Orienter 2014

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ORIENTER NEW STUDENT GUIDE 2014 + INSIDE Famous alumni See what former Hoosiers do now Textbooks Rent or buy? That is the question #IU Stay connected with social media Bucket list Get started before senior year And more



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Orienter 2014


Welcome to IU from your Dean of Students Dear New Student, As you begin at IU, you will be challenged as never before. College is not a spectator sport. The more effort you put into it, the richer and more meaningful your education will be. There are many people here to help you. There are many opportunities to get involved. Choose to become involved with those people who can add to your education, and become involved in those things that will take you toward your goals. Do not be afraid to ask questions or to ask for help. Most of all, enjoy the IU experience. — Pete Goldsmith


EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Rachel Wisinski MANAGING EDITOR Ashley Jenkins VISUAL DIRECTOR Connor Riley COVER DESIGN Will Royal COPY CHIEF Erin Stephenson DESIGN Jacob Klopfenstein Jiaxi Liu Will Royal Rose Xu


Tulips bloom in early spring to welcome visitors to campus. The Sample Gates stand at the east end of Kirkwood Avenue as the symbolic entrance to IU.

Table of contents EXPERIENCE

Traditions — 4 Legacy of Herman B Wells — 5 Landmarks — 6 Welcome Week — 8 Bucket list — 9 Sounds of Bloomington — 10 IU Auditorium — 11 Going greek — 12 Lotus Fest — 14 Little 500 — 16 Sports to watch — 17


Downtown Bloomington — 20 Food trucks — 21 Culture centers — 22 Faith centers — 24 Indiana Memorial Union — 26 Campus safety — 28 Survival guide — 30 Technology — 34 Health Center — 35 How not to look like a freshman — 36 Arts on campus — 38 Kinsey — 39



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Words of wisdom — 42 Administration — 43 Famous alumni — 44 Friday nights — 46 Textbooks — 48 Where to study— 49 FYI — 50 Stay fit — 52 Money/Free stuff — 53 Individualized major — 54 Social media — 56 Study abroad — 58 Avoid bad habits — 60 How to pick classes — 61

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Welcome, freshmen! This is your guide to everything IU. We've been in your position, so we know how you feel. That's why we've highlighted some of IU's staple restaurants, landmarks and traditions to help you get started.We've also included some tips for living, exercising and studying at your best. There's so much more we could tell you, but we'll let you discover the rest. Best of luck, Hoosiers. — Rachel Wisinski

EXPERIENCE You're not a true Hoosier until you immerse yourself in the traditions of IU's campus and culture.

Orienter 2014


Campus traditions bring IU experience to students Learn the words to these IU classics IU FIGHT SONG


“Indiana, Our Indiana”

“Hail to Old IU”

Indiana, our Indiana Indiana, we’re all for you We will fight for the cream and crimson For the glory of old IU. Never daunted, we cannot falter In the battle, we’re tried and true. Indiana, our Indiana, Indiana, we’re all for you!

Come and join in song together, Shout with might and main. Our beloved Alma Mater, Sound her praise again. Gloriana Frangipana, E’er to her be true. She’s the pride of Indiana, Hail to Old IU!

Lyrics by Russel P. Harker Music from “The Viking March” by Karl L. King

Lyrics by J.T. Giles Music from an old Scottish song


Students celebrate Homecoming Week by running the Nearly Naked Mile. BY LAUREN REARICK lrearick@indiana.edu

Welcome to IU! Traditions are an important part of any school’s pride and legacy. These traditions help bring together people of all races, cultures and personalities. They also open doors for shy people to emerge from their shells and stand confidently alongside their fellow Hoosiers. Here are a few traditions we celebrate. Whether it’s a football game or a concert by Straight No Chaser — a men’s a cappella group started at IU, Hoosiers celebrate school pride. Football games are also a perfectly good excuse to paint your face and fist bump a stranger. Homecoming is not just a time for football. It also brings a celebratory parade, the Nearly Naked Mile and other classic tradi-

tions. Homecoming is also a legacy because IU was one of the first universities in the nation to adopt the celebration. One of the great traditions celebrated at IU sporting events is the singing of the fight song. First performed in 1912, “Indiana, Our Indiana,” is the fight song played at every IU football and basketball game. Basketball games are another opportunity for sport enthusiasts to really get excited about IU. Look out for Hoosier Hysteria late in the fall to kick off the season. Athletics are not the only tradition. Make sure to get down and dance at IU’s Dance Marathon, an event that helps raise money for Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis. Participants dance for 36 hours while they throw caution and sleep to the wind in order to support the cause. Of course, exhaustion is expected, but the feeling of participating in a memorable

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event makes it all worthwhile. “IUDM was the most inspiring and best part of my freshman year,” said sophomore Tess Ropp, a recruitment committee member. “Over everything I did last year, those 18 hours were the best. I loved it.” Another must is the Little 500 race, which takes place annually. Little 500 weekend has been called “the World’s Greatest College Weekend.” It mixes competition and school spirit with celebration and excitement as some of our school’s best athletes compete in a women and men’s bike race throughout the weekend. IU traditions are a big part of school pride. The proof is in the audience of any sporting event, concert, festival, performance or musical you attend. If you take a look around, make sure to note there are plenty of proud alumni clapping and chanting along with you.

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What is a Hoosier? Not sure what a Hoosier is? Neither are we. But we've compiled a list of some of the failed attempts at bringing a mascot to IU. From a dog to a bison, there has been no shortage of creativity. Read more at idsnews.com/mascot.

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Orienter 2014




Researcher Alfred Kinsey, then-president Herman B Wells and George Corner, from the Carnegie Institute, meet in August 1951.

Herman B Wells' legacy BY MICHAEL AUSLEN mauslen@indiana.edu

Before Herman B Wells took charge of IU, the University was just a small Midwestern college with 11,000 students. By the time he died in 2000, it had become a world-renowned institution with more than 90,000 students on eight campuses. “He put Indiana University on the map,� said James Capshew, associate professor of history and author of a Wells biography. Wells served as the 11th president of IU from 1938 to 1962 and as chancellor from 1962 until he passed away in 2000. He came here as a student in 1921 and fell in love with the campus, Capshew said. “When he became president, he was determined to offer students a similar experience to what he had,� Capshew said. Wells is known for implementing some of the most substantial changes to the University that helped make it what it is today. “He created, I think, a very extraordinary culture in Bloomington,� said Chancellor Ken Gros Louis, a man who knew Wells. “The most recently hired custodian was as important to him as the most distinguished professor.� There are many stories about Wells’ successful desegregation efforts in Bloomington and on campus. “He didn’t rustle feathers,� Capshew said. “He found a way to remove barriers.� During the early part of his presidency, a restaurant originally located on Indiana Avenue, the Gables, did not serve black students. Wells called the owner of the restaurant and asked him to serve blacks. The owner refused. “Wells said, ‘I understand, but I hope you will understand if I make the Gables off-limits to all students,’� Gros Louis said. “The owner started serving black students.� He stood up against powerful figures in de-

fense of Alfred Kinsey, whose research on human sexuality drew criticism. As president and chancellor, Wells kept in mind the future growth of the University and realized that because the institution would far outlive him, he ought to provide for its future. The Board of Trustees criticized Wells when he bought the land upon which Assembly Hall now rests, Gros Louis said. “That’s the kind of vision he had,� Gros Louis said. The first building Wells constructed as president was the IU Auditorium. “He said he built it because he wanted to tell students, especially students from rural Indiana, that the world was available to them,� Gros Louis said. That same spirit of global education was what led Wells to find instructors who could come from other countries and teach at IU. “Indiana University built the strongest foreign language program of any university in the nation,� Capshew said. “That really got started with Wells after World War II.� Wells genuinely cared about the University’s students, Capshew said. Wells developed a reputation for remembering people’s names, even if they had only met once, and he frequently took strolls around campus to meet students. In his old age, his assistants helped him. “He really led through that empathy, that fellow feeling that he had for students and faculty,� Capshew said. Today, the main library is named in Wells' honor, and a bronze statue of him sits on a bench in the Old Crescent looking across Dunn’s Woods. “He’s the one that made what I think is a very special culture,� Gros Louis said. “The time will come when nobody living will remember him, but he’ll still be remembered because of what he did for this University.�

How to Safely Ride the Bus IU Campus Bus Service provides public transportation for the IU Bloomington campus.


Visit our website prior to coming to campus at iubus.indiana.edu. You may also visit our table at IU Auditorium during your Orientation this summer.


Notable landmarks and legends on campus BY NICOLE MONTELLA nmontell@indiana.edu

Bryan House WHERE Next to Ballantine Hall, behind Delta Gamma. THE LEGEND Bryan House is typically the home of IU’s president. President Michael McRobbie and his wife, Laurie Burns McRobbie, use the house as an office. A house cat, Hermie, is known to protect the grounds. The Bryan House is also the location of a reception for incoming freshmen and outgoing seniors to talk to the administration about their life at IU. The landscape around the house reflects the theme of the president at the time. President McRobbie’s theme is sustainability.

Dunn Family cemeteries

The Rose Well House

WHERE Adjacent to Beck Chapel and in front of Foster Quad. THE LEGEND When IU bought the land from the Dunn family, there were a few stipulations. The first was that their family plots could not be moved, which is why there are two cemeteries on campus. There are no burials anymore, and most of the plots are marked with recognizable IU names. The second stipulation was that for every tree IU cut down to construct a building, one had to be planted in its place. Herman B Wells later said for every tree cut down, two trees must be replanted. Additionally, the “Sweetheart Tree,” which currently stands inside the Chemistry Building, was not to be touched.

WHERE In the Old Crescent near Wylie and Owen halls and Dunn Woods. THE LEGEND Built in 1908, the Rose Well House was originally part of the old College Building. Legend states that an IU woman is not an official co-ed until she is kissed in the well house at the 12 strokes of midnight. Another myth is that a couple will be together forever if they kiss at the 12 strokes of midnight on Valentine’s Day.

Herman B Wells statue

Beck Chapel WHERE Across from Ballantine Hall and the Chemistry Building. THE LEGEND Beck Chapel is IU’s nondenominational chapel on campus, and it was completed in 1956. It houses copies of the Bible and Torah and is open 24/7 during finals week. Many IU sweethearts marry inside, but the chapel has been known to be booked for longer than a year.

WHERE Sitting on a bench on the west side of campus, near the Sample Gates. THE LEGEND Herman B Wells was one of the greatest presidents in IU’s history, and the main library is named after him. At freshmen orientation, parents are told if they shake Wells’ outstretched hand, their student will graduate in four years. “Under Wells, ‘Go Gophers’ is carved because the architecture is from Minnesota,” former IU student Kyle Roach said. “IU has so many quirky things all over campus. You just need to go looking.”

Orienter 2014

Showalter Fountain WHERE In the Fine Arts Plaza, in front of the IU Auditorium, between the Lilly Library and School of Fine Arts. THE LEGEND The fountain depicts the birth of Venus. On the night of IU’s NCAA championship in 1987, students came to celebrate at Showalter Fountain and stole all the fish that surround her. The fish slowly started turning up in random places on campus. One fish remained missing (with some saying IU wouldn’t win another championship until it was returned), but it was recast in spring 2011, and all the fish are finally back together. IDS FILE PHOTO

Showalter Fountain, which features the birth of Venus, sits in front of the IU Auditorium.

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Orienter 2014


What is Welcome Week? Wednesday, Aug. 20 Residence halls open, 8 a.m. Freshman Induction Ceremony, 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Families are invited, and a picnic follows. New students attend floor meetings in their residence halls. Enjoy social events at each residence center.

Thursday, Aug. 21 Hutton Honors students attend required meetings. Academic Orientation, followed by receptions, 3-4 p.m. CultureFest, a celebration of culture and diversity at IU, takes place at 4:30 p.m. Stop by for music, henna tattoos and food from around the world. Herman B House Party, a game night at Herman B Wells Library, 9 p.m. to midnight. Come see the library in a new way and play anything from Guitar Hero to ping pong.

Friday, Aug. 22 Job fairs for both work study and non-work study jobs, 9-11 a.m., 1-3 p.m., respectively. University Division students attend advising meetings at assigned times. Open houses and fairs, noon to 3 p.m. This is time to get out and explore campus. Libraries, culture centers and academic support centers are open with refreshments and tours. Go with a resident assistant or Welcome Week assistant, or explore on your own. RecFest, an intramural sports festival, 1-3 p.m. at the Wildermuth Intramural Center. Learn about everything from club sports to personal training. Sex, Drugs and Rock ’n’ Roll, noon to 3 p.m. Traditions and Spirit of IU, 4:15 p.m. at Assembly Hall. Learn all things cream and crimson, from the fight song to the cheers, and prepare to show your IU spirit. Taste of the Union, 6 p.m. Get to know your way through the heart of campus — the Indiana Memorial Union — and do it with free food, karaoke, games and prizes. Midnight Madness, 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Hop on a free shuttle to a local store to take advantage of the deals and stock up on all the essentials you forgot at home.

Saturday, Aug. 23 New Student Service Day, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Get involved with your new community and take a break from the move-in madness to volunteer. It’s an opportunity to meet new people and work on service projects in town.


Students beat box in a performance during CultureFest outside the Henry Radford Hope School of Fine Arts.

Events occur at individual residence centers. Welcome Week concert in the evening. An opportunity to enjoy live music and socialize.

Sunday, Aug. 24 FaithFest, 1-3 p.m. in Dunn Meadow. Get to know all the unique and diverse religious groups on campus and in Bloomington. Residence Hall floor meetings.

First week of classes IU Guides will help students make their way to classes for the first two days. IU Student Involvement Fair, Wednesday,

Sept. 3. First football game, Saturday, Aug. 30 against Indiana State at Memorial Stadium. *All times subject to change. Visit fye.indiana. edu for more information.

Also look for Interfraternity Council recruitment Panhellenic information meetings Student organization call-out meetings Lotus World Music and Arts Festival Freshman Family Weekend and Parents Weekend, Nov. 7-9

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Orienter 2014


The bucket list BY AMANDA JACOBSON aj56@indiana.edu

You’ve heard about nightlife at IU, but what happens during the day? Here are some suggestions on how to spend your time.

Freshman and sophomore years

Horror Picture Show” is performed at the Buskirk-Chumley Theater. This tradition offers costume contests, interactive performances and an all-around fun time. One suggestion: Don’t mention it’s your first time, unless you want to be brought on stage for a special “initiation” ceremony.

Go to a Hoosiers game

Dip your toes in Showalter Fountain The Showalter Fountain is a monument to IU’s arts history, but it is also a major symbol of campus culture. First designed by the late IU faculty member Robert Laurent in 1954, the fountain was inspired by bronze fountain groups in America and other fountains Laurent saw while on sabbatical in Rome. The sculpted fish surrounding Venus are stolen almost annually. However, a dip in the fountain will suffice as a form of rebellion.

Visit the tailgate fields The tailgate fields are often synonymous with drinking and loud music, but they're the place to be during football season. Wake up early, wear an old pair of shoes because they'll get muddy, and watch out for excise police.

See “Rocky Horror Picture Show” at the Buskirk-Chumley Each year around Halloween, the “Rocky

You’ll always remember your first IU basketball game. The roar of the crowd in Assembly Hall, the fast pace of the game and the IU fight song will inspire you to become a lifelong fan. Buy an IU T-shirt, pick a favorite player and let your Hoosier pride shine.

Use the bathroom at Soma Located on the corner of Grant Street and Kirkwood Avenue, Soma Coffee House and Juice Bar sports some colorful and amusing bathroom décor, which changes every so often. The toilet sits upon a stage-like platform, a pair of upside down mannequin legs holds toilet paper rolls, and a mosaic decorates one wall.

Go to the Quarries As a tribute to Bloomington’s limestone history and “Breaking Away” nostalgia, many people choose to visit the old quarries, now filled with water, sunken construction equipment and utility vehicles.

Although jumping from the rooftop ledge — whose location can be disclosed solely by word of mouth — is popular, it is also very dangerous. A history of injuries, diving deaths and arrests is tied to this secret location, but the quarry is also a popular hangout and party spot during the summer.

most famous, with its electric blue color and combination of who-knows-how-many different liquors. Another B-Town favorite is the Hairy Bear at Bear’s Place. This potent, orange-hued drink is said to be an acquired taste, but you should try it at least once to see if it’s for you. Finally, there’s the Bluebird Nightclub’s Dirty Bird. This mammoth drink is a favorite of locals and showgoers at the local bar and music venue.

Eat breakfast at the Runcible Spoon The Runcible Spoon is famed for its commitment to locally brewed and sourced coffees, fresh food and eclectic atmosphere, but the breakfast menu is its specialty. The range of options includes eggs, sausage, corned beef hash, mimosas and chai lattes. Go here to cure a hangover, study dy with friends or enjoy the patio on a spring day.

Junior and senior years Play “Sink the Biz” at Nick’s Nick’s English Hut is notorious for its food, sports bar atmosphere e and the infamous game, “Sink the Biz.” The main objective is to keep a small beer glass — the “Biz” — afloat in a bucket full of beer, while each h person takes turns pouring a smallll amount of beer into it. The first one in your group to sink ink the “Biz” into the water has to drink hiss or her entire beer. Be sure to order a side of seasoned Biz fries to enjoy as you play.

Try a signature drink Every bar has its signature drink. k. The AMF at the Upstairs Pub is one of Bloomington’s i ’



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Orienter 2014

10 band at Max’s Place. Grab a table with your friends, share a pizza and stay a while.



Local band Best Friends performs during Chocolate Prom at Rhino's Youth Center.

Sounds of Bloomington MAX’S PLACE

BY MARC FISHMAN mefishma@indiana.edu

In a college town with one of the top music schools in the nation, there is bound to be local music talent. Throw in a variety of bars and live music venues, and almost every day of the week offers a new musical opportunity. Is Bloomington a bluegrass town? Is it an indie rock town? Maybe a hip-hop town? It turns out it’s more of an everything town. But from what we gathered from just a few of the places, each venue manages to offer its own assortment of “everything.”

109 W. Seventh St. Type of music: “Basically anything that’s off the beaten path,” owner Travers Marks said. “We don’t really go for big cover bands. We like classic rock, but we don’t usually book it. We don’t like top 40, but bluegrass, reggae, blues, jazz, any weird combination thereof, singer-songwriters, that’s Max’s Place.” The Max’s Place scene: Marks said two simple words sum up the restaurant’s niche within the Bloomington music scene: hirsute, meaning shaggy, and liberal. Before you go: Don’t eat before seeing a

300 E. Third St. Type of music: Owner Rachael Jones said the restaurant has had every genre of music except country. Jones said people looking to soak up music at Rachael’s can expect to hear punk, folk, Irish and hip-hop, as well as plenty of local independent acts. The Rachael’s Café scene: “We are so many different things,” Jones said. “We are a coffee shop in the daytime and a music venue at night. We also are not limited to people 21 and over. Any age can come. In fact, we had a women’s music night, and there was a girl playing that was younger than 10.” Before you go: While Rachael’s Cafe can fill the place to capacity at night with its live music and DJ events, don’t forget that it’s also a great place to study or relax during the day. The place is adorned with bizarre sculptures, stimulating artwork and loaded bookshelves for customers to enjoy.

THE BISHOP BAR 123 S. Walnut St. Type of music: “We’re not too genre-specific,” owner Stephen Westrich said. “(We’ve had) everything from rock bands, indie rock bands, alt-country, hip-hop. But if we lean towards one thing, it’s an indie rock environment.” The Bishop scene: “In terms of places that regularly do live music, we only do original music,” Westrich said. “We definitely embrace

local bands like nobody else does, and we really solely concentrate on original music. We’ve turned down things we know would bring us 200 people, but we don’t do them. There’s an audience for those kinds of things, but we brand ourselves as something different.” Before you go: If you're older than 21, you can go directly to the bar after checking in at the door, but anyone younger will be directed to the stage area.

RHINO’S YOUTH CENTER 331 S. Walnut St. Type of music: “We’re very open-ended,” assistant director David Britton said. “We do everything from national and international touring bands to local high school bands. We do metal, hip-hop, rock, folk music and really a lot of everything, but we do try to concentrate on local music.” The Rhino’s Scene: Britton said what sets Rhino’s apart from other live-music venues in Bloomington is that it’s an entirely all-ages club. He said he also likes to take the risk of booking younger bands that can’t get booked at other places because of age restrictions. “We’re also a bigger venue compared to some of the other places,” Britton said. “So we can bring in bigger name artists.” Before you go: Students from the local Harmony Education Center started Rhino’s in 1992. Since then, the venue has offered a variety of non-music programs for youth. In the past, Rhino’s has helped organize film screenings, dance parties and various fundraising events.


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Scholarship, leadership, sisterhood





Orienter 2014


Rain will hit the IU Auditorium stage in February 2015 with a tribute to the Beatles.


See a show at the IU Auditorium Rosanne Cash’s “The River & the Thread” tour

Straight No Chaser

8 p.m. Sept. 25 Students: $18 to $40 General public: $35 to $50

An IU alumni a cappella group 8 p.m. Dec. 18 Students: $20 to $50 General public: $37 to $55

Jay Leno

The Cleveland Orchestra

8 p.m. Oct. 17 Students: $35 to $65 General public: $49 to $70

8 p.m. Jan. 21, 2015 Students: $20 to $41 General public: $38 to $60

Dennis James Hosts Halloween

“Sister Act”

The 1924 silent film, “The Hands of Orlac,” will come alive with creative accompaniment. 7:30 p.m. Oct. 25 Students and children: $8 to $16 General public: $16 to $21

A musical comedy from Broadway 8 p.m. Jan. 27 and 28, 2015 Students: $21 to $42 General public: $39 to $63

“Nice Work If You Can Get It”

7:30 p.m. Feb. 5, 2015 Students and children: $12 to $35 General public: $22 to $40

A 1920s-era musical 8 p.m. Oct. 30 Students: $21 to $42 General public: $39 to $63

“Anything Goes” A musical that won three Tony Awards in 2011. 8 p.m. Nov. 17 and 18 Students: $21 to $42 General public: $39 to $63

“Chimes of Christmas” Presented by IU’s Singing Hoosiers 2 and 7:30 p.m. Dec. 6 Students and children: $12 to $17 General public: $17 to $22

“Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Musical” 7:30 p.m. Dec. 11 Students and children: $16 to $36 General public: $24 to $44

The Peking Acrobats

Rain: A Tribute to the Beatles 8 p.m. Feb. 24, 2015 Students: $21 to $42 General public: $39 to $63

“Jersey Boys” 8 p.m. March 3 to 6, 2015 2 and 8 p.m. March 7, 1 and 7 p.m. March 8 Students: $25 to $59 General public: $48 to $69

Pilobolus Dance Theatre 8 p.m. April 14, 2015 Students: $12 to $35 General public: $22 to $40

“Memphis” 8 p.m. April 15-16, 2015 Students: $21 to $42 General public: $39 to $63

Orienter 2014


Going greek? BY DIANNE OSLAND dosland@indiana.edu

IU is home to one of the largest greek communities in the nation. But with four major councils, which one’s right for you? Here’s a rundown of the nationally recognized greek organizations on campus. IDS FILE PHOTO

Members of Sigma Delta Tau rush into their house with new members during Bid Day.


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Panhellenic Association Minimum 2.7 GPA Follow: @IUBPHA More information: iubpharecruitment.com PHA is composed of 22 sororities that focus on leadership, scholarship, philanthropy and sisterhood. Freshman or sophomore women may seek membership by attending a greek informational meeting. After registering for the PHA recruitment process, each woman will be assigned a recruitment counselor known as a Rho Gamma. IU PHA recruitment does not begin until second semester. This allows women to adjust to college life and develop good study habits before joining sorority life. Rush officially begins Jan. 8 with Open House, or “22 party,” where recruits will visit all 22 PHA chapters. After 22 party, potential members meet with their Rho Gammas and rank their favorite chapters. After 22 party, women will go through three more stages as they get to know the personalities and values of each chapter. Recruitment finishes with Bid Day, when women are invited into a sorority. Upon accepting the bid, they begin initiation. Former PHA president Anjulia Urasky said there are many benefits to going greek. “You get lifelong friendships, leadership opportunities and a supportive community,” Urasky said via email. “Members of a sorority or fraternity join for life. It’s not just four years.”

Interfraternity Council Minimum 2.7 GPA Follow: @IUBIFC IFC is composed of 30 chapters and three colonies, or new greek organizations awaiting official approval by their national fraternity. IFC fraternities are based on brotherhood, leadership, scholarship and service. “Our mantra is if you want to join greek life, we can a find a frat for you,” former Vice President of Recruitment Tom Ault said. After meeting with the Bro Gammas, Ault said it’s their hope that men will come to Dunn Meadow with a short list of fraternities to meet so they can maximize their time at the event. Once potential members sign up with a number of fraternities they’re interested in, they can attend open events, where they’ll go on house tours and meet brothers in a sober setting. Fraternity chapters then extend bids, and once a potential member signs a bid to a specific house, he’ll begin member education, or the pledge process. Men may also choose to rush in the spring. Former IFC president Sean Jordan said he got a lot out of his decision to join a fraternity. “For me, it’s a lot of leadership development, making a big school feel small, finding your niche with a great group of guys and providing a solid foundation to grow as a human being throughout your college career,” Jordan said.

Orienter 2014 Multi-Cultural Greek Council Nine chapters, one colony Requirements: Minimum 2.5 GPA, letters of recommendation, letter of interest, community service hours Follow: @IU_MCGC More information: contact senior assistant director Lindsay Echols, lechols@indiana.edu. MCGC is composed of nine sorority and fraternity chapters and one colony. The chapters identify with a specific race, sexual orientation or religious preference, but students may join any chapter regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. All MCGC chapters commit themselves to academic excellence, leadership development and community service. To join a MCGC chapter, interested students can attend an informational session at the beginning of the semester. They will then fill out an application to seek membership to a specific sorority or fraternity. Each chapter runs its recruitment process differently. MCGC senior assistant director Lindsay Echols said there is a distinct benefit to joining a MCGC sorority or fraternity. “MCGC chapters are able to delve in and celebrate other cultures in a predominantly white campus, so members are able to learn about themselves and others,” Echols said. “It’s a wonderful learning opportunity.”

13 National Pan-Hellenic Council Requirements: Must have completed at least 12 credit hours with a minimum 2.5 GPA, letters of recommendation, letter of interest, community service hours Follow: @NPHC_IU For more information: contact senior assistant director Lindsay Echols, lechols@indiana.edu NPHC is composed of nine historically black national sororities and fraternities. However, like MCGC, members do not have to be of a certain race or ethnicity to join. The chapters are founded in philanthropy and service, and they work in the community at local nonprofit organizations like Middle Way House and the Boys and Girls Club. The time frame for rush varies by specific chapter, but those seeking to rush will receive an application and submit for membership after the first informational meeting. The process will repeat in the spring. In addition to the friendships and networking opportunities, Echols also said joining a chapter means making a lasting pledge to the sorority or fraternity. “The thing that sets NPHC apart from other councils is the life-long commitment,” Echols said. “My grandmother is 91 years old and still a financial member of her sorority.”


Bakari Taylor leads members of Alpha Kappa Alpha in a workout in the Ashton Barnes lounge.


Miss Greek IU 2013 and the brothers of Delta Chi present the V Foundation with a check of the total earnings contestants raised during the Miss Greek IU pageant at the IU Auditorium.

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Orienter 2014



Each fall, Bloomington becomes a showcase for cultural entertainment. The Lotus World Music and Arts Festival, which will take place Sept. 18-21 this year, is an annual celebration of the cultures that make up Bloomington. It features a packed weekend of performances throughout the downtown area. Stilt walkers, belly dancers, marching bands and bright colors are all standard. Rather than attempt to describe the cross-cultural phenomenon, this selection of IDS photos from past years of the festival should give you a taste of what to expect.


TOP LEFT Funkadesi performs Sept. 28, 2013, at the Lotus World Music and Arts Festival. The group mixes Indian, funk and reggae sounds to create dance music. CENTER Valroy Dawkins of Funkadesi sings vocals at the Soma tent during the Lotus World Music and Arts Festival. The group has won the Chicago Music Awards six times. RIGHT Danny Mekonnen and Gabriel Birnbaum of the band Debo perform Sept. 27, 2013, during the 20th anniversary of the Lotus World Music and Arts Festival. BOTTOM Red Baraat, a Banghra funk and brass band, performs during the Lotus World Music and Arts Festival. The band formed in 2008 and is based out of Brooklyn, N.Y.


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Orienter 2014



It’s not just a bike race. It’s the Little 500. Each spring, hundreds of students turn into athletes in the largest collegiate cycling race in the country, and the biggest intramural event at IU, when they ride in the Little 500. Modeled after the motor race that takes place 56 miles away at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, the Little 500 sends four-person teams around a quarter-mile track in separate races for men and women. Howdy Wilcox, former executive director of the IU Student Foundation, founded the Little 500 race in 1951, 32 years after his father won the Indianapolis 500. The race was featured in the 1979 movie “Breaking Away,” which tells the tale of an underdog team of locals who win the race. In the film, the team acquires the nickname “Cutters” after the phrase was used as an insult to stone cutters who worked at Bloomington limestone quarries. Similar to the traditions of kissing the sidewalk and drinking cold milk that accompany the Indy 500, the Little 500 is full of traditions, such as mounting Schwinns and crashing on Turn 3. But it’s also an experience — one former

Cutters rider Eric Young will never forget. Young, a four-year rider for the historic team, crossed the finish line first during each of his four years riding in the Little 500 — a feat no other rider had achieved. The Cutters rider had always planned to go to graduate school for neuroscience following his time in Bloomington. He had never heard of the Little 500 before, but four championships and one contract later, Young became a professional cyclist for Bissell cycling. “I did not think I would be earning money to race until my senior year,” Young said. “I learned a lot from Little Five, a lot about teamwork and perseverance. It definitely defined my college experience.” Coordinated by the IU Student Foundation, the Little 500 helps raise money for working student scholarships, and has raised more than $1.5 million in scholarships since its inception. Though it is an intramural event, former student and Wing It Cycling rider Abigail Legg said most teams don’t treat it like one. “We train about six days a week,” Legg said. “We change our diets around Little Five. We change our class schedules around Little Five. “You’re part of something so much bigger than yourself, and much bigger than just a bike race in April.”

TOP Riders race along the main straightaway during the men's Little 500 April 26 at Bill Armstrong Stadium. BOTTOM LEFT The Black Key Bulls prepare to ride their victory lap after winning the 2014 Little 500 race at Bill Armstrong Stadium. BOTTOM RIGHT Emily Loebig, Ellexis Howey, Kayce Doogs and Kelsey Phillips hoist a bicycle and their trophy in celebration of their 2013 Little 500 victory at Bill Armstrong Stadium. Delta Gamma was the sixth team in women's race history to win back-to-back titles.

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Orienter 2014


IU sports to watch BY EVAN HOOPFER

So you know about Assembly Hall and the five championship banners. By now, you get it — the men’s basketball team is sort of a big deal here. But IU has 24 NCAA Division I teams. And, with the exception of football and men’s basketball, all home games are free with your student ID. Wth all those teams, how should you spend your time? Here’s a look at some of the other teams you should check out this year. WATER POLO This past season, IU’s water polo team won the Collegiate Water Polo Association’s Western Division Championship for the second time in school history. The team advanced to the NCAA tournament, where it finished seventh. The Hoosiers were the highest finishing team east of the Mississippi River.


IU senior Brian Korte pitches against Minnesota May 16 at Bart Kaufman Field. The Hoosiers beat the Gophers, 8-0, which clinched a series win.

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL They are coming off their best start in school history. The IU women’s team started the 2013-14 season 14-0 and went to the Elite 8 in the WNIT. With star recruit Tyra Buss coming in and guard Larryn Brooks coming back for her sophomore season, this team is sure to rival the men’s in terms of wins this season.



BASEBALL Never before has IU baseball played this well. During the 2013 season, they became ranked for the first time in the school’s 118year history and made it to their first College World Series appearance ever. During the 2014 season, the Hoosiers opened the year as the No. 3 team in the country and clinched back-to-back Big Ten titles to play in the tournament for a chance at another World Series berth.

Get off to a good start and register your car, bike or motorcycle with Parking Operations today! Residence Hall permits are available through Residential Hall Parking. Call 812-855-9840 or visit online at www.rps.indiana.edu/parking.cfml

Senior Hanna Eimstad fights for possession of an incoming pass during practice. As a defender, Eimstad primarily tries to prevent passes into the low post.

FOOTBALL One fumble on the 9-yard line by running back Tevin Coleman separated IU’s football team from going to its first bowl since 2007. The team features one of the best offenses in the country under Coach Kevin Wilson, and it brings back both of their quarterbacks, Nate Sudfeld and Tre Roberson, for the 2014 season as the Hoosiers try again to become bowl eligible.

Hey Buddy, you have a permit for that thing?

Senior Andrea Newbauer drives to the basket during a game against USC Upstate at Assembly Hall.

MEN’S SOCCER The men’s soccer program is possibly the most prestigious program not only at IU, but in the nation. Coaching legend Jerry Yeagley made IU a dynasty by winning six national championships during his 40-year tenure. His son, Todd Yeagley, has continued the tradition as coach. He won a national championship in 2012, and, after a down year in 2013, when the Hoosiers got bounced from the NCAA tournament early, they will be back. Also, the crowds at Bill Armstrong Stadium are rumored to be one of the most rowdy and loudest crowds in the nation.

For students living off campus, permits are available at Parking Operations, Henderson Garage, or you may purchase your permit online at www.parking.indiana.edu

Registration is easy!


Visit Our Link to Sign Up for Fall Recruitment

www.iuifc.org // @IUB_rush

Orienter 2014


EXPLORE You might be overwhelmed by the expansive campus and surrounding town. Take a breath and ďŹ nd your niche.

Orienter 2014

20 BAKED! 313 E. Third St. http://www.bakedofbloomington.com/ Create your own custom cookies — from dough to mix-ins — and have them delivered.

Dining in Bloomington Bloomington is bursting with delicious and affordable dining options. Here’s a taste of some of places in town. For more, visit the IDS dining guide at idsnews.com/dining.

BLOOMINGTON BAGEL COMPANY 113 N. Dunn St. http://bbcbagel.com/ If you’re a huge fan of breakfast, or just bagels in general, you’ve got to check out Bloomington Bagel Company.

BUFFALOUIE’S 114 S. Indiana Ave. http://buffalouies.com/ Located just down from the Sample Gates, these wings are an IU tradition.


Jared Schneider prepares a custom batch of cookies at Baked! of Bloomington.

HARTZELL’S ICE CREAM 107 N. Dunn St. http://hartzellsic.com/ This local ice cream shop allows students to choose from a wide variety of ice cream flavors or to create their own spinner.

LAUGHING PLANET CAFE 322 E. Kirkwood Ave. www.thelaughingplanetcafe.com/ This local restaurant offers a variety of food items from burritos, quesadillas and salads. The menu boasts a great selection for vegetarians and vegans.


Mother Bear's Pizza has won many awards, including "Best Restaurant in Bloomington" by UrbanSpoon.

MOTHER BEAR’S PIZZA 1428 E. Third St. www.motherbearspizza.com/ Mother Bear’s is known for its delivery or carry out option, the Munchie Madness, which includes a pizza, breadsticks, soda and brownies. It's also been voted some of the best pizza in Indiana.

NICK’S ENGLISH HUT 423 E. Kirkwood Ave. nicksenglishhut.com/ This establishment is a place where students can enjoy a meal, a drink and the memorable pictures on the wall. Nick’s burgers and pizza are good, but it’s most known for its “Biz” fries. And for those older than 21, continue the evening with a game of “Sink the Biz.” Read more about the tradition of Nick’s “Sink the Biz” buckets, featured in the “Consumption” issue of Inside magazine: http://www.inside-nicks.com/

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OPIE TAYLOR’S 110 N. Walnut St. http://opietaylors.com/ Opie Taylor’s has a wide selection of burgers, such as the "Kevin Wilson Experience" or the "Tom Crean and Crimson."

FOURTH STREET RESTAURANTS These restaurants offer many international options, which proves you don’t have to travel far to get a taste of the world. Students can find anything from Asian to Middle-Eastern and Thai cuisine.

Opened in 1927, Nick's English Hut is the oldest restaurant in Bloomington.

THE VILLAGE DELI 409 E. Kirkwood Ave. www.villagedeli.biz/ This restaurant serves breakfast all day and offers a variety of items. It’s known for its large dinner plate-sized pancakes, which fulfill and exceed any appetite The restaurant also offers an outdoor seating section right on Kirkwood. There are so many more Bloomington treasures, but we’ll let you discover those on your own.

The 2014 Marching Hundred announces openings for

woodwinds, brass, percussion and RedSteppers.

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720 E. Hunter Ave.

4 BR

401 S. Dunn St.

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5 BR

405 S. Ballantine Rd.

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611 S. Park Ave.

3 BR

801 N. Lincoln St.

3 BR

426 E. Second St.

5 BR

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3 BR

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5 BR

427 N. Washington St.

5 BR

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5 BR

807 N. Walnut St. Apt. 1-4 2-3 BR

440 E. Second St.

5 BR

619 N. Washington St. 5 BR

500 S. Fess Ave.

5 BR

620 N. College Ave.

1004 E. Second St.

5 BR

8-9 BR


Come and join the Sudler Award-Winning Marching Hundred! For more information, visit: www.marchinghundred.org

Orienter 2014




Nick Jervis takes orders at the window of the Big Cheeze food truck. It opened in February 2012.

Try these food trucks to go

Two Convenient Mobile Apps to Help Navigate Campus Bus and Other Campus Information This smart phone app allows you to keep up with what is happening on campus, such as checking the Campus Bus schedule. Download this FREE app at iTunes.com or play.google.com.


Looking for a classic comfort food? This mobile food vendor serves gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches. The menu includes everything from “the wimpy� grilled cheese sandwich to the “mac daddy,� which has cheddar cheese melted on homemade macaroni and cheese. The truck can typically be found somewhere on Kirkwood late at night, near Dunnkirk or Kilroy’s Bar and Grill. Find the full menu and schedule at bigcheezetruck.com or follow it on Twitter @BigCheeseIN.

IU Mobile Among other things, the app allows you to access the following: s s s s


This food truck makes some of the best gyros in town. For just $5 or $6, students are able to find a cure for their late-night munchies. The Gyro truck is typically parked on Kirkwood or a block or so off campus. Find it on Twitter @The_Gyro_Truck. MOTHER BEAR’S

The popular Bloomington pizzeria is now on wheels. It’s perfect for students looking for some warm breadsticks or a slice of pizza on the go. To get the truck’s location, follow it on Twitter @MotherBearsTruc. SWEET CLAIRE’S GOURMET BAKERY TRUCK

The full bakery can be found on Third Street, and it also serves breakfast at the Farmers’ Market. Sweet Claire’s serves up gourmet international bread and pastries. Follow it on Twitter @SCLAIREBAKERY. THE SNO MOBILE

This truck is more popular once the weather is warmer. The Sno Mobile serves flavored ice and other cool treats.




The Gyro truck and the Big Cheeze prepare to serve their respective foods to students on the go.


It’s coffee on wheels, usually spotted downtown around the square. The coffee cart sells both hot and iced coffee, and the schedule is updated regularly on Facebook and Twitter at @UELZING.





The Tamale cart can usually be found right outside the Atlas Bar, where everything from tacos to tortas, and, of course, tamales, can be found. Be sure to check out its brunch at the Atlas. Biscuits and gravy and waffles are on the menu. Follow the cart on Twitter at @thetamalecart.

Visit our website prior to coming to campus at iubus.indiana.edu. You may also visit our table at IU Auditorium during your Orientation this summer.

Orienter 2014



Culture centers provide diversity


Students reach out for packets of paint powder thrown down by organizers of the Holi Festival, an event sponsored by the Asian Culture Center. Holi is a Hindu celebration that marks the coming of spring.

OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL SERVICES 400 E. Seventh St. www.ois.indiana.edu/ The Office of International Studies offers cultural, social and educational programs, and it is meant to support international students on the IU campus. It also puts on programs and events for all kinds of student groups.

NEAL-MARSHALL BLACK CULTURE CENTER 275 N. Jordan Ave. www.nmbcc.indiana.edu/ The Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center uses outreach programs and events to increase awareness about issues African Americans face. It is named after the first male and female black students to graduate from IU, Marcellus Neal and Frances Marshall.

HELENE G. SIMON HILLEL CENTER 730 E. Third St. www.iuhillel.org/ The Hillel Center strives to make sure Jewish students on campus have a home away from home. According to the center’s website, it is dedicated to helping Jewish students express their culture in traditional and creative ways. The center contains workout facilities, learning resources and kosher dining facilities. It also provides Shabbat dinner and holiday meals.

LA CASA LATINO CULTURAL CENTER 715 E. Seventh St. www.indiana.edu/~lacasa/ La Casa is a home away from home for many Latino and non-Latino students across campus. The center promotes academic excellence, personal growth and cultural pride through support services and programming. In addition, it works as an advocacy office and link for Latinos, and the center puts on film screenings, lecture series and cultural activities.

FIRST NATIONS EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL CENTER 400 Sunrise Drive www.indiana.edu/~fnecc/ The First Nations Educational and Cultural Center assists in connecting students and building a Native-American community within IU. According to its website, the center attempts to create a “free zone” where all supporters of First Nations, regardless of race, can come together.

ASIAN CULTURE CENTER 807 E. 10th St. www.indiana.edu/~acc/ The Asian Culture Center aims to promote understanding of Asian and AsianAmerican cultures, history and issues. Look for the ACC to be represented around campus, and watch for its programs during the year, such as the “Over a Cup of Tea” lecture series, a celebration of Asian Pacific Heritage Month and a free Asian language learning program.


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in your

Enjoy the largest selection of world-class performances in music and ballet you’ll probably ever have access to.

And most of them are free! Opera

Choral Music (FREE!)

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With 13 ensembles to keep you humming, IU leads the way in a huge variety of choral performances, from the exquisite voices of the University Singers to the Contemporary Vocal Ensemble to the famous Singing Hoosiers and much more.


World Music (FREE!)

Opening Night Sampler

A growing number of world music performances from many departments spice the air. Watch out for the Latin American Popular Music Ensemble, the International Vocal Ensemble, and the Percussion Ensembles!

Choose any four opera and/or ballet productions for the low student price of just $44. (Not valid for The Nutcracker). For full season and subscription details, visit music.indiana.edu/operaballet.

Ballet Enjoy ballet productions in the fall and spring semesters, including the annual production of The Nutcracker with choreography by Michael Vernon.

Orchestra (FREE!) With the Philharmonic, Symphony, Chamber, University, and Baroque Orchestras, directed by a surprisingly large group of conductors, you’ll always find something to grab your attention.

Jazz Bands & Combos (FREE!) The IU tradition of performances in the Musical Arts Center (MAC) on Monday night continues with leadership from great jazz masters Brent Wallarab, Wayne Wallace, and Michael Spiro. And don’t miss the jazz combos!

Chamber Music (FREE!) Always a treat! World-renowned faculty members and students alike shine throughout the year.



Student and faculty recitals give you a distilled way to soak up the spell-binding traditions of Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Contemporary performance traditions.

Symphonic Bands (FREE!)

Talks & Lectures (FREE!)

Director of Bands Stephen W. Pratt leads us into this season with a collection of amazing Wind Ensemble performances, many in the MAC on Tuesday nights!

The Jacobs School of Music is full of opportunities for you to learn more about the music you love. Enjoy the pre-opera and ballet talks, colloquia, and other offerings.

Music in General Studies Round out your life with great non-major music courses in the Jacobs School of Music. Visit music.indiana.edu, or call the Music Undergraduate Office at (812) 855-3743.

Stay Informed!

Subscribe to Upcoming Events and various other e-mail newsletters at music.indiana.edu/mailinglist.

Watch great live and archived performances, download podcasts, and more at music.indiana.edu/iumusiclive. Follow us online.

m u s i c. i n d i a n a .e d u


Finding your faith

Orienter 2014

Here is a sample of religious organizations in Bloomington. You can also visit the IDS religious directory at idsnews.com/religious for a more extensive selection.



Baha’i Association of Indiana University and Baha’i Faith Community Center 424 S. College Mall Rd. bloomingtonbahai.org

Hillel Foundation — Helene G. Simon Hillel Center 730 E. Third St. iuhillel.org



Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center and Kumbum Chamtse Ling Temple 3655 Snoddy Rd. tibetancc.com

Church of Jesus Love (Korean) 219 E. Fourth St. yesarangchurch.org

LUTHERAN THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST of LATTER-DAY SAINTS Bloomington Institute of Religion 333 S. Highland Ave. Lds.org

EPISCOPAL-ANGLICAN Episcopal (Anglican) Campus Ministry 719 E. Seventh St. indiana.edu/~canterby

UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST Unitarian Universalist Church and Campus Ministry 2120 N. Fee Lane uubloomington.org

Lutheran Campus Ministry at IU 314 S. Rose Ave. indiana.edu/~lutheran/

ISLAMIC The Islamic Center of Bloomington 1925 E. Atwater Ave. icob.org

CATHOLIC Newman Center: Saint Paul Catholic Church 1413 E. 17th St. hoosiercatholic.org

BAPTIST Baptist Collegiate Ministry iubcm.org

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TOP Various religious items await use on stage at the 2013 Unity Summit during IU's MLK Jr. Day celebration. LEFT Cuban-American writer Achy Obejas speaks at the Helene G. Simon Hillel Center. Obejas focused on issues of personal and national identity. RIGHT Franciscan brother Juniper Mary, Bloomington resident Alexis Siefker and her father, Dale Siefker, walk with other Catholic pro-life supporters during a march down Third Street. The march started and ended at St. Charles Catholic Church near College Mall.

Orienter 2014


Top spots to check out at the IMU BY JACLYN LANSBERY jlansber@indiana.edu The Indiana Memorial Union is more than just a hotel. It’s the go-to spot on campus for almost everything. When completed in 1932, it was the world’s largest student union. We’ve broken down three of the floors to help you avoid getting lost.

study. Students can sink into the large leather couches or read at a table near the windows. Tudor Room The Tudor Room is a great place to take your family to lunch. It also has delicious Sunday brunches. For more information about dining in this beautiful setting, visit imu.indiana. edu/dining/tudorroom.shtml.

sales assistant Sarah Cady said. IU Bookstore The bookstore expands three floors and carries everything from IU T-shirts, tank tops and hoodies to souvenir mugs, banners and pens. One floor is usually designated to textbook rentals. Lines can get crazy during breaks between class times, so get your books early.

FIRST FLOOR Starbucks While a separate Starbucks is located on Indiana Avenue, which is not far from the IMU, the Starbucks on the first floor is a popular spot where students study and catch up with friends. The large sitting area, also known as the IMU Gallery for its featured art, can seat dozens of patrons.


Students bowl for the Clear Club at the IMU Back Alley. The Clear Club promotes fun campus activities that are alcohol- and drug-free.

South Lounge The South Lounge, a brief walk from the IMU Starbucks, is another frequented stop for students looking for a cozy place to

Whittenberger Auditorium The Whittenberger Auditorium is known for its free weekly film series on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, which are organized by Union Board. The auditorium was named after the first president of the University’s first student union, John Whittenberger, and it can seat up to 400 people. Alumni Hall Alumni Hall, which is more formal than the Whittenberger Auditorium, is 5,000 square feet and the largest and most used meeting hall in the IMU, event manager and

MEZZANINE Sugar & Spice Sugar & Spice pastry chef Michael Craig said it is the only store of its kind in the country. It offers organic coffee, cheeses, meats and pastries ranging from traditional chocolate chip cookies to fancy cupcakes and cheesecakes. “We have our traditions, like the chocolate no-bakes and Special K chewies,” Craig said. It mails orders as far away as California.

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Ben, Music Performance Dorian, Music Performance, DM Debbie, Informatics Cody, Education Evan, Health Administration Kyle, Computer Science/Criminal Justice

Orienter 2014


IU Bookstore

Back Alley Bowling Back Alley Bowling offers more than what its title implies, as it also operates a billiards and arcade room, Manager John Bower said. Rates for the general public are $2.50 for a bowling game, and blacklight bowling is $2.75 for students and $3 for the general public. Rates for the billiards room for those without a student ID are $6 per hour and $5.50 for students. LOBBY Front desk The Biddle Hotel front desk is located in the Union’s lobby near the Sycamore Corner Store.

an array of fresh sandwiches and various wraps and pitas. Federal Room

Sycamore Corner Store The Sycamore Corner Store is a convenient shop for hotel guests, especially since it’s located next to the main desk in the lobby. The store offers wine, chocolate baskets, beer, souvenir baskets and nut baskets. UPS store A convenient one-stop location for all your full-service packaging, shipping and postal needs. Whether you’re sending a souvenir back home or need to send a fax, the UPS Store — located just outside the lobby — can handle your requests.

Alumni Hall balcony

Union Board

University Club South Memorial Lounge Room IU Bookstore

Alumni Hall

Starbucks Tudor Room Whittenberger Auditorium

IU Bookstore

Dunn Meadow Café Dunn Meadow Café is an alternative to the Market at the Union Food Court which is located on the mezzanine level. Formerly named Kiva, Dunn Meadow Café was reopened in February 2010, Retail Manager Holly Parient said. The menu lists

ALSO AT THE IMU Look for the poster sale at the beginning of each semster. It'll give you something to cover those bare white walls of your dorm room.

Sugar & Spice

The Commons The Market

Back Alley Bowling

Frangipani Room


Orienter 2014



Staying safe on campus is important, whether it is walking to class or going to a party with friends. Remembering the acronym AWARE can be helpful. ARRANGE FOR RIDES Assign a designated driver before heading out. If a car is not an option, services such as IU Safety Escort and the Night Owl bus route are. Check out http://safety.indiana.edu/ or http://nightowl.indiana.edu/campus_bus/ midnight_special.html for more details. Another option would be to take a taxi. Keep in mind most drivers do not use meters, so cab fare could be pricey. WEIGH THE RISKS We won’t talk you out of drinking on a Friday night. No one else will either. College is about making decision for yourself. We just want you to be safe, so here are a few things you

should know. You probably think it would never happen to you, but drinking can be dangerous. People who are new to drinking typically have low tolerances for alcohol, so do not exceed it. People who have drunk enough to pass out are at risk of choking to death on their own vomit or suffering from alcohol poisoning. The end result could be the emergency room or, sometimes, death. Another issue that can come with college parties is sexual assaults. As many as one in four college women experience unwanted sexual intercourse in the United States, and many of these incidents happen at or after parties. The majority of sexual assaults involve alcohol. ASSISTANCE ON CAMPUS Throughout campus are emergency stations to assist students in need. Hit the red button on any of these stations, which will contact the IU Police Department, and a blue light will flash on the surrounding area. The button pad above it can also call IUPD, Safety Escort Services and the Motor Assistance program. REACT It is important to know that if you see a friend who is showing signs of alcohol poison-

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EDUCATE YOURSELF The Indiana Lifeline Law provides immunity for the crimes of public intoxication, minor possession, minor consumption and minor transport for persons who reveal themselves to law enforcement while seeking medical assistance for a person suffering from an alcoholrelated health emergency. Immunity will be received if the individual gives authorities all necessary information, if the individual stays on the scene and if the individual cooperates with authorities. The IU Health Center has a Sexual Assault Crisis Service that offers crisis intervention, individual and group counseling and educational programming.


Emergency blue boxes are located in various places on campus.

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ing, do not hesitate to call 911. You will not get in trouble for saving someone’s life. Be careful of mixed punches, as their alcohol and/or drug content is often a mystery. Do not leave your drink unattended. Never leave a friend alone when he or she has had too much to drink. Know where you are and how to get home. Carry cash in case a cab is needed, and do not rely on someone you do not know to give you a ride home. If ever attacked by an aggressor, IUPD’s Leslie Slone, suggests staying mobile. It is more difficult to catch a moving target.

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Orienter 2014


Worst-case scenario survival guide: IU edition BY DIANNE OSLAND dosland@indiana.edu

Welcome to the wild, er, college. Whether you’re navigating the halls of Ballantine Hall or the tables of Wright Food Court, you’re bound to come acrosss dangerous, disappointing and downright awkward situations. Here’s how to o survive — and prevent — three comommon scenarios you may facee in your first year. HOUSING You had your heart set on McNutt because your sister told you it was the only place to live if you u wanted a social life. Your housing assignment ignment arrives: Forest.

Preventative measures This could very well be the one and only time you’ll live in the close quarters of a double dorm room on a floor of 50 other people who might become your family away from home. Enjoy it. SCHEDULING You’ve painstakingly picked out the perfect class schedule for your first semester. Hello, three-day weekends and History of Rock ’n’ Roll Music. But as you log onto OneStart to click “enroll,” you’re faced with MWF 8 a.m. classes and 20-person deep waitlists. What to do That rock ’n’ roll class has already enrolled the maximum number of students. But don’t stash away those AC/DC albums yet — check the “waitlist” option. If students decide to drop out during the first week of classes and you’re

IU Sp Pr A ons ou th o d le r tic of s!

What to do Don’t immediately think your freshman year is ruined. There’s not one specifically “social dorm,” there are just social people. And they’re not housed in only one building — they’re your neighbors down the hall. Find the good in each neighborhood. Forest, Read and Rose are all on Third Street

near major academic buildings so you’ll have a shorter walk to class. Central dorms are by the Wells Library and the SRSC, and Northwest residents have quick access to the stadium and Assembly Hall. If you’re lucky enough to land in one of without the three dorms d don’t air conditioning, condi sweat it. it Just rememcan always ber, you y bring fans, and brin summer doesn’t sum last long in Indiana. Take addian vantage of AC in vanta your dorm’s center building or make fast buildin no small friends — there’s th talk like complaining about the weather. Give it a few months. If you’re still unhappy with your housing, you have the opportunity at the end of first semester to submit a housing change request form. If you must call Fee Lane home, RPS does allow residents to move rooms before winter break if there is available space.

high enough up on the waitlist, you’ll automatically be enrolled. Just remember you’re not guaranteed a spot even if you’re waitlisted, so have a back-up class in mind. Remember you have four (or five, or six) years at IU. Just because you couldn’t enroll in a certain class this fall doesn’t mean you won’t graduate in time or have the chance to take a yoga class for credit. Set several alarms and make a friend. If you couldn’t avoid the dreaded 8 a.m. finite math course, get to know your classmates. They’ll keep you accountable for showing up and keep you updated in case you hit that snooze button one too many times. Preventative measures There’s not much you can do to change this first semester, but it’s a different story come spring. You won’t start scheduling until late October or November, but make sure you visit your adviser before that time. Many schools won’t let you enroll in spring classes until you’ve had an

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Orienter 2014


advising meeting. Review your preassigned enrollment date listed in the Student Center section of OneStart. On that exact day and time, you’ll be able to enroll in classes. Remember when Fall Out Boy’s comeback tour sold out in nine minutes? Instead of competing for a ticket, you’re competing for that final seat in Psych 101. Don’t miss it.

when you’re looking right at your roommate instead of your computer screen. Stay away from talking about sex and focus on talking about the real issue: respecting shared space. Avoid calling your roommate anything derogatory. Even if you do think he or she is trashy, judging his or her actions only makes the situation worse.


Preventative measures Create a communication system with your roommate. Symbols like a tie on the door invite your neighbors to know your business. Be more cryptic with a coded note on the door that says something like “I’m studying” to keep the rest of the world out of the loop. Schedule times in advance you and your roommate can have private time in the room, though that isn’t always a solution for last-minute hookups.

Your last class just ended, and you’re heading home to study for your A215 exam. Opening the door to your dorm room, you hear heavy breathing coming from your roommate’s bed. Turns out he or she is already studying some basic human anatomy. What to do Make a swift exit. Find shelter until it is safe to return to your residence. Having a conversation while your roommate is occupied probably isn’t the best idea. Wait until the next day, when you’ve cooled off and your roommate isn’t as ... distracted. The next day, have a conversation faceto-face — not through texts or Facebook chat. It’s easier to control your emotions

ADVICE FROM THE RA Every floor in a residence hall has a student who is a sophomore or older called a resident assistant or “RA” in charge of safety and security, enforcing rules and planning events. Former McNutt RA Chris Clendenen offers you some seasoned words of advice on surviving dorm life: "Your roommate does not have to "Y ur roomm be your friend. You don’t even rey best fr ally have to talk with your roommate — you just have to live with them. "Respect their space and their things. If you don’t know if you can borrow something or do something in the room, just ask.

"What’s more important than your roommate is your floor. If you have a good floor, your roommate doesn’t matter, so spend Welcome Week with your floor, not just your high school friends. "See how long you can go before you have to buy food during Welcome Week. If you’re not buying food, that means you’re going to programs, meetings and more and getting to know people. "Don’t forget to o wear shower shoes. Your feet will fall all off."

By Stephanie Doctrow and Caitlin Peterkin

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Orienter 2014





Let’s talk tech









University Information Technology Services provides tips for computer security S

BY LINDSEY ERDODY lerdody@indiana.edu

Moving onto campus involves more than putting clothes away and setting up the mini refrigerator. Students also need to set up the Internet on their computers, learn how and where to print those upcoming assignments and figure out how to keep their laptops safe.

PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Rondot suggests students run Get Connected, getconnected.iu.edu, before coming to campus, so that it only takes a few minutes to set up once you’re here. He said doing this will also set up a wireless connection.

Charles Rondot, former manager of University IT Communications, offered a variety of tips and important information for incoming freshmen. He suggested visiting the custom portal first at nu2it.iu.edu/iub, and he offered more advice for students learning how to use campus Internet.




In addition to the printing quota every student gets, UITS asks all to only print 50 pages at a time, to not reuse paper in the printers and to not use special paper, labels or transparencies. For a list of computer labs on campus, visit: stcweb.stc.indiana.edu/framework/apps/ public/SiteRes/LabInfo.cfm.

Rondot suggests running anti-virus software and OS updates and being sure not to click suspicious links or give out your username and password. Go to protect.iu.edu for more information about safe computer habits.

UITS provides support 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 812-855-6789, or at ithelplive.iu.edu or email help at ithelp@ iu.edu. Walk-up help is available at the UITS Support Center in Herman B Wells Library. Hours for the support center are 8 a.m. to midnight Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, noon to 5 p.m. Saturday and noon to midnight Sunday.

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Orienter 2014


Under the weather? IU’s health center has a fix BY ALEX RAST amrast@indiana.edu

The IU Health Center offers many services for IU students who need medical assistance, such as full service appointments, a walk-in clinic, a pharmacy, lab tests and x-rays, physical examinations and allergy shots. Here is a list of services that could be beneficial to you.


GET TESTED The IU Health Center Laboratory is the only local location where counseling and HIV testing are performed on-site. Results for the HIV test are available the same day. It also offers testing for common STIs such as chlamydia, which is often asymptomatic and can go undetected. The test used in the lab is quite sensitive and can detect infection early. If you want to be tested for chlamydia or other STIs, set up an appointment by calling 812-855-7688.

PHARMACY The medical clinic is staffed with physicians and nurses, and scheduled appointments or walk-ins are available. Appointment services encompass the full range of family practice medical care, including physical examinations. Appointments can be scheduled up to two weeks in advance. Students are asked to cancel appointments no later than two hours prior. The walk-in clinic is available for students with emergency medical needs. Such typical needs include fevers, sore throats, coughs and injuries. Students will be seen in order of arrival or based on the severity of the problem.

The IU Pharmacy is located within the Health Center. It accepts many prescription cards. The pharmacy also has three full-time pharmacists who are always available to answer questions. As well as giving discounts to students for some services, the pharmacy also stocks overthe-counter medications like cough drops, cold medicine and eye drops.

IMMUNIZATION/ALLERGY The Health Center offers a variety of vac-

cines, often at reasonable prices. Influenza vaccinations are made available prior to flu season. In order to encourage all students to get flu shots, the flu shots are priced as low as possible. Allergy shots are also available and are administered based on the student, following instructions given by the student’s allergist.

be discussed in confidence with one of the counselors. Depression, anxiety, feelings of inadequacy, sexual issues, substance abuse and problems of academic functioning are some of the concerns students often address through counseling. CAPS is located on the fourth floor of the Health Center.

PHYSICAL THERAPY This is the evaluation and treatment of a musculoskeletal injury with the goal of resolving pain and restoring function, so the student can return to his or her highest function in school or any other kind of physical activity. Therapeutic exercise programs are tailored to each individual’s needs and might include exercises to correct faulty posture and biomechanics to improve flexibility, strength, balance and endurance.

COUNSELING AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES CAPS is a professionally staffed counseling service that offers individual, group and couples counseling. Any kind of concern can

The IU Health Center is located at 600 N. Jordan Ave. Hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday and Thursday and 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. The Health Center is also open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on some select Saturdays during the fall and spring semesters. An after-hours telephone service is also available 5 to 11 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

OOrienter rien 2014



1. Sometimes it is OK to leave home without your campus map. You might get lost, but you’ll see something new along the way. Chances are that you aren’t venturing too far from home, and, if you are, it won’t be that hard to find someone with a computer or smart phone to point you in the right direction. 2. Yes, free stuff is great. All of that orientation swag stuff you picked up the first week of class, though, can be left at home. If you’re trying to look like a freshman, there is no easier way than to wear that red cinch sack as you walk from Wright

Food Court to Wells Library.

3. Also in that bag of goodies was a lanyard. Don’t use it. Don’t use any lanyard. While displaying your car keys on your chest may have been a status symbol in high school, the same is not the case for your dorm room key in college. 4. Trying to become Facebook famous is not a way to seem older to your peers. Letting someone in a lecture borrow your pen is not an invitation for you to take out your phone and send them a friend request. Take it easy. College is an opportune time to meet plenty of new people, not just their profile pictures.

5. It’s true that you are here primarily for school, but Bloomington has so much more to offer. Going home every weekend is a surefire way to isolate yourself. This is a new experience for many people around you as well. Bond over that and you will find yourself making lifelong friends.

but not the best way to look like a grown up. Stash it away for a few years and bring it back out sometime after college. Your letter jacket and all of those T-shirts from high school with “Class of 2014” can be boxed up as well.


8. Since you have decided not to


go home every weekend, you’ll need to be able to do your own laundry. Next time your mom calls to nag, ask her for some pointers. She will be shocked, but you’ll be much happier than if you had washed all your white tees with one red one in the mix. Nobody wants to be the guy in the unintentionally pink shirt.


8. 7.

9. Wearing candy striped pants at the beginning of your freshman year is the equivalent of talking about having children on a first date. Tone it down a little bit. Save the pants for game day. A little school spirit doesn’t hurt, but don’t go over the top.

9. 1. 5.


Don’t ask to go to the bathroom in class. Just go.



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Orienter 2014


GET CULTURED BY CAITLIN PETERKIN cpeterki@indiana.edu Bloomington is rich with its vibrant and diverse culture, and there are so many opportunities to experience the performing and visual arts. From off-Broadway musicals to Picasso’s artwork to rare manuscripts, IU offers many chances to experience all types of art. So whether you’re a theater neophyte or have been going to museums for years, here is a sample of the arts at IU.

its unique angles, was built by I.M. Pei, who also designed the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum and the entrance to the Louvre. The museum houses pieces from nearly every culture and era, including works from Africa and ancient Greece and works by Pablo Picasso and Paul Strand. The museum is free and open to the public, and also features a café and gift shop.

THE LILLY LIBRARY 1200 E. Seventh St. www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/ Founded in 1960, the Lilly Library is one of the largest collections of rare books in the world, housing more than 450,000 books and 7.5 million manuscripts. Some notable pieces include a Gutenberg Bible, George Washington’s letter accepting his presidency, the first printed edition of Shakespeare’s works and typescripts of Ian Fleming’s “James Bond” novels.

IU CINEMA 1213 E. Seventh St. www.cinema.indiana.edu/ The IU Cinema opened in January 2011 with state-of-the-art technology, surround sound, custom decor and renovated panels of Thomas Hart Benton’s Indiana Murals. It has become a premiere destination for film lovers in Bloomington and from around the area, with more than 150 films screened each semester, including new arthouse releases, film classics and foreign films. The cinema has also become IU’s center for the scholarly study of film. According to its website, the cinema is “the University’s first research facility where audiences can collectively revisit the cinematic works archived within Bloomington’s vast film print collections.” IU ART MUSEUM 1133 E. Seventh St. www.iub.edu/~iuam/ Established in 1941, the IU Art Museum, with

MUSICAL ARTS CENTER 101 N. Jordan Ave. www.music.indiana.edu/opera/ Home to the Jacobs School of Music’s Opera and Ballet Department, the Musical Arts Center showcases world-class performances, including an annual production of “The Nutcracker.” It’s regularly compared to the Metropolitan Opera in New York City, and it seats up to 1,460 patrons.

to display their work. Free to the public, the gallery "frequently collaborates with artists, scientists and scholars to produce exhibits that interpret visual art in a broader scientific or humanities context,” according to its website. IU AUDITORIUM 1211 E. Seventh St. www.iuauditorium.com/ The IU Auditorium opened in 1941 after it was constructed as part of the Works Progress Administration program. Built entirely of Indiana limestone, it was the first building completely planned and constructed under Herman B Wells’ presidency. With more than 3,000 seats, the auditorium is home to off-Broadway shows, guest speakers, comedians, orchestras, concerts and more, with acts appealing to every demographic.

LEE NORVELLE THEATRE AND DRAMA CENTER 275 N. Jordan Ave. www.indiana.edu/~thtr/ For years, the Department of Theatre and Drama has been putting on phenomenal shows ranging from Shakespearean to Tony Award-winning at the Lee Norvelle Theatre and Drama Center.


Students prop their feet against the wall of the entrance to the IU Art Museum. The Light Totem casts a color show upon the wall each night.

GRUNWALD GALLERY OF ART 1201 E. Seventh St. www.indiana.edu/~grunwald/ The Grunwald Gallery of Art is an exhibition venue for both professional and student artists


Members of the "Jersey Boys" cast sing "My Boyfriend's Back." The show will perform at the IU Auditorium from March 3-8.

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Orienter 2014



Bicycling on Campus Bicycles are a common form of transportation for the IU community. Bicycles operated or parked on the IU Bloomington Campus must be registered with Parking Operations and display a registration permit. For more information please contact parking.indiana.edu.

Bicycle SAFETY at Indiana University: COURTESY OF IU ARCHIVES

In 1941, Alfred Kinsey used gall wasps in his sex research. His work inspired much of the content in IU's Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction.

Kinsey Institute brings radical sex research to IU BY LAUREN MCCONNELL ljmcconn@indiana.edu

How men make decisions about sexual partners, how mood affects sexual arousal in women and what prevents couples from using condoms are only some of the topics on sex being researched at IU’s groundbreaking Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction. The Institute has been a source of research and information about these topics since 1947. The Institute is named for IU’s Alfred Kinsey. Kinsey famously gathered histories of sexual behavior in thousands of interviews, which culminated in his book “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male,” published in 1948. This was followed by his “Sexual Behavior in the Human Female” in 1953. The volume surprised everyone when it became a best-seller, according to the Kinsey website. The Kinsey Institute offers a library, art collections, events, an active research program and the Kinsey Confidential website.

For example, the Kinsey Institute has 250 original prints by Wilhelm von Gloeden, who is known as the first photographer of the male nude. The gallery showcases select pieces from the Institute’s collection of art, artifacts and photography. The Kinsey Institute reception area is open 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The library and special collections are open 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m., but they are not open to the general public. Reservations must be made for public tours by calling 812-855-7686 or emailing kinsey@indiana.edu. Have questions about birth control, sexual dysfunction, condoms, orgasms or sexual assault? Kinsey Confidential is a blog and podcast website from the Kinsey Institute that provides information on sexual issues for college students. Questions can be submitted anonymously at kinseyconfidential.org.

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Visit our website prior to coming to campus at iubus.indiana.edu. You may also visit our table at IU Auditorium during your Orientation this summer.

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Orienter 2014


“Take advantage of all the world class cultural resources IU has to offer. IU’s arts scene rivals that of a big city. Your life as a student will be so enhanced and your education as a citizen of the world will be greatly enlarged. Good luck!”

Words of wisdom

“Reach out and become involved. There are a number of leadership opportunities, and that is a great way for domestic and international students to be actively involved. Look for opportunities that foster personal and professional growth in a positive way, and utilize the resources available at IU to assist you in being a successful college student.”

Leaders from across campus offer advice on how to prepare for the first year at IU. From the practical to the philosophical, they’ve got you covered.

Adelheid Gealt, director of the IU Art Museum

Sandy Britton, associate director for international student life, Office of International Services

“Back in 1991, when I was a freelance journalist, I interviewed a local philanthropist who was known for always finding the joy in life. I asked him what the secret was to his happiness. I keep his words on a frame on my desk. Here’s what he said: ‘If you want to feel good for an hour, take a nap. If you want to feel good for a day, go shopping. If you want to feel good for a month, take a vacation. If you want to feel good for a lifetime, help someone.’”

“I would encourage students to be open to discover what their own sexuality might mean to them in healthy ways, but also to value and respect the differences they encounter. It makes for a full and enriched college experience. My sense is that students today are much more open to value the differences they are exposed to. Don’t assume everyone is the same, don’t be afraid to ask questions in a respectful way. I think when people do that, they’re really delighted to give positive responses.” Doug Bauder, coordinator of GLBT Student Support Services

“College provides a wonderful opportunity to sample different creative and professional endeavors. This is the time to find what you are most passionate about. Learn to take care of yourself. For many of you, this will be the first time you are allowed to make every decision regarding your lifestyle. Find out what works for you, and try to live a healthy, productive life. Finally, value your reputation. The decisions you make can stay with you, so be conscious of the way you treat people.”

“One, always remember why you are here — to learn and grow. That should be a priority and guide what you do the next four years. Two, surround yourself with people that will support and have a positive influence in your life. Three, never be afraid or embarrassed to ask for help. You are not the only one who will seek help, and that is why faculty and staff are here. Four, never be afraid or embarrassed to go beyond your comfort zone. College is the best place to challenge yourself and explore the unknown.”

Andy Braden, IUSA president

Lillian Casillas-Origel, director, La Casa Latino Cultural Center

Pat Donahue, director, Career Development Center

“I would encourage incoming students to take advantage of the diversity on IU’s campus. Meet and interact with people of different ethnicities, faiths and nationalities. It will help you develop as a person and give you insight into the world we live in.” Eric Love, director, diversity education

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Orienter 2014



Think about the food you eat.

BY KATIE DAWSON | katdawso@indiana.edu


he IU administration is made up of more than 100 administrative offices and services, each of which carries out a different task. With so many departments, it’s hard to remember who does what. These are IU’s top three administrators.

Michael A. McRobbie, president McRobbie was appointed as IU’s 18th president by the IU Board of Trustees on July 1, 2007. As the president, McRobbie is responsible for each of IU’s eight campuses, which has an approximate total budget of $2.7 billion, more than 16,000 faculty and staff and about 100,000 students. McRobbie, a native of Australia, received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Queensland and his doctoral degree from the Australian National University. To contact the Office of the President, call 812-855-4613, email iupres@indiana.edu or visit indiana.edu/~pres/.

Lauren Robel, provost and executive vice president Robel was officially appointed to the provost position on July 1, 2012. The provost serves as the University’s Chief Academic Officer, overseeing and advancing the interests of undergraduate, graduate and professional education on campus. Robel is the Val Nolan Professor of Law, and she served as dean of the Maurer School of Law from 2003-2011. Robel graduated summa cum laude from Maurer Law and earned her bachelor’s degree with honors from Auburn University.

Themester 2014 offers Special Courses Films Speakers & Panels Dessert & Discussion Art Exhibitions

The provost office is located in Bryan Hall Room 100. Her email address is provost@indiana.edu.

Harold “Pete” Goldsmith, dean of students Goldsmith was named dean of students in 2009 after overseeing student affairs and enrollment at Kent State University. He received his undergraduate and doctoral degrees from IU. “The dean of students leads the Division of Students Affairs,” Goldsmith said. “We provide direct support services for students, try to remove barriers for students and provide programs that enhance students’ educational experience.” The dean’s office can be found in the Indiana Memorial Union. His phone number is 812-855-8187, or email iubdos@indiana. edu.


Orienter 2014


A distinguished campus: famous IU alumni RYAN MURPHY

Today IU boasts more than 600,000 living alumni. Some names are more familiar than others. Here are a few, past and present, you might recognize.

Murphy has been at the helm of hit TV shows such as “Nip/Tuck,� “Glee� and “American Horror Story.� While at IU, he wrote for the Indiana Daily Student and was a member of the Singing Hoosiers.

EVAN BAYH Evan is the son of former United States Senator Birch Bayh, and he followed in his father’s political footsteps. After serving as governor of Indiana from 1989 to 1997, the 1978 Kelley School of Business graduate was a U.S. Senator from 1999 to 2011.

JOSHUA BELL A Bloomington native, Bell is a Grammy award-winning violinist. In 2007, the Jacobs School of Music alumnus joined the faculty as a senior lecturer.

MARK SPITZ BOOKER T. JONES The leader of Stax’s house band Booker T. & the MGs spent much of his IU career driving between Bloomington and Memphis, Tenn., to play with his band on the weekends. The award-winning composer of “Green Onions� was IU’s 2012 spring commencement speaker, where he also received an honorary doctorate degree from the Jacobs School of Music.

Hoagy Carmichael


HOAGY CARMICHAEL This famous jazz pianist and composer attended IU’s Maurer School of Law and earned his degree in 1926. Carmichael worked with the likes of Louis Armstrong. His most notable works are “Stardust� and “Georgia On My Mind.� A statue of the musician can be found near the entrance to the IU Cinema.

This Olympic gold medalist swimmer, who won seven medals in 1972, has only been surpassed by Michael Phelps, who won eight in 2008. While at IU, Spitz trained with legendary coach James "Doc" Counsilman and won eight individual NCAA titles.

MICHAEL USLAN Uslan is a producer of the Batman movies. An avid comic book collector, he donated his entire collection of more than 30,000 comics to the Lilly Library in 2005.


Suzanne Collins

SUZANNE COLLINS After graduating from IU with a double major in drama and telecommunications, Collins worked on several Nickelodeon shows, including “Clarissa Explains It All." Recently, she’s seen major success as the author of “The Hunger Games� series.

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Orienter 2014



Soma Coffee House

Pourhouse Café

Wells Library

Are you going to be there a long time?




Whether you’re looking for a night in, a night out or some dinner suggestions, follow this guide for your best night yet.

Are you doing research?


Need caffeine?


Guinness Irish Lion


No, but I’m hungry.


Indiana Memorial Union

Falafels Laughing Planet Burrito Dagwood’s

Fortune Cookie Chinese Pizza Mother Bear’s

Friends Chinese, pizza or wings?

Sandwich Just you or with friends?

Mediterranean Sandwich, Mediterranean or burrito?

Just me


Dinner Dinner or dessert?

Wings Dessert


Are you hungry? No

BuffaLouie's Ice cream Jiffy Treet

Ice cream or cookies?

Do you live in the dorms?




This infographic was designed by Inside magazine, a quarterly publication of the Indiana Daily Student. Look for the year’s first issue on newsstands in October. For more Inside stories and blogs, visit idsnews.com/inside.

Rent movies or games from Movies, Music and More

Pizza X Jimmy John’s Rent from Redbox No Catch up on shows or movies from Netflix

Orienter 2014

47 Upland Brewing Company


Do the ‘rents prefer Guinness, or craft beer?

Do you want to sit outside?

Craft beers



Are you 21?

Who are you eating dinner with?


No Scholar’s Inn




Hot dog stand Yes

Delivery or out on the town? On the town Have any money left?

Date Date night, out with friends or late night munchies? Munchies



Is the game on?





In the mood for Italian?


College Mall

Casa Brava

Want Mexican?


Do you want dancing, live music or hanging out?



No Yes The Bishop

Want Greek? No


Cover charge? No Dancing Live music



Something different

Go to a show or something more laid-back?

Drinking games? No Beer enthusiast?

No Check the IMU


Show time! Bluebird Rhino’s

Hanging out

Want to spend money on... Comedy?




Comedy Attic Yes



Mr. Hibachi

Yes Are you 21?

Do you like fried pickles?



Yogi’s Bar and Grill


Trojan Horse

Kirkwood or College Mall?



Sink the Biz at Nick’s

The Tap Yes Kilroy’s on Kirkwood

No Flicks at the Whitt

IU Cinema

Mooch off of your friend



Grazie! Probably best to start with dinner


Feeling adventurous?


Finch’s Brasserie



Thai or Turkish?



Really? Don’t expect a second date.


Do you own a car?

Are you a cheap date?

Do you have meal points?

INSIDE has your guide for what to do in Bloomington for a fun Friday night.

Of course




Friday night and feelin' all right

No thanks


Siam House


No Rachael’s Cafe

Content by Caitlin Peterkin, Chrissy Ashack, Biz Carson and Michela Tindera Design by Biz Carson | Photo courtesy of MCT Campus

Orienter 2014


The textbook dilemma: rent or buy? IDS FILE PHOTO

BY CAITLIN RYAN ryancj@indiana.edu

Buying at a bookstore tends to be the most expensive option. Although there are a variety of alternatives, some students still prefer the traditional way. However, with the help of the Internet, students now have the option to rent or buy books online, and they can even purchase them in the form of e-books.

Should I rent? Renting textbooks is a fairly recent trend among university students as a cheap alternative to purchasing books. Both the IU Bookstore and TIS offer this option, in addition to local retailer TXT Book Rental and websites like Chegg.com. PROS Renting a textbook is cheaper than purchasing one, and you don’t have to keep a book that you don’t want. According to TIS,

renting textbooks usually saves you 60 percent off the list price of the book. CONS Rental books have to be kept in good condition, so you can’t write in them as much.

Should I buy online? Buying online can also save money, especially with popular websites like www.amazon.com. They advertise big discounts on new and used textbooks, and they even offer free shipping for students. PROS You can do it from the comfort of your own living room, and it might save you some money. CONS If you order your books online, you have to wait for them to arrive.

Should I get e-books? Once you’ve decided whether you want to buy online or rent, you can also choose whether you’d like traditional books or e-books, which can be read on a portable device, such

No other discipline beter prepares you o deal with and undersand our conemporary world—from many professional perspectives—than hisory. Surveys of employers and of college graduaes show that the analytical and communications skills developed in liberal arts courses including hisory are extraordinarily useful in careers in business and government.

as a Kindle or a NOOK. However, most of the e-books are formatted to be read on a computer screen. PROS Having an eTextbook on your computer saves some space and weight in your backpack. CONS Looking at a computer all the time can be a bad habit, especially for your eyes.

How can you save money? Go to class before you buy your books. You’ve heard this one before from your upperclassman friends and everyone else who has ever suffered through a lecture with an expensive, but thoroughly unopened, book. “Everyone gets mad as sophomores because the books are seen as a bad investment,” TIS textbook manager Tim Lloyd said. Don’t do that to yourself. Besides trying to buy used and rent books, here are some other tips: Split the cost. If you can, try to take those

basic, big lecture classes with a friend or roommate so you can split the cost on those bigitem books. And also to survive the boredom, of course. Use the library. We have one of the most extensive library systems in the country — use it. Especially if you need fiction or nonfiction books for literature or other liberal arts classes. Consider an older edition. A lot of students get slammed because the department recently adopted the newest edition and require all students to buy it. A lot of times, especially with history and science books, the new editions have very minimal changes, so you can get away with an older one. Be careful with this one, though, and watch out for different page numbers or changes in homework problems. *SOURCE: Inside magazine, the “Consumption” issue, spring 2014

Enjoy the quaintness and relax...

The Department of Hisory offers a variety of introducory courses for Fall 2014 which meet the IUB General Education Requirement. Topics include: • World Hisory in the 20th Century • World War I • Confronting Caastrophe • African Civilizations • Occult America: Living in a Mystical World • The American West • American Pleasure: Leisure & Enjoyment in Modern U.S. • Making of Modern Middle East • Russian Hisory Through Films • Medieval Heroes


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Orienter 2014


Choosing where to study in Bloomington means knowing how you like to study. Group thinkers don’t have much fun in quiet locations, and wallflowers can be terrified by the sheer size of the Herman B Wells Library. Knowing who you are, or just how you like to absorb information, will make life easier when crunch time rolls around.

1. The dorms Your humble bedroom is the “square one” of freshman year. Everything you do — eat, sleep, get into arguments — will happen in this cubic room. It takes a perfectionist to study here without distraction. PROS If you’re the sort of left-brained, organizational wizard who can’t be distracted, no matter what, then crack open a soda and get going. You don’t have to travel far, and you’re always near snacks in your dorm room. CONS Your neighbors might not always be so courteous. It might be study time for you, but it could always be Metallica time for them.

49 2. Herman B Wells Library It is the Ellis Island of study time. Herman welcomes his students to the library lobby like the Statue of Liberty: “Bring me your tired, your huddled masses...” The Wells Library, which stretches to the skies near 10th and Jordan streets, is the standard in IU academics. It’s not uncommon to see this place filled during midterms. Group projects flock here as a central campus meeting point, yet there are hundreds of computers for individual students in need of software resources, 24 hours a day. PROS There’s a food court, air-conditioning and one of the largest library stacks in the nation ready to facilitate your learning. CONS It’s a booming, brutalist building filled with strangers. Come with caffeine and a can-do attitude.

3. Local coffeeshops Bloomington has its fair share of local coffeeshops stocked with Wi-Fi and great music. What each shop will provide you, however, can vary. Some patrons might be there solely to gawk or play music. PROS Great organic coffee, supporting local business, a caffeine buzz like you wouldn’t believe. CONS The off-chance your study night is “Bohemian Music Open Mic Cavalcade.”

Senior David McNamara sits in the Indiana Memorial Union to study for a history exam.

4. Monroe County Public Library

5. Outside

The MCPL is an often under-utilized resource of the Bloomington community. Located on the intersection of Kirkwood and Grant streets, this library is significantly quieter and easier to navigate than Wells. It’s also a short walk from the Sample Gates. PROS The clandestine “reading room” is an introvert’s paradise. CONS Located far away from dorms.

IU’s campus is a picturesque haven of meadows and trees. Take the time to disappear. Dunn Meadow is a place for socializing and discussion, but the Arboretum can easily be mistaken for a Shangri-La. Grab a towel and your textbooks, because this campus is a giant study lounge under the sun (winter excluded). PROS Working on a suntan, vitamin D, improved mood CONS Wasps, errant frisbees

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Orienter 2014


JUST FYI Here are a few key terms that are useful to know around campus. They’ll help you blend in so it’s not obvious you’re new. A&H Courses categorized as Arts and Humanities by the College of Arts and Sciences. Academic probation Occurs when a student’s cumulative GPA for a semester falls below 2.0. AI Associate instructor B-School The Kelley School of Business Big Ten The collegiate athletic conference of which IU is a member. The other schools in the Big Ten are Purdue, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio State, Michigan, Michigan State, Penn State, Northwestern, Iowa and Nebraska. Bursar The office that bills tuition and room and board fees. The Bursar’s office is located in the Poplars Building W100, 400 E. Seventh St. Campus Access In addition to being your photo ID, your Campus Access card serves as your library card, bus pass, residence hall meal card and debit card.

COAS The College of Arts and Sciences. It’s sometimes called simply “the College.” GLBTSSS The Office of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Student Support Services. It provides support, information and advocacy for potential and current students as well as concerned parents and curious parties. The office also offers counseling services and programming throughout the year. Greek system The sororities and fraternities on campus. The houses’ names are combinations of letters from the Greek alphabet. IMU Indiana Memorial Union. It’s often referred to as “the Union,” located at 900 E. Seventh St. IUSA IU Student Association. IU’s student government. IUSF IU Student Foundation. It’s a nonprofit organization that raises funds for the University. IUSF sponsors the Little 500 bike race. Little Five The famous Little 500 bicycle race and the week of events surrounding it.

Ave., across from Read Center. This venue is the site of Jacobs School of Music opera performances and IU Ballet Department shows.

SAA IU Student Alumni Association. Promotes development of leadership and organizational skills.

N&M Courses categorized as Natural and Mathematical Sciences by COAS.

SAB Student Athletic Board. Allows students to be involved with IU athletics without being athletes.

Office hours Times that your professors set aside each week to be available to answer questions you have about their classes.

SID Student ID number. Used to access your transcript or your schedule online. Sometimes required by professors when taking tests.

OneStart http://www.onestart.iu.edu. A site that gives you access to your student email account, schedule, transcript, grades and other University services.

SRSC Student Recreational Sports Center, located on Law Lane. A 204,000 square-foot facility that offers more than 400 workout machines in addition to other programs, club sports and courts for working out.

Oncourse http://www.oncourse.iu.edu. An online portal for IU faculty and students to keep in contact for classes. Professors and students can post resources, set up message boards and more on pages made for each particular class.

UD University Division. The part of IU most freshmen are automatically admitted into and remain in until they are accepted by the school of their major.

RPS Residential Programs and Services. The division that handles all things related to a student’s living environment, including dorm rooms, meal plans and programming.

UITS University Information Technology Services. Deals with all things computer and technology-related on campus.

S&H Courses categorized as Social and Historical Studies by COAS.

WIC Wildermuth Intramural Center. Serves as a gymnasium like the SRSC.

MAC Musical Arts Center, located at 101 N. Jordan

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e l

Orienter 2014


Fight the FRESHMAN 15 back to 1917, with its newest addition built in 1961. The basketball courts were renovated following a roof fire in 2011.


kirclark@indiana.edu There’s so much to worry about going into your freshman year: getting lost, making friends and avoiding the dreaded “freshman 15.” Fortunately, IU makes it easy for students to get fit and stay in shape with its two recreational facilities. Every student pays a mandatory Student Activity Fee, which grants access to workout facilities such as indoor swimming pools, weight rooms, cardio equipment and free group exercise classes at the flash of a student ID. WILDERMUTH INTRAMURAL CENTER The Wildermuth Intramural Center is located on Seventh Street across from the Indiana Memorial Union. The WIC is expansive, offering students nine racquetball/wallyball courts, 10 basketball/volleyball courts, squash courts, an indoor pool with a diving well, an indoor running track and more. The adjacent Woodlawn Tennis Courts are also a part of the WIC facility, as is Woodlawn Field. The oldest section of the building dates

STUDENT RECREATIONAL SPORTS CENTER The Student Recreational Sports Center, or SRSC, is the other workout facility on campus. With its 10-minute walk from the greek houses on North Jordan and most of the residence halls in the central neighborhood, its location makes it a popular workout destination for many students. While the SRSC offers many of the same features as the HPER, including seven racquetball/wallyball courts, five basketball/volleyball courts, an indoor track, an Olympic-sized pool and more, many students prefer the SRSC because it is a newer facility. HOW TO FIT FITNESS INTO YOUR SCHEDULE Perhaps the biggest obstacle is focusing on fitness while surrounded by so many distractions. It’s much easier after a long day of classes to lounge in your room eating junk food than it is to find the motivation to hit the gym. Madhura Sundararajan, a music and pre-


Members of Teter Quad's 2012 women's Little 500 team warm up on stationary bikes at the Student Recreational Sports Center. Teams competed to see who could produce the most energy by cycling.

med student, managed to find time to exercise while juggling homework, music practice and her social life. “You just have to make time for it,” she said. “It can be really difficult with the workload, but you have to make time to take care of yourself.” FREE GROUP EXERCISE CLASSES One way to hold yourself accountable is to take the free group exercise classes available throughout the week at both facilities. Heather Hamilton was a group exercise leader for four years. She led classes like Step,

Cardio Core, Trekking and Circuit Strength. “All of the classes, with the exception of Step II and III, are good for beginners, and leaders will give you modification options if you are just starting out and need to take it slow,” Hamilton said. Some group exercise classes, such as yoga and pilates, are available to students at an additional cost. With classes like Cardio Kickboxing, Strength Core and Zumba — a workout disguised as a dance party — there’s something for everyone.

Moving to campus should not be done in isolation.

Be a part of the excitement, as it happens!

Orienter 2014


Free amenities we wish we’d known about when we were freshmen Shows While the IU Auditorium headliners aren’t free, plenty of student and community shows are. To see a list of free events, visit iuauditorium.com. If you want to see a headliner or traveling Broadway act, volunteer as an usher and see it for free.

Comedy Several student comedy troupes perform improv, sketches and stand-up at the Indiana Memorial Union.

Art Opening receptions for exhibits in the School of Fine Arts are free to the public and often include finger foods like cheese and crackers.

Center. Visit indiana.edu/~career for tips and examples, or drop in between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday at 625 N. Jordan Ave.

Software Visit uits.iu.edu to download free versions of popular and usually expensive software such as Adobe Creative Suite and Microsoft Office.

News All student publications are offered free on campus, as well as the New York Times and USA Today. You can also stop by the Kelley School of Business for a free copy of the Wall Street Journal.

Workouts The IU libraries house about 20,500 DVDs. To search for titles and find out where the item is located, visit iucat.iu.edu.

If you’re bored of the treadmill, check out free Zumba and kickboxing sessions, just two of the many free workout classes offered at the SRSC.




Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night, the IMU shows a recently released film. Shows begin at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. unless otherwise noted.

Health The Health Center offers a free session with a dietician, free sessions to kick a smoking habit and free condoms.

Your résumé Get a little help with the job search and résumé writing at the Career Development

You paid for them with your student fees, but we think of the bus system and print quota, 650 pages for undergraduates and 1,000 per semester for graduates, as free luxuries.






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The Jacobs School of Music presents about 1,100 performances each year, most of which are free. This is a great way to impress a date at no cost. *SOURCE: Inside Magazine, a quarterly IU Student Media publication

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Orienter 2014


Students create their own majors with IMP BY CLAIRE ARONSON cearonso@indiana.edu

Animated movies by Disney and Pixar took on a new meaning for Sydni Gregg. Gregg created her animation major through IU’s Individualized Major Program. Her focus was on 2-D animation. “As a kid, you don’t realize that it is an art form, and it’s something I still love,” she said. “I am a huge geek for Pixar and Disney and all of those traditional big-name studios, so I just figured that this is what I wanted to do.” Because animation draws from both the Department of Telecommunications and the School of Fine Arts, Gregg had two sponsors instead of one. “You find your sponsors, and, with their help, you start planning your curriculum, because you actually have to plan out four years,” she said. After presenting her major proposal to a committee, Gregg received approval. “It all built up, and then it was, ‘Thank goodness, they accepted me,’” she said. While IU doesn’t have specific animation

classes, digital art classes and telecommunications production classes are offered and teach the necessary programs, Gregg said. “There is a lot of self-exploration and selfteaching,” she said. “The stuff I learn in those classes, I can really apply directly.” Gregg wasn’t always planning on studying animation at IU. “Originally, I came to IU as a biochemistry major, and after my first semester freshman year, it was just really clear that wasn’t what I wanted to do forever,” she said. All IMP students have to make a final project as a culmination of what they have been doing during their time at IU, Gregg said. “Hopefully by that time, I will have the skill set to make a short animated film,” she said. WHAT IS IMP? IMP is the Individualized Major Program. It allows students to pull from the major classes of multiple departments to create a custom course of study and a personalized major. Students have faculty and department sponsors, as well as IMP advisers to guide them, but it ultimately allows students to con-

trol their education. HOW DO I GET INVOLVED? Many students apply during their sophomore and junior years, according to the program’s website, but students may apply as early as second semester of their freshman year. THE PROCESS The first step is to set up a meeting with the IMP assistant director. After that, students identify faculty sponsors and secure their approval, design a four-year curriculum and participate in an admission interview. Then, they continue working on their majors and B.A. requirements. The program culminates in a final project meant to show the skills they’ve gained. PAST MAJORS Zoology, animation, enigmatology (the study of puzzles), 2-D and 3-D film and television direction, peace and conflict resolution studies, intercultural arts programming and performance, Scandinavian culture and language and magic (yes, magic).


Class of 2011 graduate Joe Masek stands with one of his pieces featured in the Candy-Coated Chaos exhibition as his final project of the Individualized Major Program at the McCalla School. Masek, who studied pre-art therapy, created some of the pieces in the show with children from the foster home where he grew up as a way to demonstrate how art is helpful in healing emotional wounds.


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Online and hybrid courses - Fall 2014 • • •

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Accelerated courses - Fall 2014 • •

M115, Accelerated Elementary Italian M110, Italian for Opera Lovers

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Orienter 2014


Your IU social media guide Don’t know where to get started? These basic accounts can help you out. Mobile apps



Other popular Facebook pages to check out:

Indiana University The official Facebook page for IU keeps students updated with events around campus and serves as a network for Hoosiers.

Indiana University Athletics This page provides links for IU sports so fans can stay updated with their favorite teams.

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Indiana Daily Student Your residence hall page

Indiana University Admissions Get the latest news about upcoming social events on campus, notices about classmates' accomplishments and other fun facts.

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Orienter 2014

57 Tweets Indiana University @IUBloomingon IU’s official Twitter feed. This account posts about everything happening on campus so students don’t miss the next big event.

Indiana Athletics @OurIndiana The official Twitter feed for IU Athletics. This account provides information about the University’s sports teams, including practice updates, facts and trivia. Other popular Twitter pages to check out: @OnlyAtIU

Tom Crean

Tom Crean @TomCrean Coach Crean’s tweets aren’t only for basketball fans. His inspirational and motivational tweets delight his 138,000 and growing followers.

@BTN_Indiana @IURPS @IUTraditions

IU Pains @IUPains Though this Twitter feed is not officially affiliated with IU, it is still a popular account among students. Tweets about the IU experience demonstrate Hoosier support while highlighting popular student issues.


Indiana Daily Student @idsnews Get all the latest campus news from IU Student Media. If you forgot to pick up your copy of the paper on newstands around campus, you can still read what’s happening, as well as receive live updates throughout the day.


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* It Takes More than a Major: Employer Priorities for College Learning and Student Success. 2013. Washington, D.C.: Association of American Colleges and Universities and Hart Research Associates.

I JOURNALISM The gateway to your career

Learn more about courses for majors and non-majors at journalism.indiana.edu.

Orienter 2014

58 BY LAUREN MCCONNELL ljmcconn@indiana.edu

STUDY ABROAD TOP: A study abroad program director holds a plate of vermillion during Bonalu, a Hindu festival. A pinch of the powder is traditionally applied to the forehead while visiting temples in India. BOTTOM: People gather to watch the demolition of two 283-foot-tall cooling towers in Cape Town, South Africa.


While former IU student David Kerner watched hippopotamuses on a camping safari in Botswana, he didn’t know he would be awoken by one outside his tent at 4 a.m. Kerner went on this safari and other trips while studying abroad in Cape Town, South Africa. The IU Office of Overseas Study facilitates more than 250 programs on all eight IU campuses to more than 2,500 students and gives more than $100,000 in need- and meritbased scholarships annually. With so many options, the Office of Overseas Study provides guidance for interested students with a staff in Bloomington for advising, student services, financial information and budgets. While IU offers study programs in 17 languages in 52 countries, fluency is not required, according to the IU Overseas Study website. Kerner graduated in 2011 with a degree in psychology and was in Cape Town for the spring 2010 semester. “The best thing about IU study abroad programs is there are so many destinations,” he said. Kerner had advice to give for students traveling abroad.

“Get your major out of the way quickly so you can take electives abroad,” he said. “Making friends with teachers always helps for those letters of recommendation.” Because he didn’t have many major requirements to fulfill, Kerner said he was able to take classes he wanted to while abroad, such as a course in African politics. “Try everything,” he said. “Take risks.” The “First Steps” section at the IU Overseas Study website provides information on choosing a program, financial aid, alternative overseas experience and profiles of students who have studied abroad. IU programs and non-IU programs are both offered, but prospective students need to keep some things in mind when choosing, according to the website. IU programs offer direct IU credit, grades count in GPA and most financial aid is applicable. However, students should check that credits earned in non-IU programs are transferable and that financial aid can be applied. Grades for non-IU programs are not calculated in GPA, and they do not count toward senior residency. Application instructions for programs through Overseas Study, other IU units and non-IU programs can be found at overseas. iu.edu/apply/index.shtml.

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Orienter 2014


Bad habits to avoid

*SOURCE: Inside magazine, the “Bad” issue, spring 2014 RACHEL WISINSKI rlwisins@indiana.edu

As a freshman, you'll take on a number of unfamiliar responsibilities. With them come some challenges you'll look to avoid at all costs. Don't fall into these bad habits, and it'll get easier. Here are some suggestions on how to stay on the right track.


Procrastinating It’s easy to choose Netflix instead of your econ textbook on a Monday night. But you can’t wait until the week before an exam to break the binding and still expect an A. Procrastination is a bad habit most students engage in. “I procrastinate sometimes, but I try not to,” junior Michelle Bouillon said. If you can find the motivation to complete your assignments, you’ll be well on your way to overcoming this bad habit. “I think about if I have my work done, I’ll be able to do what I want to, like hanging out with friends or watching TV,” Bouillon said. “The sooner I get my work done, the faster I can relax later.”


Skipping class You’ve hit the snooze button one too many times and missed class. No biggie. But for classes with a strict attendance policy, skipping too many can become a death sentence for your grades. Alex McCormick, associate professor in the IU School of Education, says classes are set up a certain way to expedite learning through more than just reading. “When students skip class, they miss out on whatever experiences the instructor has designed to facilitate learning, such as organized class discussions, Q&A, demonstrations, debates, guest lectures, group work, etc.,” McCormick said. He also said it’s a financially unintelligent decision because tuition is paying for the education, which doesn’t happen when the student is not present. “Students who skip class are effectively wasting part of what they’re paying,” McCormick said.


Eating habits Between work for classes and student organizations, not to mention the financial burden, eating a decent meal can be tough. Katie Shepherd, registered dietitian at the IU Health Center, said students often don’t plan their meals, which causes them to look for convenient foods that are often processed. They also skip meals, which leads to overeating later, or they do not get enough rest and they turn to caffeine and sugar instead of a healthy meal. In order to change these habits, Shepherd said setting a goal, writing it down and telling a friend can help you be more accountable. Planning meals and packing lunches for long days on campus can be most helpful. Additionally, Residential Programs and Services has instilled an Eat Right option in most dining locations. Looking for these options can alter your outlook on healthy living. “If you are taking care of your body, you will feel energized, rested, and more focused,” Shepherd said.


Spending too much money Having a social life has a price. You and your roommates get Starbucks every other day. A friend you haven’t seen for a month wants to meet for lunch. It’s your other friend’s birthday, and you promised her dinner and a night at the bars. Plus, you need a new outfit for your date. Though not essential, these expenses are part of the college experience. Daniel Spore, adjunct lecturer in the Kelley School of Business finance department, said students may be able to save money if they compare prices of products and services across different stores and shops. “If you can walk a block and save $3 on a transaction, then do so,” Spore said. Other unnecessary expenses include parking, fast food and replacement policies on electronics, including cell phones. “There are lots of local newspapers that have coupons that students can benefit from if they take the time to look and clip,” Spore said.

Orienter 2014


Tricks of the trade

Department of


BY LINDSEY ERDODY lerdody@indiana.edu

Listening, listening and more listening. During day one of orientation, incoming freshmen hear from representatives of Residential Programs and Services, the Office of the Bursar and University Division, to name a few. But day two is where it gets tricky. Students have a one-hour advising appointment and then are responsible for creating a schedule from the list of classes compiled during this meeting. It’s up to the students to make their schedule a successful one, but University Division advisers are there to help. “It’s a ‘step-up’ moment,” said Joyce Miller, an assistant director of advising for University Division. “We want to see kids get off to a good start.” Miller shared several ways students can schedule their classes with ease.

Prepare for advising appointments Miller said it’s very helpful if students have an idea about what they are interested in and what they want to study. “This needs to be a two-way conversation,” she said.

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Study locally, act globally


A statue of former IU president Herman B Wells is a popular campus sight, located near the Sample Gates.

Waitlisting a class is an option Miller said students should keep this in mind but warns that this doesn’t guarantee a spot in the class. “When you waitlist, you have to have an alternative plan in mind and in place,” she said.

Take the placement tests and the results seriously

Don’t skim the reading during orientation

The tests are created by departments at IU and are good indicators about how well a student will do in a class, Miller said.

It’s important for students to read the screens carefully because of the tiny differences between course numbers, Miller said. “You have to be careful you’re in the right course, not just the right department.”

Be flexible when scheduling Miller said students need to realize they are taking classes full-time and their schedule might not turn out exactly how they want.

Schedules aren’t set in stone Students can make changes to their schedule if something isn’t working or interesting to them. Miller said she doesn’t encourage it, but it’s an option if necessary.

Walk your schedule Make sure there are no surprises your first week by walking through your schedule before classes start, Miller said. This way, students will realize if 15 minutes is enough time in between classes or not. “Work that out before classes begin, so you know what you need to do.”

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IU Art Museum....................................................................44 IU Athletics.........................................................................60 IU Band Department.............................................................20 IU Department of Theatre and Drama.......................................35 IU Jacobs School of Music.....................................................23

IU Panhellenic Association....................................................10 IU Parking Operations...........................................................17 IU Political and Civic Engagement Program............................16 IU President's Office.............................................................30 IU Psychology.........................................................................6 IU Recreational Sports..............................................Back Cover IU Residential Programs & Services (RPS)....................8,15,34,52 IU School of Informatics and School of Library Science.........4,28 IU School of Journalism........................................................57 IU School of Public Health.....................................................51 IU Slavic Languages & Literatures Department.......................28 IU Sports Marketing Alliance.................................................22 IU Student Foundation (IUSF).................................................9 IU Swahili Flagship Center.....................................................58 IU Telefund..........................................................................40 IU Veteran Support Services..................................................56

Banks/Financial Services


IU Credit Union......................................................................1

Hoosier Laundry......................................................................7

Computers Sales/Service



Hotel Nashville.....................................................................48

Employment Opportunities


Indiana Daily Student.......................................14,29,54,62,63 IU Career Development Center...........................Inside Front Cover IU Office of First Year Experience Programs........Inside Back Cover IU Residential Programs & Services (RPS)....................8,15,34,52 IU Telefund..........................................................................40

Arbutus Yearbook..................................................................45 Indiana Daily Student.......................................14,29,54,62,63

Health, Beauty & Wellness Services

Religious Services

BioLife Plasma Services.........................................................44 Complete Nutrition...............................................................54 IU School of Optometry.........................................................36 Sport Clips............................................................................6

St. Paul Catholic Center.......................................................36 University Lutheran..............................................................50

Apartments/Housing Campus Corner.....................................................................53 Chickering Rentals...............................................................20 Elkins Apartments................................................................42 The Fields...........................................................................12 IU Residential Programs & Services (RPS)....................8,15,34,52 Millennium and Bloom Apartments.........................................38 Tenth and College.................................................................31 The Village at Muller Park.......................................................2


IU Organizations/Departments/Programs IU Academic Support Center....................................................4 IU American Studies.............................................................36 IU Apparel Merchandising.....................................................24 IU Art Museum.....................................................................44 IU Athletics.........................................................................60 IU Band Department.............................................................20 IU Bookstore...................................................................13,49 IU Career Development Center...........................Inside Front Cover IU College of Arts & Sciences - Themester (COAS)......................43 IU Credit Union......................................................................1 IU Department of Central Eurasian Studies..............................50 IU Department of French & Italian..........................................54 IU Department of Geological Sciences...................................42 IU Department of Theatre and Drama.......................................35 IU History Department...........................................................48 IU Interfraternity Council (IFC)..............................................18 IU International Studies Program...........................................61 IU Jacobs School of Music.....................................................23 IU Liberal Arts & Management Program (LAMP).......................24 IU Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry Department.....................11 IU Office of First Year Experience Programs........Inside Back Cover IU Office of Overseas Study....................................................22

Recreation/Fitness IU Recreational Sports..............................................Back Cover

Restaurants Bucceto's Smiling Teeth........................................................30 Downtown Bloomington Inc....................................................50 IU Residential Programs & Services (RPS)....................8,15,34,52 Nick's English Hut...............................................................34

Shopping Bluetique Cheap Chic...........................................................56 Complete Nutrition...............................................................54 Dell/USA...........................................................................59 Downtown Bloomington Inc....................................................50 IU Bookstore...................................................................13,49 TIS College Bookstore...........................................................27

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Transportation Services

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Bloomington Transit..............................................................37 Catch-A-Ride Express Bus Service...........................................14 Go Express Travel..................................................................55 IU Campus Bus.......................................................5,21,26,39 IU Parking Operations...........................................................17 Miller Transportation/Trailways..........................................32,33

(Directly in front of the IMU) For more information, contact Ruth Witmer at adviser@idsnews.com, call 812-855-5898 or visit www.idsnews.com/jobs.


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