Parent Guide 2013

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We can help you make it through your student’s freshman year.



“For some students, the transition from home to college life can be challenging, but for others adjusting to the new environment is easier. For all of them, however, it tends to be an exciting time when academic goals are set and new friendships are made. Parents play an important role in helping their new college students through this transition by being encouraging and supportive. Becoming familiar with the University’s resources, academic expectations and general campus culture will benefit parents in assisting their freshmen students through this important transition.” Sandy Britton, assistant director for international student life, Office of International Services

Words of wisdom

If your student comes out to you “Realize that you’re not alone. There are lots of parents who have discovered this about their children. And it’s really not about you, what you have done or not done. It just is. Take time to listen closely to what your student is saying and to the feelings they are expressing. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, but try to do so without being judgmental. For example, ‘Tell me more about how you know this. What can I do to learn how to support you?’ Lastly, remember that sexual orientation and gender identity is not a choice. It is a discovery.” Doug Bauder, coordinator of GLBT Student Support Services

“While not an issue for all, the cost of higher education is an issue for many. Familiarize yourselves and children with loans, interest of loans, available scholarships and degree requirements. All in an effort to ensure incoming students get the full quality liberal arts education while mitigating costs.” Jose Mitjavila, IUSA president

Leaders from across campus offer advice on how to prepare yourself and your student for the first year at IU. From the practical to the philosophical, they’ve got you covered. COMPILED BY SAMANTHA FELIX | JEFF LAFAVE | DIANNE OSLAND |

“Tell students to always be prepared. Write down all important serial numbers of valuable items such as iPods, laptops and cell phones. This can come in handy later if anything happens to these items. Parents should encourage students to have all local contact information including the police department’s number, Bloomington or IU, but preferably IU.” Laury Flint, interim chief of police for IU Police Department

“Let your kid be at college. Most parents around my age, we have cell phones and emails and texts and constant communications. (When I was in college), we would call our parents on Sunday nights under penalty of death because of the long-distance phone bill. I get that there’s some comfort by being in frequent communication with kids, but I would encourage parents to give their kids some room. We’re not a suitcase college. Let your kids grow and have some room while they’re in Bloomington. I encourage parents to encourage their kids to get them out of their comfort zone. Those four years go awful fast, and you’ll wish you did more than you did in Bloomington.” Fred Glass, director of IU Athletics

“Consider the alternatives to bringing a car to campus. IUB was one of the first 20 universities designated as a Bicycle Friendly University and most students walk to classes. ZipCar is available to rent to students for a minimal fee and they include insurance and gas with rental. ZimRide is a social-network-based safe ride sharing program for students that is great for getting home for a visit. By using these alternatives, students can save hundreds of dollars per month and also get some free exercise. Less cars also means less congestion, pollution and need for parking lots and makes for a more beautiful, walkable campus.” Bill Brown, director of sustainability

“Eat on Fourth Street. Eat at all the international restaurants — it’s great food at cheap prices. Step out of your comfort zones, meet people from different cultures and embrace all this community has to offer.” Eric Love, director of diversity education

“Make a commitment to talk (and listen) to your student about their choice of major, career-related issues and other challenges. Talk about the importance of striving for a 3.0 GPA or above, getting involved with student organizations and campus activities. Most importantly, encourage your student to visit the Career Development Center. Our goal is to partner with you and your student to ensure their long-term success.” Jan Nickless, senior associate director, internal relations & human resources

Be patient with homesickness — most students overcome it in two to four weeks. A little extra support can be helpful, giving them enough room to find friends and activities on their own. Avoid overly frequent home visits, but setting one up in mid-October, for example, can give your student something to look forward to. If it does not lift, you might suggest your son or daughter call CAPS. CAPS staff are also available to consult with you.” Nancy Stockton, director of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)




Here are a few things I’ve learned along the way. First, this is a time to be happy, not to worry. You’ve already done the lion’s share of raising your student. Now it’s his or her turn to determine what comes next. There will almost certainly be triumphs and missteps along the way, but they will be your student’s triumphs and missteps, not yours. Listen. Be supportive. If your student asks for advice, be honest. But don’t offer too much unsolicited advice about classes, social life, or anything else. Relish the fact that your “child” is actually a young adult now. This independence is something to celebrate, not to bemoan. And just as you managed to separate from your parents and family, your student will too. If your student is entering IU unsure about a major, encourage wide exploration.

We asked Betsy McCombs, the mother of the Indiana Daily Student’s summer editor-in-chief Max, about her experience with those four years at IU. Below is her advice on everything from academics to texting.

This is absolutely a good time to step out of one’s comfort zone and try something new. It’s part of the intent of the distribution requirements. The line about it being better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all applies to academics as well as to romance. You don’t want your student to finish college having only studied subjects that he or she already succeeded in during high school, and you don’t want your student to regret missed opportunities. Opportunities present themselves in various ways. The academic opportunities at a top-notch university like IU are patent. The social opportunities are nearly as limitless, depending only on the interests of your student. There’s no question in my mind that my son got at least as much out of his work on

the Indiana Daily Student and his community service trips to New Orleans with Y’ALL (Youth Advocating Leadership & Learning) as he did from some of his classes. He also took advantage of university resources to find summer internship opportunities. There are opportunities everywhere! There are opportunities for parents, too. If your student is coming to IU from somewhere other than Bloomington, and if you have the time, get to know this college town. Ask around, and people will recommend good places to eat. Have breakfast at the Village Deli. Have pizza at Mother Bear’s or wings at Buffa Louie’s. Familiarize yourself with the array of big box stores in the College Mall area so that when your student needs something urgently, you can suggest where to look. The one piece of advice I remember

receiving during parents’ orientation four years ago came from an IU administrator, who said “if you don’t already have unlimited texting on your phone plan, get it.” She was right. Texting is the communications medium of choice for many students. (My older son actually uses his phone to talk. Getting my younger son to call home requires a two- to three-week appointment, but he responds to texts almost immediately.) Being able to text also allows you to connect with your away-from-home student when you want to share the photo you just took of the family cat sleeping in the bathroom sink. And finally, care packages. (This may be more important for those families whose students are coming to IU from far afield SEE MOM, PAGE 19

How to compare student health insurance plans – parents do the homework The best way for a parent to make the best choice on health insurance is to compare. Weigh the cost and value of the school-sponsored health insurance plan versus keeping the student on the parents’ plan. Parents must be prepared to do a detailed comparison of medical plan provisions. Evaluating the premium and the deductible, including total out-ofpocket expenses and the employer contributions versus the student premium will provide a start. Aetna Student Health provides an overview of how to evaluate the insurance options to parents on their website: See what Indiana University has to oƪer Aetna Student Health (ASH) is the Indiana University school-sponsored health insurance carrier. ASH has more than 25 years of experience in student health insurance. The plan works with the on-campus student health services. It provides convenient care and services. ASH works with the campus health center and calls attention to healthy lifestyles and prevention of illnesses. In addition, the plan also covers medical and psychological treatment. Indiana University provides speciƬc insurance plans for various academic levels. Please use the number below that best suits your status: • • • •

Undergraduates and Graduate Student Voluntary plans: 1-860-273-0123 International plan: 1-877-437-6512 Postdoctoral fellows and Professional students: 1-800-239-9691 Student Academic appointees and Fellowship recipients: 1-877-437-6512

-Enrollment Deadline: International Students, Student Academic Appointees and Fellowship Recipients, and Undergraduate and Graduate Voluntary Plans 09/15/2013 -Waiver Deadline: Postdoctoral Fellows and Professional Students 09/02/2013 The Indiana University Student Health Insurance Plan is underwritten by Aetna Life Insurance Company (ALIC) and administered by Chickering Claims Administrators, Inc. Aetna Student Health is the brand name for products and services provided by these companies. This is for informational purposes only and is neither an oƪer of coverage nor medical advice. Health beneƬts and health insurance plans contain exclusion and limitations. ©2013 Aetna Inc.

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PARENTS SURVIVAL GUIDE 2013 Avoid moving in at the same time as your student’s roommate.

Plan on attending one of two Freshman Induction Ceremonies at either 2 p.m. or 4 p.m. Students and parents can RSVP at

Tips from the experts about how to get in and get settled

Pack in small manageable containers or bags.


Freshman Melanie Booth surveys her belongings while her father, Craig, moves drawers in Wright Quad.

Bring personal rolling cart if space in your vehicle allows.

Keep updated on the possibility of construction delays at indiana. edu/~bypass/index.shtml.

If moving onto a high floor, use stairs when possible but be patient when waiting for elevators.

Dress comfortably — it is August in the Midwest. After receiving your student’s room key, have them get in the habit of keeping it in a convenient place (a lanyard or keychain can be helpful). For more information, dates for standard move in and the link for early move in registration, visit the online Move In Guide at rps.indiana. edu/mig.cfml.


IU freshman Matt Davidson, of Angola, Ind., struggles to get a fridge up a set of stairs during an IU move-in day outside of Wright Quad.

Japanese Restaurant





Keep updated on Welcome Week with the IU First Year Experiences Program’s Facebook page:

Fairview United M Methodist Church Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. At Fairview, Fa you'll find a diverse mix of people seeking to conn connect with God, one another, and community. You’ll find oppo opportunities to serve hands-on in worship, study, missions, child children’s/youth ministries, and more. The Spirit of the Lord rocks this church through the strong music ministry led by IU's own o Mellonee Burnim, Ph.D., Professor and Director of the Ethnomusicology Institute. Services are uplifting with relevant, engaging preaching and teaching. Join us at Fairview to discover your purpose and live life to the fullest.

Rev. Rebecca A. Fisher, Sr. Pastor Rev. Diane Menke Pence, Deacon Dr. Mellonee V. Brunim, Music Director

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Students and families await a free elevator and negotiate elevator weight limits during a move-in at Briscoe.

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Helping your student from miles away

Do you have questions about housing and dining services?

We have answers.


Things don’t always go according to plan. Grade-point averages miss the mark, parking tickets wind up on windshields and students make bad decisions. In high school, you were always there to bail your students out. Now they’re away from home and have to figure out solutions on their own. We’ve provided the answers to a few common college dilemmas, so when you receive a phone call from your student asking for advice, whip out this article and help point them in the right direction. ACADEMIC PROBLEMS Problem Your freshman gets their first midterm grade back in economics, and it’s a failing grade. Or maybe the first week of school the class that sounded so awesome over the summer isn’t so awesome after all. Solution Instruct your student to make an appointment with an adviser (which can be done online at starnet.indiana. edu). Dropping classes can then be done online via OneStart. Dropping a class during the first week of classes won’t show up on the transcript, but a fee will be charged to the Bursar. Classes dropped after the first week, however, will result in a W for

withdrawal on the transcript. Problem Your freshman realizes that the standard five-paragraph essay that got them through high school might not cut it in college. Solution Send them to Writing Tutorial Services, which can provide them with a free 50-minute session with a peer tutor. They can also call 812-855-6738 to make an appointment. HOUSING PROBLEMS Problem Your freshman calls home after the first week. They are convinced that if they continue living with the current roommate, it’s going to be a very long year. Solution Your student should go to the Resident Assistant first. If the conflict still cannot be resolved, students can request a roommate change. To get the process started, students can go to their residence hall’s center desk and fill out a roommate change request form. LEGAL PROBLEMS Problem Your student received a court summons (we won’t speculate why). Solution IU Student Legal Services, located across from

Dunn Meadow on Seventh Street, offers students who have paid the Student Activity Fee complimentary legal advice and if necessary, legal representation with their staff of four full-time, licensed attorneys and about 25 second- and third-year IU law students. Have your student call 812-855-7867. HEALTH PROBLEMS Problem Your student wakes up with a fever of 104 degrees or breaks a finger playing intramural volleyball. Solution The Health Center, located on the corner of 10th and Jordan streets, staffs nurse practitioners who can help. For more serious situations, the IU Health Bloomington Hospital Emergency Department, located at 601 W. Second St., can be reached at 812-3535252. Problem You can’t quite put your finger on it, but your student hasn’t been their normal self lately. You’re concerned they might be depressed. Solution Counseling and Psychological Services SEE HOW TO DEAL, PAGE 19

Office Hours are Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. EDT/EST Administrative Offices: 812-855-1764 or Apartment Assignments: 812-855-6600 or Dining Services: 812-855-1764 or Learning Communities: 812-855-5911 or Residence Hall Assignments: 1-800-817-6371 or RPS Parking: 812-855-7454 or

Live Chat Operators are available Sunday – Thursday, 4 – 10 p.m. EST

Residence Halls: Save these Dates Wednesday, August 21 at 8 a.m. Opening Day Saturday, November 23 at 10 a.m. Close for Thanksgiving break Sunday, December 1 at 8 a.m. Reopen Saturday, December 21 at 10 a.m. Close for semester break Wednesday, January 8, 2014 at 8 a.m. Reopen Saturday, March 15, 2014 at 10 a.m. Close for spring break Sunday, March 23, 2014 at 8 a.m. Reopen Saturday, May 10, 2014 at 10 a.m. Close for academic year

Students must leave or make arrangements through us for temporary on-campus housing during Thanksgiving, Semester, and Spring breaks. More Important Dates Available at




Tips for navigating around IU BY ALLISON BERRY |

Navigating through campus can be one of the most intimidating things for new students. Luckily, we’re providing you with all the information on how you can help them get going safely, even from far away.

BRINGING A CAR It can be convenient for your freshman to have a car on campus, but he or she should also be aware of IU Parking Operations and the regulations for on-campus parking. In general, “D” permits are required to park in the parking lots near the dorms, and they require placement on a waitlist in advance of moving in. Students can also purchase an “E” permit which allows parking at the football stadium parking lot, as well as on North Jordan Avenue. Cars in the stadium lot do have to be moved for game days, though, so be aware. Parking Operations has seen it before, and chances are students will return to their cars to find a fine up to $50 if they try to break the rules (yes, even just for five minutes). For more information, visit parking.

RIDING THE BUS IU and Bloomington Transit both offer bus routes that travel in all directions of campus and Bloomington. IU buses are free to all riders with five routes that travel through campus. Bloomington Transit bus routes are free to students when they present their student ID upon boarding the bus. The most popular route is the 9 bus, which takes students to College Mall where they can meet almost any need. Other routes travel around the city of Bloomington, the downtown area and even to Wal-Mart. Campus bus schedules can be found at iubus.indiana. edu/campus_bus/bus_ schedule.html, and city bus schedules can be found d at m. BIKING Known as a bicyclefriendly town, both Bloomington

The Newman Center at Indiana University for students, faculty and staff. 1413 E. 17th St. • 812.339.5561 • Leadership Development • Service Projects Retreats Adult • Religious Education Bible Studies • RCIA • Social Events

Mass Schedule Sundays: 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., (12:30 p.m. en Español), 5:30 p.m., (9:00 p.m. during IU semesters) Saturdays: 4:30 p.m. Weekdays: 7:15 a.m., for evening mass schedule call parish office 1st & 3rd Sat: 6:00 p.m. (Korean)

The IU experience, captured in one book. Your child is about to turn the page to a new chapter in life at Indiana University. The Arbutus yearbook captures the issues, people and events that define a student’s college experience. Call 812-855-9737 to order your child’s copy or bill it to your student’s bursar when he or she registers. Look for fall portrait dates in the IDS to have your child’s portrait taken for free.

NED ACADEMIC SUCCESS IS LEAR Students who receive academic coaching are 15% more likely to graduate from college*. At Excel Ex E cel Academic Bootcamp we assess your abilities and help you discover how to enhance your academic performance. Invest in yourself and your future. Contact us today---space is limited! Bloomington, IN

Excel Academic Bootcamp

812-855-9737 *Bettinger and Baker, Stanford University, 2011

and the IU campus offer bike routes in certain parts of town and bicycle parking at numerous locations, including outside most academic buildings, residence halls, the Indiana Memorial Union and the Student Recreational Sports Center. IU Parking Operations requires all bicycles to be registered through their office and for a valid permit to be displayed on the front fender of the bike at all times. For more information, visit the Parking Operations website at parking.indiana. edu.

GETTING TO THE AIRPORT For students planning to go out of town, IU and Bloomington offer a variety of options for travels. There is a variety of cab companies located in Bloomington which offer rides anywhere students need to go. A cheaper option is the shuttle services that run through Bloomington. Both Go Express Shuttle and Star of America Shuttle offer $15 one-way trips from Bloomington to the Indianapolis International Airport. For more information, visit or




We sat down with Alison Baum, the associate director for the Office of Student Financial Assistance to talk about student financial and how the office can help students and parents. Q What does the Office of Student Financial Assistance do? A We package students with federal financial aid. We administer the state grants for the state of Indiana financial aid. We’re also the go-through for scholarships: IU scholarships, external scholarships and all of that good stuff. That said, we do all of the back office processing. When students have questions about financial aid, they have questions about scholarships, they now need to go to Student Central on Union because what has happened is there is staff there that can answer both financial aid and registrar questions. So our office, Office of Student Financial Aid, actually doesn’t do that front-facing client contact anymore because we’re so busy doing the back end, making sure everything is out there. Q What do you do to help students? A Student Central on Union, they are the ones that can answer questions on federal processes, federal aid, eligibility, filling out the free application for

student aid, the FAFSA. They can also answer enrollment questions and registrar questions. They really can call that a one-stop shop so students can go over there and get their registration questions and their financial aid questions all answered at the same time. Q What do parents need to know about the office? A What parents need to know is these are highly trained individuals. They have been doing this for years. They’re versed in federal regulations, state regulations, University policy and how all those can be applied to help students fund their college education. They’re there to help. There are certain things that the federal government requires us to do to verify information. For instance, to verify information that a student submits on the FAFSA. The Student Central on Union people can help walk a student or a parent through that process. They’re going to make sure that everything is in line and try to remove any roadblocks that the student might find — not turning in the right paperwork — and kind of making it a smoother process. The Student Central on

Union people are really there to help make it as easy as possible because it’s a difficult road with the federal government, trying to get all the stuff done so that you can be federal aid eligible. Q How does the university work with families if their financial situation changes? A If a financial situation changes, there are certain changes that can be taken into account for a student’s federal financial aid. If parents or students go to the student central website, there’s a page called special conditions. That kind of outlines some of the things that we can take into account. Now some of those things are if a parent has been unemployed for a certain amount of time, then they can submit an appeal, and we can look at whether we can take into account this unemployment and reduce their income for the year to base it on what they’re actually earning for the current year instead of being based on the prior year’s taxes. There is a little bit of guidance that we have to allow us to take special circumstances into account, but again, it’s a guidance. We can’t just say, ‘Oh, it sounds like you have financial hardship.’ We have

to collect an appeal, and we have to collect documentation and we have to collect all of that stuff. Student Central can walk a parent and a student through that process and they can get information on the website and they can get information from Student Central. Q What is the biggest misnomer about financial aid at IU? A There are a lot of articles that have been written and things like that that advise students that they can negotiate their financial aid, that what we give them in terms of a financial aid notification letter is just the first step. For some private schools, that may be true. But for Indiana University, we are a public school, so we are required to follow federal rules, and state rules and University rules. We’ve only got a certain pool of money and it has to be used a certain way. Because of those rules, we’re going to lay all of our cards out on the table in the beginning. When we send a student a financial aid notification letter, what we’ve sent them, we’ve, as far as we know based on their FAFSA information, given them everything that we can give them. That’s not taking SEE FINANCIAL, PAGE 19


That’s the number of the incoming freshmen in 2012.

So the question you may be asking is “How can my student stand out in the crowd?”

The answer? IU’s Swahili Flagship Program! This program is the only one of its kind in the country, and will give your student an edge in today’s challenging job market. This dedicated community of academically engaged students is committed to making the most of their time at IU. Swahili Flagship students represent a diverse range of majors such as Journalism, Business, Chemistry, International Studies, Public Affairs, Biology and many more! IU students of any major are eligible and encouraged to participate in the Swahili Flagship Program.

What is Swahili Flagship? The Swahili Flagship Program is a language program that fits alongside the student’s major to match language learning with their field of study. It features summer and academic year study abroad options and professional internships to provide students with the skills they need to succeed in a globalized job market.

Smaller Class Sizes International Experience Scholarships! Swahili Flagship features smaller class sizes, extra-curricular activities, and study abroad opportunities that make this fun and easy-to-learn language such an amazing experience! And scholarships are available!

Hands-on experience! Students also get real-world knowledge working in their fields of study by pursuing internships with professional organizations. This resume-building work experience gives students an edge against their competition in the job market.

The result? Students learn the language as it applies to their major, so that they will be able use the language in their career! Students attain professional level Swahili proficiency in their field of study, and one heck of a resume booster!

Give your student’s future a boost with the Swahili Flagship Program! We are hosting special info sessions for parents and students during IU Orientation activities. Come meet Swahili Flagship students and learn how this program can benefit your student’s future.

Contact us: • 812-855-3411




Your students have years of classes ahead of them. After you drop them off, here’s a little homework you can do in your own living room to brush up on some IU pop culture.

What? “Stardust Melody: Hoagy Carmichael and Friends� MUSIC What? “Basically Baker� Who/when? This jazz CD was released in 2007 – the same year David Baker received the “Living Jazz Legend Award� for lifetime achievement from the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Why listen? Baker is a prolific and world-renowned composer and arranger who has more than 65 recording to his credit. He is distinguished professor of music and chairman of the jazz department at the Jacobs School of Music, as well as jazz maestro emeritus of the Smithsonian Jazz Masterworks Orchestra.

Who/when? There is no shortage of CDs featuring the IU songwriter’s work. This 2009 mix showcases some of his signature songs done by such luminaries as Benny Goodman and Ethel Waters. Why listen? Carmichael, the Bloomington native and IU law student, wrote some of the great standards of the 20th century including, “Georgia on My Mind,� “Heart and Soul� and “Stardust.� Extra credit Carmichael was also a scene-stealing actor in a number of classic films including the 1946 Academy Award-winning “The Best Years of Our Lives.�

BOOKS What? “Being Lucky: Reminiscences and Reflections� Who/when? Published in 1980, this is the autobiography of IU’s legendary former president Herman B Wells. Why read? Wells is a beloved figure at IU. His book is a mix of advice, humor and history that will tell you a lot about the man who, more than anyone else, shaped and set the tone for the University. Extra credit Maybe you’ve already met Wells. It’s a tradition for students and parents to

What? “A Season on the Brink� Who/when? The Washington Post’s John Feinstein documented Bob Knight and the 1985-86 men’s basketball team for this insightful book. Why read? You might have noticed: Culture-wise, basketball is to IU what football is to Notre Dame – very important. Feinstein spent six months following the team and his account will help you understand the hoops mania on campus. Extra credit This book has sold more than two million copies and was made into an ESPN TV movie in 2002.

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team called the Cutters. And over the years, that team has gone on to win 12 titles – more than any other team in the history of the race.

shake hands with the statue of him for good luck when they come to campus. Extra, extra credit Want more Wells? You are lucky. In 2012, IU’s James Capshew wrote a biography, “Herman B Wells: The Promise of the American University.�

Extra credit In 2006, Baker debuted his, “Concertino for Cellular Phones and Symphony Orchestra� where audience members participated in the piece with their ringtones.

MOVIES What? “Breaking Away� Who/when? IU alumnus Steve Tesich wrote this 1979 movie starring Dennis Quaid among others. Tesich won the Academy Award for Best Screenplay. Why watch? “Breaking Away� is the definitive IU film about its most iconic event – the annual Little 500 cycling race. It’s a classic story of scrappy, local underdogs. Extra credit Some things will look familiar in the movie – it was filmed in Bloomington. Does the name Cutters ring a bell? Life imitates art. Inspired by the movie, riders formed a

What? “Kinsey� Who/when? Liam Neeson stars as pioneering, controversial sex researcher Alfred Kinsey in this 2004 biopic. Why watch? In 1948, Alfred Kinsey published the groundbreaking book, “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male.� A report on the human female followed in 1953. This film covers some of the IU researcher’s formative years. The Kinsey Institute continues its work today and is housed in Morrison Hall. Extra credit Unlike “Breaking Away,� this movie was not filmed in Bloomington. How accurate is it? The Kinsey Institute has a page on its site to answer such questions at Movie-facts.html.

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“For some students, the transition from home to college life can be challenging, but for others adjusting to the new environment is easier. For all of them, however, it tends to be an exciting time when academic goals are set and new friendships are made. Parents play an important role in helping their new college students through this transition by being encouraging and supportive. Becoming familiar with the University’s resources, academic expectations and general campus culture will benefit parents in assisting their freshmen students through this important transition.” Sandy Britton, assistant director for international student life, Office of International Services

Words of wisdom

If your student comes out to you “Realize that you’re not alone. There are lots of parents who have discovered this about their children. And it’s really not about you, what you have done or not done. It just is. Take time to listen closely to what your student is saying and to the feelings they are expressing. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, but try to do so without being judgmental. For example, ‘Tell me more about how you know this. What can I do to learn how to support you?’ Lastly, remember that sexual orientation and gender identity is not a choice. It is a discovery.” Doug Bauder, coordinator of GLBT Student Support Services

“While not an issue for all, the cost of higher education is an issue for many. Familiarize yourselves and children with loans, interest of loans, available scholarships and degree requirements. All in an effort to ensure incoming students get the full quality liberal arts education while mitigating costs.” Jose Mitjavila, IUSA president

Leaders from across campus offer advice on how to prepare yourself and your student for the first year at IU. From the practical to the philosophical, they’ve got you covered. COMPILED BY SAMANTHA FELIX | JEFF LAFAVE | DIANNE OSLAND |

“Tell students to always be prepared. Write down all important serial numbers of valuable items such as iPods, laptops and cell phones. This can come in handy later if anything happens to these items. Parents should encourage students to have all local contact information including the police department’s number, Bloomington or IU, but preferably IU.” Laury Flint, interim chief of police for IU Police Department

“Let your kid be at college. Most parents around my age, we have cell phones and emails and texts and constant communications. (When I was in college), we would call our parents on Sunday nights under penalty of death because of the long-distance phone bill. I get that there’s some comfort by being in frequent communication with kids, but I would encourage parents to give their kids some room. We’re not a suitcase college. Let your kids grow and have some room while they’re in Bloomington. I encourage parents to encourage their kids to get them out of their comfort zone. Those four years go awful fast, and you’ll wish you did more than you did in Bloomington.” Fred Glass, director of IU Athletics

“Consider the alternatives to bringing a car to campus. IUB was one of the first 20 universities designated as a Bicycle Friendly University and most students walk to classes. ZipCar is available to rent to students for a minimal fee and they include insurance and gas with rental. ZimRide is a social-network-based safe ride sharing program for students that is great for getting home for a visit. By using these alternatives, students can save hundreds of dollars per month and also get some free exercise. Less cars also means less congestion, pollution and need for parking lots and makes for a more beautiful, walkable campus.” Bill Brown, director of sustainability

“Eat on Fourth Street. Eat at all the international restaurants — it’s great food at cheap prices. Step out of your comfort zones, meet people from different cultures and embrace all this community has to offer.” Eric Love, director of diversity education

“Make a commitment to talk (and listen) to your student about their choice of major, career-related issues and other challenges. Talk about the importance of striving for a 3.0 GPA or above, getting involved with student organizations and campus activities. Most importantly, encourage your student to visit the Career Development Center. Our goal is to partner with you and your student to ensure their long-term success.” Jan Nickless, senior associate director, internal relations & human resources

Be patient with homesickness — most students overcome it in two to four weeks. A little extra support can be helpful, giving them enough room to find friends and activities on their own. Avoid overly frequent home visits, but setting one up in mid-October, for example, can give your student something to look forward to. If it does not lift, you might suggest your son or daughter call CAPS. CAPS staff are also available to consult with you.” Nancy Stockton, director of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)


SEND YOUR STUDENT THE PERFECT CARE PACKAGE Nothing banishes the homesick blues like a surprise in the mail. Make your students feel at home by sending a care package or two to their residence hall. Try including these items to build the perfect care package


Something comforting Send a small pillow for your tired student to rest his head on. Feel free to send cozy socks, a pair of slippers or a fleece blanket, too.

Something seasonal When the weather turns cold, send items to keep your student warm. Try a knit hat and gloves, a scarf, or an extra sweater. In the spring, send sunscreen and a pair of sunglasses.

Something familiar Include a family photo, a picture of a pet or a handwritten note.

Something forgotten No matter how long that college packing list was, you probably forgot something. Add things like stamps, school supplies, band aids or an extra roll of quarters.

Something edible If you can bake something homemade like cookies or brownies, you’re pretty much guaranteeing a thank-you call home. But favorite candy and other snacks should do the trick, too.

Something regional From out of state? Sometimes just sending Texas’ best salsa, a Southern MoonPie or a bottle of Vermont maple syrup will help ease homesickness.

Something practical Your student can buy some toiletries in the campus c-stores but familiar name-brand items are always appreciated. Extras of the essentials like razors or soap can help tide your student over until break.




More care package tips DON’T INCLUDE Instant food items While you may have visions of your student surviving off of Ramen noodles and EasyMac, there’s no need to send these. They’re available for purchase with meal points from the campus c-stores. Try instead Homebaked goods or Goldfish crackers Remember perishable foods may take some time to arrive, so choose the fastest shipping possible. Coffee All academic building cafes and campus c-stores have fresh brewed coffee for purchase with meal points. Try instead Starbucks giftcard. For the times your student’s studying in the Union or on-the-go near Kirkwood Avenue.

Febreze You might be afraid your student’s not doing laundry, but Febreze is sold in the c-stores, too. They also sell detergent, dryer sheets, bleach and other cleaning supplies. Try instead Tide-to-Go pens for stains, or a bottle of your student’s favorite cologne or perfume. Deck of cards You guessed it — sold in the c-stores. Try instead Uno, Catch Phrase or Cards Against Humanity. Alcohol, weapons, unmarked prescription medicines All things that can get your student in trouble in the residence halls. Just leave them out!

MAIL 101 Keep your postal service happy

TOO BUSY TO BUILD YOUR OWN CARE PACKAGE? TRY THESE OPTIONS INSTEAD Shari’s Berries Send a half dozen giant chocolate-dipped strawberries to share. NutsOnline Give your student extra energy to earn those A’s with nuts, dried fruit, trail mix and more. Magnolia Bakery Celebrate a birthday with a sweet treat — this New York classic will mail fresh-frozen cupcakes to any dorm address. store. Flowers Congratulate your student for an accomplishment with a bouquet or vase of flowers. Any online or local florist will deliver to the residence halls.

HOW TO ADDRESS THE MAIL Student’s Name Residence hall name, Building name, Room number Residence hall address Bloomington, IN 47406 EXAMPLE Joe Smith McNutt Bocobo 123 1101 N. Fee Lane Bloomington, IN 47406 RESIDENCE HALL ADDRESSES Northwest Neighborhood Briscoe 1225 N. Fee Lane

When to visit your student FRESHMAN FAMILY WEEKEND (SEPT. 20-22) What is there to do at IU? Come find out. Tours will be running all weekend for families to come see what its freshman is up to. The IU Visitor Information Center will be open to families as the “Official Front Door” of IU. Families can take tours of the Herman B Wells Library, Wylie House, Lilly Library, Student Recreational Sports Facility and School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation (which will allow families to use athletic facilities for free when accompanied by a student). Different academic buildings will open for viewing, and the Bloomington’s Farmers’ Market will be open to give visitors a taste of locally grown produce. The IU football team will then take on Indiana State and a Freshman Family Weekend Hospitality tent will be at the game.

Call ahead for specially priced tickets. Visit for a complete schedule of all IU has to offer this weekend. PARENTS WEEKEND (NOV. 8-10) Stay at the Indiana Memorial Union, the heart of IU, for a weekend specifically geared toward you. Tours will go on at IU’s landmarks including the Lilly Library, Wylie House, Wells Library, Kinsey Institute and IU Art Museum. The IU football team will face Missouri, and there will be a Parents Hospitality Tent. Reservations are encouraged, especially with IMU events. See parents for complete details and schedules. HOMECOMING WEEK (OCT 28-NOV. 2) This is one of the biggest events in Bloomington, especially if you’re an IU alum.

The week will culminate with an IU football game versus Minnesota on Saturday. More information on Homecoming events will be posted as they become available. Check back at homecoming/index.html for details. YEAR-ROUND PERFORMANCES The IU Auditorium, Jacobs School of Music and the Department of Theatre and Drama have events and performances going on year-round. Attractions come in from all across the country and abroad. Visit their respective websites for details and dates. New attractions are added all the time, so check for some of your favorites and make plans to visit.

McNutt 1101 N. Fee Lane

Union Street 445 N. Union St.

Foster 1000 N. Fee Lane

Eigenmann 1900 E. 10th St.

Collins 541 N. Woodlawn Ave.

Southeast Neighborhood

Central Neighborhood

Forest 1725 E. Third St.

Wright 501 N. Jordan Ave.

Read 125 S. Jordan Ave.

Teter 501 N. Sunrise Dr.

Rose 1801 E. Jones Dr.

Ashton 1800 E. 10th St.

Willkie 150 N. Rose St.





Brandon “Chick” Griffis serves as the “yell leader” for IU sporting events in 1915.

In their time at IU, students have the opportunity to participate in sports, the arts, academics and a vast array of cultural events. Here’s a quick look at a century of Hoosiers.


The Vampire Chorus Girls perform as part of the Jordan River Review variety show.


Students hit the books for a little studying and quiet time after the day’s classes.


A Sigma Nu rider crosses the finish line to win the Little 500 race as stands packed with students and alumni look on.


Student Kalvert Nelson walks dancers through a piece he choreographed.


Senior Lisa Cardenas and alumna Toni Robbins share a laugh at the Latino Cultural Center.


Jamie Greenberg and Daniel Stewart rally IU Dance Marathon participants. The annual event raised more than $1, 800, 000 in 2011 for Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis.

All photos courtesy of the Arbutus. For more information on the yearbook, visit



HELICOPTER PARENTS Finding the balance of involvement in your student’s life BY LAUREN MCCONNELL | ILLUSTRATION BY MATHEW NEWS | IDS

College allows a lot of freedom compared to high school. But before freshmen can get used to curfew-free lives, they have the freedom of deciding how much access to give their parents to their college lives. OneStart has a thirdparty access setting that students can assign to any person, such as a parent or guardian. It grants that person access to the student’s information including grades, unofficial transcripts, class schedules and personal information such as addresses and phone numbers. Students can assign third-party access to as many people as they wish so both Mom and Dad can keep tabs on their child’s grades. But some students might choose not to allow thirdparty access to anyone — and that can create tension. Environmental science major Kate Drass said her parents left the decision to

her, and while she allowed them access she kept her grades private. “With grades specifically, it’s about letting go of control,” she said. “It’s the kid’s responsibility now.” Drass said keeping that information inaccessible to her parents has actually helped with communication about academics. “They’ll ask, but we have that communication that I can say I might not be doing so well in one class,” she said. “I feel more willing to talk about it with them. If we have that communication rather than them having direct access to my grades, it’s better for us.” Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) has similar advice for parents when dealing with letting go of complete access to their child’s life. Regular communication about expectations can make it easier to avoid tension with your child, according to the CAPS

website. If parents assume their child will want to give them access to every financial and academic detail but their child assumed that access stopped at high school graduation, communicating why each party felt that way can help. “Parents need to realize their kids are in college now,” Drass said. “It’s all about growing up and becoming responsible.” At IU, career counselors contend the trend of helicopter parents is far from the norm. Still, some departments now offer online resources especially tailored for parents wanting extra information. In the Kelley School of Business, the Undergraduate Career Services Office has added a parents’ page to the website that lists frequently asked questions and gives a timetable that shows a student’s career path:

bin/parents/. It’s very similar to the Career Development Center, which also added a page for parents with tips on how they can help their children from a safe distance: help/. Jan Nickless, senior associate director at the Career Development Center, said that while parents are more involved today, she says parent involvement can be a positive aspect for students. “If parents can just provide the support while the student is getting a degree and provide information and help build the student up and help them gain their own confidence and their own independence, in the end that’s the role of the parent,” she said. —Chip Cutter contributed to this report.



WHERE TO STAY AND EAT, AND WHAT TO DO A few suggestions for your next visit Your student is all settled into his or her dorm, and you’re driving home in an unloaded minivan. All you can think about is when you’ll get to see your new college student again. Don’t worry. It’s not too early to start planning your next visit. There are a lot of great places in town. Here are some suggestions to get you started. WHERE TO STAY Biddle Hotel and Conference Center Want to be in the center of all the IU action? The Biddle Hotel and Conference Center is located on-campus inside the Indiana Memorial Union. The 189 guest accommodations are an easy walk to the IU Auditorium, Kirkwood Avenue and more. 900 E. Seventh St. 800-209-8145 Holiday Inn Bloomington Less than a five-minute drive from Memorial Stadium and Assembly Hall (without game-day traffic), this is a great place to stay when you’re in Bloomington for the big game. It offers guests an outdoor pool, an exercise facility, a full service restaurant and more. 1710 N. Kinser Pike 812-334-3252


TOP The downtown area, including Kirkwood and Walnut streets, is a hotspot for guest lodging, restaurants, bars and performance venues. MIDDLE Bloomington resident Chris Bailey enjoys a beer at Nick’s English Hut. Nick’s is a Bloomington mainstay and has been serving burgers and other food for more than 85 years. BOTTOM Stand-up comedian Dwight Simmons performs during the 3rd Annual Bloomington Comedy Festival at The Comedy Attic.

Grant Street Inn A welcoming bed and breakfast in close proximity to all that Bloomington has to offer, Grant Street Inn is just a 10-minute walk to the Fourth Street restaurants or the IU campus. All rooms come with a private bath and wireless internet access. Breakfast is included. 310 N. Grant St. 812-334-2353

WHERE TO EAT Mother Bear’s Pizza If you have to choose one pizza place, make it Mother Bear’s. Named “One of America’s Top Nine Pizzerias” by People Magazine, diners can choose from 15 gourmet pizzas or create one of their own. Salads, wings, pasta and subs are also available. 1428 E. Third St. 812-332-4495 Fourth Street Feeling adventurous? If international cuisine is your thing, Fourth Street is your go-to location with restaurants ranging from Ethiopian to Vietnamese to Turkish. We suggest Anyetsang’s Little Tibet, a colorful little eatery that specializes in Tibetan, Thai and Indian cuisines. Not sure what to try? Go for one of the mo-mo dumpling dishes. 415 E. Fourth St. 812-331-0122 Nick’s English Hut With its distinct cottagelike exterior, this pub and eatery has been a Bloomington tradition since 1927. Nick’s offers a wide selection of burgers, salads, pizza, stromboli and more, and it is sure to be packed after home games. 423 E. Kirkwood Ave. 812-332-4040 Runcible Spoon Café and Restaurant The warm and inviting Runcible Spoon is just a stone’s throw away from Kirkwood and has been a Bloomington favorite for more than 30 years. Vegan dishes are available, as is all-day breakfast and coffee SEE STAY, EAT, DO, PAGE 19

Hey Buddy, you have a permit for that thing? Get off to a good start and register your car, bike or motorcycle with Parking Operations today! Residence Hall permits are available through Residential Hall Parking. Call 812-855-9840 or visit online at For students living off campus, permits are available at Parking Operations, Henderson Garage, or you may purchase your permit online at

Registration is easy!




IU was once named the “No. 1 Party School” in the nation by the Princeton Review based on student reporting of alcohol and drug use, number of hours spent studying outside of class and the presence of sororities and fraternities on campus. Ten years later, in 2012, IU didn’t make the list. Despite the lower ranking, parents might still worry that exposure to partying, alcohol and drugs are part of many students’ college experience. However, it doesn’t have to be that way at IU.

Some of IU’s reputation is that Hoosiers like to party, but that’s not the case for everyone. Many Hoosiers like to keep sober and focus on making their four years count with clubs, sports, music and community.

“This school is diverse in many ways and the character of its students is one of them,” 2012 graduate Danny Alexander said. “There are plenty of students who do not engage in drinking and partying while still having fun.” Alexander pointed to the variety of clubs, sports and activities available on campus as evidence that there are students out there with other interests. He suggested new students look for ways to get involved on campus as a means of meeting new people and finding alternatives to drinking. “There are many things to do on campus and around Bloomington

that don’t involve drinking,” he said. “Join a club or become a part of a community floor in a residence hall. I personally like to go to Rachael’s Café on Third Street and enjoy free music.” Senior Tara Harr is a member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority. She said Greek life is a great way to get involved on campus and do service work, explaining that being in a sorority or fraternity isn’t all about the parties. “My sorority put together a kickball tournament in order to support the Ronald McDonald House,” she said. “From doing things like this, I not only got to meet more

people in the Greek community, but also people outside the Greek community.” If a student’s interested in athletics, IU offers over 20 different intramural sports. A number of students also choose to participate in Little 500, an annual cycling race. This past year, Harr was captain of her sorority’s Little 500 bike team. She said it kept her busy since she was continuously planning things surrounding the women’s race. “I was constantly planning and preparing for the race,” Harr said. “I recruited girls to be on the team, made workout plans, scheduled team meetings, ordered and updat-

ed equipment. It was one of the most exciting and rewarding things I have done at IU.” Junior Lauren Knueven said she also believes IU has a lot to offer to students who aren’t interested in drinking or partying. She noted the sheer number of students enrolled at IU as evidence. “There are over 30,000 students that attend IU,” she said. “Whether or not a student gets involved in partying and drinking is largely dependent on the individual student and whom they become friends with. You can party if you want to, but you don’t SEE SOCIAL LIFE, PAGE 19



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Keep calm and study on — even at night


In most cases, it’s the number one concern for parents of incoming students: Will my student be safe on campus? There are a number of measures at IU that have been put into place to ensure the answer to this question is “yes.” Residence halls are equipped with a key-card entry system and locks on individual dormitory doors. To enter most residence halls, students must swipe their IU ID card and use their personal key to get into their room. ID cards only work for the residence hall where the student lives. Additionally, residents are urged not to allow others in who do not have a key card. If a student is without his or her ID or can’t get into the dorm, he or she will need to contact a Residential Programs & Services staff member at the center desk of his

or her residence hall. There are also cameras in and around the residence centers to monitor who is entering and exiting the halls. Similarly, students can expect to see Resident Assistants and IU Police Department officers patrolling the halls regularly, circulating the dormitories to ensure that residents are safe at all hours. While rounds are not intended to get students into trouble, students should be aware of the consequences for participating in illicit activities in the residence halls. Outside the dormitories, the campus infrastructure is designed to keep students safe en route to classes, campus buildings and the dorms. Campus sidewalks and parking lots are well-lit and equipped with emergency stations. These stations flash a blue light when a button is pressed and alert IUPD

there is an emergency in the area. For students who do not feel safe walking at night, the IU Safety Escort Service provides safe rides to and from campus buildings and student housing, both on and off-campus. Students who wish to utilize the free service should call 812-855SAFE and a safety escort van will meet them. They must then show their student ID before boarding. This fall, IU Student Association is piloting a program called Safe Ride which will pick up students from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. Monday through Sunday. Unlike IU Safety Escort, which operates on limited hours and only picks up on campus, Safe Ride will pick up a student anywhere in the Bloomington city limits, even if that student has been drinking. Students have three free rides for the year by calling 812-856-RIDE and will be

picked up by an IU vehicle with a student driver and navigator. For more information, visit iusa.indiana. edu/saferide. Finally, the campus is equipped with the IU-Notify Messaging System, which serves to notify students and faculty of weather or security emergencies. Students can sign up to receive text messages, phone calls and emails from the system, and the notifications are also posted online and on campus and cable television. Warning sirens are posted outdoors as well to notify residents in the event of an emergency. Ultimately, individual safety depends on the students themselves to make smart decisions and keep themselves out of unsafe situations. However, parents may be assured that IU staff members work hard on campus and in the community to ensure students are safe throughout their time at IU.


Emergency stations are located through out campus. These stations flash a blue light when a button is pressed and alert IUPD there is an emergency in the area.

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HAVE A QUESTION? Contact one of these offices. BY LAUREN SEDAM

There are many resources for students on campus, but there are plenty of organizations that are there for parents, too. These are some of the important numbers and resources that might be helpful. IU Parents Association Indiana Memorial Union M088 900 E. Seventh St. 812-856-1626 This office provides a link between parents and the IU campus and sends two newsletters per year. Any parent or guardian of an IU student will automatically receive the Campus Link newsletter if they have provided their email address to the Parents Association. Email for any questions or to subscribe to the newsletter. First Year Experiences (FYE) Wright Residence Center (midMay to mid-July) 501 N. Jordan Ave. Office of FYE (mid-July to mid-May) 326 N. Jordan Ave. 812-855-4357 This office is geared completely toward orienting and supporting students in

their first year, but it can be a helpful resource for new college parents as well. Bursar Poplars Building 400 East Seventh Street 812-855-2636 If you’re paying the bills, the Bursar is certainly an important contact. The office handles all University billing and payments.

parent Facebook page. IU Health Bloomington 601 W. Second St. 812-353-5252 If your student has an emergency, IU Health Bloomington, Bloomington’s only hospital, is always open and prepared to deal with anything. Alumni Association 1000 E. 17th St. 800-824-3044 Even if you’re not an alum, encourage your child to participate in the association’s events, traditions and leadership opportunities while at IU. It even offers scholarships and great networking opportunities.

IUPD Crime Alerts This site provides updates of all Disability Services for crime and alerts on campus. Students Herman B Wells Library W302 Counseling and 1320 E. 10th St. Psychological Services 812-855-7578 600 N. Jordan Ave. 812-855-5711 Parents can find information on how their student can counseling/parents.shtml receive disability support CAPS can be a great services as well as academic counseling resource for and other support on campus. students, but it also provides tips for parents on how to Financial Aid support a student leaving for 408 N. Union Street college. 812-855-0321 Office of Admissions financial-aid/index.shtml 300 N. Jordan Ave. The Office of Student Financial 812-855-0661 Aid provides information and links about earning aid, federal index.shtml loans and managing money. This office’s website has information about adjusting Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual to college, campus safety, & Transgender Student overseas study and more. Support Services There is also a link to their 705 E. Seventh St.


Suzanne Phillips is the director of the Parents Association, an organization meant to connect parents to IU. We spoke to her about what this important

resource can do for parents of IU freshmen. Indiana Daily Student What is the Parents Association? Suzanne Phillips It’s an affiliate group of the Alumni Association and is a nondues-paying association that

812-855-4252 The GLBT SSS is a resource for both the campus and community on news, events and organizations advocating the GLBT community. Health Center 600 N. Jordan Ave. 812-855-4011 shtml If your student has a cold, needs to fill a prescription or even wants nutrition or smoking counseling, direct them to IU’s on-campus health center. Monroe County Convention & Visitors Bureau 302 S. College Ave. 812-336-3681 This is a great place to find information on visiting Bloomington, from hotels to transportation to weather. Residential Programs & Services 801 N. Jordan Ave. 812-855-1764 RPS covers all housing information, including residence hall living and meal plans. Student Legal Services 703 E. Seventh St. 812-855-7867 If your student should stumble into any legal trouble, Student Legal Services will provide professional counseling for any issue presented.

Parents Association seeks to help

links parents to the campus. We hold the Freshman Family Weekend and Parents Weekend in the fall, too. There’s a parent board representing 25 families that meets twice a year, and parents are automatically members when their kids go to IU.

IDS How does a parent join? SP All parents are automatic members. We used to send out a letter but had to stop last year because of costs, so now we SEE PARENTS, PAGE 19

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The Indiana Daily Student will help you find your place in the IU community with our variety of service directories. Business: Explore businesses that cater to the IU market. Dining: Browse more than 200 restaurants to satisfy your craving. Happenings: Discover a variety of campus and local events. Housing: Access local housing options at your convenience. Health: Find the care and services you need to stay healthy. Photos: Capture the moments that define your college experience. Religious: Connect with members of many diverse faiths. Classifieds: Search for jobs, roommates, cars and more.




» STAY, EAT, DO CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 roasted on-site. 412 E. Sixth St. 812-334-3997 Hartzell’s Those with a sweet tooth won’t be able to resist this locally-owned ice cream joint. With many different flavors of homemade ice cream, there is plenty to choose from. 107 N. Dunn St. 812-332-3502 For more suggestions on dining in Bloomington, visit WHAT TO DO Oliver Winery Even if your child is not of legal drinking age, this Bloomington attraction is fun for anyone interested in the history and process of wine-making. Opened by IU law professor William Oliver in 1972, the winery is Indiana’s oldest and largest winery. Go behind-the-scenes on a free tour of the establishment, and then, if the weather permits, buy some cheese and crackers to enjoy on the beautiful patio or lawn. 8024 Indiana 37 812-876-5800 IU Athletics If your student is going to a Big Ten school, checking out the athletics is a must. If

» MOM CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 than it is for the locals, I’m not sure.) E-mail may have supplanted the US Postal Service for cards and letters, but I bet there are very few students who aren’t happy to receive a box from home every now and then. What goes into the boxes is up to you — cookies, coffee, tea, T-shirts, maga-

you can’t score tickets to a men’s basketball or football game, take advantage of the many other free sporting events year-round. Check out the IU Athletics website for schedules and more information. The Comedy Attic The Comedy Attic sees a host of stand-up comedians throughout the year. Past performers include Doug Benson, Ben Bailey and the Sklar Brothers, as well as local performers. The venue also has a free open mic night every Wednesday. 123 S. Walnut St. 812-336-LAFF Griffy Lake Nature Preserve Whether your family is full of outdoor enthusiasts or is new to hiking, Griffy Lake Nature Preserve is perfect for anyone who wants to take advantage of the beautiful southern Indiana landscape. With hiking trails, fishing, boating and even picnicking, Griffy Lake has stunning scenery to enjoy any outdoor activity, and is located just minutes from downtown. 3500 N. Hinkle Rd 812-349-3700 For more suggestions on what to do in town, visit Directories/happenings/.

zines — you name it. My native Texan son seemed particularly happy to receive jars and bottles of hot sauce and salsas. If your student is similarly addicted to hot peppers, here’s another piece of advice I received from a USPS clerk. Use bubble wrap instead of, or in addition to, Styrofoam peanuts to protect jars and bottles. Always.

» PARENTS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17 do email. The problem is, we don’t get the parents’ email, so they should give us their email so they can get the newsletter, Campus Link. They can email, which will get to me, with their information. IDS Why should parents join? SP They can email with any questions they have, and we’re looking to be on Twitter and Facebook soon. Those will actually go to me, and I’ll be the one answering. IDS Does the association offer anything special for

parents of freshmen? SP The Freshman Family weekend will be the weekend of Sept. 20. The tentative schedule can be found online at parents, and there will be a tailgate tent before the game. IDS What events should parents look forward to through the association? SP We host the Freshman Family Weekend and also the Parents Weekend for all other parents, and that will be the weekend of Nov. 8. The tentative schedule for that weekend is also online, and a tailgate tent will offer refreshments before that game, too.

» FINANCIAL CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 into account any special circumstances they may have, but with Indiana University Bloomington, there’s not much in the way of negotiations that can happen because we don’t have this pool of private funding like private colleges may have that they can throw out to students who need a lot of help. What we’re working with is federal money or state money or institutional money that has rules attached to it. It’s a lot different than what a lot of Newsweek articles have said about go in and negotiate because we really can’t negotiate.

Q What financial advice do you have about finances for incoming freshmen? A I would say go to the University’s affordability website and look at affordability information. If you’re going to borrow loans, borrow intelligently because that’s a big deal. It’s kind of a buzzword these days with the federal government and the news and everything like that. IU has really been working hard about getting information out to students about affordability and how they can get their education and not go into crazy amounts of debt. There’s information out there, my best advice is to use it and to check their IU email and to read their notifications.

» STUDENT LIFE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 have to.” Similar to Alexander, Knueven advised new students to take advantage of the variety of other events occurring both on campus and in Bloomington. “There are free movies at the Union,” she said. “And sometimes IU sponsors cultural events on weekend nights.” Both students emphasized the importance of finding good friends at the beginning of the year, since this is when the majority of new students establish the habits and relationships that will last through their first year. “No matter what school you go to, there will always be a few students who drink and do drugs, but I think it’s

» HOW TO DEAL CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 (CAPS) is located within the Health Center and provides counseling as well as psychiatric consultation and treatment. Encourage your student to make an appointment by calling 812-


Members of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority and various fraternities rehearse for Big Man On Campus at the Zeta house. The Big Man On Campus talent show raises funds each year for breast cancer research.

a lot smaller number than people think,” Knueven said. “Most of my friends that I have met at IU don’t do

any of these things, and I’ve never felt pressured to do so here.”

—Samantha Felix contributed to this report

855-5711 or stopping by for a walk-in appointment.

phone numbers, here’s what to tell them. Indiana University Police Department Available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call 812-855-4111, or dial 911 for emergencies. Located at 1469 E. 17th St. Bloomington Police

Department Located at 220 E. Third St. The department can be reached at 812-339-4477 or 911 for emergencies. Bloomington Fire Department Located at 300 E. Fourth St. It can be reached at 812-3329763 or 911 for emergencies.

EMERGENCY CONTACTS Although we hope your student never has to use them, it is always helpful to have local emergency contact information on hand. If students find themselves needing one of the following





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