot ing a 73 (+3) for the second round.Salyers used the second round to move into the top spot on Indiana’s team rank ing. His three birdies and 72 (+2) round were enough to move him into first with a combined two round score

of 143. Indiana finished the second round ahead of 12th place No. 2 University of North Carolina and 12th place No. 9 University of Tex as.

Round three of play saw Indiana paired with No. 25 University of Arizona and Baylor

SalyersUniversity.picked up another solid round, shooting a 71 (+1) to finish tournament play. His final round included a trio of birdies. Berggren also had a three birdie round and

finished with a 220 combined score, but it proved to be in vain as the Hoosiers ended the tournament with a team total score of 865 (285- 290290, +25) — good enough for 12th place and a finish over No. 10 Pepperdine University. Mayer and the Hoosiers will look to regroup and re fine their skills before their next weekend tournament, the Windon Memorial Clas sic hosted by Northwestern starting Sept. 26th in Skokie, Illinois.

HARIPRIYA JALLURI | IDS Graduate wide receiver D.J. Matthews Jr. and redshirt sophomore linebacker Myles Jackson embrace after Indiana’s win against Western Kentucky Universty on Sept. 17, 2022, at Memorial Stadium. Indiana defeated Western Kentucky University 33-30. IDS FILE PHOTO BY IZZY MYSZAK Then-sophomore forward Jen Blitchok kicks the ball Sept. 2, 2021, at Bill Armstrong Stadium. Indiana tied Penn State University 0-0 on Sunday in Bloomington.
8 SPORTSSept. 22, 2022 Indiana Daily Student Editors Emma Pawlitz, Matt sports@idsnews.comSebree

Rose House LuMin- Lutheran Campus Ministry at IU 314 S. Rose 812-333-2474Ave.

Sunday: 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. @ St.

Thomas Lutheran Church 3800 E. 3rd St. Tuesday: 6:30 p.m. Dinner & Devotions @ Rose House LuMin 314 S. Rose Ave.

Rose House is an inclusive Christian community that offers a safe space for students to gather, explore faith questions, show love to our neighbors through service and work towards a more just world. Rose House walks with students to help them discern where God is calling them in life.

Rev. Amanda Ghaffarian, Campus Pastor

St. Thomas Luthern Church 3800 E. Third 812-332-5252St.

Sunday: 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m.

We are the worshipping home of Rose House Luthern Campus Ministries. As disciples of Christ who value the faith, gifts and ministry of all God's people and seek justice and reconciliation, we welcome all God's children* to an inclusive and accessible community. *No strings attached or expectations that you'll change.

Rev. Adrianne Meier Rev. Lecia Beck

Independent Baptist

Lifeway Baptist Church 7821 W. State Road 46 812-876-6072

Sunday: 9 a.m., Bible Study Classes 10 a.m., Morning Service 5 p.m., Evening Service

Barnabas College Ministry: Meeting for Bible study throughout the month. Contact Rosh Dhanawade at for more information.

Steven VonBokern, Senior Pastor Rosh Dhanawade, IU 302-561-0108Coordinator

*Free transportation provided. Please call if you need a ride to church.

Episcopal (Anglican)

Canterbury Mission 719 E. Seventh 812-822-1335St.

Sun.: 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. Mon., Wed., Thu.: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tue.: Noon - 8 p.m. Fri., Sat.: By Appointment

Canterbury: Assertively open & affirming; unapologetically Christian, we proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ by promoting justice, equality, peace, love and striving to be the change God wants to see in our world

Ed Bird, Chaplain/Priest Jacob Oliver & Lily Dolliff student workers

Unitarian Universalist

Unitarian Universalist

Church of Bloomington 2120 N. Fee 812-332-3695Ln.

Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.

We are a dynamic congregation working for a more just world through social justice. We draw inspiration from world religions and diverse spiritual traditions. Our vision is "Seeking the Spirit, Building Community, Changing the World." A LGBTQA+ Welcoming Congregation and a certified Green Sanctuary.

Rev. Connie Grant, Interim Minister

Rev. Emily Manvel Leite, Minister of Story and Ritual

Stoneybrook Community Church of God 3701 N. Stoneybrook Blvd.

Sunday: 10:30 a.m.

10:00 a.m. Coffee & Treats

Stoneybrook Community Church of God is a gathering of imperfect people learning to follow Jesus. We invite you to join us on the journey.

Mitch Ripley, Interim Pastor

Trinity Reformed Church 2401 S. Endwright Rd. 812-825-2684

Sunday Services: 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Wednesday: College Bible Study, 8 p.m., Read Dormitory Landes Lounge "Jesus answered them, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin.'" Proclaiming freedom from slavery since 1996. Only sinners welcome.

Jody Killingsworth, Senior Pastor Lucas Weeks, College Pastor

City Church For All Nations

Bahá'í Association of IU 424 S. College Mall Rd. 812-331-1863áí-@bloomingtonbahai

Regular Services/Devotional Meetings: Sunday: 10:40 a.m. @ Bloomington Bahá'í Center Please call or contact through our website for other meetings/activities

The Bahá'í Association of IU works to share the Teachings and Principles of the Founder, Bahá'u'lláh, that promote the "Oneness of Mankind" and the Peace and Harmony of the Planet through advancing the "security, prosperity, wealth and tranquility of all peoples."

Karen Pollock & Dan Enslow


RedeemerChurchCommunity 111 S. Kimble 812-269-8975Dr.

Sunday: 9 a.m. & 11 a.m.

Redeemer is a gospel-centered community on mission. Our vision is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ transform everything: our lives, our church, our city, and our world. We want to be instruments of gospel change in Bloomington and beyond.

Chris Jones, Lead Pastor

City Church for All Nations is a non-denominational muticultural, multigenerational church on Bloomington’s east side. 1Life, our college ministry meets on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.

David Norris, Pastor Sumer Norris, Pastor

Society of Friends (Quaker)

Bloomington Friends Meeting 3820 E. Moores 812-336-4581Pike


Sunday (in person and by Zoom): 9:45 a.m., Hymn singing 10:30 a.m., Meeting for Worship 10:45 a.m., Sunday School (Children join in worship from 10:30-10:45) 11:30 a.m., Light Refreshments and 12:45Fellowshipp.m., Often there is a second hour activity (see website)

Wednesday (by Zoom only): 9 a.m., Midweek Meeting for worship 9:30 a.m., Fellowship

We practice traditional Quaker worship, gathering in silence with occasional Spirit-led vocal ministry by fellow worshippers. We are an inclusive community with a rich variety of belief and no prescribed creed. We are actively involved in peace action, social justice causes, and environmental concerns.

Sunday Service: 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m.

*Always check website for possible changes to service time.

1200 N. Russell 812-336-5958Rd.


Calvary Chapel of Bloomington 3625 W State Road 46 812-369-8459

Sunday: 10 a.m. Tuesday: 7 p.m., Prayer Wednesday: 6:30 p.m.

Bahá'í Faith Christ Community Church 503 S. High 812-332-0502St.

Hungry for God's word and fellowship with other believers? Come as you are and worship with us as we grow in the knowledge of His love, mercy, and grace through the study of the scriptures, and serving those in need. May the Lord richly bless you!

Frank Peacock, Pastor Alissa Peacock, Children's Ministry

University Baptist Church 3740 E. Third 812-339-1404St.

Sunday: 10:45 a.m., Worship in person & live streamed on YouTube

A welcoming and affirming congregation excited to be a church home to students in Bloomington. Trans and other LGBTQ+ friends and allies most especially welcome!

Annette Hill Briggs, Pastor Rob Drummond, Worship & Music Minister Baptist

Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod

University Lutheran Church and Student Center 607 E. Seventh 812-336-5387St

Sunday: 9:15 a.m.: Sunday Bible Class 10:30 a.m.: Sunday Worship

Wednesday: 7 p.m.: Wednesday Evening Service 7:45 p.m.: College Bible Study Student Center open daily, 9 a.m.-10 p.m.

We are the home of the LCMS campus ministry at Indiana. Our mission is to serve all college students with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Located on Campus, we offer Christ-centered worship, Bible study and a community of friends gathered around God’s gifts of life, salvation and the forgiveness of sins through our Senior Jesus Christ. Richard Woelmer, Pastor

Peter Burkholder, burkhold@indiana.eduClerk

Jubilee 219 E. Fourth 812-332-6396St.

Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Classic Worship & 11:45 a.m., Contemporary Worship

Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., College & Young Adult Dinner

Jubilee is a Christ-centered community open and affirming to all people. We gather on Wednesdays at First Methodist (219 E. Fourth St.) for a free meal, dis cussion, worship and hanging out. Small groups, service projects, events (scaven ger hunts, bonfires, etc.), mission trips and opportunities for student leadership are all a significant part of our rhythm of doing life together.

Markus Dickinson, Campus Director


Mennonite Fellowship of Bloomington 2420 E. Third 812-646-2441St.

Sunday: 5 p.m.

A welcoming, inclusive congregation providing a place of healing and hope as we journey together in the Spirit of Christ. Gathering for worship Sundays 5 p.m. in the Roger Williams room, First United Church. As people of God's peace, we seek to embody the Kingdom of God.

John Sauder

Sunday: 9:15 a.m., Educational Hour 10:30 a.m., Worship Service

We are a diverse community of Christ-followers, including many IU students, faculty and staff. Together we are committed to sharing the redeeming grace and transforming truth of Jesus Christ in this college town.

Bob Whitaker, Senior Pastor Adam deWeber, Worship Pastor Dan Waugh, Adult Ministry Pastor

Church of Christ 825 W. Second 812-332-0501St.

Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Bible Study 10:30 a.m. & 5 p.m., Worship Wednesday: 7 p.m., Bible Study We use no book, but the Bible. We have no creed but His Word within its sacred pages. God is love and as such we wish to share this joy with you. The comprehensive teaching of God's Word can change you forever.

John Myers, Preacher at is 5 p.m. Monday

City Church For All Nations 1200 N. Russell 812-336-5958Rd.

Sunday Service: 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

*Always check website for possible changes to service times.

City Church is a non-denominational multicultural, multigenerational church on Bloomington's east side. 1Life, our college ministry meets on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.

David Norris, Pastor Sumer Norris, Pastor

United Methodist Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Evangel Presbytery
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Church of God (Anderson Affiliated) Check the IDS every Thursday for your directory of local religious services, or go online anytime
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Your deadline for next week’s Religious Directory

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Today is a 9 - Consider possibilities. Pursue lucrative developments this month, with the Sun in Libra. Cash flow increases with focus and attention. Nurture financial growth and expansion.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Today is a 9 - Your influence rises. You have the advantage this month, with the Sun in your sign. Personal growth and development blossoms. Step into greater leadership.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Today is a 7 - Begin your annual completion and reevaluation phase this month, with the Libra Sun. Get especially productive in privacy. Lay plans and groundwork to realize new possibilities.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Today is an 8 - Savor social connection this month, with the Sun in Libra. Share resources, opportunities and solutions. Participate with meetings, parties, public events and community projects.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Today is a 9 - Assume greater responsibility and leadership. Focus on advancing your career this month, with the Sun in Libra. Grow professional skills towards your passions.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Today is an 8 - Collaboration allows greater freedom. Explore travel or educational destinations, with the Sun in Libra this month. Develop a fascinating investigation. Make long-distance connections.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Today is a 9 - Increase shared financial security with steady efforts. This month could get especially lucrative, with the Sun in Libra. Grow family savings for the future.

Aries (March 21-April 19) Today is an 8 - The next month is about partnership, delegation, and collaboration, with the Sun in Libra. Grow your enterprise together. Share the load. Romance arises naturally.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Today is a 9 - Your work seems energized. Enjoy a busy and creative phase this month under the Libra Sun. Practice growing your physical health, fitness and vitality.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Today is a 9 - You’re especially creative, charming and attractive. Let your heart be your guide this month under the Libra Sun. Love makes everything better. Share generously.

Leave the Magic to Leave Magic HARRY BLISS

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Today is a 9 - Home and family take priority. Domestic projects flower under the Libra Sun for a month. Put energy into reinforcing and strengthening your household infrastructure.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Today is a 9 - Brilliant ideas come naturally. Develop passion projects. Creative expression, travel and research take the spotlight this month, with the Sun in Libra. Communication blossoms.

©2022 Nancy Black. All rights reserved. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency.

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